How to update an old bag? How to decorate a leather bag with your own hands - decor options Decorating a handbag with flowers

Keychain on carabiner

The easiest way to decorate a women's bag. The carabiner clasp allows you to attach the keychain to a handle, pocket flap, zipper slider. The most popular are key rings with logo pendants of famous brands. By the way, the fashion houses themselves offer such options for pendants, however, they are far from cheap. For example, in the line of pendants in the form of flowers, berries, funny men made of fur from Fendi, prices start at 490 euros.

The option is much simpler - a pendant on a bag in the form of a miniature rabbit. Recently, everyone has been wearing such pendants of different colors, from first-graders to young girls. The touching fur rabbit was invented by Chinese designer Ella Liu, and the pendant was mass-produced thanks to the Danish company Kopenhagen Fur, a well-known manufacturer of natural fur products. The cost of the original is at least $ 80, but you can buy inexpensive analogues in online stores.

bright scarf

A scarf or handkerchief can simply be tied at the base of the handles of the bag so that its ends are of different lengths and fall freely down. The advantage of this decor is that you can change scarves, depending on what you are wearing. The original option is to unfasten the long handle (designed to carry the bag on the shoulder) and tie a scarf instead. Alternatively, you can tightly braid one of the short handles of the bag with a scarf.


This method is suitable for decorating both leather and textile bags. You can make multi-layered applications, superimposing fragments of different diameters and shapes on top of each other, or a smooth application in the form of a mosaic of multi-colored patches of eco-leather. The application can be a full-fledged drawing with a storyline (roofs of houses in a night city, a forest by a river, a view of the mountains). The main thing is not to limit your imagination and fasten all the elements with high quality.


Similar to the appliqué, it is suitable for bags made of any material. Depending on what surface you plan to paint on (fabric, leather), select the type of paint. There are many options: paint can be applied using a stencil, or you can make a graffiti-style drawing, draw ornaments in an ethnic style, or simply apply freehand strokes in the manner of the impressionists. Do not forget to ask - how to properly prepare the surface before applying the picture and how to process the bag after everything is completed. This is necessary in order for the drawing to last as long as possible.

Overlay decor

It all depends on your taste. To decorate bags, you can use stones, brooches, crystals, buttons of different sizes, various accessories (metal rings, chains) and even fringe (you can buy it ready-made, with carabiner mounts, or make it yourself from a separate piece of leather or eco- skin). Metal cones or hemispheres will look extravagant. Decorative beads usually have a through hole through which a thread fixing them is threaded. Stones, spikes and crystals can be fastened with metal prongs at the base, which are pierced into the bag and then bent over from the back. Alternatively, you can use a glue gun to fix decorative elements.


You can use this method for leather bags, but most often embroidery is still found on textile bags. It can be both “classic” embroidery with satin stitch or cross stitch, and embroidery with ribbons, beads, using sequins, wooden or glass beads, and other things. There is only one difficulty: before you do the embroidery, you will have to rip off the lining of the bag so as not to “grab” it with threads.

Stickers, patches

They can be fixed with machine stitching or have an adhesive backing. With the latter option, the easiest way is to choose a suitable sticker, attach it to the bag and iron it through a thin, damp cloth. The whole process takes a couple of minutes, and the bag is completely transformed. By the way, stickers are the most convenient way to mask scuffs or holes on old denim backpacks or textile bag bags.


In addition to the options already mentioned, there are several more original decorating methods for clutches. You can attach a bead handle to a miniature handbag: this solution has long been proposed by the brands Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana. To make the bead-shaped handle more durable and keep its shape, you can thread a hard wire through it. You can even use a bracelet instead of a pen. Finally, the clutch can be connected to a belt and worn on the belt. The latter method is convenient in that the belts can be changed. To do this, just attach a belt loop to the back of the clutch.

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  • A backpack, regardless of the chosen model, manufacturer, style or frills of the designer who designed it, was, is and will remain the most simple, functional item in which capacity / convenience of everyday use is more important than appearance, following fashion, applied solutions or used " baubles."

