How to meet a guy from the army. Wishes to a guy who returned from the army Scenario for the arrival of a son from the army

So the long-awaited day of demobilization for all parents has come! Very soon their boy - now quite an adult man - will return home. How to meet a son from the army? How to turn this day into a real holiday that a young soldier will remember for a lifetime? These questions worry relatives and friends for almost all 12 months while he is in the army.

We advise you to start preparing for this holiday in advance, slowly, thinking over and discussing every detail with your loved ones. It will be just great if you write a rough plan for a future event, because in the turmoil it is not surprising to forget about everything in the world! If your son, husband, brother or beloved boyfriend, it's time to get ready to meet him.

On the platform

Undoubtedly, a young man who has just stepped off the train in his hometown will be very pleased to see the faces of his parents or his girlfriend right on the platform.

If your son has always been the soul of the company, feel free to gather all relatives, neighbors, friends, your favorite shepherd dog, and go to the station.

A more restrained young man will be pleased if only his mother meets him, and later, having coped with the surging feelings, he will gladly hug his closest relatives.

How to decorate an apartment

Talk to your son's friends. Knowing well his tastes and preferences, they can give good advice on how to decorate the house for his arrival, and will be of invaluable help in decorating. Instruct them to draw and attach posters with greetings all the way from the door to the entrance to the apartment itself, decorate the house with Chinese lanterns, garlands or flags - in a word, everything that the demobilization will like.

In summer or early autumn, you can organize a meeting in the yard - decorate the gazebo in an original way, put a barbecue in the yard, roll huge pumpkins from the garden. If it is already cold outside, the holiday will have to be moved indoors. Do not be afraid that it will turn out less solemn! Having shown ingenuity and imagination, you can organize an unforgettable meeting even in a one-room apartment.

What to treat the demobilized

Take a very responsible approach to the preparation of the holiday menu. Do not forget that the young soldier ate a whole year, albeit healthy, satisfying, but rather monotonous food.

To bring down an avalanche of various delicacies on him means that digestion will inevitably be damaged. Let it be light tasty dishes, the most favorite of those that he ate before the army. And if you think they are not festive enough, pay attention to the design. Even the most ordinary herring looks like a real culinary masterpiece, if you don’t just sprinkle it with onion rings, but lay them out in a beautiful chain or even build a magnificent bouquet of chrysanthemums, taking onions of different colors. Show your imagination! You will succeed!

Many are interested in whether alcohol is appropriate on the table when meeting a demobilization from the army. If alcohol is not accepted in your family, then the problem is removed automatically. If you buy alcohol for the festive table, then choose a bottle of good wine or champagne. You don’t need to put strong drinks on the table: the hero of the celebration, out of habit, can get very tipsy. Besides, copious libations are never good for a holiday. Therefore, find a way to entertain a long-awaited guest and his friends without strong alcohol.

Who to invite

It will be just wonderful if everyone who is especially dear to a young man gathers at the festive table. It would be wise to refrain from inviting those relatives with whom your son does not have a very warm relationship. The day of returning home should not be overshadowed by unpleasant, painful emotions.

Try to remember all the most interesting, funny, unusual things that happened over the past year. Please the young man with good news about mutual friends, tell a couple of incredible stories. By the way, regular, not digital photos will come in handy - and it would be better if they were in a thick pack, and not in an album. They can be passed from hand to hand, shown to each other, sharing impressions. This will bring everyone together even more, and the young soldier, having ceased to be the center of attention, will be able to relax and feel more at ease.

What to give a soldier

Take care of the gifts. Of course, it would be good to inadvertently inquire in advance - for example, in a letter or by telephone - about what the young man would like to receive. Try to comply with his request. Such a gift will be long-awaited and most pleasant for him! It may not necessarily be a motorcycle or a new computer. Has your son always dreamed of a thoroughbred dog, from school he buzzed all your ears about what a wonderful breed the Rottweiler is, and even managed to choose a sonorous nickname for the future pet? You have a great opportunity to fulfill his dream. Believe me, nothing brings the family together in these touching moments like a funny baby passing from hand to hand.

