How to make a birthday poster for grandpa. A beautiful birthday poster for a friend, boyfriend, brother with your own hands: templates, ideas, photos. How to make a beautiful poster for the birthday of a friend, boyfriend, brother with wishes, photos, sweets? Girlfriends poster

How can you make your own birthday posters?

For most of us, birthday is associated with fun, smiles of loved ones and a delicious birthday cake. But in order for such a family holiday to have the right atmosphere, it must be supplemented with bright balls, candles and, of course, hand-made posters, wall newspapers and collages. We will tell you how to do them correctly in our article.

How to make a birthday poster for a friend and sister from sweets and yummy?

sweet and yummy birthday poster for girlfriend and sister

Curl Ideas

Poster ideas: rose

Poster ideas: forget-me-not

Poster ideas: leaves

If you want to really surprise your close friend or sister, then try making a sweet treat poster for her. To make such a gift, you can use a variety of sweets and marmalades that have packaging, lollipops and even chewing gum.

In addition, you will definitely need a large drawing paper or a plain sheet of white paper, glue, colored pencils, felt-tip pens and paints. After all this is cooked, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of your masterpiece.


  • Initially, take an ordinary simple pencil and outline the approximate places on which your sweets will subsequently be pasted.
  • In the next step, you can make a festive border for your poster. To do this, you can use both paints and ordinary colored pencils.
  • Draw beautiful flowers, leaves or just curls along the edge of the sheet. You can see how this can be done on the templates posted a little higher.
  • When this is over, you can start gluing sweets. Lubricate their packaging with glue and apply to the right place. After they dry, you can proceed to the further design of your surprise.
  • At the last stage, decorate your poster with interesting inscriptions. It can be either congratulations in prose or poetry, or just funny phrases that the birthday girl will definitely like.

Lettering ideas for a greeting poster:

  • I wish you wow and never ho-ho
  • To Ugh very few visits in your life
  • I wish you an interesting life without malice, greed and troubles
  • The most beautiful, kind and dazzling

How to make a birthday poster for a friend and sister from chocolates?

Chocolate bar girlfriend birthday poster

chocolate birthday poster for sister

If you decide to give your beloved friend a poster of chocolates, then choose sweets that are small in size to create a gift masterpiece. Of course, if you really want to, you can stick a standard chocolate bar on the paper. But still remember that there can only be one on the poster (or two in extreme cases).

If you try to fix a large number of standard chocolates on the poster, it will not look very nice. You need to start making such a poster with the design of the right background.

  • To do this, you will need to take a sheet of white paper of the right size and just paint it as carefully as possible with paints.
  • The color and brightness of the background will depend solely on which chocolates you will use.
  • But still, whatever background color you choose, remember that, if possible, it should harmonize well with the color of the chocolate wrappers.
  • Ideally, it should be just a complementary element to your poster. After the background is applied to the sheet, you can begin to fix chocolates on it.

Ideas for inscriptions for chocolates:

  • Twix- I want us to be inseparable all our lives
  • Bounty- I wish you a heavenly and sweet life
  • Mars- with such a sister (girlfriend) it’s not scary to fly and ....
  • Kit-Kat- find time for our joint rest
  • M&M's. - let your life be bright and full of pleasant moments

A beautiful poster, a collage of a wall newspaper for the birthday of a sister and a friend with photos: templates, ideas, photos

Poster template

As you probably already understood, if desired, any person can easily surprise a close friend or sister. In order to make such an original gift as a poster, collage or wall newspaper, you only need imagination and a small amount of decorative material. A poster with photographs can be additionally decorated with various kinds of flowers, bows or any other decorations.

Yes, and remember, if you want your loved one to definitely like your creation, then be sure to make it in some style. Also, if you wish, you can leave a few empty spaces, and then invite the guests present at the celebration to enter their wishes and thoughts in them.

Know that a poster, collage or wall newspaper with photographs does not have to be square or rectangular. If desired, you can make them in the shape of a circle, flower or heart. You just have to remember that if your present will not have a completely standard shape, then it is best to use small or medium-sized photographs for its design.

Tips for designing a presentation with photos:

  • Such a gift will look better if you frame it. It can be made from thicker cardboard by simply painting it black or brown, or you can glue a foam baguette onto paper.
  • Choose for such a presentation photos sustained in one subject. It can be just your joint photos or those that show only one birthday girl.
  • If you wish, you can give the photos a more original shape or make them as bright and memorable as possible.

