How Aurora stole her husband from a friend. “Princess Aurora wouldn't do that! Princess Aurora is single and loves me

Funny and sad stories about Masha and Vanya Andrei Kolesnikov

"Princess Aurora wouldn't do that!"

The children and their mother went to rest on the sea, and I stayed in Moscow. They were not orphaned, but I.

From there, from abroad, fragmentary information arrives for the second week. The second week are positional battles on all fronts with varying success.

- Mom, - says Masha, - we lived in Moscow, in a blue house. And now our house is a hotel, right?

“Yes, daughter, it just happened,” her mother reassures her. But there is a sea here.

- Well, let's go to the sea, - says Masha.

- First breakfast, then the pool, then the sea.

- No, mom, first the pool, then the sea. There is no mention of breakfast at all.

- Alenka! she threatens her mother with her finger.

Masha, you upset me.

“Mom,” Masha says, “don’t be upset. But you are young. Our dad is tall.

Her brother Vanya, who is not yet two years old, also remembers me. He comes to the hotel lobby, stands at the automatically opening glass door and waits for me for a long time. This expectation fills my soul with eternal guilt and my life with meaning.

On the phone, I explain to him that I will come any day, and he says: "Uncle, beep." This means that someone is driving him in a car. Who? I asked my wife, she says no one, that he only rides a toy car in the arcade. But where is the uncle from? And this is a mechanic, my wife explains to me. I think she's telling the truth. But it still hurts to hear it.

Masha is not interested in cars. She is satisfied with a pile of cotton candy on a wooden stick. When her mother bought her cotton candy for the first time, she took it, held it in front of her and said:

“This is real happiness for a little girl.

One Italian photographed Masha doing this activity. He, dark-haired, liked a girl with long flaxen hair, blue eyes and a heap of white cotton candy in her hands. While she was posing for him, her mother, staring at all this, stumbled and fell.

“It’s okay, mom, it will heal before the wedding,” Masha reassured.

- Yes, that's it, Masha, I'm already married.

“Ah, well, yes,” Masha agreed. - Good for you? - Yes.

“And what, you don’t want a white veil?”

– No, I don’t want a veil.

- Well then, before my wedding will heal.

She dreams of a white veil and Prince Philip, but she knows that his heart is occupied. She's not suffering, nothing personal. She understands that marriage is a game. Seriously she has with one boy from kindergarten.

At dances in the evening, she avoids other children, although she loves to dance. Her brother does not understand how you can not dance if good music is playing.

“Come on, Vanya, come on,” she says to him indifferently, “go and dance.” Everything has been paid for.

Only when children repeat their phrases after adults do you understand how stupid these phrases are.

“Masha,” I tell her on the phone, “you love dancing. And don't pretend you don't care about them. You dreamed about them all year. Do you remember how many times you made me tell you how we come from Moscow to the sea and immediately go to the dance?

“I remember,” she says. - Few.

Yes, but every day. And why are you now standing on the sidelines?

“Dad,” she says quietly, “I’ll tell you, just let mom leave the room.”

- Well, let it be.

Dad, she doesn't want to.

“I can’t leave the two of them in the room,” my wife immediately tells me. - Do not even ask.

This is jealousy. Still, it will have to. When she comes out, Masha, having made up her mind, says:

“Dad, this is treason!” Do not you understand?

- And who are you cheating on, Masha?

- Vasya. Princess Aurora wouldn't do that.

- Do you want me to ask permission from Vasya? Vasya, after all, remained in Moscow.

- Ask, dad! Please!

The next day I told her that Vasya was not against it. In the evening she danced literally to exhaustion.

Question: Should I actually talk to Vasya? What if he didn't allow it?

From the book Artekovsky hardening author Dibrova Alexey

"AURORA" Nothing is done by itself, without effort and will, without sacrifice and labor. A. Herzen. On the line, Gury Grigorievich announced: - After breakfast, the first and second detachments will go to work. - Where? - Where, where, - I will explain everything to you. Autumn comes and then winter. Need to prepare

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PRINCESS SHEBA In the two-seater compartment of the Delhi-Calcutta Express, besides me, there was a woman in an expensive sari. A golden pattern curled across the red silk, lying in soft folds. Outside the window, the cramped, dusty and hot working-class suburbs of vast Calcutta still flashed by. I

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Chapter 13 My "Aurora" I headed the St. Petersburg branch of the NBP not because I wanted to "work in a big organization," as Limonov writes. After all, the internationals I dealt with before were bigger than the NBP. I headed the St. Petersburg branch of the NBP because

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Are you stressed? For this we have sozhu! Quite often, I heard from the inhabitants of the Land of Morning Calm that Russians are very similar to Koreans. No, this is not about the fact that Vasya from Ryazan is the spitting image of Cheol Soo from Taejon. We are similar in character, spiritual inclinations.