To make a simple fabric bag bright and summery, decorate it with a pattern of lemons! You will need acrylic paint for fabric in yellow and black, a brush, a waterproof backing (such as cellophane), and the bag itself. First, wash, dry and iron the bag. Place a backing pad inside so that the paint only gets on the front of the bag. Draw lemons with yellow paint (you can first outline their outlines with a pencil). When the paint is dry, add black dots. If the instructions require it, after drying, fix the paint with an iron.

2. Fabric bag with anchor

To make such a painting, you will need blue and white acrylic fabric paints, a small stamp (you can use the eraser on the back of the pencil), the bag itself, a cellophane backing and a drawing pencil. Find or draw your own image of an anchor and transfer it to the fabric of the bag. Place a backing pad inside the bag to prevent paint from getting on the back of the bag. Mix blue with white paint in different containers so that shades from blue to blue are obtained. Using a stamp, fill in the contour of the anchor with paints. Dry the product and, if necessary, fix the paint with an iron.

3. Fabric bag painted with gold paint

The paint with a metallic sheen contrasts very effectively with the texture of the cotton or linen fabric from which the bag is sewn. In art or craft stores you can find different metallic acrylic paints - silver, gold, bronze, copper ... Choose according to your taste. Also stock up on masking tape, a stencil on which you will make the inscription, and a sponge or brush. To get started, mark the bottom section of the bag that you will be painting over, and stick masking tape along the border. Paint the bottom of the bag and let dry well. Next, apply the inscription using a stencil, dry again and, if required by the instructions, fix the paint with an iron.

4. Bag with a bright square and a pattern

You will need yellow acrylic for fabric, a brush or sponge, masking tape, waterproof backing, permanent marker, ruler, and pencil. Wash, dry and iron the bag. Mark a square with a ruler and pencil and glue strips of masking tape along its edges. Place the backing inside the bag and paint over the square. Let the paint dry and draw with a pencil. Follow the sketch with a permanent marker. To fix the pattern, you can cover it on top with colorless acrylic for fabric.

5. Fabric bag with stripes

You can make stripes of the same or different colors - for this you will need the appropriate acrylic on fabric, sponge or brush and masking tape. First, glue the strips of tape onto the bag, leaving equal gaps. Then paint over the gaps with paint and let it dry. Remove the tape and, if necessary, fix the paint with an iron.

6. Bag with gold decor and rainbow handles

To turn an ordinary canvas bag into such a bright accessory, you will need gold acrylic for fabric, masking tape, wide rainbow-colored braid, pins and a sewing machine. The existing fabric handles from the bag need to be torn off. Then we paint over the bottom of the bag with gold paint (how to do this - see step 3). When the paint dries, we outline the place for attaching new handles from the braid, pin the braid with pins and attach it to the machine.

7. Beach bag with stripes and thermal sticker

What your bag will be depends on the sticker you choose. In this case, it is an anchor. Before sticking the sticker, you need to decorate the bag with stripes (how to do this, see step 5). When the paint is dry, apply the sticker to the fabric and iron it on. Ready!

8. Bag with stripes and a bird

This bag is almost completely painted with paint, which gives it some advantages over a regular cloth bag. Firstly, acrylic paints make the fabric stiffer, and the bag holds its shape better and becomes stronger. Secondly, after drying, acrylic gives the fabric water-repellent properties, so you can not be afraid to get into the summer rain with such a bag or put a wet swimsuit in it on the beach. To paint the bag, you need several colors of acrylic paint for fabric, a sponge or brush, masking tape, a picture of a bird (you can draw it yourself). Wash, dry and iron the bag. Start applying color blocks one at a time (see step 5). Wait for the previous one to dry before applying a new block of color. don't forget to paint the bag handles on both sides. At the end, draw a bird - you're done.

9. Bag with "Rorschach spots"

Hermann Rorschach is a Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist who invented a test to help determine what people have in their souls using abstract spots. A bag with "Rorschach spots" will show you as an educated, ironic and extraordinary person, and making such decor is as easy as shelling pears. You will need black acrylic for the fabric, thinner for the acrylic, cellophane for the backing. First wash, dry and iron the bag. Then fold it in half lengthwise and iron. now put the backing inside (this way you won't stain the fabric of the back of the bag). Dilute the black fabric acrylic with a little thinner to make it thin enough, and pour the paint onto one half of the bag so that you get abstract spots. Immediately fold the bag along the ironed fold and press down so that the paint is printed as a mirror image on the second half. It remains to dry the bag and fix the paint with an iron.

