What payments are due to pregnant women at work. What payments are due to non-working pregnant women? Determination of the amount of the lump-sum benefit in connection with pregnancy

So, you found out that you are expecting a baby. Naturally, this event in your life will be accompanied not only by joy, but also by fuss. So, the expectant mother needs to pass all the necessary tests, register with a gynecologist and visit him regularly. Also, an important need is the collection of documents for receiving benefits from the state. Maternity capital, maternity leave and much more. Now we will talk in detail about what payments in the Russian Federation are due to pregnant women from the state as of 2015, so that you know what you can rely on.

So, in connection with pregnancy and upcoming childbirth, you can count on such compensations as:

  1. maternity allowance for expectant mothers - full-time students or workers;
  2. allowance for individual entrepreneurs;
  3. maternity allowance for pregnant unemployed.

Please note that from the beginning of the year before last, accruals and due payments to pregnant women began to be accrued according to the new scheme, and became more significant than those that were accrued before. So, according to the new rules, the calculation of due payments determined by the average salary, which the expectant mother received at work over the past two years.

Conditions for accruals and payments for pregnancy

To qualify for social benefits during pregnancy, you must meet the following conditions:

Determination of the amount of the lump-sum benefit in connection with pregnancy

The period of maternity leave in Russia is one hundred and forty days. Of this number, 70 days before the birth of the child, the remaining days are calculated after the birth of the child and may vary due to certain circumstances. Therefore, the total amount of payments depends on the duration of the maternity leave of a young mother.

The amount of maternity compensation ranges from the minimum wage to the maximum. He is equal one hundred percent of a woman's average earnings expecting a baby, while work experience is not important. Also, if your insurance period is less than six months, the amount of payments received will not exceed the minimum wage.

To understand what benefits are due to a pregnant woman on maternity leave, you need to calculate her average income level over the past two years. Thus, the total payments will be calculated taking into account the income for each working day. Then the average daily income will be multiplied by the number of days of maternity leave.

The approximate amounts due to women in childbirth as benefits will be as follows:

  1. with a singleton uncomplicated pregnancy, the period of the decree will be 140 days, and the amount of the benefit is about 189 thousand rubles;
  2. if the pregnancy is singleton, but complicated, then the term of the decree will be 156 days, and the sum is more than 200 thousand rubles;
  3. and in case of multiple pregnancy, the decree is calculated based on 194 days, and a payment in the amount of about 260 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of maternity payments should not be less than the minimum wage of 4611 rubles.

So, the amount of the benefit that you will receive can be calculated using the following formula. Take the standard decree period of 140 days, then 730 calendar days over two years. Multiply your monthly salary by 24, and divide the resulting number by 730, and multiply what happens by 140 days. This is the approximate amount of your payments that you are entitled to.

Unlike the previous procedure for accruing the due funds, the calculations are based on earnings for the last 2 years. Previously, only one previous year was taken into account.

Payments to pregnant women: due dates for receiving benefits

Payments to pregnant women rely on early dates. So, you are already entitled to benefits even at 12 weeks pregnant subject to registration in the antenatal clinic at the place of residence or in a private antenatal clinic.

Your doctor must provide, upon request, a certificate stating that you were registered early. This will make it possible to receive a payment in the amount of 515 rubles. The amount, although small, will not be superfluous either.

To receive this payment, you need to write an application. All you need is a certificate from the antenatal clinic and a disability certificate due to pregnancy, you provide them to the accounting department at the place of work or study and expect the payment due to you.

After 28-30 weeks of pregnancy, you need to request a sick leave at the consultation and provide it at the place of work for the appointment of compensation, which you should receive 10 days after the submission of the documents.

List of documents for receiving payments during pregnancy

List of required documents Next:

The procedure for obtaining maternity benefits for individual entrepreneurs

If the expectant mother is not an employee and not unemployed, but is herself a legal entity - an individual entrepreneur, then the procedure for assigning maternity benefits will be somewhat different.

An individual entrepreneur can count on receiving maternity benefits in the event that if she has paid insurance premiums within the last year before vacation, in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. The amount of the benefit in this case is calculated depending on the size of the minimum wage.

