How to do your own wedding makeup. Wedding makeup: step by step instructions. Basic rules for applying makeup

Nowadays, brides try to visit an experienced makeup artist before such a significant event, for whom, of course, it is easier to create a spectacular, memorable image for a lifetime. But it may also happen that professional make-up does not match the internal state of the bride, and this will cause her discomfort. It is especially dangerous to take risks if there was no prior make-up rehearsal, and it will be done for the first time on the wedding day. The solemn mood of the bride will be in jeopardy.

It is much safer and less troublesome for the bride to create her own ideal romantic look on her wedding day.

Benefits of DIY Wedding Makeup

  • The bride knows the peculiarities of her skin better than anyone else, so she can perfectly emphasize all her charms and hide flaws.
  • Wedding makeup is usually a classic, devoid of any eccentricity option that does not require mastery of intricate artistic makeup techniques.
  • The image of the bride can be pre-rehearsed several times and choose the most acceptable option.
  • With a wide selection of high-quality color cosmetics available, it is quite easy to achieve a beautiful make-up.
Image selection
So, you still made a bold decision to create your wedding look with your own hands. Closer to the decisive day, you can start trying different make-up options. Remember that this is a very special case.
  • First, it is done once.
  • Secondly, this make-up combines the features of both everyday and evening make-up (the wedding takes place both during the day and in the evening).
  • thirdly, it should be the most durable type of makeup that will withstand bad weather (rain, snow, wind, heat) and the tears of happiness of the bride.
  • fourthly, it should be a photogenic make-up.
The most common image of the bride is pure, gentle, chaste. Therefore, make-up is best to choose light and light, without shine. It fully meets the requirements of the day: it is almost invisible on the face, it is easy to fix it, it looks great in the lenses of video cameras.

The choice of a specific color scheme depends on many things: what kind of lighting will be - day or evening, what kind of dress the bride has, what is her color type.

Step by step wedding make-up

Home wedding makeup can turn out no worse than in the salon.

Step one. Cleanse and moisturize the face. Different skin types are cleansed in different ways - mattifying lotions and tonics or cosmetic milk. After that, the face and neck should be moisturized with a day cream. A special light cream should be used around the eyes. step two. We tone the skin. This is a very important step - to create the effect of smooth matte skin. This is achieved with the help of special tonal means. Best of all - tonal transparent water-based creams. They perfectly even out skin tone, give it an impeccable look. They are lightweight to weightlessness and do not weigh down makeup. If the skin has problems and requires masking of some flaws, concealer and tonal powder are used.

A spot corrector helps to hide small pimples, reddish spots. The foundation is applied to the skin with light movements of the fingertips or a damp sponge. Do not forget about the border of the neck and face - it needs to be shaded well so that there is no noticeable difference between the zones.

Step three. The tone is fixed with loose translucent powder. It is applied to the face, neck, chest with a large brush. You can tint problem areas of the skin with compact powder.

Step four. We proceed directly to the wedding makeup. And we begin this process with the design of the eyes. In this type of make-up, the use of clear graphic lines, dark shadows and black eyeliner is prohibited. Girls of any type are recommended to use discreet, pastel colors. The following colors are recommended: smoky gray, honey, beige, pink pale lilac, cornflower blue, olive. Pencils - dark gray, brown. In addition, white is used.

We start the design of the eyes with the eyelids. They must first be matted with a base tool. Further on the eyelids, light ones are applied in turn - on the inner, darker shadows - on the outer corner of the eye. The border should be blurred. To make the look seem wide open, the lower eyelid is most often summed up with a white or beige pencil. The space between the eyelashes of the eyelid should be painted over with dark gray. Apply waterproof mascara. You can use several false eyelashes. Avoid sparkling rhinestones.

Step five. Eyebrows should be perfect on the wedding day. Their correction must be carried out in advance, because if you do it on the day of the celebration, they may turn red. If the eyebrows do not need correction, it remains only to slightly bring them with a pencil. Comb the tinted eyebrows and fix with a special gel.

Step Six. We do lip makeup. Since the main emphasis in wedding makeup falls on the eyes, lips should be decorated with soft, delicate tones of lipstick, resistant, or gloss. Long-lasting lipstick dries lips, so it is better to combine it with a matching gloss.

Step seven. Blush completes the wedding look. They don't have to be shiny. Matte pink or peach blush applied high on the cheekbones and blend them. A little blush can be applied to the middle of the forehead and chin. The main thing is not to overdo it. On this wedding make-up, made by hand, is completed.

