If the baby does not burp air after eating. How to reduce baby spitting up while breastfeeding. Is it possible to stop or reduce regurgitation in children

Is the first year of a baby's life compatible with the absence of stress and worries? Perhaps this is the blue dream of every mom, which was never destined to come true. But if you immediately find the necessary information on various issues, then all worries will be minimized. Almost every mother doubts whether it is normal if a newborn baby does not spit up after feeding? And if on the contrary, spit up?

Spitting up after a meal with breast milk or formula is a completely normal phenomenon in most cases, because it is caused by natural causes. But still, sometimes mom should pay attention to this process, because it can serve as a pretext for some children's problems. Now that a feeding surprise comes with spitting up, you'll know what it means and if you need to do something about it.

Where do regurgitations come from

The statistics on this issue are quite categorical: 70% of mothers face regurgitation in a baby after feeding. Moreover, such a surprise visits them at least once a day. And if you fall into the category of moms who panic at the sight of how the baby spit up, these statistics should reassure you. This phenomenon has several reasons:

  • Breastfeeding is probably the most popular topic among mothers. And the basis of the basics in this matter is the correct attachment of the baby to the chest. There are many manuals and brochures to help mom learn how to do this. The baby should cover the entire nipple and most of the areola with his small mouth. If this does not happen, air will enter the children's stomach, which provokes regurgitation.
  • To swaddle or not to swaddle is the personal decision of each mother. Today, there are many theories that either "preach" swaddling, or call for doing without it. But there are parents who go to extremes and swaddle the baby too tight, turning him into a tin soldier. The child often reacts to such squeezing by spitting up and as if declaring: “Mom, loosen your grip!”.
  • There are children who eat too greedily and breastfeed too intensively. It's one thing when this happens rarely and means that the baby is very hungry. But sometimes this approach to food in a baby becomes a habit. Then he eats more than he should and simply spit up excess food. In this case, we advise you to slightly reduce the feeding time or take breaks in it.
  • If you are formula feeding your baby and he reacts to it by spitting up, then the type of product may simply not be suitable for him. Carefully study the composition of the mixture: the cause of whims is sometimes a high content of lactose.
  • Incorrectly selected can be not only a mixture, but also a bottle. To date, the market for children's goods is very diverse, and this is wonderful. You can purchase a bottle with a special valve that prevents air from entering.
  • Every mother knows the importance of nutrition during breastfeeding. But if she forgot about it (or seemed to forget) and ate something forbidden, then this may be the cause of the formation of gases in the children's stomach, and hence regurgitation.
  • Excessive activity after a feed is another common cause of a reaction.

These are the most common causes of spitting up and do not pose a threat to your baby. But there are other situations when a mother should, if not worry, then pay attention so accurately.

When is it not normal?

Perhaps the most important rule in raising a child is to take into account his individuality. If a woman does not adjust her child to general standards, does not blindly follow all advice indiscriminately and does not worry if her baby is somehow different from the neighbor's - she is a wonderful mother! This principle also works in matters of regurgitation. Below we have listed the symptoms that often indicate the presence of a problem, but they do not require any independent solutions, and even more so the mother's initiative in establishing a diagnosis. The first and only measure here is a consultation with a pediatrician.

  • If regurgitation occurs after each feeding and its volume gradually increases, this is often a signal to the baby that his digestion does not like something.
  • Pay attention to what your baby is spitting up. If the consistency is suspicious yellowish or greenish in color with blood or mucus, then it makes sense to consult a doctor to find out the cause and take action.
  • If the baby's tummy is soft after feeding, then there is no reason to worry. But bloating can sometimes be a bad sign.
  • Sensitive parents may notice that the process of regurgitation is accompanied by a disgruntled grimace in a child, which quite often symbolizes pain and discomfort in the abdomen.
  • In the event that the baby is weak, apathetic, not gaining weight, this is a reason for consulting a doctor. Pay attention to the general age norms for your crumbs. Although we are talking about the individual development of each baby, a strong lag is still unacceptable.
  • When breastfeeding, take a closer look at what the baby spit up. If everything is normal, the mass will resemble cottage cheese or curdled milk. It is easy to check the amount of mass without overly complicated measurements. Just pour a teaspoon of water next to the "surprise" that the baby left after feeding. When all natural, the patches will be about the same in size.

Most often, regurgitation is an absolutely normal process, because it is characteristic of many children. But sometimes it can be an indicator of pathology. In any case, it never hurts to consult a pediatrician to eliminate all doubts and guesses.

Main measures

Often, the simplest measures help to get rid of spitting up, or at least reduce their recurrence. Here is a universal memo with actions that can be very handy:

  • Do not feed your baby in a horizontal position, an inclination angle of about 60 degrees is ideal.
  • After feeding, hold the baby upright in a column so that the air can escape.
  • Watch your diet to avoid foods that cause gas.
  • Try to reduce the portions of feeding and the frequency of meals.
  • After eating, let the baby rest a little.
  • If the baby eats the mixture, offer it only in the form of heat.
  • Before eating, put the baby on his stomach for a couple of minutes.
  • If you are bottle feeding, position the bottle at an angle so that the nipple is filled with formula.

