Where to get a referral for tests during pregnancy. Tests during pregnancy: what and when to take. Pass an examination in the obstetric chair

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Let's talk about what tests are required during pregnancy, and what examinations you need to undergo.

With a normal pregnancy (slight nausea accompanied by rare vomiting, change in taste), 5-6 visits to the doctor will be enough for you.

The first visit should be at 12 weeks,the second - at 18-20 weeks, the third at 24-25 weeks, the fourth - at 30-32 weeks, the fifth - at 36 weeks of pregnancy.One additional visit is recommended at 39-40 weeks to prevent post-term pregnancy.

It is enough to be observed by an obstetrician-gynecologist in a antenatal clinic or a doctor leading a pregnancy(with a normal pregnancy, you can be observed by a midwife, absolutely ideal for the one you will give birth to).

If any health problems arise, specialist advice may be needed.

Mandatory tests

1. Check Rh factor

Be sure to check with your doctor Rh factor .

The Rh factor is a protein found on the surface of erythrocytes, red blood cells.

Those who do (about 85% of people) are Rh positive.The remaining 15%, who do not have it, are Rh-negative.

Usually a negative Rh factor does not bring any trouble to its owner. And you should not listen to various fictions about problems in childbirth and the possibility of having sick children.

Some say “if you have a negative Rh factor, the child may be born abnormal”, or “if you have an abortion during the first pregnancy, then it will not be possible to give birth”, or even more absurdly, that a negative Rh factor leads to infertility. None of these arguments are true.

Remember, if you have a negative Rh factor, this is not a reason for worries and frustration.

If your spouse is Rh positive, you need to tell your doctor that you have different Rh factors. With different Rh factors in the future mother and father, the child can inherit both the mother's Rh and the father's Rh.

If the baby inherits your Rh factor, then no conflict will happen, and if the father's is different from yours, then your body will just need to be helped to accept the baby's Rh factor.

To prevent Rh - conflict in subsequent pregnancies, you will need to receive a special anti-Rhesus gamma globulin at 28 weeks of pregnancy and within 72 hours after childbirth.

Prevention of subsequent Rh-conflict pregnancy

Important information for your entire childbearing period.

Each pregnancy, whether you plan to give birth or terminate a pregnancy, requires the prevention of subsequent Rh-conflict pregnancy by administering anti-Rh gamma globulin.

Now they use pharmacological termination of pregnancy in the early stages of pregnancy with the help of special pills.

And in this case, the introduction of anti-Rhesus gamma globulin is also necessary.

2. Check hemoglobin level

The doctor must check your hemoglobin level and erythrocytes - red blood cells that deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues of the body.

If there are few of them, the doctor will prescribe iron tablets and special nutrition.

3. Pass urine

urine for bacteria . Also a very important analysis. In order to determine if there is an infection in the urinary tract, you need to do a urine culture.

Scientists have proven that if a woman has bacteria in her urine, then she has a high risk of developing kidney inflammation during pregnancy and other complications.

If you immediately prescribe antibiotics, then with the subsequent control of bacteria in the urine - there will be no inflammation of the kidneys and complications of pregnancy.

I emphasize that we are talking about special antibiotics that will not harm the developing fetus.

It's simple but works great!

4. Donate blood for AIDS and syphilis

You should donate blood for syphilis and get tested for AIDS! You understand, this is necessary, no one thinks that you have these infections, but these are the immutable requirements of all health services.

5. Visit the dentist

If you have problems with your teeth, such as caries, go to the dentist, you need to remove all possible foci of infection.

6. Pass an examination on the obstetric chair

An examination is needed not only to determine the gestational age, but also to assess the condition of the vagina and cervix.

If there is any discomfort, unpleasant vaginal discharge, profuse, with a smell, you get swabs for infection. If the discharge is transparent, mucous and there are no worries, you can not take a smear.

It is also necessary measure your blood pressure, your height and weight.

IN from and all necessary examinations.

Extra tests

Is it necessary to conduct numerous expensive studies for determining the presence of herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, rubella, chlamydia and mycoplasmosis?

