How to take care of extended nails? Why do you need extended nails and how to save them? How to care for gel nails at home

Artificial nails are the perfect solution for women whose nails break and peel. Turning to the salon, the clients in a few hours become the owners of beautiful, durable, perfectly shaped nails. And how does a woman feel with well-growth nails? That's right - contented and happy. If everything turns out the way she dreams about it. But the errors of the master are not always immediately visible. And how they can "backfire" later, it will be seen days, weeks, months later. True, any master, including the masters of the salon, whom you all have known for a long time - Ira Gorbunova and Lena Mironovich, always have some concern about how these nails will be worn. Therefore, in the salon "Embassy of Beauty" there are special memo, which each client receives after the extension procedure ... Today we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some excerpts from it and you - our readers, at the same time and get answers to some pressing questions that often sounded on our forums

Q: Are nail extension materials harmful?

Ira Gorbunova: Modern nail modeling technologies and materials are not harmful for your health and for your natural nails! In any case, more than one hundred of our clients have tried the possibilities of these funds. And there have been no complaints so far.

Question: If I decided to build up my nails, do I need to somehow prepare them for this procedure?

Question: Do those who have grown nails experience any specific sensations?

Sometimes, on the first day after the extension, while the artificial material “shrinks”, i.e., the polymerization process is completely completed, you may experience a slight feeling of tightening.
But usually one or two days are enough to get used to the length and learn how to handle artificial nails carefully.

Question: How to properly care for artificial nails?

Your artificial nails will not lose their attractiveness for a long time if you know and follow some rules:

1. To remove nail polish from artificial nails, use acetone-free products specially designed for this purpose. Avoid contact with any household chemicals containing acetone.

2. If you need to correct the shape of the free edge of the nail, then this is done not with scissors and nippers, but with a special file, grinder and polisher for artificial nails.

3. Without a doubt, artificial nails are several times (!) Stronger than natural ones, but everything has a tensile strength. Therefore, avoid too much mechanical stress on the nails and sudden hand movements.

4. Between visits to the salon, cuticle care at home is desirable. To do this, use the tools recommended by your master:

a) Vitaminized oils, gels and creams are necessary to soften, nourish and moisturize the cuticle. In addition, these products reduce the formation of burrs and promote the development of healthy natural nails in the matrix (nail growth zone). Oils are rubbed with light massaging movements into the cuticle and periungual ridges.

b) With a rapidly growing cuticle, you can reduce the growth rate by using a cream to reduce the growth of the cuticle.

c) If you want to do your own manicure at home, then it is better to replace the process of “soaking” your hands in water with the use of Cuticle Remover (softener and cuticle remover). But, as a rule, when building nails, the cuticle practically stops growing, and a manicure can be done in the salon about once a month (from one correction to another).

5. You can visit baths, saunas and swimming pools with artificial nails if you treat your nails more carefully. With significant temperature changes, artificial nails become a little more fragile. Therefore, after water and thermal procedures, let the nails cool and dry properly, and they will become as strong again.

6. It is very important to make a correction in a timely manner. Since natural nails grow quickly, it is necessary to report the material to the overgrown part of the nails. This is called a correction. The time after which it is necessary to make a correction is individual and depends on the growth rate of your natural nail. On average, a correction is done once every three to four weeks.

Q: What should I do if I want to remove artificial nails? And how long can they be worn?

Acrylic or gel nails can be worn for as long as you want.

If you still decide to remove artificial nails, then it is important for you to remember that you need to do it right! This guarantees you not only the preservation of your natural nails, but also the improvement of their condition.

1. In no case do not tear off artificial nails, even if the material has peeled off and "pockets" have formed! You run the risk of severely injuring the natural nail by separating the material from part of the natural nail plate.

2. You need to remove artificial nails only at the Nail Modeling Master. He knows how to do it right without harming natural nails.

3. Immediately after removing the artificial nails, your master will make you a manicure and “seal” your natural nails.

4. Get qualified advice from the Master on how to properly care for your hands in the future, using professional products to strengthen natural nails.