Belching helps children release air trapped in the stomach. Belching is most effective immediately after feedings or between feedings, during which the baby swallows air along with milk or food. By helping your baby burp, you help him expel that air, improve his digestion, and help him feel comfortable. Making a baby burp is pretty easy if you know how to do it.


Baby burps on your shoulder

    Hold the child by your shoulder. Make sure you support your baby's head and neck. You will do better if you lift the child higher so that his stomach rests on your shoulder.

    • We advise you to put the diaper on your shoulder, especially if the child is less than a year old. The base of the esophagus (the tube that carries food to the stomach) is not yet fully developed in these young babies and may become slightly out of order when the baby burps. This may cause the child to spit up food, but this is completely normal.
  1. Pat the child between the shoulder blades. Do it very carefully. You need to pat only with the help of your wrist; do not move your hand while patting the baby to make him burp air.

    • If you don't want to pat your baby, you can pat him on the back with circular motions of your hand. Although such stroking is not as effective, it often leads to the desired result.
  2. When the baby burps, stop patting him on the back. Usually belching is accompanied by a specific sound, so you know when to stop clapping. Sometimes the sound of a burp can sound like a sneeze, grunt, or just a quick "um".

    After the baby burps, smile at him and kiss him.

    Baby burping while sitting

    Baby burping while lying down

    How to make the process easier

    1. Try to breastfeed and not bottle feed. When breastfeeding, it is easier to avoid having to burp air as the flow of milk is much more restricted. When bottle-feeding, babies often swallow air along with their milk.

      Feed your baby in a (more or less) upright position. Hold your baby at a 45 degree angle when you are breastfeeding or bottle feeding. This will help reduce the chance that the baby will need to burp, as this position makes it easier for the baby to swallow.

      Try to feed your baby more often and in smaller portions. Long and large feedings increase the chance that the baby will swallow extra air. Instead, try to feed your baby more often and less.

      Watch the baby to see if he needs to burp. In between suckling, look at him and try to gauge how comfortable he feels. A grimace of discomfort on the lips, which usually look different, probably indicates that he needs to burp air. If the baby becomes calm again and relaxes, then the need to burp has most likely passed.

      Be aware that not every feeding is accompanied by burping. Some babies burp more than others, and even they have moments when they don't want to burp. As your baby matures, their ability to self-regulate will improve and the need to burp will decrease.

    • Pat your baby very gently on the back.
    • Sometimes stroking helps better than patting, but this should be done with very gentle hand movements along the back of the child.
    • Sometimes a baby cries only because of the air accumulated in the stomach and he just needs to burp this air. If you changed your baby's diaper, fed him, and he is still crying and nothing helps to calm him down, try to help him burp.
    • Learn to distinguish between regurgitation and vomiting. What the baby spit up has a firm texture and little volume, and the baby does not appear particularly upset. Vomiting has a more liquid consistency, the child is crying a lot and it is clear that he is very ill. Vomiting is dangerous for babies, as it quickly leads to dehydration. Call your pediatrician and don't be alarmed if he says you need to take your baby to the emergency room. Depending on how long the vomiting has been going on and how sick the baby looks, they may need antibiotics, intensive care, and/or an IV to prevent/stop dehydration, which is very dangerous for babies.
    • Use a diaper, bath towel, or something else in case the baby burps.


    • PATT THE CHILD'S BACK CAREFULLY! Patting too hard can cause permanent damage and lead to complete or partial loss of mobility, developmental disabilities, and even death.
    • DO NOT LET YOUR CHILD ON YOUR SHOULDER! Most of the baby's body should be on your chest. If you lean your child too far over shoulder level, he may suffocate between your back and the back of the chair you are sitting in or fall to the floor over your shoulder. If that happens, there's no way, no way you'll have time to turn around and catch him in time!

Spitting up is a process when, after feeding, a small amount (5–30 ml) of milk or formula is thrown back in a baby if the baby is on mixed or artificial feeding. Usually this does not affect the behavior and general well-being of the child.

What causes spitting up?

To answer this question, you need to know some of the anatomical and physiological features of the gastrointestinal tract in infants.

First of all, regurgitation in newborn babies is associated with the immaturity of the sphincter between the esophagus and stomach (the sphincter is called a circular muscle, which, by contracting, closes one or another hole in the body). Normally, after the passage of food from the esophagus to the stomach, it closes. This is what prevents stomach contents from returning back into the esophagus. By the time the baby is born, this sphincter is still very weak, and therefore there is a reflux of milk or milk mixture into the baby's esophagus and mouth. Very young children have another important feature - the angle of entry of the esophagus into the stomach is often blunt or approaches 90 °, while in older children and adults it decreases to acute. This also creates conditions for the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, which leads to regurgitation in newborns.

