How to tell a girl I love you? How to tell a girl that I like her When to say that you love a girl

In every language of the world there is a phrase "I love you". And if a man decides to say it, then he has serious feelings for the girl, because for the stronger sex such an act is a step that means a voluntary renunciation of male freedom. Nevertheless, this also means that his intentions are clear and transparent - he wants to spend the rest of his life with a woman, build a family. And the family has always been a sacred concept.

Since men are more closed emotionally, saying “I love you” can be difficult for them. Psychologists say that the reasons should be looked for in childhood, because parents are trying to raise a strong and independent person out of their son, and sensitivity on their part can be regarded as weakness. As a result, the guy cannot take a step and confess to the girl his feelings.

How to get rid of fear

Fear is a natural feeling when it comes to talking about love. However, if a guy loves strongly, then there is a need to overcome this fear. What you need to know in this case:

  1. Realizing that fear exists is the first step in dealing with it.
  2. It is worth thinking that, having removed a heavy load from oneself, it will be easier to live, because the rest is a matter of chance.
  3. Saying "I love", we confess not weakness, but strength, because recognition requires courage.
  4. If a girl has sympathy and attention, she can also be suspected of reciprocal feelings, which means that the question of recognition becomes a formality.
  5. If a girl left a guy for a friend or left him, it will be difficult for him to open his heart to someone a second time, but you should understand that not all people are the same, and the need for happiness should be stronger than the fear of rejection.

How to say and not hear "no"

There are some tips when a happy life together will be real not in a dream, but in reality. For this:

  • you need to talk about your feelings only in a tête-à-tête setting. No emails or calls! The girl will be pleased with the attention, she will appreciate the courage of the act. Saying "I love" personally, a person expresses the importance of his soulmate;
  • it is better to express thoughts in your own words, it cannot be struck by memorized phrases, spoken uncertainly, without a fuse. The main thing here is calmness;
  • the situation plays an important role: it is necessary to choose the moment when the girl is comfortable, calm, when she is not preoccupied with problems. In an ordinary room, she will feel much better than in a cafe with a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bnoise and din;
  • Romance has not been canceled - it will be amazed by flowers, candles, poems, something created by one's own hands.

How to say "I love" the one that leaves

There are even sadder scenarios, for example, if a couple is on the verge of breaking up or people have not started dating at all. Saying “I love you” in such a situation is much more difficult, but it is precisely such words that can drastically change the situation.

Perhaps the girl wants to say goodbye precisely because she is not sure about the feelings of the guy. Then don't make excuses. The main criterion in such a situation is whether feelings are strong, does the guy see her as his girlfriend? If you have feelings, you must admit them. Psychologists say that liberation from an emotional burden, even in case of refusal, has a good effect on the human psyche. At least the answer will be known and the waiting will stop killing.

Give flowers. It may sound like a cliché, but nothing can say "I love you" like a beautiful bouquet of flowers. However, here you have to try a little - do not buy the cheapest bouquet on the market near your house. Ask friends or family for her favorite type of flowers and have them delivered to her home.

  • To add more romance, attach a romantic note to the flowers. It can be something short and sweet, like "beautiful flowers for a beautiful girl," or something more authentic, like a romantic quote from a poem or song.
  • If you're out of money right now, don't worry. You do not need to buy the most expensive and rare flowers. In fact, a single red rose or a freshly picked bouquet of wildflowers can be infinitely more romantic than a typical bouquet picked by someone else.
  • Prepare a romantic dinner for your girlfriend. You can show your love to a girl by taking a little time and putting in a little effort to make her happy, like cooking her favorite meal. If you have been dating her for a long time, you probably know very well what she likes. Don't try to cook something very difficult if you've never done it before. Add even more romance - beautifully set the table, light candles and turn on background music to set the mood.

    • You can let her know about your plans and offer to dress up for dinner, or you can surprise her - just make sure she will be home on time and definitely come alone!
    • Don't worry if you're not a chef, effort matters. However, if you're worried about whether your food is even edible, you might want to practice on family or friends first.
  • Write her a love letter. A letter is a really romantic way to show her that you love her and that she will remember for a very long time. This is especially good for those who find it difficult to express their feelings in words - you just need to take a pen and let your heart speak for you. You can give the letter to her in person or mail it for an even bigger surprise.

