How to stretch new leather shoes at home: effective methods. How to stretch shoes at home: simple tips How to stretch shoes a size larger

Leather and suede are malleable, elastic materials, especially when exposed to heat.

  • Place your shoes in a tub or sink and pour boiling water over the inside. It only takes a couple of seconds to fill the inside of the product and immediately pour hot water. Soak up the moisture, wait for the shoes to cool down a bit, and put them on your feet. Preferably over socks so as not to get burned.
  • If you are afraid of getting your shoes wet, do the same, after putting a bag inside each shoe so that the boiling water and the lining do not touch.
  • Not only boiling water will be effective, but also ice. Fill two quarter-sized bags with water, tie off and drop each into a shoe. Put the structure in the freezer and take it out when everything is completely frozen. Once the ice has melted, remove it from your shoes. Such a procedure is suitable for a strong, undemanding pair: not every material will withstand the cold test.
  • Moisten the inner surface with alcohol or vodka, put on a pair and wear for several hours. This action will help soften the material and fit the shoes to your foot size. But remember: alcohol is quite aggressive, so first test the color fastness in an inconspicuous area.

The same methods are suitable for winter shoes lined with fur. Just do not wet the insides of boots or boots too much. Well, you will need to dry your shoes carefully.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

The leather substitute does not stretch well and easily deteriorates: it cracks and loses its shape. However, it is too early to lose hope. There are ways to stretch and such shoes.

  • Lubricate the inside of the shoes with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly. Wait 2-3 hours for the moisturizing mask to absorb into the material, and then put on your shoes and walk in them for 20-40 minutes.
  • You can try the familiar method with newspapers. They must be tightly stuffed into each shoe, and then leave the pair to dry at room temperature. When stuffing, do not be zealous so that the shoes do not deform. Also, do not try to speed up the drying process with a battery or hair dryer: excessive heat exposure can ruin the material.
  • A way for the wasteful or those who need to stretch the narrow shaft of high boots. Insert a bag into the shoes, fill it with any small cereals, and pour water on top. The grain will swell and stretch tight boots without your participation in 8-10 hours.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

It is more difficult to stretch the varnish due to the fact that there is a risk of damaging the top coat: it can crack and lose its shine. You can painlessly increase shoes if soft and thin leather (natural or artificial) is varnished. Is this your couple? Then to business!

  • Mix alcohol and water in a ratio of 2: 1, moisten the socks with the resulting solution. Now put them on, and on top - tight shoes. Walking in shoes should be about an hour or two until the socks are completely dry.
  • Vaseline or cream, treat the inside of the shoe, paying special attention to the dense parts: toe and heel. Then you need to insert blocks into the shoes (if you have them) or, as usual, put the shoes on tight socks.

If your waterproof friends are made of durable classic rubber - alas, no way. If it is from the now common polyvinyl chloride (aka PVC), then it is as easy as shelling pears. To check the material, a needle or an awl and a lighter are enough. Heat the metal and touch the boots in an inconspicuous place, but do not pierce them. If the boots begin to melt, then this is PVC and the shoes can be stretched.

You will need:

  • a few liters of boiling water
  • deep container with ice water,
  • woolen or terry socks,
  • your boots and your legs.

Pour boiling water into rubber shoes and wait 3-5 minutes: the material will become noticeably softer. Put on thick socks and move a basin of cold water closer. Pour the boiling water out of the boots, quickly blot them with a towel so as not to wet your feet, and put them on your socks. In a heated steam, properly trample and walk around for several minutes. Leave the shoes in cold water for an hour, and then do not forget to dry.

This method will not only increase the size of the rubber boots, but also fit them to the shape of your foot. True, stretched shoes should be walked only after a day or two, when the boots finally harden.

How often do you have to deal with tight boots? Do you have your own secret stretching techniques? Share your tips in the comments.

It often happens that after buying a pair of shoes you like, you put them on and feel discomfort. In such situations, only disappointment remains, and your favorite shoes are sent to the shelf. But instead, you can try various effective methods of stretching and breaking in shoes that will help get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

Can all shoes be stretched?

