Emma and Killian wedding. More from Once Upon a Time fandom

Today was one of the most important days in the city of Storybrooke. After all, today, today, the wedding of the most harmonious couple of this amazing city, the savior and the pirate, will take place. The weather was just fabulous that day. The sky was clear, there were no black clouds, and the air was warm. From the very morning, the city began a real turmoil. They decided to celebrate the wedding in the garden of the house of Mayor Regina Mills, of course, she was against it at first, but after some half an hour of persuasion, she nevertheless agreed. Everyone has taken over the responsibilities: Regina, Henry and Zelena have taken care of the garden decor, Ruby and Belle have taken over the preparation of the wedding cake, Robin and David will help Killian get ready, and Mary Margaret and Violet will help Emma. In the morning, Snow White came to the house of the savior and the pirate to prepare Swan for such an important event. She kicked Jones out of the house and sent him to Nolan and Locksley, who were waiting for him at the Charmings' house. After some 10 minutes, Violet joined them. Ruby and Belle have arranged to meet at a cafe to make a delicious wedding cake. And Regina with Zelena and Henry began to decorate the garden with various accessories, which made the garden even more beautiful.

Meanwhile, there was an argument at the Charmings' house about a suit. Killian offered to wear a blue tuxedo, but David was against him, saying that it did not suit him. And he suggested wearing a classic black with a white shirt. And Robin stood on the sidelines, not interfering with them, to sort things out. "Robin, talk David into wearing the blue suit," Jones blurted out. - No, Robin, persuade him, - pointing to the groom, said Charming. “But this is my wedding, and it’s up to me to decide what to wear,” he answered furiously. “Ah, that means your wedding, then marry yourself, and I won’t let Emma go a step closer to you,” the prince replied in the same tone. “So, calm down already,” said Robin, standing near the wall. "Both," added the archer. “Killian, put on a classic, because that’s how it is in this world,” Locksley began to explain to his friend. “But,” he wanted to say, as Nolan's voice distracted him. Resigned to David's choice, the pirate still decided to wear a classic suit.

And for Ruby and Belle, things also didn’t go as smoothly as it seemed at first glance. Due to the fact that Ruby left the cafe for 5 minutes, referring to some important business, Belle decided to sit down for 5 minutes and did not notice how she fell asleep. She was woken up by Ruby screaming as she pulled a burnt cake crust out of the oven. “Well, Belle, how could you not keep track of the cake,” the wolf screamed at her. "Ruby, I'm sorry, I just fell asleep and forgot about the cake at all," French said. "We'll have to make a new one," answered Lucas, the youngest, with a sigh.

It was extremely calm in the house of the savior, so Emma was not given the right to speak, everything was decided for her by her mother. Sitting on a chair, the blonde thought about running away, but immediately changed her mind, letting her mother do everything for her. So sitting for the second hour, Emma successfully got a manicure and make-up. It's time to put on the dress. The dress, of course, was chosen by Swan. It was lacy and light, just like the blonde herself wanted. The look was completed with high heels. They decided not to bother with the hairstyle, they made small curls that fell on the girl’s shoulders, the hairstyle was complemented by a small diadem trimmed with blue stones. Half an hour later, the bride was ready, as was the groom. The garden was decorated and the cake was prepared. All the guests began to gather in the garden at Mills. David has already gone for the bride. Taking her by the hand, the prince led his daughter along the red carpet, sprinkled with white rose petals. The look of the savior was directed at the charming pirate, who was standing near the white arch, decorated with flowers. All the guests turned their gaze to the savior. Emma glanced at her mother, who was already in tears of happiness, at Regina, who was happy for her friend, and at her son, who was also happy that his mother had found her happiness. Passing Emma's hand into Killian's, Emma saw in the eyes of her beloved all the love and tenderness for her. “So, dear bride and groom!” Archie Hopper began his speech. “Today your hearts make an alliance to beat side by side inseparably for the rest of your life,” he continued his fiery speech. - So, Emma is your oath, - gave the floor to the bride Archie. - I'm happy to be standing right here and with you, Killian. Without you, my life would be boring and uninteresting. Thanks to you, I understood what a family is. It was you who always supported me in difficult times, after Neal's betrayal, I thought that I could not love anyone like you. You were always tearing down my walls, and I was constantly building them, and it was you who was able to win my heart. Know that I don't need anyone but you. I am ready to follow you down to the Underworld again and again, risking my life for you. I promise to love you forever, Killian," Swan said, looking into her beloved's eyes."Now you're Killian," Hopper continued. - Emma, ​​I want to thank you. After all, it was you who saw the light in me, and that I could be a hero. All thanks to you, it was you who made me let go of revenge and darkness. I thought that I would not be able to love anyone after the death of Mila, but apparently I was able to love you. I am ready to follow you to the ends of the earth and risk my own life for you. I promise to love you forever, Emma, ​​and to protect your heart always, - Jones said, also looking at the eyes of his beloved and desired woman in the world.- So, I declare you husband and wife, you can exchange rings, - added Archie. “Ah, now the groom can kiss the bride,” he added to his words. The man pulled the woman by the waist and dug into her lips with a tender kiss. After the official ceremony, everyone went to a cafe to celebrate this event. Everyone was having fun, dancing and drinking. Now that all the monsters have been defeated, the couple will have quiet and peaceful moments in the city of Storybrooke.

