How to remove stretch marks on the stomach: home and salon methods, photos, videos. Video: prevention of stretch marks in pregnant women. Video: how to remove stretch marks on the body

Stretch marks (the medical name for stretch marks) are transverse scars on the skin that occur for a number of reasons. Stretch marks can be varied in area (from a few millimeters) and quite long, and are also characterized by different colors (from white to dark purple).

The places of localization of striae are most often areas of the body prone to the deposition of fat - thighs, abdomen, buttocks. However, sometimes they can be seen on other parts of the body: on the arms, shoulders, waist, calves.

These unattractive stripes on the body are a serious cosmetic problem for many women (and in modern realities, men), so they try to get rid of them by any means.

Causes of stretch marks on the body

teenage hormonal imbalance

During puberty, there is a rapid change in the hormonal background, which, coupled with a sedentary lifestyle and malnutrition, can provoke the appearance of stretch marks on the body.

Change in body weight

Sharp jumps in weight when losing weight or gaining weight can cause stretch marks to form. This fact is explained by the inability of the skin to take on a new body shape in a short period.

Hormonal adaptation and changes in the weight of the expectant mother very often lead to the formation of stretch marks.

postpartum period

During this period, body weight decreases sharply, so the stretched skin does not have time to take its original shape, as a result of which a large number of stretch marks may appear on the abdomen, legs and hips.


Not the last place in the classification of the causes of stretch marks is genetic predisposition. But even despite this, the appearance of stretch marks can be avoided if regular prophylaxis against their occurrence is carried out.

How to remove stretch marks on the stomach?

Getting rid of stretch marks in a short time is quite difficult. However, proper nutrition, sports activities, as well as the regularity and systematic implementation of the following measures to eliminate them and prevent the occurrence of striae after some time will help to forget about this problem.


The condition of the skin, including on the legs, is directly dependent on the diet. Therefore, the following products should be included in it: fresh herbs, various types of nuts, seafood, unsweetened fruits, fresh berries and vegetables, yogurt, buckwheat and tomato juice.

For the best result, you will need to exclude flour, fried foods, pastries and confectionery, bananas, fatty milk and meat from your menu.

Taking vitamins

In addition, the regular use of vitamin complexes containing vitamins A and C, magnesium, beta-carotene, amino acids, etc. contributes to the prevention and reduction of stretch marks. , generally.

Physical exercise

The following exercises are effective against stretch marks on the abdomen:

  • Take a position lying on your stomach and bend your body back as much as possible. After holding in this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat the exercise ten times.
  • Ten times to inflate the stomach as much as possible while inhaling and when exhaling, press it to the back.

Also, ordinary jumps, both in height and in length, can be used as measures to combat stretch marks on the stomach.

At the same time, it should be remembered that after childbirth by caesarean section, it is necessary to approach any physical exercises with caution. In this case, it is recommended to start exercising no earlier than 2 months after the operation.


To remove stretch marks on the abdomen and to cope with even the most chronic stretch marks that have degenerated into scars, the pharmaceutical hydrogels "Kontraktubeks" and "Mederma" will help. However, you should not expect a quick effect from them - the first results from the use of gels can be observed only after six months.

Salon procedures

Ozone therapy

The essence of this method is the introduction of subcutaneous injections with an ozone-oxygen mixture. To achieve visible results, you will need from 8 sessions, which you need to visit once a week.

Vitamin injections

They contribute to the resorption of all kinds of scars, including the ability to remove postpartum stretch marks. Injections are performed according to the previous scenario, only instead of ozone they contain vitamin solutions.

How to remove stretch marks on legs?


Physical culture and sports activity has a good effect on body shaping and strengthening of stretched skin tissues. The most effective disciplines for stretch marks on the skin of the legs are running, swimming, squats and jumping.

Sauna therapy effectively helps to remove stretch marks on the legs, stomach and other parts of the body (in the absence of contraindications to it). A visit to the bath will cause increased blood flow to all tissues of the body (including skin) and push them to intensive regeneration.


In addition, self-massage is able to help in the fight, especially with fresh stretch marks. Strengthened massage movements in the area of ​​stretch marks to the point of slight redness can improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.

It is highly desirable to combine foot massage with taking a contrast shower - this will significantly enhance the desired effect.

How to remove stretch marks on the thighs?

To get rid of stretch marks on the thighs, all the methods listed above are suitable. The following salon procedures will further increase the effect of massage, sports and proper nutrition.


The method consists in taking baths with mineral salts, mud and sea silt. A course of such procedures can nourish the skin of the thighs and other parts of the body, saturate it with useful minerals, and also significantly even out its microrelief - make it smoother.


The body covered with a special composition is wrapped in a thermal blanket for one hour. This method is especially effective in the fight against fresh striae.

Chemical peel

The essence of the procedure is the “burning out” of skin scars with the help of chemicals. Suitable for chronic stretch marks that are not amenable to any other methods of elimination.

laser perforation

This procedure involves laser removal of stretch marks on any parts of the body (even in intimate areas) without injuring skin tissues and other side effects.

Folk methods of dealing with stretch marks

For those who want to get the maximum result from the prescribed course of fighting stretch marks, or for financial or other personal reasons, do not want / cannot spend money on salon procedures, folk remedies are ready to help get rid of stretch marks.


Home scrubs can have an effective effect against stretch marks:

  • mix honey and sea salt in equal proportions;
  • mix pharmacy bodyaga with hydrogen peroxide;
  • mix coffee grounds from cooked coarse coffee with yogurt (sour cream, cream, kefir).

Scrub should be regularly applied to stretch marks and rubbed vigorously into the skin with massaging movements. After the end of the procedure, the applied mixture should be washed off with warm water, and then apply a cream or body oil.


Shilajit-based creams help to quickly remove stretch marks on the hips, abdomen and chest. How to prepare such a cream at home, the following video will tell:

Oil blends

Mix vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) with 4 drops of rosemary oil, two drops of clove, lavender and mint oils. With some effort, rub the resulting mixture over the skin of problem areas.

An excellent effect is given by another mixture made from almond oil, rosemary oil and petitgrain (mix in equal proportions). The result of prolonged use of oil mixtures will be an increase in skin elasticity and a decrease in the number of stretch marks on the body.

Stretch marks on the abdomen spoil the mood, plunge into despondency and at the same time awaken the spirit of struggle. After all, cosmetic defects are not a sentence, there is always a way to improve the appearance of the skin. The main thing is not to waste time on empty regrets, but immediately take action on how to remove unsightly stripes.


