What solution to clean gold at home. Rules and means of self-purification of gold. How to clean gemstone and gold jewelry

How to clean gold? Not all people know the exact answer to this question. Meanwhile, jewelry, like any other items, requires regular cleaning. Many people wear jewelry for years without any cleaning. However, when comparing such jewelry with a new one, you can notice differences with the naked eye. It is always a pity if your favorite decoration has lost its presentability. That is why knowledge of how to clean yellow and white gold will be useful to many people. We recommend that you read this article to the end, and also watch the video below, in which we will share detailed instructions for cleaning the described alloy at home.

Why clean gold at all?

Initially, you need to figure out why gold cleaning is necessary at all and whether it is really needed. Among the main causes of contamination of gold jewelry are the following:

  • the use of decorative and cosmetic products, as well as creams, lotions;
  • secretion of a certain amount of sebum by the sebaceous glands of the skin;
  • smog on city streets;
  • dust both outside and inside the house.

Each person can easily and quickly restore presentability and brilliance to a product made of yellow or white gold. Self-cleaning can be done at home, adhering to the algorithm.

Fact! Pure gold does not tarnish, does not lose its original appearance, does not age. However, it is very soft, so it is simply not sold. And to give gold hardness, it is mixed with silver, copper, and various metals. This leads to the fact that over time, gold loses its attractive luster.

Folk methods

Folk methods for cleaning gold are summarized in a table that indicates the algorithm and exposure time of the cleaning agent.


Cleaning time

Application features


Napkin (you can take a soft cloth)

about 5-10 minutes

It is best to take a fabric that is slightly fluffy (for example, fleece). She needs to rub the gold jewelry so that it becomes clean and begins to shine.

However, such material will not be able to cope with chronic pollution, as well as remove dirt from hard-to-reach places.

profitability; availability; simplicity; no need for liquids; the ability to apply to any products; cleaning speed.

soap solution

depending on the degree of contamination, cleaning can take from 3-4 minutes to 1-2 hours

There are two cleaning methods. The first involves mixing dishwashing detergent or ordinary liquid soap and water. You need to lower the jewelry into the prepared solution until they become clean. After that, each decoration must be brushed (you can take a toothbrush), rinsed with water and wiped from moisture.

The second way is to boil the jewelry in a soapy solution for 2-3 minutes. In conclusion, the jewelry is cleaned with a brush.

availability; ease; versatility.

Soda with water

no more than 5-10 minutes

Jewelry is placed in a container, filled with water and put on fire. Then you should add soda to the water at the rate that you need 1 tablespoon per 200 ml of water. You need to boil for 1-2 minutes. Jewelery should be cleaned with a brush, rinsed and dried.

You can also rub the jewelry with baking soda mixed with vinegar. But this is a rather risky method, as it can lead to scratches on the surface of the gold.

ease; cleaning speed; economy.

Sugar with water

approximately 3-4 hours

You need to take 10 grams of sugar and stir in water. In this solution, you need to lower the gold. Leave it like this for 3-4 hours. After this, the products must be washed so that they are not sticky.

easily cleans dust and grease; simplicity; shine restoration; safety for gold jewelry.

Toothpaste or tooth powder

about 5-10 minutes

Both tools are equally effective in dealing with pollution. You should take a brush and the selected substance and clean the gold. The brush should be as soft as possible so as not to scratch the product.

simplicity; cleaning efficiency; efficiency of work; economy.


approximately 2-3 hours depending on the degree of contamination

It is necessary to cut a medium-sized onion in half. Then you need to rub the gold product with a slice of vegetable. Without washing off the juice, you need to leave the gold jewelry for 2-3 hours. Now you can rinse off the residue with water and dry.

environmental friendliness; harmlessness to the material; simplicity; versatility.

A solution of hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, detergent and water

about 10-15 minutes

The solution is suitable for products that do not have stone inserts. It is necessary to pour 200 ml of water, 20 ml of hydrogen peroxide, 30 ml of ammonia, 5 ml of liquid soap into an enameled or glass container. Mix well. In the resulting composition, gold must be left for a while to get rid of any impurities.

high efficiency; removal of any contaminants; cleaning speed.

If necessary, you can put gold jewelry (for example, earrings, rings, bracelet or chain) in foil, and pour soda solution on top. For 10-12 hours, the products will be cleaned. It remains only to rinse them with water and dry.

