How to make a lover afraid of losing. We reveal the secrets of how to make a man afraid to lose you. "Exit blackmail": a very bad way to make a husband afraid of losing his wife

Love comes unexpectedly. So it is sung in one famous song. This is a wonderful feeling for two, which gives wings. Life seems wonderful and amazing, and the guy and the girl are ready to be together every day, enjoying each other.

This is what I described as the ideal relationship. In fact, everything is a little different. More than once, scientists and psychologists have written that men are less susceptible to emotions. This does not mean that we cannot love, we are just more restrained in its manifestation.

For girls, at least most of them, the opposite is true. Love makes them a little crazy. They try to surround the guy with care and attention, without leaving him a single step. Soon this bothers a man, he chokes on this love, he does not have personal space, interests and hobbies. And then comes the end of the relationship.

And then the girl cries to her girlfriends about what a goat the next guy turned out to be. She gave him everything, but he did not appreciate. You really shouldn't blame the guy. He may have loved, but for him this relationship was worse than torture.

In order to prevent this from happening in the future, girls need to analyze their behavior and learn lessons on how to behave with a man so that he is afraid of losing her.

Don't provoke the man

Before telling the girls about the rules of conduct, and how to make the man you love forever yours, I will give some advice on how not to behave with men.

  1. Never tell your loved one that you are going to learn how to behave properly and he will not be able to leave you. From the lips of the girl it will sound like a challenge. And believe me, it can hurt him a lot. In general, this approach is a direct path to quarrels.
  2. A little with other men will warm up the guy's interest in his girlfriend. But such a trick must be used very carefully. For example, when I saw how my girlfriend flirts with other guys, I wondered if she needed me at all.
  3. Don't call a guy every 10 minutes. Firstly, the guy may be busy with important matters, and, secondly, such excessive attention may lead him to think that you, my dear, have nothing to do. So the main object is him and you can’t get away from him anywhere. You can act as you like and be with anyone.

How to keep a loved one - version for men

Why did I emphasize that it is the male version? Yes, because we have different views on some problems with women. Well, we definitely won’t advise you to surround us with even more care in order to feel what kind of irreplaceable girl.

Based on my own experience, as well as on the thoughts of smart people, I managed to form a few simple rules for girls on how to behave so that a man appreciates them and cherishes her.

stick to the measure

The girl fell into a whirlpool of feelings. She always wants to be around. Sometimes feelings are so overwhelmed that there is a desire to cuddle the beloved man. But I would advise you to hold back. Squeeze your pet, and just kiss the guy passing by. It will be casual and very pleasant.

The next tip I will dedicate to girls who call, write messages to their boyfriends every five minutes. That's how I see the guy's reaction. The first call - he answered nice and friendly, the second - the conversation was quite restrained, this has been observed for several more calls. Depending on the patience of the guy, on the 5-7th call, he simply will not pick up the phone or turn off the phone. And after the scandal and resentment. Well, why is this necessary? It is enough to call once or twice during the day. This will be enough. A guy should miss his beloved, and not consider her an annoying infection.

The moral of the above - know the measure in everything. This is important in a relationship. A loved one should feel your love and care, but at the same time feel free.

Love and appreciate yourself

Girls, I am writing on behalf of all men: do not make us the meaning of all life. Love yourself and we will love you. A man is not interested in a housewife who has perfectly studied one topic - cooking borscht. He wants to see an interesting interlocutor, friend and assistant in his life partner.

To become a friend and partner for a man, a girl needs a constant desire for self-improvement. Remember, when a guy is not interested in you in terms of communication, then sooner or later he will pay attention to a more worthy person.

And a new hobby or activity will allow you to take your free time and less time will be left for stupid thoughts about your man. Your beautiful head will not even be visited by the thought of where he is now and what he is doing.

2 in 1 - friends and lovers

Good and high-quality sex is of course wonderful and good for health and figure. But, in addition to a wonderful partner in bed, in everyday life a man wants to see a friend in a girl.