Video how to do wedding makeup step by step

Makeup is essential to complete the bride's look. In addition to various fashion trends, features of the appearance color type, make-up rules have been developed. This is all taken into account individually for a particular girl. Together, they create an impeccable and up-to-date look for the bride and her girlfriend, which will give depth to their eyes, sexuality to their lips, and emphasize the individuality of each.

How to apply bridal makeup

First, they determine the image of the bride. If this is a shocking style, then choose the same makeup. The most delicate look involves a discreet make-up. For him, the pastel palette of evening makeup is more often used. Basically, make-up must comply with such rules as:

Competent makeup

  • look attractive, regardless of the lighting (street, room, photograph);
  • resistance;
  • harmonious combination with attire and accessories;
  • matching the time of year.

The peculiarity of the festive make-up is not to draw attention to the face of the newlywed. Therefore, when choosing tones, many people stop at nude ones, emphasize their eyes with arrows, decorate with false eyelashes and use shimmer or satin shades.

Important! All this makes it possible to create a symbiosis of a daytime make-up with an evening one, while the look of the bride becomes elegant.

When creating makeup, take into account the saturation of the solemn day. Therefore, in addition to professional perfumery, a quick hand of the master and the observance of various tricks and conditions during the application of funds are necessary. For example:

  1. In order for the bride to look spectacular in the photographs, first the imperfections of the skin are corrected with a concealer, then the complexion is evened out by applying foundation. The cheekbones are emphasized with a bronzer.
  2. If there is a video shooting, they select a high-quality toner.
  3. Solemn makeup should be done in the morning.
  4. For a beautiful application of makeup, the condition of the skin is taken care of in advance. Therefore, 15-20 days before the wedding, fatty foods are excluded from the diet. Face peeling, or cleaning, is done 2 weeks before the celebration, the day before the wedding, and a mask is applied in the evening.

On a note. If you do wedding makeup step by step, then follow a certain sequence of steps. For example, first they clean the face, apply a tone, correct the eyebrows, do eye makeup, “shape” the cheekbones and lips.

Stonecrop of the skin of the face

The girl first washes herself with a product suitable for her skin type. Makes massage with light movements, rinses with water. Tonic or ice with decoctions of home herbs closes the pores.

Note."Circles" are removed with a brightening cream, dry skin - with a moisturizing gel.


The application scheme that a novice makeup artist can handle is as follows:

  1. First, skin color is evened out.
  2. They put on a base.
  3. They put on make-up.
  4. The tone of the cream should be as close as possible to the skin tone.
  5. For application use hands, sponge or brush. Some masters prefer to use an airbrush.
  6. Mask problem areas by applying a corrector, powder the skin with transparent powder. A highlighter is used for a radiant effect.

Eyebrow correction

First, they are plucked and shaped. To correct them and make them visually thicker, use a pencil, special mascara or shadows.

On a note. At the final stage of eyebrow correction, they are fixed with a gel.

Eye makeup

Eye makeup

First, apply the foundation, it will enable the shadows to hold on for a long time. Choose satin or matte products. Their color should be in contrast with the color of the eyes.

Applying eyeliner and mascara, use black or brown. For a deep look, use false eyelashes of medium length.

Cheekbones and lips

Cheeks are refreshed with blush, cheekbones are highlighted with bronzer. First, the lips are painted over with a special pencil, lipstick is applied on top. Glitter is sometimes used for expressiveness.

Note. Emphasis is always placed either on the lips or on the eyes.

Makeup Features

When choosing a make-up, they pay attention not only to the eyes, skin, outfit, but also to the hair color of the bride. Masters advise blondes:

  1. Do not forget about the concealer, it is necessary to neutralize signs of fatigue, helps to refresh the face, gives it a soft glow.
  2. They start by drawing the upper contour of the eyelashes with a brown pencil with golden mother-of-pearl.
  3. For expressiveness and shading of the look, bronze, chocolate, golden and warm tones are selected, black or brown mascara is used for its intensity.
  4. Cherry or coral red lipstick is applied to the lips.
  5. Cheekbones are emphasized with peach shades.

Makeup for brunettes

  1. To tone brunettes, it is enough to apply a thin layer of powder.
  2. Blue and blue shades of shadows, for an evening look - the effect of "metallic".
  3. Black, green and turquoise mascara.
  4. For light-skinned people - pink blush, so like lipstick, they can be of any color.

Makeup for redheads

On a note. For this type of make-up is selected, depending on the color of the eyes.