To receive maternity benefits, a person - an individual entrepreneur must provide the following documents:

  1. Sick leave from the place of registration for pregnancy;
  2. Application of a legal entity - an entrepreneur to the FSS with a request to assign benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

If a woman entrepreneur also works on the basis of an employment contract and pays over the past two years, contributions to the FSS, then in the same place she has the right to receive pregnancy benefits, as well as from the employer who has concluded an employment contract with her.

The procedure for providing payments and benefits for unemployed expectant mothers

The amount of payment for an unemployed expectant mother differs in each case and is equal in the minimum amount of accrued maternity payments. Responsibility for the accrual and payment of benefits for the unemployed due to pregnancy is assumed by the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

In some cases, the unemployed may not qualify for maternity benefits. This happens in cases where the expectant mother at the time of pregnancy was not officially employed anywhere or quit during pregnancy.

An exception is the case of dismissal of a pregnant woman in connection with the liquidation of the company where she worked, also if the woman is a full-time student of an educational institution. In the latter case, the amount of maternity payments equals scholarship amount and the educational institution is responsible for receiving this allowance.

In addition, the unemployed are not eligible for benefits provided they are registered early in pregnancy. However, in different regions of the country, payments may differ from those generally accepted at the federal level.

If an unemployed woman lives in Moscow, then, provided that she is registered in connection with a pregnancy for up to twenty weeks, she is entitled to one-time assistance, regardless of her work activity.

Leave due to pregnancy and childbirth: terms and features

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 255-FZ, which is devoted to the appointment of benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, the terms of the vacation can be changed if the birth occurs earlier than the scheduled date. In such cases, the days that were calculated by law for prenatal leave are transferred to postpartum. We have already talked about the duration of prenatal and postnatal leave. In a normal singleton pregnancy, is 70 days before the birth of the child and the same after.

Also, this law provides for the preservation of the workplace for a woman who goes on maternity leave. She also receives the allowance in connection with the decree at the place of work, if she does not officially work, then the social service is responsible for receiving the allowance.

Sometimes going on maternity leave and receiving payments in connection with it can be accompanied by unpleasant surprises from the accounting department at the place of work. In particular, they may tell you in the accounting department that you can receive the due payments only when they are transferred from the FSS, and this procedure takes several months.

But this is wrong. Remember that the costs of maternity leave to the employer will still be reimbursed, and a woman going on maternity leave has full entitlement to payment within no more than ten days after you have submitted all the necessary documents to the accounting department to receive the payment.

Remember that it is your legal right to receive your due maternity benefits on time. And, in case of refusal to pay benefits on time, you have every right to sue the employer company that refuses to pay benefits on time.

Lump-sum allowance for women registered in early pregnancy


A pregnant woman who is registered with the antenatal clinic of a polyclinic or any other medical organization at an early stage of pregnancy (up to 12 obstetric weeks inclusive) is entitled to a one-time allowance, the amount of which in 2015 is 543 rubles 67 kopecks.

Who is eligible?

  • performing military service under a contract in the internal affairs bodies in other state bodies of the Russian Federation.

What documents are required for registration?

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  2. A certificate confirming registration in the early stages of pregnancy, which is compiled and issued by the medical organization that registered you (for those dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization - an extract from the work book certified by the seal of the organization and a certificate from the employment service on assignment of unemployed status).
  3. Application in the prescribed form.

Where and how to apply?

You can receive benefits at your place of work or at an educational institution. To do this, working and studying women, female military personnel, as well as women working in the internal affairs bodies and other state bodies of the Russian Federation should contact the personnel department of their enterprise, institution or military unit. Payment must be made within 10 days from the date of submission of the certificate of registration.

Please note! Unemployed women receive benefits from the social welfare service.

Benefits and benefits issued from the 30th week of pregnancy:

Maternity allowance

Who is eligible?

Pregnant women with Russian citizenship:

  • subject to compulsory social insurance due to temporary disability due to pregnancy and motherhood;
  • dismissed in connection with the liquidation of organizations within 12 months preceding the dismissal;
  • full-time students in educational institutions of any level of accreditation;
  • performing military service under a contract, in internal affairs bodies in other state bodies of the Russian Federation

Payout period?

The benefit for pregnancy and childbirth is paid for the period of maternity leave of seventy (in the case of multiple pregnancy - eighty-four) calendar days before childbirth and seventy (in the case of complicated childbirth - eighty-six, with the birth of two or more children - one hundred and ten) calendar days. days after childbirth.