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The smile of an Egyptian queen, the eyes of a great teacher and a poor princess of the Silver Age At the St. Petersburg exhibition of the World of Art, and later as part of the Paris Autumn Season, a young Russian woman was exhibited at the Russian exposition arranged by Diaghilev in the same 1906

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7. “That’s not enough for us!” In the Mountain camp, pockets of resistance were still smoldering, and in another special camp, Rechnoy, located in the Vorkuta region, new unrest had already flared up, coinciding in time with the uprising in East Berlin. Political "combination" and synchronization of such

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Captain Smith and the Tobacco Princess This adventurous story spawned the tobacco industry and became an American epic, based on numerous novels, poems, plays and films of various

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"Indian Princess" The success of the dancer was facilitated by the romantic legend she invented: "I am the daughter of the Raja of the Malabar coast of India, who gave me to be raised by priests in a Buddhist temple." There, an Indian princess studied the art of temple dances for many years.

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On the famous cruiser "Aurora" In 1930, I completed courses at the Naval Academy and was assigned to the cruiser "Aurora". Working conditions on the cruiser were different from the previous ones. The number of personnel was several times greater than on the destroyer, also

From book 58. Unseized author Racheva Elena

Olga Nikolaevna Goncharuk “What have I done to you Russians?” 1925 Born in the village of Zaluchye, Kolomyia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region (this was the territory of Poland). 1945 July 1945 - arrested for connection with the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the investigation was in the prison of the regional center

From the book Pushkin in life. Pushkin's satellites (collection) author Veresaev Vikenty Vikentievich

Avrora Karlovna Shernval (1813–1902) Daughter of the Vyborg governor, Swedish. A swarthy brunette, distinguished by exceptional beauty, strict and plastic. Pushkin met her more than once in society. Baratynsky wrote to her: Come out, let us die in rapture, Name-bearer of the dawn! All ruddy

“Okay, dad,” she says. - Change my parrot for a healthy one. And then the leg fell off. And we'll go home. We'll just go really fast, okay?

“You can’t swim without a bra - you will drown!”

Masha had been going to Red Square for a long time. In fact, she had already been to Red Square before, but she does not remember this. She was then about one and a half years old. Once on Red Square, she walked for a long time and diligently along the white line drawn on the paving stones, then at some point she lost her way, stepped on a gray stone and then cried terribly because of this. She was inconsolable until I went to the store on Okhotny Ryad with her and she chose a pink blouse for herself. I was then shocked that she firmly pointed to the pink blouse and refused to even try on the blue one. It was only at that moment that I, it seems, finally clearly understood that I had a girl growing up, and not a boy.

Much was different last week. Firstly, we had to go to the store even before we were on Red Square. She did not demand it, but simply explained that she really needed it.

- What for? I clarified.

“Dad, there are sunglasses and a baby bra in there,” she said. - We're going to the sea. Dad, don't you know?

- Well, I understand, - mechanically changing course and already walking towards the store, I told her, - why do you need sunglasses. But a bra?

- Why do I need glasses? she asked.

“Probably to hide from the sun,” I suggested.

“But there is no sun at all here,” she shrugged. - The sun is only on the sea. So we are going to the sea.

- Okay, why do you need a bra?

- To swim.

“Can’t you swim without a bra?”

- Yes, you can't.

- And why?

“Drown,” she replied simply.

We bought her glasses and a bra. The glasses were pink with heart-shaped frames. After trying them on, she put the glasses on my nose as well.

“No, they don’t suit you,” she said at once.

- Why?

Because these are my glasses.

I had to fiddle with the bra. We have been looking for it for quite some time. As a result, we bought a yellow swimsuit with green palms. She wanted to wear it to Red Square, but I persuaded her not to. I convinced her not by the fact that it would be cold or indecent, but by the fact that yellow on red (against the background of the Kremlin wall) does not look at all. In fact, I think it's the other way around.

When we left the underground store, she said:

- Dad, look, there are fountains there!

I think she had never seen fountains before, but, of course, she had heard a lot about them.

There really were fountains. Seeing with what pleasure my girl examines Alyonushka, petrified by grief, by the stream, I immediately began to feel better towards Zurab Tsereteli.