Causes of regurgitation

But not only these features contribute to regurgitation. They can also occur in a number of other cases:

  • with general immaturity of the body, which is most often found in premature babies;
  • when overfeeding a baby - if the amount of food eaten exceeds the volume of the stomach. This happens in newborns when feeding on demand, if the mother has a lot of milk, or in artisans with an incorrectly calculated volume of the milk mixture;
  • when a large amount of food (milk or milk formula) is consumed, the stomach is overdistended, the sphincter cannot withstand the increased pressure inside it, and part of the food eaten is thrown into the esophagus. If the baby has overeaten, he spits up fresh milk in the first half hour after feeding;
  • when swallowing air during feeding (aerophagia), which in infants most often occurs with fast and eager sucking, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, or the wrong position of the bottle with the mixture. In these cases, an air bubble forms in the stomach, which pushes out a small amount of food eaten. With aerophagia, a child may begin to show anxiety during feeding, throw the breast, turn his head and scream. The same symptoms may occur after feeding;
  • with a rapid change in body position after feeding. Regurgitation can occur in a baby if, immediately after feeding, the mother begins to disturb him, swaddle, bathe, massage, etc .;
  • with increased pressure in the abdominal cavity. For example, tight swaddling or a diaper that is too tight creates excessive external pressure on the baby's tummy, which can lead to spitting up. Also, factors contributing to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure include flatulence (increased gas formation in the intestines), intestinal colic and constipation.

Why is the baby spitting up? Watch the video

Regurgitation in newborns: when is it a signal of illness

Unfortunately, regurgitation in newborns can also be one of the manifestations of certain diseases. Quite often they occur in diseases such as birth trauma, hypoxia (oxygen starvation) during pregnancy or childbirth, increased intracranial pressure, impaired cerebral circulation, increased neuro-reflex excitability, etc. In these cases, along with regurgitation, the child will experience symptoms characteristic of CNS damage: increased excitability or lethargy, sleep disturbances, trembling of the chin or arms, an increase or decrease in muscle tone.

Regurgitation is also observed in some congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • hiatal hernia. This is a congenital underdevelopment of connective tissue structures that strengthen the opening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passes. With this disease, regurgitation occurs 2–3 weeks after birth, is persistent and prolonged, appears immediately after feeding, the child quickly loses weight. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an x-ray examination;
  • pyloric stenosis and pylorospasm. In the place where the stomach passes into the duodenum, there is a sphincter - the pylorus of the stomach. It blocks the lumen of the stomach while food is digested in it. Then it opens, and the contents of the stomach move into the duodenum. In infants, there are two types of disturbances in the functioning of this closing opening - pylorospasm and pyloric stenosis. In the first case, the sphincter muscle convulsively contracts, and in the second it is greatly thickened and narrows the exit from the stomach. Under these conditions, the contents of the stomach cannot fully pass into the duodenum. In the first days, the baby does not experience any inconvenience, since the volume of milk he sucks is small. Regurgitation appears as the amount of food eaten increases and, as a rule, begins towards the end of the first month of life. In the future, instead of regurgitation, vomiting of a fountain of curdled milk with a sour smell may appear. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an endoscopic examination of the stomach;
  • chalazia cardia. The cardia is the same sphincter that separates the esophagus from the stomach. So, with congenital chalazia (that is, relaxation), it cannot close completely, which leads to the reflux of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. In this case, the milk comes out unchanged, since it has not yet had time to be digested. Such regurgitation begins from the first days of life, occurs immediately after feeding the baby and is stronger if the baby is left to lie down. The general condition of the child is often disturbed: he suckles sluggishly, gets tired quickly, gains little weight and sleeps poorly. The diagnosis is confirmed by X-ray.
  • congenital short esophagus. With this pathology, there is a discrepancy between the length of the esophagus and the chest, as a result of which part of the stomach is higher than the diaphragm.

Norm or pathology?

How can a mother understand whether regurgitation is physiological, that is, due to the normal characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract, or is it a manifestation of a disease?

If regurgitation occurs infrequently (1-2 times a day), in a small amount (1-3 tablespoons), while the child has a good appetite and good regular stools, he develops normally, gains weight well (in the first 3-4 months, the baby should add at least 125 g per week (600-800 g per month)) and he has a sufficient number of urination per day (at least 8-10), then regurgitation can not be given much importance. In such cases, they are most likely associated with the age-related characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract but. With a high degree of probability, in the second half of life, after the introduction of complementary foods, they will pass on their own without any treatment.

In the fight against spitting up

What should a mother do to avoid regurgitation at hailstones? The following tips will help:

  • do not overfeed your baby. It is necessary to periodically carry out control weighing of the baby (weighing before and after one feeding) in order to determine the amount of sucked milk. Babies with regurgitation are advised to feed more frequently with smaller than usual portions. At the same time, the daily amount of food should not decrease. With artificial feeding, the pediatrician should calculate the volume of daily and single feeding for the baby, taking into account his age and body weight;
  • correct attachment of the baby to the breast. When breastfeeding, it is important to ensure that the baby captures not only the nipple, but also the areola. At the same time, the nipple and areola fill almost the entire mouth of the child, a complete vacuum is created, which practically eliminates the swallowing of air;
  • with artificial feeding, the correct choice of the hole in the nipple is of great importance. It should not be large, the mixture should flow out in frequent drops from an overturned bottle. During feeding, the bottle should be tilted at such an angle that the nipple is completely filled with formula. Otherwise, the baby will swallow air.