No no need! And this is confirmed by the leading scientists of the world.

There are no drugs against these viruses (herpes, cytomegalovirus, rubella).

If you have been diagnosed with these infections before, be calm, then you are just a carrier of CMV herpes and you have good immunity against rubella (you were vaccinated).

How about a smear?

I know it's a nasty procedure. If you are not bothered by discharge from the genital tract (purulent, cheesy or abundant), there is no itching - no smear required!

If suddenly there is a need for some additional examinations during pregnancy, the doctor must explain the reason for this need.

Genetic analyzes

I am often asked whether it is necessary to conduct special genetic studies during pregnancy to determine the risk of hereditary pathology?

If there is no hereditary pathology in your family and in the family of your spouse and you are a young couple dreaming of a baby - no genetic testing required .

You need to take tests only in certain situations, carefully read the list below, it lists all the factors under which you need to take an analysis:

  • The woman was subjected influence of harmful factors: radiation, chemical poisons, etc.
  • Before this pregnancy had spontaneous miscarriages
  • The woman suffered severe viral infections
  • Female over 35 years old
  • Female suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction
  • In family already have a child with a congenital pathology
  • Do family members of the woman have any hereditary diseases
  • The woman was hosting strong drugs in early pregnancy
  • woman is pregnant from a close relative

If you are planning to have your first baby at age 35 or older, or if there are any other indications from the list above, you will first need to undergo genetic screening. They do it for 11-12 weeks, it consists of a screening of a blood test and ultrasound, the purpose of which is to determine the thickness of the neck fold in a child, the so-called Nicolaedes test. As a rule, in the absence of the risk of Down's disease, the thickness of the fold is less than 1.1 mm.

More accurate methods for diagnosing various hereditary pathologies are the method (pinching off a microscopic piece of a part of the chorion) and (taking a few milliliters of amniotic fluid for research).

I wrote about these analyzes in detail in a separate article -“. Read and it will become more clear to you whether you need to take them.

I would like to repeat, with a normal pregnancy, such studies do not need to be done! Only in rare cases and on special indications.

If you have any questions, or you have been assigned some kind of examination that is doubtful in your opinion, write in the comments below or to my mail - [email protected] I can give you the right advice.

If you liked this article, please write comments and share with your friends, I will only be glad. In the near future I will publish several articles where I will analyze in detail the analyzes by trimester, do not miss it.

Comments: 40

    00:18 / 25-05-2013

    We are only 5 weeks old, and our doctor from the LCD sends for an ultrasound, says it is necessary to check if there is a threat. I have nothing against ultrasound, I just heard that you can’t do it so early, you also write this in a book. I told the doctor that I don’t want to do it now, but she says that ultrasound can be done at any time, there is only a limit on the amount of time for the entire pregnancy and at one time, and they say you can do it anytime. I don’t want to go, tell me, can you feel for yourself whether there is a threat or not?

    16:20 / 26-05-2013

    And I have such a question tell the truth is it dangerous to do tests for genetic diseases or not? Is there any true statistics, how many percent are left without children after these tests? Thank God, doctors don’t send everything in our country, but it’s impossible to read the forums; the girls write such horrors that it seems to me that you shouldn’t go there in any case. Well, how not to walk these diseases, this is not gastritis, then both the child herself and the child will suffer all her life. Are there any other options and make a diagnosis and not harm the baby?

    21:08 / 16-10-2013

    hello, Natalya Ravilievna! I really need your advice. I’ll start everything in order. On June 17 this year at 31 weeks I gave birth to two sons, I had twins. but alas, a day later my babies died. I gave birth in the Chui regional hospital. a month later received autopsy results - death occurred as a result of postnatal asphyxia due to hyaline membrane disease against the background of FPI. the doctor said to wait at least six months until the next pregnancy. A month ago I went to the hospital with inflammation of the ovaries. I was in the center of human reproduction. We decided to go through all the examinations right away, and away we go. Infections were found in the blood. the norm is less than 1:5, herpes infection gender 5.5 gender norm less than 0.3, CMV gender 3.6 norm less than 0.5, toxoplasmosis 19.5 gender. norm 1.8. I have already been stuffed with antibiotics. I don’t know what to do next. I read your article and thought, why am I being treated then ??? thank you!!!

