Children's birthday in nature 1 year old. We celebrate the birthday of a child, one year. How to celebrate a year old baby at home

If you decide to celebrate the birthday of your daughter, who will soon be one year old, you should remember that this celebration should remain unforgettable for both you and your guests. Next year, the baby will not be so funny, somewhat awkward and charmingly touching, so your daughter’s first birthday should be celebrated in such a way that it will be remembered for a long time, and for this you should come up with some kind of themed holiday or organize a neutral party.

It should be understood that the celebration of 1 year is primarily intended for parents, and not for the child. Your baby is unlikely to remember anything from her birthday and will not take any part in it. It is recommended to organize everything in such a way as not to disturb the daily routine of the little birthday girl, especially when it comes to sleep, nutrition and habits.

Scenarios for celebrating the first birthday are practically no different from each other, since a prerequisite for each of them is congratulations from both the child himself and his parents, as well as quizzes and contests.

birthday party invitation

To spend the first birthday, you should not invite a large number of guests, because even a sociable child can be frightened by the crowd, start to get nervous because of the noise and attention of strangers. Therefore, invite only relatives and closest people.

A hand-made invitation card will remain with the guests as a keepsake of the coming day.

Once you've prepared your guest list, think about invitation cards with the text written in the name of your little happiness. Instead of a signature, you can use a child's handprint. If you will not deal with the distribution of invitations yourself, then send them in advance by mail so that the cards reach the addressees on time. And it is even easier to use e-mail or social networks, since modern technologies allow this. But a hand-made postcard would be preferable, since this way there will be at least some memory of the coming day.

Organization of the first birthday

As you already understood, you should not invite a lot of people to the first birthday, because even the most balanced children can get overexcited from such a protracted celebration. You need to do everything so that your girl, having been with people, can move away from the extra noise to her room, and after the guests leave, go with you to the fresh air. Believe me, an excess of impressions for any child is a serious stress, and out of habit, the baby may even start to act up and cry. And you will have nowhere to go, because your daughter is a lively and active person who, due to her age, cannot express her desires.

Parents often make a huge mistake by buying a huge amount of gifts for their baby's birthday. Try not to rush, buying everything gradually every year, because a large pile of gifts can only make a negative impression on any child, son or daughter. Think carefully before buying something that will please both you and your child. It is better to discuss gift ideas with your relatives and friends in order to avoid unpleasant situations.

What are the customs for the first birthday?

Where are the customs? If you baptized your child, then on the first birthday you must definitely call his godparents. There are also many customs that godparents must adhere to, but the final vote is entirely yours. They must cut their hair in the area of ​​the crown with a cross, as a priest does in church. It is customary to cut at the back of the head, forehead and near the ears. Next, the strands are given to real parents as a keepsake, after which you can cut the baby's hair in the future.

There is also a custom by which you can predict the future of a baby on the day of his birth. To do this, you need to spread the casing with the fur outside or a fur coat, then bring a few things to the child on a large dish to choose from. As such, there are no rules on what to put there, so put what is symbolic:

  • bread (wealth);
  • chocolates (a sign of a cheerful and sweet life);
  • ring (symbolizes a successful marriage);
  • book (symbol of knowledge);
  • garlic (health);
  • woolen ball (means long life);
  • key (independence).

Creating a festive atmosphere

To create a festive atmosphere in the house, there are quite good and original ideas for a birthday. Perhaps the surest option would be to decorate the house with balloons, as they cheer up both adults and children. They can be both ordered through specialized agencies, and attracted to inflate the representatives of the stronger sex. The most popular today are balloon figures, for example, fairy-tale characters, animals, etc. So you will surprise both your daughter and the guests, and what kind of photo shoot will come out ... But more on that later.

To decorate the holiday, you can make a "development calendar" for your daughter.

A good decoration for a holiday that will interest guests can be your daughter's "development calendar". You obviously have a lot of photos from the past year. To do this, you will need felt-tip pens, as well as whatman paper, on it you need to follow the path that your baby has traveled in a year of her life. Important points to note:

  • our first tooth;
  • we started to sit;
  • we started to crawl;
  • our first steps;
  • first anniversary.

