How to make a light mask out of paper. How to make a paper mask

An integral and most important accessory of a masquerade is a mask! You can create it with your own hands, and it will take quite a bit of time to create such a craft. In this master class, we will make a mask from a material such as paper.

First you need to prepare all the tools and materials necessary for work:

  • high-density colored paper or ordinary cardboard (base material);
  • pencil or marker;
  • scissors;
  • stencil template;
  • flying;
  • glue stick;
  • decor (colored feathers, a small rosette from a satin ribbon and decorative pebbles).

It is better if the paper or cardboard used is not just plain, but with an interesting pattern. First, using a pencil and a template, we transfer the outline of the future mask to the back of colored paper or cardboard.

Try to clearly draw all the fold lines. Next, cut out the mask along the resulting contour.

Then carefully make holes for the eyes. This is how it should turn out!

On the right side of the mask, there will be a small decor that will add originality to our accessory. We need, with the help of glue, to glue a small rose to the top of the craft.

Then attach some colored feathers.

Next, decorate the surface of the mask with various colored pebbles. A drop of glue is applied to the back of the rhinestone, and then the decor is placed in a certain place. In the center of the craft, you need to attach an oval red pebble.

On the left, at the top of the mask, glue the lilac-colored droplets.

On the other side of the craft, do the same.

After that, glue round, red, pebbles.

Complete them with small "droplets" of the same shade.

Add a couple more decorative stones to the center. Here's what we got!

Now, to fix the mask, you need to attach a tape to the side parts of the craft. First, it must be folded in half, and then cut in half. We got two ribbons of the same length.

On the tip of each, apply glue and attach them to the back of the mask.

On the front side, at the base of the ribbons, glue orange-colored pebbles.

Leave the craft for several hours until the glue dries completely. Now the mask is ready!

DIY paper carnival masks: crafting with children. Master classes for preschool children, notes for teachers, a collection of ideas.

Do-it-yourself paper carnival masks: crafting with children

In this article you will find 5 workshops on making paper carnival masks with children:

  1. Facing mask from paper,
  2. Manufacturing master class paper headband masks (sample scenario and step-by-step master class)
  3. Workshop of Santa Claus and making masks for children and their parents (example script and step by step master class)
  4. Manufacturing master class papier-mâché carnival mask along with the children.
  5. Master class on implementation a simple mask made of paper or cardboard.

All master classes have been prepared for you by readers of the site "Native Path" - participants in the competition of the site "Native Path" and a free magazine for parents and teachers

Master class 1. Do-it-yourself mask using paper trimming technique

Paper trimming- This is an appliqué technique in which small pieces of paper are glued onto the basis - a pattern. In this master class, we will learn how you can use this technique in making a do-it-yourself hare mask with your child.

Tools and materials

To make a hare carnival mask, we need:

  1. White cardboard
  2. Napkins (different colors)
  3. Scissors, stationery knife
  4. Glue stick
  5. simple pencil
  6. Black marker.

How to make a carnival bunny mask with children: a step by step description

Step 1. On cardboard paper, draw a muzzle of a bunny or print a ready-made mask template. Cut out the mask.

Step 3 Next, take the glue and start creating. We come up with which parts of the bunny's face will be voluminous and glue balls of napkins close to each other on them. We carry out the fluffy parts of the muzzle with the help of pieces of cotton wool.

Step 4 With a felt-tip pen, draw the eyes and cilia of a hare on the mask. The carnival mask is ready!

Master class 2. “New Year's mask - rim Snowman.

Workshop of Santa Claus»

The course of the master class for children on the manufacture of carnival masks from paper "Snowman"

Under the musical accompaniment (the song "New Year's Toys"), the group includes children.

caregiver: Hello guys! The New Year is coming! This is a magical holiday that both children and adults are waiting for equally. In order for the New Year holiday to turn out to be fun and memorable, we must prepare well for it. Today we invited you to our creative workshop and offer you to make a New Year craft - a mask. Look what I found near our kindergarten - what a big bag! And a letter was attached to it. Let me open it and read what it says (read):

“Hello, dear children and kindergarten teachers!
It's snowing outside the window
That means it's New Year's Eve!
I'm going to your holiday
I will go to you for a long time
Through the snowy fields
through snowdrifts, through forests…
I will bring you a Christmas tree in snow-covered needles.
I congratulate you on the New Year
And I will leave gifts for you.
You don't sit idle
Decorate the group with snowflakes, crackers,
garlands, toys
frosty patterns, silver rain,
multi-colored flags, conspicuous drawings ...

