Ellie Blake's wedding guest. About Ellie Blake's "The Wedding Guest"

Ellie Blake

wedding guest

I can't believe my eyes! After all, it's you! Yes? Is that you?

A magnificent example of masculinity, being under the gun of a neat light pink marigold, straightened up as abruptly as if he had swallowed a stake. To passers-by, scurrying past along the busy Branwick Street, he might have seemed completely indifferent. Balanced. Some might see the insight behind the sexy half-smile that could freeze traffic. Literally.

Hannah had no such delusions.

Hanna, who worked harder and spent more time in the office than any of her acquaintances, could now bet all her savings that, hidden behind dark glasses, this handsome man desperately hoped that a woman with a pointing finger had mistaken him for someone. then another.

But he was not lucky.

Yes, it's you! continued the woman, putting her hands firmly on her hips. - I know for sure! You are the same guy who films the show "Travelers". I saw you in magazines. And on TV. My daughter just loves you! She even wanted to go to training herself so she could be like the ones you film, you know, go into the jungle with nothing but a toothbrush and a bag of chocolate chip cookies in her pocket. It's just impossible to take it off the screen! You know what? I'll give you her phone number. She's pretty, in her own way, of course, and she's not dating anyone right now...

Apparently, Hannah was invisible, like a seasoned ninja, even though she was sitting next to him at the wobbly table that acted as a conference room when the boss yearned to break out of the bondage of the four walls. Hanna covered her mouth with her hand, suppressing the laughter that threatened to escape.

At any other time, her boss was as unshakable and mysterious as those mountains he conquered and then encouraged others to follow his example. That is why it was pleasant to watch how he is embarrassed and awkwardly crumpled under the admiring gaze of a fan.

Hannah learned from her first hour working for Bradley Knight that the awe of the fans is her boss's Achilles heel. Award ceremonies, accolades, enthusiastic co-workers, and aspiring producers tiptoeing around him all daunted and embarrassed him.

And then there were the fans. A huge number of enthusiastic fans who knew him by sight. And there's no denying that he has a very pretty face.

At the thought, Hannah's chuckle turned into a cough.

She frowned, cleared her throat, and shifted in the hard seat. Thoughts should be returned to the right track.

The horn of the car interrupted her train of thought, and Hannah realized that she had been sitting there breathing faster than usual all this time and looking at her boss with loving eyes.

Hannah frowned again.

She worked tirelessly to get this position, took any job to gain the necessary experience, and only then found the one that she liked. Which was created as if for her sake. And she wasn't going to risk it.

Besides, falling in love with this man would be stupid. He was like a stone. Never let her get close. He generally kept aloof from everyone. Hannah herself was willing to settle for only the most romantic relationships.

So don't even think about it, baby, she told herself grimly.

The girl glanced at her watch. Almost four. Long weekend ahead. It will be possible to take a breather from hard work and a difficult boss to communicate. As it is impossible by the way.

Hannah looked again at the woman who was still standing at the head of the chief. His posture was so tense, as if she was holding him at gunpoint.

We'll have to intervene before Bradley pulls off Houdini's trick and disappears in front of everyone.

The woman noticed Hannah's presence only after she put her arm around her shoulders and gently but firmly pulled her aside.

Are you familiar with him? the woman asked breathlessly.

Glancing over her shoulder at Bradley, Hannah decided to play a little joke. Leaning towards her fan's ear, she muttered:

I looked into his refrigerator. It is completely empty.

The woman's glittering eyes widened, and she finally turned her undivided attention to Hannah. Her gaze settled first on her tangled hair at the end of the day, then on the countless folds on the designer dress, on the wristwatch too large for a thin wrist, and, finally, leather cowboy boots were awarded the last inspection.

Then the woman smiled.

It dawned on Hannah that she had obviously just been compared to her daughter glued to the screen, and the comparison was not in Hannah's favor. The inner mischief disappeared again.

Eight hours ago, she looked like the exemplary personal assistant to Australia's most successful producer, despite her past as a tomboy. Yes, you can take a girl out of tiny Tasmania, but you can’t ...

But she didn't say it out loud. Shrugging her shoulders, she admitted:

I'm Mr. Knight's personal assistant.

Ah, the woman nodded.

Obviously for her, the question of why a man like him would spend time with a girl like her was answered.

After a few more words of farewell, Hannah turned the woman in the opposite direction and, with a slight nudge, waved after her. The one, like a zombie, trudged along the street.

Hannah rubbed her hands in satisfaction. Another job well done. When she turned around, Bradley was rubbing his eyes wearily, pushing his sunglasses up on his forehead so that she could now see the almost silvery iris of his eyes.

Only now he began to gradually relax. The tension left his body and he literally slumped under the table.

The deliberate apathy was only a façade. An attempt to hide those qualities of his that attracted others to him, like moths to a flame.

Even Hannah was subject to his charm, she did not even interfere with the knowledge that she was about to become an outlet for the gloomy mood that had haunted him in recent days.

That's why she needed a break so much, and thank God it's the weekend! She will have the opportunity to meet the man of her dreams. He was waiting for her somewhere. Hannah was sure of it. And she wasn't going to settle for less. She knew very well what this “smallest” looks like, using the example of her mother, who succeeded three husbands after the death of Hannah’s father. Nothing good. Her life will not be like this.

- I can't believe my eyes! After all, it's you! Yes? Is that you?

A magnificent example of masculinity, being under the gun of a neat light pink marigold, straightened up as abruptly as if he had swallowed a stake. To passers-by, scurrying past along the busy Branwick Street, he might have seemed completely indifferent. Balanced. Some might see the insight behind the sexy half-smile that could freeze traffic. Literally.

Hannah had no such delusions.

Hanna, who worked harder and spent more time in the office than any of her acquaintances, could now bet all her savings that, hidden behind dark glasses, this handsome man desperately hoped that a woman with a pointing finger had mistaken him for someone. then another.

But he was not lucky.

- Yes, it's you! the woman continued, putting her hands to her hips resolutely. - I know for sure! You are the same guy who films the show "Travelers". I saw you in magazines. And on TV. My daughter just loves you! She even wanted to go to training herself so she could be like the people you shoot, you know, go into the jungle with nothing but a toothbrush and a pack of chocolate chip cookies in her pocket. It's just impossible to take it off the screen! You know what? I'll give you her phone number. She's pretty, in her own way, of course, and she's not dating anyone right now...