    21:10 / 16-10-2013

    I forgot to write, the smear is clean for both me and my husband.

    18:39 / 21-10-2013

    thank you very much for answering. Unfortunately, there are no histology results. You can get a personal appointment. I just have a bunch of papers, we have already handed in a bunch of papers. I’m still going to the maternity hospital, I’ll find out about the histology. I just didn’t realize right away. I took the autopsy result in the morgue and didn’t go to the maternity hospital anymore.

    19:49 / 23-10-2013

    Evgenia, good afternoon!
    Please write in which city do you live?

    21:47 / 21-02-2014

    Hello. They found chlamydia in me, now the period is 22-23 weeks. Can you please tell me which candles can I use now? I read that chlamydia is very bad, and they are very difficult to treat, but the doctor prescribed me only an antibiotic. In general, I do not trust her treatment! Thank you in advance!

    14:54 / 16-05-2014

    Thank you, much needed information!

    13:40 / 07-07-2014

    Hello, I would like to ask you a question, since the doctors in the LCD cannot really explain anything normally for a period of 13 weeks, in the morning after going to the toilet, sorry for the details, there was a liquid, beige discharge from the vagina once it stood out and there was nothing more. in the LCD immediately they took a normal smear, all the rules, for infections like chlamydia and other tests, everything was normal, what kind of discharge I could not understand. nothing worries, though before that she had been ill, she caught a little nose, throat, can this somehow affect? I really hope you answer thanks in advance

    19:09 / 21-08-2014

    Hello. My daughter, not knowing about the pregnancy, drank the antibiotics Nomycil and Furodonin as prescribed by the doctor, then it turned out that the pregnancy was 3 weeks old, tell me is it dangerous or not?

    22:30 / 30-09-2014

    Hello. I have a question that really needs an answer. Is it important and mandatory to take tests during pregnancy for hepatitis B and C, a urine culture tank, and the like if a general blood test, a urine test, a nose culture tank are normal? There were no diseases, the expectant mother feels good.

    19:00 / 28-12-2014

    Hello! Tell me if I should be worried if my husband's paternal aunt had schizophrenia, as well as her child. Are any additional tests needed during pregnancy?

    22:38 / 28-05-2015

    Natalya Ravilievna, hello! Somehow I accidentally found your site, which I am very glad, since it is such a rarity on the Internet to read useful articles and comments from an adequate specialist and doctor! Heartfelt gratitude to you!
    I have one question. Is it necessary to treat mycoplasma and ureaplasma during pregnancy? I am 17 weeks pregnant. I'm at a loss. There is a lot of conflicting information in the literature and on the Internet. Thanks in advance Elena.

    22:39 / 28-05-2015

    I forgot to add that the usual smear is normal for me. There are no discomfort or vaginal discharge.

    20:36 / 07-07-2015

    Hello, I had an abortion at 17 weeks due to medical indications. An extract from the history of childbirth: lymphahygroma of the neck of the fetus of the posterior surface of the neck of large sizes, ventriculomegaly. Afterbirth pathology: placenta with ascending infection: serous vascular funiculitis, serous choriodeciduitis. Acute placental insufficiency. Chronic decompensated placental insufficiency, mixed type, with the presence of disturbances in the maturation of horror villi with a predominance of mesenchymal villi. .about the infection, not a word. what tests do I need to pass? thanks for the answer.

    20:42 / 09-07-2015

    I took tests 5 months before pregnancy, mycoplasma chlamydia, ureplasma were not detected. I was vaccinated against rubella and hepatitis. Toxoplasmosis antibodies were detected at a concentration of 67.1 IU / ml, cytomegavirus ifa seronegative avidity index 64.5%, herpes avidity index lgG 66.1 %. The husband took a smear from Urartu a month before pregnancy, nothing was revealed. The doctor did not prescribe any treatment for us. I work in a hospital.

