What dangers can lie in wait for a child at home? Dangers that lie in wait for modern children "The most important and expensive thing is dialogue"

Every parent tries to surround their baby with maximum warmth, care and love. But something still needs to be taken into account, being in your own apartment, so that nothing overshadows your communication with the baby and does not lead to trouble.

List of potentially dangerous things for a child

REACH AREA: if you sit on the floor, you can see what your child sees and what may attract his attention. This is about the height from which the baby looks at the world.

Now it becomes clear to you what exactly can be dangerous for the baby. In addition, it should be noted that by about one and a half years, the young explorer begins to actively use such helpers as a chair or an upside down toy box in order to achieve such a desired goal.

1. Prohibited Items- small things that a child can swallow: buttons, coins, bolts, small magnets (especially dangerous!), Which, if they enter the intestines, cause obstruction, etc. Consider the abilities of your baby, because the beads can be torn, round batteries can be picked out with your fingers. Be carefull!

2. Breakable objects- anything that can shatter into sharp pieces. It can be not only dishes, but also glass photo frames and even computer disks, which easily break into pieces with sharp corners.

3. Sharp and piercing objects- knives, knitting needles, scissors, blades, as well as pens and pencils up to a certain age can also be dangerous for the baby.

4. Matches not a toy for children!

5. Any cleaning products- both for house cleaning and shoe care. Aerosols are doubly dangerous.

6. Medicines.

7. Laces, ropes and thin silk scarves - their danger is that a child can wrap them around the neck.

8. Dangerous substances in the kitchen- vinegar, citric acid, wine sauces.

9. Cellophane bags- their danger lies not only in the fact that the child can pull on his head, but also swallow a small piece. Both of these cause suffocation.

10. Boiling water- a huge number of children are admitted to hospitals every year with burns of varying degrees, be careful not to leave mugs of hot tea or a pot of soup within the child's reach.

11. Your bag is another source of danger. There are so many interesting things in it. Keys, cosmetic bag, pills, which you will not find in a woman's handbag. And it’s not at all scary, and sometimes even funny, if the baby is smeared with lipstick, but if he tastes it, or swallows his mother’s pills, this can lead to serious consequences. After all, while there are small researchers in the house, they are needed in everything that surrounds them.

Areas of special attention:

- wires and sockets are especially dangerous for the child, and because of them, children receive a huge number of injuries. For sockets, purchase special plugs, and for wires - boxes or hide them under the baseboard. Have an explanatory conversation with your child.

- gas stove- special danger! If a gas stove is installed in the house, buy special covers for the gas supply adjustment levers in the store that will not allow the child to twist and turn them, and it will be even more reliable to turn off the gas when you do not need the stove.

window is another huge source of danger. With the onset of warm seasons, it is not uncommon to hear how children fall out of windows. To avoid this, you can use different methods, for example, install bars on the windows, but this is not always possible, so get special limiters that are fixed on the windows and do not allow them to be opened wide. Remember that the mosquito net is not a means of protection, but on the contrary, it creates the illusion of security. The child is not able to control his strength and, at times, this can end in tragedy. If you decide to open the windows and ventilate the room, do not leave the child alone in this room even for a minute.

houseplants. Yes, even they can be dangerous. Some plants have rather sharp leaves, and cacti are simply studded with sharp needles, besides, a great sense of curiosity will not keep the baby from tasting such beautiful flowers or leaves, which can cause an allergic reaction.

In the end, I would like to say, do not be upset that for some time you will have to live in a not very comfortable apartment, in which now everything is not the way you would like. Don't be nervous about being constantly "on-line" because of the increased attention.

This period will pass so quickly that you will not have time to notice. And the joy and smiles that your protected and healthy baby will give you, you will remember for many, many years. Take care of your children, and let the knowledge of the world be not only exciting for them, but also safe.

Eating unwashed berries, digging in the dirt, drinking water from the river - this is why not a single child is insured, even under vigilant supervision. How do doctors treat such surprises? What is really worth worrying about, and why give up? Let's explore this article.