Emma stood in front of a large mirror hanging on the wall in a carved wooden frame, in which she reflected in full growth, and examined herself with panicky disbelief. Is this woman with her blond hair pulled up in a high hairstyle and in a luxurious wedding dress she, Sheriff Swan? “You are beautiful, dear,” Snow White breathed reverently behind her daughter, convulsively trying to hold back tears of joy. Emma caught her mother's happy look in the mirror and smiled back at her. True, the white as chalk, the face of the savior betrayed her with her head, not allowing her owner to pretend to be a carefree bride. Mary Margaret frowned as she gazed into her only child's green eyes, which were filled with ill-concealed fear at the very bottom. Soothingly embracing Emma by the waist, Snowball clarified in a voice high with growing anxiety: - Dear, is everything all right? The blonde didn't have time to answer. Ruby burst into the room in a bright spot of color. - Snowball, I don't know what to do with the gnomes! I don’t understand where they got alcohol, and even in such quantities! The bartender swears: all alcoholic drinks, especially strong ones, are under strict control, but ... - Little Red Riding Hood, seeing Emma at last, abruptly interrupts her monologue. Not believing her eyes, she froze for a few moments in mute admiration, and then said in shock: - God, sheriff, you are simply beautiful! Look like a princess should! Hook will be the envy of all the guests. To these words, the reaction of the two women was different: Snow White smiled flatteredly, glancing approvingly at her creation - after all, the choice of dress, hairstyle and makeup was her doing. Swan swallowed nervously and discreetly wiped her sweaty palms on her full skirt, embroidered with precious stones and dazzling in the light. Ruby, recollecting herself and ceasing to stare at the savior, guiltily returned to the interrupted topic: - I understand that now is not the time, but ... Snowball, David went for the groom, Regina is treating the priest ... - What ?! - from the simultaneous cry of mother and daughter, a crystal vase with flowers tinkled plaintively. Ruby, already remorseful that she climbed in asking for help at such an exciting and bad moment for the female nervous system, involuntarily pulled her head into her shoulders and chattered: - Oh, you have nothing to worry about! The Holy Father slipped (albeit out of the blue, which is suspicious) and, falling, broke his legs and his right arm (which is even more suspicious). You know, Veil would have had to deal with so many injuries, but luckily, Regina immediately volunteered to help. In general, it's not about that. Gnomes! They have already passed the stage of sentimental memories of your living together in a house in the middle of the forest - while Little Red Riding Hood for some reason blushed and looked from Snow White to her impeccable manicure - and moved on to something in between an unauthorized rally in favor of the Beautiful family ( flashing slogans like: "Down with Mills! The prince for mayor!") And crazy dancing on the tables. Emma watched with interest as the emotions on her mother's face shifted from disbelief to quiet fury one after the other. At the moment, Snowball looked the least like a fairy princess. The usually sweet and kind woman had the look of a man who did not hesitate to put an arrow in the ogre's eye and did not have time to forget how exactly it was done. Swan was involuntarily glad that Mary Margaret's bow remained in their apartment. “It's good that David is serving as sheriff today. Let him understand. He's no stranger to it," the savior thought cowardly. - I would ask Belle, but she does not leave Gold. He's kind of weird today. And extremely… ahem.. sloppy with his cane. Of course, there were no complaints about him, but I think the instinct of self-preservation will soon let the guests down, - Ruby drawled slightly thoughtfully, who undoubtedly could paint for a long time the numerous details of the fun that reigns outside the door, but Snow did not let her do this, resolutely heading towards the exit of the room. "I'll be there soon," she said to Emma. - I'll come back and make a deal. Little Red Riding Hood hurried after her, tapping her heels and pulling at the short hem of her burgundy skirt, giving the bride a slightly embarrassed smile in parting and approving her appearance with two thumbs up. Once alone, the savior breathed a sigh of relief and immediately collapsed on the bed with pleasure, stretching out the entire length of this piece of furniture. The thought crossed her mind that her mother wouldn't like the wrinkled wedding dress, but Swan didn't attach any importance to such a trifle. The ability to look unpresentable in a snow-white outfit worried her the least. Panic anxiety, the cause of which the woman could not formulate, covered her head, making her doubt the correctness of her early choice. The Sheriff of Storybrooke, closing her eyes, tried to understand at what point in time everything went wrong. At what point in the hell did she set herself up like that?! Fragments of memories flashed before Emma's mind's eye, replacing each other like patterns in a kaleidoscope, and formed into vivid pictures, restoring the chronology of the events that had taken place.

It all started when, a couple of weeks after returning from Neverland, Emma decided to talk to Neil. A powerful impetus to him was Belfire's phrase, uttered by him on emotions while still on the island: "If Henry is the only thing our relationship has given, then that's enough." In the echoes of these words, echoing in her soul, the woman painfully searched for a way out. Finally, after long hesitation, Emma uncompromisingly announced her decision to the father of her child: a happy full-fledged family in the traditional sense will not work out of the three of them. Neil was confused at first, and then agreed with a look as if he himself had come to a similar conclusion. Drawing a mental tick against the picture that popped up in front of her eyes, Swan admitted to herself that everything was done right here. Perhaps not very correct was the subsequent use of alcoholic beverages in the company of his first love in honor of mutual respect and eternal friendship. Although, like, not so much they drank! No, it's not true. Otherwise, they would not have come up with a brilliant idea to draw up a detailed schedule of the boy's communication with both parents. Or, at the very least, they wouldn't forget to mention Henry's adoptive mother in that damn diagram. Unfortunately, it was during a heated argument about who the boy would spend Saturday with that Regina appeared at Grandma's Cafe. The face of the Queen, when she, wanting to say hello, went to the table and caught the essence of the conversation of the family that was not reunited, Emma still sometimes dreamed. In nightmares. It seems that it was precisely in fleeing from Mills that the daughter of Snow White and the son of the Dark One for the first time showed an early unanimity unusual for them, without saying a word, choosing a route along which they fled from powerful fireballs in short dashes. Emma is still ashamed of the destroyed building of the library. It’s good that Gold, awakened by the noise and coming to find out what was the matter, quickly returned the architectural monument to its original appearance, resolutely inviting all the participants in the scandal to go to bed. The appearance of the gloomy and sarcastic Rumplestiltskin did not allow anyone present at the family showdown to reject such a tempting request-order. Regina, with a final menacing look at Swan, promising a lot of wonderful things in the very near future, disappeared into the lilac fog. Neil, smiling guiltily and spreading his arms, was taken by the elbow by his father and forcibly taken home. The Dark One, lightly holding his son, muttered something in an undertone about the neglected upbringing of his child: “Just a few hundred years ... What has my dear boy Bey turned into? »

It is unlikely that all the actions of the woman listed above can be called correct, but they were not the source of Emma's problems today either. The blonde involuntarily grimaced, forcing herself to rewind the tape of memories a little, returning to the main thing. Of course, the subsequent desire to clear out and be alone before showing up in the middle of the night to her parents looked quite reasonable in the light of what had happened. But, Lord, why was the pier the final destination of her nightly promenade? The savior sighed heavily, recalling the next vivid episode of that evening.

A piercing wind blew from the sea. Emma shrugged involuntarily at the cold and pulled her red leather jacket as low as she could, wishing she'd taken the weather forecast into account when she left the house. The blonde's nose had already matched the color of her outerwear, but the woman was not going to leave. With mixed feelings, she, securely sheltered from prying eyes by dense vegetation, looked at Hook's ship. At that moment, Emma herself did not fully understand what exactly she wanted to do. Intuition in a sensual whisper advised to let go of all doubts and commit stupidity. The savior was still hesitating when behind her, with notes of surprise and joy, a hoarse voice was said: - Swan, what the hell are you doing here? Jumping up in surprise and clutching her firearm out of habit, the Storybrooke sheriff turned around sharply and found herself pressed close to the chest of the well-known pirate. Pulling his lips into a seductive smile, Jones looked into the woman's green eyes. - Are your gatherings in the bushes connected with nostalgia for me or for Neverland? Do not answer, honey, let me solve such an attractive puzzle in every sense. Guessing that the phrase about the open book, which she is for him, will now follow, Emma abruptly broke free, breaking their involuntary embrace. “Actually, there was a complaint about suspicious noise from the pier,” the woman lied confidently, trying to calm her inner trembling. - I came to check if everything is in order. - I assure you, beauty, before you appeared, it was an extremely boring and quiet place. However, - Killian leaned towards the blonde's ear, barely touching it with his breath, - it is in our power to correct the latter. The savior shook her head, throwing off the numbness into which the pirate's manner of saying phrases always introduced her, putting in them an intimate background and double meaning. Flirting Hook was undeniably devilishly sexy and attractive, but those qualities both beckoned and repulsed her from the captain. Reason once again prevailed over emotions. - I take your word for it. I must go home. Before Emma had taken even a couple of steps, the heavens seemed to open up. Downpour of monstrous force poured onto the ground in a powerful cold stream. In a second, they were both soaked to the skin. - Don't be stupid, - Jones grabbed the blonde by the wrist with his healthy hand, - by the time you get to your parents, you'll catch pneumonia! My ship is closer. - Should I fall for this, Hook? Really? - it seemed that her cry blocked even the peals of thunder and the impact of rain on the pavement. Green eyes were lightning, blue - burned with passion. Realizing that there would be no winners in the duel, Killian resolutely pulled the stubborn stubbornness that was driving him crazy. - We both know: only what you yourself want can happen. So be reasonable, Swan! It's so typical of you. After a moment's pause, Emma nodded and ran towards the Jolly Roger. The captain rushed after her, pulling off his leather cloak. Heedless of objections, he threw his waterproof part of the wardrobe over the woman's shoulders on the go.