    When registering for pregnancy, a woman is carefully monitored during which the course of pregnancy, the risk of possible complications and the likelihood of their occurrence, the growth and development of the fetus, and, of course, the condition of the expectant mother herself are assessed. For this, a pregnant woman undergoes a mandatory examination, which includes a fairly wide list of laboratory tests.

    List of tests by trimester of pregnancy

    According to the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 572 dated November 1, 2012, the basic range of examination of pregnant women includes:

    1 trimester

    (from fertilization to 14 weeks)

    • general analysis of urine and blood;
    • blood type and Rh factor (with a negative Rh factor, the husband also gives blood per group and Rh factor);
    • biochemical blood test (total protein, urea, creatinine, glucose, liver enzymes (AST, ALT), total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, total cholesterol);
    • coagulogram or blood clotting (fibrinogen, platelets, platelet aggregation, clotting time, bleeding time, prothrombin index, APTT - activated partial thromboplastin time);
    • blood for syphilis (RW reaction);
    • blood for HIV infection and viral hepatitis (B and C);
    • smear from the vagina and from the cervix for microflora (fungi and gonococci) and cytological examination;
    • examination for sexual infections (according to indications): chlamydia, ureaplasmosis and others;
    • double test (in the period of 11-14 weeks): determination of plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and beta-hCG to exclude severe malformations (Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome);
    • blood for rubella and toxoplasmosis (detection of antibodies type M and G).

    2 trimester

    The need for laboratory research

    General analysis of blood and urine (KLA and OAM)

    A complete blood count determines the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which are necessary for the transport of oxygen. Also in the KLA, the number of leukocytes and ESR is studied, which is normally slightly increased during pregnancy. Platelets are involved in blood clotting, their determination during pregnancy is also necessary.

    In OAM, the content of leukocytes, the presence / absence of protein, the density and reaction of urine, and the presence of pathological structures and substances (cylinders, bacteria, glucose, and others) are studied. OAM is most often a test that helps to suspect or determine the pathology of pregnancy (it is given at each appointment).

    Blood type and Rh factor

    Blood type and Rh factor are necessary in case of emergency blood transfusion in case of bleeding (for example, placenta previa), in case of negative Rh, a blood test for the group and Rh factor is necessary to exclude or treat Rh conflict.

    Considering the increased load during gestation on all organs of a pregnant woman, BAC is taken twice during the entire pregnancy (more often according to indications), which allows you to evaluate the work of internal organs.

    Blood for syphilis, viral hepatitis and HIV infection

    The study is carried out three times during pregnancy and allows you to identify the listed infections, the presence of which adversely affects the development of the fetus, as well as the condition of the woman during pregnancy.

    A smear for microflora and cytology from the cervix and vagina

    Smears for microflora are taken three times during pregnancy and make it possible to identify colpitis, cervicitis, which can provoke infection of the membranes and the fetus. Cytological examination excludes precancerous and cancerous processes of the cervix.

    Antibodies of the IgM and IgG class to the listed infections are determined and make it possible to identify acquired immunity or its absence, as well as an acute process, the presence of which is unfavorable for the fetus.

    The indicators of the blood coagulation system during pregnancy are slightly increased, the analysis of the coagulogram reveals the threat of thrombosis in a woman, abortion and premature birth. Also, a study of blood clotting is necessary to confirm preeclampsia and its treatment.

    Double and triple test

    It is carried out to determine the degree of risk of congenital pathology of the fetus and chromosomal disorders.

    Deviations from the norm

    • in the case of low hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the KLA, they speak of anemia,
    • with a significant increase in leukocytes and ESR, an inflammatory process in the body of a pregnant woman is suspected,
    • an increase in eosinophils - allergies or helminthic invasion,
    • with a decrease or increase in platelets - a violation of the blood coagulation system or preeclampsia.
    • detection of leukocytes, cylinder bacteria in OAM indicates inflammation of the urinary system,
    • the presence of protein makes you think, first of all, about preeclampsia.

    Read more about urinalysis during pregnancy in our separate article.

