How to apply makeup correctly. Make-up or makeup: where does the word come from, what does it mean, how to make a fashionable make-up? May cap

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MakeUp (Makeup)

How much time and effort do modern girls sometimes spend to look perfect. And in the first place, which is not surprising, is makeup. But what kind of cosmetics to choose so that it is of high quality, safe and always gives first-class results? There is an answer - cosmetics from the MakeUp online store.

Learn more about the MakeUp Store

At the moment make-up is one of the largest and most popular online cosmetics stores in Ukraine. The product catalog contains over 140,000 products for every taste for the most demanding customers. Updates and additions to the assortment occur with enviable regularity.

A distinctive feature of MakeUp is that it presents products of both world-famous brands, as well as fairly small, but proven and proven professionalism and skills in production. Prices always remain affordable, and the widest selection and convenient service make MakeUp very popular among all girls who take care of themselves.

Interesting facts about the MakeUp online store

  • More than 600 thousand customers order products from the catalog on an ongoing basis;
  • On the page of each section and product there is comprehensive information about it;
  • A loyalty system has been developed for regular customers, which allows you to buy products from more than 100 brands with a pleasant discount;
  • Delivery across the territory of Ukraine is carried out within 1-2 days depending on the time of the order;
  • Promotions and sales are held with an enviable frequency;
  • MakeUp cooperates with the country's leading transport companies for maximum speed and convenience.

Save even more on your purchases at MakeUp

If you are interested in buying high-quality cosmetics, but at the same time do not want to spend more, there are always great deals from the MakeUp store on the Picody website - information about discounts and sales, special conditions and promotional codes for buying cosmetics with nice bonuses.

Promo codes at

The field for the promo code is in the shopping cart. it can be seen by registered customers.

When you click on the line "I have a promo code or certificate", a window will open in which you need to enter the coveted code that you found on the site. Don't forget to click on the "Apply promo code" button.

Picodi gives you the opportunity to choose for yourself and your loved ones only high-quality cosmetics from the MakeUp online store at really competitive prices. You will be sure that you do not overpay, but always receive first-class products from leading domestic and foreign brands.

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Don't spend more where you can save big.. Stay up to date. (makeup)- Ukrainian online store of men's and women's perfumes, care cosmetics, decorative cosmetics.

Brief information about the online store (Makeup)

The creators of the store claim that all products are exclusively original. It is convenient that the most complete information about the product is provided - the composition included in a particular product, methods and time of application, age restrictions, and if necessary, managers can provide additional photos and even videos.

Managers working in are constantly trained by official representatives of cosmetics and perfumery brands available on the site. Therefore, they can professionally assist the client by providing the necessary information when choosing any means.

The number of customers of the store has reached over 180 thousand. Most of these people are among the regular customers of the store. Also on the site you can leave reviews about products, consult with each other.

The assortment includes over 61 thousand items of perfumes and cosmetics. And this is not the limit, since follows all the novelties of its segment. The store gives the customer the right to check the product for authenticity in front of the courier to confirm that the product is really original. There is also a system of discounts for buyers.

In order to understand where women have an unshakable desire to be beautiful, you need to look into history. To be a little more precise, we will have to look into ancient times, namely the Egyptian queen Cleopatra from the Macedonian dynasty will tell us the answer to this question. To find out what a make-up is and what it is eaten with, you will need to delve into the depths of foreign languages. Again, to be a little more precise, it will be English. Well, let's go on a journey called "Make-up, makeup and everything about it."

The concept of makeup (Make-up)

The roots of the concept of "make-up"

Unfortunately, the exact date of the invention of the make-up is not known for certain, and some ardent fans and great lovers of decorating their faces will not be able to celebrate make-up day every year, but this concept takes its origins in antiquity. During the time of the Egyptian pharaohs many women painted over the edging of the eyes to make them more expressive. The eyes were tinted not only by Egyptian beauties, but also by men, and this was not considered something out of the ordinary. They did it with a crushed stone with the addition of oils, such a substance was called antimony. The Egyptians also used antimony to prevent eye diseases and to prevent various infections.

Ancient make-up It's not just eyeliner. In Greece many centuries ago, women used iris juice as a rouge, rubbing it on their cheeks. And the women of ancient Rome went the furthest and even applied hair dye using dried herbs. In addition, they already bleached the skin on the face, dyed the eyebrows and eyelids, and applied colorants to the lips. All this was done in order to be attractive and unique. From all of the above, it follows that the concept of female beauty has been going on, firmly holding hands with the concept of makeup for many centuries in a row.

To make the picture more complete, it is worth mentioning that our ancestors painted their faces before hunting or battle to intimidate the enemy, wanting to merge with nature. It was a whole ritual with songs and dances around the fire. The roots of this tradition lead back to the time of the ancient Celts. These tribes used dye woad for coloring, from which they obtained a shade of blue indigo. The drawing was applied to the face not randomly, but quite consciously. This was done so that the drawing itself moved with facial expressions. Thus, the enemy could learn about the intentions of the warrior and decide what to do: fight or surrender.

Subsequently, but still a very long time ago, around the 16th century, the New Zealand Maori tribes began to make “eternal” makeup on their bodies and faces - simply a tattoo. It was called "ta-moko" and, in addition to the frightening meaning, had another one. For these tattoos you could find out almost everything about the person wearing it: his social status, to which family he belongs, what kind of child he is, whether he is married, whether he has children, and more. The descendants of Indian tribes to this day inflict such tattoos on themselves with meaning and read each other like open books.