A soft knock on the door brought Swan back to reality. Rising abruptly from the bed, the rescuer quickly straightened her beautiful white dress and allowed: - Come in. First, Tink's head, and then the whole fairy, looked into the room timidly. Tinkerbell was wearing a delightful emerald-colored outfit, emphasizing her fragile figure. Her blond long hair was pulled back into her usual bun, which for some reason looked festive today. Looking around a little embarrassed, the fairy hurried to explain the purpose of her visit: - I'll take a minute from you. Neil isn't here? - You think I hide it under the bed? Emma wondered involuntarily, allowing herself to smile. Tinkerbell also relaxed a little and explained: - We can't find him anywhere. So I decided to check with you, just in case. Seeing how a shadow of excitement and anxiety ran across the bride's face, the fairy quickly added, heading towards the exit: - Don't worry, today everything is somersault, but in the end the event is worth it. And Emma, ​​you look amazing! With a wink, Tinker Bell flew off in search of the Nile. The daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming went to the mirror and looked at herself once more. It must be admitted that the wedding dress was luxurious and really suited her. He seemed to emphasize with all his might that his owner was a princess. Adjusting her tight corset, embroidered with natural pearls, Emma rubbed her temples and sat down on a chair. The fate of the Nile, of course, worried the woman, but she was even more worried about how she ended up in such a strange position for herself. Sighing, the bride again returned to the painful search for her fatal mistake. The next memory already appeared in her mind's eye.

Damn it, Swan, take your clothes off already! Jones raised his voice without hiding his annoyance. - You're shaking all over from the cold. A huge puddle leaked from the clothes. By the way, you ruined my favorite Persian rug. - And why are there such luxury items in the captain's cabin? Emma snarled, wrapping her arms around herself and trying to stop shaking. You are a pirate, not a king. Be more simple. - It's a trophy. Obtained in a fair sea battle, - Killian explained grimly, examining his closet. Sighing, he turned to the blonde and clarified: - Blanket or my shirt? Emma thought she had misheard: - No other options? “There was no need to stock up on women's wardrobe,” Jones added with a smile, “ready to rectify the situation if the lady so desires. Swan rolled her eyes and grabbed both offered items. After escorting the pirate out the door and locking it with a key, Emma pulled off her wet clothes. The woman dried herself with a towel and put on a black men's shirt, and then carefully wrapped herself in a blanket. After making sure that nothing superfluous was visible anywhere, the blonde let in Hook, who was already waiting in the corridor. He, too, had changed his clothes and now showed off in tight leather pants and a red vest over a dark shirt. Looking at the man longer than usual, Emma could not help noticing that the cloak criminally hid the handsome figure of the captain. When she nevertheless raised her eyes to the level of Jones's face, the raised left eyebrow of the pirate and his meaningful smile made the savior blush. - I hope no disappointment, Swan? - Has it stopped raining? the woman asked hopefully, realizing that she could not win this battle. - No, it's still on. - So, what are we going to do? Emma nearly bit her tongue, realizing too late how ambiguous the question sounded. She was already preparing to defend herself, expecting vulgar attacks in the style of: “What would you like, beautiful?”, But Hook silently walked over to the dark wood table and pulled something out of the drawer. - I suggest you play. - Play chess? - The savior looked with disbelief at a small board and figurines made of natural colored stones, which Jones had already placed across the field. - Surprised? - You're a pirate. - Okay, let's drink rum and talk. - Mine are white! Killian nodded in agreement. Maybe Emma didn't want to admit it, but there was definitely a connection between them that allowed them to understand each other without further ado. Here and now, Jones intuitively decided to postpone flirting for a while. He loved challenging Emma, ​​and even more so how she responded to it. Suffice it to recall their kiss in Neverland. However, for the moment, the captain felt that the woman should simply be given the opportunity to calm down, warm up and recover. With difficulty looking away from the sheriff's lovely legs, he reminded himself of good manners and dignified behavior. Hook is not without difficulty, but plunged into the game. In chess, if Emma could not be called a strong opponent, then a worthy one for sure, so the blonde counted on a quick victory. After losing three games in a row, she lifted her head in disbelief from the placed pieces and looked with curiosity at the man sitting opposite her. - Who taught you to play? - Liam loved chess. And got me interested. - Can you tell me about him? After hesitating a little, Hook began to recall incidents from his childhood. At first, the pain that flared up in his chest, as always, after the mention of his dead brother, prevented him from speaking, forcing him to carefully choose his words and make inappropriate pauses in the conversation. But the longer his monologue lasted, the more distinctly Jones felt: it was getting easier for him, as if a weight was being removed from him bit by bit, pressing on his heart. Emma somehow imperceptibly got over to Killian's knees and rested her head on his shoulder. She understood that it was enough for her to just silently listen to a man, without expressing sympathy, which he would definitely not accept. In the slightly hoarse voice of the pirate, the notes of impotent anger and longing gradually disappeared. The atmosphere of mutual trust, the warmth of a strong body, the forgotten opportunity to relax and just be yourself - all of these factors lulled tired Emma. For a moment, as it seemed to her, she closed her eyes, and came to her senses only, feeling how she was being carefully carried somewhere. Panicked, the woman immediately woke up from her dream: - What are you doing? - I'm putting you to bed, - Jones, without unclenching his arms, pulled back the covers with a jerk, straightening the bed. - Today it is exclusively at your disposal. - I don't want to sleep alone. - Swan, you're risking... - Perhaps you're the only one at risk. Everything repeated, as then, on the island. Only now the green eyes were challenging. With a muffled groan, Killian pulled his beloved to him, covering her lips with his own. His good hand rested tenderly on the back of the woman's head, raking his fingers through her long blond hair. Feeling the alcohol on Emma's tongue, he abruptly broke the kiss and exhaled raggedly, "How much did you drink?" The savior had already managed to forget about the gatherings with the Nile, so she did not immediately understand the question. Too many events then happened, completely weathering all the hops from my head. "Not enough to make you forget everything in the morning," she whispered, caressing his neck with her breath. Cursing softly, Jones pulled Emma to him with force, simultaneously freeing them from their unnecessary clothes and depriving both of them of the opportunity to reason sensibly for a while.

The memory of the events of that night made the bride turn purple with embarrassment. In an attempt to control herself, she got up from her chair and began to nervously pace the room. Of course, an intimate relationship with Jones did not fit into her prudent plans for a calm and measured life, but she did not dare to call what happened then a mistake. Perhaps you should have limited yourself to a single time and forgot about it. “Uh-huh,” Emma mentally answered herself, “you might think I confessed my love to him in the morning and offered to play the wedding!” Tucking a loose curl behind her ear, she sighed and plunged into another episode from the recent past.