For example:

  1. If a girl has brown eyes, then they are distinguished by burgundy, brick, cherry, gray or beige shadows. Eyeliner and mascara - brown, gray or dark blue. Caramel, peach or coral lipstick.
  2. For green-eyed beauties, terracotta, golden, lilac or beige shades are selected. Eyeliner - brown-gray, plum or chocolate. Caramel or coral lipstick.
  3. For blue-eyed brides, makeup artists are allowed to use a large range of colors when applying makeup, but they are forbidden to use black and green colors. To emphasize the radiance of the eyes, mother-of-pearl and satin textures are recommended. For lips, lipstick of coral, pink-orange or peach colors is selected.

Applying makeup with rhinestones

Such wedding makeup for the bride is sometimes done step by step at home. To do this, they conduct a rehearsal, and if everything works out, then they do not go to the salon.

Wedding makeup with rhinestones

Here's how to do this wedding makeup step by step:

  1. Carefully distribute the base under the make-up.
  2. Cut off the tape (5 cm) and place it at the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Choose brown shadows and apply along the line of adhesive tape. Designate the area above the crease of the eyelid and the lines give a bend.
  4. Rose-gold shadows are applied to the center.
  5. For the depth of the look, put a black dot on the outer corner of the eye and shade it along the line of adhesive tape.
  6. The adhesive tape is gradually removed, golden shadows are applied to the inner corner of the eye.
  7. On ¾ of the lower eyelid - satin shadows, bring the upper eyelid with black eyeliner, draw out the mucous membrane with a pencil.
  8. Shade the pencil on the lower eyelid. Waterproof mascara is applied to the eyelashes.
  9. Eyelash glue is used to place the rhinestones. To do this, it is applied to the mirror, then transferred to the skin with a toothpick, wait 20 seconds, pick up a rhinestone and place it on the glue point.

Wedding makeup at home

Pre-use a moisturizer that retains naturalness. Next, problem areas are covered with a corrector. A tonal foundation is applied, which merges with the swelling of the skin. This is done using a special sponge. A translucent powder is applied on top.

Moving on to make-up. Use neutral shades. They are applied to the eyelid to the eyebrow line. Next, draw a line on the lower eyelid with a brown pencil. Mascara is applied in 2 layers.

Wedding make-up

If you want to create a bronze makeup, then use matte powder. It is used in small quantities. First applied to the bridge of the nose, around the eyes, on the chin, then on the cheekbones.

Bronze makeup example

Lipstick is used pink, gloss is applied to it.

An example of wedding makeup at home

Many people wonder how to make wedding makeup so that the bride looks great. The makeup artist will always show class at work, but many brides can do it themselves at home. To do this, they consult with the master and learn how to do the right makeup for special occasions. The main thing is to want and go through an independent rehearsal, and everything will work out.

This day should be impeccable in everything. Therefore, many women turn to professional makeup artists for help, which is understandable: having rich experience, a sense of style and color, and knowledge of trends, a specialist can create a real miracle on her face.

But then the makeup artist left or fell ill, and it’s scary to go to the unknown, then the price tag for such a service turned out to be excessively high, then there was no inner desire for professional makeup ...

Our tips will help you understand the turbulent sea of ​​modern fashion and choose the right option for wedding makeup at home.

Makeup step by step

Whatever options you choose for your wedding, try to follow the basic steps of creating an image. Before applying makeup, prepare everything you need: everything should be within reach, clean all the brushes in advance, buy yourself new applicators, be sure to get a comfortable, large mirror, set up a good light (ideally, daylight).

First step. Washing and peeling.

Before applying any makeup, especially wedding makeup, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin. First, cleanse the skin with milk or micellar water, then wash your face with warm water and foam for washing according to the type of skin, then a gentle exfoliating peeling. After peeling, apply a cleansing mask to the skin, preferably with clay (it will free all pores and remove the remnants of keratinized epithelium and excess secretion from the glands).

Having put a mask on your face, rest, lie down, relax. At the end of the cleansing procedure, rinse your face with cold water, pat dry with a soft towel, wipe your face with tonic and apply moisturizers. Now it is very fashionable to apply additional oils to the skin by adding them to the cream, but be careful here: if it is summer outside, the oils can prevent makeup from settling. After applying moisturizer, wait 5 minutes before applying makeup base.

Second phase. Good tone is the head of everything!