    • Get inspired by the words of great authors like Shakespeare, Byron, or Emily Dickinson if you're having a hard time starting your letter, or find famous romantic quotes you can use in your letter.
    • You can write her a sweet email or message, but there's nothing like good old-fashioned romance.
    • Alternatively, if you want to be more creative, you can express your feelings in a song or poem. You can sing the song in person or record it and send it to her if you're a little shy.
  • Plan the perfect date. Take the lead and plan a romantic evening just for the two of you. You can use the classic dinner and movie scenario, recreate your first date, or take her to where you first met. The time and effort put into preparing this special date will pay off in her reaction, and she will see how much you care about her.

    • Try to think more about what she likes and not about you - for example, you do not need to take her to bowling if you know that she likes ice skating more.
    • Try to find a creative approach based on her interests and hobbies. If she enjoys being active, go hiking or play paintball. If she likes to have fun, take her to an amusement park. If she likes music and theatre, buy tickets for a concert or play.
  • Compliment her. It is very easy. If you really love a girl, it will not be a problem for you to find 101 reasons to love her and compliment her. Can compliment her appearance: something she's proud of, like her long shiny hair or lovely green eyes, or something she cares about, like her curves or her chipped smile. However, you don't need to focus on her looks, you need to compliment her best features or her actions.

    • For example, you can tell her that you love her kind heart and that she is always ready to help others, or tell her how well she did at her last competition or meeting at work.
    • Compliments should always be sincere. If you tell her a lie, she may understand that you are lying, and then the effect will be just the opposite. Be sincere and real.
  • Make a surprise. Surprises are a great way to show a girl that you thought of her and would do anything to make her smile. You don't have to plan a huge party or buy her a puppy or anything (although that might be a good idea under some circumstances!). The surprise could be your visit with a bucket of ice cream and her favorite movie if she had a bad day, or a note left in her purse or under her pillow so she can find it at the most unexpected moment.

    • Some girls don't really like surprises, so to make sure everything goes well, try to find out how she feels or give her a few little hints before you do something crazy.
    • Such a move will only work if the surprise is good - it is better not to show up on her doorstep with a tattoo in the form of her face or with the news of moving to another city. Such surprises are not very encouraging.
  • Tell the girl that you love her. If you really love this girl, the easiest, most direct way to do this is to just tell her. You don't have to write a song or dance about it or rent a big banner with the words "I love you", you just have to wait for the moment when you have an intimate moment alone and say three short words to her, seriously and sincerely.

    • The very words "I love you" are a little scary, so try saying something with the same meaning, such as "I think I'm falling in love with you" or something hackneyed like: "You stole my heart." She will understand.
    • If this is your first time saying these words, don't be discouraged if she doesn't respond in kind right away. She may need more time to digest the information. Remember that "I love you" is not a question to be answered.
    • On the other hand, she can be beside herself with happiness if you work up the courage to tell her how you feel and jump at the possibility of saying the same words back to you. You'll never know if you don't try!
  • In modern society, guys are quite relaxed. They are rarely afraid to talk to a girl. This applies to ordinary conversation or appeal "on business". The question is different: how to make a girl understand that she is more than a friend to you? Worth considering, right?

    Many guys are afraid to talk about their feelings. Let's try to make out tips that help men reveal feelings for a girl.

    We offer to figure out: how to tell a girl that I like her? Many guys have experience with girls. They know how to properly express sympathy. Below are examples of the most used methods of communication with a girl he likes.

    If you also like the girl you are in love with, consider that you have received unplanned dividends.
    Clark Gable

    1. Find a common activity

    Try to find out the hobbies and interests of the girl you like. The information received can be used, the main thing is to direct it in the right direction.

    For example: invite a girl to your favorite theater or go to the skating rink. The main thing is to be sure of the girl's hobbies. After going to the theater, a lady may become attracted to your person. Take a moment and tell her about the sympathy.

    2. Shower the girl with compliments

    This method is the most common. After all, compliments can be used both when meeting, and during long-term communication. Most importantly, try to give appropriate compliments.

    For example, a girl came in a bright dress, emphasize this moment. Say that today the girl is especially beautiful. Or you can note the color of the dress, and that it fits insanely with the delightful figure of your companion.

    3. Show interest in a girl

    All, without exception, the fair sex love the attention of men. Your friends are no exception. Try to show interest in the girl more often. Invite the girl for walks, try to refuse meetings with friends in her presence, so that it becomes clear that you are making serious sacrifices for her.