    Blood type and Rh factor

    If a pregnant woman is diagnosed with a negative Rh factor, and her husband is positive, then she monthly, and after 30 weeks, every 14 days donates blood for the titer of anti-Rh antibodies. Their appearance, and, moreover, an increase in dynamics indicates an Rhesus conflict.

    Blood chemistry

    • an increase in liver enzymes, total and direct bilirubin indicates liver pathology and / or preeclampsia,
    • an increase in blood glucose may indicate the development of gestational diabetes mellitus,
    • an increase in urea and creatinine - a violation of the organs of the urinary system or preeclampsia.


    An increase in blood coagulability and a decrease in bleeding time indicates a violation of the coagulation system, which is observed in autoimmune diseases, antiphospholipid syndrome and preeclampsia and threatens the development of a coagulogram

    thrombosis and abortion.

    Wasserman test (RW), blood for HIV infection and hepatitis

    Positive tests for HIV infection and syphilis, as well as the detection of antigens for viral hepatitis (Hbs antigen) indicates infection of the pregnant woman and threatens the condition of the fetus (prophylactic courses of treatment for placental insufficiency are prescribed).

    A smear on the microflora of the vagina and cervix

    The detection of pathogenic or opportunistic microflora (in a significant amount) indicates colpitis, which is fraught with inflammation of the amniotic membranes, the development of chorioamnionitis and intrauterine infection of the embryo / fetus.

    According to indications, additional tests are prescribed to detect sexually transmitted infections.

    Blood for rubella, toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus

    • when antibodies are detected classCoagulogram
      and G and the absence of class M antibodies to the listed infections indicates a previous infection and the presence of immunity,
    • detection of class M immunoglobulins is a sign of an acute process,
    • the absence of antibodies of both classes means that the pregnant woman has not met with the causative agents of these infectious diseases and there is no immunity to them.

    Double and triple test

    An increase in the indicators of a double and triple test indicates a high risk of chromosomal diseases in the fetus (in particular, Down syndrome) and intrauterine malformations of the fetus. But an increase / decrease in indicators for various conditions of a pregnant woman (multiple pregnancy, acute infectious disease, hormonal disorders, low or overweight, and others) is not excluded.

    If chromosomal pathologies and congenital malformations of the fetus are suspected, the pregnant woman is prescribed further prenatal diagnostics (thorough ultrasound, amniocentesis and cordocentesis, genetics consultation).

    Some research on pregnancy

    Women in position often become suspicious, overly cautious, but all this is only because they are worried about their baby. And it is right.

    And although some future mothers complain that doctors give referrals for a lot of unnecessary tests, others, on the contrary, complain that doctors do not check for everything that can be dangerous for the child. How to find the golden mean?

    There is a necessary minimum of tests and examinations that a pregnant woman must undergo. This list may change depending on your state of health and doctor's orders.

    5-12 weeks pregnant

    12-14 weeks pregnant

    You will be directed to. During this period, you can:

    • determine the exact gestational age;
    • determine the number of fruits;
    • identify possible malformations of the nervous system, abdominal organs or limbs of the baby.

    16- pregnancy

    You can go through " ", which examines the "genetic health" of the unborn child. In the blood, the levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE) are determined. If the levels of these substances are abnormal, the doctor may suspect some chromosomal abnormality in the fetus.

    Do not panic immediately if you find out that the test results showed abnormalities. The test may give erroneous results in about 9% of cases, so you can check again with the help of an additional study of amniotic fluid - amniocentesis.

    18-22 weeks pregnant

    You will be sent for a second ultrasound. During this period, it is possible to detect congenital external imperfections of the unborn baby. The doctor examines the structure of the baby's body, determines his gender . Ultrasound will also help determine the amount and quality of amniotic fluid, the location of the placenta and identify its presentation.

    At this time, a blood test is taken, which helps to determine whether the pregnant woman has developed. You visit the gynecologist every two weeks, and each time you take blood and urine tests.