This is a microtrauma of the deep layers of the skin, arising from excessive tension. Fresh red striae due to damaged capillaries. Over time, injuries are overgrown with connective tissue and turn white. This nuisance is not dangerous to health and can happen to anyone. Doctors attribute such cases to cosmetic defects.

The ability to stretch the skin is given by protein fibers containing collagen. Sometimes the production of this substance is inhibited, the fibers lose their elasticity and literally break under the pressure of a growing belly. This happens against the background of different conditions:

  • growth or fluctuations in body weight;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes;
  • excessive physical activity.

An increase in the fat layer on the abdomen is the most common cause of scarring with rapid weight gain. This problem is not only female. Thirty percent of men and even teenagers suffer from obese striae. This often happens with excessive consumption of fast carbohydrates: buns, cakes, sweet soda. However, with a sharp weight loss, stretch marks also occur. Therefore, you need to gain and lose body weight gradually.

On a day with a normal diet, a person accumulates about 1 g of excess fat. When overeating, the figure is much higher.

A common occurrence is striae when carrying a baby. They accompany a woman in this happy period with:

  • polyhydramnios;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • genetic predisposition.
During pregnancy, the skin of a woman experiences strong pressure from the inside.

Stripes on the abdomen in pregnant women usually appear in the third trimester. Progesterone levels rise and collagen production falls. As a result, the skin does not withstand stress. The risk group includes women with polyhydric pregnancy, when the volume of amniotic fluid is above the norm - more than 1.5 liters. According to statistics, 25% of women in labor face such a complication. Multiple pregnancy is almost always accompanied by striae.

But even when amniotic fluid and the number of embryos do not break records, a genetic factor may come into play. For example, if a mother and grandmother acquired striae while expecting a child, then the daughter will also be susceptible to their occurrence. With such heredity, unfortunately, even preventive measures aimed at maintaining skin elasticity do not help.

Irregular nutrition, age-related hormonal changes in adolescents can also lead to scarring on the abdomen. In such cases, it is worth consulting an endocrinologist.

Chronic stress, the use of corticosteroids lead to increased production of hydrocortisone. This "stress hormone" in high concentration is the enemy of beautiful skin. It destroys connective tissue proteins and causes the growth of body fat due to an increase in blood sugar levels. As a result, the stomach grows and stretch marks appear.

Cortisol is produced by the adrenal cortex. It regulates carbohydrate metabolism and is responsible for the accumulation of energy reserves in the liver - glycogen.

Taking anabolics also provokes the appearance of stretch marks. Steroids accelerate muscle growth but reduce the skin's ability to stretch. Bodybuilders often have these defects.

How to get rid of stretch marks on your stomach without leaving home

Starting the fight, immediately get ready for the fact that the results will be modest if the stretch marks are old, more than a year old. Home treatments help only with fresh striae. The sooner you start taking care of your skin, the more likely you are to get rid of defects.


This procedure is easy to carry out at home using a ready-made or homemade scrub. Mechanical peeling solves several problems:

  • exfoliation of the upper stratum corneum of the skin;
  • deep cleansing of pores so that subsequent care is effective;
  • improving tone and metabolism to accelerate collagen synthesis;
  • stretch marks alignment.

It is most convenient to clean the skin in the bathroom. After the procedure, the scrub is washed off in the shower. The mass is applied to the stomach and rubbed in a circular motion until a rush of blood is felt to the treated surfaces. After the massage, leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week for two months.

Many note the positive effect of scrubs on the skin with regular use.

An army of female warriors with stretch marks tested and confirmed the effectiveness of folk scrub recipes.

  1. Mix fresh chopped lemon zest with 50 g of yogurt and 1 tsp. almond oil.
  2. Connect 1 tbsp. l. sugar with 1 tbsp. l. finely ground salt and 1 dess. l. unrefined vegetable oil.
  3. Add to 2 tbsp. l. sleeping coffee grounds 1 tsp. salt and honey.
  4. Mix 4 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal with 2 tbsp. l. peach kernel oil and 1 tsp. honey.

Massage at home

Rubbing the skin should precede the application of any stretch marks treatment. Then blood flow will improve, metabolism and useful substances will be fully absorbed. Massage is best done after a contrast shower and peeling. Ideally, the whole body is rubbed from the feet to the heart. The abdomen is massaged clockwise without excessive pressure for 5-10 minutes. massage mitt or brush. If the massage is done with your hands, perform pinching movements: grab the skin with your fingers and gently pull from the bottom up.

Smoothes the skin massage with silicone or glass jars.

  1. Apply a suitable stretch mark remedy to your abdomen.
  2. Place the jars so that the skin is not strongly absorbed, otherwise it will be difficult to move them.
  3. Move the jars in a circular motion for 5-15 minutes.

When massaging with cans, it is better to apply oil: it is slippery and the cans move easily.

With stretch marks, it is useful to do rubbing with honey, since its amino acids and trace elements increase tissue regeneration.

  1. Apply the required amount of honey on the stomach.
  2. Make hand claps on the skin for 5-10 minutes until a white coating forms. Wash off the residue.

But the most effective massage is carried out with the help of vegetable and essential oils. Fatty acids and vitamins of these products penetrate the skin deeper than other products. The following base oils reduce the size of scars:

  • almond;
  • coconut;
  • avocado;
  • linen;
  • jojoba;
  • wheat germ;
  • grape and peach seeds.

For accelerated cell renewal, mixtures are recommended: base oils are combined with essential oils at a concentration of 10:1. To avoid burns from concentrated substances, the components are thoroughly mixed and only then applied. Essential oils trigger tissue regeneration:

  • roses;
  • lavender;
  • rosemary;
  • cypress;
  • citrus.

Tangerine oil is used for stretch marks, but not during pregnancy, it is dangerous for the unborn child

If stretch marks hurt and itch, do an anesthetic rubbing.


  • aloe pulp - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • unrefined extra virgin olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vitamin E - 2 capsules,
  • vitamin A - 1 capsule.

Mix the ingredients and rub the painful area of ​​the abdomen. During pregnancy, this composition is not used, it is better to rub the skin with wheat germ oil or flaxseed.

Masks: folk remedy recipes

To restore the beauty and tone of the skin, tightening and nourishing formulations are used. They are applied to a clean stomach for 15-30 minutes. Two times per week. Course duration - 10 procedures. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a week break.

The nourishing mask stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues.