Regurgitation in infants: treatment by position

In order to avoid spitting up when feeding the baby, it is important that he is in the correct position:

  • it is desirable that the baby, when feeding, is located in the mother's arms at an angle of 45–60 ° from the horizontal plane. To make it comfortable for mom, you can put rollers, pillows, etc. under the crumbs;
  • after feeding, the child should be held in an upright position - “column” - for 10-20 minutes so that he releases air, which leaves with a characteristic loud sound for one or several times, do not swaddle the baby tightly and dress him in clothes with tight elastic bands that tighten the tummy. It is important that the baby's head is slightly elevated (at an angle of 30–60° to the horizontal plane). To do this, it is recommended to put the baby to sleep on a small pillow or on 1-2 folded diapers, you can also raise the legs of the head of the crib by 5-10 cm;
  • babies suffering from regurgitation are recommended to be put to sleep not on their back, but on their stomach or right side. The fact is that in the supine position, the transition from the esophagus to the stomach is located below the stomach itself, which facilitates the return of food into the esophagus and leads to regurgitation. The stomach is located on the left, and if the child is placed on the left side, pressure will be exerted on this organ, which in turn can provoke regurgitation. On the left side of the baby can be turned no earlier than 30 minutes after feeding. But in the position on the stomach, the inlet of the gastric opening, on the contrary, is located above the stomach, which helps to retain the milk eaten in it. In addition, the position of the child on the stomach or on the right side during regurgitation is considered the safest, since in these positions the possibility of inhalation of vomit is reduced to a minimum. Before feeding, it is recommended to change the diaper of the child, so as not to disturb him after eating. It is also better to bathe the baby before feeding and not earlier than 40 minutes after eating.

Therapeutic nutrition for regurgitation in infants

In order to reduce regurgitation in children who are formula-fed, you can use special therapeutic milk mixtures that have an increased viscosity. This is achieved due to the fact that thickeners are included in their composition: corn or rice starch, carob gluten. Due to the thicker consistency of the mixture, the food lump is better retained in the stomach. Casein-based milk substitutes are also used as therapeutic nutrition. In these mixtures, the content of casein protein is increased, which, when curdled in the stomach, forms a dense clot and thereby prevents regurgitation. These medicated formulas are labeled AR, but should only be used with a doctor's prescription and should not be given to healthy children who do not spit up.

With natural feeding and persistent regurgitation in a child, along with breast milk, mixtures with thickeners are also sometimes used. At the same time, before feeding with mother's milk, the child is given 10-40 ml of the therapeutic mixture from a spoon or from a syringe (without a needle), and then the baby is breast-fed.

The doctor determines the duration of the use of such mixtures individually. It can be quite long: 2-3 months.

When medicines are needed

If the cause of regurgitation is increased gas formation, constipation, dysbacteriosis or intestinal colic, the doctor may prescribe tests for the baby to identify the cause of these disorders, and then prescribe treatment to reduce the manifestation of these symptoms, as well as special drugs that help reduce or stop regurgitation. The therapeutic effect of these drugs is that they normalize the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract, increase the tone of the cardiac sphincter of the esophagus, accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach into the intestines and thereby lead to the absence of regurgitation.

Despite the fact that regurgitation in infants is common and in most cases is not dangerous for the child, it is important to remember that they can be a symptom of a disease and cause a deterioration in the health of the baby. Therefore, if something in the behavior or condition of the child causes concern to the mother, it is best to seek help from a doctor.

Need advice

If the mother cannot assess the nature of the regurgitation herself or something worries her, the child must be shown to the pediatrician. The reasons for concern of parents and the obligatory visit to the doctor are:

  1. profuse and frequent regurgitation;
  2. regurgitation with an admixture of bile or blood;
  3. regurgitation appeared after 6 months or does not go away after six months;
  4. against the background of regurgitation, the child gains weight poorly, is inactive, has rare and small volume of urination.

Newborn weight

The weight of a newborn is an important indicator, the dynamics of which can be used to judge how the baby grows and develops. Even a small weight loss can be a wake-up call for parents. But with regular regurgitation, a child may not receive valuable nutrients for his growth. That is why it is so necessary to constantly monitor the weight of the baby, even at home. The presence of electronic baby scales at home will provide peace of mind to the mother and the ability to adjust the baby's diet.

Less air!

For children who are bottle-fed and who suffer from regurgitation due to swallowing air, special bottles have been developed: physiological bottles with a narrow part tilted at an angle of 30 °. This prevents the possibility of air entering the nipple. Bottles in which there is a special "tunnel" in the form of a tube with a top expanding towards the neck: such a system eliminates the occurrence of a vacuum and the creation of negative pressure. Bottles with a built-in anti-regurgitation valve that prevents air from entering the container and swallowing it.