Attention! It is important to understand that it is impossible to clean gold jewelry that has darkened. Any of the above methods will only aggravate the situation. This is explained by the fact that jewelry is made of ordinary metals, and at best it is metal coated with a thin layer of silver. In either case, cleaning will remove this layer and expose the metal. As a result, the decoration will be hopelessly damaged. Also, you can not clean silver with gold plating, the result will also be deplorable.

Matte surface jewelry

Jewelery with a matte surface is very delicate to clean. Do not use brushes, powders or hard cloths as this will damage the jewelry. It is best to give preference to one of the following cleaning methods:

  1. Lime. 5 grams of the product, which is diluted with water, is enough to make a liquid mass. You can add 3 grams of soda and a pinch of salt to the solution. This mixture should be left to infuse for 3-4 days. After this time, it remains to clean the product by putting it in the cleaning liquid for 3-4 hours. After that, the decoration is washed and dried.
  2. Ammonia solution (25%). In such a solution, you need to lower the product and leave for 2-3 hours. After this time, you need to rinse the product under running water and dry it with a soft cloth.

professional ways

Professional gold cleaning methods are a great alternative to traditional ones. They eliminate the need to boil, rub or create various solutions. Professional tools are easy to use and reliable. They are usually sold as pastes or liquids. You need to select them for a specific type of product, for example, for smooth gold jewelry or jewelry with stones.

Important! Additionally, you can find napkins with impregnations that are effective for polishing the product. When choosing them, you need to consider the metal for which they can be used. Also pay attention to the possibility of wiping stones and inserts or its absence.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasonic cleaning has long been considered a professional method for cleaning gold jewelry. But today, such a device, which can have fairly compact dimensions, can be bought at a specialized store and operated at home.

Such devices are very convenient. However, they must be used with some caution.

It is important to understand that during the cleaning process, the products will be processed with high-frequency sound. And this, in turn, can lead to cracking of the stone. If you act carelessly, ignoring advice, a precious metal jewelry can be hopelessly damaged.

Purification of white gold

Cleaning white gold (958 and 999) is somewhat different from cleaning ordinary gold (375, 500, 583, 585 and 750). White gold is a noble metal that is created by alloying three metals - gold, copper and nickel. And on top of such exquisite jewelry is covered with rhodium. A white gold jewel looks incredibly sophisticated and elegant, but it still needs cleaning.

For these purposes, you need to take a very soft cloth without lint. And as cleaning products, you can choose the following:

  1. Ammonia and water in equal volumes. You can add some shampoo. In such a solution, you need to put white gold jewelry for 25-30 minutes. Then the earrings or rings are washed and dried with a dry soft cloth.
  2. Water and mild soap (you need to choose one that does not contain aggressive substances or chlorine). In this solution, the gold jewelry is soaked for 20-30 minutes, then wiped with a soft cloth, washed and dried.

And what to do with stones?

What to do with jewelry with stones (for example, diamonds, topazes, cubic zirconias, pearls) or decorative inserts? They are not suitable for conventional cleaning methods. And if the stones are glued to the metal, then putting such products in water is generally not recommended.

You can choose one of the following methods:

  1. Alcohol solution. Soak a soft cloth in it and gently clean the product. After that, wipe with a damp cloth and dry.
  2. Cologne. For cleaning, an ordinary stick for the ears is suitable. It needs to be moistened in cologne and gently clean the stones themselves. Sharp objects are not suitable for such cleaning, as they can damage the product.
  3. Petrol. It is recommended to use it for heavy pollution. For cleaning, you need to use a toothbrush, which helps to cope with dirt.

Attention! Do not use these methods to clean jewelry with stones. In most cases, the product will be hopelessly damaged. But silver is quite possible. The cleaning methods for gold and silver are often the same.

It is important to take into account some recommendations and, if possible, follow them in order to extend the life of the product. In particular, do not cook, wash or clean in gold jewelry. You should also remove jewelry when exercising, bathing or showering. All this will prevent the appearance of scratches or other damage, and jewelry will not be exposed to various chemicals, sweat and plain water.

If cosmetic procedures are planned at home or in a salon, gold jewelry should also be removed. When applying any cosmetics (lotions, creams, tonics) or using medications (iodine, ointments, brilliant green), jewelry should be removed.

Important! Jewelry must be stored properly. In particular, it is not recommended to use a cardboard box for these purposes. This is explained by the fact that cardboard contains sulfur, which eventually leads to blackening of gold.