It was perhaps the most difficult week in the life of Emma. Only seven days had passed since she and Hook had slept, and it seemed to the woman an eternity. She constantly thought about him. Intimate details of their communication surfaced in my head every now and then, forcing me to blush and involuntarily hide my eyes. Everything fell out of hand. Even my favorite work did not bring more pleasure. For the first time in her life, she was rude to Mary Margaret and quarreled with David. Regina also got it, who did not keep silent, and advised the sheriff in response to start to improve her personal life. And stop dragging all suspicious personalities behind bars. We have a whole city of these. Normal people do not live here in principle, - shaking the folder with the latest reports, Mills scolded the disgruntled savior. - With your pace of work, you won’t get enough of any cameras. - I myself will figure out what to do, - the blonde snapped angrily and hurried to the exit. - In that case, - Regina threw at her back, - deal with your pirate. There isn't a drinking establishment left in Storybrooke that hasn't filed a complaint against him yet. Emma slammed the front door with such force that the first digit flew off the mayor's house number. She knew about the reports that came to Hook with terrifying regularity, but she did nothing, afraid to run into the captain again. Before evening, Swan managed to spoil the mood several more times for herself and those around her, and then, admitting her defeat, went to the pier at dusk. “First of all, I can’t ignore my job responsibilities,” Emma consoled herself. “Secondly, we are adult free people, just think, sex ... In our time, this fact is not even a reason to get to know each other.” For some reason, the last thought made the blonde wince in pain. "Hook," Swan shouted as she climbed onto the deck of the Jolly Roger. - We need to talk. - So you, honey, came to talk? I was hoping to arrest! The streetlights barely illuminated the ship, so it took Emma a moment to see Jones, who was standing with a hooked hand on the steering wheel. Coming closer, the woman involuntarily noted that she was glad to see a man. She really got bored. However, with a sigh, she began the already boring game. - What kind of defeat did you arrange in almost all the bars? Struggling to improve the quality of the rum served? Imps jumped in the pirate's eyes. He accepted the rules. "I'm just giving you the promised fun." Emma nearly suffocated. Either from indignation, or from the fact that her eyes accidentally fell on the open collar of Killian's shirt. "I'm afraid you've chosen the wrong method." The woman pulled handcuffs from her pocket, ready to snap them around Hook's wrists. But Jones was ahead of her. He pulled the sheriff to him, wrapping his good arm around her waist. Their faces were a couple of inches apart. Emma could feel Killian's breath on her lips. - Indeed? The pirate nodded at the metal bracelets that the sheriff never had time to use. "Are you sure we'd be bored without them, honey?" - Damn, Hook! the woman screamed, pulling herself out of the hug. “You can at least be serious now. Taking a step back, Killian threw a cheeky look at the blonde and decided on a purely boyish ploy. - Can. By the way, I seriously have to go down the Rabbit Hole. I made Tink wait in a very ungentlemanly way. “Are you…” Swan gasped, “are you dating?” - Maybe. Jones momentarily doubted the wisdom of the idea that spontaneously occurred to him. The expression of green eyes, ready to incinerate on the spot, terrified even him. But he didn't have time to do anything. With the look of an angry tigress, the woman grabbed the pirate by the collar of his leather cloak and pulled him sharply to her. The kiss that followed took them both a long time to come to their senses. - We are together. It's clear? “Definitely yes, milady.

This time, the bride's thoughts were interrupted quite rudely, not even honoring her with a warning knock or a timid cough. The unusually disheveled Dr. Hopper burst into the room, slammed the door hard and leaned back against it, breathing heavily. The psychologist's glasses fogged up and slid down his nose, his tie managed to get untied, the suit strayed on its side. The appearance of the man was quite comical. If the savior had a mood, she would definitely laugh. - Archie, it's good to see you, but congratulations are premature. The former cricket smiled warmly and began wiping his glasses. - Oh, Emma, ​​you are simply adorable in this dress! There are no words to describe my admiration for you. - Thanks to. There was silence for a few minutes. Emma looked at Dr. Hopper with incomprehension, he happily looked at her. Realizing that such an exchange of glances could drag on for a long time, the woman could not stand it first: - It's very nice that you decided to look at me, but I would prefer to be alone. - I understand, - the doctor nodded, - pre-wedding excitement. Do you want to talk about it? It seemed to the savior that in the last phrase there was a poorly concealed hope. The woman, involuntarily folding her hands on her chest and narrowing her eyes, was about to start asking questions, but did not have time. A girl's voice, vaguely familiar to her, rang out in the corridor, hearing which Archie rushed in a panic to the thick curtains. Trying to hide behind them, he whispered in horror: - It's Ariel! Please don't tell her I'm here! - Belle's girlfriend? I have never seen a more harmless mermaid. - Harmless?! Hopper was outraged. “Yes, she does not stop talking for a minute! For a month now, she has been visiting me every day and talking, talking, talking ... After Regina returned her voice, this girl wants to discuss in detail the several decades that she spent in forced silence. I've had enough, I can't listen to her chatter anymore! And, you know, I began to doubt that for Prince Eric, fishing and the subsequent butchering of the catch is just a hobby that does not carry an additional semantic load. Blazing out in one breath, Archie tried to take cover behind the curtain, but was intercepted by Emma's firm hand. “Be that as it may,” Emma said firmly, decisively pushing the man to the door, “but the girl needs your help. And you, as a psychologist and a living embodiment of conscience, must provide it. “I don’t ignore my duties at all,” Archie drawled plaintively, resting his feet on the floor and preventing the irritated bride from escorting him out of the room. “Just hoping for a day off today. - I'm afraid, - said the rescuer, coping with Hopper's resistance and abruptly pushing him into the corridor, - you have no right to him. - And for a one-day vacation at your own expense? But Emma had already slammed the door in the doctor's face with a bang. After standing for several minutes in tense expectation and making sure that no one was going to disturb her peace anymore, the woman returned to her disturbing memories.