Don't neglect tones! You will never get a good makeup without a well-imposed tone. Apply foundation first, then foundation (BB or CC, or your choice), but it is better to use water-based products so that the face does not look like a mask. Apply with fingertips or brush. Blend the foundation from the center of the face to the hair, be sure to apply a little foundation on the neck so that the face does not “end abruptly”.

Small skin imperfections can be masked with a concealer. Next comes the turn of mineral powder, it will fix the makeup. Do not apply it in a dense layer, the face will become like a wax mask, as if fanning it with a cloud of powder and that's it! Tonal funds are quite enough to correct skin imperfections, powder will not help here.

Third stage. The eyes are the center of makeup.

Shadows disappear at noon, right? The film was still like that, but it is more than suitable for makeup. Therefore, first apply a special eye makeup product to the eyelid: a primer-fixer for shadows.

After that, apply the base color of the shadows on the entire eyelid, for example, creamy shadows of a light beige or milky shade, then with an oblique brush, apply a more saturated shade of the shadows of the same color base to the outer edge of the eye, then blend a little, be careful: do not turn the shading into a dirty bunch ! Everything will have to start over!

For wedding makeup, try not to use black eyeliner or dark shadows and do not strive for graphic clarity: softness and naturalness - the trend of the season.

So, strive to use light gray, honey, milky, pink and pale lilac colors for wedding makeup. Actively use a white pencil! It seems to open your eyes, make your eyes literally huge, and visually refresh your face. If you are over 30, he will also reduce you a couple of years. You can safely bring them to the upper eyelid, shading a little, be sure to highlight the inner corner of the eye with them.

Mascara is the core of eye makeup. Here you need to focus on personal preferences and the choice of image. But it is better to use a waterproof bulk mascara with a bristle-like brush, the structure of such a mascara literally envelops each eyelash like a fur coat and you will get beautiful cilia without much effort. Be sure to put some mascara on your bottom lashes as well, otherwise your look will get lost and look unfinished. Remember: beauty is in the details.

Fourth stage. Brows.

Have your eyebrows trimmed by a brow specialist a couple of days before your wedding. Comb your eyebrows with a special clean brush, apply a pencil of the selected shade on them, but light brown is better, blend it gently with a special brush, it’s worth repeating: blend, not smear on the face.

If you notice excess pencil, carefully remove them with a cotton swab dipped in micellar water. Fix the shape of the eyebrows or a special gel, and even better with a small amount of regular hair wax (obviously, without glitter and sparkles).

Fifth stage. Kissing lips.

The accent of wedding makeup is the eyes, so for lip makeup you should choose a lipstick or gloss of a delicate shade to match the shadows (for example, a pale pink shade or honey), and the lipstick should not have a dense texture and stand out strongly on the face.

Sixth stage. Cheekbones are the basis of elegance.

When your makeup is almost ready, apply some blush, they should highlight your cheekbones, making your face sophisticated and well-groomed. Be careful: choose a matte blush in beige or peach tones, do not use mother-of-pearl or cream textures.

In order to correctly highlight the cheekbones - smile. Apply a little blush on the apples of the cheeks with a large, and most importantly, clean brush, then blend them with the tips of the third and ring fingers

Even at home, you can create a gentle, nude image of a graceful, elegant bride: beautiful and proud, gentle, but with character.

Makeup, emphasizing your beauty, should also emphasize your character. Delicacy, softness and inner strength - this is what will cause real admiration for your loved one and all the guests of your holiday.


There are different types of wedding makeup: more intense, bright, saturated, pastel and calm, they are united by one thing - the desire to emphasize the individuality of the image of the bride, her inner sense of beauty, the light of love and tenderness that she radiates on such an important day. Below are the three most fashionable wedding makeup options in 2016, when choosing one or another option, try to focus on the color of your eyes so that your beauty plays with all its facets and the image is not “lost” in the wrong color scheme.

"Oriental Fantasy"

If you decide to arrange a wedding in an oriental style, then the image must match. Oriental fantasy is a make-up done in lilac-pink and pearl gray colors.

So, first clean and prep your face by following the tips above. Particular importance in this type of makeup is given to the eyes.

First, apply light pearl-colored shadows to the inner corner of the eye (preferably a creamy texture, a little pearly can be). Next, apply pink or lilac shadows to the central part of the upper eyelid, gently blend the transition of the shadows, make sure that there are no places left with a sharp transition or not blended shadows - this will ruin the image.

With an oblique brush, apply a little dark gray shadow to the outer corner of the eye, do not overdo it, otherwise you will get a deep-set look of tired eyes. Be sure to highlight the inner corner with milky mother-of-pearl shadows and gently blend.