10. "Watermelon" bag

To paint a bag like this, you need liquid fabric paints (and regular acrylic for fabric or indelible marker to draw bones). Liquid paint is needed in two colors: red and saturated green. According to the instructions, dilute the paint in water in a wide container. Start with red. Dip the bottom of the bag into the paint so that the paint saturates the desired area of ​​​​the fabric. Hold the bag in the paint for as long as the instructions require. Then paint the top and handles of the bag green in the same way. As a rule, after dyeing, the fabric must be rinsed (follow the instructions). When the bag is dry, draw watermelon pits with acrylic or marker.

11. Bag with inscription marker

The easiest way to add personality to a bag is to write or draw with a fabric marker. The main thing is to find an indelible marker (these are sold in needlework and art stores). To make the drawing lie more evenly, it is better to wash, dry and iron the bag before work, you can also pull it on some kind of tablet. The drawing can first be done with a pencil, and then circled with a marker.

12. Bag with ombre staining and pompom

For such staining, you need liquid paint for fabric (for example, for batik). Dilute the paint with a small amount of water in a wide container. Moisten the bag well with water from a spray bottle. Dip the bottom of the bag into the paint can and wait until the paint has soaked the bag to your liking. If the paint instructions require it, rinse the bag afterwards. It remains to add a pompom in color as a keychain.

13. Bag with stepped ombre staining

To make such staining, follow the instructions from paragraph 12. The difference is that the entire sequence of staining steps must be repeated three times, each time immersing the bag in the paint to a certain level to make “steps”.

14. Bag with stripes of colored fabric

For this decor, you will need a patch of colored fabric, fabric glue, a roller knife and a needlework mat (or sharp scissors and attention), a pencil and a ruler. First, cut out a piece of suitable size for decoration from a flap. Using a pencil and a ruler, mark strips of equal width on the parts and cut. Now each strip must be carefully glued to the bag at an equal distance from each other.

15. Bag with "fur" pocket appliqué

The heart made of "fur" on this bag is not just an application, but also a convenient pocket for small things. To decorate a bag with this decor, cut out two identical heart parts from a suitable fabric. Fold the pieces right sides in and machine stitch, leaving an opening to turn inside out. Turn the pocket inside out, sew up the opening by hand and sew the pocket to the bag.

16. Ballerina bag

It's so good to decorate a bag for a girl, but if you yourself love ballet or unusual decor - why not? You will need thread and a needle for embroidery, fabric for a ballerina skirt - chiffon, tulle and so on, a suitable ribbon. First, we outline the pattern on the bag and embroider it. Then we cut out a rectangular part of the skirt, pick it up, wrap it with ribbon and sew it to the bag.

17. Bunny bag


Another option for decorating a bag for a girl. You will need: a suitable fabric for the "ears", a sewing machine, an iron, pom-pom threads, embroidery threads, an embroidery needle, scissors. First, we make “ears”: we cut out 4 identical ones from the fabric, we grind 2 each, folding the front sides inward, turn it inside out, iron it and sew it to the bag. Then you need to outline the pattern of embroidery for the eyes and whiskers of the bunny and embroider. At the end we make a pompom and sew in place of the nose.

18. Bag with "fruit and vegetable" pompoms

Great option for summer shopping trips! To make such a decor, you will need threads of different colors for embroidery and pompons, a device for making pompons, an embroidery needle and scissors. Decide which "vegetables" and "fruits" you will depict, and make pom-poms of the right color and size. If you want an oval shape, you can cut the pom-pom accordingly. Now we outline the embroidery pattern on the bag, embroider and sew on the pompoms. Ready.