  • yeast - 15 g;
  • cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Dilute yeast with cream.
  2. When foam forms, add honey and stir.

The skin of the abdomen sagging from stretch marks will be tightened by the composition of the following components:

  • cocoa powder or melted dark chocolate - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg white - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix ingredients and apply by rubbing in circular motions.

Chocolate mass is best applied to the stomach in a warm form.

The mask with badyaga improves blood circulation in sagging skin: dilute the powder according to the recipe on the package and apply to the skin. Massage your abdomen for 3 minutes. Leave on for another 15 minutes, then rinse in the shower. Do not use the freshwater sponge on sensitive skin as it may cause burns.

Grape gruel evens out wrinkled skin from stretch marks: separate the pulp of 7 grapes and rub it on the stomach. Wait for it to dry, rinse off.

For masks from stretch marks, use any means that increase blood circulation in the area of ​​application.

Creams, ointments from stretch marks on the skin

Store-bought products are less effective than homemade mixtures, because they contain useful substances in a meager amount. The only advantage is fast absorption. If there is absolutely no time for an oil massage or a mask, it is better to apply a ready-made cream than nothing at all. Among the inexpensive products for stretch marks, buyers distinguish: a remedy for TM "Sanosan" from Germany and cream Mom and Baby from "Vitex" from Belarus. Before you buy a skin care product, find out its composition. An effective cream usually contains:

  • vegetable oils;
  • vitamin E;
  • vegetable collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • panthenol.

Cream from TM "Sanosan" is also used as a prevention of stretch marks

Pharmacy products are usually cheaper than cosmetic ones. They are also used to treat and prevent scarring.

  1. Bepanten even smooths old stretch marks a little.
  2. Clearvin tones the skin.
  3. Zinc ointment increases collagen synthesis.
  4. Heparin ointment improves blood circulation at the site of application.

Creams are applied 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening for 2-5 months.

In homemade creams, we ourselves regulate the concentration of nutrients. The first place in terms of effectiveness is occupied by a simple cream with mumiyo.


  1. Dissolve 6 tablets of pharmacy mumiyo in 1 tsp. water with a temperature not exceeding 39 ° C.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. any cream. Leave for 15 minutes, stir.

Apply to strips 1-2 times daily. Keep for 2-3 hours, then rinse the skin. Keep the cream in the refrigerator for up to a month.

Mumiyo contains a unique complex of vitamins and minerals that heal any damage. Judging by the reviews, this is the best remedy for stretch marks.


Sedimentary rocks faithfully serve beauty, tighten the skin with excessive stretching. Blue, gray and green clay copes with defects. It is diluted with water to the density of sour cream so that the composition does not drain from the body. Various additives are welcome: herbal infusions, essential and vegetable oils, algae. Prepare mixtures with bee products.


  • Gray and blue clay - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Honey - 1-2 tsp

Dilute the clay and add honey. The composition is best applied at night, securing with a bandage or cloth. Minerals of the mixture smooth out stretch marks when applied twice a week for a month. Then take a break for 2 weeks. Be sure to moisturize and nourish your skin every time you apply the clay.

Clay masks unclog pores and make skin firmer

For large striae, a warming mixture is applied.


  • clay powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • ground dried ginger - 1 tbsp. l.

Dilute the mixture of components with warm water until a thick mass is formed. Apply for 10-20 minutes. In case of severe burning, rinse immediately.

Some tribes in Africa and Australia use green, blue and white clay for food.

How to get rid of defects on the stomach: a visit to the salon

Salons offer to get rid of even old stretch marks with the help of injections, laser, chemical resurfacing. However, these methods do not work for everyone. The cure depends on how the metabolism in the deep layers of the skin will take place, and no one can predict this. If you are willing to risk a large amount of money for the sake of an illusory hope, start with the most gentle procedures.


This is the only painless and pleasant procedure for stretch marks. Salons offer as a working composition: oils, chocolate, algae, musk, guarana, clay, mud. With stretch marks, kelp wraps are most effective and popular, aimed at improving skin turgor. Surely in each salon you will be offered some of their successful developments. The number of sessions and additional procedures are prescribed by the doctor depending on the number and size of stretch marks.

Chocolate wrap treats stretch marks and cellulite


During the session, pain is felt, but after the body heals quickly. This method is as follows: a medical solution is injected under the skin with a needle, which helps the cells recover faster. The specialist himself selects the necessary medicines. Numerous injections are carried out using a syringe gun. The problem is that the client has no control over the composition of the injection. It remains to believe in the integrity of cosmetologists.

There are also needleless types of mesotherapy. Medicines are administered without skin puncture using: ultrasound, electrical impulses, laser or gas. Such services are provided in the salons of large cities.

To avoid bruising after injection mesotherapy, do not take alcohol, blood thinners for 2 days before the procedure.


With the help of a laser, most often fractional, the skin is “cauterized”. Thus, its renewal is stimulated. The metabolism is accelerated, collagen is synthesized more actively. Hormonal contraceptives are canceled 90 days before the session. The procedure is carried out once a month. Next comes the recovery period. Within three months after grinding, the treated areas should not be exposed to sunlight. After the procedure, clients often complain of pain and swelling. Most likely, up to 5 such procedures will be needed.

Laser peel stimulates the production of collagen and elastin proteins

Chemical peeling involves exfoliating the skin with various abrasives, such as acids. After the removal of the stratum corneum, even homogeneous skin grows. To ensure that peeling does not lead to a burn, it is entrusted only to a qualified doctor. The rehabilitation period is the same as after laser resurfacing.

Prevention of stretch marks on the abdomen

Getting rid of ugly stripes takes a long time, and sometimes painful. Therefore, it is better to reduce the chances of their occurrence in advance. To do this, you need to pay attention to the deep process - the metabolism of the body. After all, it depends on him how the connective tissue proteins that support the structure of the skin will be produced. A normal metabolism needs decent nutrition. Eliminate foods that negatively affect the chemical processes in the body:

  • flour;
  • sweet;
  • fatty.

It is clear that it is impossible to completely abandon temptations. You just need to replace most of the junk food with fruits and vegetables. In addition, when gaining or losing weight, do not allow sudden jumps.

If you eat right, you are less likely to gain weight and get stretch marks.

As a source of protein food, use lean meat, fish and seafood. Replenish the lack of healthy fats with nuts and unrefined vegetable oils. Low-fat jelly based on gelatin is useful for the skin, because it contains animal protein - collagen.