Question: Is it possible to build nails for anyone who wants to, or are there still restrictions?

Of course, there are certain rules that every manicurist should know. And the first rule sounds like this: you should never grow nails over the changed nails of a client! If artificial nails are built up on natural ones affected by the fungus, then there is no guarantee that the nails can be saved at all. The fact is that under a layer of synthetic material, greenhouse conditions are created for the growth and development of fungal microflora. Another indisputable rule is to take into account the individual tolerance of materials that are used in nail extensions. Sometimes allergic reactions to artificial nails can occur. If you are afraid of the development of an allergy, the master can first build up (or strengthen) one nail, and only after making sure that the body easily tolerates all preparations for building up this brand, will he carry out the procedure in full.

Question: What are the types of extensions? What is the main difference between each of them?

To date, these are two main technologies: acrylic and gel. Using them in practice, I can say that it is not so much the material that should be discussed, but those who work with it. If you try to find out the “pros” and “cons”, then it will turn out something like this: in acrylic it’s bad that there is a smell, and it’s bad that many salons think it’s bad. Everyone suffers from the smell, except for those who need beautiful nails. This is a minus.

Extended nails today are no longer a luxury. For many of the fair sex, extended nails replace natural ones, it is convenient and beautiful, and you can easily hide it with the help of extensions. The choice of material for building up is great - you can build up gel or acrylic nails, apply a shilak.

When signing up for an extension procedure in a salon, any lady should know how to care for extended nails. The master who performs the procedure must tell the details of the care and answer all the questions.

There are general rules to follow for proper care. The first thing to do after growing your nails is to purchase the necessary tools and tools that will allow you to perform competent care at home. All procedures related to water must now be carried out only with gloves - after all, extended nails need protection. In addition, gloves will help maintain a pleasant appearance of the skin on your hands.

Taking care of stubborn legs

Having decided to grow nails, any girl wonders how to care for extended nails at home. To keep extended nails in good condition, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • about a day after building up, you need to try not to expose your nails to water;
  • in the following days after all water procedures, the nails should be allowed to dry well, otherwise they will become brittle and brittle;
  • when performing household tasks, you need to be careful and follow safety precautions; when cleaning, be sure to wear rubber gloves and try to avoid contact of nails with household chemicals;
  • no need to wave your arms or tap your nails on various surfaces - extended nails, especially in the early days, are brittle and brittle;
  • you can adjust the extended nails for length and shape on your own only with special tools - these should be nail files and polishes with an abrasiveness of 100/100; the use of scissors, nippers and simple nail files should be abandoned.

How to apply varnish on extended nails

For several weeks, it is not necessary to keep the drawing that was made by the master for building up or correcting. Girls sometimes want more often than in every correction. But to paint extended nails yourself, you need to know a few rules:

  • nail polish remover should not contain acetone - it damages the surface of extended nails;
  • the varnish chosen for application should also not contain acetone;
  • before applying the varnish, it is necessary to use the base varnish;
  • the varnish is applied in no more than 1-2 layers, because on artificial nails it lasts much longer than on natural ones;
  • the choice of varnish should be based on its quality - it is better to have a few bottles of good varnish than many colors of poor quality;
  • do not repaint your nails too often.

How to care for cuticles

Cuticle care is a separate procedure, during which you also need to be guided by some principles:

  • steaming nails in water is prohibited;
  • to soften the cuticle, you need to use only products made specifically for this purpose;
  • with the rapid growth of the cuticle, you need to use a special cream to reduce its growth;
  • in order to moisturize the cuticle, you need to use vitamins, gels, oils.

The above remedies are applied every few days. They must be carefully rubbed into the cuticle. These products will also ensure good growth of natural nails, strengthen them, and prevent the formation of burrs.