Unwashed vegetables, sand and dirt

Someone thinks that you can eat cucumbers right in the garden, yagoda bushes, some are of the opinion that everything needs to be washed and sterilized thoroughly. Any mother carries with her wet antibacterial wipes and gels to protect children from germs at any time.

But now more and more research confirms the idea that overprotection in general, including hygiene, is more likely to harm your baby. At the University of Chicago, for example, they came to the conclusion that most cleanliness beliefs are myths. Excessive desire for sterility can lead to allergies, asthma, eczema and other diseases associated with the immune system.

There are studies confirming that due to a decrease in the microbial antigenic load on the body, children have become more likely to develop allergies. So it is not only possible for children to play in the sand, to mess around in the ground, to sort out pebbles and to beat cones, but it is necessary. Increased concern for hygiene is justified during epidemics, in public places, after the toilet, and so on.

As for the berries and cucumbers directly from the city, they can be eaten if you are sure that the vegetables and fruits have not been chemically processed. But the danger still remains: you can get a food poisoning infection, for example, due to the droppings of sick birds or animals, which they can leave in noodles and vegetables. Therefore, it is better to wash vegetables and fruits before eating.

Dirty water irotaviruses

The main danger posed by summer swimming is hypothermia. In Ivmore, it comes faster, because salt water takes heat faster. It is better to enter the water gradually, stay in it for a short time, and after leaving the bank, immediately wipe the child with a towel and change clothes.

As for poisoning in water, it is quite possible. If a child has swallowed a lot of salt water, it may result in nausea and vomiting. The best thing to do in this situation is to give the child water to drink and let him lie down. As a rule, everything returns to normal after a couple of days.

If you decide to swim in lakes and rivers, you need to make sure that this is allowed. Such information is available on the website of Rospotrebnadzor. But the most important danger is the risk of drowning, even to a depth of five centimeters. Remember that while bathing you always need to be near the children.

As for the rotavirus infection, it is very easy to catch it: it is transmitted and airborne by, through objects and hands. In this case, the virus survives on toys and water for 30 days. Pediatricians recommend that you protect yourself from the disease with the help of vaccinations. It reduces the incidence by 90%. WHO recommends starting vaccination between 6 and 12 weeks of age, followed by two more doses at least four weeks apart.

Sun and heat stroke

Sunstroke occurs after prolonged exposure to the sun. This condition is characterized as a disorder of the brain. Heatstroke can be received in the shade. You need to know that children overheat faster than adults. The first signs appear six to eight hours after exposure to the open sun.

Symptoms of sunstroke: weakness, irritability, tearfulness. There may also be a lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting. All this is accompanied by a headache, darkening in the eyes, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath. The temperature can rise up to 40 degrees. If the case is severe, there is a violation of the heart rhythm, hallucinations, pallor, cold sweat, loss of consciousness.

If there is a heat stroke, then hot, dry skin, dry lips are characteristic, then the limbs become cold, cold sweat may appear, convulsions develop. Just like with a sunstroke, the temperature can rise. The child may become whiny, irritable, agitated. Often there are such symptoms as dizziness, headache, weakness, drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, frequent urge to defecate. If dehydration occurs, then its signs are dark yellow and even brownish urine, as well as the absence of urination for 12 or more hours.

What to do? The child needs to be moved to a cool place, undress, remove the diaper. Drink water to avoid dehydration. At the same time, it is better for children not to drink a lot of water at once, this can provoke vomiting. Control your body temperature. If it is above 38 degrees, call a doctor, because antipyretic drugs will not help in such a situation. In some cases, it is better to immediately call an ambulance. For example, if the temperature is above 38, the child has severe chills, convulsions and shortness of breath, as well as a frequent pulse. And, finally, if the baby has not urinated for more than 12 hours and turned pale.