Stretching shoes is sometimes not so easy, especially when it comes to artificial material. The easiest way to break shoes or boots made of suede. This material is highly stretchable. The hardest thing is with leatherette, as it can be damaged in the process. This material is most often subjected to deformation and rupture. It is easier to stretch genuine leather. Although it can be damaged in the process, but if you approach the procedure with all care, then this is unlikely to happen. Leatherette shoes stretch the worst

What materials can be spread and stretched without harm to shoes:

  • nubuck;
  • textile;
  • skin;
  • suede.

Qualitatively and professionally stretch shoes made of expensive material will help in a special workshop. It uses equipment that can slowly and harmlessly increase your favorite shoes or boots by one size.

Effective Ways

To stretch your favorite pair, you can use improvised means, as well as special compositions that are sold in online markets and stores. Which method will be most effective depends on the material. It is important to choose the right product so as not to spoil the shoes and not provoke the appearance of cracks and other defects.

improvised means

Effective and simple means:

  • castor oil - Vaseline also does an excellent job with the task. One tool can be replaced by another. Shoes must be treated with the selected composition, both outside and inside. Apply castor oil in a thin layer. Then put on shoes on bare feet and walk for 15-20 minutes;
  • alcohol - you need to soak a cotton pad or bandage with it and carefully process your favorite pair outside and inside. Then put on a thin sock and shoes. Walk around in them until they are completely dry;
  • boiling water - your favorite pair of shoes or boots should be thoroughly doused with hot water. Boiling water should get inside. Then the water must be drained, wait a couple of minutes until the shoes cool slightly, and put on. Walk for 15-30 minutes;
  • steam - you need to boil water in a saucepan and, taking a problematic shoe, hold it over the container. Steam should evenly heat the entire surface. After that, you need to put on shoes on the toe and walk around in it for a quarter of an hour;
  • laundry soap - will help stretch the problem area in the shoe. To do this, grind the soap and pour boiling water. The result should be a paste. Apply the composition to the problem area (where it is most pressing) and leave for 4 hours. Then remove the paste with a damp cloth and put the shoe on the toe. Wear until dry. If necessary, you can repeat;
  • ice - can only be used to stretch shoes made of quality material. In boots, shoes or short boots, you need to place plastic bags filled with water at room temperature. They need to be tied properly. It is important that the bags completely fill the space in the shoe. In the cold season, you can simply put your shoes on the balcony, and in the summer in the freezer. When the water begins to solidify, it will stretch the boots as it expands. After 4 hours, the shoes can be removed and the packages carefully removed;
  • vinegar - a 3% solution is required. They need to process the shoes, boots or boots from the inside and leave it all night. Try on shoes in the morning. If discomfort is still felt, then repeat the following evening;
  • paraffin - for these purposes, you can use an ordinary candle. She needs to rub the place where it hurts the most, and leave it overnight. In the morning, remove the wax with a rag or sponge. It is advisable to repeat the procedure three times in a row;
  • newspapers - will help to slightly stretch the material. First you need to moisten a tight pair. Then crumple the newspapers and stuff the shoes so that all the lumps fit snugly together. Check the result after 2 hours. If the shoes are still wet, then the newspaper needs to be replaced. After the inner and outer surfaces have dried, the shoes or boots can be tried on. If the result is not satisfactory, then it is recommended to repeat the procedure;
  • pantyhose - if your favorite pair is not too tight, then you can just wear it for several days (an hour), putting it on pantyhose. This method is suitable for shoes. In order for the result to be faster, you must first heat the inner surface of the product with hot air using a hair dryer;
  • thick socks - the most common and easiest way. It is necessary to wear thick or just woolen socks. Then try on shoes. If it presses too hard, it is recommended to walk in the selected pair for no more than 10 minutes. Then let the legs rest and repeat the procedure.

The most effective, safest and most versatile way to stretch your shoes is to break them in with thick socks. The result from the first time may be unsatisfactory, but after 2-3 procedures, your favorite couple will sit comfortably on your leg.