The lower eyelid should not be lined with a black liner or eyeliner, it is better to line it with a matte white pencil and blend it lightly.

For wedding makeup, choose waterproof mascara. For this makeup option, stop at voluminous mascara, apply it from the inner lashes to the outer zigzag movements to cover all the lashes with mascara, be sure to lightly tint the lower lashes.

If you want to make your makeup more saturated, then you can simply add clarity to the image of the lines. First, apply light beige or milky shades with mother-of-pearl on the entire eyelid and blend well.

Using an oblique brush, apply a bronze or golden shade to the outer part of the eyelid. Next, you need to use ultra-black and ultra-thin eyeliner, and the line should not suddenly break off at the edge of the eyelid, which will only visually reduce the eyes, the line should be playfully lifted up.

At home, such a thin and clear application of eyeliner can be achieved with the usual dessert spoon. There are many video techniques on the Internet for applying eyeliner using a spoon as a stencil. Next, pay special attention to the eyebrows, they should be carefully combed, each hair should be dyed, and finally they should be fixed with a gel.

To complete the look, apply a contour pencil on the lips, powder the lips and apply light lipstick with a brush, you can use a matte texture. Makeup is complete and you're ready to go!

"The Bird of Happiness"

This option is suitable for those brides who have blond hair and blue or gray eyes. This make-up option will emphasize your natural beauty, because blue eyes do not require a strong make-up, they can “get lost” from an abundance of cosmetics or even begin to look tearful.

So, having prepared the face and applying the tone according to our recommendations, proceed to the eye makeup. Apply light (for example, silver or pearl) shades of shadow on the entire eyelid, blend them well.

Shadows need to take a creamy texture - they are better shaded. Use a highlighter or white matte pencil to lighten the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrows.

Next, apply light gray or lavender shadows to the moving part of the eyelid and gently blend, remember: there should be no transition or no blended shadows. On the outer corner of the eye, apply dark gray or plum (depending on the chosen light base) shadows using an oblique brush.

Do not use eyeliner or liner. If you want to highlight the eyes or paint over the space between the eyelashes, use a pencil in color.

Shade the lower eyelid slightly with pearl or milky shadows without mother-of-pearl.

Apply lengthening mascara to your eyelashes, always waterproof. For this makeup option, you need to use dark brown or gray mascara.

Apply a peach or pink blush to your cheekbones.

For lip makeup, do not choose creamy or matte texture lipsticks, just apply a transparent or light pink gloss without a contour and a gentle look is ready!

"Gentle Angel"

The center of this makeup is the eyes, so you need to replenish your arsenal with pearlescent pigments.

Remember that pigments are more intense than regular shadows, so consider the features of your wedding dress and its color! For example, if you have pink or lilac details in your outfit. You can safely use pigments or shadows of this range.

Prepare your face and apply a tone on it, then apply a milky-colored pigment without mother-of-pearl on the entire eyelid. In the area of ​​​​the junction of the movable and fixed eyelids, draw a line with a light brown pencil and blend it with a hard brush.

Next, you need to apply a little light brown pencil to the outer corner of the eye and align the borders. Light pigment, light beige or milky, shade the lower eyelid. Apply a cold blue pigment to the inner corner of the eye, if you prefer a white pencil, then whiten the area with a white pencil.

Finish off your eye makeup with some voluminous black mascara, don't forget to put some mascara on the lower lashes too. Apply a transparent gloss to the lips, pre-painting them with a light contour pencil.

Apply a peach or pink blush to your cheekbones.

Most importantly, remember: a wedding is a significant day, because you are united with your loved one, this is a celebration of your family, even your soul. Let your eyes burn on this day with happiness and love, this is the best fixative for any makeup!

Bride makeup - video

On such a significant holiday as a wedding, every girl wants to look perfect. An integral part of the image of any bride is wedding makeup. It is quite possible to make it with your own hands. You should first practice, try different variations, and then choose the option that will best harmonize with the dress, accessories and facial features. To make a wedding makeup with your own hands, you must also take into account skin tone, eye color, hair color. It is worth understanding in more detail the basic rules and techniques for applying make-up.

Rules for applying wedding makeup at home

Any bride can do her own wedding makeup if she wants to. The choice of the perfect make-up depends on the style of the girl and the image in which she will be at the wedding. It can be both strict and gentle, romantic. Do-it-yourself makeup should be combined with the chosen dress, accessories. Experts do not advise doing too bright makeup, which on such a romantic holiday will look frankly vulgar.