The amount of the allowance and where and how to apply?

At the 30th week of pregnancy (or at the 28th week with multiple pregnancies), a medical organization issues a certificate of disability for pregnancy and childbirth.

Working women, as well as those undergoing military service under a contract, in internal affairs bodies in other state bodies of the Russian Federation, receive an allowance equal to 100% of the average earnings or monetary allowance at the place of work or service. The payment is accrued within ten days from the date of submission of documents and is issued on the day set for the payment of the next salary.

Women dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the organization in 2014 receive an allowance in the amount of 515 rubles. 33 kop. in the social welfare service.

Full-time female students receive scholarships at the place of study.

Free Medicines

It's not a cash benefit, but it can still help you save money on medicines, some of which are expensive. Since 2007, the legislation of the Russian Federation introduced a one-time provision of pregnant women with free medicines and vitamins. Everything that is prescribed to a woman during pregnancy can be prescribed free of charge in a consultation. In fact, it all depends on the specific consultation and the pharmacies that cooperate with it.

What should be done?

  1. Contact the women's clinic and register.
  2. Ask your attending OB/GYN to write a free prescription from a pharmacy that your healthcare facility has an agreement with.
  3. With the received prescription, you must contact the pharmacy indicated in the list of pharmacies that have entered into an agreement with a medical institution for servicing citizens of a privileged category.

The state provides an opportunity for expectant mothers to leave their workplace for some time and devote their free time to their health and preparation for the birth of a baby. However, it is the appearance of a child that requires additional costs from future parents. The lump sum maternity allowance is paid to financially support the family at the time of preparation for the birth of the baby.

Purpose of the maternity allowance

The very name of the benefit suggests that only women who have recently given birth can receive it. The spouse of the woman in labor or other relatives are not entitled to this type of state support, the funds are intended to maintain and restore the health of the mother.

However, the state does not control the use of maternity payments. A woman can spend money on her own food, buy diapers and a crib for her future baby, or manage money differently. However, not every expectant mother can count on this type of social support.

The benefit for pregnancy and childbirth is intended for those women from whose income deductions were made to the insurance fund. According to Federal Law No. 81, the following categories of women can receive material assistance:

  • who are in official labor relations with the employer;
  • workers in military units as auxiliary personnel;
  • employees of special units and the Russian Armed Forces;
  • those who lost their jobs due to the sale or termination of the enterprise and closed their own business during the year and are registered with the employment service;
  • undergoing full-time training;
  • who became mothers after adopting a child under 3 months old and belonging to one of the above categories.

Who pays the allowance?

To receive benefits for pregnancy and childbirth, a woman must write an application at the place of work, study or service. It usually contains a request for maternity leave and the payment of a lump sum.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 1012n, if the expectant mother lost her job within 30 days before the decree, you must contact the last employer. You can apply for a previous job if a woman:

  • left her job due to the need to move to another city due to her husband's service;
  • has a disease incompatible with work;
  • forced to care for a disabled relative.

If the mother-to-be has been in an employment relationship with more than one employer in the last 24 months, she has the right to apply to all of them. In the event that a woman has changed several jobs in 2 years, she must contact the employer who is currently registered.

Many citizens do not understand why the allowance is considered state, but its enterprise pays. Who pays financial assistance to expectant mothers? The employer actually pays the benefit from its own funds. However, after reporting to the Social Insurance Fund, he is reimbursed for the amount paid.

Thus, the actual payer of maternity payments is the FSS. This fact explains the possibility of receiving benefits directly through the state body. Women can apply to the FSS for maternity payments upon the occurrence of the following events:

  • the enterprise where the expectant mother is registered has gone bankrupt, has no money in the accounts, has undergone an account arrest procedure, is subject to sale;
  • the employer cannot be found;
  • at the time of the appeal, the company ceased to exist.

In some regions of Russia, a woman can apply for benefits directly to the FSS, regardless of the status of the employing organization. This is possible in settlements where the Direct Payments project operates. A woman takes the necessary documents to the enterprise. Employees of the organization transfer them to the body of the insurer. Payments are made directly from the state budget.

When should the allowance be paid?

Women apply for benefits on the day they go on maternity leave. If, for some reason, the expectant mother could not write an appeal for the issuance of funds, she can contact the employer or the FSS within six months after giving birth.