19. Bag with a pattern of stamps


This method will help you make a simple solid color stamp fabric into a printed fabric - and you can choose the print yourself. You can find ready-made stamps in a needlework store or make them yourself, for example, by cutting with a breadboard knife from a half of a bottle cap, from an eraser or a piece of thick linoleum. You will also need acrylic fabric paints of the same or different colors - pour them into convenient containers. Dip the stamps in the paint and apply to the fabric. After finishing work, let the paint dry and fix it with an iron.

20. Bag embroidered with rhinestones

For such a decor, you will need acrylic fabric paint (in this case, turquoise), a sufficient number of rhinestones of various shapes, a brush, threads and a needle (or glue). First, draw a rectangle with paint (put cellophane inside the bag so that the paint does not get on the back of the bag). When the paint dries, put rhinestones on top and sew or plant on glue.

21. Bag with "gilded" decor

Such a decor can be done using metallic acrylic paint, or glue and patination sheets (the second option is somewhat more complicated). In both cases, you will need a wide hard paint brush. If you are using paint, dip the tip of the brush into the paint and make free strokes. If you are using patination sheets, dip the brush into the glue, make strokes, and then apply the sheet to the glue to create the patina effect.

22. Bag with a rainbow inscription

To make such an inscription, you will need multi-colored indelible markers for fabric, adhesive film, a felt-tip pen and a breadboard knife. First, you need to draw the outlines of the future inscription on the film, and then carefully cut them out with a knife to make a stencil. We glue the stencil on the bag and paint the letters with multi-colored felt-tip pens.

23. Bag with violet pattern

This drawing turns out to be as realistic as possible - after all, fresh flowers are used to create it! You will need some violet flowers (or other saturated colors), masking tape, scissors, paper towels, a hammer (a wooden one is suitable for beating meat, you will need to use its smooth side), colorless matte acrylic varnish. Cut off the green parts from the flowers and arrange them face down on the bag. Tape each with masking tape. Cover with a paper towel and tap with a hammer. The design will be printed on the fabric. Remove the flowers with adhesive tape, dry the pattern and varnish for durability.

24. Lined bag

For such a “school” decor, you will need an indelible felt-tip pen for fabric, red thread and an embroidery needle, a ruler and a pencil. Iron the bag and lay it out on a flat surface. With a felt-tip pen on the ruler, draw straight lines at the same distance. Then mark a line of “fields” with a pencil and embroider it with a chain stitch.

25. Bag with flower appliqué


For such a decor, multi-colored shreds of fabric left over from previous projects are suitable. You also need scissors, a spider web, paper and a pencil. Draw on paper and cut out several sizes of petal templates. Using the templates, cut out the details of the flower petals from fabric and cobwebs. Arrange the flyers on the bag according to the pattern and glue on the "cobweb" with an iron.

A stylish and original image, which is carefully created by every fashionista, is emphasized by the chosen wardrobe; unusual and exclusive accessories are its unique highlight. Functional little things that no one can do without include bags and handbags, of various types, styles and sizes, with a spectacular and aesthetic design and practical use.

A bag sewn and made by one's own hands can not be inferior in quality and appearance to many designer models from popular brands and world-famous brands that are on everyone's lips.

After reviewing the photos of do-it-yourself handbags presented in the article, you can choose the model you like and make it yourself using improvised materials and special tools.

Choice of bag style and materials needed

Modern changeable fashion is constantly changing and dictates the rules for selecting accessories for a wardrobe that matches a certain style chosen by a person as the basis of his own image.

There is a certain classification of handbags, focusing on it, you can simplify the choice of model, for further self-tailoring, with the choice of material and additional and high-quality accessories:

Beach roomy bag. Great for a summer getaway, beach visit, family picnic or other fun beach themed event.

Small evening bag. It is used for visiting various festive holidays, going to the theater or cinema, exhibitions or corporate parties and cafes.

Children's accessory with handles. Such bags are small in size, they can have bright colors or an original print with recognizable characters from fairy tales and cartoons.

Casual shoulder bags. Perfectly combined with urban or casual style of clothing, practical and reliable, sewn from wear-resistant and high-quality materials.

Stylish bags for laptops. Used to carry personal laptops, they have an original cut with a durable strap and a compartment for the charger.