To protect yourself, during your stay under the sun you need to wear a hat and clothing made from natural fabrics and at the same time do not wrap yourself up. Walking on the beach is not the hottest hours: in the morning - until 12.00 and in the evening - after 16.00-17.00. Make sure your child drinks enough water. If the room is hot, turn on the air conditioner. Comfortable room temperature for children is 19-22 C.

poisonous plants

Danger for a small child can carry poisonous plants. We list only the most common:
Sosnovsky's hogweed is tall thick stems with white caps of flowers. They contain substances that increase the sensitivity of the skin to the sun's rays. The juice of the plant that gets on the skin will cause a burn of the 1st or 2nd degree with blisters. And if the hogweed juice gets into the eyes, it can result in blindness. If you eat part of the plant, poisoning occurs: cow parsnip causes pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and weakness.

The crow's eye, due to the content of glucosides that have a narcotic effect, affects the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive system. The whole plant is poisonous, but children can most often eat the berries—they look like blueberries. Poisoning causes excitation, tachycardia, arrhythmia and even cardiac arrest, convulsions, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Buttercup is caustic - its leaves are especially dangerous, the plant contains protoanemonin - a substance that affects the skin and mucous membranes. May cause burns and mucosal edema. If a child eats part of the plant, all signs of poisoning by a rise in temperature will appear.

In addition, such plants as hemlock, wolf's bast, belladonna, ash tree, poisonous milestones, henbane, and aconite are poisonous. So be sure to research what grows in your area and teach your kids to avoid these plants.

If, nevertheless, the child ate something bad, the best thing is to bring him to the hospital, taking with him a plant with which he could be poisoned. The condition of the child when exposed to toxic substances can quickly deteriorate and urgent hospitalization is required. As a first aid, it is worth giving the child sorbents, as well as drinking water.

Dangerous insects

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid insect bites in the summer, even though there are various repellents and repellent devices. But they do not act on all insects and do not provide 100% protection.

Mosquito bites, horseflies and midges can provoke allergies. If the reaction is not strong, then you can give the child an antihistamine and smear the bite site with a gel like Fenistila. But sometimes a serious reaction develops - weakness, tachycardia, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock. In this regard, the most dangerous are the bites of bees, wasps, hornets and ants. You need to contact your doctor immediately, and the sooner you do this, the better.

Ticks are also dangerous - these arthropods can carry dangerous diseases - borreliosis and tick-borne viral encephalitis. If a child is bitten by a tick, it is best to go to the emergency room as soon as possible, where the tick is carefully removed and checked for infection. If this is not possible, remove the tick yourself, and then take it to the laboratory to find out if it is infected. Treatment should begin as soon as possible, and even better, get vaccinated in advance.

Recall that Roskachestvo determined the best.

According to mel.fm

Summer holidays are good because children have a lot of free time. Parents try to organize a useful and interesting vacation for them: walks, trips, vacations at sea and, of course, in the village, if possible. But even in the city, summer will not be boring. Festivals, master classes are held for children, new playgrounds appear. However, before you send your child to the grandmother in the village or go for a walk with the family in the park, it is worth teaching him the basics of safety.

The Liza Alert search team has prepared a guide for parents, which describes the main dangers that a child may encounter in the city or in nature. The more he knows about how to behave in an emergency (lost in the city, lost in the forest), the higher the chances of a successful outcome. Separately, it is worth paying attention to the rest of the child in the country or in the village. City children do not see many dangers, because they simply do not know about their existence. Many are driven by curiosity and a desire to explore, so be sure to talk to your child about places to avoid.

Summer dangers for children that parents should be aware of


Many children stay in the city in the summer or go to other cities to visit their grandparents. It is important to remember what urban hazards are and how to deal with them.