Facial cleansing

First of all, before applying wedding makeup with your own hands, you should thoroughly cleanse your face. To do this, use a scrub or peeling. After that, treat your face with an alcohol-free tonic, apply a daily moisturizer. Then you need to wait a bit until the product is absorbed, making the surface of the skin more even. Only after that proceed to applying foundation.

Applying concealers

The foundation is recommended to be applied with a sponge, thanks to which the matting agent will go on evenly. Apply the cream with light patting movements. Do not forget also about the neck and décolleté. Otherwise, there is a high probability of obtaining the effect of a contrasting mask on the face. To fix the foundation, use powder. Powder with a powder puff, and remove excess makeup with a large brush.

Eyebrow correction

Even an elegant, delicate look will be spoiled by poorly shaped eyebrows. This area of ​​the face should be given special attention, because the eyebrows can transform any make-up. Correction should be done in advance. To make the eyebrows more clear and expressive, tint them with a pencil or special shadows with a brush. Blondes should choose a light shade of brown, redheads - brown, brunettes - dark brown or black.

Eye makeup

After shaping the eyebrows in the process of applying wedding makeup, you need to move on to the eyes. Often it is not so easy to successfully make an eye make-up with your own hands the first time. It would not be superfluous to first familiarize yourself with the photo and video tutorials on applying professional wedding makeup. The color of the shadows in each case should be selected individually. Each shade should be applied with a separate brush. Experts strongly recommend using only waterproof mascara.

To give expressiveness to the eyes, to make them more spectacular, use false eyelashes or special bundles that are attached to the outer corner of the eye. After the artificial eyelashes are securely fixed, paint over them with mascara. Finally, curl them slightly with a special eyelash curler.

Cheekbones and lips

Do-it-yourself wedding makeup involves the use of blush, which will help hide imperfections, emphasize the dignity of the shape of the bride's face. It is preferable to choose natural shades that are as close as possible to the natural complexion. Apply blush with a large brush on the upper protruding area of ​​the cheeks. Shimmering powder with a light pink tint applied to the cheekbones, forehead, and chin will help make the skin lighter.

Choosing the color of lipstick or gloss for wedding makeup depends entirely on the preferences of the bride. Some girls want to emphasize a charming smile with a rich red or cherry color, while others plan to focus on their eyes. The basic rule for choosing lipstick or gloss for a wedding make-up with your own hands is that cosmetics should be as resistant as possible. At the same time, lipstick should also be moisturizing so that the lips do not look tight.

Make-up features depending on hair color

Before you start applying makeup with your own hands, you should decide on the appropriate make-up option. To do this, you need to take into account the shade of the eyes and white dress, as well as the color of the bride's hair. Professional makeup artists on this account have proposed several basic rules, guided by which, you can make the perfect wedding makeup yourself.

For blondes

Evening makeup for a wedding for a blonde can be feminine, delicate or, for example, bright and spectacular. As a corrector, cream-powder of a shade that is as close as possible to the skin color of the bride, but one tone lighter, is ideal. Owners of blond curls should give preference to a cold pink blush. It is recommended to highlight the eyes with the help of an emerald eyeliner, which must be drawn along the lower eyelid. To decorate the inner corner, you should use lilac shadows.

To visually enlarge the eyes, apply a beige shade with reflective particles under the eyebrow. This trick will help make the look more feminine and expressive. At the same time, experts recommend emphasizing the outer corner of the eye with shadows or a khaki shaded pencil. As noted above, for wedding makeup, you should choose only high-quality persistent cosmetic products.

For brunettes

Do-it-yourself festive make-up opens up a wide variety of all kinds of variations for girls. In the color aspect, brunettes are advised to give preference to natural shades that are as close as possible to natural colors. Mother-of-pearl or golden shadows will look great. Girls with fair skin should use shades of light shades, which must be applied under the eyebrows.

For red-haired girls

Burning red-haired beauties are suitable for any range of colors in makeup. Red-haired girls got a unique opportunity to choose both warm and cold colors when applying make-up with their own hands. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right intensity of shades so that the wedding makeup does not look defiant. Natural colors will look charming. Usually red-haired girls are bright, so they do not need additional accents.

DIY step-by-step photo tutorial for wedding makeup

The first thing to do is to find the right lighting. Do-it-yourself professional makeup is best applied near a window or under a fluorescent lamp. Pre-cleanse your face thoroughly with a scrub or peeling. Don't forget to moisturize your skin with a day cream. Only after that proceed with the application of foundation, corrector and concealer.