    4. Can tell the truth

    Many guys who do not want to hide feelings and sympathies for a long time try to say everything directly, without secrets. Pull yourself together and use this method.

    You can just walk up to a girl and say, “I really like you, let's go to the movies. I want to know you more." Believe me, no girl can resist a sincere confession.

    5. Make good jokes

    Girls love a good sense of humor. Try to attract the attention of the girl, combining them with high-quality jokes with what is happening.

    6. Keep the suspense

    Women are curious people. You can easily interest a girl you like. It is enough to create some intrigue, for example, to say: “What are you doing to me?”. Believe me, as soon as possible, the girl herself will come up and start a conversation with you.

    7. Distinguish the girl from the surrounding women

    This option is suitable for guys who like girls from the same university or team. The girl will be pleased if you distinguish her among colleagues or classmates. It is better to give her appropriate compliments so as not to embarrass her.

    What's next?

    Having analyzed the methods of communication with a girl, I would like to highlight that not all guys are ready to directly go and talk with a girl. For this there are letters and there is the Internet. More specifically, social networks, telephone applications. Send a letter and confess your feelings. Many guys find it easier to express their feelings this way.

    You can also become original - tell the girl in verse what you like. Choose the perfect verse that describes your feelings, send it to your chosen one as soon as possible. If you write poetry personally, this act will make a huge sensation. Believe me, the girl will be pleased to read a message that says that she is a "genius of pure beauty."

    Write letters as openly as possible, without hesitation, tell the girl about your feelings. Use unique emoticons, pictures and GIFs. You can comment on the photo of your favorite. Shower her with compliments.

    One young man asked the Elder:
    Sir, I need your advice. I like one girl. Really like. I am suffering and do not know what to do: to marry or not.
    - Don't get married.
    - But why?!
    If you really wanted to, you wouldn't have asked.

    Why are guys afraid to tell a girl that they like her?

    God created men quite bold, strong and courageous. This is the necessary aspect for a happy existence. But there is such an important moment as love. In matters of love relationships, men are completely helpless, practically children.

    At the moment when a guy starts to like a girl, he starts to get lost, there is a loss of control over the situation and behaves inappropriately. He becomes vulnerable and vulnerable. The guy starts thinking about the girl, dreaming about meeting and talking. We will understand the fears of men before the fair sex.

    What are guys afraid of?

    • young people often underestimate their self-esteem, thinking that they are not worthy of a girl;
    • guys are afraid of the great popularity of their chosen one. Timid guys are afraid of competition;
    • inexperience in dealing with girls;
    • fear of rejection in a mutual relationship;
    • men are terribly afraid of ridicule from friends and acquaintances;
    • guys can be insecure about their feelings. They are afraid that the feelings that the young man experiences may turn out to be just sympathy.
    Fears can intensify if a guy is interested in a girl who has many fans. No need to be afraid, try not to attach importance and overcome fears. In most cases, fears are not justified.

    The right hints from guys to girls that will help express feelings

    Have you been talking with a girl for a long time and want to let her know that you really like it? It is better to prepare the ground and find out how she feels about you from close friends and girlfriends. As they say - from trusted people. Talk frankly with the best friend of your chosen one and find out all the points of interest.

    As practice shows, it is optimal to tell a friend about your feelings. Believe me, not much time will pass, your chosen one will begin to show interest. It will become much easier for you to take the first step and talk to your beloved.

    You can spend more time with your chosen one. This way you will understand how she treats you. You can chat at a meeting and use virtual communication. This is the use of mobile applications and social networks.

    When communicating with a girl, pay attention to the reaction when communicating with you. Attitude can give out her eyes. When communicating, the girl will look away in different directions. The chosen one will not hold her eyes on you for a long time. She will be overcome with embarrassment.

    Hints may not help, you have to go, as they say, for broke. Pull yourself together and go up to the girl and directly ask how she feels about you. Two options for the consequences are considered: either the girl confesses her feelings and the relationship will improve. Or the lady of the heart will hide her eyes and say that you are just a friend and nothing more.

    And what to do?

    What should be done if you told the girl what you like, but she did not answer? In such a situation, the main thing is not to panic and get upset. Remember, you are a man and you are not supposed to insult a girl by status.

    Do not try to make scenes of jealousy, do not joke with anger at her in the company of friends in the future. You can adequately accept this situation, then the girl will rethink what is happening and look at you from the other side. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build relationships.