Most of the applications for searching for children in the urban environment received by the Liza Alert squad in spring and summer begin with the words “left on a scooter while walking.” Therefore, here are the simple rules that a child on a personal “transport” and his parents must follow:

Teach your child the basics of safety:

  • lost - stay where you are, don't go further and don't go anywhere with other people's adults, seek help from a person with a child, a policeman and someone who works here;
  • make sure that he learns your phone number, the phone number of another parent, grandparents and from time to time ask him to name them or dial from memory to check;
  • teach a child on wheels to constantly check how far he is from his adults - stop from time to time and see if he sees them, and if he does not see them, then stand and wait;
  • come up with a password with your child in case he has to call you from an unknown number or if for some reason you call him from someone else's phone;
  • dress your child brightly when you go for a walk or where there will be a crowd: it will be easier for you to keep him in sight, and if you suddenly have to look at recordings on cameras, contrasting clothing will stand out on them, since the recordings are black and white. In addition, it will be much easier for those who will help you to notice a child in bright clothes in a crowd;
  • take pictures of the child before going to a cultural event;
  • the child should be able to communicate with you, ideally a fully charged watch with a GPS tracker, which is a phone, or a mobile phone. Watch children, unlike the phone, usually hear well. In addition, we in the detachment have never looked for children with such watches;
  • Another great option for children and older adults is a mobile phone-connected location service. All operators of the big three have it, and it can be connected to the simplest push-button phones. You can install an application on your smartphone, they are available for both androids and iOs;
  • show the child in the place of people to whom he can turn for help: the police, employees of the place where you are, women with children;
  • talk to him on the way to the event / for a walk in the park, the algorithm of his actions if he gets lost: stay in place, call you loudly, do not go anywhere with anyone;
  • if you have lost a child, go back to where you went together.

Immediately notify the employees, the police, demand to report this to the guards so that they control the exits from the event, and give a notification over the loudspeaker. The sooner you start searching, the sooner you will find it. Interview passers-by, ask someone to go to the information desk and make an announcement over the speakerphone, ask for camera footage, call the police or 112.


So that vacation in the country is not overshadowed by troubles of various sizes, you should remember the safety rules outside the city, assess the risks and the presence of dangerous places yourself on the spot and talk with the children about it.

Unfortunately, this year we come to the conclusion that one of the biggest suburban dangers for children is rustic toilet. City children often simply do not know how to use it, do not understand how it works and what are its features. The toilet is a direct danger to the life of the child: you can fall into it and drown. Dear adults, please remember this! Instruct the children, go to the toilet with them, explain on the spot all the nuances of its use.

wells- a traditional nightmare of urban parents who have a child in the country. It is strictly forbidden to approach the well without adults, explain the principle of its operation and why you can get hit in the face with the handle of the well, how quickly the handle spins if you let go of the bucket, why no one will hear if you fall down there, and so on. Of course, wells must be securely closed when not in use.

Very curious and alluring - "abandoned": a dilapidated or abandoned house, a semi-flooded mine, a cave by the river, abandoned cellars, and so on, that is, everything that poses an immediate danger to the child. Wardrobes and other furniture in abandoned houses are very dangerous for children.

In rural areas, much more often than in the city, one can meet open hatches, bare wires, uncovered transformer boxes and tanks, abandoned large equipment - this is not a place for children's games.

landfills- also, unfortunately, a dangerous place for children: you can fall through, and climb into discarded cabinets or refrigerators and not be able to get out of there.

Abandoned warehouses, farms, granaries- there is a high probability that there were unexported chemicals and grain processed before sowing.

Water. Any bodies of water are dangerous for children. ANY, including small ones. It is impossible to come close to rivers, lakes, ponds and the sea without adults, and even more so to swim.

Despite the fact that many of us live in big cities - or maybe because of this - even well-known, the nearest forest continues to be a zone of increased danger for us.

Do not let the child (children) into the forest alone. Never. In the history of our detachment there is a search for when a child was lost, who went through the forest to the store on a bicycle along the path known to him. How and why he left the road is unknown, but for two days hundreds of people were looking for him in the forest. A dog as a companion does not count: we have many times searched for both children and adults who left with dogs.

Send a small child with an elderly person into the forest with caution, especially if the adult has serious chronic diseases that can lead to acute conditions. If something happens to him, a four-year-old child will not be able to help him and will not be able to get out of the forest on his own. In any case, if any of the older adults are going to the forest (with a child or alone), you should definitely know where exactly they are going and when they plan to return.