The author of these lines uses a hair dryer to stretch the shoes. First, I slightly moisten the pair with warm water and put it on my feet. Then I turn on the most powerful mode and dry the shoes. After that, the shoes become much more comfortable, of course, if we are not talking about patent leather products. This method can cause peeling of the coating. By the way, the author of these lines is faced with an unfortunate situation. One pair after a similar procedure began to peel off from the inner surface. As it turned out, the material was of poor quality, and moisture became a provoking factor. Use this method with caution.

Improvised means - gallery

Castor oil helps to stretch shoes Vaseline can replace castor oil Boiling water and steam can stretch shoes by half size Laundry soap is important to grind beforehand Ice must be used with care Vinegar 3% cannot be replaced with 9% Paraffin can be purchased at a hardware store Newspapers must be carefully crumpled Tights should be tight Warm socks will make your shoes looser.

Special funds

Effective professional tools:

  1. Shoe Stretch - spray for breaking in shoes and boots. You need to sprinkle the inside of the shoe and wear a pair of thick socks. Walk like this for half an hour and the result is obvious. Care should be taken when using on shoes made of expensive materials. It is recommended to protect the eyes from spray during the procedure.
  2. Salton - spray for softening and stretching the material. Suitable for various types of products. It is necessary to spray your favorite pair every time before putting it on. After 3-4 times the material will lie on the leg. Avoid breathing aerosol vapors.
  3. Kiwi - composition for stretching all types of shoes. The aerosol should only be sprayed where shoes, boots or boots are tight. Then vilify for half an hour and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. The composition of the aerosol has an unpleasant and pungent odor, so during processing it is important not to inhale its vapors.

Professional tools should be used only in accordance with the instructions. Otherwise, the material may be damaged.

A friend of the author of these lines purchased shoes, which, as it turned out, were small for her. It was impossible to understand this immediately, since she ordered them through the online market. She thought she could stretch the shoes with a spray designed for this purpose. The material is a leather substitute. As a result, nothing happened. Spray failed to do its job. I recommend that you do not try to stretch any shoes by a size or more. Even professional compositions are unable to do this, but are intended solely for breaking in.

Special tools - gallery

Salton's Shoe Stretch Shoe Stretch Spray allows you to break in tight shoes faster
Kiwi - an aerosol designed to stretch different types of shoes

Additional ways

Another method of stretching shoes is to use a terry towel, which must be wetted and wrung out. Then wrap shoes or boots in it and put it in a bag, leaving it for 6-8 hours. After that, put on the shoes and wear them until they dry. This method allows you to only slightly stretch the shoes or boots.
A terry towel will help loosen up your shoes.

You can also use regular deodorant. It should be sprayed in a place where it is especially tight. Then put on the shoes on the toe and walk like this for about 40 minutes. If the result is not satisfactory, then it is recommended to repeat everything several times.
Deodorant should be applied in a place where it is very tight on the leg

After stretching your favorite pair, it is important to treat the material with a special care product.

If desired, you can purchase a professional shoe stretcher in a specialized store, which is an artificial foot model made of wood, plastic or metal. Such a product has a regulator, thanks to which you can perform the manipulation carefully and gradually.
Stretching for shoes is made of metal, plastic or wood.

Features of wearing different parts of shoes

To stretch the back, it is recommended to use castor oil or petroleum jelly, carefully lubricating the problem area. Then put on shoes or boots with a thick toe and walk for half an hour. If we are talking about the bow, then the best way is to use a newspaper. Sequencing:

  1. The newspaper must be carefully crumpled.
  2. The narrow part of the shoes should be moistened with a sponge.
  3. Push the resulting lumps of newspaper into the sock as tightly as possible.
  4. Leave for 3-4 hours and then try on the shoes.

The same method is suitable for stretching the bootleg. Another method is to steam the boots. If the shoes cannot be fastened exactly in the shaft, then it is necessary to hold the pair over boiling water for 10 minutes, and then let it cool slightly and put it on immediately.
The narrow top of the suede boots is easy to stretch

If the shoes are made of nubuck or suede, then oil mixtures should never be used. Otherwise, unaesthetic greasy spots will remain on your favorite pair of shoes or boots.