Nail correction

Correction, carried out with high quality and at the right time, is an important principle for caring for extended nails. On the overgrown part of natural nails, the master will report the necessary material. If you skip the correction procedure or rarely perform it, the nails will become brittle and brittle, they will look very sloppy. Correction must be carried out at least every 3-4 weeks

If the nail is damaged, then it is best to contact the master. No need to try to remove the extended nail on your own - this can greatly damage your own. If, nevertheless, it is urgently needed, then you need not just cut the nail, but purchase special tools. Gel nails can only be removed in salons.

Every two years, natural nails must be given a break from extensions. The break should last at least three months - this is the time required for the complete renewal of the nail plate. At this time, you need to actively apply various restorative procedures and use restorative agents.

Extended nails are far from uncommon today, and the salon procedure that is available to everyone. Beautiful and well-groomed nails are not just a rule of good taste, it is also an indicator of social status. With the help of a manicure, you can show your personality. It's not for nothing that the great woman Coco Chanel said - "a woman's hands are her business card, her neck is her passport, and her chest is her passport."

After visiting the master, extended nails look perfect, there is nothing to complain about, but in order to maintain this ideal result for a long time, you must follow certain rules.

Extended nails and hands after this procedure need special care. The cuticle, which has been exposed to aggressive substances, needs to be moisturized, as does the skin of the hands. Hydration alone is not enough, nutrition is also needed.

In the absence of these daily procedures, extended nails will lose their beauty and attractiveness, and the cuticle will become dry in just a matter of days.

In order to avoid such consequences, the care of extended nails should be carried out daily. The rules of care and advice are not burdensome, and can be used even when caring for natural nails, which will only make them stronger, and a beautiful look will last longer.

Rules for the care of extended nails in the first days after extension

The first and main secret of beautiful nails is daily care, immediately after salon procedures. During the first days after the extension, it is forbidden to visit the sauna, bath, and it is advisable not to take a bath, but limit yourself to taking a shower. The fact is that artificial nails in the first day are extremely difficult to tolerate temperature changes, and the quality of the manicure can be significantly affected.

It is due to the fact that the nails are not strong enough, they can easily break. Therefore, the masters are advised to gradually get used to the new manicure. In just a few days, your nails will feel like your own.

Extended nails and household chores

After the nail extension procedure, cleaning the apartment, washing dishes and contact with any household chemicals should be done only with gloves. All detergents, especially aggressive ones, have a negative effect on nails, hand skin and coatings, including gel polishes.

Particular care must be taken when contacting substances containing acetone and solvents. They can significantly spoil the manicure and dry the skin of the hands, which makes it begin to age prematurely.

Baths with salt, lemon and some herbs are also prohibited; artificial nails do not tolerate such hand care procedures. It is best to use balms, creams and lotions to moisturize the skin of the hands and cuticles.

Despite the fact that artificial nails are more durable than natural nails, you should not tighten the bolts with them. Artificial nails are not just glued to the natural one, but literally soldered in, and any injury can affect the condition of the natural nail.

To adjust the shape and length of nails, you can not use scissors and nippers, iron files. For extended nails, only specialized tools with an abrasiveness of 100/100 are suitable (the coefficient is displayed on the file itself). Only such nail files can correct any defect, do not damage the design of the artificial nail and do not harm the natural one.

In case of injury and damage to the nail, you should not try to restore it at home, only the master can restore the former shape of the nail. With inaccurate and unprofessional adjustment, there is a high probability of damaging the nail plate of a natural nail and it will take time and money to restore it.

Skin, hand and cuticle care

Cuticle care, even outside of nail extensions or gel polishes, should be carried out regularly - this is the key to well-groomed and beautiful nails. To prevent the formation of hangnails, it requires hydration and nutrition, and cosmetic oils containing essential vitamins and minerals can be the best tools to achieve this goal. For women whose cuticle grows quickly, there are special cosmetic oils that slow down its growth.

Hand skin also needs nutrition and hydration, for this it is better to choose a series of products - day and night cream, especially if you often have to come into contact with aggressive substances, such as household chemicals, or you have to deal with occupational hazards.

As a rule, when building nails, some kind of coating, compositions and drawings are already created, but not all women are satisfied with this. It takes an average of three weeks before nail correction, and walking all this time with the same design is boring.