The law provides that a woman has the right to apply for benefits, even if the deadline for applying has passed. However, the reason for the late appeal must be valid. These include:

  • emergency (combat operations, natural disasters, etc.);
  • long-term severe illness;
  • forced relocation;
  • death of a relative.

The timing of the payment of benefits in connection with pregnancy and childbirth depends on where the mother applies. If the appeal takes place at the place of work, the employer is obliged to check the documentation and calculations within 10 days and assign payments. The allowance is credited to the woman's salary account on the day the company pays deductions on wages.

When applying directly to the body of the insurer, the documentation is also considered within 10 days. Deductions in favor of the applicant will be made in the next month after the application. The deadline is the 26th of the next month.

What documents are needed to calculate payments?

The list of documents for receiving payments also depends on where the woman applies. The employer assigns payments upon presentation of the following papers:

  • Written appeal.
  • Sick leave from the antenatal clinic. In normal pregnancy, it is issued for a period of 30 weeks, in case of expecting several babies - at 28 weeks.

If a pregnant woman has worked in several enterprises over the past 2 years, she must also bring a certificate with the calculation of the average salary from another place of work. An application for benefits is written on the day of maternity leave and contains a request for leave.

Students apply to the institution where they study. There is no clearly defined application form. However, it must contain the following information:

Each organization has its own procedures for filling out such documentation. The expectant mother will be given an example. Below is a sample.

Women who are not working at the time of maternity leave apply to the FSS. The institution must provide the following documentation:

  • a written request for the appointment of payments;
  • personal documents;
  • sick leave certificate from a medical institution;
  • paper from the employment center confirming the status of the unemployed;
  • work book;
  • a document from the tax office on the status of a former employer or confirmation of the closure of one's own business;
  • a certificate from the FSS at the place of registration on non-receipt of payments when a woman writes an application at the place of residence.

In case of missing the deadline for applying, a woman should apply directly to the state body. In addition to the above documents, it is necessary to prepare papers confirming the good reasons for the late appeal. If the mother officially worked before giving birth, you need to take a certificate from the employer on the average income for the previous 2 years.

How is the benefit amount determined?

The amount of the allowance depends on several factors: the woman's earnings, the duration of the vacation, and the norms established by the state. Working moms get more money than unemployed ones. The duration of the decree depends on the course of the birth and the number of babies born. The calculation of payments is made at the enterprise or in the FSS. However, a woman should know how much she should be paid.

Calculation example

According to Federal Law No. 81, the allowance is calculated based on the average daily salary of an employee. An allowance is calculated for the period of leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth. Vacation duration:

  • in the normal course of pregnancy and when expecting 1 child - 10 weeks before the date of birth and 10 weeks after them;
  • with complications during childbirth - 10 weeks before and 86 days after the birth of the baby;
  • in the case of the birth of twins or triplets - 12 weeks before and 110 days after birth;
  • when adopting one baby up to 3 months - from the date of adoption until the onset of 10 weeks of the child's life;
  • when adopting 2 children - from the date of admission to the family up to 110 days of children's life.

If an employee was on maternity leave in the last two years before giving birth, calculations can be made based not on the last years, but on a different period.

The amount of the benefit is calculated as follows: the total earnings for 24 months are divided by 730 (731) days, minus the days of temporary unpaid leave, leave to care for the baby, sick days.

Consider the procedure for calculating benefits using an example. Citizen Rudneva goes on maternity leave in 2018 due to the expectation of twins. Over the past period, she was on sick leave for 15 days. The calculation of financial assistance is as follows:

  • for 2016, she received a salary of 540 thousand rubles;
  • in 2017, she received a total of 620 thousand rubles;
  • the average salary is (540 thousand + 620 thousand): (731 - 15) = 1620.11 rubles;
  • the amount of the allowance is 1620.11 x 194 = 314301.34 rubles.

A woman has the right to work all the time until childbirth. However, when calculating maternity payments, only the period when she was actually on vacation is taken into account. So, if a pregnant woman went on maternity leave 35 before the birth, then payments will be made 35 days before the birth of the baby and for the days after his birth.

If a pregnant woman has been employed for less than 2 years, then the average salary per day is calculated taking into account the salary for the previous period and the minimum wage for the time when she did not work. For example, for a second-year student, a scholarship for the first year and the minimum wage are accepted for calculation. In case of official employment for less than 6 months, calculations are also based on the minimum wage.