How to draw a poster, a wall newspaper for the birthday of your best friend, sister on whatman paper?

Holiday Poster Idea #1

Holiday poster idea #2

Holiday poster idea #3

If you want to surprise the birthday girl with a drawn present, then prepare whatman paper, paints, pencils and get down to business. First of all, think about how you would like to see your masterpiece as a result, and only after that go directly to drawing. In this case, it is extremely important to adhere to a certain style.

If you have already started drawing a bear cub, a hare or a fox, then just complete them with balloons, a cake and a beautiful holiday inscription. Do not forget that in this case, too, your surprise may have a background, the main thing is that it be less catchy and not draw all attention to itself.

On a congratulatory poster or wall newspaper, you can draw:

  • Flowers
  • little animals
  • hearts
  • Sweets
  • Asterisks
  • Candles
  • butterflies
  • colorful flags

Beautiful congratulatory poster, collage, wall newspaper for a friend's birthday with their own hands: templates, ideas, photos

Do-it-yourself congratulatory poster, collage, wall newspaper for a friend's birthday

Template #1

Template #2

You probably already understood that in order to make a beautiful congratulatory poster or collage, you need to have a little patience and, of course, imagination.

After all, in order for your present to look festive in the end, it must be done according to certain rules. It will be better if it is designed in some theme or style that your loved one likes.

Styles of congratulatory collages, wall newspapers or posters:

  • Modern. It assumes that a poster or a wall newspaper will be painted with simple compositions, under which congratulations or just nice words will be placed.
  • Comic. In this case, you can try to design your poster in the same way as it is done in real comics. For example, you can depict the story of your friendship or some moment from a common pastime.
  • internet meme. Those birthday girls who spend a lot of time on the World Wide Web will like it. All you have to do in this case is just print out some of the most popular Internet jokes and remake the inscriptions that are under them into festive ones.
  • Portrait. Try to draw an abstract portrait of the hero of the occasion and simply decorate your masterpiece with festive tinsel. Yes, and such a poster must be framed.
  • Recognizable style. In this case, you can take any known drawing as the basis for your poster and simply add original details and holiday greetings to it.

    happiness poster

    A beautiful and original poster for congratulating a loved one can be made without additional drawing. In this case, you will need photos of the hero of the occasion, bright magazine clippings, scissors and glue.

    You can try to portray with the help of all this everything that you wish your beloved sister. For example, if she does not have her own house, then you will need to find a beautiful and large cottage in the magazine, stick it on a poster and place a photo of your loved one next to it.

    Types of congratulatory collages:

    • Family. In this case, you will need to paste only your family photos on paper, and then mark the words cut out from magazines under them. But keep in mind that they should be as warm and pleasant as possible. It can be, for example, happiness, luck, love, tenderness or affection.
    • Wish poster. In this case, you will have to find pictures that will symbolize the dreams of the birthday girl and, with the help of other pictures, show how you can achieve what you want.
    • Wall newspaper from magazine clippings. Try to create a whole story from bright pictures. You can try to show with pictures how much your sister is dear to you or tell about her best character traits.

    Texts of congratulations and birthday wishes for the best friend and sister for the poster

    Texts of congratulations and wishes for a birthday

    Remember, for congratulatory posters and collages, short and capacious congratulations and wishes are suitable, which will fit into small openings between pictures or photos.

    If you want to place a big congratulation on them, then take some one part under it and somehow additionally highlight it, for example, with a bright painted border or just any decorative material.

    Texts of congratulations and wishes:

    • Dear little sister! I wish that all troubles and misfortunes bypass you, and luck has always been your companion. Always bloom and rejoice, and warm me with warmth, my dear man.
    • Sister, on your birthday, I want to wish you all the best. The bright sun over your head, roads without sharp turns and unexpected meanders and, of course, good health, both mental and physical.
    • My beloved and indispensable friend! I wish you to be that magnet that attracts only happiness, luck, health and love. Be happy my dear!
    • I wish that the smile never leaves your face, and that luck is always with you. Let your inner energy continue to beat with an endless fountain, thereby helping you to easily step over the most difficult obstacles.