Do not eat more than one type of protein at a time. For example, do not combine milk and meat, cheese and nuts. In addition, do not combine meat, fish with sour fruits and vegetables - protein is much worse absorbed.

Proper metabolism is impossible without a sufficient amount of clean water. Drink up to 2 liters of moisture per day, not counting tea and coffee. These diuretic drinks do not replenish the body's water reserves, but steal them.

And only now, after eliminating the underlying cause of scarring, proceed to external influences:

  • regular massage;
  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin;

Charging is very useful, warming up those muscles over which stretch marks usually appear. Every day for 15 min. do exercises for the press to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen. Walk more, walk in the park and the forest, play outdoor games: tennis, badminton, volleyball. If you are pregnant, ask your doctor what kind of exercise will not hurt you.

Getting enough sleep is an important part of prevention. After all, the skin is restored when we sleep.

For the prevention of scars on the abdomen, the same means are used as for their treatment. A mixture of oils is especially effective:

  • lavender - 1 drop;
  • geranium - 2 drops;
  • tangerine - 3 drops;
  • wheat germ - 10 drops.

During the period of bearing a baby, it is better to use only approved base oils in their pure form: olive, linseed, coconut, almond. To prevent stretch marks, also pick up a bandage if there are no contraindications.

Foods and dishes to prevent stretch marks - gallery

Any nuts are good for the skin Aspic contains collagen - a protein responsible for the elasticity of the skin Shrimp in sauce - an easily digestible protein to maintain the elasticity of the abdomen

How to avoid stretch marks - video

From the author: how my stretch marks disappeared

When faced with stretch marks, you go through 3 stages: frustration from loss of beauty, struggle, humility. Coincidentally, already at the first stage, my family acquired a dacha. As a result, I avoided subsequent disappointing situations. The arrangement of the site, the construction of the house did not leave me time for a war with defects. Many years have passed and now I came across the topic of stretch marks. When I examined the places where they were, I did not see the striae. If you strongly strain your eyesight, only a thin light cobweb is visible. Fresh air, constant physical activity, a lot of fruits, vegetables, clean water, smoothed out the defects. I did not use any cosmetic products for scars. My advice is to shift your focus away from your navel and onto something big that will improve your entire lifestyle. As a result, improve your health, improve your metabolism and striae will become invisible. If you care about them at all. After all, as you get older, your priorities change.


Before any procedures, ask your doctor if they can be carried out in your particular case. This is especially important during pregnancy. Even harmless "weeds" can be harmful. For example, when carrying a baby because of the threat of miscarriage, the use of essential oils is prohibited: lavender, jasmine, rosemary, citrus. Not recommended and any warming compositions, which include: badyaga, ginger, pepper. When performing massage while waiting for the baby, do not press on the stomach, rub the products with light movements.

Do not use hot wraps when:

  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • malignant tumors;
  • gynecological inflammatory diseases;
  • bleeding of various origins;
  • diabetes.

Mesotherapy is contraindicated in:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • low pain threshold.

Laser and chemical peeling is prohibited when:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • herpes;
  • skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis);
  • tumors of any etymology;
  • epilepsy;
  • kidney failure.

Hello! Recently, I often hear that many are concerned about such a cosmetic problem as stretch marks. we will look at many different types of stretch marks on the body, talk about the nature of their occurrence, methods of treatment and prevention.

How often do we hear the word “stretch marks”, and not only hear, but also face this problem.

In the modern world, there are a lot of tools that come to the rescue to save us from skin defects: cosmetics, hardware techniques and plastic surgery.

But how to understand what exactly is needed in a given situation?

Stretch marks appear for two main reasons - hormonal imbalance with a sharp increase or decrease in body weight. But besides these reasons, there are others that you did not even know about.

The problem of stretch marks is not as scary as it might seem at first glance. The most important thing is to notice the problem in time, start treatment at the initial stage of occurrence, and prevent stretch marks from aging.

How to do this will be discussed in the article. Let's not be alone with our problem!

Stretch marks are a kind of skin defect in the form of strips of different lengths and widths.

Almost everyone knows about this, but not many people know where they come from, the reasons for their appearance and how to get rid of them.

The main cause of stretch marks is overstretching of the skin. Also, the cause of this defect may be the consequences of wound healing, microtrauma and scarring of sutures after operations. Let's look at the main reasons in more detail.

Stretch marks in men

The main places where striae appear in men are as follows:

  • on the lower back
  • on the sides
  • on the buttocks
  • on the hips
  • in the area of ​​the forearms and armpits

Horizontal stretch marks on the lower back, sides and hips are formed as a result of excessive physical exertion or sudden weight loss. Also, the cause may be a hormonal change or a malfunction of the pancreas.

Stretch marks in women

In women, stretch marks can form on almost the entire body. The main reasons are:

  • Pregnancy, stretching of the skin mainly in the abdomen and chest.
  • Fullness and obesity, very rapid weight gain and stretching of the skin in this case, the skin simply does not keep up with the increase in the fat layer.
  • Diabetes mellitus, due to drying and cracking of the skin.
  • Endocrine and pancreatic diseases, due to the release of cortisol into the body, which weakens the connective tissues of the skin.
  • Sharp weight loss, due to the fact that the skin, as well as with obesity, does not have time to return to its normal state correctly and quickly.
  • Long-term use of drugs of the glucocorticoid group, which lead to obesity, and hence to striae.
  • hereditary factor.

Stretch marks in teenagers

In teenagers, stretch marks can appear all over the body and for various reasons. Here are some of them:

  • hormonal disbalance
  • obesity
  • enhanced growth

Stretch marks on the body of a teenager are formed due to the fact that the skin does not have time to grow and stretch, it does not keep up with the body and muscle mass. For example, defects on the chest and hips of a girl can talk about it.

But if stretch marks appear on the back of a teenager, then this can serve as a signal that there may be problems with the internal organs, and you should consult a doctor.