Teach your elderly relatives, firstly, to go into the forest only in bright light, and secondly, always take an “emergency supply” with you (a knife, matches, a whistle, a fully charged mobile phone - you can also use the cheapest push-button, especially since it can hold a charge for a week, water, food and daily pills; optional but useful - wet wipes and salt heaters), thirdly, tell them what to do if they are lost (call you, call 112/police, call us at “Lisa Alert” 88007005452, stay where you are and wait for help), and fourthly, be sure to ask them to let you know where they are going when they plan to return—at least write a message or a note.

Explain that you can call 112 even when there is no network - then the inscription “emergency call” or “SOS” will appear on the phone - this is it;

Forests are now constantly changing - hurricanes and insects quickly turn the familiar "light" forest into an impenetrable and unfamiliar thicket. You can get lost right next to the house - for this it is absolutely not necessary to go many kilometers away.

Dress yourself and dress your child correctly: in bright waterproof clothes, taking into account the fact that it is much colder and wetter in the forest than in your summer cottage. Be sure to wear waterproof shoes - rubber boots or special hiking boots.

The child must have in his backpack: a fully charged phone, water, a chocolate bar and a whistle. If all these things are taken with you, but are in the bag of an adult, there is no point in this for the child.

What you need to teach a child and what an adult needs to know about the forest:

  • if you get lost, stop and go no further. If there is a clearing very close, you can go to it. Try to find a dry place nearby, a hill - this will be your "headquarters" while they are looking for you;
  • call the parents, explain that you are lost, if there is no reception, call 112. Talk to the child about how to talk to the 112 operator. So that the operator does not have the feeling that the child is calling out of mischief, you need to introduce yourself, and if the operator hangs up, call back again and again until they believe. Explain that if he gets lost, after these calls, you should save the phone's charge - do not play, do not listen to music, do not take pictures;
  • climbing a tree is useless - this increases the risk of injury and does not provide any valuable information, since it is still impossible to climb to the very top of the tallest tree, from where something can really be seen;
  • walking "to the sound" in the forest is dangerous, especially in the dark. It is far from always possible to correctly guess where its source is, but you can easily get injured in the dark;
  • in the forest, if you, of course, are not on a hike with a sleeping bag, you should try not to sleep: a sleeping child and sometimes an adult does not hear his name, and risks hypothermia. Therefore, if night falls, one must jump, dance, repeat verses, sing songs and do anything to keep oneself awake;
  • in the forest, you should seek help from anyone you meet. Note for adults: oncoming people, both in the forest and in the city, are far from always adequate. Last time we wrote about how mushroom pickers, having met two small barefoot children, in response to their questions, showed in the direction where, in their opinion, it was worth going, and moved on;
  • answer noise with noise! If someone near you rustles in the bushes, knock on wood with a stick, shout, show that you are here. There are wild animals in the Moscow region, and the farther, the more dangerous they are for humans;
  • if you are lost, stretch the chocolate and water for a longer time, but in no case eat mushrooms and berries and do not drink water from reservoirs;
  • it is strictly forbidden to approach the water without adults;
  • if they call you, even in other people's voices - respond! This means that people have already come to look for you and really want to find you as soon as possible.


The cause of death of more than 80% of children in the natural environment is water. Water in all its forms is a mortal enemy of children. Therefore, if a child disappears in the natural environment, and there is water nearby, we immediately assume the worst. And cases when our assumptions are not justified are perceived rather as a miracle. Children drown quickly, quietly and terribly, not at all like in the movies, and sometimes even the adults next to them do not have time to understand what is happening. Therefore, dear adults, please remember the safety rules:

  • children in nature, especially near water bodies, should be supervised by adults every minute;
  • Remind yourself of water all the time, especially if you live near a body of water or if you go on vacation to a place where there is a lot of water. Putting it aside, the attraction of the water may outweigh Mom's half-forgotten warning;
  • give the child to learn to swim, in any case it will be useful to him in his future life and will increase his chances of staying alive when he gets into the water.

Prohibited action with power cord

Sometimes young children find themselves in completely absurd dangerous situations. The task of adults is to help kids get to know the world, and at the same time protect them from unforeseen circumstances that can cause irreparable harm to children's health or become a threat to life.