    Mom Victoria told her story: “I didn’t understand at all why go and take tests at the clinic if I felt good. My mother and mother-in-law chased me away. They said they wanted a healthy grandson. Of course, I resisted as much as I could, but still passed everything that was assigned. Now I have absolutely no regrets: I have two healthy toddlers. By the way, it was the gynecologist, and not the uzist, who first noticed that I would have twins.

    32-35 weeks pregnant

    If you are working, the doctor is already opening maternity leave. Now you, with a clear conscience, can not go to work and sleep until lunch (unless, of course, the doctor has prescribed a morning analysis).

    At this time, the third ultrasound is performed, and the last one during pregnancy (if everything is in order) allows:

    • identify some pathologies that could not be determined at an earlier date;
    • detect a developmental delay in a child;
    • establish placenta previa and determine the exact position of the fetus;
    • find out the amount of amniotic fluid.

    33-34 weeks pregnant

    You will be given Dopplerography, a study that allows you to evaluate blood flow in the vessels of the baby, uterus and placenta. So the doctor will be able to find out if the baby is getting enough nutrients and oxygen. If the blood flow rate is reduced, the gynecologist may also prescribe cardiotocography (CTG) for you.

    With the help of CTG, it is possible to determine the tone of the uterus and the presence of its contractile activity, as well as the motor activity of the child.

    35-36 weeks pregnant

    You once again take blood tests for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, a vaginal smear.

    If the test results are normal, then you will need to visit the gynecologist every week taking blood and urine tests. If the results of the tests show the unfavorable condition of the mother or child, then you will be taken under special control, prescribing medications that improve blood flow, an additional ultrasound will be performed, and a little later - dopplerography.

    You should not listen to the advice of grandmothers, neighbors or girlfriends who do not advise you to go to the doctors and take tests until you feel bad. Preventive measures are always more beneficial for your health than the complex consequences of neglected diseases.

    Take care of yourself, easy pregnancy and childbirth!

    When a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she assumes certain obligations, which consist not only in changing the way of life, but also in the constant delivery of tests aimed at maintaining the pregnancy and giving birth to a healthy baby. Consider the full list of tests, deadlines, norms.

    The first laboratory tests a woman undergoes at the time of registration. At this point, the very first analysis of a pregnant woman - the use of a test strip for the determination of hCG - is already over. But at the initial visit to the gynecologist, pregnancy must be finally confirmed. In most cases, the doctor confirms the fact of conception after a gynecological examination, but if in doubt, a woman is advised to undergo one of the appropriate tests:

    • Donate blood for hCG. Thanks to a blood test for pregnancy, the laboratory assistant determines the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin, which is intensively synthesized after fertilization. With the help of analysis, pregnancy can be confirmed as early as 8-12 days after conception. If the hCG level exceeds 15-20 mU / ml, the analysis is considered positive.
    • Get an ultrasound. Ultrasound allows you to confirm the presence of the embryo on the 2-6th day of the delay, but it is possible to clarify the correct location of the fetal egg no earlier than the 5th week of pregnancy (the period is considered from the first day of the cycle, not the delay). To detect the fetus and track its heartbeat, a study is performed using a vaginal sensor.

    A woman is registered between 7 and 14 weeks of pregnancy. The doctor, after confirming the pregnancy, fills out an exchange card, collects the necessary information about the patient. During the examination, smears are taken, and a number of standard first tests during pregnancy are prescribed.

    Mandatory tests during pregnancy: a complete calendar for trimesters

    For a woman in position, a specific schedule of analyzes and additional studies has been developed. But it can be corrected and supplemented with additional analyzes.

    The gynecologist always gives the woman the right directions for tests in accordance with the gestational age. Some of them are carried out regularly, for example, a blood test (in the exchange card it is designated by the abbreviation KLA) and urine (OAM), others once - this is a triple test, Rh factor, etc.

    To make it easier for a woman to navigate what tests are taken during pregnancy, consider the list by trimester.

    Important! All the results of the tests carried out are entered into the woman's exchange card.

    Scheduled tests - first trimester of pregnancy

    Most of the analyzes fall on the first 14 gestational weeks, since it is at this time that the initial examination of a pregnant woman takes place.