Therefore, throughout the Russian country, I issue a Decree:
to all children's institutions to open without delay, without any doubt
"Workshops of Santa Claus"
Let everyone come to glue, and sculpt, and cut ...
Call everyone to the workshops!
See you soon, friends!"

Educator: This is the necessary decree issued by Santa Claus! And what's in the bag? Let's open! (Children and teacher open the bag). Look how much Santa Claus gave us - scissors and colored paper, cotton wool, plasticine, glue and a template. Let's try to guess: who does this pattern look like? (children answer). Of course, the snowman.

Now the girls will tell us poems about a snowman:

Three balls, bucket, carrot
And for the eyes - two coals;
Stick-hands deftly insert:
We are making a snowman.

The yard is full of snow.
I made a snowman.
hands, feet, head,
Carrot nose, two eyes.
Paint the mouth.
Let the people rejoice!

Educator: Well done girls! And now we'll play a little. Physical education "Snowman":

We make a snowman
(Children show everything they talk about)
Hat, nose, eyes, sides.
He is neither small nor big
(sit down, stand up)
Out came the glorious snowman!
(Hands are placed on the belt, turning the body to the left - to the right)

Let's make a New Year's craft together - a snowman mask. Let's make a New Year's craft together - a snowman mask. Next, the teacher shows the children the stages of making a mask - the "Snowman" rim. Children perform a mask. How to make a snowman mask with children of primary preschool age is presented in the step-by-step photos below.

Step 1. Outline the snowman pattern.

Step 2 Sculpt the nose of a snowman from plasticine, make eyes, buttons. By smearing plasticine along the contour of the part, make a bucket.

Step 3 Spread the snowman with glue - a pencil. Glue fluffy cotton.

Step 4 Decorate the snowman with snowflakes.

Educator: What good fellows! What beautiful snowmen we got. Let's take a picture together in our carnival masks and send a photo to Grandfather Frost. He will be very pleased that you made such beautiful crafts and that we are all looking forward to the New Year. The master class “Santa Claus's Workshop. Mask Snowman "tea party.

Master class 3.

Creative workshop for children and parents "Making masks with children" (for children from 3 years old together with adults)

Materials and tools for making a mask:

  • Scissors
  • The pencils
  • colored cardboard
  • Pearl Gel
  • decorative ornaments
  • Ribbons or rubber bands
  • Rhinestones and beads

Master class scenario: 1. Introductory part of the master class.

  • Organizational moment, greeting.
  • Presentation of the topic of the lesson.
  • A conversation about masks.
  • Demonstration of samples.
  • Explanation of the manufacturing technology of the product.
  • Safety precautions when working with scissors.

— Good afternoon, dear guests. We are very happy to have you here in our group. Look at how the children and I designed the group for the New Year holiday! New Year is one of the most fun holidays, miracles happen on New Year. How are you having fun on New Year's Eve? - Solve riddles. The host asks one riddle about a masquerade with an answer - a rhyme, for example:

Each had an outfit.
Did our... (masquerade).

Everyone has new faces
Loud children's laughter is heard
Hats, paper dresses,
There are wooden swords
Like a fairytale parade
This holiday ... (masquerade).

3 masked children (samples) come out and recite poems. Parents must guess their children.

1st child:

Colorful, bright, noisy
New Year's masquerade
And a funny costume
And happy mask happy.

2nd child:

From funny transformations
The world becomes different:
Kind, fabulously magical,
Witty and funny.

3rd child:

New Year's carnival
Hiding faces with masks
And in masquerade costumes
Danced all evening!

The host tells the story of the carnival: « Carnival as a kind of folk festival with street processions and theatrical games lives in many countries. The main attributes of any carnival are costumes and masks that help hide social differences and equalize everyone for the duration of the festival. In Russia, dressing up and having fun in masks was allowed only on Christmas and Maslenitsa. The initiator of masquerades in Russia was Peter I - a passionate lover of dressing up. In 1721, a magnificent street costume procession was arranged. You can not only buy a mask in a store, but also make it yourself from a variety of materials: paper, leather, fabric, papier-mâché. Adults and children are looking at samples of masks. We invite you to make a mask today. Try to create your own masterpiece. And let the flight of your creative imagination help you.