The very first months of a baby's life are the most important period in its development. It is at this time that the baby gradually adapts to the diversity of the environment that surrounds him. The functioning of his internal organs is also finally adjusted at this time. In the process of such "tuning" the appearance of problems associated with feeding is likely. And if for some time it appears profuse regurgitation , inexperienced parents may be frightened, not knowing whether the child should normally spit up food. In addition, this phenomenon is very similar vomit which is a sign of disease. But in fact, the causes of regurgitation are associated with completely different phenomena, and only in rare cases indicate the development of diseases. About why the baby can spit up often and strongly, how to distinguish vomiting from spitting up, will be discussed in this article.

Is regurgitation after feeding a pathology?

When, after feeding, the baby burps, a small amount of food is thrown out of the stomach through the mouth.

As a rule, the baby spit up a little food. At the same time, parents are still worried about why the baby is spitting up. But in most cases, this is a completely natural and normal process, and there is no need to worry about why a newborn baby is spitting up. After all, in this way, excess air simply comes out of the baby's ventricle. That is, it is a kind of signal that the body is working correctly. And if the baby feels good, and he does not show other alarming symptoms, there is no reason to worry about why the baby is spitting up breast milk.

According to statistics, very few children do not burp in infancy. Approximately 70% of infants have such manifestations until they are 3-6 months old. Children spit up during feeding or after it. That is, if a baby at 2 months has something similar from time to time, this is not a cause for concern. Although up to what age a child burps is a rather individual question. But in most cases, up to 9 months, in most babies, regurgitation disappears by itself.

Most often, regurgitation occurs in children who were born prematurely or in babies with intrauterine growth retardation. In such children, after birth, all body functions “ripen” for another 5-8 weeks. When this period ends, the child's body adapts, and the unpleasant symptoms disappear by themselves. There is no point in worrying about why the baby often spit up after formula feeding or breast milk if at the same time the child feels good, develops normally, smiles and communicates with pleasure.

However, if a strong regurgitation of the “fountain” is constantly manifested, and the baby is restless, it is worth telling the pediatrician about such manifestations. After all, such a condition may indicate diseases that can negatively affect the development of the baby.

How to distinguish: regurgitation or vomiting in infants?

It is important for parents to understand exactly what is happening with the baby: does the newborn vomit after feeding, or does he just spit up.

When spitting up, food flows out, while the abdominal muscles do not contract. As a rule, the baby spits up immediately after feeding, especially if after that his position is sharply changed. After feeding, the baby spits up most often once, with water or milk.

If it happens vomit , the baby is whiny and restless. When food is released, spasms appear, a large amount of vomit is released - more than with regurgitation. When vomiting, parents often note that the child vomited a fountain. Usually, the urge to vomit is repeated, while it joins the ejected contents, so the baby vomits yellow.

Vomiting is a complex reflex act. With its manifestation, the muscles of the diaphragm, abdominal cavity, and press are actively contracted. As a result, the contents of the stomach are spontaneously released to the outside. Before vomiting, the baby is worried about nausea - the skin turns pale, strong, frequent breathing appears, saliva is released. If the baby starts vomiting, you should immediately seek medical help. All pediatricians insist on this - Dr. Komarovsky and other well-known doctors. It is important that the doctor determines the causes of vomiting in infants as soon as possible.

The process of regurgitation is physiological if the following signs occur:

  • missing gagging ;
  • the amount of food allocated is small;
  • the baby spits up no more than twice a day;
  • the baby is gaining weight within the normal range.

Over time, regurgitation disappears without additional treatment. It is important to know what color the breast milk that the child burped should be - normally it should not contain bile impurities, etc.

Why does my baby spit up after breastfeeding?

Thus, the main causes of regurgitation in newborns after feeding is the functional immaturity of the digestive system. If at a certain period the child burps after each feeding, or if the baby belching and regurgitation appear periodically, the reasons for this phenomenon may be as follows:

  • The baby just overate . Even if the child is already full, sometimes he may not stop eating. He sucks at the breast, gradually calming down and enjoying the closeness with his mother. After that, the baby is regurgitation of excess food. In this way, it releases the gastrointestinal tract, preventing its overload. In this case, even abundant regurgitation is a kind of prevention of diseases of the digestive system associated with overeating.
  • - swallowing air while the baby is eating. A similar phenomenon occurs if the baby is in an uncomfortable position during feeding. This is also possible if the baby receives too much breast milk or formula (for example, if a very large hole is cut out in the bottle), if he does not grasp the nipple correctly, or is too excited.
  • - too much gas formation can also be the answer to the question, the baby often spits up after breastfeeding. It is natural feeding that often leads to the manifestation flatulence , as periodically after feeding increases intra-abdominal pressure . That is why a nursing mother should definitely pay attention to her diet. From the menu you need to exclude legumes, black bread, cabbage, fresh apples. The latter can be replaced with baked ones.
  • - Another reason why a child can spit up an hour after feeding or even 2 hours after feeding. With constipation, pressure in the abdominal cavity rises, food moves slowly through the digestive tract, and therefore the likelihood of regurgitation is very high.
  • The cause of regurgitation can also be indiscriminate feeding.
  • The position of the child is also important: if the baby is held upright, then a bubble of air forms in the stomach, which can push some of the food out of the stomach. As a result, it may seem to an inexperienced mother that the baby has vomited.