    In addition to an early pregnancy test (hCG determination), a woman undergoes an examination. At this point, carry out:

    • Collection of vaginal secretions to study the microflora (necessary to exclude genital infections).
    • Bakposev (with the help of analysis, the presence of STDs is checked).
    • PAP test (cytological examination to detect atypical cells on the cervix).
    • Colposcopy (performed if there is erosion or other changes on the cervix).

    The following tests are also carried out on pregnancy records:

    • blood biochemistry;
    • Rh factor, including blood type;
    • TORCH panel;
    • HIV, hepatitis, syphilis;
    • double test (PAPP-A + hCG);
    • sugar and glucose tolerance;
    • ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound analysis during pregnancy is carried out between 10 and 14 weeks);
    • coagulogram (shows the degree of blood clotting).

    On a note! If there is a threat of abortion, the woman is additionally determined by the level of progesterone and TSH.

    List of tests in the second trimester of pregnancy

    Starting from the 14th week of gestation, the woman continues to regularly take the prescribed tests.

    What tests should be taken during pregnancy:

    • KLA and biochemistry;
    • coagulogram;
    • TORCH infections;
    • urine for traces of protein;
    • glucose tolerance;
    • Ultrasound (performed at 20-24 weeks);
    • triple screening test at 16-18 weeks (beta-CG + ACE + estriol).

    In addition to laboratory tests, in the 2nd trimester, the gynecologist examines the physical parameters of the woman's body, which are needed both for certain tests (screening) and for a general assessment of the woman's condition. The doctor pays attention to the weight of the woman, the circumference of the abdomen, the location of the fundus of the uterus.

    List of tests - third trimester of pregnancy

    The third trimester also involves a lot of examinations. If the pregnancy passes without pathologies, you will need to visit the gynecologist twice: at 30 weeks (for issuing a decree) and at 36 weeks.

    In addition to measuring blood pressure, a woman's weight and abdominal parameters, a woman passes such necessary tests during pregnancy:

    • HIV, RW (before the decree);
    • OAM and UAC;
    • repeated smear for flora (for the final exclusion of gonorrhea and other STDs);
    • biochemistry;
    • coagulogram;
    • hemoglobin;
    • Ultrasound and CTG.

    Tests during pregnancy - table:

    The need for testing during pregnancy and generally accepted norms

    Each analysis prescribed to a pregnant woman is designed to identify abnormalities in the body in time and help the doctor maintain the pregnancy. True, there are many absolutely non-informative and useless analyzes that only worsen the financial situation of a woman. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo only those studies recognized by the Ministry of Health as mandatory (as a rule, their cost is covered by a medical policy, so you do not need to pay for them).

    • Urinalysis during pregnancy. This analysis can reflect many pathological conditions during pregnancy, but the obtained indicators are always evaluated in combination with other analyzes. In the course of studying the biological fluid, its color, smell, acidity, volume, the presence of leukocytes, protein, and sediment are determined. The analysis helps to confirm / refute inflammation of the genitourinary system, to notice the development of preeclampsia. Additionally, a urine sterility test is performed to rule out a sluggish urinary tract infection.

    • General blood analysis. A quantitative count of red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells and other indicators allows you to assess your overall health. So, a regular study of blood helps to diagnose anemia, hypoxia, inflammation, most diseases. Also, according to a general analysis during pregnancy, hematological pathologies, disruption of the internal organs can be suspected.

    • Rh factor. The determination of the Rh factor is necessary to prevent the Rh conflict. If a negative Rh is found in the mother, this analysis is also prescribed to the father of the baby. Also, a woman must determine the blood type if complications arise during childbirth that require a blood transfusion.

    • Analysis for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis carried out twice. The purpose is clear: if a woman is infected, doctors will try to prevent infection of the child.
    • ultrasound. This screening is carried out three times or more often. Each week has its own values ​​for each indicator. This study most accurately shows the physical development of the fetus and its vital signs.
    • Smear on flora. Such a simple analysis can tell a lot, primarily about the state of the female genital organs. Depending on the composition of the flora, determine the degree of purity of the vagina. They also study whether a pregnant woman has genital infections, fungi, thrush. All these diseases can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy.