    Try to meet with friends or at the office, do not avoid the girl. On the contrary, try to communicate as if a frank conversation did not happen. If a girl becomes interested in you, she will definitely share this information. Don't let yourself pressure a woman.

    An important point in the desire to please a girl is the appearance. "Hanging" tongue - good quality, more important than how you look. The proverb says correctly: "Meet by clothes."

    To look attractive you need:

    • take care of your hair, do regular haircuts;
    • take regular showers;
    • obligatory brushing of teeth (morning and evening);
    • shaving;
    • take care of your hands. Trim your nails on time;
    • use deodorants;
    • try to follow the style of clothing.
    Girls are attentive to the appearance of guys, not always, of course. Try to follow the rules of personal hygiene. If a girl notices that you are taking care of your body, she will understand that you are a completely collected and neat guy who can take care of himself, perhaps you can take care of her in the future.

    You can improve the image with regular trips to the gym, this will emphasize strength and power. The main thing to remember is that you do not need to give strong loads on the body in an attempt to quickly lose weight or pump up the press. Exercise wisely. Do not force the body, because girls are not always attracted only by appearance.

    The right approach to training will strengthen your health, get you in shape and help maintain it, and also add self-confidence. Agility and endurance will help protect feelings from rejection and add masculinity.

    Develop spiritual qualities in yourself. Reasonableness, calmness and patience are highly appreciated by the fair sex. Do not be nervous, do not be afraid to answer questions.

    Try to answer the girls' questions calmly and confidently. Measured and calm behavior will surprise your chosen one and win you over.

    Try to build relationships with your girlfriend, showing maximum respect and tact. The girl must be desired. Let the girl feel like a free person. In friendship, build relationships out of respect and benevolence, and you will succeed.

    How to say that a girl really likes and how to start a conversation?

    • introduce yourself first. Remember to speak with a smile;
    • ask the girl about activities in her free time;
    • talk about the weather;
    • discuss pop culture;
    • find mutual friends;
    • give compliments;
    • show confidence;
    • participate in the conversation;
    • show interest in the interlocutor.
    You know, girls love sociable guys. Start a conversation, and then everything will go "like clockwork."

    Don't know what to say to a girl? The answer to the question is simple - tell the truth. However, don't be disappointed if you don't get an answer that satisfies you.

    Summarizing the above

    You must remember that any method of winning a girl's hand and heart is good, and there are a huge number of them. Turn on your imagination and let your imagination run wild! If one method of seduction does not fit, use another, and everything will work out!

    There is a huge amount of controversy and debate on this topic, because how many people have so many opinions. And what do you, dear readers, say about this: how to tell a girl that I like her?

    Many people turn to search engines as the ultimate truth. And he gets completely blurry answers, such as: be yourself, believe in yourself, trust your intuition ... There are very few benefits from them, and disappointment and lost time can be measured in decalitres. And if you have a painful question, what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, you will need practical advice, not empty maxims.

    The form

    The way the letter is written is the first signal for her to understand what is happening. Wrote a short love sms? Apparently, you suddenly remembered her and experienced a surge of tenderness. A lengthy message with a couple of specific compliments? She will think that you want to communicate further, somehow build relationships. A long letter where you describe your feelings, pour out your soul, talk about your relationship? Be careful: such a text can scare a modern young lady. Suddenly, you are a rare bore and will now be looming on the horizon day and night?

    Successful examples of SMS with text:

    • I drove past your house and remembered you, smile.
    • Today I really want to see you - I have an important secret that I want to reveal to you, you will like its plot.
    • Evening city is so good! I hope you make it even more beautiful by agreeing to walk with me.

    The widespread advice to compose messages with humor and fantasy is a dangerous thing. When deciding what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, examples of successful light humor will be something like this:

    • I can’t say that all around are crocodiles, but without such a beauty as you, it would be more difficult to put up with the surrounding reality.
    • What bag will you be carrying tonight? I want to look decent and choose matching socks.
    • Your work and girlfriends... We will send the boss to hard labor, and I will give away my girlfriends to my sheikh friends. That's when you will always be with me!

    And do not forget that there are two things in the world that a woman is sure of, but constantly doubts: it is your love and her irresistible appearance. So do not forget to tell her that she is divinely beautiful, at the same time smart and more precious to you than all the treasures of the world.