In addition, many people believe that gold is able to store the energy of past owners or even a store clerk. That is why it is recommended to clean gold jewelry (even if it is new items bought in a jewelry store) from negativity and bad energy. Suitable methods are:

  1. Fire. You need to hold the product on fire for 2-3 seconds. You can also put a candle and watch its flame for 2-3 minutes, imagining how the fire devours negative energy.
  2. Ash. You need to put decoration in it for 1-2 days.
  3. Water. Wash items under running water.
  4. Earth. It is necessary to bury a golden object in the ground and leave it for a week, then dig it out, rinse it and use it. There will be no negative energy.
  5. Salt. You need to pour one third of a glass of salt, put a gold jewelry on top and fill the jewel with salt to the rim of the glass. After a day, you need to pour the salt into the bag, remove the decoration and rinse. And salt must be thrown into the river or buried in the ground.
  6. Church. You can use church candles or holy water to fight someone else's or negative energy.

Such simple recommendations will help protect your favorite jewelry from unforeseen damage or other influences. And the above methods will guarantee easy cleansing of any contaminants. Now you know how to quickly and effectively restore the brilliance and charm of gold jewelry with beautiful inserts or without stones.

Lovers of gold jewelry often ask themselves the question: “How to clean gold correctly and with what?”, “How to restore the shine of a gold product?”

Unfortunately, over time, jewelry begins to fade and take on a not very attractive appearance. This happens because metal impurities are added to the gold alloy, this gives it strength.

Under the influence of an aggressive environment, oxidation occurs, and the metal changes color. Dust and dirt clogs into the holes in the decor of the jewelry, which negatively affects the appearance and can be hazardous to health if it is, for example, earrings.

To clean your gold jewelry yourself at home, you need to know a few simple tricks. And then your jewelry will again please the eye.

5 ways to clean gold with common products at home

  • Laundering of gold jewelry.

This is an important step in the purification of gold jewelry. Regular washing will help get rid of dirt, dust and grease. This method is well suited for cleaning diamond jewelry.

Soak gold jewelry in warm water, add a drop of liquid soap or shampoo. Dishwashing liquid is also great.

After 2 hours, clean the jewelry using a soft toothbrush. Gentle bristles will penetrate into all hard-to-reach places and remove dirt without damaging the surface.

After the procedure, rinse the jewelry with water and wipe it with a soft cloth. To make gold shine, it is best to use flannel to wipe the product.

Gold washing should be carried out regularly!

  • Cleaning with ammonia.

For 3-12 hours, dip the product in ammonia. The immersion time depends on the degree of contamination of the jewelry.

Attention! Do not use metal utensils for this procedure.

After the time has elapsed, rinse the product under the tap and wipe with a piece of cloth.

  • Cleaning with hydrogen peroxide.

This is a fairly quick gold refining procedure, taking approximately 20-25 minutes.

First you need to prepare a cleaning solution. Dilute in a glass of warm water:

  • hydrogen peroxide 40 ml;
  • 1 hour l. liquid soap;
  • 1 tsp ammonia.

Soak the jewelry in the solution for about 20 minutes, then rinse and dry with a piece of cloth.

  • Salt cleansing.

First, prepare your cleaning solution. To do this, fill the glass ½ with hot water and add 3 tbsp. l. salt. Immerse gold in salty liquid and leave overnight. After the procedure, rinse the jewelry with water, then wipe it dry with a piece of cloth.

  • Foil cleaning.

Prepare a solution. Pour hot water into a glass, put 2 tbsp. l. soda. Take a deep container, lay foil on the bottom, put gold jewelry and fill it with cleaning solution. Leave overnight, rinse with water and dry with a cloth.

Cleaning jewelry with precious stones and made of white gold should be carried out in a special way.

White gold cleaning

White gold must be cleaned with care because the surface of the metal can be easily damaged.

Important! Do not clean white gold with coarse brushes, powders, pastes or other abrasives.

To clean jewelry, make a solution:

  • Water - 1 glass;
  • 1 tsp ammonia;
  • a drop of detergent or washing powder.

Immerse the jewelry in the prepared solution for an hour, then rinse under the tap and wipe with a cloth.

Important! Wipe white gold jewelry dry, moisture does not reflect well on metal.

Cleaning of gold jewelry with stones

Many precious stones (opal, turquoise, amber) do not tolerate moisture well, so you need to be careful when cleaning jewelry with stones.