Today, there are many educational children's cartoons that tell how to behave when various dangerous situations arise, but the question of how to protect children from danger is relevant, first of all, for parents.

What dangers for the child are fraught with your living space?

Oddly enough, it is at home that the greatest number of unpleasant surprises lie in wait for babies. Parents are required to deal with the following most dangerous situations in practice with their children. How to do it? Just sit the baby next to you, open a picture book, or a well-known fairy tale, read it together, and then complete the story with your parting words:

hot items

You need to be very careful with hot items on the table (a mug of tea, a bowl of soup, a hot electric kettle or a compote pot on a gas stove). If you carelessly wave your arms at the table, or pull the cord of the electric kettle, the hot liquid has the risk of tipping over on the child, resulting in serious burns to the body, and the very life of the baby will be endangered.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not place hot-filled dishes on the edge of the table, or in the reach of a small child;
  • Do not leave an electric kettle in the reach of the baby, especially if its cord hangs down and you can reach it.

Video: furniture blockers

Matches, lighters

Do not play with matches, lighters or open flames. Fire is very dangerous, especially indoors (apartment, house, classroom). It quickly spreads throughout the room, curtains, furniture and wallpaper. Such danger is deadly.

Precautionary measures:

  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach of small children.

Gas oven

Careless handling of electrical appliances

You can not touch the gas stove, turn the knobs on it. Gas is also dangerous to health and life. If handled carelessly, natural gas fills the room and causes suffocation. This is deadly.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave hot and full pots and pans on a gas or electric stove while it is turned on. For greater safety, it is necessary to leave them on the far burners in order to reduce the possibility of access to them by small children.

Stitching and cutting objects

You can not play with piercing and cutting objects - scissors, knives, needles. Such "fun" leads to cuts on sharp edges, or inadvertent puncture of the soft tissues of moving limbs, or other parts of the body.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave piercing and cutting objects in the child's reach.


You can't play with a tablecloth. A random movement made by a child in a joking manner can cause the entire contents of the table (cups of hot tea, plates of hot soup) to topple over. This will entail the occurrence of skin burns, or other injuries that can not only seriously harm, but also become deadly to life.

Precautionary measures:

  • If there is a small child in the house who crawls on the floor, or has just begun to walk, it is best to refuse (for a while) to use a tablecloth. When the child grows up, it is necessary to explain why it is impossible to pull on its edge.

sharp corners

Two types of soft pads for furniture corners

Sharp corners of furniture are another danger within the territory of a house or apartment. An insecure toddler who is learning or already knows how to walk, as well as any older tomboy, is capable, as a result of an inadvertent movement, hitting a corner of furniture and severely injuring his head or face. Most often, such negligence ends with a dissection of the eyebrow and large hematomas, but a fall can also result in more serious consequences in the form of a gouged eye, a broken nose, and a concussion.

Precautionary measures:

  • Get special plastic plugs and fix them on the corner pieces of furniture, and other objects in the house that have sharp corners.

Do not touch without permission electrical and mechanical appliances located at home, especially disassemble them when they are plugged in.

Video: protecting drawers and cabinets


Do not touch or taste indoor plants. Some of them, for example, dieffenbachia and cyclamen, carry a mortal threat and can cause serious poisoning of the body with a fatal outcome.

Precautionary measures:

  • If the baby begins to explore an apartment or house, it is better to move indoor plants to another place (send to the dacha, to the grandmother).


Do not tease or torture pets. Firstly, if you pet pets and then do not wash your hands, you can become infected with helminths. Secondly, if an animal is tortured against its will, it can bite, scratch and frighten a child.

Meeting a stranger can be dangerous

Precautionary measures:

  • If there is a baby in the house, it is best to give up pets for a while, or watch your child very carefully and tirelessly in order to avoid trouble. Regular anthelmintic prophylaxis with the help of special preparations and adherence to strict rules of personal hygiene are also appropriate.

Do not touch pills, medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals without the permission of adults. As a result of poisoning from an overdose of drugs, there are often fatal cases and situations when children become disabled for the rest of their lives.