Video: Master class on applying a wedding make-up at home

The video below provides a detailed tutorial on applying evening makeup with your own hands. The video offers a visual introduction to the technique of applying a wedding make-up of eyes and lips for blue-eyed brides. As you can see from the presented video, it is real to make a beautiful make-up with your own hands, the main thing is to be patient and practice.

It is easy to do your own wedding makeup step by step, following the application technique. To create the right image, you need to take into account the color type of the bride and use high-quality waterproof cosmetics. After several training sessions, even a girl who is just starting to master the application technique can cope.

Description of wedding makeup

Wedding makeup is the art of creating a gentle look with the help of cosmetics, where the emphasis is on the eyes and lips. This is a combination between daytime and evening make-up: a little brighter than daytime, but muted evening.

A well-chosen color palette visually increases the size of the eyes and gives them depth. Lips become simultaneously voluminous, innocent and sexy.

Wedding make-up, as a rule, is done by professional make-up artists in the salon or come to the house. You can do it yourself.

To do this, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

  • familiarize yourself with the application technique;
  • choose the tones of cosmetics for the color type of appearance;
  • the color palette should be in harmony with the dress and accessories, as well as with the makeup of the bridesmaid;
  • cosmetics need to be chosen high-quality and resistant - the bride wears makeup for more than 12 hours;
  • the created image should be suitable for any lighting: indoors, outdoors and under the flashes of the photographer's camera;
  • you can pick up accessories for the face: individual eyelashes with resistant and allergy-free glue, rhinestones, sparkles and special paint for drawing on the face.

note! In order to choose the right shades of cosmetics and create the desired image, as well as to be sure that the makeup will not let you down for a long time, you need to do several rehearsals. You can try on slightly different looks on your face for several days in a row until the right one fits.

  • concealer helps hide skin imperfections;
  • foundation evens out the complexion;
  • a means with a shine effect, you need to choose one: blush, powder or highlighter;
  • you can open your eyes with a waterproof white pencil, bring the inner eyelid to them;
  • 2-3 weeks before the solemn event, remove fatty foods from the diet so that there is no inflammation on the skin;
  • light peeling and cleaning are done two weeks before the celebration;
  • in the evening before the wedding, apply a moisturizing mask, it must be tried and not cause an allergic reaction;
  • the day before the wedding, correct the shape of the eyebrows, pluck out excess hairs.

note! In summer, you need to choose a tonal foundation with a light texture, for winter it is more relevant - with a denser and more moisturizing effect.

bridal makeup step by step

You can apply makeup for a wedding step by step in several stages: cleanse the skin, create a complexion with the help of a tone, tint the eyebrows, pay attention to the eyes, cheekbones and lips.

Facial cleansing

  • Cleanse your skin with your regular cleanser to prevent oily sheen throughout the day.
  • Wipe with tonic to narrow pores.

  • Apply moisturizer for smoothness. It is better to use a gel-based cream with a lower oil content.
  • Use a make-up base. It will increase the durability of makeup, prevent it from rolling and oily sheen.
  • Treat problem areas with a corrector: inflammation, age spots and small irregularities. From bruises under the eyes, a remedy with a yellow tint will help, redness will neutralize the green tone.
  • Apply the foundation evenly with a sponge: on the face, neck and décolleté. Applying with the fingertips will be less effective. To improve the complexion and correct its shape, you need to use two shades of foundation: light and one tone darker. Light - apply to the area under the eyes, on the forehead above the bridge of the nose, along the nose, on the chin and near the nasolabial folds. A dark shade - on the forehead under the hairline, under the protruding part of the cheeks and along the oval of the face on the cheekbones.
  • Apply translucent powder with a brush. The powder should be transparent with a light texture.

note! A greasy sheen, even a slight one, will look ugly in photographs.

Eyebrow correction

  • Underline the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil and shadows. Hue - 1-2 shades lighter than hair. Comb the hairs with a brush and fix with a special gel for fixation.
  • Do not use sharp lines in wedding makeup.

Eye makeup

  • Apply shadows all over the eyelid, use a light neutral tone. Under the middle part of the eyebrow, tint with a light shimmering color. For expressiveness of the look, apply a dark shade of shadows to the outer edge of the moving eyelid. Paint over the middle with a pearlescent color, this is the tone color between light and dark shadows.
  • Underline the interciliary space of the upper eyelid with a black or brown pencil. On the lower eyelid, slightly shade the applied pencil with a brush. The pencil should be resistant and not smeared during the day.
  • If desired, bundles of 2-3 artificial hairs or individual feathers are glued to the eyelashes. The length is average. Paint over the upper and lower row of eyelashes with black waterproof mascara. 2 layers are applied to the top.

note! If the eyes are lined with liquid eyeliner, then the emphasis on the lips should be reduced.