Apparently, Hannah was invisible, like a seasoned ninja, even though she was sitting next to him at the wobbly table that acted as a conference room when the boss yearned to break out of the bondage of the four walls. Hanna covered her mouth with her hand, suppressing the laughter that threatened to escape.

At any other time, her boss was as unshakable and mysterious as those mountains he conquered and then encouraged others to follow his example. That is why it was pleasant to watch how he is embarrassed and awkwardly crumpled under the admiring gaze of a fan.

Hannah learned from her first hour working for Bradley Knight that the awe of the fans was her boss's Achilles heel. Award ceremonies, accolades, enthusiastic co-workers and up-and-coming producers tiptoeing around him all daunted and embarrassed him.

And then there were the fans. A huge number of enthusiastic fans who knew him by sight. And there's no denying that he has a very pretty face.

At the thought, Hannah's chuckle turned into a cough.

She frowned, cleared her throat, and shifted in the hard seat. Thoughts should be returned to the right track.

The horn of the car interrupted her train of thought, and Hannah realized that she had been sitting there breathing faster than usual all this time and looking at her boss with loving eyes.

Hannah frowned again.

She worked tirelessly to get this position, took any job to gain the necessary experience, and only then found the one that she liked. Which was created as if for her sake. And she wasn't going to risk it.

Besides, falling in love with this man would be stupid. He was like a stone. Never let her get close. He generally kept aloof from everyone. Hannah herself was willing to settle for only the most romantic relationships.

So don't even think about it, baby, she told herself grimly.

The girl glanced at her watch. Almost four. Long weekend ahead. It will be possible to take a breather from hard work and a difficult boss to communicate. As it is impossible by the way.

Hannah looked again at the woman who was still standing at the head of the chief. His posture was so tense, as if she was holding him at gunpoint.

We'll have to intervene before Bradley pulls off Houdini's trick and disappears in front of everyone.

The woman noticed Hannah's presence only after she put her arm around her shoulders and gently but firmly pulled her aside.

– Do you know him? the woman asked breathlessly.

Glancing over her shoulder at Bradley, Hannah decided to play a little joke. Leaning towards her fan's ear, she muttered:

I looked into his refrigerator. It is completely empty.

The woman's glittering eyes widened, and she finally turned her undivided attention to Hannah. Her gaze settled first on her tangled hair at the end of the day, then on the countless folds on the designer dress, on the wristwatch too large for a thin wrist, and, finally, leather cowboy boots were awarded the last inspection.

Then the woman smiled.

It dawned on Hannah that she had obviously just been compared to her daughter glued to the screen, and the comparison wasn't in Hannah's favor. The inner mischief disappeared again.

Eight hours ago, she looked like the exemplary personal assistant to Australia's most successful producer, despite her past as a tomboy. Yes, you can take a girl out of tiny Tasmania, but you can’t ...

But she didn't say it out loud. Shrugging her shoulders, she admitted:

“I'm Mr. Knight's personal assistant.

"Ah," the woman nodded.

Obviously for her, the question of why a man like him would spend time with a girl like her was answered.

After a few more words of farewell, Hannah turned the woman in the opposite direction and, with a slight nudge, waved after her. The one, like a zombie, trudged along the street.

Hannah rubbed her hands in satisfaction. Another job well done. When she turned around, Bradley was rubbing his eyes wearily, pushing his sunglasses up on his forehead so that she could now see the almost silvery iris of his eyes.

Only now he began to gradually relax. The tension left his body and he literally slumped under the table.

The deliberate apathy was only a façade. An attempt to hide those qualities of his that attracted others to him, like moths to a flame.

Even Hannah was subject to his charm, she did not even interfere with the knowledge that she was about to become an outlet for the gloomy mood that had haunted him in recent days.

That's why she needed a break so much, and thank God it's the weekend! She will have the opportunity to meet the man of her dreams. He was waiting for her somewhere. Hannah was sure of it. And she wasn't going to settle for less. She knew very well what this “smallest” looks like, using the example of her mother, who succeeded three husbands after the death of Hannah’s father. Nothing good. Her life will not be like this.

She blinked in fascination as the chief's face appeared before her eyes in all its glory. He was simply irresistible. But every woman who hoped to be "the one" for Bradley Knight was asking for a broken heart. Many have tried. There will be those who will still try. But no one in the world can shake this mountain.

Hannah tucked her unruly lock behind her ear and put on a smile. As she approached the table, Bradley didn't even look up. He probably didn't even realize she was leaving.

“Well, isn’t she lovely, this lady?” Hannah sang. “We will definitely send her daughter a disc with the latest season of Travelers signed by you.

- Well, why me? Bradley asked, still staring into the distance.

She knew he wasn't talking about the disc.

“Because you were born lucky,” she snapped.

- Do you think I'm lucky? - he asked.

- Well, yes. The fairies sprinkled fairy dust on your cradle while you slept. Why else do you think you succeed, no matter what you do?

He glanced at her.

- So you think that hard work, perseverance and the initial desire of any man to prove his worth are not relevant?

Chapter 1

- I can't believe my eyes! After all, it's you! Yes? Is that you?

A magnificent example of masculinity, being under the gun of a neat light pink marigold, straightened up as abruptly as if he had swallowed a stake. To passers-by, scurrying past along the busy Branwick Street, he might have seemed completely indifferent. Balanced. Some might see the insight behind the sexy half-smile that could freeze traffic. Literally.

Hannah had no such delusions.

Hanna, who worked harder and spent more time in the office than any of her acquaintances, could now bet all her savings that, hidden behind dark glasses, this handsome man desperately hoped that a woman with a pointing finger had mistaken him for someone. then another.

But he was not lucky.

- Yes, it's you! the woman continued, putting her hands to her hips resolutely. - I know for sure! You are the same guy who films the show "Travelers". I saw you in magazines. And on TV. My daughter just loves you! She even wanted to go to training herself so she could be like the people you shoot, you know, go into the jungle with nothing but a toothbrush and a pack of chocolate chip cookies in her pocket. It's just impossible to take it off the screen! You know what? I'll give you her phone number. She's pretty, in her own way, of course, and she's not dating anyone right now...

Apparently, Hannah was invisible, like a seasoned ninja, even though she was sitting next to him at the wobbly table that acted as a conference room when the boss yearned to break out of the bondage of the four walls. Hanna covered her mouth with her hand, suppressing the laughter that threatened to escape.