Maximum and minimum possible amount

When calculating benefits, a woman should take into account that there are limits on the amount of payments. The law establishes the maximum and minimum amount of monetary assistance. The minimum benefit threshold is calculated based on the minimum wage accepted at the time of going on vacation. The amounts of state support provided to pregnant women who went on maternity leave in 2017 and 2018 are presented in the table.

Thus, women who go on maternity leave in 2018 cannot receive less than 35,900 rubles. However, the maximum amount of state support is paid only to officially employed mothers. The benefit threshold changes annually. This is due to the change in the minimum wage.

Other types of benefits for pregnant women

At the regional level, various types of material assistance have been developed for pregnant women. In some regions of Russia, unemployed women can count on a monthly allowance. The table shows some types of regional support that are paid to pregnant women in 2018.

RegionAssignment of benefitsProcedure and conditions for issuanceAmount, rub.
ChuvashiaPregnancy and childbirth for unemployed mothersMonthly, from 12 weeks459
Pregnant and lactatingRecognition of a poor family, every month100
Penza regionMonthly until the child is 3 years old580
Kamchatka KraiMonthly, registered in the region1390
Ulyanovsk regionMonthly, for low-income families, from 12 weeks of pregnancy until the child is half a year old706,47
KhakassiaEvery month for medical reasons and low family income788,72

In Russia, it is also recommended to register for medical records as early as possible. The expectant mother can claim a benefit in the amount of more than 600 rubles if you register before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Such benefits are issued when applying to the employer or to the social security authority with a certificate from a medical institution. The payment to the woman is issued simultaneously with the maternity allowance. It is also necessary to write an appeal of the following sample:

Additional support is provided to the wives of conscripts. From February 1, 2018, state assistance amounts to 26,539 rubles if she applies to the USZN after the 180th day of pregnancy. In order for payments to be calculated, the following documents must be submitted to the state institution:

  • written application;
  • the main document of a Russian citizen;
  • family status document;
  • medical certificate from the antenatal clinic;
  • a document confirming the service of the spouse in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

Payment is made by the time the spouse returns from the army. However, the application must be submitted in advance. Some employers also support their employees financially. When assigning maximum material assistance less than 49,999 rubles. the surcharge will not be taxed.

The first allowance should be received at the place of work or study, its amount is 515 rubles. To receive a payment, a pregnant woman needs to write an appropriate application and attach to it a certificate from the clinic on early registration.

Medical care in public clinics is free of charge, and observation during pregnancy is necessary to avoid complications and infections dangerous for the child, including rubella (rubella).

The first payment at an early stage is paid to all women, without exception, who are registered with the antenatal clinic before the 12-week gestation period.

How to calculate maternity benefit

It is issued at a time, and its size directly depends on the salary and all taxable payments received by the woman in labor over the past two years, it is 100 percent of the average earnings.

The period of maternity leave with the issuance of a sick leave is calculated based on the following terms:
- 140 calendar days during the normal course of pregnancy and childbirth;
- 156 days for complications of pregnancy or childbirth;
- 194 days for multiple pregnancies.

The allowance must be assigned by law within 10 days after the submission of the application and the disability certificate from the antenatal clinic, and paid on the next established day of receipt of the salary.

The amount of total income for the year for calculating benefits is limited. So, for 2012, the "ceiling" was 512,000 rubles, and for 2013 - 568,000 rubles.

For officially unemployed women, the benefit is directly correlated with the minimum wage (minimum wage), which in 2014 was set at 5,554 rubles. The same amount serves as the basis for calculating the maternity benefit for a non-working woman, if the average salary does not exceed the established minimum wage or the total insurance period does not reach 6 months.

The lower and upper limits of the size of the maternity benefit, depending on the number of vacation days for 2014, will be as follows:
- 140 days - from 25,578 to 206,840 rubles;
- 156 days - from 28,501 to 230,479 rubles;
- 194 days - from 34,553 to 286,621 rubles.

Women dismissed during maternity leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization and registered with the employment center within a year are paid a monthly allowance - 515 rubles.

Additional payments due to the wives of military personnel

A one-time allowance to the pregnant wife of a serviceman is paid if the pregnancy is at least 180 days old, if the husband is called up for military service. The amount of the allowance is 21761.88 rubles. The wives of cadets of military educational institutions are not entitled to benefits.