Application on cheekbones and lips

  • Use a highlighter to highlight the apple area on the cheeks a little. Light shimmer gives a feeling of freshness.
  • Highlight cheekbones with dry blush. Blush is applied in a small amount to emphasize the youthfulness of the face.
  • Lipstick use a matte shade. The colors are natural, close to pink. Top with gloss to hydrate and plump lips.

Wedding makeup and hair color

How to make a wedding makeup for a color type? Individually choose a palette of shades.

Features of makeup for blondes

Blondes are associated with fragility, tenderness and cuteness. Makeup should highlight these features:

  • pale skin will be refreshed by a tonal foundation with a pink tint, peach colors will suit tanned skin;
  • blush color: peach, pale pink and pale coral;
  • lip shade should be cold: coral or pink;
  • dark brown eyeliner or eyeliner;
  • for blue eyes, shades are used: silver, gray and pale blue;
  • shadows for gray eyes - gray, blue and cream;
  • for blue eyes with a gray tint, smoky ice makeup from a gray eyeshadow palette is suitable;
  • shadows for green eyes - beige, brown, gray-brown, you can use a golden effect;
  • shadows for brown eyes - sand, beige, peach, lips - pale pink with a radiant sheen;
  • use black or brown mascara, but do not pile up the lower cilia.

Makeup features for brunettes

Makeup for brunettes should emphasize the expressiveness and originality of the girl:

  • apply a strip of white shadows under the eyebrows;
  • put beige shadows on the inner corner of the eye to give volume to the look;
  • use black mascara with the effect of volume and twisting;
  • foundation: for dark skin - a natural beige shade, for light skin - ivory;
  • lipstick color - pale pink, coral, beige;
  • for brown eyes - a combination of pink with a rich gray tint, bronze, turquoise and blue; dark shades of gray, purple and silver; lilac, pastel, brown and golden;
  • for blue eyes - beige, turquoise, blue, silver and gray shades;
  • shadows for green eyes - gray, mint and marsh; be sure to emphasize the contour of the eye with a black pencil, make the arrows not very noticeable, slightly extending beyond the outer corners of the eyes.

Features of makeup for redheads

A feature of makeup for redheads is the correct application scheme. For this type, the same make-up looks too bright during the day and a little pale in the evening.:

  • red-haired skin is pale and transparent, the foundation should be with a light texture;
  • mineral-based powder with a slight sheen;
  • blush of natural shades, the most suitable is a warm peach tone;
  • eyebrows are brownish-reddish;
  • lipstick - peach, coral, plum;
  • make eyes expressive with the help of small and thin arrows;
  • choose brown mascara, black is only suitable with false eyelashes;
  • shadows for blue or gray eyes - soft shades of gray, brown and beige tones;
  • for green eyes - natural shades of green, brown and beige;
  • shadows for brown eyes - warm brown with a hint of orange, light burgundy.

Wedding makeup with rhinestones

With the help of rhinestones, you can draw attention to the eyes, emphasize the romance and tenderness of the image. Do not glue a lot of rhinestones so that the makeup does not look like makeup. Decorate with rhinestones after the make-up. They can be of different colors and shades, but it is preferable to use transparent, white and rhinestones with a sparkle of diamonds.

Rhinestones should be in harmony with the wedding dress and placed according to the proportions of the face. They are glued with eyelash glue. This can be done by the bride herself.

Master class on gluing rhinestones:

  • on the face with a cosmetic pencil, put dots at the place of application of rhinestones;
  • put a drop on a glass or mirror surface;
  • Dip the sharp end of the toothpick in glue and transfer to the skin;
  • take a strass with tweezers for plucking eyebrows or thin tweezers and plant it in the place where the glue is on the skin;
  • Press firmly with your fingertip to secure.

note! The wedding look can be complemented with sparkles. They are part of the shadows or are separately in a jar.

Examples of wedding makeup at home

Below are bridal makeup options that you can do yourself.

Wedding makeup for the bride step by step creates a feeling of youth, gives freshness to the image and favorably emphasizes facial features, looks beautiful in any light and lasts more than 12 hours. It is not difficult to master the application technique - you need to adhere to the phased application and choose the right color palette.