The facilitator explains the mask manufacturing technology:

Step 1. We draw the contours of the mask on cardboard. Or outline the mask template. Cut out.

Step 2 We mark the holes for the eyes, cut them out.

Step 3 We decorate the base of the mask with decorative material.

Step 4 We attach an elastic band or ribbon to the carnival mask.

The host of the master class reminds children and adults of safety rules when working with scissors:

  1. Blades of scissors in non-working condition must be closed (closed).
  2. Pass the scissors with the rings forward with closed (closed) blades.
  3. Scissors must be used carefully, they must not be waved so as not to injure a neighbor.

2. The main part of the master class. Practical work on making a New Year's mask. Product design. The hardest part is over and our masks are almost ready. Let's leave the masks, let them dry a little.

The host conducts a physical education session for children.

Here in the cold winter
The wind blows icy
(Children wave their hands, imitating the wind)
And he lifts up a cloud of snow.
He is tough and powerful.
(Children perform circular movements with their hands like a winter whirlwind)
Hares hide in the bushes.
Even the cunning fox
(Children sit in a deep squat for a few seconds, then stand up. As if they are bunnies that are hiding from a fox)
She crouched and sits
Well, the snow is flying, flying.
(Children perform hand movements, showing snow falling)
But the evil blizzard subsided,
The sun is shining in the sky.
(Stretching - arms to the sides.)
A fox gallops across the field.
Well, we'll walk a little
And we will return home.
(The children sit at the tables.)

And now the most interesting thing is that we will start decorating our carnival masks. There are many ways to decorate masks - it all depends on your imagination and sleight of hand, the most popular way to decorate a mask is to stick various accessories. As decorations, you can use everything that lies in front of you on the tables.

3. The final part of the creative workshop:

  • Collective analysis of creative works
  • Workplace cleaning.

The host thanks the children and adults. Useful advice: it will be good at the end of the master class to arrange a real carnival with New Year's music, play together, dance.

Master class 4: papier-mâché carnival mask

Another traditional mask-making technique available to children ages 6 and up is the papier-mâché technique. In this technique, you can fashion a mask of any, the most bizarre shape. How to make a papier-mâché mask from a regular roll of toilet paper, you will learn from this step-by-step video. Kids can also be involved in the manufacture of papier-mâché. Of course, it will still be difficult for them to sculpt a mask, but they will be happy to paint it with acrylic paints.

An example of a papier-mâché children's carnival mask

Here is a mask made from paper using the papier-mâché technique by Daria Kholina (6 years old). Educator - Rim Elena Anatolyevna (MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 75 "Fairy Tale" Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village, Novy district).

How to make such a mask:

Step 1. Make a cast of plasticine - the basis for making the mask. You need to complete the shape of the mask that you want to make. In this case, special attention should be paid to the cast of the nose and eyes. it is very important.

Step 2 Layer by layer, we lay pieces of paper (toilet paper) on the base with PVA glue. There should be 5-6 such layers (for the strength of the product).

Step 3 After 2-3 days, after the mask dries, we give it the desired color, decorate and thread the elastic to fit the head. This is what happened to six-year-old Dasha.

Master class 5. A simple paper carnival mask

It is not necessary to make a complex mask at all. The simplest paper mask can be made very simply and quickly, and even kids can make it.

Here are examples of such masks.

Mask example #1

The first mask was made by Kristina Shmatkova, 6 years old. Educator - Yulia Mansurovna Abasheva (MBDOU "Kindergarten of a combined type No. 75" Fairy Tale "Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Shemetovo village, Novy district).

How to make such a mask quickly and easily:

Step 1. Come up with an image of a mask for a child.

Step 2 Cut out a mask from thick cardboard.

Step 3 Decorate with appliqué and sequins. Sew the elastic to the size of the child's head.

The mask is ready!

Tip 1. Such masks can also be made based on a ready-made template. In this case, the mask image is printed on the printer and cut out with scissors. It is glued onto thick cardboard. On the sides of the mask, holes for the elastic are made with a hole punch. An elastic band is inserted into the mask according to the size of the child's head.