    Video: Original birthday poster

Birthday is a holiday of childhood. As we age, we realize that truly valuable gifts cannot be bought with money. Love, friendship, emotions, happiness, health, alas, are not for sale. If you want to surprise your loved ones with an original gift, look for happiness in the little things. For example, make a poster with chocolates and inscriptions with your own hands.

Sweet tooth will appreciate

Photo frames, a collage, a candlestick, a pen, a notebook are standard gifts that can no longer impress the hero of the occasion. If you are used to standing out from the crowd and surprising your friends and family, try making a sweet DIY birthday poster.

You do not need to spend a lot of money, but you will have to show your imagination to the maximum. Go shopping and carefully examine the shelves with sweets. Perhaps "Inspiration" will come to you, and you will look like "Belissimo". As you understand, this is already a hint at the beginning of the creative process.

Before we start making a collage of chocolates and sweets on paper, let's remember a few rules:

  • The white field of whatman paper will look unoriginal and boring. Try coloring the paper in bright colors or draw some funny drawing that matches the theme of your exclusive gift.
  • Think about what sweets with symbolic names you need to buy. Everything will depend on who you want to sweeten life with such a present.
  • Next to each chocolate candy or other sweet, there must be an additional inscription. Inscriptions can be done with a colored pencil, marker or pen. Bright printed letters will look interesting.
  • The easiest way to attach sweets to whatman paper is with double-sided adhesive tape. You can use a strong, quick-drying adhesive.
  • On the poster, we must display the addressee and date. So, looking at a sweet gift, the hero of the occasion will always remember this significant day.

When choosing sweets, pay attention to their quality and composition. It is better to choose high-grade chocolate, suddenly the birthday man wants to eat sweets after his birthday.

Read also:

The poster can be made original by decorating it with joint or children's photographs, rhinestones, beads, glass beads, pearls, drawings. Give free rein to fantasy, and you will understand that you cannot curb it.

Variety of creative ideas

There is no classification for such gifts. It all depends on who you are going to present a sweet poster to. Here are some original ideas to keep in mind:

  • mother;

  • beloved;

  • dad;

  • brother

  • manager;

  • girlfriend.

Show your imagination and make an unusual poster with sweets. By the way, you can use not only sweets, but also, for example, packages for detergents, toothpaste, and other thematic products, including inedible ones.

However, today we are talking about sweets, so we will decorate the poster exclusively with chocolate. Do not forget to take into account the taste preferences of the hero of the occasion. Black, milk or white chocolate - you will find any product in the store.

Sweet gift for a loved one

A do-it-yourself birthday poster with sweets will be a complete gift for the holiday of childhood. Everyone knows the truth that the main thing is not a gift, but attention. Such an extraordinary decision and a creative approach to choosing a gift will not go unnoticed, especially if the recipient simply cannot imagine his life without sweets.

First, think through everything to the smallest detail, purchase the necessary products, and only then proceed to decorate the poster.

Necessary materials:

  • markers;
  • chocolate and sweets with symbolic names;
  • double-sided adhesive tape;
  • paper sheet.

Step by step description of the creative process:

  • Lay out a piece of paper in front of you.
  • For creativity, select an empty space so that you can see the field that needs to be filled.

  • If necessary, paint the paper with paints or colored pencils immediately.
  • If you used paints, then wait until they are completely dry.
  • At the second stage of designing the poster in the middle, we will make the appropriate inscription. You can use a stencil or cut out pre-printed letters.
  • Glue photos or funny pictures around the edges.

  • We begin in any order to stick sweets on whatman paper. It is most convenient to use double-sided adhesive tape for fastening.
  • Also note that the thought must be consistent. You can depict arrows or make inscriptions in a line.

  • We continue to stick sweets on whatman paper, and a full-fledged picture is gradually emerging.
  • We got such an appetizing sweet poster.

There is such an interesting thought: “The best gift for a man who has everything is a woman who knows what to do with it all.” But what if you are this woman and you certainly want to surprise your beloved birthday man with an unusual surprise? Of course, you can buy a premium set of "golds" in World Of Tanks and this fact will definitely defeat him on the spot, but he can always do it himself, right? But preparing a do-it-yourself poster for your husband’s birthday is a great idea, behind which lies a sincere desire to express your feelings and emphasize the special role of your loved one in your life.

What will be needed for this?