We, too, tend to sometimes complain about life, about the head of the petty tyrant, and so on. And we want to be simply listened to and, sometimes, helped with advice. In no case do I encourage girls to put on a T-shirt and sweatpants and drink beer with us in the evenings and discuss our boss. But sometimes guys need a friendly shoulder and a kind word.

If a girl can combine a lover and a friend in herself, then such a guy will never leave and will cherish the relationship.

How to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you

A man loves to be needed

We have a primal instinct to get food and protect the house. I would advise girls to take advantage of this. In our age, girls can do a lot and this scares the male sex. Why are we weak and weak strong and independent women.

Do you want your loved one to be afraid of losing you -. This gives us the opportunity to feel like real knights, and you - fragile ladies.

I strongly recommend that you forget that you can drag 20 kg of a tomato for tomato juice, hammer nails and turn screws with ease. Leave this job to a man. And then he will spread his “wings” and fly to the rescue.

The man is pleased that such a fragile girl turned to him for help. If he loves and cherishes you, then he will move mountains. But here I hasten to remind you of a sense of proportion. In the first month, you should not ask to make repairs in the apartment. You won't see the guy again.

Not without quarrels

No matter how ideal the relationship between a guy and a girl is, quarrels cannot be avoided. No matter how strange it may sound, you need to be able to quarrel properly. It is very important in a fit of anger not to offend a person and not to humiliate him. We all have feelings and it is very easy to hurt them. Then no amount of apology will fix the situation.

No matter how terribly guilty your significant other, in a quarrel, observe the following rules:

  • do not stoop to verbal abuse of each other;
  • do not accumulate resentment, but tell your partner everything at once;
  • do not make sharp remarks and do not make scenes in front of strangers;
  • even if you quarreled, go to bed in the same bed, but rather resolve all issues before going to bed.
  • How to learn to joke in any situation

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Starting a relationship, the couple is in a romantic mood. Lovers can't get enough of each other's company. Separation seems to them an unthinkable test. However, the further the relationship goes, the less room there is for romance.

People get used to each other and cease to treat with awe. The long-awaited stamp in the passport brings complete confidence that the partner will not go anywhere.

For some people, this is an excuse to relax and stop trying for the sake of the relationship. Many men stop admiring their women when they are not afraid to lose them. Relationships become something ordinary for them.

A man should feel strong and self-sufficient. He needs to know that you can't do it without his help and really need it. Try to compliment him, thank him for his help, and tell him that you couldn't have done it without him. This will definitely bring the desired result. You must let the man know that you are behind him like a stone wall and feel protected.

Be calm

Do not arrange constant clarification of the relationship. Try not to pester him with constant claims and exaggerate his shortcomings.

Try to smooth out sharp corners and reduce conflicts to nothing. If a man did not hear you and did not fulfill your wish, this is not a reason to make him a scandal.

First of all, you need to remember that you are talking to a man. Even if you think that he is fundamentally wrong, you should not disrespect him. Follow the following rules in order not to humiliate a man. Remember, constant reproaches can lead to disastrous consequences.

  • Do not raise your voice, try not to yell at the man or use harsh words. Try to contain your emotions.
  • Try not to order him, do not speak in a commanding tone and soften the intonation a little.
  • Always thank him if he fulfilled your wish. Even if he just hammered a nail or went to the store.

What to do in case of a quarrel?

Of course, the conflict cannot be avoided. Even with all your desire, you will not be able to reduce conflicts to nothing. It is necessary to try to learn the correct behavior in case of a quarrel. Thus, you will avoid negative consequences.

First of all, it is necessary to adequately assess the situation. People can say a lot of unpleasant things to each other, being in a bad mood. Follow the following rules to avoid overdoing anything.