How to prevent physiological regurgitation?

If parents are still worried about why the newborn is spitting up a lot, you can try to apply some preventive measures to prevent this. Initially, the mother needs to carefully observe the baby in order to understand why exactly he spit up a lot. If the cause is established, it must be eliminated.

If the baby spit up a lot, you can apply the following preventive measures:

  • It is important that both the baby and the nursing mother are in a calm and relaxed state before starting the feeding process. For a while, the baby can be laid out on the tummy or stroked a little on the tummy. It is important that the baby's head is not thrown back, and he can breathe freely through his nose. If the nose is stuffed up, then the child will swallow air with his mouth. It is with nasal congestion that the child often spits up a lot after breastfeeding.
  • With natural nutrition, it is important to control whether the baby takes the breast correctly. It should capture the nipple and areola when sucking. In this case, the lower lip of the baby should be slightly inverted.
  • A baby who is given artificial formula can use special anti-colic bottles and nipples for feeding. With their help, swallowing a large amount of air is prevented by the baby. It is equally important to hold the bottle correctly during feeding: at an angle of 40 degrees if the baby is lying, and 70 degrees if he is sitting in his mother's arms.
  • Don't swaddle your baby too tightly after he has eaten. Immediately after feeding, you should leave it at rest. You can lightly pat him on the back to prevent spitting up. To do this, they sit the baby on their knees, and, holding it with one hand, lightly pat on the back with the other.
  • The reason for regurgitation may be that the nutritional norm is exceeded. If parents suspect that this is the reason, it is necessary to reduce the duration of feeding. To determine if a child has eaten enough, you can weigh him before and after meals. In this case, you need to know what are the norms of formula feeding or the norm of breast milk for a baby of a certain age. Indeed, contrary to popular belief, the answer to the question of whether a newborn can overeat when is positive.
  • Babies who spit up very often should be placed on their side in the crib. So, the masses that "return" from the stomach will not enter the respiratory tract. If this happened when the child was lying on his back, you need to lift him up and turn him face down.
  • Sometimes it is recommended to use a special antireflux mixture to help correct regurgitation. A special indigestible supplement, which contains carob, is a mixture of natural fibers. When they enter the child's stomach, they form a clot there that prevents spitting up.

As a rule, the use of these methods of prevention helps to prevent regurgitation or reduce the frequency of its occurrence. Parents should not be concerned if the baby periodically spit up, but in general he is healthy - gaining weight, behaving calmly. As a rule, parents themselves can suspect a pathology by paying attention to the manifestations of other symptoms against the background of regurgitation. In this case, it is important to consult a pediatrician who will help determine the cause of the pathology.

When is specialist help needed?

It is important for young parents to know for what manifestations it is necessary to seek medical help:

  • If the child continues to spit up regularly after the first six months of life.
  • When the contents of the stomach return with a "fountain" more than twice a day.
  • When symptoms of dehydration appear - if the baby refuses food, his body temperature drops, weakness is noted, rare urination, or he pees more than 10 times a day.
  • The child is developing.
  • The child is not gaining weight well, lagging behind the norm for his age.
  • If the baby spits up "curd" - that is, a curd mass that has an unpleasant odor, a type of sour milk. Sometimes, and normally, the child spits up a curdled mass. But if the baby behaves restlessly at the same time, it is better to show it to the doctor.

In some cases, frequent regurgitation in infants still indicates the development of certain pathologies. Sometimes this is due to violations of intrauterine development of the fetus due to pathologies. If parents are still seriously worried about why the newborn spit up often and profusely, the doctor should look for causes associated with the pathologies described below. Dr. Komarovsky and other specialists name the following diseases in which regurgitation may occur.

Perinatal encephalopathy

If the baby often burps, the causes of this phenomenon may be associated with the difficult course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother. Collective diagnosis perinatal includes dysfunction of the nervous system, which is characterized by profuse regurgitation. Sometimes the baby can spit up even a fountain. He also sleeps poorly, is often restless, he manifests limbs, chin. The risk of developing this disease increases significantly with prolonged fetus during pregnancy. The risk of manifestation of this disease is also high if the baby was born with indicators of less than 5 points according to Apgar score if he survived a momentary cessation of breathing.


This disease is characterized by profuse and frequent regurgitation. After feeding, the baby spits up almost everything that he ate with a fountain. A newborn often cries, worries, and when he sleeps, he throws his head back. With a likely delay in physical and mental development, an increase in muscle tone in the limbs, a delay in the development of a step reflex. Hydrocephalus progresses rapidly and requires immediate treatment.