One of the advantages of this form of congratulations is the absolute undemanding to materials and auxiliary tools. You probably performed the simplest applications without any problems back at school in labor training lessons, and even though it was a long time ago and, as they say, is not true, you still have certain knowledge, skills and abilities with a probability of 99.9% remained in your mind .

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • whatman.

This is the basic set, without which you definitely can't do anything. Various auxiliary decorative elements can be made from any material at hand, ranging from an empty juice bag to a button, photographs, car models, and even a package of condoms. Regarding the last point, by the way, you are laughing in vain: the idea of ​​​​using them can be successfully beaten in order to cause a sincere smile on your husband’s face. In addition, such posters are easily possible, and at the age of 45, and even at 60 - there is no difference, seriously.

Many elements can be safely obtained from templates.

They are easily searched on the Internet, printed on a printer and successfully integrated onto the canvas. This allows you to save time on making a poster and have time to arrange it exactly for your husband's birthday.

In what form is it usually done?

The use of the word “usually” here is still worth recognizing as somewhat incorrect: it all depends solely on your imagination. Here are tips, you need to carefully filter depending on your skills, materials at hand, as well as the concept in your head. However, popular poster design styles can be distinguished:

  • big postcard- beautifully designed congratulations with warm words addressed to the birthday man;
  • ironic wall newspaper- alternation of text notes and graphic information, usually in compliance with the chosen concept;
  • photo collage- a simple and sincere way to convey to a person your feelings and joy about being around;
  • congratulation-invitation- you can invite your spouse to nature, to a festive table, to a restaurant, and anywhere, even to bed;
  • confession- a variety of forms of expressing their feelings with a pre-prepared secret to stimulate interest;
  • congratulations on sweets- sweets, candy bars and other things that your husband loves are glued to the cardboard, you can also stick a small bottle with rare cognac, which he so dreamed about, but could not afford.

Lida, 26 years old, Taganrog:

- The idea to congratulate my husband in this way came to my mind after a cheerful conversation with my girlfriends. I don’t even remember from whom, but the thought sounded: and you draw a poster for him, that’s all! We laughed about it, and the next day, as my beloved left for work, I set to work in the morning. I designed the whole thing into an unpretentious collage of photos, for the base I borrowed a sheet of drawing paper from my daughter. And, of course, I added a beautiful congratulation, since my handwriting is beautiful. Husband loved it. That's how I've been making posters like this for a few years now!

Of course, to choose one or another style of poster design, you need to start from the level of your skills.

If you have obvious problems with drawing, then it is logical to use more textual information, and instead of drawings, paste cut fragments or photographs into empty spaces.

If everything is quite the opposite, then limit yourself to a minimal birthday greeting for your husband, and put all your feelings into a beautiful drawing with an unambiguous message. Regardless of which format you choose, the poster can be additionally decorated with a variety of decorative elements:

  • fringe;
  • buttons;
  • fairy lights;
  • decoupage napkins;
  • homemade voluminous flowers, etc.

Of course, a birthday is a bright holiday, so to design a poster with your own hands, prefer using joyful shades that evoke extremely positive emotions. Of course, if it does not contradict your concept. For example, if you draw a wall newspaper in a military style, appealing to his persistent passion for the computer game World Of Tanks. Here it is better to move away from the festive paraphernalia and please the husband with a scrupulously verified design style.

Determining the content of a particular poster is a thankless task. However, to give you a dozen great ideas - why not? Catch - and do not say that we did not help you:

  1. original poem;
  2. portrait of a loved one;
  3. application-rebus with the replacement of individual words with pasted objects;
  4. original declaration of love;
  5. photoshopped images with a hint of future joint trips;
  6. top lists with compliments or listing the positive qualities of a spouse;
  7. key points of the biography;
  8. cheerful gentle caricature;
  9. pasted gift;
  10. stealthily taken photos with ironic comments.

Of course, these are just guidelines and may well lead you to a really cool idea for a poster that you will give your spouse on his birthday.

Ksenia, 35 years old, designer:

- I will share my secret of a successful do-it-yourself poster for my husband's birthday. I found how to write the expression "I love you" in 50 languages ​​of the world, made the appropriate templates, cut it out and carefully pasted it on paper. In the center, I put a successful photograph of my beloved, taken during the first months of our acquaintance with him. It turned out to be extremely original and even stylish. Did he like it? He still remembers this poster for my birthday, he says, they say, this is your best work. As a joke, of course, since he really believes in me as a designer and prophesies me a quick career growth. We'll see!