Stretching features depending on the material - table

Material nameWhat is the best way to applyWhat tools can harm
  • boiling water;
  • alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • paraffin;
  • newspapers.
Oil-based products: castor oil, petroleum jelly, etc.
Polished leather
  • paraffin;
  • laundry soap.
  • boiling water;
  • alcohol.
  • castor oil;
  • petrolatum;
  • laundry soap;
  • paraffin;
  • newspapers;
  • thick socks.
Ice and boiling water.
  • alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • tights;
  • thick socks.
Castor oil and Vaseline.
  • alcohol;
  • laundry soap;
  • tights;
  • thick socks;
  • paraffin.
Castor oil and Vaseline.
  • vinegar;
  • boiling water;
  • newspapers;
  • laundry soap;
  • alcohol;
  • thick socks.
With care castor oil.
  1. If the old shoes began to reap, then, most likely, the material from which they are made is of poor quality. To stretch your favorite pair, you can use the freezing method or hold the shoes over the steam, and then vilify by wearing thick tights.
  2. To effectively break in shoes, it is recommended to wear socks of different thicknesses. First thin, then a little thicker and the most dense that is. Thus, the beloved couple will not suffer, but will stretch slowly and safely for the material.
  3. In order for shoes not to sting, you need to store them correctly. Under no circumstances should a wet pair of shoes or boots be put away in the box. Before doing this, you must wait until the shoes are thoroughly dry.

Shoes made of leather break in well

In order for your favorite couple to last as long as possible, you need to use professional care products. It is not recommended to wet shoes or boots too much during washing. The surface can only be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Effective ways to stretch - video

The problem with new shoes in most cases is that they are a bit tight. Stretching such a pair will not be difficult. The same procedure may be required if the shoes become stiff after cleaning.

When to Stretch Your Shoes

There are many ways that tell you how quickly you can increase the size of shoes. It is worth remembering that shoes can be carried only in width, but not in length. This option can be provided in the workshop, but even then only in relation to certain materials.

Synthetic materials are quite poorly stretched due to their composition. Some materials do not react in any way to hot air. Natural compounds are more susceptible to such effects. If the material of the boots is made of dense and thick enough leather, then you don’t have to worry about the fact that the product will be damaged.

With expensive products made of thin leather and suede, you need to be more careful, because in this case, as a result of mechanical stress, the material can be damaged. You can stretch the material if the product rubs your legs, and also if there is some discomfort when wearing.

At the same time, you should not take on such an event if the shoes are simply small. Stretch it will not work to the size that is required. In this case, the skin can simply lose the fats that are in it. Because of this, the material will become drier and more brittle. Therefore, after stretching, it is required to treat the product with a cream.

Genuine leather and suede

Natural materials, such as leather and suede, are quite soft and elastic, and therefore you can stretch shoes from them even to a size at home. Moreover, tools such as boiling water and a hair dryer work much better than others, since exposure to heat makes the material more pliable.

Medical alcohol

In addition to alcohol, you can use a triple cologne. To apply the method, it is required to treat the inner surface of the product with the selected agent and carry a couple of hours after that. You must first test the solution on an inconspicuous area.

Boiling water

This tool needs to be applied quickly enough. In order for it to work, a few seconds are enough, and therefore it will be necessary to carry out the event quite quickly. Pour boiling water into the steam and immediately pour it out. Then wait a while to let them cool down a bit. After that, you need to start breaking in your shoes, not forgetting to first protect the skin of your feet with tight socks.


It is required to insert bags with cereals into shoes and pour water over the cereal. After that, it is necessary to wait about 8 hours until the grits swell and act on the material.


This tool is no less effective than boiling water. It is required to soften the leather on the shoes with hot water. This can be done as follows: fill plastic bags with hot water up to a quarter, and then put it in the freezer. After complete solidification, you can take out the shoes, wait until the ice begins to melt, and only then pull out the bags.