Emma and Killian have been together for a month now. True, no one knew about it. The idea to postpone the publicity of their relationship belonged to the savior. She was afraid of the reaction of Henry and her parents, and therefore in every possible way pushed back the moment of explanations with them. Jones did not like the situation, so he honestly warned that such a long game of hide and seek with the whole city was already pretty fed up with him, and his patience was running out. Swan knew she couldn't take it any longer, but the thought of changing something terrified her. Emma has never been so good. She herself was surprised at how harmonious their couple was, as if, indeed, two halves of one whole. To be honest, they didn’t dare to call their communication calm and measured: they didn’t miss a single opportunity to tease each other or verbally grapple because of some trifle. However, such skirmishes were always followed by a long conversation filled with intimacy and trust. The woman was embarrassed to talk about the intimate aspects of their relationship even to herself. However, that didn't stop her from enjoying them. It is not known how long such a state of uncertainty would have lasted for the two of them if chance had not intervened in the matter. - Hook! Emma broke away from the pirate's lips and said doubtfully: - I think I hear someone's voice from the deck. Not wanting to interrupt the activity that was interesting for both of them, Killian dismissed it with displeasure: - It seemed to you. - Hook! Kryuyuk! The blonde evaded the kiss and put her hand on the captain's bare chest, calling for his attention. - Yes, where did he go? Hook! - Probably downstairs. The second guest spoke more quietly, which did not prevent Emma from recognizing him. Or rather her. “Cheeert,” moaned the savior, jerking off the bed and ending up on the floor. It's Mary Margaret! And with her, apparently, David! The woman looked with horror at the picture that appeared in front of her: clothes scattered all over the cabin, a pristine table from which all the items previously on it were demolished, a bookshelf torn from the wall in a fit of passion and, as a final chord, carelessly dismantled a bed with a naked pirate on it. It seems that Swan has not yet managed to get into a worse mess. Emma rushed to collect things, frantically trying to eliminate the traces of her stay in the room. Stunned by the situation, Jones hurried to the aid of his beloved. - Close the door! - The lock has been broken for two days. And you still haven't fixed it? - And who constantly distracted me with impudent harassment? - What?! There was no time for bickering, so the blonde, grabbing a sheet and her hastily assembled wardrobe, rushed to a large wooden wardrobe for storing outerwear. Swan, seriously? We're adults, damn it! “Remind my father about this,” Emma grunted, diving like a fish into a piece of furniture, well known from bearded jokes about unfaithful spouses. Slamming the doors shut, she tried to calm her racing heart. She has never been so funny and scary at the same time! Jones, too, for some reason feeling a nascent panic in his soul, managed to throw himself under the covers and pull it up to his chin before the parents of the woman he loved entered the captain's cabin. - Hook, - the smile on the lips of the Prince Charming froze when he saw the room destroyed, as after military operations. Snow White's endurance was better. After saying hello, she looked away in embarrassment and remarked with a touch of slight concern: - I'm sorry, we didn't know you were sleeping. It's already noon outside. At these words, Jones coughed convulsively and hastily replied: - I do not feel very well today, milady. Don't worry. - Well, yes, - David thoughtfully drawled, in whose head two versions of what happened had already matured. He didn't like any of them. Why is there such a mess here? - Honey, - Snowball pulled her husband, - behave yourself. The man said that he was ill, and therefore could not clean up. The captain looked gratefully at the brunette and nodded quickly. He was fettered by an unaccustomed awkwardness, and he could not start a coherent dialogue with the guests, which, of course, was not in his nature. Realizing that the two men would continue to silently cast sidelong glances at each other, Mary Margaret decided to start the conversation herself, explaining the purpose of their visit. - Anton has grown a new crop of magic beans. In two weeks we are hosting a reception in honor of such an event. Our friends from the Enchanted Forest will also arrive. Now moving between worlds will not be a problem, - Snow added with a smile. “So, you can sail away in any direction you want, Hook,” said Lovely gloomily. "Or stay and come to the ball," his wife suggested amiably. Emma, ​​who was sitting in the closet, could hardly restrain herself from moaning: her parents, not waiting for decisive action from their daughter, decided to make her choice easier. In fact, with his consent, the pirate once again had to confirm the purity of his intentions towards her. Only now a couple of lovers have already figured out among themselves and without someone else's help. - Thank you for invitation. I do not plan to leave this city in the near future. David was still suspiciously examining the mess in the room, so he did not react to this phrase in any way. But Mary Margaret's eyes lit up with joy. She apologized once more and was about to leave the cabin, but her husband's indignant growl stopped her. - And for whom are you making such sacrifices, pirate? - Shouted the Beautiful, shaking an element of women's underwear, unexpectedly found by him among the general mess. - At first, you practically confess your love to my daughter, and then you drag port girls to the ship ?! The thud of impact caused Emma to jump out of hiding. An unforgettable scene appeared before her: her mother hung with her whole body on her husband's right arm, screeching to persuade him to calm down. David, trying to carefully unhook Mary Margaret from himself, did not stop trying to strangle Jones with his left hand. Killian, not much resisting in response, held the blanket, which strove to completely slide off and show those present the intimate details of his beautiful body. There was a huge bruise under the captain's eye. - Stop immediately! All three of them turned to Emma's scream. In the hanging silence, the blonde studied the frozen and dumbfounded faces of her parents for a second, and then, straightening the sheet on her chest, coughed in embarrassment: - Dad, mom, hello.

Fifteen minutes later. - David, give me the rum. Leave it a little different. “Still, I have to break a couple of his ribs, honey. He slept with my girl! - Dear, you just gave him a black eye for a hypothetical betrayal of her. If Regina were here, she wouldn't miss a chance to make fun of the existence of logic in our family. - Only the Queen is not enough for a complete idyll. - Shut up, pirate, don't annoy me again! How could you get Emma into bed? "Just trying to get your daughter's hand." Since when do you propose in bed? - Buddy, the arguments in it sound more convincing ...

Another fifteen minutes later. - David, apologize to him now! Why did you have to use your fists again? We are adults and ourselves ... - I easily plead guilty as soon as I hear the date of your wedding.

Emma smiled involuntarily as she remembered her reaction to David's statement. Dumbfounded by this outcome of events, she froze, unable to believe that she was not sleeping. For a while, the woman even disconnected from reality, and, waking up, found herself pressed in a strong hug to Jones and silently nodding to the beat of his words. The happy intonation in Hook's voice and the satisfied faces of her parents finally forced the blonde to listen carefully to the conversation. As soon as the essence of the conversation reached her shock-clouded brain, she jumped up and, resolutely putting her hand on the captain's shoulder, whispered menacingly: - We need to discuss something. Right now! When they, without having time to properly dress, left the cabin and found themselves in the relative seclusion of the corridor, the savior could not stand it: - What the hell is going on? Wedding?! Yes, we have never even talked about this! - I was just waiting for the right moment. "And you think it's already here?" - Is not it so? Almost choking with indignation, Emma was torn between two conflicting desires: an impulse to hit Hook with something heavy that had already become banal, and an unusual impulse for her to agree with him. Feeling the hesitation of his beloved, Killian took a step forward, closing the already small distance between them and forcing him to look into his eyes. - You understand what this month has given us, right? I initially had no doubts about us. Now it's your turn to make a choice, Emma. - Now? The question asked sounded too plaintive. The woman looked down at the floor, not wanting to see the expression on Jones' face, but she still felt the pain that her indecision had caused him. Sighing and recognizing that she still couldn't live without Killian, and if so, the wedding was just a matter of time, the savior, capitulating, laid her head on the captain's chest. He, having understood everything without words, buried his lips in her blond hair with relief, sighing such a pleasant and familiar smell for him. - But why so fast? It usually takes several months to prepare. - Firstly, during this time your father will go crazy with suspicions against me and completely forget about our friendly relations with him. And by the way, if you remember, honey, I put a lot of effort into making contact with him on the island. Secondly, Mary Margaret is categorically determined to arrange the wedding of the century, inviting all your relatives, friends and even hat acquaintances, including half the inhabitants of the Enchanted Forest. So we have two options: either we will be formally introduced as a bride and groom at a reception, and then forced to go through all the delights of a public event again at a wedding, or we will combine these events into one, which will take place in two weeks. Mentally agreeing with him, aloud Emma could not resist the ironic question: - Are you sure there are no other reasons to hurry? “Perhaps,” Killian whispered, tickling her ear with his breath, “I just wish the woman I loved didn't have time to change her mind.