Important! If precious stones are attached to the jewelry with glue, then it is forbidden to immerse the product in water.

How to clean dirt from jewelry with stones? Very simple: use a Q-tip dipped in cologne before. To clean gold, you can take a soft cloth that needs to be moistened in an alcohol solution. At the end of the procedure, wipe the jewelry with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

Remember that gold jewelry needs regular cleaning and your care. Thanks to such attention, jewelry will always delight you with its brilliance!

Gold jewelry fades and loses its luster over time. Scratches, bacteria and a whitish coating appear on the surface, which can be removed by applying home methods. Jewelry is cleaned in various ways - mechanical, chemical, ultrasonic and folk using a variety of abrasive and alkaline materials. Before you clean gold at home, be aware of your responsibility for the result and choose a method of removing contaminants and tools.

Folk ways to remove contaminants from gold products

The chemical method involves the treatment of gold with solutions of cleaning products and pharmaceutical preparations, the mechanical method involves the use of rags and brushes to remove plaque, the folk method involves the use of non-standard cleaners like onions or potatoes. The following methods are suitable for 14k gold jewelry without stones.

Gold loves care

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Ammonium chloride, water and washing powder

Home remedies can help if you can't afford to buy abrasive paste. Buy ammonia at the pharmacy, and laundry detergent at the household chemical store. How to clean gold:

  1. Mix ammonia and powder in equal proportions and pour a glass of hot boiled water.
  2. Stir the composition until the final dissolution of the components.
  3. Dip the jewelry in the container with the solution.
  4. After two hours, take them out and wash them under running water.
  5. Gently wipe the product with a soft cloth.

home method

The next method is suitable if you are afraid of the contact of jewelry with ammonia.

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Dishwashing liquid in a new position

The easiest way to clean gold is by rinsing in water with dishwashing detergent to remove grease. You can replace the product with grated laundry soap. Procedure:

  1. Pour water into a metal container.
  2. Dilute the product in proportion: 1 teaspoon per glass of water.
  3. Stir until soapy foam forms.
  4. Dip the decoration in the solution and place on the stove.
  5. Bring to a boil and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Take out the gold item and rinse under the tap.
  7. Wipe with a cloth.

Toothbrush in gold care

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Liquid soap and peroxide in the fight for cleanliness

Hydrogen peroxide reacts with soap to form a quick cleaning solution. Cooking order:

  1. Add a teaspoon of liquid soap to a glass of warm water and stir.
  2. After the formation of foam, pour in 40 ml of peroxide. You will hear the characteristic hiss of hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Stir the composition again, while lowering the decorations into the glass.
  4. Leave the products to be cleaned for 20 minutes.

Take out pure gold and wipe dry. Use a soft, lint-free cloth or thin paper towel.

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Coarse table salt for glitter rings

How to clean gold at home without using chemicals? Table salt perfectly absorbs fats and unpleasant odors - Teflon pans are boiled with it, and dishes are washed with salt solution. It is also used to clean gold items. To wash the jewelry, you will need water and coarse rock salt. The sequence is:

  1. Boil water and pour a mug of boiling water.
  2. Add 2-3 tablespoons of rock salt.
  3. Stir the composition and dip the decorations into it.
  4. After 12 hours, remove clean products and rinse in running water, preferably filtered.
  5. Dry the surface with a lint-free towel.

Drying jewelry

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Foil and baking soda for shine

Foil is not often used to remove greasy plaque, not knowing about its cleansing properties. To make gold shiny, "bathe" jewelry in a solution of soda with boiling water and foil. Procedure:

  1. At the bottom of a deep bowl or mug, lower a piece of foil so that it also covers the bottom of the walls.
  2. Lay gold rings, pendants, chains, and bracelets on foil and soak them with baking soda.
  3. The proportion for cooking is 1 teaspoon per 1 cup.
  4. Remove jewelry after 8-12 hours and rinse thoroughly. On the foil, you will notice a fatty coating - it was he who came off the tarnished surface.

Wipe rings, earrings and chains dry and you can put them on.

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Onions and potatoes for decorating

To clean gold at home, even onions are suitable. The bulb perfectly removes browning and copes with bacteria that accumulate on the inner surface of the rings and chains. The disadvantage of the method is an unpleasant smell after processing, but it is easy to get rid of it by rinsing the jewelry and leaving it to dry for a couple of hours. Operating principle:

  1. Grate a large onion to the state of gruel.
  2. Transfer the gruel to gauze and strain the liquid.
  3. Place the decorations in the gruel so that they are completely covered with onions.
  4. After two hours, remove and wipe the renewed gold.