For independent tailoring of a bag of any kind, you need to choose the material, and you can use the fabric of old jeans, jackets and jackets with an interesting pattern, or purchase a new cut.

Separately, you will need threads with needles and additional accessories, such as a variety of fasteners, various rivets or zippers that can be purchased at sewing or specialized stores.

Materials for tailoring an exclusive bag

Having chosen a pattern that matches the model of the future bag, you need to decide on the materials necessary for hand-tailoring a practical and attractive accessory.

Before sewing a bag, it is necessary to choose a material, the use of which may require a special approach, purchase it in the right quantity or prepare it for further use:

Genuine leather, suede or their substitutes. Using used materials, they should be carefully inspected for wear and damage, eliminating all shortcomings.

Thick cotton or soft denim. You should not choose a fabric that is too rough and thick for sewing, which cannot be processed when sewing on a sewing machine or manually.

Durable wool, coarse linen or beautiful felt. Solid fabrics can be purchased as a new cut or the bag can be cut according to the selected pattern from out-of-fashion, different items of clothing.

To tailor an original handbag with a unique design, you need to carefully consider its design, select all the decorations and functional accessories, and you can draw up a preliminary project.

Observing all the stages of work, it will be possible to create a skillful masterpiece without having special or special skills in sewing or working with leather, fabric and other materials, fittings and accessories.

Step-by-step activities for sewing a bag with your own hands

All procedures for such needlework can be divided into preparatory, main and final stages of work, each of them requires a responsible and careful approach, special care in implementation.

The standard stages of self-tailoring of any bag include such procedures that are interconnected, and they must be carried out in strict sequence:

Choice of pattern and pattern. The model is selected based on your own preferences, the pattern should be detailed, informative and contain all the necessary dimensions of individual, functional elements of the bag.

Preparation of materials. If it is planned to use used materials, old things must be washed and smoothed to simplify cutting procedures; when using purchased cuts, they must be purchased in advance at the store.

Purchase of accessories. To make a functional accessory, you will definitely need fasteners in the form of snap or magnetic buttons, zippers of different lengths for decorating the inner and outer pockets of the bag.

Cut the bag according to the pattern. It is carried out using pre-prepared patterns of individual elements of the finished product and a slate pencil, the trace of which must be washed off after sewing, sewing scissors for cutting.

Sewing individual pieces. To simplify the stitching procedure, you can pre-sweep individual elements, and then, using a sewing machine or manually sew them, following a strict sequence.

Reliable fittings. Produced according to the recommendations of the masters, buttons and fasteners are fixed firmly and securely or glued to the fabric with a glue gun, zippers are sewn by hand or machine.

Decorating and finishing the bag. The decor may differ from the design of the model and is the embodiment of our own solutions that allow you to decorate the bag with unusual installations of beads, fabric flowers and bows, and special accessories.

Upon completion of all stages of work, the hand-made bag will be ready for functional use; before wearing, it is recommended to wash it manually or by machine.

An exclusive accessory will become a real wardrobe decoration and will allow you to create unusual ensembles with outerwear or other accessories, feeling confident in yourself and your own stylish appearance.

DIY bag photo

Such paper can be bought in stationery, as well as where everything is for computers, printers. It is called thermal transfer paper, it is available for light and dark fabrics, in a pack of 10 sheets - written for inkjet printers, but also suitable for laser printers. The technology is simple in principle - print the drawing and iron it with a hot iron.

Here is the instruction that comes with EPSON Iron-On Cool Peel Transfer Paper:

Translators on fabric using thermal paper.
If you have not tried it yet, then be sure to try it and you will like it, because:
* The image thermal transfer process will allow each member of your family to easily create their own images based on fabric materials!
* Excellent image quality and high resolution!
* Images and factory texture remain unchanged even after washing in the washing machine!

For thermal transfer you will need the following:
* Image thermal transfer paper
* Any of the inkjet printers
* Iron
* Flat, hard, smooth, non-porous heat-resistant table or other surface. Do not use ironing boards, wood, metal or glass surfaces.
* A piece of pure matter
* Fabric where you want to transfer the image (T-shirt, napkin, etc.)