Other diseases of the central nervous system

Constant regurgitation may indicate impaired blood flow to the brain, birth injuries, underdevelopment of the central nervous system. Regurgitation, accompanied by belching, occurs after each feeding. The child burps undigested food.

Anomalies and pathologies of the development of the digestive system

Persistent and frequent regurgitation may be the result of pyloric stenosis or diaphragmatic hernia . If the baby has pyloric stenosis , the signs of this disease appear almost immediately after birth - on the second day the baby spits up the curd. The newborn loses weight because food is not absorbed and does not pass beyond the stomach. In this state, the baby has no stool, even if the baby is made enema .

Infectious diseases

Baby can spit up sepsis , food poisoning , hepatitis and others. In addition, the baby's temperature rises, lethargy is noted, the skin turns pale or yellow. As Dr. Komarosky and other pediatricians point out, if there is mucus in the contents that the baby burped up, this is evidence intestinal dysbacteriosis or gastrointestinal infections . In such a situation, doctors prescribe the intake or other drugs.

hereditary diseases

This symptom is typical for adrenogenital syndrome . From time to time, the baby may spit up when.

Causes of regurgitation fountain in newborns

If a newborn spits up a fountain regularly, this may be evidence of a severe pathology of the brain, or it may indicate a violation of the digestive function. In addition, the baby spits up a fountain in case of severe poisoning. It is important for parents to know that with such a manifestation, the baby can be seriously ill, and you need to contact the pediatrician immediately. After all, the baby can develop very quickly dehydration , he will quickly lose weight, and the consequences will be very serious.

It is important to determine as soon as possible why the baby is spitting up a fountain after feeding. With this manifestation, the baby may choke in his sleep when he lies on his back. Therefore, even if this happened only a few times, the baby should be laid on its side, fixing its position with the help of rollers.

For artificial children spitting up a fountain, they select a special antireflux mixture which prevents such manifestations.

But the most important thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to establish a diagnosis and help the child cope with the disease.

One of the most common problems that occur in the first year of a child's life is regurgitation. In most babies, regurgitation begins even while in the maternity hospital. According to statistics, about 70% of parents of children under the age of 3.5-4 months face this problem.

Very often, a young mother is frightened when she first sees her baby spit up milk. You should not worry too much about this: in the vast majority of cases, regurgitation is physiological, and occurs as a result of structural features of the body of a newborn child. They are not dangerous for the health and development of the baby. If you take certain measures to prevent the occurrence of such conditions, you can significantly reduce them, or even avoid them altogether.

Regurgitation is the mechanical ingress of small amounts of milk from the stomach into the esophagus and oral cavity. As a rule, milk flows in a thin stream during regurgitation, undigested curdled lumps may occur - their appearance means that the milk has curtailed. Functional regurgitation is quite natural, and by a certain age it disappears on its own. Mom should not worry when they occur, if the child is gaining weight well, and the general well-being of the baby does not worsen.
The causes of physiological (functional) regurgitation may be structural features and maturation of the gastrointestinal tract in newborns, for example:

  • short length of the esophagus in a newborn;
  • features of the shape of the stomach;
  • immaturity of the sphincter, blocking the entry of food from the stomach into the esophagus.

Such regurgitation completely disappears as the baby's digestive system matures. This happens around the age of 4-5 months. Most often, children born prematurely, as well as those with low birth weight, are prone to the appearance of this type of regurgitation.

In addition to the natural features of the development of the digestive organs, external factors that provoke the pushing of food into the esophagus can also lead to the appearance of regurgitation. These include:

All these reasons are eliminated and do not pose any danger to the life and development of the baby. However, it also happens that regurgitation that occurs after each feeding can be signs of quite dangerous diseases that require medical treatment. In some cases, the intervention of a surgeon may be necessary.

Other causes of regurgitation

If the baby does not feel well, cries during feeding, spits up after each meal, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes such manifestations can be the first signs of diseases or serious pathologies, which can only be eliminated with the help of drug treatment.

What disorders in the child's body can cause regular regurgitation in infants:

  1. Intestinal obstruction. This is the most dangerous disease that requires immediate treatment in the hospital! If the milk that the child vomited is green or brown, you must immediately call an ambulance team or go to the children's hospital on your own. In this condition, the child urgently needs the help of a surgeon!
  2. various infections. If the baby is spitting up a lot of undigested milk, it may be a bout of vomiting. Be sure to show the child to the local pediatrician, since intestinal infections are extremely dangerous for infants. As a rule, they are accompanied by such signs as fever, pallor of the skin, lack of food. You may need to be admitted to an infectious disease hospital.
  3. Pathologies and malformations of the digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract. In this case, only a pediatric surgeon can carry out adequate treatment.
  4. Violations in the work of the central nervous system, perinatal damage to the central nervous system.