Lipstick with abrasive particles

Wipe hard-to-reach places of twisted chains or earrings with a cotton swab with onion gruel. You can replace onions with potatoes if you are afraid not to cope with the smell, but the effect will be weaker.

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Decorative lipstick for beauty jewelry

How to clean gold jewelry at home if you are a glamorous lady? You can remove cloudiness from jewelry using decorative lipstick of any color:

  1. Take a tube of lipstick "to throw away" and smear a ring or chain.
  2. Rub with a napkin, as if rubbing the product into the jewelry, and then rinse with water or wipe off with a cotton pad.
  3. You will see how the old ring will shine and sparkle.

Lipstick is made from titanium dioxide, which is naturally abrasive. When doing makeup, girls do not notice the microparticles remaining on the lips, but in jewelry they are enough to erase the fatty coating.

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Egg white and beer for tough stains

Foamy beer, combined with egg white, gives shine to even hard-to-clean jewelry. Preparing the mixture:

  1. Take an egg, separate the white and place in a mug.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of beer into the mug.
  3. Stir the composition until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid mixture and wipe the jewelry from the inside and outside. Use a cotton swab to wipe hard to reach places.
  5. Wash off the remaining composition with water.

Cleansing with tooth powder

Repeat the procedure twice if necessary. The product should shine in the light and glare. You can also add shine by dipping the jewelry in a 9% solution of acetic acid.

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Tooth powder with abrasive particles for thorough cleaning

Tooth powder effectively removes plaque. It is an abrasive tool for mechanical cleaning. Unlike lipstick, its particles are large and can damage delicate metal. Therefore, when cleaning, be careful and do not press. Subsequence:

  1. Dip a damp cotton pad into the powder.
  2. Fold the disc in half and rub the halves together to distribute the product.
  3. Carefully clean the gold so as not to leave scratches.

Stones are cleaned separately from metal

Do not buy whitening powder for jewelry purposes - it makes the noble metal dull and pale.

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The nuances of home care for white gold

White gold is obtained from a mixture of copper, nickel and yellow gold, and for greater whiteness, jewelry is coated with rhodium, a rare metal that costs more than gold bars. The rhodium layer on the surface of the jewelry is thin and easily erased, so cleaning precious metals must be approached responsibly, using the softest, lint-free cloth.

Common White Gold Purifiers:

  • ammonia;
  • creamy liquid soap.

The first way to remove contaminants:

  1. Mix equal proportions of ammonia and water.
  2. Add a drop of hair shampoo and stir.
  3. Soak the jewelry in the solution for 30 minutes and wipe dry.

Second way:

  1. Mix warm water and cream soap: one drop per glass.
  2. Leave the gold thing in the solution for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the jewelry, rinse with water and dry with a clean cloth.

Please note that the composition of the soap should not contain aggressive chemicals like chlorine.

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How to clean gemstone and gold jewelry

Jewelry with precious stones must be cleaned very carefully, otherwise, in pursuit of brilliance, you can lose your favorite jewelry.

Important Rules and Precautions

  • Remove plaque from gold and diamond jewelry monthly. Do not use soapy solutions - replace them with shampoo and water to avoid tarnishing. Also, diamond rings and earrings can be dipped in a solution of ammonia for 30 minutes, and then immediately blotted with a paper towel.
  • Pearls, turquoise, opal and amber do not tolerate moisture.
  • Clean rings and earrings interspersed with stones with the solutions described above, without completely immersing them in water. Use ear sticks for effective plaque control.
  • Do not try with sharp needles to get under the stones held in the frame on the "legs" - you can damage them and even chip them. It is enough to wipe the pebbles themselves for shine with a cotton swab dipped in cologne or alcohol.
  • If the stones are glued, do not allow water to get on the adhesive layer. Wring out the wand before cleaning and do not immerse jewelry in containers of cleaning solutions.
  • To remove the grease film, use gasoline instead of abrasive powders - it will not leave scratches on the polished surface of minerals.
  • In powder solutions, you can "bath" sapphires, rubies, emeralds and topazes. They will play if you gently wipe them with a cloth with a powder solution, and then rinse with cool water.
  • Stones do not react well to temperature changes - they can change color, fade and even crack. Do not move jewelry abruptly from a hot to a cold environment during the cleaning period.