  • Do not stoop to insults, remember that a loved one is standing in front of you. Your conflict will definitely be resolved, but offensive words will never be forgotten.
  • Do not accumulate resentment in yourself, this can lead to fatal consequences. Talk about what you feel. Try to solve problems immediately, and do not leave everything for later.
  • Do not swear in public, and especially make comments to your partner. Thus, you greatly humiliate and offend a man.
  • In no case do not sleep separately, even if you had a big fight. Try to make up before you fall asleep. Do not fall asleep in a quarrel.

Look after yourself

Never neglect your appearance. Give her special attention. Remember, you should always be the most beautiful woman for your man. Don't be afraid to change. Surprise a man with your beauty. He should always consider you the most irresistible and attractive. Marriage is not a reason to forget about your appearance. Some women forget about themselves after they get married, mistakenly believing that they have achieved the most important thing.

Remember, a man will be afraid to lose you if he sees that you are a self-sufficient and attractive woman. Do not think to unquestioningly fulfill all his wishes and forget about yourself. If there is peace and harmony in your house, a man will never want to leave such a house. Know that everything is in your hands.

Marina Nikitina

Do you have a man, husband, lover, whom you are afraid of losing? How to keep an adored object near you? You won't say to his face: "I'm afraid to lose you"! This is not worth doing.

Do not show weakness and lack of will in the matter of relationships and attachments, otherwise it will only get worse.

Below are approximate options for tying a man to invisible ropes to yourself, but remember: the actions you take after reading the advice remain, because not all of them are honest.

“Like cheese in butter…”

“I’m afraid of losing my husband,” is that phrase stuck in your head? Probably because of the fear of losing the love of your betrothed, you want to turn everything upside down. Do you want him to be afraid of losing you, and not you? Then this completely honest and easily doable way for a loving wife will suit you. This method is called “like cheese in butter”.

The bottom line: if you create the most satisfying living conditions for your husband, he will not exchange you for any other super-beauty and super-hostess. Everything is easy to implement here, the main thing is that the desire to “bind” him be stronger than everyday prejudices. If he likes to eat sandwiches at the computer, don't impose the rules of etiquette on him and don't force him to memorize the rules of behavior at the table, don't yell at him after every crumb that falls from the sandwich. Estimate: what is better, once again to wave a rag or sit then at the broken trough and cry? Remember this question and every time a similar situation occurs, ask it mentally to yourself.

If he likes to drink a bottle of beer in front of the TV, then give him this long-awaited holiday, and invite your friends too. Yes, such a treasure, such an understanding wife, everyone will be afraid to lose! Analyze when a man's mood deteriorates, then you will understand what little things he lacks for comfort.

Assessed merits

This method is suitable for fresh relationships, when a girl wakes up and goes to bed with only one thought: “How afraid I am of losing a guy!”

If you are afraid of losing him, then he has many virtues, so tell him about it.

It is advisable, when listing all the “pluses”, not to lie, but to praise for real superiority, then they will be afraid of losing you, not you. How else does the faithful know how you are thrilled at the sight of his biceps or adore his sharp funny jokes? If he does not find out about this from you, then he will go to the place where he will be told about this three times every day, that is, to another girl.

If he lacks intelligence and biceps, find something special in his character, appearance, behavior. Does your loved one need support and has more troubles and problems than you? So come up with a phrase like: “You have such stamina!”, “You look so majestic in that coat!”, “Your friends were delighted with you when you beat them”, “I feel safe with you”, “ You have exceptional taste, unlike most men.”

Behavior change

“How to make them afraid of losing,” the girl thinks, although she fulfills the man’s whims, but he is still not always satisfied, “sat on his neck, and also hung his legs.” In this case, the previous strategies will only exacerbate the situation. Here you need to irrevocably change your behavior. A feigned indifference, an attitude towards an ungrateful man, like a child who does not understand, will help. Stop doing everything he says. When the conversation is about work, events for the day, prices, weather - communicate, take a keen interest in everything. And if orders, reproaches and conversations in a humiliating mentor tone begin, do not react at all or show indignation at such behavior in a different way: go to another room, slamming the door lightly, do not cook dinner for him, show offense.