And now Emma, ​​nervously fiddling with the hem of her wedding dress, came up with the idea that Hook was an unusually prudent person. Half a month is just a ridiculous period for pre-wedding chores and preparations. From the moment of their conversation, the woman did not have a single calm moment to once again weigh all the pros and cons. The blonde's head was busy solving constantly arising problems. And most of them were, in her opinion, a waste of time. It really seemed to her absolutely unimportant what exactly the menu, musical accompaniment, the color scheme of the event, the composition of the guests and even her own wedding dress would be. In general, it turned out that the lion's share of all decisions regarding the celebration was made by Snow White. True, now the bride regretted her indifference to the details of the ceremony. Perhaps if she had managed to extinguish her mother's frantic enthusiasm, the frightening degree of pathos of the wedding would have decreased several times. It seems that the only thing Swan disagreed with Mary Margaret about was the location of the wedding. Options like a green lawn in the middle of a forest or a sea beach at sunset, put forward by Snowball, made me want to roll my eyes at the overwhelming sentimentality and excessive cloying. When only a few days remained before the joyful event, and the place was never found, Regina offered her help. The alternative, unexpectedly expressed by her, inspired doubts, but Emma spontaneously decided on it. Perhaps this was facilitated by anxiety, which barely slipped through the ironic tone of the Queen. For some reason, the savior felt confident that Regina was sincerely worried about the outcome of the wedding. The bride looked around the mayor's bedroom again, into which David was supposed to enter any minute to take her by the arm and lead her to the altar. In the tent spread out in the garden of the Queen, the assembled guests were already noisy. Their voices came through the half-open window in the room. Emma sighed. She replayed in her head all the events that had led her to the fact that in a matter of minutes she and Hook would be officially declared a married couple. Not a single false note was heard by her heart in these memories, not one of the pictures scrolled in her head did her intuition make itself felt with a loud cry about the wrongness of what was happening. After all, even her frightening conversation with Henry went surprisingly smoothly. The boy had nothing against the happiness of his mother, with whomever she wanted to find him. For his age, the boy had rare insight and the ability to see the essence of things without being distracted by details. So why does Emma's stomach convulse with fear, and doubt gnaws at her soul? This condition appeared in the morning, last night the woman was calm. Of course, she was nervous, but she did not panic, struggling with a wild desire to run away somewhere far away. The sound of the door swinging open made Emma jump nervously. Seeing the impudent troublemaker on the threshold, she opened her eyes in surprise. - Killian? What are you doing here? Jones, dressed in the dress uniform of a Royal Navy sea captain, now looked the least like a pirate. However, his manner remained the same. Smiling his wide charming smile and looking at his beloved with admiration, Killian casually slammed the door with his foot. - You disappoint me, Swan. I was sure you were already halfway to Boston. But even Emma's signature wink and playful tone couldn't fool Emma: Hook was very nervous. The anxiety that his blue eyes radiated betrayed a man with a head. - Do you know that seeing the bride before the wedding is a bad omen? “I'm afraid it's working backwards in our case, honey. Coming closer and not taking his eyes off Emma, ​​Killian said seriously: - For a couple of hours now, I have been feeling the possible loss of what I have been fighting for so long. Emma swallowed involuntarily, once again seeing how well they understood each other. The woman resolutely opened her mouth to say something, but Jones beat her to it. Taking her hand with his good hand, he suddenly dropped to one knee in front of the savior. The bride froze, guessing what exactly the captain wants to do. “You never heard from me the marriage proposal you deserve, Emma,” after a short pause, as if gathering his courage before the jump, Jones continued, peering tenderly into the blonde's green eyes. - Thanks to you, I remembered who I really am: a man of honor. You were able to make me give up revenge and let something much more important into my heart. Our meeting dispelled the nightmare that my life has become. I know you don't like the definition of "savior", but, my love, that's what you have become for me. Tell me, do you agree to marry me and spend the rest of your life together? Biting painfully into the back of her hands with her nails in an attempt to stop her bubbling tears, Emma slowly lowered herself down so that their eyes were on the same level. The woman's pale face contrasted sharply with that of Jones, whose cheekbones were flushed with a feverish flush. “You know I can’t do without you, so definitely yes, my lord.” Hearing this phrase from the lips of his beloved, Killian laughed with relief and pulled the blonde to him in a tender kiss. As soon as the man's lips met hers, Emma felt the panicked anxiety that was making it difficult for her to breathe subside abruptly. They were so carried away by the process that they did not even notice how the light wave swept through the whole city for a second, making everyone believe in a miracle and a happy ending.