Brushes suitable for cleaning pearls

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How to remove impurities from pearls

Pearls quickly lose their nacreous luster upon contact with chemicals. It is fragile and easily scratched if improperly cleaned. To clean a gold item with pearls:

  • Take a wide eyeshadow brush and dampen with water.
  • Dip the tip of the brush in hair shampoo.
  • Lubricate the jewelry along with the pearl and leave for 15-30 minutes.
  • Gently wash off the composition with the same brush.
  • Gold, if necessary, additionally clean with a cotton swab with peroxide.

Do not try to remove plaque from a pearl product with vinegar - it dissolves mother-of-pearl without residue.

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Gentle cleaning of gold-plated items and watches

Owners of gold-plated jewelry are afraid to clean them, so as not to accidentally erase the thin layer of gold foil with which they are covered. As a result, pretty watches or bracelets fade from lack of care. Meanwhile, it is not only possible, but also necessary, to clean the gilding. For this:

  1. Dip a cotton pad in ethyl alcohol or a weak vinegar solution and wipe the product.
  2. Rinse with water after 5 minutes and pat dry.

Do not use tooth powder, lipstick or other abrasive products to remove plaque from gilding.

When cleaning gold watches at home, do not forget that not all models can be immersed in water and kept under water. It is wiser to use the delicate feel of the surface.

Washing solution

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Professional care products

Today, stores sell professional products and even devices for the care of jewelry.

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Jewelry cosmetics for home use

To upgrade gold, you can buy:

  • solution;
  • paste;
  • spray;
  • wet wipes for quick results;
  • dry wipes for polishing.

When choosing how to clean gold at home, it is important to remember the stones. Please note that there are solutions for smooth surfaces and special formulations for products with different stones. If you want to clean gold with your own hands, choose containers with baskets.

The principle of operation is simple - you need to put the contents of the box into the basket, lower it for the time indicated in the instructions (usually less than a minute), remove the jewelry, rinse them and rub them with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Sprays are ideal for complex jewelry that cannot be completely wetted. The surface is treated with a spray, the dirt is allowed to dissolve, and then wiped. There are special compositions for the care of gold jewelry with enamel and stones.

It is most convenient to use disposable wet wipes. With their help, it is not difficult to instantly give shine to a smooth product - a ring, a bracelet, the surface of a watch. Napkins are also recommended for regular care of jewelry with stones.

Dry non-woven wipes with impregnation and a slight abrasive effect are designed for regular care of precious metal. However, do not use them daily, this will break the polish or top coat.

Wipes and care liquids

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Mechanical cleaning method

Mechanical cleaning helps when you need to remove dark spots of sulphide deposits from the surface of a gold ring or chain. It is not removed with the help of chemistry - you will need abrasive materials. But soda or tooth powder is overly aggressive and can, along with plaque, remove the top layer of metal. Therefore, for mechanical cleaning, buy a specialized paste in a jewelry store - its cost is from 200 to 500 rubles.

Apply special paste to a toothbrush with soft bristles, preferably ultra-fine. With smooth movements, brush over the decoration in one direction, and then again, and again. Do not move sharply from side to side, so as not to damage the gold.

After cleaning, wipe the jewelry with a dry towel, then dip it in vodka or medical alcohol and let it dry. Alcohol will remove greasy deposits left after cleaning.

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Apparatus for thorough washing

If you have a lot of gold jewelry, as well as small souvenirs and decor items made of this resistant and durable metal, pay attention to special devices. The simplest home jewelry cleaning machines cost from 500 rubles.

Purification consists in exposing the objects placed in the device to ultrasonic waves, which destroy pollution in the most inaccessible places. Thanks to new technologies, you won't have to damage a cross, a body icon or a pendant with a convex pattern, filigree gold or delicate openwork jewelry with abrasives.

It is noteworthy that such care is safe for almost all natural and artificial stones, enamel and rhodium. It can be used to care for silver, platinum, jewelry and even dentures. Similar devices are used by professional jewelers.

Ultrasonic cleaner for home

How to extend the life of jewelry

Follow preventive measures so that you do not have to clean your gold jewelry often. To do this, you need to know why gold gets dirty and how to prevent it.

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Prevention of contamination of precious metals

In its purest form, gold is a soft material, and it can be deformed simply by squeezing your hand. To make jewelry durable, impurities are added to it. They transfer some of their properties to the material, while at the same time coming into contact with the external environment and contributing to pollution. Products take on the surface of sebum, dust and sweat, gradually losing their luster.