This is where the opposite strategy comes into play. With a change in behavior, and a sharp one, your man will at least be surprised and pay attention to you differently, and not just as attendants. In addition, his level of comfort will decrease: there will be nothing to eat, things will remain dirty, there is no one to yell at, no one to humiliate, in general, the pattern will break. A man will definitely notice a change in behavior.

friend and psychologist

Become for a man not just a wife, lover or cohabitant, but an irreplaceable person, girlfriend and personal psychologist. Surely, he suffers from misunderstandings, and wives often do not fulfill the role of both wife and girlfriend of a man, so do it! Let him tell you how to involve him in a conversation, what are the unresolved issues, the problems of a loved one.

Let him know that you appreciate him more than before. Do not laugh at his seemingly trifling problems, do not perceive them as the babbling of an unintelligent child. Be imbued with those questions that do not allow him to live in peace, be happy or look to the side in search of pity and understanding. If you're guilty, don't start an “old record” like “I won't apologize to this ungrateful fool”, especially if you do it regularly.

In the event of a change in figure (for example, you got fat after giving birth and or because of breastfeeding the baby, the latter took on a different shape), think about whether an attractive appearance will correct the situation? Sweat for glory, try for mutual future happiness, he will appreciate your efforts. And if he asks what's the matter, why such zeal appeared, then say so, I want you to like me. He will be proud of you and himself.


One of the answers to the question “how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing” sounds like this: become unsurpassed in bed. This is an important factor that plays a very important role for men. Especially for long-term relationships, in which everything quickly gets boring. Do what he asked for a long time, but you did not. Learn the class method. This will give him great pleasure, especially after a hard day at work.

General rules

So, below are the general rules that will be useful to any girl, woman who wondered “how to behave so that a man is afraid to lose”:

Do not impose your opinion if he strongly disagrees with it.
Don't do anything that annoys him.
Do not wear ugly clothes with stains or holes at home (this does not apply to fashionable ripped jeans).
Maintain a balance between caresses and proud coldness.
Do not cry, especially if the man is clearly annoyed.
, do not program in the mind unpleasant, undesirable situations.
Admire the virtues, but ignore the flaws.
Don't make decisions for him.
him (to understand the meaning of what was said).
Do not upload your problems.
Be restrained.
Be cheerful.
Be beautiful, slim, interesting.
Don't treat him like a child.
Don't let your relationship drift.
Don't call him every half an hour.
Total control is excluded.
Come up with a hobby to your liking, not only wash the dishes for him!
To be a bit of an unsolved mystery always.
Remember: a man is the same person as you with slight anatomical and social differences, support him in everything.
To love a man.

Only you yourself will give exact answers to the question asked, because every relationship is unique.

Who, if not you, knows for what qualities you are loved, what does a man like in you? What in his eyes distinguishes you from other women? After some thought, you will understand what these super-qualities or character traits are, because of which he chose you. They need to be insisted on, and they need to be developed.

Let him understand that while living or communicating with you, he is free to do whatever he sees fit, free, that he is not in the golden cage of your control, but has entered into an alliance (even if it is oral) on free grounds. Let a man know that there are no responsibilities, you just love each other and therefore have the same rights and freedom to express yourself in life as you see fit.

If you want to bind your beloved one and only man to yourself, let him go.

If you are beautiful, smart, self-sufficient, interesting, addicted, ready for change, loving, attentive, caring - great! And also kind, smiling, joyful and happy, then any man will be afraid to lose such a treasure.

March 23, 2014, 04:07 PM

Love captivates and conquers. She does not leave for a minute, from the moment she declares herself. Meetings, communication, passion, thoughts about a loved one make you take a different look at the world around. True, the happiness from a relationship with your man sometimes becomes not so deafening, because the fair sex is afraid of losing a loved one and being alone again. But, do not despair, getting rid of such fear is quite easy if you make every effort and make it clear how lucky your loved one is. And then he himself will make every effort to keep the chosen one and not destroy the relationship. Today we will talk about how to behave so that a man is afraid of losing you.