Do not forget to make handprints in the place where you indicated that the child began to crawl, and leave footprints from the moment he began to walk. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

And the main decoration of the holiday, of course, will be your little happiness, so take care of beautiful and elegant clothes, while they should be comfortable. For your daughter on her birthday, get a princess crown, paint her make-up, for example, a ladybug or something else on her cheek. Make a crown without an elastic band so that it can be easily put on the head, and put the baby in the most honorable place at the festive table.

What to cook for your daughter's birthday?

Well, how can you celebrate a birthday without delicious dishes and a birthday cake? For adults, in principle, there are no restrictions as such, you can serve anything. You can decorate the table in a children's theme, and similarly arrange sweets, salads. It is better for children to make fruit purees and cottage cheese. You can organize a buffet, cut fruit into small slices, add berries with cookies, juices in bags to the table. By the way, it is better to make a cake on your own - this is a 100% guarantee that it will not contain any harmful additives and other chemicals that have now become the norm in confectionery.

Photo and video shooting

Many parents do not know what is better - a photo or video in honor of the girl's birthday. Of course, it is recommended to shoot a video, but most people argue that it is better to choose both.

Birthday pictures are great, but what could be more interesting than a live video? It will be nice to turn on the video after a couple of years and see how your daughter has changed.

Some may object and say that it is a waste of money to record the celebration of the first year. But a talented videographer will be able to make a short note about this memorable date, while capturing all the main moments of the holiday with suitable music. As a result, you will receive a video that will be pleasant and interesting to watch not only for you, but also for your friends and acquaintances. Many, being delighted with what they saw, will demand the continuation of the banquet.

The main thing is not to be afraid, hire a videographer and a photographer at the same time who work together, and besides, you won’t need to spend a lot of time to bring everyone up to date and share your ideas about the child’s birthday. At the same time, you will get a good number of high-quality photographs and video. Sometimes it can be one person, but due to the large amount of work, you will have to sacrifice something - either the number of photos or the volume of video. By the way, as in the case of guests, try not to stretch the shooting for the whole day so that the child does not get tired.

Remember that you can celebrate the first birthday only once in a lifetime, so try to make the celebration unforgettable, and give your beloved daughter as much love and attention as possible. Try to spend the holiday so that the baby does not feel exhausted by the end of the day, and from time to time take her away from the guests to rest. Well, everything else depends only on you, your idea and imagination.

As a rule, the first such holiday is celebrated at home. Parents should decorate in advance the room where the celebration will take place with balloons, draw up a poster or a wall newspaper, on which the achievements of the birthday boy are shown to everyone from the day of the first breath to the day of the first anniversary. In the wall newspaper, you can place funny photos of the child corresponding to each month of his growing up, for example, in the form of chamomile petals or wagons of a toy train, and also indicate some funny incidents from the life of the family that occurred during this year. It is more rational if the baby's mother delegates the right to be the host at the holiday to someone close: a grandmother or a friend. After all, she herself, most likely, will have to periodically leave the room where the celebration will take place, because of the hassle with the child.

Exactly one year ago, a miracle happened:
A new man was born.
And since then, the family has changed,
You will not find them happier forever.
Let's have some fun
On a wonderful birthday, children.
Any pranks today are good:
Throw the ball, even peel the candy!

The song performed by the Barbariki Group "Happy Birthday!"

Those gathered at the table begin to celebrate the holiday. During this action, the presenter unobtrusively highlights interesting information.

I will be happy to share with you entertaining facts about the history of celebrating a birthday. This tradition was introduced by the ancient Egyptians. Initially, only pharaohs, kings, their heirs, and only men had the right to celebrate this day. When a girl was born, this day was not even recorded in the documents. The first woman to earn such a privilege was Queen Cleopatra II (II century BC). The tradition of lighting candles on cakes originated in Greece. On the birthday of the goddess of the moon - Artemis, they brought to her temple as a sacrifice round, like the moon, honey cakes, in which several wax candles were placed. North American Indians loved to celebrate not only the birthday of a child, but also the days when he first sat down and walked. In the Northern Hemisphere, the most common birthday is on October 5th and the rarest is May 22nd.