At any other time, her boss was as unshakable and mysterious as those mountains he conquered and then encouraged others to follow his example. That is why it was pleasant to watch how he is embarrassed and awkwardly crumpled under the admiring gaze of a fan.

Hannah learned from her first hour working for Bradley Knight that the awe of the fans was her boss's Achilles heel. Award ceremonies, accolades, enthusiastic co-workers and up-and-coming producers tiptoeing around him all daunted and embarrassed him.

And then there were the fans. A huge number of enthusiastic fans who knew him by sight. And there's no denying that he has a very pretty face.

At the thought, Hannah's chuckle turned into a cough.

She frowned, cleared her throat, and shifted in the hard seat. Thoughts should be returned to the right track.

The horn of the car interrupted her train of thought, and Hannah realized that she had been sitting there breathing faster than usual all this time and looking at her boss with loving eyes.

Hannah frowned again.

She worked tirelessly to get this position, took any job to gain the necessary experience, and only then found the one that she liked. Which was created as if for her sake. And she wasn't going to risk it.

Besides, falling in love with this man would be stupid. He was like a stone. Never let her get close. He generally kept aloof from everyone. Hannah herself was willing to settle for only the most romantic relationships.

So don't even think about it, baby, she told herself grimly.

The girl glanced at her watch. Almost four. Long weekend ahead. It will be possible to take a breather from hard work and a difficult boss to communicate. As it is impossible by the way.

Hannah looked again at the woman who was still standing at the head of the chief. His posture was so tense, as if she was holding him at gunpoint.

We'll have to intervene before Bradley pulls off Houdini's trick and disappears in front of everyone.

The woman noticed Hannah's presence only after she put her arm around her shoulders and gently but firmly pulled her aside.

– Do you know him? the woman asked breathlessly.

Glancing over her shoulder at Bradley, Hannah decided to play a little joke. Leaning towards her fan's ear, she muttered:

I looked into his refrigerator. It is completely empty.

The woman's glittering eyes widened, and she finally turned her undivided attention to Hannah. Her gaze settled first on her tangled hair at the end of the day, then on the countless folds on the designer dress, on the wristwatch too large for a thin wrist, and, finally, leather cowboy boots were awarded the last inspection.

Then the woman smiled.

It dawned on Hannah that she had obviously just been compared to her daughter glued to the screen, and the comparison wasn't in Hannah's favor. The inner mischief disappeared again.

Eight hours ago, she looked like the exemplary personal assistant to Australia's most successful producer, despite her past as a tomboy. Yes, you can take a girl out of tiny Tasmania, but you can’t ...

But she didn't say it out loud. Shrugging her shoulders, she admitted:

“I'm Mr. Knight's personal assistant.

"Ah," the woman nodded.

Obviously for her, the question of why a man like him would spend time with a girl like her was answered.

After a few more words of farewell, Hannah turned the woman in the opposite direction and, with a slight nudge, waved after her. The one, like a zombie, trudged along the street.

Hannah rubbed her hands in satisfaction. Another job well done. When she turned around, Bradley was rubbing his eyes wearily, pushing his sunglasses up on his forehead so that she could now see the almost silvery iris of his eyes.

Only now he began to gradually relax. The tension left his body and he literally slumped under the table.

The deliberate apathy was only a façade. An attempt to hide those qualities of his that attracted others to him, like moths to a flame.

Even Hannah was subject to his charm, she did not even interfere with the knowledge that she was about to become an outlet for the gloomy mood that had haunted him in recent days.

That's why she needed a break so much, and thank God it's the weekend! She will have the opportunity to meet the man of her dreams. He was waiting for her somewhere. Hannah was sure of it. And she wasn't going to settle for less. She knew very well what this “smallest” looks like, using the example of her mother, who succeeded three husbands after the death of Hannah’s father. Nothing good. Her life will not be like this.

She blinked in fascination as the chief's face appeared before her eyes in all its glory. He was simply irresistible. But every woman who hoped to be "the one" for Bradley Knight was asking for a broken heart. Many have tried. There will be those who will still try. But no one in the world can shake this mountain.

Hannah tucked her unruly lock behind her ear and put on a smile. As she approached the table, Bradley didn't even look up. He probably didn't even realize she was leaving.

“Well, isn’t she lovely, this lady?” Hannah sang. “We will definitely send her daughter a disc with the latest season of Travelers signed by you.

- Well, why me? Bradley asked, still staring into the distance.

She knew he wasn't talking about the disc.

“Because you were born lucky,” she snapped.

- Do you think I'm lucky? - he asked.

- Well, yes. The fairies sprinkled fairy dust on your cradle while you slept. Why else do you think you succeed, no matter what you do?

He glanced at her.

- So you think that hard work, perseverance and the initial desire of any man to prove his worth are not relevant?

Hanna tapped her chin with her finger and raised her eyes to the clear sky. Then she smiled.

His laughter went through her body in a warm wave, evoking a completely different range of feelings.

“If you really want to know why you're so lucky, call that lady's daughter. Invite her to dinner. And ask her yourself. She waved a piece of paper in the air with an address and phone number scrawled on it. “Think about the noise. “Bradley Knight is dating a fan. Falls in love. Moves to a prosperous suburb. Becomes the coach of the children's baseball team, in which his son plays. Learning to grill lamb."

Bradley narrowed his eyes. And he gradually began to straighten up - slowly, lazily, but he could not deceive anyone with deliberate slowness - serious strength lurked behind every movement.

“Now,” he said warningly, “I am very glad that you are my assistant, and not a PR manager.

Hannah tucked a piece of paper between the pages of her leather-bound diary and said,

– Yes, me too. I'm not sure I can make a professional living convincing others how great you are. I already work like an ox - where else do I need this burden?

He furrowed his brow and leaned across the table towards her. He was so massive that he blocked the light - a mountain, not a man.

Hanna's fingers were so close to his hand. She felt every muscle in her body tense in anticipation.

- You look weird today.

- Why did you decide so?

And then he took off his glasses. His smoky, sulfuric eyes, the color of liquid mercury, changed hue according to his mood. At that moment they were dark and impenetrable.

This man was a real hard worker and never addressed her without an orderly tone. But at that moment, he just looked at her. And waited. Hanna even got a tickle in her throat.