Regina was on the verge of breaking down and remembering that she was the Evil Queen, able to rip hearts out of people's chests with a single movement of her hand. From the very morning, the woman rushed around her house in unsuccessful attempts to be in time everywhere. When Mills proposed her mansion, or rather the huge garden adjacent to it, as the venue for the wedding of the savior and the pirate, she simply could not imagine the number of problems she would have to face. Not only was she simply annoyed by the very fact of the presence in the house of a crowd of curious guests sticking their noses into all corners, but also constantly arising out of nothing trouble threatened to disrupt her much-needed wedding. As if by the magic of an evil magician, everything went awry: either the holy father, falling out of the blue, breaks almost all of his limbs, then the dwarves who have gone over the ale will spoil the wedding tables, then the mermaid, who unexpectedly lost control over the bracelet that makes it possible to have legs, will smash the wedding altar with its tail. Regina was already almost exhausted when her eyes accidentally fell on the deliberately indifferent face of Mr. Gold, who was watching her with polite interest. The insight that instantly pierced the Queen's brain made her brown eyes narrow menacingly and resolutely head towards Rumplestiltskin. - Can I have a minute? she hissed in anger, forcing Belle to leave them alone. As soon as Beauty was a good distance away, Regina demanded furiously, "Stop this immediately, Gold!" The man, slightly lifting up the corners of his lips, thereby denoting a smile, politely replied: - I don’t understand what you mean, Your Majesty. - Do not pretend! Do you think I don't know how disgusting it is for you to accept a pirate who repeatedly poisons your life into our growing family every day? Moreover, he stole the girl from Bey. "Former girlfriend, dear," the Dark One pedantically corrected. - Don't say that this factor matters! Regina angrily noticed Gold's bored, haughty expression following her words. However, this would not prevent the woman from continuing the argument, but a wave of light that suddenly swept through the garden stopped her. Involuntarily closing her eyes for a second, she opened her eyes to see Rumpelstiltskin's shocked gaze, from which for a few moments all his gloss had fled. Instantly correlating one with the other, Regina could not resist the sarcastic question: - Well, what spell did you subject them to? "Her," the man replied, still stunned. - Curse of Eternal Doubt. The queen rummaged through her memory, pulling out forgotten knowledge from its depths. This kind of magic did not cause physical harm to the victim, only moral torment about the fatality of everything that happened. The magic was rather weak and had several antidotes at once, which did not require complex ingredients to prepare. If Emma had hinted that something was wrong with her, Regina would have rid her of the problem in ten minutes. However, the savior managed herself. - Kiss of true love... Who would have thought that they have everything for real, right, Gold? Rumpelstiltskin darted a dark look at the Queen, but could not extinguish the triumphant smile on the brunette's beautiful lips. They both knew how useless, and often dangerous, to stand in the way of people who sincerely and selflessly love each other. Regina was sure that the Dark One was no longer a threat to the savior and the pirate. Firstly, Gold has always had an excellent self-preservation instinct, allowing him to leave the battlefield in time with minimal damage. Secondly, intuition told the Queen that today's antics of the magician were more of an emotional outburst than a conscious desire for revenge, otherwise he would have taken a more serious approach to the method of implementing his vendetta plan. In the end, Gold loved his son too much to try to truly destroy the happiness of the one who gave him a grandson and the possibility of a second chance in a relationship with Belfire. Considering the conversation over, Regina spun on her heels, but didn't have time to leave. Rumpelstiltskin couldn't afford not to have the last word. “Darling, do you really think that Miss Swan, after her marriage, will forget about Henry and let you take him away?” I did not expect that I would have to marvel at your naivete in anything. However, please accept my admiration for this kind of cunning, Your Majesty. The Queen's back remained straight as the woman, hiding her confusion, hurried to take her place in the wedding ceremony that had begun. She had no idea how the Dark One knew of her plan. Probably guessed during the downpour, which she provided the entire city a month and a half ago. In general, the idea to marry Emma and thereby distract from Henry came to mind spontaneously. Perhaps just at the moment when Regina was chasing the completely insolent parents of her boy through the night streets. Remembering that hand-drawn timeline with Henry that forgot to mention her taking care of their son for ten years, the mayor folded her arms in indignation. Perhaps the fuzzy early thought finally took shape in the goal at the sight of a couple bickering on the pier, glowing the air with sparks of explosive passion. Of course, Regina hadn't been spying on anyone in years, and she didn't intend to be. However, on that ill-fated evening, returning to her place after a family showdown, something prompted her to get a mirror and tune in to find Emma. What he saw made the Queen smile triumphantly. And then remember the spell that controls the elements, and bring down a powerful downpour on Storybrooke. In fact, this was the only time Regina turned to the mirror for help. Watching the details of the communication of this couple was beyond her strength. Of course, later I had to push the stubborn sheriff to the pirate with all sorts of hints and even organize an unscheduled visit of the Beautiful couple to Hook's ship, but political intrigues were not new to the Queen. God, she even let a whole crowd of impudent guests into her house, if only this wedding took place! Looking around for Henry and making sure that the boy was all right, Regina turned her gaze to the savior and the captain, standing at the altar under the shade of her favorite tree. The irony of fate, according to which the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming took her wedding vows in the garden under the Evil Queen's apple tree, caused a desire to verify the reality of what was happening. If I had been told twenty-eight years ago that this would be my happy ending, then the prankster would have lost his heart faster than usual, Regina thought grimly. She did not listen to the words uttered by the couple in love, but from the faces of the guests present, she guessed the degree of touchingness of the moment. Of course, her quivering stepdaughter and her husband would have wept with emotion even if their girl had taken it into her head to read jokes aloud at the altar. However, everyone else could not squish their noses out of the blue. Even Gold held Belle's hand with indescribable tenderness and smiled at her. “Perhaps we will soon have a second wedding,” the mayor thought ironically. Regina's gaze accidentally fell on Neal. The woman was willing to bet that Bey looked at least touched. The brunette barely managed not to roll her eyes at everything that was happening. The world has definitely gone crazy! When the ceremony came to an end, Regina, along with the rest of their family, went to congratulate the newlyweds. The thought of the newlyweds leaving for a week on their honeymoon trip to New York, leaving Henry in her care, made the Queen's smile quite sincere. Patiently waiting for her turn, Regina was about to say the prepared words to the young couple, but was stopped by the impulsive hug that Emma wrapped her in. - Thank you very much. For everything, - the blonde whispered to her, and then added louder. “You do know that Mary Margaret and David will visit Henry regularly during these seven days?” And when we return, he will move in with us. But you can see him as often as you see fit. Regina couldn't help but grit her teeth at this kindness. Meeting her eyes with the bride, she involuntarily froze from her penetrating gaze. The savior recognized the Queen's right to communicate with her son, but she was not going to give it away at all. “Nothing,” Regina thought after a while, watching the pirate open the door of the car they loved in which they left for New York, “this is just the beginning.” From gloomy thoughts, the woman was distracted by the excited Henry, who unexpectedly ran up to her from behind. Mom, I have a request for you! - Anything, honey! - Feeling the warmth spreading in her soul, she affectionately answered. - My new friend and his father have nowhere to stay! The Grandma's Hotel is overcrowded, so I thought ... Regina did not really want men she did not know with their children to spend the night in their house, but for the sake of her son she did not agree so much. - Of course, dear! Why not? - Thanks! You're the best! Now I will bring them. The brunette smiled happily, realizing that for the sake of such words, Henry is ready for anything. The boy quickly returned, dragging a boy several years younger than him. Behind them was a handsome man. Holding out his hand to the woman for a greeting, he introduced himself politely: - My name is Robin Hood. And this is my son Roland. I am very glad to meet you. Regina sighed convulsively, unable to look away from her confused brown eyes from the tattoo of a lion on the inner crook of her new acquaintance's elbow. Trying to control her own voice, she replied: - I hope you enjoy your stay in our city. - I'm already sure of it, - the man answered seriously, carefully looking at the brunette.

Tink, who was watching from afar the meeting of two people destined for each other, could not resist and grunted triumphantly. The fairy never understood why she had to resort to all sorts of tricks to give a person the opportunity to be happy. However, there were no particular difficulties in this case. Of course, I had to persuade Snow White to send an invitation to a stranger and act as a courier herself. Tinker Bell shook her head, remembering how she urged Robin Hood to attend someone else's wedding. But all the inconvenience paid off with a vengeance. It seems that only one member of this strange family was left deprived of the second half. However, Tink was going to immediately correct the unfortunate omission. Turning to the man who brought her champagne, she enthusiastically asked him: - Neil, how do you feel about the love magic of fairies, which allows you to get a second chance at happiness?