Make-up: what is it

Before fully answering this question, you need to figure out where this fashionable word make-up came from and what it means. The word make-up is an English word that literally means make-up. Other close meanings: cosmetics, composition, make-up. Many English words entered the Russian language without translation. In most cases, this happens quite often and carries a certain fashionable connotation, namely: it becomes popular to use English words and word combinations without translation - this is a mystery, youth jargon, a trend of the present time, from which there is no escape.

Now that we have figured out the meaning and translation of the word make-up, we can move on to the very definition of this concept. Understand what it includes and understand for ourselves how correctly we understand it. So. Makeup is makeup. Yes, yes, friends. Clear and concise, without blurring and heaps of unnecessary words. Makeup is the subtle art of applying decorative products to the skin of the face in order to give it graceful forms and the right color. Correction of shortcomings and artistic highlighting of advantages. Now you can connect and understand that both of them, being one and the same in essence, were invented for the benefit of women, in the name of their beauty and happiness.

Makeup rules

In order to make a fashionable, low-key make, you need to adhere to certain rules and understand that it is best not to overdo it in this matter, rather than make yourself a laughingstock for others. It is worth paying attention to makeup fashion trends in a specific time period, because in each season certain color trends and, for example, eyeliner arrow shapes may be in trend and prioritized. You must always remember that there is day and evening makeup. They are radically different from each other. Consider how they are different and learn the rules of a good make-up on occasion.

Day makeup:

  • This will be the first and only point, but a very important one. Most often during the day, a girl or woman goes either to study at the university or to work. To look stunning, just use the following cosmetics:
    1. Foundation to even out complexion
    2. Mascara
    3. Eyebrow pencil
    4. Eyeliner pencil (it can be used if desired, it is rather for bold young ladies. In most cases, it will be more appropriate to do without eyeliner during the daytime).
    5. Lip gloss or lipstick in pale colors

Evening make-up:

  1. Going on a date, do not wear makeup like a representative of the Maori tribe. It will be enough to add a bright shade of lipstick and arrows for the eyes to daytime makeup. This will make the face expressive and not give excessive coloration. Men don't like it.
  2. Going to a club with friends or a young man, you can allow a little more, provided that the girl or woman is an ardent fan of extravagant makeup.
  3. If you plan to visit an exhibition in the evening, go to a museum or a cinema, it would be better to limit yourself to daytime makeup with a slightly brighter lipstick.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in the XXI century, when it comes to make-up, most fashion designers, media personalities and celebrities prefer naturalness. The motto of modernity is less cosmetics, more real. Fortunately, now much attention is also paid to the components from which cosmetics are made, their composition.

Each woman and girl will be able to choose the composition suitable for her age and skin type. Cosmetics are produced hypoallergenic, for different skin types - and it should be given preference. Less makeup is better, but high-quality and proven than a whole boudoir of dubious fixtures. In everything, a measure is needed and you should not overdo it with makeup.

At all times, women tried to emphasize their beauty. Even in ancient Egypt, women, and not only women, resorted to cosmetics to give their face a unique beauty. The arrows of the Egyptians and pharaohs emphasized the beauty of the eyes. Greek women achieved a blush of their cheeks with the help of iris juice. The Romans dyed their eyebrows and eyelids, bleached their skin, gave color to their lips and hair.

Correct make-up

The right one should be inconspicuous and seem natural. Such makeup usually takes much more time. Do not apply foundation or powder in several layers. This creates the effect of old and painful skin. And frequent application of cream and powder leads to the appearance of wrinkles.


It is best if it is hypoallergenic and of high quality, as it can cause not only a rash, but also skin ulcers or Quincke's edema.

The most common make-up mistakes

Makeup mistakes are common. There are a lot of them, but among them there are five most frequent and significant mistakes.

1. Wrong tone - a mistake most often manifested in soiled collars. It happens like this: the foundation was applied both on the face and on the neck so that the skin color on the neck matches the complexion. The rule says - if the tone changes the tone of the skin, then it is incorrectly selected.

The selection of the tone of the cream depends on the complexion. When choosing a cream, it is necessary to test the color on the jawbone and not on the wrist many. Only then will the tone be chosen correctly.

2. The use of blush instead of shadows is a common misconception among women. Often they, wanting to save time, use blush as shadows. This is a gross mistake, especially if the blush is pink. Such shades give the eyes an inflamed, tearful and tired look. This will not happen if you use golden or beige blush.

3. A clear contour of the lips does not lose its fans. The time when he was in vogue is long gone. Now it looks vulgar. The contour of the lips should match the tone of the lipstick or be a tone lighter or darker.

4. An excess of gloss on the lips is a mistake for lovers of plump lips. A few years ago, lip gloss was at the peak of popularity. It looks natural and makes lips juicy and shiny. But they should not be abused: a large amount of shine creates the effect that a woman ate something fatty. Also, do not apply gloss on plump lips and over bright lipsticks, so as not to lose the natural beauty.

5. "Painted" eyebrows, even if done neatly, create a caricature image. This is especially true for women with fair skin and hair. Also, the wrong drawing of the eyebrows does not look natural.

For proper eyebrow makeup, you first need to give them the right shape for your face. For drawing, it is better to use shadows in the color of the eyebrows and a pointed applicator, and not a pencil. Eyebrows should look natural.