It is possible to apply lacquer on extended nails, but there are a few things to consider that will help achieve unsurpassed results and do not harm the artificial structure.

Firstly, the selected artificial nail polish must be of high quality, and suitable for gel or acrylic - depending on what the artificial nails are made of. Do not chase the brand, this is not always a guarantee of quality, especially since no one has yet canceled fakes.

Secondly, the varnish on extended nails lasts much longer and better than natural ones, so just one, maximum two layers of varnish is enough. When covering extended acrylic nails, it is advisable to use a base, but the varnish will hold on without it, but on gel nails, the base is simply necessary - this will protect the base gel from color impurities.

Thirdly, experts do not advise removing and varnishing extended nails too often.

Nail care after extension removal

Over time, you get used to extended nails, and you no longer want to part with them, but you have to do it. Experts recommend completely removing extended nails every 6 months and resting natural nails for a month and a half. During this time, the native nail plate will be able to renew and recover.

During the recovery period, nail care should be even more intensive - taking vitamins, minerals, topical use of enamels, cements and cosmetic oils to nourish and strengthen the natural nail plate.

It often happens that our nails, which mother nature has endowed us with, do not cause much enthusiasm, the reasons can be very different - too brittle, which do not grow to the desired length, the shape of the nail plate does not suit or some other reasons. Fortunately, now all this can be easily fixed, one of the ways out of the current situation is extended nails. Here you can give free rein to your imagination - any shape you like, any length - whatever you wish. And if you often change your image and clothes of the wardrobe, then in this case it is rather difficult to guess which manicure is suitable in this or that case, and it is the French manicure that is called to solve this dilemma. Beauty Salon "Mango", and in particular professional manicurists will perform French in the best possible way, and this discreet, but at the same time elegant and very popular manicure in our country will look perfect.

In order for your new nails to always look fresh and natural, you need to properly care for them, and this of course applies not only to timely correction by a specialist, but also to other effective methods. We will talk about what kind of care is needed for certain nails, what varnishes to choose for coating and what means to remove it. Similar articles

How to take care of extended nails? BASIC CARE RULES


One of the main rules for caring for nails, whether gel or acrylic, is caution and safety, namely, avoid frequent stress on the nails, sudden movements, and so on, of course, extended nails are much stronger than our natural ones, but you should still be more careful. After all, this effect adversely affects the plate itself, the nail cracks and at the most inopportune moment can lead to serious injuries to a healthy nail. The same applies to a sharp temperature drop, especially in the first days after building. For example, visiting the pool or bath is contraindicated these days. Hands should be washed with warm water and it is better to avoid contact with aggressive detergents, it is recommended to use gloves during cleaning, because they will not only protect your nails, but also the skin of your hands.


Professional correction of extended nails must be carried out at least once every 20 days, however, it should also be borne in mind that until this time the free edge of the nail is often erased in some way and needs to be corrected, this procedure is carried out using a nail file, and a special one. In this case, it is contraindicated to use sharp objects for trimming manicure, as well as metal nail files. An abrasive nail file 100 * 100 is perfect.


To begin with, it should be noted that the varnish must be washed with special nail polish removers, which are designed specifically for extended nails that do not contain acetone, since it is acetone that can soften the nail, which becomes brittle. After the varnish is removed, you need to choose a high-quality new coating. After you have chosen a shade, you should carefully apply a thin even layer, a thick layer is unacceptable, as it disrupts the breath of your own nail.


So, now let's talk about cuticle care. Of course, if you have it growing rapidly, then you need to use special tools that slow down growth. To soften it and thus improve the appearance, you need to use special emollient oils, which can be enriched with vitamins. In addition, these funds have a beneficial effect on the growth of your own nail, as they are rubbed into the base of the nail. The frequency of rubbing - several times a week, usually with the help of massage movements - a light massage improves the blood supply to the nails.


Of course, professional correction of extended nails, done on time, is very important, here the master updates the shape of the nail plate, and if you wish, you can immediately change it, the nail itself is corrected at the base, whether it be acrylic or gel, and the nails are varnished or designed .