Understand yourself

As soon as a thought begins to darken life and creates tension, try to understand why it appeared. Look for its source. This is the only way to deal with it. It seems to you that your loved one does not appreciate you as much as you would like, or you are simply afraid that he will leave for another. Do not rush to find out from him whether this is so, it is better to do introspection. After all, this is the thought that came to your mind. It means that something provoked her. She couldn't have come out of nowhere. Most likely, her appearance is associated either with the actions and actions of a man, or it is internal fears and insecurity in her own attractiveness.

The best option in such a situation would be to find the true reason that made you think about it, and only after that - to find a solution to the problem. Even if the partner is to blame, you still need to start with yourself. After all, it is you who will have to change so that he does not leave, and it is impossible to do this without serious work on yourself. Especially without her in any way, when all fears are caused by self-doubt, like women.

Be confident

The first thing to do is to answer the question - does the problem really exist? Often it is low self-esteem that affects all life and sooner or later makes people think about how unlucky they are in life, and that they are unworthy to be around such a person. Therefore, only work on oneself and increasing one's own self-esteem can help here. After all, he chose you of all women, so why don't you trust his decision. It is unlikely that he would be around out of pity. It means that he sees in you a beautiful woman whom he had to conquer so that she agreed to be with him. So there is no reason to believe that he will leave you tomorrow.

If his behavior is alarming, and you are sure that the time has come to behave in such a way that the man is afraid of losing you, think about this. To evoke any emotion in a person, it is necessary to provoke them. Fear is an inherent emotion in all of us. It performs many different functions, but its excessive manifestation can cause a huge number of problems. Therefore, you should not abuse attempts to cause fear, otherwise very soon your man will turn into a nervous and irritated person, suffering from jealousy and fear of losing someone who is dear to him, that is, you. Everything is good in moderation.

If you feel that he does not appreciate enough and worry that over time, feelings will weaken even more, it's time to revive the former passion and remind him how lucky he is with you.

In the same case, when he spoils you, talks about love, arranges dates, or next to him you feel like behind a stone wall, you should not experiment. Everything is fine with you, he himself knows what to do so that you do not stop loving him. Do not spoil your life and do not take risks. The soul of a person is darkness, often even for himself. And who knows what might happen if you try to make him afraid and evoke emotions that he does not need at all.

How should you behave

To understand what can make a man appreciate and be afraid of losing a woman is possible only in general terms. Everything else is too deeply hidden and even the person himself may not be aware of it. Everyone has their own preferences, tastes and secret desires.

Therefore, before attempting to conquer him, it is better to take a closer look and study the chosen one. Only in this way can you find out what he appreciates, loves and values. And if you give him this, the man will have no choice but to take care of you, like the apple of his eye.

How to make a man afraid to lose

Change yourself and your man will change too

As soon as doubts arise about the beloved and his love, look into your soul. And most fears will disappear by themselves. After all, the solution to problems lies not in trying to find a way to make the other feel the right feelings or act in a certain way, but in the person himself. It is in our power to change only ourselves, others can change only when they themselves want it. Of course, they can be motivated to make it happen faster, but still, before looking for something that can affect others, it is much easier to analyze for yourself whether everything is as scary as it seems to you, and whether you are exaggerating the danger or negative development of events. .

How are you behaving?

Remember how you usually meet him from work. What words you say, how you talk about your problems, whether you listen to what he says or speak until you speak out yourself. If you give him attention and care, are attentive to his experiences and are able to listen for hours, you have nothing to worry about. Such women for men are a rarity and a real treasure. And it is these women that men are very afraid of losing.