Precautionary measures:

  • If there are small children in the house, it is best to keep medicines, cosmetics and household chemicals in closed boxes, out of reach;
  • It is recommended to conduct regular explanatory conversations with children about the dangers that pills and household chemicals can contain for children's health.

Windows and balconies

child in the window

You need to be very careful near open windows and balconies. You should never sit on the windowsill. Falling down is fraught with serious physical injury and death.

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not leave babies unattended near open windows and balconies, especially in high-rise apartment buildings.


You can't mess around in the bathroom. The bathroom is fraught with many invisible dangers:

  • Firstly, a child left unattended even for a few minutes in an empty bathroom can slip and get injuries to the limbs, more often to the head (sometimes fatal);
  • Secondly, a child left unattended for one minute in a filled bathtub can choke and even drown;
  • Thirdly, a parent can accidentally turn the wrong shower knob and scald the child with boiling water.
  • Fourth, older children should also not play in the bathroom. Accidentally not turned off the water causes a flood.

Precautionary measures:

  • never leave babies alone in an empty bathroom, or in a bathtub full of water. Sometimes even a minute is enough for a fatal sad outcome.


Teach your child to always wash their hands with soap and water before eating. It is important to eat only washed vegetables and fruits. Pathogenic microbes and bacteria left on poorly washed hands and food can enter the body and cause a dangerous disease.

You cannot open the door to strangers, even if they appear to be acquaintances of their parents.

You can not tell anyone by phone:

  • Your first and last name;
  • Home address;
  • Information that parents are not at home.

You can not sit in an elevator with strangers and open the door with a key in the presence of strangers who have a suspicious look.

How to protect children from trouble on the street?

Stranger in the car

Walking in the fresh air is very good for the health of babies, but parents should be especially careful when outdoors. In order to protect your beloved child from the main dangerous situations on the street, it is necessary to study them in detail together with the child:

  • Cross the road only along the zebra at the green light of the traffic light;
  • Know the designations of each color of the traffic light;
  • Do not ride on the footboard of a tram or trolleybus

If you warn your child in time about the dangers that may lie in wait in everyday life, you can save him from troubles that can cause serious health problems and threaten life.

Video: how to explain to a child what is dangerous

How to ensure the safety of the child? What dangers lie in wait for a child in the city - all parents are worried about the safety of life and health of their children. It is natural. Middle-income parents enroll their children in closed, well-guarded preschools and schools. Those who are rich hire bodyguards for their child. The common man also has the opportunity to take certain steps in this direction.

To talk about safety, you need to know what kind of dangers can take place? If we talk about real situations and weed out everything that an inflamed parental brain can come up with, then we can highlight some of them. Namely: road accident, accident, violence and kidnapping. The latter, of course, is unlikely if the parents do not belong to the wealthy category of the population, but it is not worth excluding the abduction of a child from this series.

What should parents do first?

A child of any age must be explained how to behave in a given situation. In the garden, at school, on the street, in the yard. Using the game form, achieve complete understanding on the part of the baby. It is useful to conduct training sessions to work out his actions.

Tell your baby which route is safest to walk, how to cross the road correctly, how to behave with strangers, how to recognize a threat. Parents should, at least approximately, know the schedule of their child's day. When classes end, where will he go after school when he should come home?

Try to determine the circle of his permanent friends and acquaintances. Know and have at hand their phones, as well as the phones of their parents. It will not be superfluous with them, so that in which case you can easily call.

At least once do with the child his daily route. At the same time, try to determine the degree of safety of the path.

You should pay attention to what public transport runs on this route, the presence of pay phones, security cameras, police strongholds, lighting at night. All this will help to act quickly and efficiently if the child suddenly does not come home.

Every kid today has a cell phone. Drive into the memory of his phone your numbers and the phone numbers of the next of kin. Make sure you always have money in your account.

Show how to use the service "Call at the expense of the called subscriber" or similar. In addition, buy a payphone card and show how to use the payphone. They also have the service "Call at the expense of the called subscriber."