Meeting with your girlfriend

Perhaps some of your son's stories about army everyday life will shock you, and his new jokes will seem unfunny and inappropriate. Keep your comments to yourself: you will put the guy in an awkward position if you start chastising him in front of his friends.

Think back to sending your boy to summer camp many years ago. From there, he also came changed, with new words and stories, from which the parental heart sank. However, a couple of weeks later, your child was again in front of you, as you used to see him. Imagine that your grown son has been to a summer camp, only for a year. Of course, he was influenced by his environment, and it will take more than a couple of weeks for him to bounce back.

Be patient and be gentle, otherwise you risk moving away from your son. Believe me, soon you will get used to each other again, and life will go on as usual.

It happens that after the service the guy does not know what to do with himself. Let him read our article Perhaps this will help him decide.

In Soviet times, the song was popular: "Only two winters, only two springs, I will serve as it should and return." Now everything is much easier and faster. It would seem that only yesterday they saw off, but one year flashed by, and now the question is on the agenda - how to meet a brother from the army. And the distances are not the same. Of course, Russia is a huge country, but before it was possible to get into one of fourteen more Republics, plus a group of troops in Eastern Europe, Mongolia. Some were thrown away! And who of those who served earlier can count on the fingers how many times he called home in two years? Here's something. And today there is the possibility of regular, almost daily communication by phone or over the network.

Of course, military service is difficult at all times. And the flow of time, even if one year, is felt in a completely different way in a barracks bed. But, nevertheless, with a shortened, in today's times, service life and with the possibility of regular communication, the tragedy of parting and the euphoria of the meeting are somewhat blurred. However, be that as it may, meeting a brother from the army is a very serious matter, and one must thoroughly prepare for it. The first, of course, is the actual day of the meeting. If it is known in advance, then, of course, one of the main components is the organization of the festive table. Who, if not a brother or sister, knows what their returning brother loves most of all. Therefore, it will be necessary to help the mother and father with the organization of the celebration, shopping and cooking.

If the older brother is waiting for the younger brother from the army, then he should think, together with his father, that the demobilization meeting does not turn into a banal multi-day booze. "Demobilized" guys often consider themselves supermen, who are allowed to do anything, break loose. This is where the authority of the older men in the house should play its role. A holiday is a holiday, but you need to know the measure, not to violate the way of family life. Politely, with love, but persistently, one must remind the soldier that he must register with the military registration and enlistment office and begin to adapt to civilian life. Of course, you can and should afford to take a break - so maybe the brothers and sisters will organize it, even before the return of the brother.

A brother or sister needs to take into account that during the year of service, men grow up great, gain physical shape, and grow in breadth. That is, those things that the brother wore before the call may be small for him. You can imagine how happy he will be if new clothes and shoes are waiting for him, modern, taking into account current fashion trends. Again, no one but his brothers and sisters knows so deeply his tastes and preferences in clothing. When planning how to meet a brother from the army, you can “look around” in advance, talk with people you know in order to find a worthy job for a defender of the Motherland who has served. A lot could change in a year, so the task of an older brother or sister is to keep abreast of the situation with work, maybe ask them to “hold” a place somewhere for their beloved youngest.

And one more, very important point. If a brother serving in the army is dear to a brother or sister, then they are probably aware of all the latest events in the village, district, city, which, in one way or another, relate to their relative. It happens that not everything goes well, some events are overgrown with rumors, gossip, slander. This may apply to the brother's girlfriend, and his past relationships with friends and buddies. Probably, it is worthwhile to think over the line of conduct in advance, prepare the “atmosphere”, tune in to a serious conversation with your brother in order to prevent showdowns, conflict situations and, as an extreme measure, offenses. And yet - this, of course, first of all - is a great holiday, both for parents and for brothers and sisters. It is necessary to organize and conduct it in such a way that only good memories remain for life.

Your Honor, Mr. Patrol!
You caught me at twenty-three zero - zero.
Ten days on the lip - try to sit it out!
Unlucky once in the service, lucky in love.

Your Honor, Mr Order!
Finally, the Motherland remembered us.
Tears welled up - that's served!
I was lucky in the service, lucky in love.


