Ready project for quilling a bouquet of flowers. Technology project A casket made in the “quilling” technique Completed by a student of the 6th “B” class Zagorodneva Ekaterina Sergeevna Checked by a technology teacher. Educational program of additional education for children

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 5"

municipal formation of Bratsk

Design and research work

Topic: "Quilling. Unusual features of plain paper»

Completed by: Polina Litvinenko

Smirnova Anastasia

Zlobina Alina

Rogozina Alina

Head:.Abramenko Elena Vladimirovna

Bratsk 2016

Project passport

name of the project

Quilling. Unusual features of plain paper

Full name, position of project manager

Abramenko E. V., primary school teacher

Academic subject or subject area


Academic disciplines related to the theme of the project

Technology: work with paper and cardboard.

The composition of the design team

1. Smirnova Anastasia, 11 years old;

2. Zlobina Alina, 11 years old.

3. Rogozina Alina, 11 years old

4. Litvinenko Polina, 11 years old.

Project type

Design and research work

Objective of the project

Learn how to create original crafts made using the quilling technique with your own hands.

Project objectives

show the unusual possibilities of plain paper;

develop creative abilities, aesthetic taste;

draw the attention of peers to quilling.

Problematic issues

Project Hypothesis

Can we make a beautiful craft?

Equipment and materials

1 . Paper tapes of different widths.

3. Tweezers.

4. Scissors.

5. Centimeter and ruler.


7. White PVA glue.

8. Cardboard.

Brief annotation of the project (relevance, significance, novelty, brief description)

We have chosen a creative project on the topic "Quilling, the unusual possibilities of plain paper”, since making a beautiful panel yourself is an unusual, interesting and exciting activity that trains perseverance, patience, as well as instilling aesthetic taste and developing design abilities. As a result of painstaking work, a real work of art is obtained from ordinary strips of paper.

The final product of the project activity

Applications made in the technique of "Quilling"

Stages of work on the project:

1. Create a sketch.

2. We twist rolls for flowers and butterflies, and for the body of bees.

3. We collect ready-made rolls.

4. We make a composition according to the sketch.

5. We choose and decorate the basis of the panel.

6. We assemble and glue the panels.

Distribution of roles in the project team

Each project participant received an individual task.


Quilling stories

Project idea

Quilling technique

Safety rules

Product cost calculation

Environmental assessment



Attachment 1

Appendix 2


Everyof us did at least once in his life paper crafts.

Paper is an unusually expressive and malleable material. From it you can create a whole world.

There are many types of paper plastic. The most famous in our country is the Japanese art of folding paper figures - origami. Today I will introduce you to another technique that is still little known to us - the art of paper rolling, or, as it is called in the West, quilling.

quilling - the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

Quilling - the name of this needlework originates from the English word "quill", i.e. "bird feather"

quilling sometimes also called paper filigree. Just start spinning paper figurines - and you will not be able to tear yourself away from this exciting activity. And all because making crafts using the quilling method is very simple.

All you need to get such beautiful figurines is a minimum of consumables and a little patience.

By constructing various figures from paper, which are made of multi-colored paper, you can decorate postcards , baskets, boxes. Recently, quilling earrings have become especially popular.

In Russia, this type of creativity was not very popular. However, in recent years, housewives, needlewomen and creative people have united and revived the ancient art of crafts and gifts.

The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics.

Theoretical part History of quilling art

The art of paper rolling originated in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century.

In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes.

Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world.

Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but due to the fact that paper, especially colored and high-quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art only for ladies from the upper strata of society.

So, in the 15th century it was considered art. In the XIX - ladies' entertainment. For most of the 20th century, it was forgotten. And only at the end of the last century, quilling began to turn into art again. In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously interested in the art of quilling, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

With paper, we have an idea of ​​fragility and fragility. But quilling refutes this statement - you can put, for example, a cup or a heavy book on a filigree voluminous stand, and not a single curl of paper lace will suffer. You can assemble a vase for sweets from paper elements and calmly use it for its intended purpose - it will not fall apart or break. In a word, quilling is an opportunity to see the unusual possibilities of plain paper.

Nowadays, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany. But this art became most widespread when it was adopted in the East. The richest traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of paper plastics. IN

In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art.

It should be noted that the Korean school of quilling is somewhat different from the European one. European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are laconic, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art. The thinnest voluminous lace is woven from hundreds of small details.

Project idea

In the technology lesson, we tried many techniques for making products. I decided to try a new technique - quilling. Rolls are twisted from thin strips of paper, from which elements of various shapes are then made by simple manipulations.

Quilling is a paper twisting technique, a new type of needlework that is very popular and fashionable today. Despite its unusualness and apparent complexity, it is quite accessible to any novice craftswoman.

What should I choose? Using this technique, you can decorate an album, a photo frame, a postcard, make a Christmas tree toy, a hot stand, decorative dishes, a picture.

I also wanted to try this simple technique, and after I looked in detail at the sequence of this product and chose such a wonderful picture, I got the idea to complete this project.

My task is to make an interesting original product using the quilling technique, which would immediately catch the eye with its bright, unusual look, attracting a lot of attention in its direction.

What requirements do I have for my future product:

My product must be beautiful, neat and meet the requirements of modern fashion.

The design of the product must correspond to a pre-thought-out sketch.

Defects that have arisen must be eliminated in the course of work.

The cost of purchasing materials should be kept to a minimum.

Practical part

Quilling is a very “lively”, colorful and creative process, so it is very important to choose not only outwardly beautiful, but also high-quality materials to create its elements. The main material in quilling are strips of paper of different colors, with a width of 3 mm. Most often, strips with typical sizes are used in the work - a width of 3 mm, 7 mm, 9 mm.

In quilling, there are a fairly large number of basic elements, and the manufacture of each element takes a matter of seconds. And then you can start experimenting. Pinch on one side - we get a drop, pinch on the other side - we get the shape of an eye.

You can give paper various two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes: squares, ovals, stars, cones, hemispheres. Acting as compositional elements, these figures can represent tree leaves, flowers, candlesticks and much more.

We mark the short sides of a sheet of colored paper in 3 mm divisions. We always start measuring from one end, in case the last division is smaller than the others.

We cut off the strip with a clerical knife under the ruler. To save time and effort, you can cut several sheets at once, fastening them with paper clips or clothespins. The ruler must be pressed very carefully, the knife must be sharp. We cut off in one long movement, pressing well on the knife and not cutting our fingers (and the table). We get multi-colored strips of paper 3 mm wide and about 30 cm long.