Tell us how to recruit special services. Practice this with your baby. This will help him make a call in case his cell phone is lost or stolen.

What the child should know

The above dangers can be avoided if the baby knows the basic rules of behavior. Consider them:

car accident

You don't have to drive a car to get into it. You need to teach your child the rules of the road. It is correct to cross the road, to get in and out of public transport correctly.

Advise to move on footpaths not at the very edge of the carriageway. When waiting for transport at a stop, watch out for moving cars and be prepared for any surprises.

Pedestrians walking on the sidewalk are very common. Explain that you need to cross the road only at a pedestrian crossing and only at a green traffic light.


It would seem, how can an accident be prevented? It turns out you can! "Brick on the head?" - nothing funny!

With an abundance of construction sites in the city, you need to be careful. Do not walk where the construction site is not fenced with special shields.

Icicles in winter also threaten life and health.

Slippery paths, polished by the children themselves, are a real danger of injuring limbs. Therefore, shoes with good soles and walking on sandy paths will help to avoid this.

The child should be reminded that a car can leave the arches of the yards at any moment. The kid should be ready for this.

The sacramental phrase "Look under your feet!" — very valuable advice! Open communication hatches, construction debris, ice, all this is just the beginning of the list.

Headphones in your ears and a phone in your hands - that's what distracts the attention of the younger generation while walking and increases the risk of an accident!!!


The child must clearly understand what to do in the event of a threat of violence.

Explain to him that it is impossible to talk to strangers on the street, and of any gender. Never take anything from them.

With an annoying attempt to impose a conversation, the child should attract the attention of passers-by and, if possible, move to a more crowded place.

In case of any danger, try to call your relatives or the Rescue Service.

If there is a threat of robbery, explain to the baby that you just need to give what is required. Try not to piss off the robber.

Do not enter a dark entrance, elevator or any confined space with a stranger. If your house is in a deserted place, and the child returns after dark, go out to meet him.

Oblige him to walk only on illuminated streets.

Children should clearly know their last name, address, home and your cell phone.

She should not be shy to call for help with a loud cry. In addition, the cry can frighten off the attackers.

Alternatively, advise him, in case of danger, to go to the lobby of any social institution and ask for help from his employees.


This is one of the extreme forms of violence. In the event of an abduction, the baby should try to remember as many details as possible. Road, voices, names, addresses. If he is tied with limbs, he should strain the muscles of the limbs as much as possible. Then they can be relaxed and try to get rid of the ropes.

In no case should you anger or tease the kidnappers. Try not to swallow any "drugs". The prisoner needs to eat if the food seems safe.

Perhaps he will have to stay in captivity for more than one day and he will need strength. Under no circumstances should you panic. The child must clearly know that you love him, you will seek and do everything for his release.

If the baby manages to free himself, he should not immediately move to the house. We must try to get out into a crowded place and ask for help.

This is due to the fact that the kidnappers, having rushed in pursuit, can wait near the house and steal it again. In addition, your home phone can be tapped by them.

What to do in a critical situation

How not to lose your head when something similar happened to your child? Remember that panic is the enemy!

Calmly inform relatives about the absence of a child. Let them know you're worried and ask them to call if they know anything.

Call the nearest police station and make inquiries. Calling hospitals and morgues, unfortunately, will have to. But take it easy. Better yet, ask your family or friends to do it.

Try to determine who last saw the lost person, and try to restore the chronology of his day.

The main thing is that you must be sure that the baby knows that you will be worried. Determine with him the deadline for his “no appearance”, after which you will take measures to find him. This is a must!

Clearly and unconditionally try to agree with him in this regard. This will help him, if something really happened to him. It is desirable to work out all situations during training games.

Let it be fun, with laughter, with repetitions. These actions will undoubtedly be deposited in the memory and will surface at the right time. Not only the child, but you yourself can use this knowledge.

It's never too late to learn. In the process, you will get to know your children's social circle better. Get to know your baby better. Gain confidence that you can control the situation and help your child to save health and life.

Knowing what dangers lie in wait for a child in the city - you can bypass them!