Moisturizing with a towel

It is required to moisten a towel in boiling water and wrap a pair of shoes with it. In this state, you need to leave shoes for up to 5 hours, regularly moistening the material.

cowboy method

This method says that you will need to put plastic bags in boots and pour bran inside, and then pour water. After some time, the mixture will swell, due to the pressure, the size of the pair will increase.

farm way

This method is similar to some of the previous ones: you need to change cereals and bran for oats and other types of grains that are available on any farm, and then also add water. The grain will begin to swell, making it easy to increase the size of the product.

Patent shoes

This procedure over patent leather shoes should be done as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the top coating. Stretching this material is possible only if the bottom layer is made of thin natural or artificial leather.

After making sure that this is actually the case, you can proceed to the operation to increase the size of the pair. This will require the use of an alcohol solution. The main active ingredient must be diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1. This event is not a pleasant one, and therefore you should be sure that shoes cannot be expanded in other ways.

  • It is required to moisten the socks in the resulting solution, put them on and start wearing in a pair for an hour or two, depending on how quickly the socks dry. After that, you need to take care of your legs, since alcohol dries the skin quite strongly.
  • You can also use another method. It will require either special pads, or again your legs. It is necessary to lubricate the inner surface of the shoes with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly, and then put on the shoes, having previously protected the legs with tight socks. Particular attention during processing is required to be given to the most rigid and hard areas that need to be stretched more than others.

Rubber Shoes

Rubber shoes can be made from different materials. Classic - durable rubber that cannot be stretched. The situation is much better when it comes to shoes made of PVC. This material is easily deformable, and therefore it will be quite simple to increase the size of such a pair.

First you need to check what boots or boots are made of. This will require not so many materials: a lighter or a match, a needle, an awl or a knife. A metal object must be held over the fire until it heats up. Then you can try to melt the shoes. It is required to do this in an inconspicuous area, so that later there are no traces of such vandalism.

In this case, do not pierce the shoes through. If the operation was successful, then you can start the stretching procedure. You can stretch tight shoes by using boiling water. It is required to pour water into the boots and wait up to five minutes. This time will make the shoes noticeably softer, making it possible to stretch them.

It is required to put on thick socks made of wool or mohair in advance to protect the feet. Then you need to pour boiling water and carefully wipe the boots from the inside with a towel. This is required in order not to wet your feet. Subsequently, it is worth some time to trample and walk in this pair to adjust the size. Then you need to put the shoes in cold water and leave them there for a while. At the same time, you should not wear this pair for the next couple of days, so that the material hardens as best as possible.

Nubuck shoes

Nubuck shoes are quite finicky in terms of the means that can be used in order to stretch them qualitatively at home. First of all, no greasy creams and petroleum jelly can be used for this material, since in this case it will leave stains and stains that cannot be removed.

It is also worth making sure that the pair is made of natural material, and not artificial. First of all, you will need to wear the product on your own daily for some time. In most cases this should help. But if the miracle did not happen, then it is worth resorting to other tricks.

In a shoe store, you need to purchase a special foam that is designed to stretch narrow shoes. At the same time, it is worth making sure that it is suitable for this material. The use is extremely simple: you need to distribute the product on the inner surface of the product, put on thick socks and walk around the house in a pair for several hours.

Children's shoes should be given to the workshop, where the craftsmen will do everything better with the help of wooden blocks that they have available. They can also offer another level of service: stretching in length, which is quite difficult to do at home.

Faux leather

Faux leather is a fairly complex material that should be worn in a certain way. Leatherette stretches rather weakly, and then cracks begin to appear on it, and therefore shoes made from it are quite cheap.

Boiling water

Pressing shoes spoil the mood, and to soften the artificial leather, you need to use ordinary boiling water. It is worth taking boiling water into a container and putting shoes there, and then stretching with the help of blocks or your own legs. But the method must be used with caution, since not every couple can withstand such violence.

hair dryer

A hair dryer is in most cases used if you want to stretch a certain area of ​​​​the shoe. You can try to heat the steam completely, but in this case the success of the event is less likely, since certain areas have time to cool down, while others remain hot.

Therefore, it is required to distribute heat on the pressing areas, then put on shoes on tight socks and wear them until the shoes cool completely.