Tip 2. Details can be sewn to the mask. In this case, a detail is cut out for the wrong side of the mask, which exactly follows the contour of the mask in shape. The seams are hidden under this detail.

Tip 3. Any mask can be colored. It is better to paint the masks with acrylic paints, because. they are durable and do not get dirty in the future. The mask can be stored and used in subsequent years.

Mask example #2

Here is another example of a simple paper carnival mask made from cardboard. The mask was drawn on cardboard, cut out according to the template. Next, the child paints the mask. Holes are made along the edges for the rubber band and it is inserted into the mask. You can go to the carnival.

These paper carnival masks were made by children from kindergarten Lyceum 1564 d / o Rainbow together with their parents. Teachers - Kishka Nadezhda Alekseevna and Magomedova Saigibat Abdulkadyrovna.

Happy masquerade! The way handmade carnival masks delight you, your children, friends and loved ones! Until we meet again on the Native Path!

You will find more ideas for making carnival costumes for children with your own hands in the section .

New Year's holidays - the time of carnivals, miracles and. Only at this time can an ordinary person turn into a fairy-tale character and, leaving all everyday worries, have fun from the heart. Children are also looking forward to New Year's parties. To look worthy at the holiday, take care of the carnival outfit! A bright mask will give your image a flair of mystery.

Nothing will complement your New Year's look better than a carnival mask!

If you didn't have time to prepare the costume, it doesn't matter. It is enough to make an original mask in an hour, and it will be able to turn your ordinary evening clothes into fabulous attire. This idea can also be used when preparing a child for a matinee. A cardboard or felt mask of some kind of animal will complement children's clothing well. Without extra spending, your baby can become a cute bunny, a cunning fox or a ferocious tiger. At the end of the article, you will find a whole selection of masks that you just need to print and cut out!

Show your imagination - and your New Year's Eve will be simply unforgettable

Well, for lovers of photo shoots, we have selected a set of masks, glasses, mustaches and lips that will enliven any New Year's party. Just print them on a color printer, stick them on thick cardboard and cut along the contour! The blanks need to be attached to wooden skewers for barbecue, and then armed with them for a festive photo shoot. But first things first...

Paper mask for children

Very simple and funny masks for children's creativity

Treat your little ones with these fun paper masks. You can make them with your child. Prepare the following materials:

  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • stationery knife
  • elastic thread or narrow elastic band
  • hole puncher
  • pencils, markers, paints

Making masks will require a minimum of tools and materials from you.

Fold a sheet of cardboard in half. Use a utility knife to make cutouts for the eyes. Using a hole punch, punch a hole for the thread or elastic band. You can decorate the mask however you like. For example, draw an animal on it. Draw a mustache, nose, ears. Attach an elastic band to keep the mask in place.

Openwork carnival mask

The complexity of the openwork mask depends only on your imagination.

To make a lace mask, you will need:

  • scissors
  • ribbon
  • cling film
  • sample
  • fabric glue
  • black fabric paint

Preparation of the polyethylene base and pattern
Step-by-step instructions for making an openwork mask for the New Year

Print or draw the mask template on paper. Cover it with foil. Cut a 25cm x 15cm rectangle out of the tulle. Trace around the mask pattern with fabric paint. When the paint dries, you can remove the tulle from the film. Carefully cut out the mask and make slits for the eyes. Divide the prepared tape into two parts of 50 cm each. Apply glue to the ends of the tape and attach it to the mask. After the glue dries, the product will be ready.

Bright felt mask

Bright "rooster" mask made of artificial flowers

A very colorful and elegant mask will not leave anyone indifferent, especially during a meeting. To make it, prepare:

  • artificial flowers
  • sequins
  • tape

Step-by-step instructions for creating a felt mask

Draw the contours of the mask on a piece of felt, cut it out. To make holes for the eyes, try on the mask and mark with chalk the places where you want to cut the fabric. From the prepared artificial flowers, detach a few petals and attach them to the mask with glue. Cover the eye holes with sequins. To enable the mask to be put on, sew the tape to the inside of the product.

Such a mask will come in handy not only for the New Year, but also for Halloween!