To make a petal, take a strip of the desired color and wrap it tightly around a toothpick. The tip of the toothpick can be split to make it easier to fix the end of the strip.

Carefully remove the roll from the toothpick and put it in the hole of the officer's ruler with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. Let go, the paper unfolds to the size of the hole. Do not hold the removed roll in your hands for a long time, otherwise it will not unfold well later.

Glue the outer end of the strip and let the glue dry.

We take out the resulting spiral and strongly pinch with our fingers on one side. So we made one of the basic elements of quilling - a "drop" (or "teardrop"). There are about 20 basic elements, but the principle remains the same: we fold and pinch.

In the same way, we make 5 more "droplets" - the rest of the flower petals.

Now let's make a leaf. We repeat steps 3-5, then take out the spiral and pinch it simultaneously from two opposite sides. This element is called "eye".

For a change, we use one more element for the second leaflet. It's called "leaf". To do this, we do everything as for the "eye", but after pinching, without releasing the ends, we move them in different directions in relation to each other.

Now it’s quite easy to make the middle: just leave the spiral as it is, without pinching. Make the middle of a smaller diameter - use the smaller hole in the officer's ruler (about 1 cm). By the way, we will call this element a "free spiral".


There is no particular charm in our work. Surprisingly calm, she suddenly catches the eye and envelops with warmth. True, not everyone can call the execution technique easy and uncomplicated. This exciting activity draws everyone "from young to old."

The set goal - to surprise, to reveal the secrets of this art, I succeeded. So I don’t know about you, dear commission, but I have interested ordinary people who are not passionate about this science, and this is what I consider my great achievement and pride!

We will not exchange our work for any other, because the work reads its own unique style, which you will not find anywhere else.


Despite the fact that the history of "paper" creativity goes back tens of centuries, it has not lost its attractiveness.

We come to such an idea when we see the fruits of our creativity.

Working on the project gave me the opportunity to learn how to overcome difficulties and boldly implement my ideas.

Quilling has developed patience, accuracy, and a sense of beauty in us.

We realized that with a little paperwork skills, you can learn to CREATE!The most important thing is a great desire to learn everything. The implementation of the project contributed to the development and improvement of my capabilities in the field of paper plasticity (quilling) and project activities; mastery of technical skills, development of artistic taste and creative attitude to the work performed.

Our project has been completed.

(Attachment 1)

Cut off a strip of colored paper 1 cm wide and as long as an A4 sheet. We make transverse cuts on it along the entire length with a depth of about 8 mm every 1-1.5 mm. It turns out a fringe with a base about 2 mm wide. You need to cut carefully so as not to cut the strip into pieces. You can clamp the edge of the strip into an office clothespin or something similar: it will serve as a limiter, the scissors will rest against it. For some it will be easier to cut.

We wind the finished fringe on a special tool or a toothpick, as in ordinary quilling.

Gently glue the tip and let the glue dry. It turns out a paper cylinder.

Carefully fold the fringe outward. Here is the fluffy flower. But this is only one option.

In the second version, we also cut the fringe, and then glue the usual narrow strip for quilling (3 mm) to it, where the base of the "villi" of the fringe is. We select the color of the narrow strip as we want to make the middle of the flower.

We wind, starting from the end of a narrow strip.

From a narrow strip a flat center is obtained, and from a fringe - petals. Glue the tip and let dry.

It remains only to bend the petals.

(Annex 2)

Materials, tools for quilling

Quilling is a simple type of needlework that does not require large expenditures. You do not need expensive tools and a specially equipped workplace. In order to make any of the compositions, prepare the following materials and accessories:

1. Paper tapes of different widths.

The most commonly used tapes are 3.4, 6 and 10 mm wide. They are sold in craft stores.

2. Device for twisting tapes.

With this tool you will twist paper spirals. If desired, you can make a simple tool from a round wooden stick 10 cm long and a tapestry needle with a large eye. Insert the tip of the needle into the end of the stick and “bite off” the tip of the eye with wire cutters to leave a gap. Ribbon spinning machines are available at craft stores.

3. Tweezers.

Purchase tweezers from a supermarket or pharmacy. Better if it has flat tips. Tweezers hold a paper blank when glue is applied to it and glued to cardboard.

4. Scissors.

It is best to work with small scissors with sharp tips. They must be well sharpened.

5. Centimeter and ruler.

Used to measure the length of the tape.


Used to apply glue to the workpiece.

7. White PVA glue.

This glue is available at craft stores, hardware stores, and print kiosks. The glue should not leave spots when dry. Apply the minimum amount.

8. Cardboard.

White and colored plain cardboard is sold in craft and stationery stores.

9. Device for cutting fringes.

Many models have fringe parts, which are much easier to cut with a special tool. Cutting many identical thin strips with scissors is an extremely tedious task! Try to find such a device in a craft store.

Safety rules

Rules for working with glue:

When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the work at this stage.

Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.

Wash your brush and hands well with soap and water after work.

Rules for working with scissors:

Keep your knife in a specific place.

Work with well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.

Lay the scissors with the rings towards you.

Pass the scissors rings forward.

Don't play with scissors, don't bring it to your face.

Use scissors only for their intended purpose.

Don't leave scissors open.

Scissors should have rounded ends.

Environmental assessment

Quilling does not have a detrimental (negative) effect on the environment. In the manufacture of the product, only environmentally friendly materials were used.

Paper does not have a negative impact on human health.

The quilling technique is difficult, but only at the beginning. And yet, quilling is a fascinating and beautiful work that helps a person to develop culturally.

quilling It is also a great way to overcome psychological problems that already exist, it is a common form of "occupational psychotherapy" used for certain neurotic disorders.


1. Anna Zaitseva Quilling. New ideas for creativity.- EKSMO. Moscow, 2011

2. Helen Walter Patterns from paper tapes / Per. from English. - M.: Publishing house "Niola - Press", 2006.

3. Donatella Ciotti Original paper crafts / Per. from Italian. G.V. Kirsanova. - M .: LLC TD "Publishing house World of Books", 2008.

4. Paper filigree / Alexandra Bystritskaya. - 2nd ed. - M.: Iris-press, 2008. - 128s.

5. The Art of Quilling: The Magic of Paper Ribbons / Anna Zaitseva. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 64s.

Choosing a topic and justifying it I saw very beautiful products in the quilling technique in the technology room and I wanted to do something similar. Such work will serve as a good gift for any holiday and will bring joy to our loved ones. Such a gift cannot be bought in a store and it will decorate any interior.

