What are the holidays in April every day. Holidays in April

Almost every month of the year is rich in holidays, because there are a huge number of them all over the world. They are divided into categories - national, international, professional, etc. Therefore, you can find a celebration to your liking at least every day!

April also has many festivals. This compilation contains the eleven most popular celebrations that are celebrated in April in different countries!

1 April Fool's Day / April 1

This holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world. Traditionally, it is customary to make fun of friends and relatives on this day, to arrange funny pranks. And the history of this holiday began many centuries ago.

The first mention of pranks in April dates back to 1539, when a Belgian nobleman played a prank on his servants by inventing funny tasks for them. According to one version, as the "Day of Fools", this holiday was first mentioned in 1686. The first mass draw, when people were invited to an "incredible performance", which turned out to be a joke, was held only in 1703 in Moscow.

2 Webmaster's Day / April 4

People whose professions are related to computers celebrate Webmaster's Day in early April. This holiday is unofficial, but, nevertheless, quite popular among those who are directly concerned with it.

It is curious that the date of the holiday is chosen on purpose - 4.04 indicates a common 404 error (Page not found). On this day, conferences, exhibitions and events are usually held for those who are somehow connected with the development of sites.

3 World Health Day / 7 April

Health is one of the most important factors for a happy human existence. Therefore, today a lot of attention is paid to public awareness and the prevention of a healthy lifestyle.

This is helped by World Health Day, which is celebrated annually on April 7th. Traditionally, on this day, one particular topic is chosen, to which all events are devoted, for example, depression or high blood pressure.

4 Brothers and Sisters Day / April 10

Blood ties are very important for every person, and along with mom and dad, grandparents, brothers and sisters are close to many. For them, too, there is a separate holiday, which is celebrated in many countries of the world.

The tradition began relatively recently, in 1998, and was inspired by Claudia Ewart from the USA. She lost a brother and sister at an early age, and in memory of this loss, she held an event aimed at bringing together loved ones around the world. The date April 10 is chosen symbolically - this is the day when her sister was born.

5 World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day / April 12

The first manned flight into space is an event that turned the history of mankind. In Russia, this event is of great importance, because it was our compatriot, Yuri Gagarin, who was the first to master outer space.

In honor of the first flight, which took place on April 12, 1961, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated, not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

6 World Rock and Roll Day / April 13

For everyone who loves rock and roll, there is their own holiday, which is celebrated all over the world. The date of this holiday is associated with the first recording of the song Rock Around the Clock, which was performed by Bill Haley on April 12, 1954.

It is believed that this composition was the first rock and roll song that made this genre popular. But the holiday for all fans of rock and roll is celebrated a day later, April 13th.

7 Environmental Knowledge Day / April 15

In the modern world, ecology comes first - humanity has thoughtlessly used the resources of nature for so long that the planet has become depleted. Many great minds are concerned about the process of global warming, pollution of the oceans and other acute environmental problems.

There is even a Day of Environmental Knowledge, when many countries hold events for public discussion of environmental issues. On this day, conferences, seminars, exhibitions and lessons on the topic of ecology are held. It all started with the UN Conference on the Environment in Rio de Janeiro in the early 90s.

8 World Book Day / April 23

In the modern world, even with the presence of gadgets, books still retain their importance in human life. Book Day is celebrated annually around the world, during which various events are held - book fairs, open days in libraries, etc.

It is worth noting that April 23 was not chosen by chance - the date is the day of the death of William Shakespeare and Miguel de Cervantes. The holiday has been celebrated since 1996, and on this day, along with a book in the library, you can get a red rose.

9 English Language Day / April 23

This foreign language is one of the most important and widespread in the world. It is native to 378 million people, and the total number of speakers has already reached more than 600 million. In 2010, at the initiative of the United Nations, a holiday was organized in honor of the official language of Great Britain.

The date was also chosen not by chance, but in honor of the day of death of the greatest English playwright William Shakespeare. The UN also arranges celebrations in honor of the other five official languages ​​officially adopted in the organization.

10 World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals / 24 April

The problem of using laboratory animals for testing cosmetics is relevant to this day. After mass protests in the middle of the 20th century, most cosmetic companies abandoned the use of animal raw materials and animal experiments. But protests still take place today, because not all companies have abandoned this.