Inna Protasova, interior designer at Paragraph agency:

“The main thing you must avoid is platitudes. Your poster should by no means become a formality. Looking at your creation, a man must understand what kind of energy comes from him. Therefore, even to replicated ideas, approach creatively. For example, if you started a collage of photos, then why not use photo processing and imagine your spouse in pictures in any places where he has not been, but wants to visit? Or make his portrait in the style of one of the masters of past centuries. Fortunately, technically there are a number of programs for this - you just need to print the result on paper, having worked a little on color correction. I strongly recommend taking care of the right surroundings. In a gray and nondescript room, even the most successful birthday poster will not reveal even half of its potential.

Before you start exploring the suggested photos of your husband's birthday poster ideas, be sure to make a promise to yourself not to blindly copy. Otherwise, you risk getting a rather restrained reaction to your creation from the faithful.

A special energy always emanates from each hand-made thing, but if for its manufacture you only borrow already used templates and do not pass them through your heart, then nothing good will come of it.


Despite the fact that we have been living in the digital 21st century for a long time, gifts such as a do-it-yourself poster for my husband's birthday still remain relevant. Nonsense? Not at all, just a sincere and direct expression of one's feelings has no expiration date and will be in demand even hundreds of years later. It is not possible to check this maxim, and it is not necessary: ​​it is better to focus on urgent matters, namely, on the upcoming birthday of your loved one. So-and-so, have you already bought whatman paper for your future "art"? If not, then run to the store: it's time to start!

How to make a birthday poster for mom and grandma.

This article contains ideas and tips to help you create a beautiful original birthday poster for your mom or grandmother. Colorful works, cute pictures, examples of congratulatory texts will inspire you for an unusual congratulation for the dearest women in the world.

How to make a beautiful birthday poster for mom and grandmother on their birthday?

For the birthday of mom - the most important person for everyone in this world, you need to prepare in advance. If you think about congratulations and gifts at the last minute, then the hero of the occasion will not feel the positive and joy that we so want to give her.

How to make a beautiful birthday poster for mom and grandma

You can give good emotions, show your love and care in various ways. Among them are the preparation of a thematic gift, surprises, the purchase of flowers, sweets, pleasant, warm words, postcards and unexpected actions.

  • Together with all this arsenal of gifts for mom, you can prepare another original congratulation - a poster for the birthday girl. Such a gift is suitable not only for celebrating a name day.
  • A bright poster with inscriptions and wishes for mom can be presented for the New Year, March 8, an anniversary or an anniversary, as a gesture of reconciliation or memorable wishes for a trip or a trip.

What poster can I make for mom:

  • draw with your own hands
  • assemble a collage of photos from a glossy publication
    come up with a poster design on a computer and print it on a sheet of large format photo paper
  • you can collect a poster from the favorite sweets of the hero of the occasion, add small surprise gifts
    prepare a poster with a secret (glue envelopes with notes and wishes)

What poster can I make for mom

IMPORTANT: no matter what version of the poster you choose, mom will definitely appreciate your efforts. A poster for which you will choose beautiful wishes will be an addition to the main gift. Pleasant emotions from such an unusual congratulations to the hero of the occasion are guaranteed.

  • A loving grandmother does a lot for her grandchildren: she prepares treats for them, stays with them when their parents are busy, knits warm mittens and socks for them.
  • Before the next birthday or other holiday, take the time to make a poster with congratulations for your grandmother, full of wishes and warm words.

Ways to make a poster for grandma:

Video: DIY birthday poster

Mom and Grandma Birthday Poster Ideas with Photos: Templates, Photos

  • If your mom's or grandma's name day is just around the corner, then it's time to get acquainted with the ideas of making a large colorful poster.
  • Wishes, photos and surprises - all this will fit on a large format sheet that you hang on the wall. Wishes presented in such an unusual form will surely cheer you up.
  • The holiday will become a little brighter and more fun. And the very process of creating a poster will give you a lot of pleasure, because everyone in childhood loved to cut something out of paper, glue and come up with beautiful inscriptions, wishes.
  • By the way, to create such a gift, in addition to a sheet of drawing paper or photographic paper, you will not need so much: clippings from magazines, markers or felt-tip pens and glue.
  • But what to do if, apart from platitudes and bored congratulations, not a single interesting thought comes to mind?
  • Remember what inspires your mother or grandmother, what features in the character of a loved one you would like to emphasize. It remains only to spice up all your ideas with a drop of creativity, and a smile of joy and happiness on the face of the hero of the occasion will be a reward for your efforts.