Personal space is very important for a man

Do not surround him with constant attention. Let him have his own space and create it for yourself. When a person understands that all your thoughts are only about him and nothing else interests you, he will stop being afraid of losing you, because he will understand that this is impossible.

When a representative of the fair sex, in addition to her beloved, is engaged in her life, self-development, communicates with friends and is always able to find something to do while her beloved spends time with friends, a man will always remember that he must appreciate her and pay attention to her, otherwise she risks staying in proud loneliness.

Be self-sufficient and moderately independent. If he is not ashamed to introduce you to his friends and especially his parents, he already has serious feelings for you. And this is already a guarantee that for now you definitely have nothing to worry about. In the future, it all depends on how you behave and how you build your relationship.

act like a cat

You will be able to give him an unforgettable experience, he is yours forever. Home comfort, delicious food, nightly communication - everything plays a huge role in how much he will need you in the future. If you achieve harmony in these matters, a man will not allow himself to lose you.

It is not difficult to understand how to cause jealousy in a husband; it is enough to know his character and reactions to certain psychological techniques. Therefore, the choice depends on the possible development of events. And the main thing is to reanimate the situation in time, if you feel it has become too heated.

What not to do

To force a man, perhaps by any means, but you should not go too far. Therefore, avoid the following. In pursuit of increased attention from the husband, in no case should you:
  • Tell him directly that you have someone else.
  • Tell him about your ex and the intimate details of your relationship in order to cause jealousy.
  • To spite the husband to agree to a meeting with a strange man.

These actions should be deliberate and should not be taken even if you do not want to continue to maintain a relationship with your man.

male opinion

Recently, in many forums and psychological courses, men come forward with their independent opinion and try to explain to girls how to better understand male psychology, and how to build communication with the opposite sex. So it is precisely the male point of view on attempts to cause jealousy and increased attention of one's own man is sharply negative.

Because, firstly, in their opinion, when a woman truly loves her husband, she will never “force” him to do anything. And secondly, if a young lady has a desire to turn all the attention of her handsome prince to herself, then she herself is quite selfish. And instead of thinking through a cunning plan and all sorts of tricks, on the contrary, she should show more attention to her husband. Namely, to actively begin to be interested in his life, hobbies, dreams and hobbies. Only in this way, according to the male opinion, the fair sex is able to increase attention to itself. It is always a pleasure to return to such a woman, and only she is able to win a man's heart.

Live not only the life of a couple, but also your own life. Mind your own business. Try to be genuinely passionate about something. When a woman manages to accomplish her plans and achieve her goals, her eyes begin to sparkle with such fire, against which no man can resist.
Purposeful women have a special attraction. When you focus on your own achievements, you will not have free time to control your young man.

Let a man or a guy be afraid of losing you!

Make a man think and not lose you!

  1. Hint that your life will not end on it if you part. For a man, this will be a useful surprise and a good topic for reflection.
  2. Don't push for marriage. Let the man understand that the stamp in the passport is not proof of love for you.
  3. Be independent. A man needs to see that you can do just fine without him. Mentally strong women also live on earth!
  4. Ask for help if you really need it. Your loved one will soar to the very heavens with joy!
  5. Neglect him just as he and he neglects you, your needs. The fact is that a man will treat you in awe as soon as you turn into an "ice".
  6. Become a man's best friend. You will be aware of all his affairs. Yes, and he will not have to wait until his friends find a free minute for him to talk about sore.
  7. Share with a loved one his hobbies. Read relevant literature about them to surprise him even more.
  8. Never run to a man at the first call. Say directly: “If you want to see me, come yourself!” Such a phrase can be very offensive, but you should not worry about this.
  9. Make sure that your betrothed sees that other persons of the opposite sex are seriously interested in you. Carefully explain that these are your fans who have always dreamed of being next to you in a completely different role.
  10. Let me introduce myself, my name is Erofey. I have been working as a family psychologist for more than 10 years and I think that I am a specialist in this area - I want to teach all visitors to the portal to solve various problems.
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