To become a man - it is not enough for them to be born,
To become iron, it is not enough to be ore,
You must melt, break,
And, like ore, sacrifice yourself.
We wish you health and good luck.
May joy and dreams be near.
And let of all male moral qualities
Kindness remains the strongest in You.
A little scream

There was also this...
Pavel Litvinov in the army
Variety monologue for the army environment
based on the work of A.P. Chekhov "Vanka"

Hello dear grandfather!
You gave me to life in bondage! Take me away from you!

In the morning they don’t let you sleep at all, but with loud roosters they raise you up and make you wave your arms naked in public.

Afterwards, they require to cover the couch in a special way. And I can't! After all, I didn’t throw mine at home!

And the sergeant chiefs are walking all around! Everything's up, you bastards!

Well, that's where it goes...
And then Duc, they teach you to walk in a special way. So that the whole company goes step by step. And whoever does not walk a step, they turn back, scold mercilessly, and, so that others would be discouraged, he is entrusted with a heavy outfit.

I was really tired here with walking in the company. All my little eyes were filled with sticky sweat. And the head of the foreman called me a pacer, and every day they will celebrate their pleasure with me on the square!

And there is no food. One meat! According to the Charter, it is supposed to call porridge meat.

And the robots here are all green. Though the howl of a wolf - you can not distinguish anyone in official clothes. And the boots I got are hefty big. And I am limping on both legs. And my gait became cavalry.

Dear grandfather! Take me away from you!
Here, it turns out, to work in the kitchen! I was so scared! And the foreman will be consoled: “Nothing, it’s on fire, the work is interesting, it’s on fire, it’s creative.” And here in the kitchen there is just one poet: I love the cymbals ringing in the font,

I love the evaporation of red fat,
I love ringing drops from the nose of sweat
And marvelous speeches from the lips of a neighbor!

The other day, beckoning there, they put the bowls to wash and left, and the kady came - I’m from the tub and can’t straighten up already. By the morning they were robed and unbent: flat on the floor, but on the seat with the whole platoon. In Boots. Massage they say...

And the Lord God, you see, was angry with me for the fact that I don’t drink well from booze. Frequent rains here will send bosses with big stars - and everything is on my little head!

Well, that's it, I'm done. And then clouds appeared in the sky and my black eye, which the sergeant set, doesn’t reflect the moon at all - it’s hard to write.
In the sun, the time is completely gone.

Your granddaughter is Pavel Litvinov.

P.S. And sell my harmonica and the money came here. Hefty here in tea smyatanka is delicious ...

So to speak
Does he make too much noise? Did it take up too much space?
You don't know where to put it?
Send your son to the army!

The women's guard of our family,
Have been in love with this guy for a long time!
We will not look for the best men,
Let's start congratulating Pasha on the demobilization!
Let this year be an example for us
For kids and senior citizens.

We will keep equal to demobilization
He is not avoided - believe me, your mother! (spit)
We have come to you to learn from you,
How to eat condensed milk and not sleep
How to escape from the ninth company
They came to congratulate Pasha on the demobilization!
Let sometimes you are prone to laziness,
We do not know the conflict of generations

We wish you health and happiness
We - demobilization came to congratulate!
And at the end of the solemn speech,
Let's stand on the line and straighten our shoulders
And let's say it again:
That all the soldiers we came to meet!