Key rules for caring for gold items and jewelry:

  • remove gold rings and bracelets while working at home with washing powders and detergents - acids and alkalis are detrimental to metal;
  • remove rings before manicure - expensive metal darkens from nail polish remover and tarnishes from contact with nail dust;
  • do not store gold in a cardboard box - it darkens with sulfur;
  • remove jewelry before visiting the solarium and sauna.

Store jewelry in boxes

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Mistakes in home care for gold

Even common maintenance practices can harm gold if used incorrectly. The easiest way to harm a precious metal is to rub it with a toothbrush and powder. The bristles enhance the action of abrasive particles, resulting in deep scratches on the surface. White gold jewelry, in addition to being unsightly, becomes dangerous after abrasive cleaning. Non-rhodium plated nickel included in the alloy can cause severe skin irritation.

Precious stones, although stronger than gold, are no less fragile. A composition that is harmless to the metal can cause irreparable damage to the precious insert.

Cleaning gold at home is always a risk of damaging the product. Antiques and jewelry of special value are best cleaned in professional jewelry workshops using ultrasonic machines.

Gold jewelry has been considered a sign of wealth since ancient times. Now almost every person has at least one piece of jewelry made of this noble metal, be it a cross or a wedding ring. In many families, such items have the status of family values ​​and are passed from older relatives or parents to younger ones. Of course, over time, the luster and gloss of jewelry can be lost, especially if stored improperly. You can trust the beauty of your jewelry to professionals who will make it shine again. However, there are homemade recipes that will help keep the brightness of gold without spending too much.

Cleaning can be easily done even at home, you just need to know a few tricks

Over time, the surface of jewelry is covered with a film of metal oxides included in the alloy, sweat, cosmetics, tiny skin particles and other contaminants. With constant wear, almost invisible scratches are formed on them, which in large numbers can significantly worsen the appearance of even the most expensive and stylish jewelry. In such cases, this can be corrected with the oldest cleaning agent - baking soda.

Cleaning Method

The use of baking soda and foil is considered to be practically the most gentle and safe method of home cleaning. This method is distinguished by its simplicity, wide availability of the means used and economy. Below is a technique for cleaning gold with foil and soda at home. For this you need:

  • Hot water - 1 glass.
  • Baking soda - 2 teaspoons.
  • A small piece of foil.

To clean jewelry, you need to put foil on the bottom of the dish, place gold on it. In a separate container, you need to carefully mix soda and hot water, then pour the jewelry with the resulting solution so that they are completely covered with it. Processing time - up to 12 hours, they are usually left in these conditions overnight. Next, the gold is pulled out, washed with water and wiped dry with a soft cloth.

Jewelry with precious stones, natural pearls or other decorative inserts is not recommended to be cleaned in this way. Home remedies can have an irreversible effect and spoil the appearance of products.

Components of mixtures for cleaning

Home cleaning of gold with soda can be different. Its use is quite effective. However, in addition to the main substance, a small amount of mild detergents can also be added to the washing solution: liquid soap, dishwashing detergent, shampoo. These substances accelerate the purification of the metal without damaging it. A washing solution with soda can be supplemented with table salt, laundry soap, table vinegar (only not concentrated acid!), Hydrogen peroxide. In some cases, these solutions can even be brought to a boil during processing, but prolonged boiling is best avoided.

Take care of your jewelry regularly and treat it with love, then it will serve not only you, but also the next generation.

A soft toothbrush with fine bristles works well for cleaning heavily soiled items, as well as complex shapes and chains. With its help, all foreign matter is easily removed even in the narrowest holes, fasteners and recesses.


Cleaning gold jewelry with baking soda is a long-established method, the effectiveness of which is not in doubt. Its action is to create an alkaline environment around objects, which allows you to quickly dissolve pollution. In addition, dry soda powder is an abrasive that removes the oxide film and slightly polishes the gold surface, which improves its appearance and brilliance.

The advantages of this method include its ease, quick action, minimum cost and accessibility for any person. Despite the wide range of industrial jewelry care products, the use of baking soda remains quite common and effective for many people.

To clean gold jewelry, do not use household cleaners for plumbing and enamel, as well as toothpastes and powders. These substances contain too large particles and aggressive substances that can scratch or cause even more haze on the surface.