Stretch marks in a child

Stretch marks on a child's body mainly appear for the same reasons as in a teenager, but this list is more extended:

  • hormonal disbalance
  • obesity
  • sudden weight gain or weight loss
  • enhanced growth
  • malnutrition
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • great physical activity

It is worth worrying if you notice stretch marks on the body of a child. They may be a sign of a chronic focus of infection. If a child has stretch marks on the body, you should immediately consult a doctor!

critical situations

Critical situations during which stretch marks may appear:

  • pregnancy (regardless of term)
  • puberty in adolescents
  • overweight, obesity, sudden weight gain and loss
  • hormonal or endocrine disruption
  • strong physical activity

Cause of hormonal stretch marks

Hormonal stretch marks mainly appear during pregnancy and during puberty. At this time, the balance of hormones is disturbed, due to which the skin tissues become thinner. You need to see a doctor, take tests and start taking drugs that normalize the hormonal background of the body.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a wonderful moment in the life of every woman, but terrible skin imperfections darken these periods a little. What causes stretch marks and how to avoid them on the body during pregnancy?

Stretch marks during pregnancy are scars due to rupture of skin tissue due to a lack of collagen in the body. Due to the fact that the fetus grows and develops, the tummy of the expectant mother grows, extra pounds appear, and stretching and scarring occur.

At this moment, the elasticity of the skin surface is lost, the lack of moisture, the epithelium does not have time to grow and tear.

The main causes of skin deterioration during pregnancy are an unbalanced diet and a hereditary factor. Whether a pregnant woman will have stretch marks on her body or not, no one will say about it. But it is not worth waiting with horror for the appearance of this defect. During pregnancy and after it, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, which we will talk about a little later.

Features of stretch marks

Stretch marks come in different colors:

  • pink(red) - at the very beginning, as soon as the rupture of the skin fibers occurs, the stretch marks have a pinkish-red color, because. the wounds are still quite fresh and are very close to the surface.
  • purple- after a pink or red color, the wounds acquire a purple hue, because. tears and stretched tissue are no longer so fresh, but striae are still very young and there is every chance to get rid of them quickly and easily.
  • blue- stretch marks acquire a bluish or blue tint after 4-5 months, they are no longer quite young, but the skin begins to lose pigment and it becomes more and more difficult to “get rid” of the defect with cosmetics without resorting to plastic surgery.
  • white- old scars that are already completely whitish and lose pigment. Such stretch marks are more than 6-8 months old. They are difficult to cosmetically treat and require mainly laser resurfacing.

At the very beginning, the stretch marks are reddish, pinkish, purple or blue. This is due to the close distance to the site of stretching of the epithelium of the blood vessels.

As the striae “age”, they lighten, form a subcutaneous scar and become white, because. over time, the pigment ceases to be present in them. Even when exposed to the sun, the stretch marks will remain white.

Stretch marks on the face

Recently I heard such a question from a friend: “In what disease do stretch marks appear on the face?”. I began to study this and now I can tell you about it in more detail.

Stretch marks on the face occur for various reasons, for example, after mechanical damage to the skin or hormonal imbalance, namely, an increase in progesterone, which slows down the production of elastin. Stretch marks on the face after losing weight is another reason for their appearance.

There are three options for getting rid of stretch marks on the face:

  • surgical
  • cosmetic
  • at home

It all depends on the neglect and age of the stretch marks. The first option is the most extreme, it is used when all other options have been tried and have not helped.

The second option is to visit a beautician. Professional means, with the help of hardware procedures, will help you get rid of this defect.

But there is a third option - treatment at home. I advise you to use it in the first place. The cosmetic market offers a huge selection of drugs that help get rid of stretch marks at the initial stage of their occurrence - gels, creams, moisturizing lotions and scrubs. They must contain amino acids, collagen, essential oils, vitamins and minerals.

Stretch marks occur on the back, and, in particular, on the lower back. But the appearance of the back in one place or another has almost the same beginning.

Causes of stretch marks on the back and lower back:

  • rapid weight gain or drastic weight loss
  • hormonal imbalance or obesity
  • inactivity and malnutrition
  • skin trait or heredity
  • physical activity (especially affect the lumbar region)

Transverse stretch marks appear mainly on the lower back. This usually occurs in adolescents during puberty, hormonal imbalances or due to intense physical exertion. Be sure to find out the cause and treat.

Since striae on the back is a disease more belonging to adolescence, then treatment should be approached with caution! It is impossible to get rid of stretch marks on the back and lower back quickly. There are three methods of dealing with this disease:

  1. - the most common method of dealing with stretch marks on the back. It consists in the introduction of medicines with a syringe or a special apparatus into the area of ​​stretch marks, which improve metabolism. Course treatment - 2 sessions per month.
  2. Cosmetics and medicines in the form of special ointments, gels and healing lotions.
  3. . Getting rid of shallow stretch marks occurs after one session. But the method is expensive and painful.


Stretch marks on the back of a teenager, which doctor should I contact?

Be sure to consult with several doctors - an endocrinologist, a gastroenterologist and a dermatologist.

What are the dangers of stretch marks on the back of a teenager?

Stretch marks on the back and lower back in a teenager can be a signal to check the internal organs and exclude hormonal imbalance. This can be dangerous, and you should not put off going to the doctor!

Stretch marks on the chest

Why striae appear on the chest, even doctors cannot say for sure. But there are several main reasons that provoke their appearance:

  • pregnancy
  • period of lactation and breastfeeding
  • hormonal imbalance
  • surgical interventions
  • heredity
  • weak immunity
  • inflammatory processes

In order for striae not to form, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures that will prevent the appearance of hated scars:

  • special physical exercises that strengthen the chest muscles
  • contrast massage and chest dousing with cold water
  • massage, and better manual
  • special creams and gels that improve skin elasticity
  • wraps
  • quality underwear

From my experience, I would highly recommend on the chest. In combination with manual massage, the oil gives an amazing effect. Stretch marks become less noticeable and practically cured. The most common oils for skin defects on the chest are rosemary, jojoba, almond, tangerine, rosewood and lavender.


How to choose a swimsuit with stretch marks on the chest?

You can choose a swimsuit and solid and separate. The main thing is that the cups should be with bones, cover the chest well, and dense to maintain shape.

Why do stretch marks appear when breasts grow?

Unfortunately, striae on the chest during its growth indicate that the skin is inelastic or the breast grows too quickly, and the skin does not keep up with the growth of the body. In this case, creams that moisturize, heal the skin and give it elasticity will help.

Can stretch marks appear after breast augmentation?

Yes, they can, as this is the same as a sharp increase in volume and stretching of the skin. Therefore, before breast augmentation surgery, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of stretch marks - moisturizing the skin, massages, proper nutrition, taking vitamins.

Do breast stretch marks go away after childbirth?

After childbirth, the woman begins lactation and she begins to breastfeed the baby. Therefore, so that stretch marks do not increase, since the breast becomes even larger during feeding, it is necessary to moisturize the skin, manually massage, use gels and creams (which are allowed for nursing mothers), and a cold contrast shower.