The date of the holiday, which was also supported by the UN, coincides with the birthday of Hugh Dowding, former president of the National Animal Society (London, UK). It began to be celebrated in 1979 in order to attract society to the problem of experiments on animals.

11 International Dance Day / April 29

In the world of dance, millions of people are passionate about dance, there are dozens of different styles. However, as a separate art form, dance separated from opera only a few centuries ago.

The reformer was the Frenchman Jean-Georges Noverre, who is called the father of ballet. His birthday is April 29, and the date of the holiday was chosen in his honor. All over the world on this day all dancers celebrate their "professional" triumph!

These holidays are celebrated in April all over the world, they unite millions of people. Holidays are always good, because they bring joy and remind us of important events in the history of our world!

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In terms of the number of festive and significant days, the second month of spring is not much different from its predecessor, March - there are over four dozen of them, among which there are really important ones for both Russia and the world community, but there are also exotic and even with a great deal of humor.

April Fool's Day has long become truly International Laughter Day. It is also called April Fool's Day. And they prepare for it ahead of time, racking their brains, as if it were more fun to play a relative, friend, comrade, so that they could cheer themselves up and that they would spend the whole day with smiles, but at the same time they would not be offended by your jokes.
There are stories that one of our famous artists sent another no less eminent to the Kremlin to receive an award. He believed and went. But they didn’t let him into the Kremlin - they said that today, they say, they don’t award orders or medals! Bad joke. But both artists, good and faithful friends, laughed at her for a long time. And there was no resentment left for the deceived. He then repaid his friend with the same kindness - a witty April Fool's joke!
But April 7 in Russia is a very serious and important holiday - the birthday of the Internet. This significant event took place in 1994. And what do we have today? The kid has barely passed a year, and he is already reaching for the "mouse" with his little hand! A three-year-old daughter asks her dad to show her her favorite fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" on the Internet! Instant messaging with friends living in different parts of the world, a video phone, getting to know the latest news from world news agencies are just a fraction of the actual services that this wonderful and now indispensable thing, the Internet, provides us!
April 8 - Day of employees of military commissariats. Well, this is all clear. These important institutions appeared as far back as 1918. They are registered and removed from it when changing the place of residence of all those who served in the army. From here you, if you are a private or a reserve officer, can be sent for retraining. And in the spring and autumn, regular calls for military service begin. And our conscripts in recent years have become less likely to evade it because it has become not only their constitutional duty, but also prestigious and profitable in material and everyday terms. In military universities now, as in civilian ones, there are competitions! And sometimes there are several people in one place!
April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day. It is popular all over the world. It was on this day in 1961 that an event of a truly universal scale took place on earth - the heroic flight of our Yuri Gagarin into near-Earth orbit. The flight lasted one hundred and eight minutes, the maximum distance from the surface of the planet was 327 kilometers. Successful landing. Red carpet to the podium of the Mausoleum, Reception in the Kremlin. High government awards. And then the amazing meetings of the first cosmonaut of the Earth with the inhabitants of different countries and different continents. World history will never forget April 12!
April 16 is also associated with the Cosmos - the International Day of Astronomy is celebrated. The holiday has been around for more than four decades. The exploration of the expanses of the universe is so important that the subject of astronomy, once canceled at the initiative of surprisingly unreasonable people, is once again returned to the curricula of secondary schools in Russia. Hiking in the planetarium, telescopes on the roofs of houses or entire observatories at the Schoolchildren's Palaces are in fashion again - the Cosmos calls to itself and beckons. It is our future!
April 18 - Day of military glory of Russia - Battle on the Ice. In our country, he is well known for the film "Alexander Nevsky" by the talented Soviet director Sergei Aizenstein, the role of the prince of Russia played by the outstanding actor Nikolai Cherkasov. An unprecedented massacre broke out on Lake Peipus. In the dead of winter. On the one hand, the Russian squad led by Alexander Nevsky, on the other, the knights of the Teutonic Order, advancing on us with their sophisticated wedge "pigs". By the way, the tactical technique did not help the knights. Many of them, dressed in heavy iron clothes, went to the bottom. 500 were taken prisoner. The Germans were crushingly beaten. And in our memory, the phrase of Alexander Nevsky is still alive: "Whoever comes to Russia with a sword will die by the sword!"
April 19 Snowdrop Day is a very romantic holiday. Frost still reigns in nature, snowdrifts have not had time to melt, and these first delicate spring flowers bloom on the clearings. Young people fervently give modest bouquets to their girlfriends. Of course, if they can buy them. Snowdrops are now listed in the Red Book, and they should be admired on thawed patches, and not torn!
April 20 - Secretary's Day. He is also known to us from many films. In particular, according to "Office Romance", in which the queen of episodic roles Liya Akhedzhakova shines, thanks to the efforts of which the head of the statistics institution, played by the talented Alisa Freindlich, changed her appearance and ridiculous bossy gait. The heroine then happily married. And how many such charming and outstanding secretaries in the world at the most different ranks of leaders?!
April 25 is International DNA Day. At this point, which TV channel you turn on, almost every examination of paternity and motherhood. At the same time, right in the studio - both on our first program, and on the second and on NTV. DNA analyzes are widely used in forensics - both here and abroad. And thanks to them, the criminals are in prison, and the guilty are released into the wild.
April 28 - World Day for Safety at Work. It has been celebrated since 2001 at the initiative of the International Labor Organization (ILO). How many mutilations, serious injuries and even deaths of people do we have on earth due to the negligence of safety services?! Prevention, modernization of production, and other measures to improve labor protection will help to avoid new victims.
April 30 - Firefighter's Day. There is no need to talk much about the importance of this service both for the national economy and, in fact, for people. Suffice it to recall the recent forest fires, the insane burning of dry grass, when entire villages burned to the ground. Careless handling of fire leads not only to large material losses, but also to human casualties. The fire service is both necessary and dangerous at the same time! Here's what not to forget on this day!