You can use any program to create an image. If your image contains text, don't forget to "mirror" the image.

Image printing
* Insert one sheet of thermal transfer paper into the printer with the printed side correctly positioned. Make sure that the thermal transfer paper mark is in the upper right corner and that the paper is not curled or folded.
* Set the paper thickness adjustment lever to "0".
* Print the image.
* After you have printed the image, cut it out with scissors, leaving approximately 5-6 mm around the edges of the image.

Before starting the thermal transfer procedure, check your iron. Irons have different heating rates. If your iron is not hot enough for thermal transfer, you can increase the time required for thermal transfer. If you have never tried transferring images to fabric with an iron before, we recommend that you practice thermal transfer of small images using old unnecessary things for this. This will help you get ready to transfer large and high quality images.

* Heat the iron to maximum temperature and do not turn it off until the end of the thermal transfer procedure. The iron must be very hot. Do not use steam for thermal transfer.
* Take a piece of any material and put it on the table so that its edge hangs from the table. Smooth it out to get rid of wrinkles. Make sure there are no seams on the work surface.
* Lay the item to be thermal transferred on the fabric.
* Iron the product with an iron.
* Lay the printed image face down on the fabric where it will be placed.

Be very careful not to touch the work surface of the iron or the transfer paper. When not in use, place the iron in a safe place and do not allow children to touch the iron or the transfer area.
For best results, choose the thermal transfer technique that works best for you.

Thermal transfer of large images
Step 1-6: Fixing the Image When using thermal transfer, use only the "wide" part of the iron whenever possible. Using the "narrow" part of the iron does not provide the best results.
Starting at the top left corner (Step 1), slowly move the iron along the thermal transfer sheet, pressing it firmly against the surface (this should take about thirty seconds).
Repeat this procedure for the middle (Step 2) and bottom (Step 3) of the thermal transfer sheet.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 about 30 sec. about 30 sec. about 30 sec. After you have completed steps 1, 2 and 3, turn the iron.
This time, starting from the lower left corner (Step 4), move the iron slowly along the image sheet, pressing it firmly against the surface.
Repeat this procedure for the middle (Step 5) and top (Step 6) of the thermal transfer sheet.
Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 about 30 sec. about 30 sec. about 30 sec.
After you have completed step 6, iron the surface as described in step 7.
Step 7: Iron the surface of the sheet with the image, without lifting the iron from the table, after about 30 circular movements. Make sure all edges of the transferred image are ironed with each circular motion. Each movement should take about 4 seconds. Press the iron firmly against the surface.
Step 8: Remove paper from thermal transfer product. After you've made the last circle move, put the iron in a safe place and turn it off. Wait one to two minutes for the transfer area to cool down. Starting at any corner, remove the paper from the product. Removing paper may be difficult if the transfer area has been allowed to cool for too long.

Thermal transfer of small images Small images (4"x4" or 10x10 cm) are much easier to transfer onto fabric.
1. Start ironing on one side of the image. Slowly move the iron along the thermal transfer sheet for about five seconds. This will fix the image on the surface.
2. Holding the iron firmly, without lifting it from the surface, slowly move it over the image for 45 seconds - 1 minute. Be careful not to overheat the thermal transfer product.
3. Place the iron in a safe place and turn it off when you are done. Wait one to two minutes for the transfer area to cool down. Starting at any corner, remove the paper from the thermal transfer product. Removing paper may be difficult if the transfer area has been allowed to cool for too long.

Tip If you are transferring more than one image to a product, make sure that the thermal transfer does not overlap with the images already applied.

The product you receive from EPSON's thermal transfer process is machine wash resistant, but you can protect colors and image quality by following these simple tips:

* Wash only in cold water and, if possible, use a special detergent for washing colored items.
* Wash colored and white items separately.
* Remove items from the washing machine immediately after the end of the washing process.
* Dry items in the dryer under normal conditions.

Of course, you can arrange in this way not only a bag, but anything you like - T-shirts, shirts, swimming trunks, a baseball cap, tablecloths ...
And if you frame it with your photo, or a photo of your loved one, it will turn out to be a miracle.
Good luck to everyone, creative success and more exclusives