Stretch marks on the sides

Why do stretch marks appear on the sides and what they are:

  • Vertical stretch marks on the sides are formed with a sharp weight gain or a sharp weight loss.
  • Horizontal striae on the sides appear in violation of the hormonal background and endocrine diseases.

You need to fight striae on the sides in the same way as with any stretch marks on the body, plus be sure to visit a nutritionist and endocrinologist to normalize proper nutrition and hormonal levels.

Stretch marks on the buttocks

There are a lot of reasons for the appearance of stretch marks on the buttocks and thighs and they are varied. They are almost all the same as with the appearance of striae on the back, abdomen and on the whole body. There is another factor that provokes the appearance of stretch marks on the buttocks - long-term use of hormonal drugs that provoke a sharp weight gain.

Very often, representatives of the stronger sex ask themselves: “Why do stretch marks on the buttocks of men and why do they appear at all?” The answer is simple - excessive exercise! Therefore, even men need to monitor their health.

It is easy to get rid of stretch marks if the stretch marks on the buttocks are red, as this indicates that they are still fresh and can be removed with the use of special creams and gels. Therefore, at the first symptoms, I advise you to take immediate action, since with aging, stretch marks are more difficult to get rid of.


Why do men get stretch marks on their buttocks?

From excessive physical exertion, sudden weight gain or weight loss.

How to get rid of stretch marks on the thighs? There are several tips to help you:

  • the use of oils and creams for stretch marks on the thighs in conjunction with manual massage
  • sports activities, running is better - they tone the skin
  • pouring cold water
  • cold and hot shower
  • proper balanced diet

You can turn to cosmetologists, remove stretch marks using modern methods by grinding. But this procedure is not cheap, not very pleasant, and for advanced cases, when other means have not helped.


What style of swimsuit will hide stretch marks on the hips?

Unfortunately, all swimsuits are open, both solid and separate, so I can recommend purchasing a pareo in the color of the swimsuit. Firstly, it is fashionable, secondly, it is beautiful, and thirdly, you will no longer worry about the fact that you have stretch marks and they will be visible.

You can use tinted cosmetics, use self-tanning, wear trousers or long skirts.

Stretch marks prevention

Can stretch marks be prevented? Of course. It is not so difficult, and you will see it now. There are a few rules that will help you keep your skin in perfect condition:

  1. Maintain optimal weight for your body.
  2. Limit yourself in the use of sweet and starchy foods.
  3. A prerequisite is proper nutrition.
  4. Get regular massage sessions.
  5. Engage in physical education, do simple physical exercises.
  6. Use gels and creams to maintain skin elasticity.

Remember, it's better to prevent a problem than to look for ways to fix it!

And that's all for today, I say goodbye to you, until we meet again. All health and beauty!

Always yours, Anna 😉

Stretch marks on the body appear as a result of overstretching and micro-ruptures of tissues. Subsequently, the injured areas are filled with connective tissue, and scars are formed. At first, grooves of a reddish or blue color appear in places of ruptures. Over time, they lighten, leaving white stripes. Most often, this phenomenon can be seen on the abdomen, buttocks, outer thighs and chest.

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Getting rid of stretch marks is quite difficult. It is unlikely that they will be completely removed. But at home, you can carry out procedures that will help make this cosmetic defect almost invisible.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks (or striae) appear on the skin for the following main reasons:

  • sudden weight gain or loss;
  • hormonal changes in the body, usually occurring during pregnancy or adolescence;
  • acute beriberi;
  • genetic predisposition.

Stretch marks can be avoided by taking preventive measures. To do this, you need to monitor nutrition, exercise, moisturize the skin and take vitamins. But still, after giving birth, every third woman has stretch marks on her stomach and hips.

In men, this cosmetic defect is less common, since their skin contains more collagen. In addition, girls have thinner skin. This is necessary so that the tissues stretch more easily during childbirth.

Stretch marks on the abdomen in women

But despite this, men can also notice stretch marks on the body. Often this is due to too rapid set of muscle mass as a result of strength training. In this case, striae appear on the arms, shoulders, legs. They can also be localized in the groin or abdomen.

Stretch marks in men

Removal methods

If stretch marks have already appeared, it will not be possible to completely get rid of them, since scars form on the skin in this place. But with the help of some procedures, you can make striae much less noticeable.

It is believed that stretch marks become invisible if you tan well. But it's not. In the affected areas of the skin, melanin ceases to be produced. Therefore, after tanning, the white grooves on the body stand out even more.

Start removing stretch marks as early as possible. Fresh striae have a reddish tint, old ones are white.

Physical exercise

One of the main ways to remove stretch marks is to perform special physical exercises. This helps to tighten and tighten the skin. As a result, the striae will become almost invisible.

You can work out at home or at the gym. Exercises are suitable for both teenagers and women after pregnancy. But if the stretch marks are postpartum, you need to make sure that there are no medical contraindications to classes.

For the stomach

To quickly remove stretch marks on the abdomen, it is necessary to strengthen the press. Then the skin will become more dense and toned.

To do this, at home, you can perform simple exercises such as twisting and leg raises.

Crunches engage the rectus abdominis. To perform them correctly, you need to firmly press the lower back to the floor and not tear off the shoulder blades when lifting. Rise should be due to the tension of the abdominal muscles. You can't pull yourself by the neck.

In order to more strongly engage the lower part of the rectus muscle, it is necessary to perform leg lifts with twisting of the pelvis from a supine position.

It is difficult for beginners to perform this exercise correctly. Therefore, you can do alternate leg raises.

For chest

Often, after childbirth, stretch marks appear on the chest, spoiling its appearance. In this case, you will need to perform exercises aimed at tightening the pectoral muscles.

One of them is push-ups. It is performed with its own weight. It is important to keep the body straight without lifting the pelvis or arching the lower back.

Women most often find it difficult to immediately perform classic push-ups. Therefore, they can do push-ups from their knees.

If you have small dumbbells at home, you can do the bench press. To do this, you need to lie on your back on a bench or other similar object. The legs should rest firmly on the floor, and the arms should go perpendicular to it. Squeeze dumbbells should be the effort of the pectoral muscles.

With caution, you need to perform such an exercise as breeding dumbbells lying down. It is effective for strengthening muscles, but can lead to even more stretching of the skin in the chest area.