Masha froze near Alyonushka and looked at her intently. It seemed to me that she was looking for her brother Ivanushka with her eyes. I, too, by the way, looked for him with my eyes, but did not find it. I thought that maybe he had already turned into a goat and I was looking for the wrong one. But there was no kid nearby. Or maybe it was not Alyonushka in a dress, but a mermaid with a tail.

- Do you like this girl? I asked Masha, who still did not take her eyes off the sculpture.

- What a Girl? Masha was surprised.

- Well, stone, in the water.

- Dad, - says Masha, - what are you doing? I'm looking at the boy. Do you see the boy standing alive? He will now bathe in the fountain.

Then I finally realized that she was really looking not at the mermaid, but at the boy, who had already undressed to his swimming trunks and was preparing to climb into the fountain. So he did in half a minute. She looked at the squirting boy for another ten minutes. Then I nevertheless took Masha to Red Square. This time she did not walk along the white line, but tried to shout to the soldiers at the entrance to the Mausoleum. Then we drove home.

“Masha, admit it,” I asked her dearly, “because you, too, probably wanted to jump into the fountain?” Tell me honestly: did you really want to?

- I? she wondered. - No, I didn't want to. I looked at the boy. The boy is very funny. Bathed in the fountain. And we'll go to the sea with you!

"Princess Aurora wouldn't do that!"

The children and their mother went to rest on the sea, and I stayed in Moscow. They were not orphaned, but I.

From there, from abroad, fragmentary information arrives for the second week. The second week are positional battles on all fronts with varying success.

- Mom, - says Masha, - we lived in Moscow, in a blue house. And now our house is a hotel, right?

“Yes, daughter, it just happened,” her mother reassures her. But there is a sea here.

- Well, let's go to the sea, - says Masha.

- First breakfast, then the pool, then the sea.

- No, mom, first the pool, then the sea. There is no mention of breakfast at all.

- Alenka! she threatens her mother with her finger.

Masha, you upset me.

“Mom,” Masha says, “don’t be upset. But you are young. Our dad is tall.

Her brother Vanya, who is not yet two years old, also remembers me. He comes to the hotel lobby, stands at the automatically opening glass door and waits for me for a long time. This expectation fills my soul with eternal guilt and my life with meaning.

On the phone, I explain to him that I will come any day, and he says: "Uncle, beep." This means that someone is driving him in a car. Who? I asked my wife, she says no one, that he only rides a toy car in the arcade. But where is the uncle from? And this is a mechanic, my wife explains to me. I think she's telling the truth. But it still hurts to hear it.

Masha is not interested in cars. She is satisfied with a pile of cotton candy on a wooden stick. When her mother bought her cotton candy for the first time, she took it, held it in front of her and said:

“This is real happiness for a little girl.

One Italian photographed Masha doing this activity. He, dark-haired, liked a girl with long flaxen hair, blue eyes and a heap of white cotton candy in her hands. While she was posing for him, her mother, staring at all this, stumbled and fell.

“It’s okay, mom, it will heal before the wedding,” Masha reassured.

- Yes, that's it, Masha, I'm already married.

“Ah, well, yes,” Masha agreed. - Good for you? - Yes.

“And what, you don’t want a white veil?”

– No, I don’t want a veil.

- Well then, before my wedding will heal.

She dreams of a white veil and Prince Philip, but she knows that his heart is occupied. She's not suffering, nothing personal. She understands that marriage is a game. Seriously she has with one boy from kindergarten.

At dances in the evening, she avoids other children, although she loves to dance. Her brother does not understand how you can not dance if good music is playing.

“Come on, Vanya, come on,” she says to him indifferently, “go and dance.” Everything has been paid for.

Only when children repeat their phrases after adults do you understand how stupid these phrases are.

“Masha,” I tell her on the phone, “you love dancing. And don't pretend you don't care about them. You dreamed about them all year. Do you remember how many times you made me tell you how we come from Moscow to the sea and immediately go to the dance?

“I remember,” she says. - Few.

Yes, but every day. And why are you now standing on the sidelines?

“Dad,” she says quietly, “I’ll tell you, just let mom leave the room.”

- Well, let it be.

Dad, she doesn't want to.

“I can’t leave the two of them in the room,” my wife immediately tells me. - Do not even ask.

This is jealousy. Still, it will have to. When she comes out, Masha, having made up her mind, says:

“Dad, this is treason!” Do not you understand?

- And who are you cheating on, Masha?

- Vasya. Princess Aurora wouldn't do that.

- Do you want me to ask permission from Vasya? Vasya, after all, remained in Moscow.

- Ask, dad! Please!