There are no official holidays and no long weekend periods in April. But in April comes the real spring. With the streams melted snow leaves, the first greenery appears and the leaves begin to bloom. April is also a month of many fun holidays. If you're curious, what are the holidays in March? Take a look at the calendar of holidays in March. Surely you will discover a lot of new, interesting and unexpected things. On April 1, you can have plenty of fun, traditionally celebrating April Fool's Day, and rejoice in this day for birds, since April 1 is also the international day of birds. By the way, you can also feed them bread crumbs. The people believed that it brings money.

April Traditions

Do you know what holiday traditions are in April? No problem! We turn on fantasy and creative thinking, and new traditions will not be long in coming. And after we celebrate the unusual April holidays in the new traditions for several years in a row, they will firmly come into use and become old traditions. What are the holidays in April? On April 2, we celebrate the day of broken dishes and aggressive shopping. We break plates and cups, and this is part of the tradition. Shopping is also not a bad way to spend a celebration. If you want, you can mark the day of the fictitious marriage. Make yourself a wish card and hang it in a prominent place, just do not forget to place in the center a photo of yourself in a wedding dress or at least with a veil on your head.

When do we light up?

Since there are no official holidays on the calendar, you can light it at any time free from work. What else do we celebrate in April? On April 3rd we celebrate Bodypainting Day. Discover the talent of a body artist! It’s not bad to celebrate the Day of Sincerity and the World Day of namesakes on April 8, which can now be easily found using the Internet, get to know them on social networks and celebrate this day together in a cafe over a cup of coffee or something stronger.

Affairs of the Heart

Holidays in April are not only religious or funny. This month, you can easily find some unusual significant days to spend them in a romantic setting. For example, on April 9, you can have fun celebrating Carousel Day with your beloved. Whether or not to celebrate April 10 is International Love Triangle Day is up to you. By the way, April 17 can be celebrated together with your friends as the Day of Waiting for the Prince on a White Horse. The more you wait for him, and the larger the company, the faster the sound of hooves outside the window will be heard. Joint meditation works wonders! This is especially true for princes. At the same time, you can meditate a white Mercedes instead of a horse.

Shopping and gifts

On April 3, buy yourself as many multi-colored varnishes as possible so that you can mix them, because the corresponding holiday obliges and do not forget about non-alcoholic beer. Spend April 4 without negative emotions and give your loved ones something pleasant. On April 6, Sad Vegetarian Day, give your boyfriend or husband a cucumber or carrot, and enjoy the chops yourself. On April 12, give your boyfriend or girlfriend a condom to celebrate the day of an unplanned pregnancy. To make the holiday a success, first pierce it with a sharp object. Just keep in mind that this is from the category of bad advice.