    Common Mistakes

    Here you are sitting in front of a computer or phone and deciding what to write to a girl so that she understands that I need her, in your own words ... Just try not to make some typical mistakes of male representatives. Sometimes this is quite enough - your chosen one will think of everything else herself:

    • importunity. If messages fly literally one after another, then at some point they will either become a background in her life - she will stop actively responding to them, or they will begin to annoy. What's worse is up to you.
    • Aggressiveness. If a young man constantly insists on dating, quite transparently alludes to sex, requires some specific decision, a response from his passion, most likely, she will close. Nobody likes to change something in their life, especially if it is not yet very clear what such a decision will entail.
    • Nagging. “I feel bad without you”, “I am suffering”, “I am lonely”, “I am so unhappy” are not the best phrases to win a girl. Perhaps she will take pity on you - the female sex is weak in this regard, but such a relationship is unlikely to last long. She will run away from you to cheerful friends or to a cheerful successful guy.
    • To the best of quotes. Sometimes your words are not enough, and so you want to quote a good moment from a movie, song, book ... Be careful: your associations will not always be clear to her.

    What does a woman want

    If you chose an ordinary girl for yourself, and not Mother Teresa, then she doesn’t care what you want. Therefore, talking and writing about it is meaningless. Understand what she wants and show that you can give it to her.

    1. Male reliability. It is not necessary to be an oligarch with a large bank account. If you position yourself as a promising young man, this will be enough in almost 100% of cases.
    2. Obligations. Again, no need to move mountains. Just do not forget to congratulate her on some date of your acquaintance, call for her on time, call back when you promised. And then she will believe that you will treat other tasks in the same way.
    3. Self-confidence and positivity. Unhappy young people offended by life are of no use to anyone. If you constantly complain, and even blame others for your misfortunes, there will be no sense in your relationship. You don't need her, you need a babysitter.
    4. A little spontaneity. Know how to make pleasant surprises - a woman's life without romance is insipid and dull. What will it be? Maybe a sudden dance in the rain, a huge teddy bear as a gift, a pizza delivered to her place of work... Who knows? Learn to surprise her.


    Do not drive her into a corner with your candid letter: she will be forced to give an answer, and it is not a fact that you will like it. Bring her to the idea that she is vital to you, very gradually. Do not take such a serious decision on the fragile female shoulders. Become a part of her every day, albeit a small one, but obligatory and pleasant, and do not miss the moment when she is ready to make a counter step.

    On numerous forums on the Internet, on social networks and in the comments, the question is often asked - how to tell a girl that she doesn’t like her, and then consolidate her success? This moment is really important, because the attitude of the girl to the guy, and her desire to continue the acquaintance, largely depends on the correctly chosen confession.

    In addition, read the tips on the correct declaration of love through social networks.

    How should you look to please a girl?

    “A person is greeted by clothes” is an unshakable rule that you need to come to terms with and do everything possible to please your interlocutor. The style of clothing does not matter much, but neatness is very important. Watch your hygiene to be more confident in the process of communication. Modern girls like well-groomed guys who take care of their appearance - they shave in a timely manner, cut their nails and use good deodorants. But you should not “pour” the entire bottle of perfume on yourself in the desire to please - one or two applications on the skin are enough.

    An important factor in the moment of acquaintance and communication is a smile, which must be sincere. In this way, you show the girl that you are happy in her company and would be glad to continue communication. Remember that the fair sex is drawn to cheerful guys who can cheer you up and make you forget about the gray everyday life of this world.

    During the conversation, keep your back straight and be calm. Before each answer, mentally count to three and think over each word. Don't blurt out the first thing that comes to mind. Remember that excitement is a good sign that indicates interest in a person.

    Immediately think about what you want to say to the chosen one. Your confession doesn't have to be cumbersome. It is important that it "hook" the girl to the quick. Do not write a whole "play" filled with jokes and anecdotes. Simple expressions work best, such as:

    • "You are a wonderful girl, I love you";
    • "Hey. You should know that I like you very much”;
    • "I just want to say that I care about you, I love you."

    Words of recognition work best when you are alone with the chosen one, and the girl is in a good mood. If someone is walking around, you will not be able to concentrate and sincerely talk about your feelings. It is better to decide in advance on a suitable place and invite a girl there. You can take her for a walk right after school or college lectures.

    Try to confess your love in person - don't do it by phone, text, or social media. This option is possible as a last resort, when the girl is far away or you are literally speechless near her. Believe me, girls appreciate brave guys who are able to talk about their feelings, looking into their eyes. The result of recognition will be much greater. In addition, never ask a friend or girlfriend to convey words of love for you - such actions do not end well.