At the birth of a child, the family of a military serviceman is entitled to a monthly allowance in the amount of 9326.52 rubles. for every child.

Last updated 02/10/2020Reading time: 4 min.

All accruals and payments of benefits for pregnant women are regulated by federal law No. FZ-No. 255 of December 29, 2006. "On compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with motherhood", the minimum and maximum amounts of benefits are prescribed there. Every year, payments that depend on the minimum wage are indexed. In addition to benefits, pregnant women also have certain labor benefits.

Benefits for pregnant women

If the earnings of the billing period were calculated based on actual earnings, then the following formula is used to calculate the average daily earnings:

Earnings in the billing period / Number of calendar days in the billing period (minus the days excluded from it)

The following periods are excluded from the calculation:

  • temporary disability;
  • maternity leave;
  • parental leave;
  • exemption from work with full or partial salary retention (provided that insurance contributions to the FSS of Russia were not accrued on the saved salary).

For women working part-time, the same calculation procedure is used.

The maximum amount of maternity benefit

If at the time of the onset of maternity leave, the employee's work experience exceeds 6 months, then the allowance is equal to 100% of earnings. If less than 6 months, then it cannot exceed the minimum wage per month.

11,280 rubles - minimum wage in 2019

In this case, the daily allowance limit is calculated using the formula:

1 Minimum wage × District coefficient / Number of calendar days in each month of maternity leave

labor benefits

The employer does not have the right to dismiss or lay off a woman during pregnancy and parental leave. An exception is the liquidation of the organization and the termination of activities by the employer (closure of the IP).

In the presence of a medical opinion and a personal statement, a pregnant woman has the right to demand:

  • reduce the norms of production, maintenance or transfer it to a job that excludes harmful and dangerous working conditions while maintaining the average earnings for the previous job (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • do not send her on business trips, do not involve her in overtime work and work at night, on weekends and holidays (Article 96, Article 99 and Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • do not involve her in the performance of work on a rotational basis (Article 298 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • establish part-time work (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • maintain average earnings during a dispensary examination (Article 254 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • regardless of the length of service, provide the next vacation before the expiration of six months from the start of work (Article 122 and Article 260 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • not recall from vacation (Article 125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

By agreement of the parties, it is possible to change the work schedule of an employee on the basis of her personal written application and before the provision of a medical opinion.

Payments to working women after childbirth

On leave to care for a child up to one and a half years, a working woman receives a monthly allowance. The amount of the payment is 40% of her salary for the previous two years. If a woman wants to go to work ahead of time, this benefit will also stop being paid. But with part-time work, she is entitled to receive both wages and child benefits.

Now the government is discussing the issue of giving parents the right to choose: when to pay child care allowance, stretch the amount over three years, or pay all the money at once. The amended bill should be submitted by the end of this year.

Calculation of child care allowance

To calculate the allowance, you need to determine:

  • billing period;
  • earnings for the billing period;
  • your average daily earnings;
  • average earnings per calendar month;
  • 40% of the amount of average earnings;

The total benefit amount is calculated using the formula:

Average earnings per month × 40%

If the amount of the benefit is less than the minimum limit, then the benefit will be paid in the minimum amount (1 minimum wage × 40%).

Allowance for the second and subsequent children

If an employee takes care of several children at the same time, then the allowance will be assigned to her for each child, while:

  • The amount of the benefit should not exceed 100% of monthly earnings;
  • Not be less than the amount of the minimum allowance for each child.

If the sum of the allowance does not meet these two criteria at the same time, then the woman will be paid the amount of the minimum allowance, even if it exceeds 100% of the average earnings.


Hello Alena! We cannot advise you here, because we do not know how dangerous your work is for a child. If we assume that the work is completely safe, then we do not recommend quitting, then you will lose the right to maternity benefits - 55,830 rubles. Regardless of the salary, it will be calculated according to the minimum wage, as if you were working full time. You can talk to your employer about being transferred to a safer job if there is a medical reason to do so.


Hello!! I have been officially working for 6 months as an x-ray laboratory assistant! Zp officially 4500 thousand for 1/4 of the rate does it make sense to stay and wait for maternity leave or is it better to quit because the job is not particularly safe !? I work for a private trader. (pregnant