A mysterious and spectacular accessory of a mysterious stranger. It can be made from fabric and lace. For work you will need:

  • mask template
  • beautiful fabric
  • lining fabric
  • lace
  • thread and needle
  • scissors
  • pins
  • ribbon
  • decorations

Preparation of materials and creation of a cardboard base
Step by step instructions for making a sheet mask

Make a mask template out of cardboard. Draw the outlines of the pattern on the main and lining fabric. Cut out the piece. On the inside of the product, fasten the lace on the sides with pins, making small folds. Sew the lace to the mask with threads and cut off the excess parts. Fasten the tie tape to the back of the workpiece. Stitch the main fabric to the lining with a sewing machine along the contour. Don't forget the eye holes. They also need to be trimmed. Decorate the mask to your liking.

Animal masks

These masks are the easiest to make and require almost no financial outlay. Materials:

  • sheet of A4 paper
  • crayons, paints, pencils
  • scissors
  • hole puncher
  • Scotch
  • rubber

Print the template you like on an A4 sheet. To prevent the mask from being too soft, stick the printout on cardboard. If the drawing is printed in black and white, color it in with the children. Cut out the mask with sharp scissors. There are small circles on the sides - these are the places where you need to punch holes for the elastic band with a hole punch. Paper masks often tear at these points - glue the holes with tape. Tie an elastic band and adjust the length so that the mask fits snugly, but not tight, on your face.

Paper mask templates for kids

Templates for a New Year's photo shoot

Simple cardboard blanks will spice up any holiday party!

Festive events in preschool institutions, and even in elementary school, rarely do without a carnival. And what is a carnival without masks? Then the parents have a question, how to make a paper mask for a child?

It should be remembered that making a paper mask is a rather creative process, which is necessary, first of all, for the education and development of a child. In addition, this process contributes to the expansion of horizons, and develops the imagination of children.

What are paper masks?

All paper masks can be divided into:

  • flat;
  • voluminous;
  • from papier-mâché;
  • hoop masks.

The easiest to make flat paper masks for children. They can be of various shapes: triangular, round, square, etc. For their manufacture, a pre-prepared paper layout is used. Cropping it along the contour and coloring it, you get a mask.

Volumetric paper masks, for example, animals, are made using various cuts, special grooves, which are subsequently glued together. At the same time, the process of making a pattern takes a lot of time. However, this is a very exciting activity, so children make them with pleasure.

Making a paper mask with your own hands, using papier-mâché technology, is the most difficult variety of all the masks considered. They look more solid, and can be made by high school students.

Paper masks glued to a hoop are also quite easy to make. All that is required is a hoop and a mask cut out according to the template, which, after decorating, is glued onto the existing hoop. Such masks are suitable for younger children, and can be perfectly used at a matinee in kindergarten.

It is especially difficult to make origami paper masks. To do this, you need to master the whole methodology, which is taught in special circles of children's creativity.

How to make a paper mask yourself?

Before you make paper masks, you need to decide which one you will make. First you need to prepare the material and tools. The material is usually used or painted. Masks from the latter are stronger and more durable. In order to extend the life of a paper mask, it can also be simply glued onto any cardboard.

Consider how you can make a mask out of paper "Cat". To do this, you need to take a dense landscape sheet (better for drawing).

Folding it in half lengthwise we get the line of the nose. Then we fold the sheet across, resulting in a line of eyes. Taking sharp scissors in hand, we make cuts for the eyes. Then we draw a cat's face on the front side of the mask, and only then we cut out the mask along the depicted contour.

In the same way, you can make a volumetric mask. To do this, you just need to make incisions in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and nose, bending the cut pieces of paper inward.

It remains only to paint the mask with paints and it is ready! This kind of paper masks are suitable for both girls and boys.

It is especially interesting for children to make a papier-mâché mask. To do this, you will need a balloon, an old unnecessary newspaper and glue. First you need to inflate a small balloon. Then, having previously torn the newspaper into small pieces, you can start pasting the ball with them. The paper is glued in several layers, and they are allowed to dry well. After that, you can cut off the mask from the ball, and start decorating it.

The same thing can be done right on the face of the child. In this case, instead of glue, use Vaseline or glue. By gluing pieces of paper layer by layer, we end up with an exquisite mask in which you can go to a school ball.