“I bet,” another voice said from beside them, “that our Hannah is already thinking about a weekend full of lecherous pleasures and carnal pleasures.

Hannah shuddered so hard she nearly bit her lip.

She thought something like disappointment flashed across Bradley's face. Then he lowered his eyes to her reddened lip, which she carefully licked.

She must have imagined it, for he averted his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

"Sonya," he drawled. - It's good that you came.

Sonia didn't even raise an eyebrow. Sonya was not only a consummate PR specialist, she was also Hannah's roommate. It was only because of her that Hannah knew how to use a hair dryer and had access to normal clothes, not just the T-shirts and jeans that filled her closet.

Sonia settled her curvaceous self on the edge of the chair and crossed her legs at the ankles, her eyes fixed on her iPhone.

Hannah felt uneasy at her immobility. She flicked her fingernail on the surface of her friend's phone, and Sonya blinked at her as if she had just come out of a trance.

“If you want to post anything on social media about my upcoming weekend, debauchery or pleasures, even if I’m labeled “Night Productions employee who chose to remain anonymous”, I will order a beetroot burger and drop it right on it here is the dress.

Sonya stared at the cream-colored wool from which the little thing was sewn. The one that Hanna had recently borrowed from her wardrobe. Slowly, she dropped the phone into her crocodile leather purse.

- Well, why does it seem to me now that I am in the Looking Glass, girls, and you are on the other side?

Hannah and Sonya turned to Bradley, who continued with a displeased look:

“I’m sure this question will come back to haunt me, but I can’t help but ask. Debauchery? Joy?

At the word "lewdness" his eyes turned to Hannah - dark, misty gray, impenetrable - then back to Sonya. It was only a fraction of a second, but Hannah almost lost her breath.

How much she needed rest! Right now!

Sonia ordered an espresso and readily explained:

“You seem like a smart man, but anything that doesn’t include yourself or the mountains is beyond your comprehension. This weekend, Hannah is heading home to the beautiful southern island of Tasmania to play the role of a bridesmaid during her sister Eliza's wedding. She organized this event herself.

He looked back at Hannah.

- This weekend?

Hannah was surprised. She told him about it ten times this week, he apparently missed everything.

Sonya is right. Bradley is focused on only one thing - work. And everything that was not good for him did not exist for him.

“I'm going to New Zealand this weekend,” he said.

- Yes I know. Hanna glanced at her watch. And in ten minutes my work day ends. Sonya? What are the plans?

Sonya smiled from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

“I will sit alone in our cramped apartment, burning with envy, while you are surrounded by a whole assortment of ...

- What other assortment? Hanna asked.

- Extensive. Dressed up and dressed up, shaving lotion-soaked males suffering from an overabundance of romance in the air. They will roam around during the wedding like wolves during the mating season. The most primitive event that can only be found in our civilized society. - With these words, Sonya leaned back in her chair, wiped the imaginary perspiration from her forehead and feverishly began to type.

Hanna sat dumbfounded. She insisted on planning her sister's wedding herself, feeling guilty that she wasn't around and the thought of having an affair hadn't even crossed her mind.

Maybe a weekend full of bed comforts is just what she needs to relax, relieve stress and remember that the world is full of men other than Bradley Knight.

“At the top of the list, of course, are the groom’s friends,” Sonya continued. - But they will be even too ripe. Too easy to win. I advise you to take a closer look at guests from other states - more mystery and less chance that your choice will fall on a close relative. Or a fisherman.

Hannah snorted, noting to herself that Sonya had a low opinion of small towns.

“You are protected, aren’t you?”

She's gone too far. Although Sonya guessed. Hannah certainly didn't need contraception in recent months. The work schedule did not leave her too much free time, and most often she could not even remember why she needed these pills at all.

But now she was waiting for four days in a beautiful resort, in the midst of the wonders of winter nature, surrounded by many lonely guys. Hanna closed her eyes dreamily. I wonder what are the chances that she will be able to meet the man of her dreams on the island from which she escaped many years ago?

Opening her eyes, she found that Bradley's face was frozen in an unhappy grimace.

She shoved the rest of her business papers into a heavy leather bag and said firmly:

“I'm in the office to see if Spencer is ready to take my place for the weekend.

- Is this your replacement when I need to scout a place for future filming? Bradley asked incredulously. - Loved trainee?

She clenched her fists.

“Spencer is not in love with me at all. He just wants to be me when he grows up.

The Chief raised one dark eyebrow.

“That boy practically salivates when you walk into a room.

"So he notices?" Hanna thought in disbelief.

"Then you're in luck." When I leave, you'll have a salivating-free weekend.

- Am I supposed to be happy about this?

Hannah shrugged.

- I'm telling you - I don't understand PR. But I know my job well, since you already miss me. Imagine how much you will miss me, and the thought comes to mind that it's time to ask for a raise.

This phrase was thrown on the move, but the ensuing pause was very tense. His brows drew together at the bridge of his nose, and his eyes clouded over with a gray haze. A storm was coming. He reached absently across the table and pulled a small sugar cookie from the edge of Sonya's plate.

Changing the subject casually, he said:

- Four days.

- Four days and so many pre-wedding celebrations and events that the royal family never dreamed of. Hannah knew exactly why. Just the bride is the daughter of her mother. - The wedding is on Sunday. I'll be back on Tuesday morning.

“I’m all hickeys, I have no doubt,” Sonya helpfully prompted. “Her mother was Miss Tasmania after all.” There she is considered an excellent breeding mare.

Sonya was saved only by the fact that at that moment she noticed someone she knew, and, waving goodbye, she disappeared, leaving Bradley alone with Hannah.

Bradley watched her carefully, and—thanks to Sonya, who hadn't even heard of propriety—the double entenders still ringed in her ears. Hannah felt as if she lacked oxygen.

"So are you going home?" Bradley asked.

- Tomorrow morning. Although last night I dreamed that the Spirit of Tasmania was boarded by pirates.

Are you going on a ship?

She shifted in her seat.

- I thought, someone who, and you should appreciate my craving for adventure.

A muscle twitched in Bradley's cheek. Rightly noted. The comfortable seat on the ferry is not for him. Sweat, pain, a test of will and courage - that's what he approved of. Hanna quietly stocked up on seasickness pills.

Every time Hanna went out to sea with him, she chose a place in the center and almost all the time did not take her eyes off the horizon. She did not want to show her weakness and spoil the image of the ideal employee.