    • Prenatal screening. Double and triple tests are performed to exclude genetic pathologies in the fetus, including Down syndrome. With the advent of these tests, it became possible to terminate pathological pregnancies, preventing the birth of a baby with lifelong disability.

    • Biochemical blood test. Venous blood shows the state of the liver, metabolism, glucose, cholesterol and urea levels. During gestation, it is carried out twice to control the work of internal organs.

    • TORCH screening. The detection of antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma and CMG is very important, because it allows you to start treatment on time and prevent the appearance of deformities in the fetus, which are provoked by these infections.

    • Coagulogram. The analysis evaluates the degree of blood clotting in order to prevent thrombosis, preeclampsia, abortion.

    Important! Deciphering tests during pregnancy is the prerogative of a gynecologist. The deviation of any indicator is always evaluated only in combination with other data.

    If the tests during pregnancy are bad

    It is not always that a woman in a position has normal tests. For certain diseases, deviations from the stated norms in the form are possible. If this happened to you, then you should not immediately worry - the final interpretation of the results should be up to your gynecologist.

    To understand the reasons for your negative test results during pregnancy, we will consider all the studies in order.

    Deviations from the norm in the KLA can be caused by:

    • if hemoglobin is low and red blood cells have fallen, you have anemia;
    • if leukocytes are overestimated along with ESR, it is possible that an inflammatory process is going on in the body;
    • an excess of eosinophils indicates an exacerbation of an allergic disease or the presence of worms;
    • a change in the level of platelets in any direction indicates improper blood clotting, as well as the development of preeclampsia.

    Deviation from the norm of OAM tests during pregnancy is caused by:

    • leukocytes and cylinders of bacteria confirm inflammation in the organs of the urogenital area;
    • protein in the urine often speaks of preeclampsia;
    • uric acid crystals indicate kidney dysfunction.

    Rh factor. If, when determining the Rh factor, the woman's status turned out to be negative, and the baby's father was positive, the woman will have to donate blood throughout the pregnancy to determine anti-Rh antibodies. If their growth is noticed, the woman will have an Rhesus conflict.

    Deviations from the norm in a biochemical blood test:

    • an increase in liver enzymes, as well as bilirubin, occurs with liver pathologies, the development of preeclampsia;
    • a jump in glucose is observed in gestational diabetes;
    • an increase in creatinine along with urea is a consequence of dysfunction of the urinary system.

    Deviations in the indicators of the coagulogram indicate the following:

    • autoimmune pathologies;
    • gestose;
    • antiphospholipid syndrome;
    • thrombosis;
    • threatened miscarriage.

    A smear for microflora can be bad if a woman has:

    • there are many leukocytes, which happens with inflammation;
    • 3 and 4 degree of purity caused by dysbacteriosis;
    • there are genital infections, which is confirmed by the presence of gonococci or trichomoniasis.

    Positive tests for TORCH, namely rubella, CMV, toxoplasmosis:

    • a combination of G and M antibodies on the form - you have been ill, but you already have a formed immunity, which means you don’t need to worry;
    • the presence of elevated antibodies M - the disease is in the active phase and you need treatment;
    • complete absence of antibodies - you are not sick, but simply at risk, you can get sick at any time, because you do not have specific immunity.

    Double and triple screening test. Depending on the combinations of the indicators being checked, doctors suggest certain chromosomal abnormalities:

    Important! The indicators of the screening test can be affected by incorrectly indicated weight and gestational age, polyhydramnios, infectious diseases, therefore, if abnormalities are detected, additional tests are performed - ultrasound and amniocentesis.

    Often, doctors have to listen to women complain that they literally live in laboratories, where they constantly come to take dozens of tests. But it is important to realize that this list of tests was compiled by the Ministry of Health for a reason, but in order to prevent and timely treat dangerous complications that prevent the development of your pregnancy. Therefore, you should always take all the prescribed tests, remembering that this is not a whim of your gynecologist-obstetrician, but a necessity!

    Video: Pregnancy tests by week