Thus, making paper masks is a rather exciting process that gives children a lot of positive emotions.

Halloween masks and costumes, unusual, strange and frightening, are not only a tribute to traditions, but also a way to show imagination, inventing and creating an original carnival image. How to make a scary DIY mask for Halloween? In the article we will list several simple ways.

Simple cardboard mask

How to make a scary mask with your own hands from cardboard? The easiest way is to cut out a goggle mask with holes for the eyes, and then paint or decorate. This is the best option for a children's masquerade look, for example, if a themed party is planned at school: a cardboard glasses mask will not be too intimidating or repulsive. In addition, you can do it with your child. This will require:

  • Cardboard and colored paper.
  • Glue.
  • Markers or paints for coloring.
  • Soft rubber band or ribbon.

First of all, you need to choose an image for the future mask. For Halloween, the mask of a spider, a bat, a pumpkin or a funny ghost - Casper is perfect. You can draw a mask template on cardboard yourself, or you can print it from the Internet. Further, everything is simple: the cardboard template is carefully cut out, painted or decorated with colored paper elements. Optionally, you can decorate the mask with sequins, sequins, appliqués and more. On the sides you will need to make holes into which the tape or elastic is threaded.

Volume mask made of cardboard

To make an ordinary mask-glasses voluminous, supplementing the product with cardboard or papier-mâché details, is another option on how to make a scary mask with your own hands (see photo below in the article). This will require:

  • Draw (print) and cut out templates for the mask and volumetric elements.
  • Papier-mâché parts, if any, are made in advance and dry well.
  • Glue or staple together all the parts of the mask, make side holes.
  • Color the mask. If there are papier-mâché elements, they will need to be primed and dried again before painting.
  • Pass a ribbon or elastic through the side holes.

Volumetric masks: what can be done?

The original volumetric mask that covers the face completely or only half looks really impressive. Creating such a product will require patience and accuracy, it will take a little more time. How to make a scary mask of this type? There are several methods available.

  1. The most common and affordable technique for making a volumetric mask is papier-mâché: gluing products from pieces of paper.
  2. How to make a scary mask yet? An interesting option is a voluminous mask made of fabric shreds. This technology is similar to papier-mâché and allows you to show your imagination using fabric blanks of different textures and colors.
  3. The most modern, original, beautiful, but also the most expensive material for voluminous masks is plastic or polymer clay. The main condition for working with such material is strict adherence to the technology for creating the product described in the instructions.

Regardless of what material it is planned to make a volumetric mask from, most likely, you will have to start work with making a base from gypsum or plasticine.

Form-base for the mask

Why do you need a mask shape? And is it possible to do without it? You can often find a description of the process of making a papier-mâché volume mask, which is made directly on the face. This method, of course, saves time, but sculpting and drying the mask is not very convenient. Also, a plaster or plasticine mold can be replaced, for example, with a hockey mask or an inflated balloon.

You can make a more accurate base shape from plasticine: either sculpt the head of the character whose mask is planned to be made, or make an anatomical cast from the face.

However, experienced craftsmen still advise not to be too lazy and, before making a terrible mask, make a plaster mold. Such a base can be used several times, moreover, the plaster mold is suitable not only for working in the papier-mâché technique, but also for making plastic masks with subsequent heat treatment of the product. There are two ways to make a plaster mold:

  1. Make a cast of the face with cooking foil. Carefully pour gypsum into the resulting form, avoiding deformation of the foil, and allow the gypsum to harden. Remove the foil after drying.
  2. Another way is somewhat more difficult: to make a plaster cast on the face. It will not work to make such a base form on your own, you will need an assistant who will impose a plaster mass. The cast is made in the following order:
  • First you need to remove the hair under a bathing cap, fix the shape of the eyebrows with a gel or wipe it with a damp bar of soap and smear the skin of the face well with a fat cream (children's or Vaseline will do). Next, tubes for a cocktail are inserted into the nostrils (the ends of the tubes must be wrapped with gauze or cotton wool). This will allow you to breathe freely during the procedure.
  • After all the preparations, it remains only to sit comfortably on the floor, fixing the head with wet towels or an absorbent cloth so that the plaster mass does not drip onto clothes and onto the floor during application.
  • The assistant should quickly apply a thin layer of plaster mass, starting from the middle of the face to the edge. Liquid gypsum can be replaced from a pharmacy, then it is necessary to apply them, having previously cut them into pieces and soaked them in warm water.
  • Once the surface of the plaster mold has hardened, the assistant can carefully take the impression. In conclusion, the form must be aligned along the edges.