This morning for Emma Swan has become special in her entire life. She got married today. If someone had said this to her two years ago, she would probably have considered this person crazy. Swan considered marriage just a simple stamp in the passport, because you can live with a man without any obligations. But having met Killian, the woman realized that it was he who was her destiny, and for the last month she began to think more often about marrying him. And when Jones invited her on a date, got down on one knee and took her hand in his, Emma's heart sank. He spoke so beautifully, sincerely, that tears welled up in her. And so she just couldn't help but agree. She wanted it. She always wanted to belong to only one man, her incredible Killian, whom she loves so much. The wedding was scheduled for the first day of summer. Snow White was responsible for preparing her daughter's wedding. And all the servants of the kingdom, which had already been restored by that time, strictly followed the decrees of the queen. Fine, although he grumbled a little about this, accepted Emma's choice, but before that he gave Jones more than one lecture about what awaits a pirate if he offends Emma. Swan recalled with a smile the conversation between Killian and his father, and at first she did not believe in everything that was happening. As if it was a dream and all this was not happening to her. But the presence of a beloved man nearby made everything that happened a reality. And Emma involuntarily counted the days until the approaching celebration. And now, that day has come. Emma woke up from the gentle voice of her mother: - Get up, princess. Today is an important day, and we still have a lot of work to do,” said Snowball. Emma smiled and stretched sweetly. There was really a lot to do. “Look over there,” the mother pointed to her daughter at her closet. Emma shifted her gaze to the closet and saw her dress, which was now completely ready and waiting in the wings. It was truly magical and wonderful. The top of the dress was made of swan down, and at the bottom there was a long train, and all this made the dress extraordinarily beautiful. Emma couldn't wait to put it on. - It is marvelous! she admired. Snow White smiled. - As are you! You will be the most beautiful bride tonight. “I can’t even believe that all this is happening to me,” Emma said. - Everything happens once for the first time, - Snow looked at her watch, - And now it's time for you to get ready, I'll call the maid of honor and they will help you. "Okay," Emma smiled. The last week that she lived in the castle, the woman got used to the fact that everything here is completely different from what it was in Storybrooke. And it seems she liked the Enchanted Forest more and more. *** Half an hour later, three women entered Emma's room: Frigga, Karla and Jeanette - they were faithful ladies-in-waiting to the queen, and now they were helping Emma with her hair, makeup and dress. They were very kind and funny, and so Swan quickly found a common language with them. "Good morning, princess," said the eldest of them, Carla. - I hope you slept well before such an important day? “Yes, I slept like a baby,” Emma answered smiling. - That's nice, - picked up Frigga, - now you can start! Carla took a dress off the hanger and handed it to Emma. It was almost weightless, and therefore the woman easily put it on herself, the assistants only helped to fasten the lock on it and straighten the train. Emma looked in the mirror and smiled. The dress sat perfectly on her thin figure and emphasized all the dignity. And most importantly, Emma almost did not feel him, which gave her lightness and it seemed that in this dress she could even fly like a real swan. They spent the next hour creating the hairstyle: Emma's blond hair was twisted into curls and created the effect of a braided braid. After a huge amount of hairspray (yes, don't be surprised, progress has reached the GL as well), the hairstyle was almost completed. The last touch remained - a diadem covered with gold and depicting a swan. Emma herself chose her, since this option of all the proposed ones she liked the most. Now all that was left was makeup. Swan has never liked bright colors, besides, for the image of a swan, gentle and natural colors were needed. Therefore, it was decided to slightly emphasize the beauty of Emma's eyes and apply a light gloss on her lips. But as soon as the ladies-in-waiting set to work, there was a knock in the room. - Can? - from behind the door appeared the head of her son. Henry was the most eager to see his mother as a bride. - Wow! You're so beautiful! he said, coming closer. Emma smiled, and rising from her chair, hugged her son tightly. His words encouraged her, and in general she was glad that Henry approved of her choice. - Thanks, darling! she said softly. - I'm sure that not only I will be delighted, - the boy winked. - You know, there are already so many people gathered there. Grandmother does not have time to meet them all. Swan sighed. It seems that her mother decided to invite the entire Enchanted Forest to this wedding. “By the way, I have a message for you,” Henry handed his mom a note. The woman took it in her hands and unfolded it. In it, in neat, familiar handwriting, was written: I'm already counting the minutes until we meet, my love. A little more and you will officially become Mrs. Jones. Love you". Swan smiled. She, too, really wanted to see Killian as soon as possible and never part with him again. "Wait, I'll write the answer now," she said to Henry, and the boy nodded. Emma took a pen and began to write: " How impatient you are, captain. But... I'm also looking forward to our meeting. Besides, your last name suits me, don't you think? And I love you, Killian." The woman folded the paper and handed it to her son. The boy smiled and, taking the message, went to Killian, who was waiting for an answer from his princess. “Now we can get to the make-up,” Frigga said, hoping no one else would disturb them. But as soon as she took up the brush, there was another knock on the door. This time, Regina, who was the bridesmaid, appeared from behind the door. She smiled and entered Emma's room. The ladies-in-waiting bowed to her and left them alone. You look great, Emma. This dress suits you very well,” Mills said. - Thanks! Emma smiled. She was glad that it was Regina who became her girlfriend for this evening, because lately they have become very close to each other. - I brought you something. This is a small gift. The woman waved her hand, and a beautiful gold pendant with a blue stone appeared around Emma's neck. - I didn't know what to give you, so I chose it. She was once mine, and brought happiness. And now I give it to you, because you gave me a happy ending, - Regina smiled, who also recently married Robin and was now a happy wife and mother. - She is very beautiful, - Emma answered and hugged her friend. - Thanks. And not just for the suspension. Besides Killian and her parents, Regina was the one who fought for Emma's soul when she was Dark. And it was thanks to her strength and perseverance that Swan was here now, and she was happy. - You know, I couldn't help it, - Regina answered quietly, brushing away an uninvited tear that could now ruin all her makeup. Is there really that many people there? Emma asked, pulling away. - Yes, it looks like your parents really tried to make this holiday grandiose. But keep your nose up, Swan, you shouldn't be scared when you're almost there. "I know." Emma smiled. - I'll run, I still need to collect Roland, - said Regina and, smiling, left the room. But the flow of guests to Emma's bedroom did not end there either. The ladies-in-waiting had just begun their make-up when Rumplestiltskin entered the room. He was also the guest of honor at their wedding. By the way, it was Killian himself who invited him, along with Belle. They managed to conclude a truce and now the old enmity is left behind. "Miss Swan, you look charming," he said, and a sincere smile appeared on the face of the former Dark One. "Thank you, I'm very glad you came," Emma replied. - Could not miss such an event. I have a present for you. - What are you, not worth it ... - No, no. It’s not good to come to a wedding empty-handed,” the man said and took out a small box from his jacket pocket. - This is a diamond, but not a simple one. Its power is able to protect you from the eyes of enemies. I don't think you'd want to interrupt your honeymoon over such trifles, right? - Yes, but .. - Miss Swan, take it, I swear that I'm only out of good intentions. Besides, my wife insisted on your safety. "Okay," Emma smiled and took the box. - Thanks. Hope you enjoy the celebration. “I have no doubt,” Rumpel smiled, and after kissing Emma's hand, he left to join Belle, who was now helping Snow White keep an eye on little Neil. Finally everyone is gone! Carla said with a sigh of relief as she entered the room. But as soon as she entered, a voice was heard behind her, which was very familiar to Emma. - Excuse me ladies, may I come in? - August Booth stood at the door, who could not help but congratulate his girlfriend on such an important event. - Barely squeezed through this crowd, - the man sighed and looked at Emma. He didn't recognize her as the old Swan now. He remembered the image of a little girl whom he once saved from a curse and protected all this time. And now the little girl has grown up and has become a real beauty who is about to get married. - You're beautiful! Real princess. - Thank you, August. I am very glad that you came, - smiled Swan. She hadn't seen him since she was herself again, and she missed him a lot. - Well, I couldn't miss your wedding, Emma. Not every day such events happen, - the man smiled. “Yeah, definitely with me,” Emma chuckled. - I still can't believe it. Thank you! - What is it for? Pinocchio was surprised. - For helping me to believe. Without you, I would not have all this now, and I would hardly be happy, ”she said. - Of course, I had to tinker. But the result exceeded all expectations,” he replied. - I brought you something. August took out a swan-shaped pendant from behind his back, it was made of wood and decorated with small pebbles. - Handmade, did it all night. She is very beautiful, thank you! Emma was delighted. Let the gift be small, but made from a pure heart. Swan took the gift in her hands and then hugged August. His support on this day was very important to her. The trembling in her body that she had a minute earlier had passed and now Swan was ready to go out to the people. "See you at the party, princess," he smiled as he pulled away, then smiled at her and left the room. The ladies-in-waiting, who no longer knew what to do with themselves, could finally proceed to the last final step. Frigga sat the happy Emma in a chair and started her make-up. Evening out her complexion with a small amount of powder, the woman emphasized Emma's beautiful green eyes with shadows. And when I was about to apply gloss on my lips, there was a knock on the door again ... And then the maid of honor's patience came to an end: - What is it! she got angry. - They do not give work ... The woman froze when she saw the queen at the door. “I'm sorry, Your Majesty, I didn't mean to…” she said guiltily. Snow White smiled. - It's okay, Frigga, continue your work. I came to tell you that David is coming for you in ten minutes, Emma. - Okay, Mom. We're almost done," Swan replied, trying to control her growing trembling. - Don't be afraid, dear. You will be great today! - Snow kissed her daughter on the top of her head and went after David. The wedding was just minutes away...