Cereal products

Depending on the height of the shoe, it will be possible to talk about the amount of costs for the implementation of the method. It is required to insert plastic bags into a couple, fill them with cereals and pour water. It will take about noon to stretch, because during this time the croup will swell and increase certain areas.


This method can also be used to expand shoes. However, do not be too zealous in its execution, since in this case you can deform the shoes, and not stretch. It is worth putting wet, crumpled sheets of paper inside the pair and letting them dry.

Cream or Vaseline

You can stretch shoes using these tools. However, the method of application is somewhat different from that which was produced in relation to the lacquered product. After careful processing, it is required to wait for the component to be absorbed into the material. This takes up to 3 hours, so be patient. After a long wait, you should break in your shoes for half an hour.


Tight textile shoes can be broken in at home. You will only need to stretch them if they are only a little tight, because in other situations there is nothing you can do with them.

Since this material is still artificial, it is quite difficult to do something significant with it. Usually sneakers and sneakers are made from textiles. The easiest way is to just spread them in the usual way. If this does not help, you need to help in more serious ways.

Such shoes are quite easy to deform, and therefore you should monitor the uniform stretching of the product. It is recommended to use newspapers for this. More precisely, it is worth soaking the product in water and stuffing it tightly with newspaper. At the same time, it is worth worrying about the paint not being imprinted on the inner lining. Also, another disadvantage of the method is that the product can stick out, and therefore it will be necessary to glue it in the future.

General methods

There are ways that may be suitable for different types of products, and therefore special attention is required to be paid to them.

Water bags

If the shoes are tight, the easiest way is to stretch them in this way. To do this, you need to insert bags with the required amount of water inside the product and put it in the freezer so that the bag does not change shape. Leave until frozen, and then defrost and pull out the bags with the newly melted water.


This method is the most gentle, inexpensive, and also time-saving, since you only need to fill the previously moistened shoes with newspapers, evenly distributing them over the inside of the product so as not to deform it where it is not required.

Soap and paraffin

Paraffin can be rubbed on tough areas, left for several hours, and then removed. You can take shavings of laundry soap, add water to form a paste that needs to be placed on problem areas, and wash off after a few hours.

Fat cream

This tool will help soften the shoes so that they do not rub. To do this, it is recommended to carefully lubricate the inside of the product, and then carry it for a while to increase the size of the shoe.


Steam has a gentle effect, and therefore with its help it is easy to stretch the shoes. To do this, you can use a steam generator, an iron or a pot of boiling water. It is required to slightly moisten the shoes and walk around in it at home.

Special funds

The market presents a large number of means with which you can easily break shoes in such a way that they will no longer reap. At the same time, they will sit exactly on the leg, because after processing with the chosen agent, you will have to wear them in on your own, adjusting them to size and shape.

Stretching individual pieces

It often happens that it rubs only a certain place. For example, if the shoes are the size in length, but narrower than required. In this case, it is required to stretch certain places so that the pair does not rub.

Narrow and stiff heel

It is recommended to soften the back with soap or a candle. Also, for this purpose, you can gently and easily tap the heel with a hammer. It is recommended that before using other methods, try to stretch the product by walking in shoes on woolen or any other dense sock. If it doesn’t help, then it’s worth stuffing the product in this place with the help of balls from socks or paper after such wearing and leave it overnight.

Narrow toe

Breaking in shoes that pinch your toes is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Leather and suede shoes can be put in the freezer with water bags in the toe area. It is better to moisten lacquered and leatherette with alcohol, soap or paraffin in the area of ​​​​the toe, and then wear it in for a while. You can use a hair dryer to heat the toe of the product and wear shoes until they cool.

Stretch the shaft

The shaft is most easily stretched using the cowboy or farm method. Also, an assistant will be a freezer, in which you can put boots with a bag of water in the bootleg. If the material allows it, then it is better to use boiling water and carry a couple on your own legs.

Depending on the material and type of footwear, different methods are required. How long can shoes be stretched? Slightly. In the case of natural formulations, it is possible to add up to one full size. In the best way, such a stretch will be done in the workshop.