Breeding dumbbells lying

For hips

If stretch marks are on the buttocks, it is worth doing squats. This exercise is best for tightening the skin in this area. You need to squat with a straight back and a wide setting of the legs to a level just below the parallel with the floor. Body weight should be on the heels.

Lunges will also be effective. The knee of the working leg should be bent at 90 degrees. The body should be kept perpendicular to the floor. You need to push off when returning to the starting position with the heel.

The glute bridge is a great exercise for isolating the butt muscles. It's easy to do. It is enough to raise the pelvis, squeezing the buttocks, and lower after a short pause at the top point.

If stretch marks are localized on the outer side of the thigh, on the side of the buttocks, it is worth performing leg abductions to the sides.

You need to do the presented complex 2-3 times a week. Each exercise is performed in 3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions.


It is very important to improve nutrition. This measure should also be used as a preventive measure to prevent sudden weight gains.

If you already have stretch marks, the food should contain the vitamins needed to improve skin elasticity. The main ones are A, C and E.

Vitamin A contributes to the restoration and renewal of the skin. It is found in large quantities in the following foods:

  • carrot;
  • liver;
  • fish fat;
  • salad;
  • broccoli.

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, helps to heal wounds and scars. You can get it by using the following products:

  • citrus fruits (lemon, orange, grapefruit, kiwi, etc.);
  • rose hip;
  • berries (black currant, cranberry, lingonberry, sea buckthorn).

Vitamin E is essential for moisturizing the skin from the inside, restoring its smoothness and elasticity. It is found in the following products:

  • nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios);
  • seeds;
  • dried apricots and prunes;
  • White cabbage;
  • vegetable oils (linseed, corn);
  • wheat.

In addition, these vitamins can be purchased at a pharmacy in the form of capsules, tablets, or liquid solution. These remedies can be taken orally as food supplements.

Vitamins in liquid form are rubbed directly into the skin affected by striae.

But it is worth considering that the intake of vitamins should be carried out in courses so that their overdose does not occur.


Proper nutrition and exercise are the main ways to quickly remove stretch marks. All other methods are aimed at improving blood circulation in the problem area and should complement sports and diet. Such a set of measures will help to achieve results in a short time.

In particular, you can normalize blood circulation with the help of massage. Beauty salons offer special treatments to get rid of stretch marks. They can be carried out manually or using various devices.

At home, you can do vacuum massage with jars. But if the stretch marks are on the stomach, you will have to act very carefully due to the proximity of the internal organs.

For manual massage, you will need natural cosmetic oil (jojoba, wheat germ, apricot kernels, etc.). Cream will work too. Especially popular is the product containing the mummy. You can add a few drops of liquid vitamins A and E to it.

Massage lines should go clockwise. In this case, you can not stretch the skin. The procedure should be carried out daily until a slight reddening of the problem areas.

Cosmetical tools

Special cosmetics also help to make stretch marks less noticeable. They will work most effectively in combination with the methods listed above.

In a pharmacy, you can purchase the following effective remedies for stretch marks:

  1. 1. Bepanten. This cream has a healing effect and restores skin elasticity with regular use. In addition, its composition is safe for pregnant women. Therefore, this remedy can also be used when carrying a child to prevent stretch marks.
  2. 2. Retinoic ointment. The principle of its action is based on skin renewal and the growth of new cells. If the stretch marks are fresh, then the use of this tool will help to almost completely get rid of them. But the use of retinoic ointment is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. 3. Zinc ointment. Zinc is essential for the production of collagen, which makes up 80% of connective tissue. You also need to get enough of it from food.
  4. 4. Clearwin. This is a pharmacy cream, consisting of natural ingredients and Indian herbs. The main ones are aloe vera, turmeric, etc. The cream moisturizes the skin, restoring its water-salt balance. As a result of the application, stretch marks on the body are gradually smoothed out.
  5. 5. Elaskin. Cosmetic preparation consisting of various oils (jojoba, almond, avocado, rose) and zinc oxide. You can also use the cream for prevention, as it intensively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, preventing the appearance of stretch marks.

These funds are used externally, rubbing into problem areas 1 time per day. In addition, they can be used for massage.

Folk recipes

To improve blood circulation and reduce the visibility of stretch marks, various scrubs are also used, which can be prepared at home from improvised means.

To do this, you can use this recipe:

  • grind 5 tablespoons of coffee beans;
  • add 1 teaspoon of sea salt;
  • add olive oil so that a thick but homogeneous mixture is obtained.

The prepared composition is rubbed into problem areas for 10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

It is worth carrying out such a procedure 3 times a week until improvements occur.

If stretch marks are very visible and the above measures do not help to get rid of them, you can resort to removing them with a laser.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92kg. How to lose weight completely? How to deal with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or rejuvenates a person as much as his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

Few people know how to remove stretch marks on the stomach, dutifully resigning themselves to these skin imperfections caused by its deformation. In fact, there are several ways to fix this problem, in order to determine the right approach, you need to establish the cause of their occurrence. As a rule, it lies on the surface and is directly related to either sudden weight loss or hormonal changes. There are home methods for getting rid of stretch marks and salon methods.

After childbirth

Often, stretch marks on the abdomen in women appear after pregnancy, as one of the consequences of childbirth. It can be associated with both a change in the hormonal background, and with an increase in body weight. The skin is deformed, in some places microtears are formed, which change color and become stretch marks. Usually they begin to appear already during pregnancy, so at the first sign, you need to start adjusting your diet, including more products that nourish the skin, and apply cosmetics that eliminate stretch marks on the stomach (rub vegetable oils or special cosmetics).

If you perform these procedures in advance, then getting rid of postpartum striae will be much easier. It will be possible to add a massage with essential oils, wraps with clay and plant extracts, as well as physical exercises to the complex of activities. It is better to refrain from procedures that can cause stress to the body at first, so that this does not affect the quality and quantity of breast milk, and hence the health of the baby.

After losing weight

If stretch marks on the abdomen are the result of a sharp weight loss, then measures should be taken immediately - over time, it will be more difficult to get rid of them. They can also be deep and not very deep - it depends on how much the person has lost weight.

In any case, in order to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach, you need to correctly build a diet, be sure to supplement it with plenty of liquid (the daily norm is at least 2 liters of still water, in addition, you can drink green or herbal teas). Include physical exercises in your daily routine: it is best to combine active sports with a stretching complex, this will help tone the skin and muscles in a short time.