The next day I told her that Vasya was not against it. In the evening she danced literally to exhaustion.

Question: Should I actually talk to Vasya? What if he didn't allow it?

0 27 November 2010, 12:00

We have already familiarized ourselves with the list, and now the turn has come to "count" the royal persons of the fair sex - young, talented, titled and ... unmarried.

Let's start with the cousins ​​with bachelor habits of Prince William and Prince Harry. Beatrice, 22, and Eugenie of York, 20, are the daughters of Andrew of York, Prince of Wales' brother, and his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson. Judging by the "signature" wide smiles and fashion preferences of the princesses (remember them?), They inherited a lot from their mother. Including the spirit of adventure. They practically do not perform official royal duties and are regulars at nightclubs.

Cheerful girls Beatrice and Eugenia are respectively fifth and sixth in line for the British throne.

Princess Beatrice

Princess Eugenie

William and Harry also have another unmarried cousin, 29-year-old Zara Phillips, daughter of Princess Anne and her ex-husband Mark Phillips. At the request of her mother, Zara does not have an official title. She was fond of equestrian sports since childhood, which brought her the championship in triathlon. Zara also graduated from the University of Exeter and can professionally, as a certified physiotherapist, conduct classes in therapeutic riding.

For several years, Zara has been dating rugby player Mike Tindall. But, probably, worthy gentlemen can still try to win her heart.

Zara Phillips

Next on our list is the granddaughter of Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco, 24-year-old Charlotte Casiraghi. She is the younger sister of Andrea Casiraghi, one of the royal "favorite" readers of Gossip.

The daughter of Princess Caroline and the late Italian businessman and industrialist Stefano Chiziraghi, Charlotte has a passion for fashion and contemporary art, as well as charity work and equestrianism. And is it necessary to say that Charlotte is a real beauty?

Charlotte Casiraghi

The 23-year-old Thai princess Sirivannavari also has a very spectacular appearance.

The granddaughter of the richest monarch in the world, she is famous for her talent as a designer: in 2007, the princess made her debut at Paris Fashion Week with a collection of her brand SIRIVANNAVARI (in 2008, his Russian Fashion Week show). Another hobby of Sirivannavari is badminton. So the bridegroom of the princess must understand not only the fabric shuttlecocks, but also the shuttlecocks.

Snow White

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937. Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- In 1988, Snow White was honored with her own star on the Walk of Fame;

Snow White is not only the first Disney princess. The film about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was the first feature film in history, and it was he who started this genre;

- She was the first princess who communicated with animals that understand people;

- To achieve a natural skin color, real powder and other makeup products were applied directly to the film on which the cartoon was drawn;

- Perhaps Snow White is the youngest of all the princesses. She is only 14 years old!


Cartoon "Cinderella", 1950 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- Cinderella is one of the four princesses who became a princess in marriage (like Belle, Mulan and Tiana);

- The second in line princess is the recognized "leader" of Disney princesses, she is the most popular of them and is almost always put in the center of photographs;

- The name "Cinderella" ("Cinderella") comes from the French word "Cendrillon", which translates as "messy" or "girl stained with ashes."


Sleeping Beauty cartoon, 1959. Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- Aurora's nickname - Wild Rose - is taken from the name of the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm about the golden-haired beauty;

Throughout the film, the color of the princess's dress constantly changes from pink to blue and back again. This is the result of endless disputes between the animators, who could not decide which color suits the princess better;

- In Latin, her name means "sunshine" and "dawn";

- Aurora is the only blonde among the princesses (Rapunzel and Elsa do not count - their hair is blond because of magic and magical powers, and Elsa is a queen, not a princess in general);

- Her eyes are purple (later the animators gave the same eyes to Meg from " Hercules but she's not a princess).


Cartoon "The Little Mermaid", 1989 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

“The only princess not born of a human;

- The second "oldest" princess - she is 16 years old;

- The only princess who gave birth to a child (daughter Ariel can be seen in the tape " The Little Mermaid 2: Return to the Sea»);

- Ariel was the first (and for a long time the only) princess who was not the only child in the family (later the "brave" Merida appeared, who has three brothers);

- The first princess to fight a villainess instead of a villain (the second was Rapunzel).


Cartoon "Beauty and the Beast", 1991 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- She was the first princess who saved her prince from the evil spell, and not vice versa;

- A strand of hair that was constantly knocked out of Belle's hair made it clear that she was not perfect;

- The era of heroic, courageous and independent princesses began with Belle;

- From French, her name is translated as "beauty";

Belle is the only princess with brown eyes (princesses Mulan and Pocahontas have black eyes, while Jasmine has dark brown eyes and the animators claim that this is a fundamental difference).