It often happens that you are madly in love with shoes, but they are not that small, but a little tight. Gotta take it! But the legs do not have to be tormented by wearing inconvenient purchases. There are many ways to stretch shoes. The first thing that comes to mind is stretching in a shoe shop.

This method should be used if your new thing turned out to be too narrow or half a size too small. In the workshop, your shoes will be treated with a special stretching agent, they will insert a block of the desired size and fullness into it, and they will withstand it for at least a day. If the question is simply in an uncomfortable or very rigid model, then stretching shoes at home can really help.

Ways to stretch shoes at home

1. The most proven way is to treat the shoes with alcohol or cologne. It is necessary to moisten both the inner surface of the shoe and the outer surface with alcohol. It is more convenient to do this with a spray bottle, for example, with which you spray flowers. Then put on your shoes and walk around the house in them until completely dry. If it only presses in one place, then moisten only that part. It would be nice to wear a model moistened with alcohol on a thin sock.

2. Castor oil or petroleum jelly stretches shoes very well. In the same way, treat it inside and out with oil, and walk around the apartment in it for several hours. The oil also helps to remove the squeak of the sole. Lubricate it with oil and leave to dry.

3. How to stretch the shoes if there is no alcohol and oil? Just boil it down. But this is only possible for genuine leather products. Shoes are quickly poured with boiling water, the remaining water is carefully drained from the inside, then they are slightly cooled and put on their feet on a thin sock. Wear until completely dry. If you really feel sorry for chic shoes, then soak a cloth in boiling water and wrap your shoes in it for a while. Then grease all the same with oil and walk around the house a little in it.

4. How can you stretch the shoes in those places where it is narrow for you? This problem is easily fixed with regular vinegar. It is necessary to moisten or sprinkle vinegar abundantly on the inside of the shoe in narrow places. Do not treat the outer surface with vinegar so as not to spoil the paint. You can smear the surface with oil for a better effect.

5. If there is no time to break in shoes while walking around the house, you can use wet newspapers. Hold the shoes over the steam and stuff them tightly with wet newspapers. A wet cloth instead of newspapers also helps well, but it will take longer to dry. Be careful not to deform your shoes by filling them with newspapers or a wet cloth. In no case do not dry it by the battery or in the sun.

6. If the backs of shoes rub, wipe them with paraffin or soap. Do this every time

Yes, put on shoes, and you will forget about corns.

7. Surely everyone knows how to stretch shoes with a hair dryer. Direct the hot air from the hair dryer inside the shoes and warm them up for a minute. Then immediately lubricate the inside and outside of the shoe with oil or a special stretching agent. Then put on the toe shoes. After the shoes have cooled down, repeat the procedure. Do this several times until the shoes are stretched.

Using professional shoe stretchers

It is most convenient to use professional products for stretching, which are sold in shoe stores. These products help both stretch the shoe and soften its leather surface. Spray or foam on problem areas on the outside and inside of the model, then put it on socks. Continue like this until the product is completely dry.

When buying shoes in a store, we are often guided not by the practicality of the product, but by originality, style and beauty. We buy shoes one size smaller because we like them and you have a desire to own them. And if the finger is a little tight or the shoes are narrow, it does not matter, they are carried.

But time passes, and the shoes are still in the closet after you once walked in new shoes and rubbed calluses, barely crawled to the house, wanting to throw it off on the way and go barefoot. But prestige. intelligence did not allow you to commit such stupidity.

So they stand in the closet, you just have to admire them. And the money is a pity, the purchase turned out to be expensive, and the legs too. And sometimes, when buying shoes in a store or on the market, after trying them on, you think that they fit, but at home it turns out that they are small.

What to do? How to be? Don't worry, we'll teach you how to break in tight shoes the right way at home.

How to quickly break in tight shoes?

Water tends to expand when it freezes. Turning into ice, it will press in different directions, stretching the shoes in length and width. Take your shoes out and wait for the bag to thaw.

Do not abruptly tear the ice pack out of the shoes so as not to scratch or tear them. If the first time did not work out, try stretching the shoes the second time.

How to break in genuine leather shoes

Leather shoes are the quickest to break in because they are soft and stretchy.