It would be useful to take a contrast shower 2 times a day at the same time as scrubs or homemade masks. But the above measures help with fresh and shallow stretch marks, but if there are a lot of stretch marks on the stomach, then you can try salon procedures.

In men

Stretch marks are much rarer in men than in women. Nevertheless, men also sometimes suffer from this ailment, which can be triggered by a disease of the pancreas, sudden weight gain or loss, or a genetic predisposition. You need to get rid of them comprehensively. An integral part of the measures to eliminate stretch marks on the abdomen is a properly structured diet, balanced in terms of the number of proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats.

There are special cosmetic products for stretch marks, which are available in the form of a cream or gel. One of the main active components of such preparations is vitamin A (often it is also supplemented with vitamins C and E), which makes the skin more elastic. The most effective for men are: Avent, Venus, Contractubex and Sanosan. The complex should be supplemented with special exercises.


Adolescence due to accelerated growth and weight gain can also be accompanied by stretch marks. Since young skin is more receptive to various procedures, the care complex to remove stretch marks on the abdomen may consist of massage with a stiff natural bristle brush on a dry body. Massage should be carried out with soft circular movements. You can supplement it with any mask, which is made on the basis of folk recipes from natural ingredients. After several sessions, stretch marks on the abdomen become less noticeable, and soon disappear altogether.

How to remove old stretch marks

In order to remove old red stretch marks, one of the methods will not work. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to make them less noticeable. The way to get rid of them includes the following steps:

  • control of proper nutrition;
  • consumption of large amounts of liquid;
  • the use of specialized cosmetic and home remedies (scrubs and masks);
  • conducting a course of soft massage with oils - you should try to avoid rough massage (in particular, anti-cellulite), which can further deform the skin;
  • seaweed wraps (2 large spoons of kelp per liter of hot water);
  • visiting the sauna.

In the event that it is not possible to achieve the desired result, the only way to get rid of old stretch marks on the abdomen is with the help of surgical intervention.

How to remove stretch marks at home

All home methods should be present in the complex of measures against stretch marks on the abdomen. After the striae have been removed, the described methods should be used to prevent and maintain the overall skin tone.

Mask Recipes

In order to remove stretch marks on the stomach, the components for homemade masks must be used only fresh, and mixed in a glass or ceramic bowl. It is also important to consider the tolerance of each of the ingredients in the homemade formula.

Lemon mask

Squeeze juice from half a lemon. Add 2 tablespoons of kefir (if the skin is oily, then the product should be taken with a low fat content, with dry skin - with a high one) and a spoonful of olive oil. Apply to problem areas for half an hour. To enhance the result, you can create a thermal effect by wrapping your waist with cling film.

Vitamin mask

Grate a couple of aloe leaves (previously they need to be kept in the refrigerator for several days), pour 2 large spoons of sea buckthorn oil and 5 drops of orange essential oil into this porridge. Add the contents of capsules of liquid vitamins A and E. With the resulting composition, you need to smear the areas affected by stretch marks, rubbing thoroughly. Leave on the skin for an hour.

Avocado mask

Grind 1 fruit with a blender, adding blue clay powder dissolved in warm water (2 tablespoons), add 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (it is also made with a blender by grinding oatmeal). Mix the mixture thoroughly. After that, pour in 2 tablespoons of warmed coconut oil. Keep the mask on the body for a quarter of an hour.

grape mask

Crush 200 grams of green grapes. Add 2 tablespoons of grape seed oil and 6 drops of essential juniper essence. Exposure time - 1 hour.

Yeast mask

Dilute the contents of one package in two tablespoons of kefir, add a spoonful of melted bee honey. Apply this composition locally to problem areas, leaving for 30 minutes.

Proper nutrition

The main task that must be achieved with the help of proper nutrition is to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is necessary to provide her with maximum nutrition with useful elements and vitamins. Given this, in the diet to remove stretch marks on the abdomen, you should include:

  • cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley);
  • seafood (shrimp, mussels, squid);
  • fish (red and white fatty varieties - trout, saury, mackerel, sole, salmon);
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • lean meat (chicken, turkey, beef).

It is better to avoid a strict diet during the process of getting rid of stretch marks - so that there are no weight fluctuations that negatively affect the condition of the skin. You should also drink at least 2 liters of non-carbonated water daily.

Physical exercise

They will not take much time, but will help in the fight against stretch marks on the stomach. They can be performed as independent exercises or supplement them with a set of familiar workouts:

How to remove stretch marks with salon methods

When home treatments are not able to remove stretch marks on the stomach, it remains to resort to extreme measures in the form of salon methods.


It is allowed at any stage to remove stretch marks from the abdomen. The rules for both salon and home massage are the same: it should be performed with soft circular movements from the bottom up. Massage is best combined with other procedures - sauna, masks and body wraps. It will not hurt and as a strengthening method when performing other salon techniques. Quick results can be achieved if you massage with one of the vegetable oils: apricot, almond, coconut, sea buckthorn, olive. Or with the addition of a few drops of essential: orange, rose, juniper, sandalwood.

Chemical peel

This technique allows you to remove stretch marks on the abdomen due to the action of organic acids dosed injected into the required areas. It should be borne in mind that peeling, although it is highly effective, has a fairly extensive range of contraindications and is not suitable for people with hypersensitivity of the skin.

Ozone therapy

In this way, you can also remove stretch marks in beauty salons and clinics. As the name implies, the main active ingredient is ozone. It is injected under the skin, while chipping the area where stretch marks are present.


This type of salon services is able to remove stretch marks by introducing various medications (vitamins, acids, plant extracts, chemical elements and enzymes). Since the injections are administered in very small doses, the course of mesotherapy can last quite a long time - up to six months.


Of all the salon techniques, this one is the fastest and painless. It consists in a hardware effect on the necessary zones of the abdomen (or other area). The laser method also has disadvantages and they are quite significant: firstly, it is a high price, and secondly, it should be taken into account that laser treatment does not act in depth, and it is possible to remove striae with its help only superficially.


Specialists in salons can remove stretch marks using vacuum cleaning. Removal is based on a local effect on the affected areas with a special peeling device that gently exfoliates dead skin particles, thereby renewing it. Abdominoplasty It is used only in advanced cases, when other methods are powerless.


is a surgical intervention, with all the ensuing circumstances - the recovery period, observation by a doctor and the necessary examination.

In order to remove stretch marks on the abdomen, you need to observe regularity, do not start treatment and use all available methods, resorting to salon only in critical cases.