“Asterisk” of reflection Casket Historical information Equipment for work Composition sketch Development of advertising Choice of the topic and its justification Calculation of the cost of the product Development of the label Literature Technological sequence Self-analysis of the work Sanitary and hygienic requirements Safety regulations

Execution technology 1. For work, you will need strips of multi-colored paper (2mm-3cm). 2. Take a strip of paper, insert its tip into the slot of the toothpick. 3. Starting to twist it is not very tight. 4. Carefully remove the wound strip and insert it into the ruler with a round hole. 5.Shape the product.

Technological map in order Performing the organization Tools and materials 1 Make strips of multi-colored paper (2mm-3cm). Corrugated paper, office paper. 2 Take a strip of paper, insert its tip into the slot of the toothpick, A strip of multi-colored paper, a toothpick with a slot. 3 Start spinning it is not very tight. A strip of colored paper. 4 Carefully remove the strip and insert it into the ruler with the round hole. Ruler, twisted strip. Product is ready

Economic calculation in order Name Price Quantity Cost 1 Corrugated cardboard 55 rub. 1 PC. 55 rub. 2 Regular cardboard 16 rub. 1 PC. 16 rub. 3 Cheese box 46 rub. 1 PC. 46 rub. 4Office paper 110 rub. 1 p. 110 rubles. 5Glue "Titan" 19 rub. 2 pcs. 38 rub. 6 Scissors 35 rub. 1 PC. 35 rub. Total 300 rubles.

Introspection The main difficulty is to correctly prepare the parts for the product in stages. Now I have learned how to make elements correctly. If there were difficulties in the work, I turned to the reference literature on this topic. Best of all, I got products on a natural theme: flowers, blades of grass, leaves. I really like to work with paper, I do it in my spare time. This work gives me a lot of pleasure and satisfaction.

Literature Prosnyakova T.N. "Flowers". Encyclopedia of Applied Art Technologies Prosnyakova T.N. "Flowers". Encyclopedia of Applied Art Technologies Prosnyakova T.N. "Butterflies". Encyclopedia of Applied Art Technologies Prosnyakova T.N. "Butterflies". Encyclopedia of Applied Art Technologies Prosnyakova T.N. "Cats". Encyclopedia of Applied Art Technologies Prosnyakova T.N. "Cats". Encyclopedia of applied art technologies

Kamaev Konstantin

This work can be used in the lessons of technology, fine arts when getting acquainted with culture, architecture and art in different countries of the world. When you get acquainted with the "quilling" technology, you can get initial information about this type of artistic creativity, get acquainted with the history of paper rolling and its place in the modern world. Get to know the creative work of the author. Check it out, you won't regret it! Quilling will really "bewitch" you!



Municipal state educational institution gymnasium

Vyatskiye Polyany, Kirov region, st. Gagarina, 17, fax/phone 6-29-29

Kamaev Konstantin Sergeevich 10 years old

"Fascinating quilling"


ON THE. Polyantseva

primary school teacher

MKOU gymnasium

Vyatskiye Polyany



1.1. Quilling - temple art

1.2. European paper filigree

1.3. Quilling XXI century


2.1. Materials, tools, fixtures


2.2. Manufacturing technique


2.3. Basic figures

Chapter 3

And I




Bibliographic list




Kamaev Konstantin

I'm a happy man! I have loving parents and wonderful relatives. I successfully study at the best school in my beloved hometown Vyatskiye Polyany - gymnasium. I have the best teacher and the friendliest class in the world! I am surrounded by my beloved friends. I am an inquisitive person and I have favorite hobbies. I have already become friends with the magical world of Japanese origami art and have been happy to tell my friends about it. And then one day, wandering around the endless expanses of the Internet in search of new ideas for origami, my mother and I stumbled upon extraordinarily beautiful lace paper crafts.

I really wanted to know: what is this unique art, what is it called? And also learn the basics of this unfamiliar paper plastic technique.


The versatility of paper is hard to overestimate. It finds application in almost all areas of human activity. Creativity is no exception. Paper is an unusually expressive and malleable material. From it you can create a whole world. There are many types of paper plastic. The most famous in our country is the Japanese art of folding paper figures - origami. I already told my friends about the art of paper folding, speaking with a project work on the topic “The Magical World of Origami”. Today I want to introduce you to another technique that is still little known to us - the art of paper rolling or, as it is called in the West, quilling.

quilling (or paper rolling, paper filigree) is the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing volumetric or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

At first it seems that everything is very difficult and scary, but in fact everything is quite easy and interesting (although the work is very painstaking)! If you think that quilling is some kind of super-new complex art technique, then you are mistaken. I myself was quite surprised, it turns out that the art of paper rolling is more than one hundred years old!

PROBLEM: Quilling for me is a magical world of creative and artistic fantasies, an opportunity to spend your free time interestingly with passion, to learn a new, unexplored art. But, as my mother says, I lack accuracy, diligence and patience (but I'm not a girl!). I wonder if very painstaking and long-term work in the quilling technique can captivate me so much that I can create my own artistic masterpiece?

GOAL: Meet and make friends with the fashionable European art of quilling

OBJECT OF STUDY:Quilling - a powerful world of creativity.

SUBJECT OF STUDY:My creative possibilities in multifaceted art.


1) master the technique of quilling;

2) educate oneself in purposefulness, diligence and patience

(perhaps, for a real man, these are very valuable strong-willed qualities)!

3) create your own artistic compositions;

4) introduce your friends to the creative project.


  1. acquaintance with special literature on the topic of quilling;
  2. conversation with teachers on the topic;
  3. making creative crafts.


1 ) get acquainted with the special literature on the topic "quilling";

2) master the basic forms;

3) master the manufacturing technique;

4) create artistic compositions in the style of "quilling";

5) introduce friends-classmates to the technology of "quilling";

6) arrange your own exhibition of creative crafts in a given style;

7) prepare a presentation on the topic of project work;

8) to speak with project work in front of friends, at a school and city scientific and practical conference.

Chapter 1. From the history of fascinating art

  1. Quilling is a temple art.

In my opinion, the best explanation of the concept of "quilling" is given in England. In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". A bird feather is very easy to imagine ... It light and airy so that the bird can travel long distances high in the sky. It colorful, colorful, like the plumage of birds has a different color. After all, birds disguise themselves as their habitat. Comparing these adjectives, my imagination draws a new fascinating art form.

Unlike origami, whose homeland is Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. Like origami in Japan, quilling in Europe was originally a temple art. Even in medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes.