First of all, wrap the shoebox with a wet towel and leave it for 4-5 hours.

Use soapy water. To do this, dilute colorless liquid soap with water 1: 4, mix well, pour into a spray bottle and spray inside the shoe. Then put on thick socks. Wear for 2 hours around the room.

Take vinegar, smear the shoes inside, put on a tight sock and wear for about an hour. Remove the unpleasant smell of vinegar with a soap solution.

Another way is to break in leather shoes with boiling water. Pour boiling water into your shoes and immediately pour them out. Do not be afraid that the shoes will deteriorate, leather products can withstand high temperatures.

Doing such tricks with leatherette is not worth it, because artificial leather can deteriorate. Put on socks and wear for 20 minutes. The cooled skin will take the shape of the leg.

Put on woolen socks, bend your foot and heat the folds with a hair dryer. Remove the hair dryer. Do not take off your shoes until they are cold. Repeat the steps until the skin is soft and stretched. Apply conditioner to moisten your shoes.

Pour grain into shoes and pour water, leave overnight. The grain will swell and stretch your shoes. Then remove the grain, wipe the shoes and wear until they are dry.

How to break in faux leather shoes

It is very difficult to break leatherette shoes. If you try very hard to stretch it, making an attempt after an attempt, then it can crack and lose its aesthetic appearance. But this is no reason to despair.

You can still stretch it out. To stretch it, put on socks soaked in cologne and walk around the room for 20 minutes. Wear 10 times a day and so every day until you break it.

Another effective way to make faux leather shoes bigger is to stuff faux leather shoes with newspaper cut into small pieces. When you put the paper inside the shoe, make sure that the product does not lose its shape.

Pieces of newspaper soaked in water and placed inside shoes will swell and stretch the shoes, both in length and in width. Then dry naturally.

Breaking in suede shoes

Suede is an elastic and soft material. It takes the form of a leg. To break in suede shoes, put on wet socks and walk around in them for a bit.

Just be careful. Suede is afraid of water. Try not to get on the outside of the product, so as not to spoil the attractive appearance of the product.

A wonderful tool for breaking in is beer, which should be poured inside the shoe. Put on thick woolen socks and wear shoes for several hours.

How to break patent leather tight shoes

Patent shoes also break in. But this is much more difficult to do than to break in leather shoes. You can increase the size of patent leather shoes only in width if the leather is soft and thin under varnish.

To break patent leather shoes, soak woolen socks with vodka and wear the shoes until they are dry. You can use alcohol by diluting it with water: a third of alcohol, two thirds of water. Vodka and alcohol are safe for patent leather shoes.

When wearing patent leather shoes, treat them delicately, because they are very fragile, and if handled carelessly, they can crack and lose their luster.

You can also stretch patent leather shoes with a hair dryer. Warm up the inside of the shoes to a high temperature, and then put on socks and put your feet in the shoes. Be careful not to overheat the shoes with a hair dryer, the varnish may stop shining. This procedure should be repeated from time to time.

Lacquer shoes can be smeared with a greasy cream or petroleum jelly, carefully treating the toe and heel, and then putting on the shoe. If there is no block, then put on a sock and wear shoes for 2 hours, moving around the room.

How to break in tight textile shoes?

You can use the agent with boiling water, which we have already mentioned. Socks should dry on the foot. You can fill shoes with wet paper so that it swells and stretches the shoes. Paper dries in shoes. Newspaper should not be used, because it can ruin the fabric, stain it.

We told you how to break in tight shoes. It is very difficult, sometimes impossible, to break shoes into sizes. Be careful when buying shoes, so that later you do not waste time and nerves on breaking in tight things.

It is better to shop in the afternoon, when the leg is a little swollen. When stretching, be careful with shoes, do not overdo it, so as not to tear it and break it more than it should be, and then do not suffer from loose shoes.

Do not forget to wash your shoes and grease them with cream. Dry it away from heating appliances. It is better to use shoe holders.

Careful care of shoes will allow you to wear them for a long time and enjoy such beautiful comfortable shoes, boots, sandals that already fit your foot exactly and match the size of your foot.