Cartoon "Aladdin", 1992 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The first princess who married a poor guy;

- Jasmine is the only princess who had to kiss the main villain of the film;

- The first princess who is not dressed in a dress (the second was Mulan in armor);

- The only princess who is a minor character.


Cartoon "Pocahontas", 1995 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only princess dressed in an ethnic outfit;

Only she has tattoos;

- The first princess, whose image was based not on a fairy tale, but on a real historical figure (the second was Mulan);

- According to legend, the real Pocahontas was called Matoaca, and Pocahontas is her last name.


Cartoon "Mulan", 1998 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only heroine in the line who is not a real princess;

- In the film, Mulan cuts her hair for a reason: in China, this gesture means shame and expulsion from the family;

- The only one who disguises herself as a man;

- The first princess to defeat the main villain of the film;

- From Chinese, her name is translated as "blooming magnolia";

- The only princess who kissed her betrothed only in the continuation of the story (" Mulan 2»).


Cartoon "The Princess and the Frog", 2009 Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only princess who worked (not counting Cinderella, who was not paid for this);

- Only the story of Tiana develops in the "modern world" and in a real place - in New Orleans at the beginning of the 20th century;

- Tiana is left-handed and the only princess with dimples on her cheeks;

- The only princess who performs songs in a non-standard "sweet" pop version, jazz, R&B, blues and soul are recognizable in her songs;

“The only princess not wearing the standard pink or blue dress.


Cartoon Frame: Walt Disney Productions

- The only one among all the Disney princesses has magical powers;

- The only green-eyed princess;

- The length of Rapunzel's golden hair is 70 feet (more than 21 meters), they have more than 100,000 individual curls;

- The first princess who hit her betrothed more than once before falling in love with him.


2012 Brave Animation Image: Pixar Animation Studios / Walt Disney Pictures

- For the film, Merida managed to change 22 outfits, including several dresses, raincoats, jewelry, hats and a bow with arrows;

- And 5 more times I changed my hairstyle;

- The only curly princess;

Brave is the only Pixar animated film to feature a female protagonist.

And now you probably thought that now you know everything about charming princesses? It wasn't there!

Let's remember Cinderella, Belle and Tiana's weekend outfits:

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  • 2 of 3 Promo: Walt Disney Productions
  • 3 of 3 Promo: Walt Disney Productions
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Don't you notice? Well, how! Each wears opera gloves. But before you think that this is nothing special, let me remind you something. Cinderella was the first non-royal girl to become a princess after marriage. Just like Belle. And Tiana!

So if Disney plans another movie with a princess, it will be possible to immediately determine which princess it will be.

TV presenter Aurora told her amazing love story. Six years ago, she destroyed her friend's marriage and soon gave birth to a daughter by her husband.


There were many beautiful novels in Aurora's life. Admirers were different: from freelance artists to serious businessmen with no less serious intentions. The courtship of these gentlemen was pleasant to her, but the bright blonde did not think about anything permanent until she met her current common-law husband Alexei Treiman. Truth, then he was married to her girlfriend ...

Alexei appeared in Aurora's life five years before their love began. A close friend of the TV presenter married a guy from St. Petersburg, who moved to her in Moscow. Since Alexei is a television director, Aurora often crossed paths with him at work. Over time, young people became good friends.

The turning point was a joint business trip to South Africa. Filming lasted about a month, and the colleagues had to endure many stressful situations together. One day Treiman even saved Aurora's life. “Due to severe stress, it was like a veil fell from our eyes. It was as if we saw each other for the first time, and both disappeared ... - the TV presenter recalls. - Upon returning to Moscow, we thought for a couple of weeks what to do. I found out that they had already have been on the verge of divorce for a long time. My next relationship was also approaching its logical conclusion, so we decided that we would not hide, trivialize the feelings that arose between us, with some secret meetings. But we would just honestly try to live together. "

Most of all, the couple's friends were surprised by this union, but over time everyone got used to it. Even with her friend, Alexei's ex-wife, Aurora continued to communicate for some time. "But then I got pregnant very quickly, and this relationship came to naught. Which, frankly, I regret. The girlfriend was real, "Aurora recalls in an interview with" 7 days ".

Now the couple and their 5-year-old daughter Aurora Jr. live in a rented apartment on the Patriarchs. They are in no hurry to take root somewhere, because have not yet decided where they want to live. Alexey has an idea to work in America, and Aurora dreams of living in Barcelona. So where this family will meet old age is still in question.