In the 16th century, Italian and French monks and nuns began to decorate icons and panels on religious themes, covers of religious books and cult objects, such as shrines for storing relics, with paper filigree. Gilded and silvered strips of paper successfully replaced real gold and silver in poor churches. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little has been preserved of medieval masterpieces. However, the amazing technique of twisting thin strips of paper, creating openwork and truly jewelry masterpieces, was passed down from generation to generation.(Appendix No. 1.1.1 fig. 1, fig. 2)

  1. European paper filigree

Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, "paper art" became a favorite pastime of sophisticated ladies.

Quilling was one of the few types of needlework that the representatives of the nobility could do without losing their dignity. Ladies decorated boxes and drawers, baskets, tea caddies, family coats of arms with an ornament of twisted paper strips. They made themselves fans, fashionable hats.(Appendix No. 1.2.1 fig. 1, fig. 2)

Also known are pieces of furniture and kitchen utensils covered with a pattern in this technique - the result of several years of painstaking work.(Appendix No. 1.2.1 fig. 3, fig. 4)

During the Victorian era (1837-1901), women of the upper classes, among other things, spent their free time practicing paper filigree. Quilling patterns were even published in women's magazines of that time.(Appendix No. 1.2.1 fig. 5, fig. 6)

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously fond of the art of paper plastic, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London at the present time.

Princess Elizabeth Victoria and Albert Museum

  1. Quilling XXI century

For most of the 20th century, quilling was forgotten, and only at the end of the last century did it begin to turn into art again.

Over the centuries, changes have taken place in the world of quilling: techniques, styles, materials, tools and popularity of this type of needlework have changed. Quilling has long ceased to be the property of exclusively women from the "upper classes". By the beginning of the 21st century, paper filigree became a full-fledged art, and works made in this technique adorn galleries in Europe and the USA.

Nowadays, as I know, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany, popular in the USA and Latin American countries (such as Brazil). In a number of countries, it is only gaining popularity. And in some countries, such as Israel and Hong Kong, they are just beginning to learn about it.

But this art became most widespread when it "moved" to the East in Korea and Japan. The richest oriental traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of quilling. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art.

In each country where quilling appeared, its own directions in this technique arose. So, if European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are concise, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art.(Appendix No. 1.3.1 fig. 1, fig. 2)

In Korea, for example, masters use this technique to create real paintings, including up to several thousand elements. In China, caskets and vases are made from rolls, folding constructions like a “Chinese wall” out of paper rings.(Appendix No. 1.3.1 fig. 3, fig. 4, fig. 5)

To us, in Russia, the art of quilling came already from Korea and is known as paper rolling.(Appendix No. 1.3.1 fig. 6, fig. 7, fig. 8, fig. 9)It's great, isn't it?

Chapter 2

2.1. Materials, tools and fixtures

Quilling is a fairly simple type of needlework, which everyone can master. It is based on the ability to twist long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modify their shape and make three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

However, if origami required mainly hands and a sheet of paper to work, then quisling uses a variety oftools and fixtures.

  1. Paper The best option, of course, is special paper, which

produced and intended exclusively for quilling. Stripes are available in a variety of colors and shades, shiny, pearly, stripes, as well as stripes with double toning, in which one side is lighter than the other.

Such paper is already cut, all you need is to spread the strips in front of you and focus on creativity. Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 fig. 1, fig. 2)

But... The problem with this paper is that it can be bought mainly in countries where quilling is popular.

If this is not possible, as in our case, then the strips can be cut by yourself. The paper must be colored on both sides. Traditionally, paper strips 3-9 mm wide and 30 and 60 cm long are used for quilling, but this does not mean that other sizes will not work, it's just a matter of the standard dictated by the industrial production of paper rolling kits that are sold in stores. So you can safely forget about traditionalism and experiment, cut paper as you like, try a variety of colors and textures. Mom and I cut colored paper for the printer. High-quality children's colored paper is very suitable, it usually has bright colors and is quite dense.

Corrugated cardboard- very comfortable material(Appendix No. 2.1.1 Fig. 3).It looks beautiful, bends easily, holds its shape well. From it you can make funny animal figurines, original fridge magnets, boxes and coasters, Christmas decorations - all these are wonderful gifts for friends and relatives for any holiday.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 Fig. 4, Fig. 5, Fig. 6).

  1. Quilling tool

A quilling tool is a handle with a shaft at the end of which a slot is made.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 Fig. 7). The tip of the paper strip is inserted into the slot and the strip is wound onto the rod, then the finished roll is removed. It is sold in stores. You can also make such a tool yourself.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 Fig. 8).

You can also use the simplest items, such as a wooden toothpick or hairpin.

It also serves for the same awl with the only difference that the tip of the strip is not

is held in the slot and can slip. However, an awl is used if you want to get a particularly tight roll without a hole in the middle.

  1. Glue

To secure paper spirals, you will need glue that does not

Should leave spots when dry. PVA glue is quite suitable for this purpose.

  1. toothpicks are used to apply glue to the workpiece.
  2. Scissors necessary for cutting the fringe.
  3. Tweezers Needed for small parts.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 Fig. 9).
  4. Stencil with round holes of various diameters

A ruler with holes of different diameters (officer's) is often used. Twisted strips are placed in such holes so that they unfold to a certain diameter and the elements are the same size.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 fig. 10, fig. 11).

  1. Metal ruler, pencil, stationery knife and board or

mat necessary for cutting cardboard and paper strips.(Appendix No. 2.1.1 Fig. 12).

  1. Cork board:It is convenient to attach to the cork board

pins elements during the intermediate assembly of the composition. Then the finished fragments are transferred to the base.

  1. Other toolsIn quilling, fringe cutting machines, rare combs, curly hole punches, scissors with curly blades and other devices are also used.

There are many tools, fixtures and special paper for quilling, but if you have a desire to practice this fascinating art, you can get by with what you have at hand:

Sheets of colored double-sided paper A4, cut into strips;

2 wooden toothpicks - one for twisting paper tapes, and the other for applying glue to blanks;

PVA glue;

Ruler with round holes of various diameters;

Any suitable paper with a beautiful texture is the basis of our composition.

2.2. Manufacturing technique

The advantages of paper as a decorative material are endless. You can create real miracles from paper ribbons. As I noted earlier, quilling is a fairly simple type of needlework that everyone can master. It is based on the ability to twist long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modify their shape and make three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

In the quilling technique, there are several different methods for twisting paper ribbons. Traditional quilling - making rolls - is a rather laborious process. Work can be accelerated using the looped (looped) quilling technique. Consider traditional quilling.

In this technique, there are a fairly large number of basic elements, and the manufacture of each element takes a matter of seconds.

Twisting paper ribbons is the main process in the quilling technique. A strip of paper is twisted into a tight spiral. To do this, you need to take one paper tape of the desired color, length and width in your left hand, you need to place a tool in your right hand (in our case, this is a toothpick).(Appendix No. 2.2.1 Fig. 1).