Mom and Grandma Birthday Poster Ideas

Ideas for creating a greeting poster for mom or grandmother:

  • You can create a three-dimensional poster, which will be a great alternative to a simple drawing. Even those who are sure of the lack of artistic talents can cope with the creation of such a poster.
  • It is not necessary to draw details: fill the background with paint, and then apply stencils or use ready-made figures cut out of paper.
  • All pictures for the poster can be found on the net, and then printed. If it is not possible to print on a color printer, then it is better to keep the outlines of the images. Then they will need to be decorated.

How to make a voluminous poster?

Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Whatman sheet (can be replaced with an evenly cut sheet of wallpaper)
  • a set of colored paper or cardboard
  • colored pencils, markers
  • scissors, glue, stencils

Manufacturing steps:

  • We decide what will be shown on the poster. We glue the cut out figures in the order that our deep-seated creative beginning tells us, or we simply glue the details to make a beautiful background.
  • Another option: stick congratulations with cut-out figures, cutting them in half and creating something like doors.
  • If you like to be creative in any business, then it will not be difficult for you to create a small plot.

  • For example, for a birthday girl dreaming of traveling to some country, collect a lot of photos with the sights of this country, find pictures in which couples are relaxing, place all the pictures on a poster and come up with wishes so that the dream of a trip comes true.
  • Then we act according to the scheme: with a simple pencil we draw a sketch of the future poster, drawing the silhouettes and details that we have prepared.
  • We are preparing pictures and figures that we will glue (print them out, cut them out).
  • Coloring the background. To avoid streaks from the brush, use a sponge. Dip a piece of sponge into paint diluted with water and evenly fill the entire sheet.

3D poster option

  • We color the inscriptions, if we have any on the poster, apply paint to the pictures.
  • Now cut the sponge into thin strips. There should be as many of them as we have prepared figures and pictures. No need to cut the foam rubber into large pieces. This will make the job messy. To give volumetric outlines, a thin piece of foam rubber is enough.
  • We make a soft substrate for each cut out figure. We take a glue that will not dry quickly. It’s more convenient to work this way, and we don’t need quick drying.
  • We lay out the parts prepared for the poster and glue them to the places that we marked with a simple pencil. The poster is ready!

Important: you can cut out not only paper or cardboard figures. For such a poster, small flowers made of ribbons, old disks cut into pieces and pasted over with cloth or paper, felt are perfect. Yes, everything can look good if you turn on your imagination and build something beautiful and airy. After such a creative impulse, you will definitely get an unusual and original poster.

Video: Poster - do-it-yourself poster

Ideas for a sweet birthday poster for mom and grandma with sweets and yummy: templates, photos

  • With a sweet poster, you will not only surprise your mother or grandmother, but also please if she is a lover of goodies and sweets. From such a poster, each guest will get something.
  • Sweets are attached to the poster using double-sided tape. glue is not used for this, otherwise the neighborhood with chocolates will negatively affect their taste.

  • We take different sweets to make the poster look interesting. We stock up on small caramels to lay out words from them.
  • You can tie sweets with threads and confuse them well. Then the birthday girl will need to be smart and get herself something from a sweet poster.
  • We write wishes and congratulations. Choose sweets so that the name on their packaging can be used as part of the inscription.

Video: DIY: "Delicious" Birthday Poster

Ideas for a delicious birthday poster for mom and grandma with chocolates: templates, photos

How to make a delicious poster you will learn by watching the video

An original, beautiful birthday poster for mom and grandmother from her daughter: ideas, photos

A photo poster is one of the most effective ways to surprise and congratulate your mother. Extra words are not required: everything will be said with the help of photographs.

To make a photo collage you will need:

  • best family photos
  • mother's or grandmother's (if you decide to make a photo collage as a gift to your grandmother) the most successful portrait

Steps to create a photo collage:

  • We place the portrait of the hero of the occasion in the center. Glue the rest of the photos in a circle.
  • You can draw the contours of a bird, a heart, a cat's paw on a piece of drawing paper. Cut and paste photos inside the resulting shape. Photos can simply be pasted on a piece of drawing paper in the shape of a heart or a birthday cake.
  • Fasten the garland along the contour of the photo collage. Thus, you will make an ordinary day truly festive.
  • You can use several people to create a photo collage. Ask relatives for the birthday girl to take pictures with sheets on which congratulations are written.
  • Having collected one whole from many pictures, you will make a collage filled with sincere emotions and warm words, which the birthday girl will admire even after her holiday.