A little humor

After my son was taken to the army, I ate a letter from my mother from the post office that she wanted to send to the commander. Some of the words have been erased over the course of the year, so tell me the adjectives, and then I will read the letter.
Letter to the commander.
Dear comrade, mister, major, colonel, general, we don't know what to call you!
We are sending you to the military service of our ______ son. We hope that you don’t have some ______ unit with ______ officers and ______ ensigns there, but a real forge of strong and healthy men. Of course, we understand that tomorrow you will hand over _____ boots, ______ overcoat and ______ hat three sizes larger (we served ourselves, we know). Let him not be singled out from the total mass of these ______ conscripts.
Yes, we are aware that today our hero’s mood is, frankly, ______, appetite ______, and he smiles somehow ______. It's nerves. This is from the unknown that awaits him tomorrow. But don't think that we want to slip you a ______ frail from ______ citizen. He is a smart and prepared guy. He is fluent in drill training (he built a garage with his father). Look at the shape he's in! No, the uniform on it is already yours -______. What physical form is he in? Strong arms that can hold a ______ grenade launcher, strong legs that can wear these ______ boots, and the face just asks for a gas mask. We hope that the soldier's diet will not reduce his physical data. Although we know this your ______ porridge and ______ compote according to the soldier's norm. You can swell. No, we do not ask for concessions for him, but do not require him to dig trenches from the fence to sunset and march from the foreman to the next stump. We present him to you strong and healthy and we implore you, Comrade General, to return healthy sons to us!


In knightly times they said: "A man must love God, the king and the lady of the heart." In our time, paraphrasing, we can say: "A man must love the fatherland, honor and lady of his heart!" For the fulfillment of this duty!

Guest Oath

We swear to feed and drink from the heart,
we swear
We swear to love and blow away dust particles!
we swear
We swear demobilization to hug everything
we swear

We swear by hot stewed potatoes
we swear
We swear by the plate, fork and spoon,
we swear
We swear by the Snickers that we wanted so much
we swear
We swear you won't go back there again.
we swear
You just call us - and we will respond,
We swear, we swear, we swear!

Peace is peace! Delyage - money!
Bread for the country! SOLDIER - DEMBEL!!!

How to meet a son from the army, every mother knows or hypothetically guesses. But in a fit of surging feelings, you can miss fundamentally important moments. To prevent this from happening, it is better to think over and plan the event in advance, discussing the details with everyone at home.

It is better to meet your son from the army together. Parents, the girl can be met right at the station, and everyone else will be waiting for the soldier at home. The son, for sure, missed his relatives and friends very much and he will be pleased to see everyone on the first day at the celebration in honor of his arrival. Both childhood friends and relatives will come to meet the demobilized, and this is very pleasant, touching. In order not to forget to invite anyone, it is better to make a list. These people can also take an active part in the preparation of the holiday.

The son returned from the army and, for sure, he wants to finally taste his favorite homemade dishes. In order not to forget anything, the mother must draw up a menu in advance, including those goodies that her son loved very much before the army. Although this is a festive table, it is possible and necessary to cook even non-holiday dishes, if your son really likes them. It is advisable to instruct friends to go to the market and buy selected home-made products, and at this time mother will "roll a feast with a mountain."

How to meet from the army, you can discuss with friends, they know better than anyone the hobbies and preferences of their son. They can be trusted to decorate the room. It's great if the soldier returns home in the warm season and the family has its own dacha. So, in a decorated gazebo in the open air, the celebration turns out to be especially successful. But, if this is not possible, friends can prepare posters and hang them at the entrance to the entrance, in the apartment. The son should feel that he was expected and glad to return.

If you follow the ancient traditions, then in Russia and Ukraine they meet and see off with bread and salt and a towel. It will not be superfluous to order a loaf in the bakery and give it to your son upon arrival. So, the mother will bless the child, and he, accepting bread from the hands of the mother, should bow low to the ground and kiss her hands as a sign of his love and respect.

All relatives and friends who meet their son from the army are the best gift for his arrival. At a joint feast, there will be an opportunity to talk with everyone, find out all the news and tell about your service, where, as a rule, funny and instructive stories happen. At such feasts, joy and smiles flow like water, because everyone is very happy to meet. A sincere and friendly atmosphere will help the soldier quickly feel at home and overcome the psychological difficulties that often arise after military service. If the son has a girlfriend who honestly waited for him, then they need to be allowed to be together.

The son, for sure, has changed, become more mature, which every mother needs to get used to. To avoid conflicts, you should try to treat the guy like an adult, respect him and support him. Service in the army makes real men out of boys, and you can’t try to return everything back at home. A mother whose son has honorably completed military service should be proud of him. A holiday on the occasion of the arrival from the army is a great idea that will appeal not only to the son, but to all those invited.