It will be convenient to start winding by wrapping the edge of the tape on the tip of a toothpick. In this case, it is necessary to control the force in the tension of the paper, it should be tightly wound without loosening. During operation, you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the efforts in time(Appendix No. 2.2.1 Fig. 2).As a result, a dense spiral should form on the wooden rod. It is she who will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 Fig. 3).

Next, you need to carefully remove the resulting roll (roll) and let it turn around a little. Now, using another toothpick, you need to glue the outer end of the strip. You only need a little glue. Here it is the original shape - a circle.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 Fig. 4, Fig. 5).

In the case when you want the elements to be the same size, it is desirable to control the size of the original circles using a ruler with circles.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 Fig. 6, Fig. 7).

And then you can start experimenting. Blanks can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents. Pinch on one side - you get a drop, pinch on the other side - you get the shape of an eye.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 Fig. 8, Fig. 8 A, Fig. 9 Fig. 8B).

The resulting blanks are laid out on a pre-prepared base (cardboard, paper) and glued.(Appendix №2.2.1 fig.10)

What can the resulting droplets and leaves be used for? They can decorate an album, a photo frame, a postcard, make a Christmas tree toy, a hot stand, decorative dishes, a picture.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 fig. 11 - 15).An interesting effect will be obtained if drawing and quilling are mixed in the work.

My advice: it's better to start by practicing the skill of creating simple shapes. You can just sometimes please yourself and your family with small pleasant crafts made using this technique.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 fig. 16 - 19).

But if you are persistent enough and ready to devote a lot of time to quilling, then in the end you can get a real masterpiece, you just have to dream up a little.(Appendix No. 2.2.1 fig. 20 - 24).

2.3. Basic figuresPaper can be given various two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms: squares, ovals, stars, cones, hemispheres. Acting as compositional elements, these figures can represent tree leaves, flowers, candlesticks and much more.

In total, there are about 30 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new quilling elements.(Appendix No. 2.3.1 Fig. 1)

Although quilling uses a fairly limited set of basic shapes, their names can often vary greatly depending on the geography or school of quilling. The initial blanks are divided by type into dense and loose spirals (rings, rolls), open and closed spirals, as well as ordinary spirals and spirals with a shifted center (eccentric).

Examples of blanks: the original roll, the basic form of the module, a drop, a leaflet, an eye, a curved eye, a square, a triangle, a hare's ear, a twisted heart, an asterisk, a crescent.(Appendix No. 2.3.1 Fig. 2)

Chapter 3 Arts and crafts, "quilling" and I ...

Unfortunately, as such, we do not have a circle on the art of quilling in our city. Therefore, I have to master European paper filigree on my own. The main assistant to me in this fascinating work is my mother. I am very lucky in life, I have wonderful parents!(Appendix No. 3.1.1 Fig. 1).In all my undertakings and affairs, they are always with me at the same time: they will help, prompt, advise. So one day, wandering through the endless expanses of the Internet in search of new ideas for origami, my mother and I stumbled upon extraordinarily beautiful paper lace crafts. Today, without any embellishment, I would call this art “bewitching quilling” ...

Having touched the magical art of quilling once, it is impossible to remain indifferent, quilling really fascinates. With great pleasure I am engaged in the manufacture of new crafts again and again. I taught some elements of the great art to my younger cousin Vasilisa(Appendix No. 3.1.1 fig. 2, 3, fig. 3A).

And in the classroom, together with our teacher Natalia Arkadyevna Polyantseva, we conducted several lessons of fine art and technology dedicated to Japanese origami art and European quilling art. In these lessons, the guys got acquainted with the history of origami and quilling, my creative projects and crafts(Appendix No. 3.1.1 Figures 4 - 21), and also took an active part in the creation of individual(Appendix No. 3.1.1 Fig. 22, Fig. 22A, Fig. 22B, Fig. 22C, Fig. 22D, Fig. 22E, Fig. 22F)and collective work. Our creative exhibitions were just wonderful!(Appendix No. 3.1.1 Fig. 23 - 29)

Quilling and origami are not all my hobbies in life. I enjoy attending circles at the center for additional education for children. Here, under the strict guidance of Kulikova Lyubov Mikhailovna, I am engaged in the association "Artistic Modeling"(Appendix No. 3.1.1 fig. 30, fig. 31)I make clay toys with my own hands.(Appendix

No. 3.1.1 fig. 32-36).

And the head of the circle "Crazy Hands" Pletnev Vsevolod Mikhailovich and my dad teach me to work with a noble living material - wood. I really like to make different useful gizmos with my own hands.(Appendix No. 3.1.1 Fig. 37, Fig. 38, Fig. 39)

Thanks to my hobbies, I have made many new friends. I can spend my free time interestingly and usefully. I got acquainted with the art, culture, architecture and traditions of different peoples of the world: Japanese and European, learned a lot of interesting historical facts from their lives. Opened up new possibilities.

My hobbies help me gain public speaking experience, this is very important for me! I have repeatedly successfully participated in research conferences of the gymnasium, our hometown of Vyatskiye Polyany, and even in the regional competition of design works on the theme "The Magical World of Japanese Art" in the city of Kirovo-Chepetsk(Appendix No. 3.1.1

rice. 40 - 48). My creative works arouse genuine interest and even admiration of the participants of such events. My friends support me and rejoice in my success.(Appendix No. 3.1.1 Fig. 49). My creative fantasies delight my family and friends(Appendix

No. 3.1.1 fig. fifty) . For every holiday I have a new idea(Appendix

No. 3.1.1 fig. 51).

Although, as the young page said in the fairy tale "Cinderella": "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning and I can do a little more ..."(Appendix No. 3.1.1 fig. 52 - 57).


I like my hobby. I love dealing with paper. I am fascinated by the ability of paper to change shape. It is easily torn, wrinkled, bent, twisted, etc. I am very grateful to my teachers and my mother, thanks to whom, once for the first time clumsily bending a sheet of paper in half, I have already taken the first step into the great world of the Japanese art of ORIGAMI, and twisting a thin piece of colored paper into a spiral, I looked into the bewitching European filigree...


The amazing and mysterious word QUILLING has turned for me and my friends into a new interesting world of art; on an exciting fairy tale journey through the paper kingdom; in the development of my creative, artistic, logical and mathematical abilities.

Today, I can confidently say that I have achieved my goal. goals

- met and made friends with a new artistic form of European art.(It means: I am PURPOSE!)