And she was not going to share with him the true reason for choosing a vehicle. She preferred to travel all day to Tasmania by boat than to take an hour by plane, because she was afraid of returning home. Twelve hours of travel - why not a gift of fate? She will set foot on her native land for the first time in her seven years of absence. The last time was on the day of the stormy celebration of her mother's fiftieth birthday. At least that's what she was told. In fact, it was an excuse to lure her to her mother's third wedding - her husband was some kind of bore who got rich selling gardening tools.

Hannah was taken by surprise in the most unpleasant way. Her mother did not understand the reason. Poor Eliza, a girl of sixteen at the time, was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The disaster is complete.

So, even if she has to eat only dry cookies for twelve hours and pinch herself for a special point between her thumb and forefinger, the game is worth the candle.

Have you ever been to Tasmania? she asked, trying to change the subject.

Bradley shook his head.

Hannah started, her mouth open in amazement.

- Seriously? This is a disgrace! Tasmania is within reach! There is so beautiful. Untouched nature - just the way you like it. With successive hills, valleys, plateaus, volcanoes and a rugged coastline, the island resembles either old England, or the Argentine pampas, or the African savannah, or the Rocky Mountains ... Glaciers cut majestic mountains and formed deep lakes on the central plateau of the island. The sharp rocky outcroppings of Queenstown look like they've been ripped from the ground by giant claws. Beaches where the roaring winds of the Southern Hemisphere blow across the entire expanse of the coastline. And there is Mount Cradle. There the wedding will take place. The cold and steep slopes are simply amazing, they are located at the most beautiful and crystal clear lake. And that's just a small part of the West Coast! The whole island is just magical ... So much splendor, variety and ... - She stopped abruptly, coming to her senses.

Bradley stared at her without averting his eyes. He listened. He actually listened, as if her opinion meant something to him.

Her heart beat faster. Dangerous thought. The fact that he was unavailable was a huge plus of a hopeless hobby. It cost her nothing but one or two sleepless nights.

She got up and slung her bag over her shoulder.

- Well, I'll go ...

Bradley got up too. Force of habit, but she still enjoyed it.

There are many men who are well brought up and able to show it. Thousands. And there is a possibility that she will meet one of them at her sister's grand wedding. Maybe he wouldn't mind having some fun. Will seek a romantic connection. Maybe even more...

She took two steps back.

I hope New Zealand drives you crazy.

Have a great weekend, Hannah. Be a good girl.

She smiled at him with a corner of her lips.

- You don't have to worry about me.

While Bradley settled into a chair, Hannah pulled her hair out from under the strap of her bag, put on huge half-face sunglasses, breathed in the fresh winter air and headed for the tram stop.

Thus began her first long weekend in a whole year. Her first trip home in years. For the first time since her mother married for the third time, Hannah would see her face.

Hello panic.

Ellie Blake

wedding guest

I can't believe my eyes! After all, it's you! Yes? Is that you?

A magnificent example of masculinity, being under the gun of a neat light pink marigold, straightened up as abruptly as if he had swallowed a stake. To passers-by, scurrying past along the busy Branwick Street, he might have seemed completely indifferent. Balanced. Some might see the insight behind the sexy half-smile that could freeze traffic. Literally.

Hannah had no such delusions.

Hanna, who worked harder and spent more time in the office than any of her acquaintances, could now bet all her savings that, hidden behind dark glasses, this handsome man desperately hoped that a woman with a pointing finger had mistaken him for someone. then another.

But he was not lucky.

Yes, it's you! continued the woman, putting her hands firmly on her hips. - I know for sure! You are the same guy who films the show "Travelers". I saw you in magazines. And on TV. My daughter just loves you! She even wanted to go to training herself so she could be like the ones you film, you know, go into the jungle with nothing but a toothbrush and a bag of chocolate chip cookies in her pocket. It's just impossible to take it off the screen! You know what? I'll give you her phone number. She's pretty, in her own way, of course, and she's not dating anyone right now...

Apparently, Hannah was invisible, like a seasoned ninja, even though she was sitting next to him at the wobbly table that acted as a conference room when the boss yearned to break out of the bondage of the four walls. Hanna covered her mouth with her hand, suppressing the laughter that threatened to escape.

At any other time, her boss was as unshakable and mysterious as those mountains he conquered and then encouraged others to follow his example. That is why it was pleasant to watch how he is embarrassed and awkwardly crumpled under the admiring gaze of a fan.

Hannah learned from her first hour working for Bradley Knight that the awe of the fans is her boss's Achilles heel. Award ceremonies, accolades, enthusiastic co-workers, and aspiring producers tiptoeing around him all daunted and embarrassed him.

And then there were the fans. A huge number of enthusiastic fans who knew him by sight. And there's no denying that he has a very pretty face.

At the thought, Hannah's chuckle turned into a cough.

She frowned, cleared her throat, and shifted in the hard seat. Thoughts should be returned to the right track.

The horn of the car interrupted her train of thought, and Hannah realized that she had been sitting there breathing faster than usual all this time and looking at her boss with loving eyes.

Hannah frowned again.

She worked tirelessly to get this position, took any job to gain the necessary experience, and only then found the one that she liked. Which was created as if for her sake. And she wasn't going to risk it.

Besides, falling in love with this man would be stupid. He was like a stone. Never let her get close. He generally kept aloof from everyone. Hannah herself was willing to settle for only the most romantic relationships.

So don't even think about it, baby, she told herself grimly.

The girl glanced at her watch. Almost four. Long weekend ahead. It will be possible to take a breather from hard work and a difficult boss to communicate. As it is impossible by the way.

Hannah looked again at the woman who was still standing at the head of the chief. His posture was so tense, as if she was holding him at gunpoint.

We'll have to intervene before Bradley pulls off Houdini's trick and disappears in front of everyone.

The woman noticed Hannah's presence only after she put her arm around her shoulders and gently but firmly pulled her aside.

Are you familiar with him? the woman asked breathlessly.

Glancing over her shoulder at Bradley, Hannah decided to play a little joke. Leaning towards her fan's ear, she muttered:

I looked into his refrigerator. It is completely empty.

The woman's glittering eyes widened, and she finally turned her undivided attention to Hannah. Her gaze settled first on her tangled hair at the end of the day, then on the countless folds on the designer dress, on the wristwatch too large for a thin wrist, and, finally, leather cowboy boots were awarded the last inspection.