What materials are needed for a papier-mâché mask?

Papier-mache, that is, modeling from "chewed paper", is an affordable, convenient and inexpensive answer to the question "how to make a scary mask with your own hands." To work in this technique you will need:

  • Paper sheets. Ordinary unnecessary magazines, newspapers, flyers, paper napkins, etc. will do.
  • Adhesive. It can be PVA glue or wallpaper glue. But since the mask will be in contact with the skin of the face, it is best to prepare a paste from flour and water (at the rate of 1: 2).
  • Fatty cream or oil to lubricate the base form. This will allow you to easily remove the finished product from the mold in the future.

Step-by-step procedure for creating a papier-mâché mask

How to make a scary procedure is quite simple:

  • A layer of lubricant is applied to the base form - a fatty cream (Vaseline, vegetable oil).
  • Paper sheets need to be torn into small strips and soaked in a container with a paste, the denser the paper, the longer.
  • Paper strips are glued onto the base layer by layer, gradually forming a mask. It is important to apply each subsequent layer evenly, without air bubbles and irregularities.
  • During the modeling process, the mask can be fixed with one or two layers of bandage or strips of soft fabric, laying them between layers of paper strips.
  • Dry the mask for 2-3 days at room temperature. After drying, cut the side holes for the elastic (tape), align the slots for the eyes, nose, mouth.
  • The mask must be removed from the mold, primed and painted. For painting a paper mask, ordinary gouache or oil paints are suitable.
  • If desired, the mask can be decorated with bright details (feathers, sequins, elements of fabric, metal, etc.), thread an elastic band (ribbon) into the side slots.

Heat treated plastic mask

Plastic, which hardens after being heated at a high temperature, is a material very popular with people who are passionate about needlework. However, working with it requires strict adherence to technology and safety rules. For this reason, you should always start the process of creating a mask by reading the instructions on the plastic packaging. It is especially necessary to remember that for different varieties of this material, the technology of work and the processing temperature may differ. How to make a scary mask from polymer clay (plastic)? To create a mask from this material you will need:

  • A set of colored plastics with instructions.
  • Crockery and stack (knife) for work.
  • Warm water container.
  • Oven (oven in the kitchen stove).
  • Plaster mold for the mask.
  • Decorative elements (optional).

Important! Thermoplastic utensils must not be used for food purposes. After work, the oven must be thoroughly rinsed with water and detergent.

Plastic production is carried out in several stages:

  • The form of plaster is smeared with oil or fat cream.
  • Pieces of material are softened according to the instructions on the package. For faster heating, it is often recommended to use warm water or the non-hot air of a conventional hair dryer. Of these, a mask is applied to the plaster base.
  • It is important to avoid getting dust, small debris, hair or threads on the softened plastic.
  • When sculpting on the form, it is necessary to immediately cut through the nasal and eye openings of the mask. For a beautiful snug fit of the mask to the face, you should try to create a smooth transition to the plaster form, nullifying the plastic mass in the eye area and along the edges of the mask.
  • All slots, including holes for elastic (ribbons), must be done before the plastic is completely solidified.
  • If desired, the mask can immediately, before heat treatment, be decorated with heat-resistant parts made of metal, glass, stone and other things.
  • Heat treatment is carried out in strict accordance with the instructions: a plaster mold with a molded mask is placed in the oven, preheated to the recommended baking temperature. The product is aged in the oven for the time specified by the manufacturer, after which the mask should gradually cool in the oven.
  • Important! The temperature of the oven must be constantly monitored. All types of plastics may begin to melt and release toxic smoke if the temperature in the oven reaches 170-175°C. If this happens, you must immediately turn off the oven, open the doors and windows for ventilation and leave the home until the final weathering.
  • Re-heat treatment of plastics is allowed. After complete cooling, the mask can be supplemented with molded details and baked again.
  • The cooled product is carefully removed from the mold. The finished mask can be primed and painted, decorative elements can be glued on.