He resolved the set before him tasks:

  1. mastered the quilling alphabet;
  2. created artistic compositions (own MASTERPIECE!);
  3. introduced his friends to the creative project;
  4. I BECAME MORE PATIENT! CLEANER! HARDER!(Do not believe me, ask my teacher Natalia Arkadyevna or my mother).


Once again, I made sure that:

Learning new things is fun!

Solving riddles is fun!

Making a discovery is important!

Making crafts with your own hands is great!

Teaching others how to make is valuable!

Sharing the joy of success with friends is HAPPINESS!

I would really like my artistic and creative hobbies to continue to bring joy to relatives and friends, because now I know what I can give them for the holiday. I want other guys to be interested in my new direction in the knowledge of the art of quilling, and I have even more friends! After all, quilling is an opportunity for a flight of fancy. It's so exciting! It is not difficult, however, it requires a LOT of PATIENCE AND CARE! I know for sure that quilling is soothing and even recommended for people with some mental and physical problems. In addition, quilling develops imagination, thinking, creativity, skills and ability to work with paper, eye, fine motor skills of hands. It brings up the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing work methods, diligence, listening skills, communication skills, creativity ... Now I know for sure that this is so! (Tested on myself!)

I am convinced that my hobbies for various types of artistic and applied arts will definitely help me become a successful and creative person.

Join now!


  1. Bystritskaya A.I. Paper filigree / Alexandra Bystritskaya. - M.: Iris-press, 2011. - 128 p.: ill. + col. insert 16 p. - (Attention children!)
  2. Janet Wilson. Flowers from paper ribbons. Postcards, souvenirs, gifts / Per. from English. U. Saptsina. - M.: Publishing group "Content", 2010. - 48 p.: ill.
  3. Jenkins J. Crafts from paper ribbons (Text): per. from English. / Jane Jenkins. - M. My world, 2008. - 80 p.: col. ill.

Municipal Educational Institution

gymnasium No. 10

Kirovsky district

Creative project on the topic:


Completed by: student of 9 "A" class

Lygina Daria

Leader: technology teacher

Vinnikova D.G.

Volgograd 2012


History of quilling

Justification of the problem

Development of ideas, options

Choosing the right tools and equipment

Manufacturing sequence

Cost calculation




Art is craftsmanship, the product of which gives aesthetic pleasure. The term art can be used in different senses: the process of using talent, the work of a gifted master, as well as the study of art (art history). "Fine Arts" is a set of producing works of art created by gifted craftsmen and evoking a response, mood, conveying symbolism and other information to the public (art as consumption). A work of art is the intentional and talented interpretation of an unlimited number of concepts and ideas in order to communicate them to others. They can be created specifically for a specified purpose, or they can be represented by images and objects. Art stimulates thoughts, feelings, representations and ideas through sensations. It expresses ideas, takes many different forms, and serves many different purposes. Art is a skill that can cause admiration.

Contemporary art is quite diverse. There is a great variety of its types, for example, quilling. Quilling is the art of making flat or voluminous compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals.

The purpose of the work: to develop a technology for making paintings using the quilling technique

Tasks: 1. Analysis of literature on the technique of "quilling". 2. Studying the quilling technique.

History of quilling

In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". Unlike origami, which originated in Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe in the late 14th and early 15th centuries. In medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by spinning paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little remains of medieval masterpieces. However, this ancient technique has survived to this day and is very popular in many countries of the world. Paper rolling spread quickly in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society.

Melnikov Vladislav

This project discusses the history of quilling, its technology, a gallery of works in the "Quilling" technique



Fascinating quilling

Melnikov Vladislav,

4th grade student of MOU secondary school No. 1


T. N. Fedorova

primary school teacher

MOU secondary school №1




I'm a happy man! I have loving parents and wonderful relatives. I successfully study at the best school in my native city - school number 1. I have the best teacher and the friendliest class! I am surrounded by my beloved friends. I am an inquisitive person and I have favorite hobbies. I have already made friends with the magical world of Japanese origami art. I have several crafts using this technique. (SLIDE) And then one day, at a technology lesson in grade 3, Tatyana Nikolaevna introduced us to a new type of paper plastic - QWILLING.

I really wanted to know: what is this unique art, what is it called? And also learn the basics of this unfamiliar paper plastic technique.


The versatility of paper is hard to overestimate. It finds application in almost all areas of human activity. Creativity is no exception. Paper is an unusually expressive and malleable material. From it you can create a whole world. There are many types of paper plastic. The most famous in our country is the Japanese art of folding paper figures - origami. Today I want to introduce you to another technique that is still little known to us - the art of paper rolling or, as it is called in the West, quilling.

quilling (or paper rolling, paper filigree) is the art of twisting long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modifying their shape and composing volumetric or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

At first it seems that everything is very difficult and scary, but in fact everything is quite easy and interesting (although the work is very painstaking)! If you think that quilling is some kind of super-new complex art technique, then you are mistaken. I myself was quite surprised, it turns out that the art of paper rolling is more than one hundred years old!

PROBLEM: Quilling for me is a magical world of creative and artistic fantasies, an opportunity to spend my free time interestingly with enthusiasm, to learn new, unknown art for myself. masterpiece?

GOAL: Get to know and make friends with the fashionable European art of quilling.

OBJECT OF STUDY:Quilling - a powerful world of creativity.

SUBJECT OF STUDY:My creative possibilities in multifaceted art.


1) master the technique of quilling;

2) educate oneself in purposefulness, diligence and patience

(perhaps, for a real man, these are very valuable strong-willed qualities)!

3) create your own artistic compositions;

4) introduce your friends to the creative project.


  1. acquaintance with special literature on the topic of quilling;
  2. conversation with the teacher on this topic;
  3. making creative crafts.


1 ) get acquainted with the special literature on the topic "quilling";

2) master the basic forms;

3) master the manufacturing technique;

4) create artistic compositions in the style of "quilling";

5) introduce friends-classmates to the technology of "quilling";

6) prepare a presentation on the topic of project work;

7) to speak with project work in front of classmates, at a school scientific and practical conference.

Chapter 1. From the history of fascinating art

  1. Quilling is a temple art.

In my opinion, the best explanation of the concept of "quilling" is given in England. In English, this needlework is called "quilling" - from the word "quill" or "bird feather". A bird feather is very easy to imagine ... It light and airy so that the bird can travel long distances high in the sky. It colorful, colorful, like the plumage of birds has a different color. After all, birds disguise themselves as their habitat. Comparing these adjectives, my imagination draws a new fascinating art form.