    In the process of recognition, be yourself, don't come up with anything new, and speak honestly. Try not to be intrusive, exclude vulgarity and incomprehensible phrases. It is not advisable to talk about love in hints. It is better to talk directly about feelings, and not leave the girl guessing.

    Before confessing, look the girl in the eyes, and do not look down (this is one of the main mistakes). Your chosen one should feel your attention and desire to please. Keep in mind that for many women, the eyes are the most attractive part of the face. Use it.

    Don't delay confession. As soon as eye contact is established, talk about your feelings, and you will immediately feel better. No need to come up with abstruse phrases or imagine yourself as a Hollywood actor. Say simply - "I like you" or "Let's try to develop our relationship, be more than just friends."

    Remember that your confession does not oblige the girl to anything, because her feelings should be mutual. Do not rush the chosen one with an answer, let her think about everything that happened. Often a confession has the effect of an exploding bomb, after which it is necessary to move away, and then analyze your feelings. Even if the sympathy is mutual, the girl must muster up the courage to confess this to the same guy. Do not put pressure on the chosen one, let her make her own decision. At the same time, continue to develop relationships and call on dates, and the answer will come by itself.

    Before you tell a girl that you like her, it is important to get to know her better, understand her interests and life position. Relationships will be stronger if the woman you love is also a friend. Think about what you like most about a person, what attracts you to him, why it is so nice to be around him. Treat the girl with respect, call her with you when you are going somewhere with friends, often be around while studying or at work.

    Pay attention to your attitude. If a girl does not try to please and does not show interest, it is necessary to change tactics or even abandon the idea of ​​​​starting a relationship. Think again if you really need such a person. Guys often confuse sexual attraction with love. But keep in mind that a beautiful figure should not become the basis of love.

    It is easiest to confess feelings if you have common interests or similar views on the world. That is why, after meeting, it is important to find common "points of contact" and develop them in the future. Find out what the girl's hobby is, what she is interested in in life, what she would like in the future, what kind of music or movies she likes. It is necessary to get as much information about a person as possible in order to compare his vision of life with his own.

    Common interests are the basis of the relationship between a guy and a girl. The more "points of contact" a couple has, the more interesting they are with each other, and the higher the chances of having a closer relationship. But do not despair if there are too few topics for discussion so far. Try to understand what your chosen one likes, and delve into this topic. If a woman understands that your interests coincide, there are more chances for a joint future.

    In preparation for confession, the guy scrolls through thousands of phrases, but cannot give preference to any one option. The fear of saying something wrong and being rejected is very strong, which prevents you from making the right decision. Below are a few recommendations on how to confess your feelings the easiest way.

    If you cannot boast of eloquence, you should not invent anything - just confess your feelings. For example, say “You are a beautiful girl. I really like you". Be sure to back up your position. Tell us why you chose her. If a girl likes eyes or a hairstyle, say so:

    • "I like the way your hair curls";
    • “You have deep and very kind eyes. I'm drowning in them, but I don't want to be saved."

    If a girl is distinguished by her prettiness, she is pleased to hear compliments from the representatives of the stronger sex. Of course, she sees your admiration from the outside, but it is better to voice your thoughts. Say the following:

    • “You are so sweet that I simply have to give you a wonderful souvenir for the next holiday”;
    • “You are very sweet. When I see you, my heart beats faster and my thoughts get confused in my head.

    To show sympathy, you can confess to intimacy. For example:

    • "Be my other half";
    • "Do you want to be my other half?"

    By the way, such phrases are often used already at the first meeting in order to attract the attention of a girl and make her think about the future gentleman.

    Another way to confess your feelings is to tell a girl that she is better than others. There are many options here:

    • “I like you more than all the girls around. You are special";
    • “You are better, brighter, more fun and more beautiful than other girls. I like you".

    If you have a sense of humor, you can voice a confession with it. For example, “There is such chemistry between us that I am ready to throw myself into the pool with my head.” At the same time, try to speak sincerely, do not memorize the words in advance. As a rule, at the right moment, exactly those phrases come that will most hook on the living.

    In the era of "computer" communication, young people often build relationships through the Internet. At the same time, the same question arises - how to confess to a girl that you like her, and what phrases you need to write in order to hook her, make her think about her feelings.