How to make a mosaic poster

  • To present a gift to a birthday girl in an original way, you can make a quest game out of an ordinary poster.

To make a mosaic poster:

  • We figure out where we will hide the gift.
  • On the poster we depict the place where the present will be located.
  • We cut the poster into several parts. These will be the puzzle pieces that need to be put together.
  • We paint on each of the cut pieces vague clues about the location of the poster presentation. We hide them in the house.
  • The birthday girl needs to collect a whole poster and find out where to look for a gift.

How to make a "flying" poster

How to make a "flying poster"?

  • You can surprise your mother or grandmother by presenting a flying poster that will dissect around the room on large bright balloons.
  • For such a gift, you will need 15-20 gel balls, but you need to take them with a margin. Some may burst or deflate.
  • You can make another version of the congratulatory poster: hang letters fastened to each other from balloons. Letters can write a congratulation for the birthday girl.

Text of congratulations and wishes for a birthday for a poster for mom and grandmother

Congratulations to mom:

Let it be like a trill of a nightingale
Sounds in the soul and heart
Find a golden key
From the hidden door
May they forever enter your house
Comfort, warmth and tenderness,
Can you allow yourself
Peace and serenity!
Mommy, my mommy,
I congratulate you
And on my birthday from the heart
I wish to be happy!

Mommy dear, Mommy tender,
May rains for you, soft bread,
A bottomless sky in a cool summer
And birthday gifts!
Faith in children, their care and affection,
Windows and doors are always wide open
Strong love to gray hair and wrinkles
And on this day, all the bouquets are in baskets!
Happy, full, long life,
Suddenly realize the embodiment of duty,
Cry from grief, laugh from happiness,
Be your beloved mother forever!

Friends, today we celebrate
Beloved Mom Anniversary,
We never tire of admiring her.
And bow before her!
A little recollection of the past
Drank a little wine
And from both
My head is spinning today!
Mommy, dear, dear,
Through so many years and so many winters
We are proud that you are our mother,
Admiring your image!

Happy Birthday, Mother dear!
How many winters have passed and how many years!
I still love you the same
There is no limit to my gratitude!
Nothing that I have become an adult,
Life is now completely, not at all the same
Everything that you once bequeathed
I tremblingly keep in my heart!
You are my light in the impenetrable fog,
A tuning fork in the melody of the soul,
If I'm stupidly wrong,
Forgive me in advance!
If only you were always healthy,
Joyfully met every day,
If only your life did not overshadow
Our thoughtless actions are a shadow!
For you, Mommy!

To my most beautiful mother
I wish you many happy days
Lots of health and lots of love
Children and grandchildren of their priceless!
I wish her many happy days
With Mommy next to me, it's like I'm flying,
I'm not afraid of frost or heat,
Only my mother was with me!
If only she smiled and sang,
She lived a long time and did not age at all,
Mom's heart leads us in life,
And on his birthday he will gather everyone!
Congratulations, dear, beloved Mom!

Congratulations to grandmother:

Grandma, don't count the years.
You do not know longing and boredom!
You will always be young
After all, the continuation of life - grandchildren!

Today is your birthday
I heartily congratulate you!
Great health and love
I sincerely wish you!

And there is great love
You love everyone and you are loved.
You are our pride, our honor,
We all need you so much!

Grandmother is sweet and dear,
Tenderly beloved, very dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday
I wish you happiness and much health.

Always be kind, caring, sweet,
The best and most beautiful grandmother.
The best grandma in the world
Know that I love you very much!

You, granny, are just class -
We have a super grandma!
Happy birthday
We want to wish immediately:

Take care of yourself, dear!
Strength, health, beauty.
'Cause you're young at heart
So let your dreams come true!

Grandma, happy birthday!
Be healthy always.
I wish you longevity
Good luck and good.

Adversity let any all
They leave forever.
Be young, be happy.
Don't ever get sick.

Video: Making a birthday present for mom!