Unlike origami, whose homeland is Japan, the art of paper rolling originated in Europe at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century. Like origami in Japan, quilling in Europe was originally a temple art. Even in medieval Europe, nuns created elegant medallions by twisting paper with gilded edges on the tip of a bird's quill. When viewed closely, these miniature paper masterpieces created the complete illusion that they were made of thin gold stripes.

In the 16th century, Italian and French monks and nuns began to decorate icons and panels on religious themes, covers of religious books and cult objects, such as shrines for storing relics, with paper filigree. Gilded and silvered strips of paper successfully replaced real gold and silver in poor churches. Unfortunately, paper is a short-lived material and little has been preserved of medieval masterpieces. However, the amazing technique of twisting thin strips of paper, creating openwork and truly jewelry masterpieces, was passed down from generation to generation.

  1. European paper filigree

Paper rolling quickly spread in Europe, but because paper, especially colored and high quality paper, was a very expensive material, paper plastic became an art for ladies from the wealthy sections of society. In the XVII-XVIII centuries, "paper art" became a favorite pastime of sophisticated ladies.

Quilling was one of the few types of needlework that the representatives of the nobility could do without losing their dignity. Ladies decorated boxes and drawers, baskets, tea caddies, family coats of arms with an ornament of twisted paper strips. They made themselves fans, fashionable hats.

Also known are pieces of furniture and kitchen utensils covered with a pattern in this technique - the result of several years of painstaking work.

During the Victorian era (1837-1901), women of the upper classes, among other things, spent their free time practicing paper filigree. Quilling patterns were even published in women's magazines of that time.

In England, Princess Elizabeth was seriously fond of the art of paper plastic, and many of her creations are kept in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London at the present time.

Princess Elizabeth Victoria and Albert Museum

  1. Quilling XXI century

For most of the 20th century, quilling was forgotten, and only at the end of the last century did it begin to turn into art again.

Over the centuries, changes have taken place in the world of quilling: techniques, styles, materials, tools and popularity of this type of needlework have changed. Quilling has long ceased to be the property of exclusively women from the "upper classes". By the beginning of the 21st century, paper filigree became a full-fledged art, and works made in this technique adorn galleries in Europe and the USA.

Nowadays, as I know, paper rolling is widely known and popular as a hobby in Western Europe, especially in England and Germany, popular in the USA and Latin American countries (such as Brazil). In a number of countries, it is only gaining popularity. And in some countries, such as Israel and Hong Kong, they are just beginning to learn about it.

But this art became most widespread when it "moved" to the East in Korea and Japan. The richest oriental traditions of the finest graphics and plastics, paper making and working with it gave new life to the art of quilling. In South Korea, there is an entire Association of Paper Plastic Lovers, which unites followers of various areas of paper art.

In each country where quilling appeared, its own directions in this technique arose. So, if European works, as a rule, consist of a small number of details, they are concise, resemble mosaics, decorate postcards and frames. Europe is always in a hurry, so it loves fast technicians. Oriental craftsmen create works that resemble masterpieces of jewelry art.

In Korea, for example, masters use this technique to create real paintings, including up to several thousand elements. In China, caskets and vases are made from rolls, folding constructions like a “Chinese wall” out of paper rings.

To us, in Russia, the art of quilling came already from Korea and is known as paper rolling.

Chapter 2

2.1. Materials, tools and fixtures

Quilling is a fairly simple type of needlework, which everyone can master. It is based on the ability to twist long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modify their shape and make three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

However, if origami required mainly hands and a sheet of paper to work, then quisling uses a variety oftools and fixtures.

  • Paper The best option, of course, is special paper, which

produced and intended exclusively for quilling. Stripes are available in a variety of colors and shades, shiny, pearly, stripes, as well as stripes with double toning, in which one side is lighter than the other.

Such paper is already cut, all you need is to spread the strips in front of you and focus on creativity. Ready-made cut strips of paper can be bought at specialty stores.

But... The problem with this paper is that it can be bought mainly in countries where quilling is popular. But now it has become available to us. Paper is sold in bookstores.

Traditionally, paper strips 3-9 mm wide and 30 and 60 cm long are used for quilling, but this does not mean that other sizes will not work, it's just a matter of the standard dictated by the industrial production of paper rolling kits that are sold in stores. So you can safely forget about traditionalism and experiment, cut paper as you like, try a variety of colors and textures. Mom and I cut colored paper for the printer. High-quality children's colored paper is very suitable, it usually has bright colors and is quite dense.

Corrugated cardboard- very comfortable material. It looks beautiful, bends easily, holds its shape well. From it you can make funny animal figurines, original fridge magnets, boxes and coasters, Christmas decorations - all these are wonderful gifts for friends and relatives for any holiday.

  • Quilling tool

The slotted winding tool is a handle with a rod, at the end of which a slot is made. The tip of the paper strip is inserted into the slot and the strip is wound onto the rod, then the finished roll is removed. You can also make such a tool yourself.

You can also use the simplest items, such as a wooden toothpick or hairpin.

It also serves for the same awl with the only difference that the tip of the strip is not

is held in the slot and can slip. However, an awl is used if you want to get a particularly tight roll without a hole in the middle.

  • Glue

To secure paper spirals, you will need glue that does not

should leave spots when dry. PVA glue is quite suitable for this purpose.

  • toothpicks are used to apply glue to the workpiece.
  • Scissors necessary for cutting the fringe.
  • Tweezers Needed for small parts.
  • Stencil with round holes of various diameters

A ruler with holes of different diameters (officer's) is often used. Twisted strips are placed in such holes so that they unfold to a certain diameter and the elements are the same size.

  • Metal ruler, pencil, stationery knife and board or

mat necessary for cutting cardboard and paper strips. It is convenient to attach to the cork board

pins elements during the intermediate assembly of the composition. Then the finished fragments are transferred to the base.

  • Other toolsIn quilling, fringe cutting machines, rare combs, curly hole punches, scissors with curly blades and other devices are also used.

There are many tools, fixtures and special paper for quilling, but if you have a desire to practice this fascinating art, you can get by with what you have at hand:

Sheets of colored double-sided paper A4, cut into strips;

2 wooden toothpicks - one for twisting paper tapes, and the other for applying glue to blanks;

PVA glue;

Ruler with round holes of various diameters;

Any suitable paper with a beautiful texture is the basis of our composition.

2.2. Manufacturing technique

The advantages of paper as a decorative material are endless. You can create real miracles from paper ribbons. As I noted earlier, quilling is a fairly simple type of needlework that everyone can master. It is based on the ability to twist long and narrow strips of paper into spirals, modify their shape and make three-dimensional or planar compositions from the resulting parts.