How to distinguish regurgitation from vomiting

Parents of first-borns are very often frightened when they encounter such a phenomenon as regurgitation for the first time. Most people think that the baby is vomiting, and they begin to call their relatives and friends in a panic, not knowing what to do in such a situation. To protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries, you need to know how regurgitation differs from vomiting. The table below shows the signs of both phenomena, knowing which you can always recognize what exactly bothered your baby.

QuantityNo more than 2 tablespoons2 tablespoons or more
ColorWhiteMilky, yellow (rarely green, brown)
ConsistencyLiquid, or with slight inclusions of cheesy particlesCurdled, thicker (compared to milk)
Frequency of occurrence1 time after feeding (sometimes each)Unlimited times, anytime, regardless of feeding
Manifestation methodA thin trickle according to the type of leakageFountain (several pushes at a time)

Advice! To understand how much milk the child burped, you need to take a flannel diaper and pour 2 tablespoons of water on it. Then compare the size of the wet spot on the diaper with the volume of undigested milk - they should be approximately the same.

This condition most often occurs in the first weeks of a newborn's life. Boys are more susceptible to it than girls. It arises as a result of the fact that the pylorus, located between the stomach and esophagus, does not block the access between them well enough. Vomiting can occur not only immediately after feeding, but even during it. At the same time, the contents of the stomach come out in small jolts, and its volume can reach the amount of milk eaten by the baby.
Children with such a pathology must necessarily be registered with a pediatric surgeon and regularly undergo all necessary examinations.

How to help a baby

Regurgitation delivers a lot of discomfort not only to the mother, but also to the child. The baby may be frightened, because at such moments there is a holding of breath. In addition, it causes discomfort to the digestive organs, causing additional torment to the crumbs. What can be done to alleviate the condition of the baby, and prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon:

  1. Correctly organize the process of applying the baby to the breast. This is very important not only for the prevention of regurgitation, colic and flatulence, but also for improving the lactation of a nursing mother. If the baby is bottle-fed, special anti-colic bottles can be purchased at a pharmacy or baby store. Such a measure will help to avoid air entering the stomach of the newborn, which will significantly reduce the manifestation of problems associated with the imperfection of the digestive system of a small organism.
  2. Avoid overeating. Don't immediately offer your baby the breast as soon as he shows signs of anxiety. Perhaps the baby just wants to communicate, or he is cold. If the baby starts crying a little time after feeding, try to pick him up, shake him, sing a song. If, nevertheless, the baby does not calm down and requires milk, then offer him the same breast that he ate before. This will avoid overeating and satisfy the baby's need for suckling. Try to follow the rule of changing breasts during feedings in this way: change breasts every four hours. An additional plus of this method is that the baby will receive not only foremilk, which consists practically of water and milk sugar, but also hindmilk, more fatty and nutritious.
  3. During feeding, you need to ensure the baby is in the correct position of the body. The baby's head should be above shoulder level. For these purposes, special feeding pillows sold in children's stores are perfect. They will also be indispensable for women with small breasts, as it will be much easier for the baby to reach the nipple.
  4. After each feeding, it is necessary to help the child burp excess air. To do this, you need to press the baby to your stomach, turning it towards you (keep the baby in an upright position) for about 10-15 minutes.
  5. If the baby is bottle-fed, it makes sense to discuss with the pediatrician the possibility of replacing the milk formula with a special medical one. This measure is used quite often and allows you to minimize the number of regurgitation, and sometimes even get rid of them. Most often, children are prescribed such therapeutic mixtures as Frisovoy, Nutrilon Antireflux, Samper Lemolak, Enfamil AR.

Medical treatment

If the measures taken do not help to reduce the number of regurgitation, then the child is prescribed medication. To eliminate spasms in the intestines, "Riabal" can be used. It is a fairly common drug and is often given to children with similar problems. It is safe enough to use even in infancy.
If a child has problems with intestinal motility, the doctor may recommend Motilium or Coordinax. These are drugs belonging to the group of prokinetics. Their use has a positive effect on bowel contraction, and in most cases can improve the condition of a small patient.
If the cause of regurgitation is serious enough and cannot be eliminated by the use of drugs, a surgical operation is prescribed.

In what cases you need to see a doctor

Although most causes of spitting up in newborns are fairly harmless, you should contact your pediatrician if:

  • the child refuses to eat;
  • regurgitation occurs after each feeding in large quantities;
  • the baby spits up a fountain;
  • the milk that the child has burped up is green, brown or yellow;
  • pallor of the skin appears or the body temperature rises;
  • the child is not gaining weight.

In all other cases, it is enough to closely monitor the well-being of the baby and take measures to prevent regurgitation. As a rule, this is enough, and after some time this unpleasant phenomenon passes on its own.
If, nevertheless, the mother continues to worry and think that something is wrong with her baby, it is worth going to the children's clinic and showing the child to the pediatrician. In matters relating to children's health, it is better to play it safe than to waste precious time and start the course of a serious illness.

Video - Baby spitting up after breastfeeding. Doctor Komarovsky