Then the woman smiled.

It dawned on Hannah that she had obviously just been compared to her daughter glued to the screen, and the comparison was not in Hannah's favor. The inner mischief disappeared again.

Eight hours ago, she looked like the exemplary personal assistant to Australia's most successful producer, despite her past as a tomboy. Yes, you can take a girl out of tiny Tasmania, but you can’t ...

But she didn't say it out loud. Shrugging her shoulders, she admitted:

I'm Mr. Knight's personal assistant.

Ah, the woman nodded.

Obviously for her, the question of why a man like him would spend time with a girl like her was answered.

After a few more words of farewell, Hannah turned the woman in the opposite direction and, with a slight nudge, waved after her. The one, like a zombie, trudged along the street.

Hannah rubbed her hands in satisfaction. Another job well done. When she turned around, Bradley was rubbing his eyes wearily, pushing his sunglasses up on his forehead so that she could now see the almost silvery iris of his eyes.

Only now he began to gradually relax. The tension left his body and he literally slumped under the table.

The deliberate apathy was only a façade. An attempt to hide those qualities of his that attracted others to him, like moths to a flame.

Even Hannah was subject to his charm, she did not even interfere with the knowledge that she was about to become an outlet for the gloomy mood that had haunted him in recent days.

That's why she needed a break so much, and thank God it's the weekend! She will have the opportunity to meet the man of her dreams. He was waiting for her somewhere. Hannah was sure of it. And she wasn't going to settle for less. She knew very well what this “smallest” looks like, using the example of her mother, who succeeded three husbands after the death of Hannah’s father. Nothing good. Her life will not be like this.

She blinked in fascination as the chief's face appeared before her eyes in all its glory. He was simply irresistible. But every woman who hoped to be "the one" for Bradley Knight was asking for a broken heart. Many have tried. There will be those who will still try. But no one in the world can shake this mountain.

Hannah tucked her unruly lock behind her ear and put on a smile. As she approached the table, Bradley didn't even look up. He probably didn't even realize she was leaving.

Well, isn't she lovely, this lady? Hannah sang. - We will definitely send her daughter a disc with the last season of "Travelers" with your autograph.

Well why me? Bradley asked, still staring into the distance.

She knew he wasn't talking about the disc.

Because you were born lucky, she snapped.

Do you think I'm lucky? - he asked.

Well, yes. The fairies sprinkled fairy dust on your cradle while you slept. Why else do you think you succeed, no matter what you do?

He glanced at her.

So you think that hard work, perseverance and the initial desire of any man to prove his worth is not relevant?

Hanna tapped her chin with her finger and raised her eyes to the clear sky. Then she smiled.

His laughter went through her body in a warm wave, evoking a completely different range of feelings.

If you really want to know why you're so lucky, call that lady's daughter. Invite her to dinner. And ask her yourself. She waved a piece of paper in the air with an address and phone number scrawled on it. - Think about the noise. “Bradley Knight is dating a fan. Falls in love. Moves to a prosperous suburb. Becomes the coach of the children's baseball team, in which his son plays. Learning to grill lamb."

Bradley narrowed his eyes. And he gradually began to straighten up - slowly, lazily, but he could not deceive anyone with deliberate deliberation - serious strength lurked behind every movement.

Now, - he said warningly, - I am very glad that you are my assistant, and not a PR manager.

Hannah tucked a piece of paper between the pages of her leather-bound diary and said,

Yes, me too. I'm not sure I can make a professional living convincing others how great you are. I already work like an ox - where else do I need this burden?

He furrowed his brow and leaned across the table towards her. He was so massive that he blocked the light - a mountain, not a man.

Hanna's fingers were so close to his hand. She felt every muscle in her body tense in anticipation.

You are kind of weird today.

Why did you decide so?

And then he took off his glasses. Smoky-sulphurous eyes - the color of liquid mercury - changed hue according to his mood. At that moment they were dark and impenetrable.

This man was a real hard worker and never addressed her without an orderly tone. But at that moment, he just looked at her. And waited. Hanna even got a tickle in her throat.

I'll bet, - another voice sounded next to them, - that our Hannah is already full of thoughts about the weekend, full of lewd entertainment and carnal pleasures.

Hannah shuddered so hard she nearly bit her lip.

She thought something like disappointment flashed across Bradley's face. Then he lowered his eyes to her reddened lip, which she carefully licked.

She must have imagined it, for he averted his eyes and leaned back in his chair.

Sonya, he drawled. - It's good that you came.

Sonia didn't even raise an eyebrow. Sonya was not only a consummate PR specialist, she was also Hannah's roommate. It was only because of her that Hannah knew how to use a hair dryer and had access to normal clothes, not just the T-shirts and jeans that filled her closet.

Sonia settled her curvaceous self on the edge of the chair and crossed her legs at the ankles, her eyes fixed on her iPhone.

Hannah felt uneasy at her immobility. She flicked her fingernail on the surface of her friend's phone, and Sonya blinked at her as if she had just come out of a trance.

If you want to post anything on social media about my upcoming weekend, debauchery or pleasures, even if I'm labeled "Night Productions employee who chose to remain anonymous", I'll order a beetroot burger and drop it right on this. the dress.

Sonya stared at the cream-colored wool from which the little thing was sewn. The one that Hanna had recently borrowed from her wardrobe. Slowly, she dropped the phone into her crocodile leather purse.

Well, why does it seem to me now that I am in the Looking Glass, girls, and you are on the other side?

Hannah and Sonya turned to Bradley, who continued with a displeased look:

I'm sure this question will come back to haunt me, but I can't help but ask. Debauchery? Joy?

At the word "lewdness" his eyes turned to Hannah - dark, misty gray, impenetrable - then returned to Sonya again. It was only a fraction of a second, but Hannah almost lost her breath.

How much she needed rest! Right now!

Sonia ordered an espresso and readily explained:

You seem to be a smart man, but anything that doesn't include yourself or mountains is beyond your comprehension. This weekend, Hannah is heading home to the beautiful southern island of Tasmania to play the role of a bridesmaid during her sister Eliza's wedding. She organized this event herself.

He looked back at Hannah.

This weekend?

Hannah was surprised. She told him about it ten times this week, he apparently missed everything.

Sonya is right. Bradley is focused on only one thing - work. And everything that was not good for him did not exist for him.