Negative sides

Any chemically active substances, such as baking soda, vinegar, ammonia used in home cleaning methods for gold items, can lead to the development of negative consequences. Most often, such an action can be obtained by non-compliance with the recommendations and an excessive increase in the concentration of these funds. Another way to damage jewelry is to use a hard brush and abrasives at the same time. Special care is needed when cleaning white gold, which is actually a rhodium-plated alloy. This substance is more expensive and rare than gold itself, and is more prone to abrasion. Therefore, to clean it, you need to use only gentle products: liquid soap, cream cleansers and soft cloth wipes.

To prolong the beautiful look and clean your gold jewelry less often, you need to follow a few recommendations:

  • Remove jewelry or wear rubber gloves before using products containing acids or alkalis and other strong surfactants.
  • It is not recommended to store jewelry in paper or cardboard packaging. This contributes to the rapid turbidity and darkening of the noble metal.
  • It is worth protecting gold from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, acetone, perfumes, creams and cosmetics, sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Compliance with these tips will help prolong the life and beauty of jewelry, help them become family heirlooms.

On some people, gold items darken much faster than on others. Sometimes this can be a manifestation of internal diseases, in which the composition of the excreted sweat changes. This sign should alert and cause a visit to the doctor.

The glitter of gold of fine jewelry, no doubt, pleases their owners and evokes the most pleasant emotions. I want the jewel to always sparkle and not lose its attractiveness. But sometimes gold, which until recently blinded with its radiance, like new, becomes dull, darkens and even blackens. The question arises how to give gold its former beauty.

Improvised household tools

Most popular cleaning method

There are many ways to remove dark stains from jewelry. The simplest of them is applied using products that everyone has: shampoo, toilet soap, toothbrush. Gold should be washed under warm running water - this will remove grease and dirt better. It is not bad to clean expensive diamond necklaces and earrings in this way. The main thing is to remember that you need to wash the products periodically to prevent the formation of a complex plaque, since this is easier than cleaning gold that has had time to fade.

To start the decoration, you need to put it in a bowl of water for two hours, dropping a little hair shampoo or liquid soap there. Some people prefer to use dishwashing liquid, this is also an effective method to restore shine to gold. After the specified time, you need to remove the items from the water and clean with a toothbrush. Its fine hairs will clean deposits from all cracks. At the same time, the smooth surface of the decoration will not be scratched.

After finishing work, you should once again dip the gold into water to remove any remaining dirt, and then wipe it dry with a towel with soft fibers. One of the best types of fabric for this procedure is flannel.

Remedies from the home first aid kit to remove discoloration from jewelry

What other ways can you clean jewelry? Medicines from the first-aid kit, which, as a rule, is in every family, will help restore shine and radiance to the beloved gold. Ordinary ammonia and hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. When using the first, you need to stock up on great patience, since the cleansing procedure will take quite a long time. The smell of ammonia is by no means pleasant, so you should be prepared for this. It is necessary to pour a little alcohol into the dishes (but not into metal ones) and place the products there. If the pollution is not very strong, three hours will be enough to eliminate it, and if the plaque is thoroughly absorbed into the metal, you will have to wait about 10-12 hours.

Special device for cleaning jewelry

To give gold the shine lost during long wear, a 20-minute immersion of the jewelry in hydrogen peroxide (about 40 ml) will help. The solution, in addition to hydrogen peroxide, must include other components, including:

  • 1 tsp soap.
  • the same amount of ammonia.

When 20 minutes have passed, the product will need to be rinsed with plain water, and then wiped dry with a suitable cloth.

Removing plaque with salt and foil

Many of the fair sex, who like to cook, spending a lot of time in the kitchen, always have a pack of salt and foil for baking. These funds are able to help out housewives not only in the process of cooking, but also in cleaning beautiful jewelry.

How to clean gold with complex chemical solutions, it is much easier to turn to common edible salt. Only 3 tbsp. of this product in half a glass of hot water - this is the calculation of the mixture necessary to remove dirt from the surface of the metal. The product must be placed in the liquid in the evening and left there until the morning. The next day, simply rinse in running water and remove moisture with a towel.

In addition, to make gold shine, you can use baking soda and foil. It is necessary to lay a piece of foil in the dishes, put golden things on it, and pour a pre-prepared liquid on top (2 tablespoons of soda for 200 ml of hot water). It is better if the products are in a container with a solution all night. Wipe them dry with a cloth in the morning.