    Many people think that confessing love through a social network is easier. This is not true. Of course, you can write a banal phrase that you love or dream of starting a joint relationship. But whether it will give a result is a big question. To be successful, there are a few things to keep in mind.

    Write clear sentences and don't use hints. Many guys try to seem smart and operate in the process of communication with incomprehensible words. It is not right. The main key to success is ease of communication. Eliminate jargon or specific words from your speech. But you should not go to the other extreme, when all appeals are made out with the utmost courtesy - to “you”.

    Be smart. The presence of errors in simple words can push a girl away from you. It is unlikely that she will want to meet with a poorly educated ignoramus. Also, don't use jargon or obscure abbreviations. But again, here you need to focus on the age and type of the girl.

    Don't overuse emoticons, but don't give them up either. At the beginning of communication, exclude the use of symbols of a wink or an embarrassed smile - it is better to say it in words. Over time, emoticons can come in handy to create a positive mood for the interlocutor. In no case do not unsubscribe with emojis alone, at least more than once.

    Write a text that may interest a girl. The phrase "Hi. How are you?" Throw it in the trash right away. She is so hackneyed that the interlocutor will most likely not answer or write in the same stereotyped way - “Hi. The best". When communicating with a girl through social networks, an individual approach is important. Be sure to read the person's profile, find out about his interests, look at the photos. You can write the following - "Hi. You have great photos. You are so positive to them. My own mood lifted. What else are you interested in? Where are you going?"

    Remember that the first message should not consist of two words. The larger the offer, the more likely you will be answered. Show your interest in the girl, develop relationships, because it will be easier to confess your feelings in the future.

    If you decide to confess your love, do it in an original way, for example, through a video recording. Record a video and send it to your girlfriend. It should be clear from your appearance that you tried and prepared for the event. The place of recording should be nature - a park or a river. In the process of recognition, you can recite a verse of your own writing or sing a song.

    In a relationship with a girl, sincerity and openness are important. This applies not only to communication, but also to recognition of one's feelings. Try to act without subtext, express your feelings in simple words, but do it in an original way and not like everyone else. Look around. There are fewer and fewer miracles in our lives, and the relationship between a man and a woman is increasingly moving into the category of an everyday occurrence. Become a “spark” for the girl, give her positive emotions and do not hesitate to show your feelings.

    I fully agree with everything said in the article. I had many girls, and I confessed my feelings to each of them personally. I think that in this case the main factor is self-confidence. I even liked to watch the reaction of my passion, how she blushes and is lost at the moment of recognition.

    I know from experience that the easiest way to confess your love is when you know the girl well and you can predict the reaction. That's why I always try to get closer, to get to know a person, to understand his interests. This makes it easier to express your feelings. For example, my current girlfriend loves movies very much. In fact, that's where we met.

    I have a problem with fantasies. I never knew what to say to a girl at the most crucial moment. I said various stupid things that did not fit with real feelings. As a result, it was not possible to establish a relationship. Thanks to the author for the examples. Now I will use them in practice.

    I don't know guys what are you even worried about. If I like a girl, I just go up and tell her about it. Without arrogance and vulgarity, of course, but as sincere as possible. Surprisingly, this approach has not let me down yet. By the way, the article contains the simplest variants of confessions, but they work the most, and the phrase “Be my soulmate” almost always works.

    I met a girl for a long time at a distance, which forced me to communicate through social networks and SMS. One day I decided to confess my feelings, albeit remotely. In the near future, the meeting was not planned, but I really wanted to start a closer relationship. I suffered a little and wrote a verse with a confession - Lena (that's the name of my current girlfriend) liked it.

    As for confessing your feelings through a video - a super cool idea. I have been looking for something like this for a long time, but could not decide on the best way. And here everything is ingenious and simple. On the one hand, there is a personal appeal, and on the other hand, there is no need to blush personally. I will definitely try this method.

    Personal confession of your feelings is generally a problem for me. When I try to say “I like you” or something like that, a lump comes up in my throat and I become a useless “vegetable”. I prefer to say such words through social networks. This is where my real talent shows up.

    How difficult everything is with these girls, a whole science ... I have not been able to have a normal relationship with anyone for five years now. It seems not a freak, but it doesn’t add up with confessions. It is necessary to overcome the psychological barrier and finally act. Thanks to the author for the useful material, because a lot was learned. Now it remains to be tested in practice.