If you still think that extended nails do not require special and painstaking care, you are mistaken. There is a widespread opinion that with the help of building it is possible to solve several problems, including:

  • inability to grow your nails;
  • fragility of the natural nail plate;
  • the opportunity to become the owner of long nails;
  • minimizing nail care.

If you can still agree with the first points, then with regard to the last (nail care) - options are possible here. There are certain rules for the care of extended nails that take into account just their artificiality. After all, whatever one may say, no matter how safe the materials used in building up are, if they are not handled correctly, they can turn from friendly raw materials into a means dangerous to humans. Therefore, caring for extended nails is no less important than caring for your own, natural ones.

Fashionistas know that there are not only different extension technologies, but also different materials. The most popular are acrylic and gel. The first question that arises for the owner of artificial claws is whether the care for extended nails differs from gel and acrylic ones?

There is no fundamental difference. For both acrylic and gel nails, you need to visit the salon as the plate grows back for correction. Someone does this once a month, someone more often, and if the plate grows slowly, you can make a correction once every one and a half months. In the process of correction, the claws are modeled in length, as well as “changing” the color or decor.

But between correction sessions, you need care for extended nails, which you can do yourself at home.

Given that both acrylic and gel nails can hardly be called whimsical, caring for them is not difficult.

Extended nail care

There are seven basic rules to follow in order to take good care of your nail extensions, whether they are acrylic or gel extensions. At first glance, not much. But, on the other hand, there are charmers who completely forget about their claws between corrections. As a rule, such young ladies argue their inaction by the fact that artificial manicures are done specifically in order to save themselves the headache of caring for their natural ones.

Rule #1

Do not use nail polish remover containing acetone. Buy products that are more gentle on your gel or acrylic nail plates.

Rule #2

Do all housework with gloves. Especially if aggressive special cleaning products are used in the process of cleaning or washing. Firstly, gloves protect the skin of the hands, and secondly, acrylic or gel and, of course, manicure.

Rule #3

If the correction is still far away, you can independently process the nail edges. At the same time, DO NOT use nail files that are designed for processing natural nails (due to their excessive softness). In order to file an acrylic or gel claw well and with high quality, you will need a file with an abrasiveness of 100/150 grit.

Rule #4

Even artificial nail plates tend to break. Therefore, try to avoid blows, pressure. And give up the bad habit of biting your nails. A damaged artificial nail plate is not only not aesthetically pleasing, it can also negatively affect the condition of your natural nail plate.

Rule #5

The unpretentiousness of gel and acrylic is a relative concept. These materials do not respond well to sudden temperature changes. From cold or heat, the surface may turn yellow, or even crack. But do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting a solarium or sauna, just do not allow sudden changes in temperature. By the way, such a change in temperature is also not desirable for the body.

Rule #6

Despite the fact that when building up the cuticle grows slowly, there are cases when the young lady still has to remove it, and often do it at home on her own. Experts recommend abandoning such a combination as the use of tweezers and softening baths. With this cuticle removal technique, it is very easy to damage the nail. It is better to use special cuticle removers. Today, there are a lot of such funds on sale and there is plenty to choose from. And the technique of its use is very simple - just apply the product on the cuticle and wait a bit, after which the skin can be pushed back with a wooden stick.

Rule #7

The use of various moisturizing creams and oils for artificial manicure is also necessary, as well as for caring for your own (natural).

Never say never

But what nail masters categorically DO NOT recommend doing is cutting or removing nails on their own. Of course, you can remove the extended claws yourself, only the consequences will be catastrophic. So it is better to go to the salon to the master as soon as possible.

Do not use your extended nails as a tool to open bottles and unscrew screws. Think of them as a decoration, not a tool.

Do not be zealous in length. The longer the extended nail, the more likely it is to break, and break along with your own.

Well, there is no need to talk about the fact that artificial nails should always be as clean as their own. This is an axiom that does not require proof.