I'm going to New Zealand this weekend, he said.

Yes I know. Hanna glanced at her watch. - And in ten minutes my working day ends. Sonya? What are the plans?

Sonya smiled from ear to ear like a Cheshire cat.

I will sit alone in our cramped apartment, burning with envy, while you are surrounded by a whole assortment of ...

What other assortment? Hanna asked.

Extensive. Dressed up and dressed up, shaving lotion-soaked males suffering from an overabundance of romance in the air. They will roam around during the wedding like wolves during the mating season. The most primitive event that can only be found in our civilized society. - With these words, Sonya leaned back in her chair, wiped the imaginary perspiration from her forehead and feverishly began to type.

Hanna sat dumbfounded. She insisted on planning her sister's wedding herself, feeling guilty that she wasn't around and the thought of having an affair hadn't even crossed her mind.

Maybe a weekend full of bed comforts is just what she needs to relax, relieve stress and remember that the world is full of men other than Bradley Knight.

At the top of the list, of course, are the groom's friends, - Sonya continued. - But they will be even too overripe. Too easy to win. I advise you to take a closer look at guests from other states - more mystery and less chance that your choice will fall on a close relative. Or a fisherman.

Hannah snorted, noting to herself that Sonya had a low opinion of small towns.

You are protected, right?

She's gone too far. Although Sonya guessed. Hannah certainly didn't need contraception in recent months. The work schedule did not leave her too much free time, and most often she could not even remember why she needed these pills at all.

But now she was waiting for four days in a beautiful resort, in the midst of the wonders of winter nature, surrounded by many lonely guys. Hanna closed her eyes dreamily. I wonder what are the chances that she will be able to meet the man of her dreams on the island from which she escaped many years ago?

Opening her eyes, she found that Bradley's face was frozen in an unhappy grimace.

She shoved the rest of her business papers into a heavy leather bag and said firmly:

I'm in the office to see if Spencer is ready to take my place for the weekend.

Is this your replacement when I need to scout a location for a future shoot? Bradley asked in bewilderment. - In love trainee?

She clenched her fists.

Spencer is not in love with me at all. He just wants to be me when he grows up.

The Chief raised one dark eyebrow.

This boy practically drools when you enter the room.

"So he notices?" Hannah wondered.

Then you're in luck. When I leave, you'll have a salivating-free weekend.

Am I supposed to be happy about this?

Hannah shrugged.

Like I said, I'm not good at PR. But I know my job well, since you already miss me. Imagine how much you will miss me, and the thought comes to mind that it's time to ask for a raise.

This phrase was thrown on the move, but the ensuing pause was very tense. His brows drew together at the bridge of his nose, and his eyes clouded over with a gray haze. A storm was coming. He reached absently across the table and pulled a small sugar cookie from the edge of Sonya's plate.

Changing the subject casually, he said:

Four days.

Four days and so many pre-wedding celebrations and events that the royal family never dreamed of. Hannah knew exactly why. The bride is simply her mother's daughter. - Wedding on Sunday. I'll be back on Tuesday morning.

All in hickeys, I have no doubt, - Sonya helpfully prompted. - Her mother was "Miss Tasmania" after all. There she is considered an excellent breeding mare.

Sonya was saved only by the fact that at that moment she noticed someone she knew, and, waving goodbye, she disappeared, leaving Bradley alone with Hannah.

Bradley watched her carefully, and thanks to Sonya, who hadn't even heard of the rules of propriety, the ambiguities still ringed in her ears. Hannah felt as if she lacked oxygen.

So are you going home? Bradley asked.

Tomorrow morning. Although last night I dreamed that the Spirit of Tasmania was boarded by pirates.

Are you leaving on a ship?

She shifted in her seat.

I thought, someone who, and you should appreciate my craving for adventure.

A muscle twitched in Bradley's cheek. Rightly noted. The comfortable seat on the ferry is not for him. Sweat, pain, a test of will and courage - that's what he approved of. Hanna quietly stocked up on seasickness pills.

Every time Hanna went out to sea with him, she chose a place in the center and almost all the time did not take her eyes off the horizon. She did not want to show her weakness and spoil the image of the ideal employee.

And she was not going to share with him the true reason for choosing a vehicle. She preferred to travel all day to Tasmania by boat than to take an hour by plane, because she was afraid of returning home. Twelve hours of travel - why not a gift of fate? She will set foot on her native land for the first time in her seven years of absence. The last time was on the day of the stormy celebration of her mother's fiftieth birthday. At least that's what she was told. In fact, it was an excuse to lure her to her mother's third wedding - her husband was some kind of bore who got rich selling garden tools.

Hannah was taken by surprise in the most unpleasant way. Her mother did not understand the reason. Poor Eliza, a girl of sixteen at the time, was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The disaster is complete.

So, even if she has to eat only dry cookies for twelve hours and pinch herself for a special point between her thumb and forefinger, the game is worth the candle.

Have you ever been to Tasmania? she asked, trying to change the subject.

Bradley shook his head.

Hannah started, her mouth open in amazement.

Really? This is a disgrace! Tasmania is within reach! There is so beautiful. Untouched nature - just the way you like it. With successive hills, valleys, plateaus, volcanoes and a rugged coastline, the island resembles either old England, or the Argentine pampas, or the African savannah, or the Rocky Mountains ... Glaciers cut majestic mountains and formed deep lakes on the central plateau of the island. The sharp rocky outcroppings of Queenstown look like they've been ripped from the ground by giant claws. Beaches where the roaring winds of the Southern Hemisphere blow across the entire expanse of the coastline. And there is Mount Cradle. There the wedding will take place. The cold and steep slopes are simply amazing, they are located at the most beautiful and crystal clear lake. And that's just a small part of the West Coast! The whole island is just magical ... So much splendor, diversity and ... - She stopped abruptly, coming to her senses.

Ellie Blake

wedding guest

I can't believe my eyes! After all, it's you! Yes? Is that you?

A magnificent example of masculinity, being under the gun of a neat light pink marigold, straightened up as abruptly as if he had swallowed a stake. To passers-by, scurrying past along the busy Branwick Street, he might have seemed completely indifferent. Balanced. Some might see the insight behind the sexy half-smile that could freeze traffic. Literally.

Hannah had no such delusions.