In the quilling technique, there are several different methods for twisting paper ribbons. Traditional quilling - making rolls - is a rather laborious process. Work can be accelerated using the looped (looped) quilling technique. Consider traditional quilling.

In this technique, there are a fairly large number of basic elements, and the manufacture of each element takes a matter of seconds.

Twisting paper ribbons is the main process in the quilling technique. A strip of paper is twisted into a tight spiral. To do this, you need to take one paper tape of the desired color, length and width in your left hand, and place the tool in your right hand.

It will be convenient to start winding by wrapping the edge of the tape on the tip of a toothpick. In this case, it is necessary to control the force in the tension of the paper, it should be tightly wound without loosening. During operation, you can feel with your fingertips whether the roll is uniformly formed, and adjust the efforts in time. As a result, a dense spiral should form on the wooden rod. It is she who will be the basis for the further diversity of all forms.

Next, you need to carefully remove the resulting roll (roll) and let it turn around a little. Now, using another toothpick, you need to glue the outer end of the strip. You only need a little glue. Here it is the original shape - a circle.

In the case when you want the elements to be the same size, it is desirable to control the size of the original circles using a ruler with circles.

And then you can start experimenting. Blanks can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents. Pinch on one side - you get a drop, pinch on the other side - you get the shape of an eye.

The resulting blanks are laid out on a pre-prepared base (cardboard, paper) and glued.

What can the resulting droplets and leaves be used for? They can decorate an album, a photo frame, a postcard, make a Christmas tree toy, a hot stand, decorative dishes, a picture. An interesting effect will be obtained if drawing and quilling are mixed in the work.

My advice: it's better to start by practicing the skill of creating simple shapes. You can just sometimes please yourself and your family with small pleasant crafts made using this technique.

But if you are persistent enough and ready to devote a lot of time to quilling, then in the end you can get a real masterpiece, you just have to dream up a little.

2.3. Basic figuresPaper can be given various two-dimensional and three-dimensional forms: squares, ovals, stars, cones, hemispheres. Acting as compositional elements, these figures can represent tree leaves, flowers, candlesticks and much more.

In total, there are about 30 basic elements for quilling, but the principle remains the same: we fold, pinch - using your imagination, you can always come up with new quilling elements.

Although quilling uses a fairly limited set of basic shapes, their names can often vary greatly depending on the geography or school of quilling. The initial blanks are divided by type into dense and loose spirals (rings, rolls), open and closed spirals, as well as ordinary spirals and spirals with a shifted center (eccentric).

Examples of blanks: the original roll, the basic form of the module, a drop, a leaflet, an eye, a curved eye, a square, a triangle, a hare's ear, a twisted heart, an asterisk, a crescent.

Chapter 3 Arts and crafts, "quilling" and I ...

Unfortunately, as such, we do not have a circle on the art of quilling. Therefore, I have to master European paper filigree on my own. My main assistant in this fascinating work is my teacher. It was she who lured me into origami and quilling during the lessons.

Having touched the magical art of quilling once, it is impossible to remain indifferent, quilling really fascinates. With great pleasure I am engaged in the manufacture of new crafts again and again. I am trying to teach this art to my younger brother Vanya.

And in the classroom, together with our teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Fedorova, we conducted several lessons of fine art and technology dedicated to Japanese origami art and European art of quilling. At these lessons, the children got acquainted with the history of origami and quilling, and also took an active part in the creation of individual and collective works. Our work was presented at an exhibition at the school.

Quilling and origami are not all my hobbies in life, I make crafts from salt dough with my own hands. Tatyana Nikolaevna fascinated us with all this.

Thanks to my hobbies, I have made many new friends. I can spend my free time interestingly and usefully

My hobbies help me gain public speaking experience, this is very important for me!

My creative fantasies delight my family and friends

For every holiday I have a new idea

Although, as the young page said in the fairy tale "Cinderella": "I'm not a magician, I'm just learning and I can do a little more ..."


I like my hobby. I love dealing with paper. I am fascinated by the ability of paper to change shape. It is easily torn, wrinkled, bent, twisted, etc. I am very grateful to my teacher and mother, thanks to whom, having once clumsily folded a sheet of paper in half for the first time, I have already taken the first step into the great world of the Japanese art of ORIGAMI, and twisting a thin piece of colored paper into a spiral, I looked into the bewitching European filigree...


The amazing and mysterious word QUILLING has turned for me and my friends into a new interesting world of art; on an exciting fairy tale journey through the paper kingdom; in the development of my creative, artistic, logical and mathematical abilities.

Today, I can confidently say that I have achieved my goal. goals

- met and made friends with a new artistic form of European art.Means: I - PURPOSE!

He resolved the set before him tasks:

  • mastered the quilling alphabet;
  • created artistic compositions (own WORKS!);
  • introduced his friends to the creative project;


Once again, I made sure that:

Learning new things is fun!

Solving riddles is fun!

Making a discovery is important!

Making crafts with your own hands is great!

Teaching others how to make is valuable!

Sharing the joy of success with friends is HAPPINESS!

I would really like my artistic and creative hobbies to continue to bring joy to relatives and friends, because now I know what I can give them for the holiday. I want other guys to be interested in my new direction in the knowledge of the art of quilling, and I have even more friends! After all, quilling is an opportunity for a flight of fancy. It's so exciting! It is not difficult, however, it requires a LOT of PATIENCE AND CARE! I know for sure that quilling is soothing and even recommended for people with some mental and physical problems. In addition, quilling develops imagination, thinking, creativity, skills and ability to work with paper, eye, fine motor skills of hands. It brings up the qualities of accuracy and composure when performing work methods, diligence, listening skills, communication skills, creativity ... Now I know for sure that this is so! (Tested on myself!)

I am convinced that my hobbies for various types of artistic and applied arts will definitely help me become a successful and creative person.

Join now!


  1. Bystritskaya A.I. Paper filigree / Alexandra Bystritskaya. - M.: Iris-press, 2011. - 128 p.: ill. + col. insert 16 p. - (Attention children!)
  2. Janet Wilson. Flowers from paper ribbons. Postcards, souvenirs, gifts / Per. from English. U. Saptsina. - M.: Publishing group "Content", 2010. - 48 p.: ill.
  3. Jenkins J. Crafts from paper ribbons (Text): per. from English. / Jane Jenkins. - M. My world, 2008. - 80 p.: col. ill.
  4. Donatella Ciotti.Original paper crafts / Per. from Italian. G.V. Kirsanova. - M .: OOO TD "Publishing house World of Books". 2010. - 96 p., color. ill.