Hanna, who worked harder and spent more time in the office than any of her acquaintances, could now bet all her savings that, hidden behind dark glasses, this handsome man desperately hoped that a woman with a pointing finger had mistaken him for someone. then another.

But he was not lucky.

Yes, it's you! continued the woman, putting her hands firmly on her hips. - I know for sure! You are the same guy who films the show "Travelers". I saw you in magazines. And on TV. My daughter just loves you! She even wanted to go to training herself so she could be like the ones you film, you know, go into the jungle with nothing but a toothbrush and a bag of chocolate chip cookies in her pocket. It's just impossible to take it off the screen! You know what? I'll give you her phone number. She's pretty, in her own way, of course, and she's not dating anyone right now...

Apparently, Hannah was invisible, like a seasoned ninja, even though she was sitting next to him at the wobbly table that acted as a conference room when the boss yearned to break out of the bondage of the four walls. Hanna covered her mouth with her hand, suppressing the laughter that threatened to escape.

At any other time, her boss was as unshakable and mysterious as those mountains he conquered and then encouraged others to follow his example. That is why it was pleasant to watch how he is embarrassed and awkwardly crumpled under the admiring gaze of a fan.

Hannah learned from her first hour working for Bradley Knight that the awe of the fans is her boss's Achilles heel. Award ceremonies, accolades, enthusiastic co-workers, and aspiring producers tiptoeing around him all daunted and embarrassed him.

And then there were the fans. A huge number of enthusiastic fans who knew him by sight. And there's no denying that he has a very pretty face.

At the thought, Hannah's chuckle turned into a cough.

She frowned, cleared her throat, and shifted in the hard seat. Thoughts should be returned to the right track.

The horn of the car interrupted her train of thought, and Hannah realized that she had been sitting there breathing faster than usual all this time and looking at her boss with loving eyes.

Hannah frowned again.

She worked tirelessly to get this position, took any job to gain the necessary experience, and only then found the one that she liked. Which was created as if for her sake. And she wasn't going to risk it.

Besides, falling in love with this man would be stupid. He was like a stone. Never let her get close. He generally kept aloof from everyone. Hannah herself was willing to settle for only the most romantic relationships.

So don't even think about it, baby, she told herself grimly.

The girl glanced at her watch. Almost four. Long weekend ahead. It will be possible to take a breather from hard work and a difficult boss to communicate. As it is impossible by the way.

Hannah looked again at the woman who was still standing at the head of the chief. His posture was so tense, as if she was holding him at gunpoint.

We'll have to intervene before Bradley pulls off Houdini's trick and disappears in front of everyone.

The woman noticed Hannah's presence only after she put her arm around her shoulders and gently but firmly pulled her aside.

Are you familiar with him? the woman asked breathlessly.

Glancing over her shoulder at Bradley, Hannah decided to play a little joke. Leaning towards her fan's ear, she muttered:

I looked into his refrigerator. It is completely empty.

The woman's glittering eyes widened, and she finally turned her undivided attention to Hannah. Her gaze settled first on her tangled hair at the end of the day, then on the countless folds on the designer dress, on the wristwatch too large for a thin wrist, and, finally, leather cowboy boots were awarded the last inspection.

Then the woman smiled.

It dawned on Hannah that she had obviously just been compared to her daughter glued to the screen, and the comparison was not in Hannah's favor. The inner mischief disappeared again.

Eight hours ago, she looked like the exemplary personal assistant to Australia's most successful producer, despite her past as a tomboy. Yes, you can take a girl out of tiny Tasmania, but you can’t ...

But she didn't say it out loud. Shrugging her shoulders, she admitted:

I'm Mr. Knight's personal assistant.

Ah, the woman nodded.

Obviously for her, the question of why a man like him would spend time with a girl like her was answered.

After a few more words of farewell, Hannah turned the woman in the opposite direction and, with a slight nudge, waved after her. The one, like a zombie, trudged along the street.

Hannah rubbed her hands in satisfaction. Another job well done. When she turned around, Bradley was rubbing his eyes wearily, pushing his sunglasses up on his forehead so that she could now see the almost silvery iris of his eyes.

Only now he began to gradually relax. The tension left his body and he literally slumped under the table.

The deliberate apathy was only a façade. An attempt to hide those qualities of his that attracted others to him, like moths to a flame.

Even Hannah was subject to his charm, she did not even interfere with the knowledge that she was about to become an outlet for the gloomy mood that had haunted him in recent days.

That's why she needed a break so much, and thank God it's the weekend! She will have the opportunity to meet the man of her dreams. He was waiting for her somewhere. Hannah was sure of it. And she wasn't going to settle for less. She knew very well what this “smallest” looks like, using the example of her mother, who succeeded three husbands after the death of Hannah’s father. Nothing good. Her life will not be like this.

She blinked in fascination as the chief's face appeared before her eyes in all its glory. He was simply irresistible. But every woman who hoped to be "the one" for Bradley Knight was asking for a broken heart. Many have tried. There will be those who will still try. But no one in the world can shake this mountain.

Hannah tucked her unruly lock behind her ear and put on a smile. As she approached the table, Bradley didn't even look up. He probably didn't even realize she was leaving.

Well, isn't she lovely, this lady? Hannah sang. - We will definitely send her daughter a disc with the last season of "Travelers" with your autograph.

Well why me? Bradley asked, still staring into the distance.

She knew he wasn't talking about the disc.

Because you were born lucky, she snapped.

Do you think I'm lucky? - he asked.

Well, yes. The fairies sprinkled fairy dust on your cradle while you slept. Why else do you think you succeed, no matter what you do?

He glanced at her.

So you think that hard work, perseverance and the initial desire of any man to prove his worth is not relevant?

Hanna tapped her chin with her finger and raised her eyes to the clear sky. Then she smiled.

His laughter went through her body in a warm wave, evoking a completely different range of feelings.

If you really want to know why you're so lucky, call that lady's daughter. Invite her to dinner. And ask her yourself. She waved a piece of paper in the air with an address and phone number scrawled on it. - Think about the noise. “Bradley Knight is dating a fan. Falls in love. Moves to a prosperous suburb. Becomes the coach of the children's baseball team, in which his son plays. Learning to grill lamb."

Bradley narrowed his eyes. And he gradually began to straighten up - slowly, lazily, but he could not deceive anyone with deliberate deliberation - serious strength lurked behind every movement.

Now, - he said warningly, - I am very glad that you are my assistant, and not a PR manager.