The song "Birthday" performed by the Children's Choir "Giant" sounds in the background.

How our baby was born
I ate only milk.
But grow without vitamins
It soon became difficult.
He is happy with new delicacies,
The orchard helped us!

I invite everyone to the circle. Let's play a fun game called "Fruit Dance"!

The game "Fruit round dance"
Game conditions: Each participant is dressed up with a certain fruit. You can prepare masks in advance, or suits made of cardboard. Several characters participate in the fruit round dance. These are banana, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, peach, apricot, pear, apple. The birthday boy is in the center of the circle, if he still can’t walk, then in his mother’s arms, and during the game he chooses one of the fruits. Each participant tries to please the baby. Once selected, the fruit is sent to an impromptu basket. To do this, you can arrange a place, for example, on the sofa. After the end of the competition, all the fruits, along with the birthday boy, are photographed as a keepsake. For this game, you can use the song that is on the Internet resources containing children's educational cartoons. It sounds like this: “There are very different fruits in the world! And, of course, adults and children love them!” In this work, each of the fruits listed above is sung very provocatively.

Guests, praise the young mother.
I spent a whole year raising the baby.
I listened to the advice of moms with experience:
How to bathe, how to entertain and what to feed.
Boiled porridge, steamed mashed potatoes,
She tried to please her child.
Dad is very brave, he tried to help.
I nursed this crumb, I had no rest.
He did everything together with the child: he crawled and bit,
Once, by mistake, he ate his puree.

Dear men, tell me, are any of you capable, like our young father of the family, of such feats? I invite you to participate in the competition.

Competition conditions: 2 men are invited to participate. It is necessary to involve those who do not yet have their own children, or the offspring are already adults. Each participant is given a sample of treats from several jars of baby food. It is better to use broccoli, cauliflower, meat purees with additional ingredients, such as buckwheat, since unsalted sterilized purees are more difficult for an inexperienced person to recognize. Whoever makes the fewest mistakes when defining products wins. During the competition, everyone should be amused by how men will wince, twist their mouths from such a kind of children's food.

This congratulation will remain in the memory of the family for many years. Dear friends, I would like each of you to give the birthday man today a congratulation as a keepsake. I invite those who wish to participate in the next competition called "Let's collect puzzles".

Competition "Let's collect puzzles
Competition conditions: 2 teams participate. A team of adults against a team of children. Puzzle blanks must be made in advance. For adults, these are parts of a big heart, for children, the picture is simpler, for example, a sun with rays or a bun. Participants must write a wish to the hero of the occasion on each detail and assemble the whole figure. Children who cannot write can simply draw a picture. The team that completes all the puzzles the fastest wins.

After this contest, it's time for tea and a traditional cake with candles..

Lovely cake! Candles on the cake
Burn with fiery fire.
This evening won't happen again
But we will not forget about him.
Years will pass, there will be a reason
Guests rush to this house.
And the child will grow up
With love, happiness and kindness.

Parents bring in a cake and blow out the candles together with the birthday boy. The song of the Crocodile Gena sounds. All participants of the celebration sing a song, eat treats and take pictures.

When deciding to celebrate a 1 year old girl's birthday, it is worth remembering that this holiday will remain in the memory not only of you, but also of your guests. In a year, the baby will start talking and will never again be charmingly touching, funny and a little awkward :).

That is why the daughter's first birthday should and can be made in such a way that it will be remembered for many years! You can make a neutral party with interesting decor or just organize a holiday for the whole family!

Today we will tell you a few main directions in which you need to move when planning a fun family holiday.

If you do not want to organize large-scale festivities, then you can invite a professional photographer for a funny one.

If a chic holiday is an essential attribute of fun, then we offer some interesting ideas! Let's start, as always, with invitations. They can be bright and cheerful and fully emphasize your attitude to such a colorful and important celebration.

Invitations made using photographs of the hero of the occasion are very relevant.

Since the birthday of a daughter for 1 year is important and solemn, it is worth taking care of the original outfit for the birthday girl :).

It is best to decorate the room with children's photographs and balloons, it will also be an interesting solution to create the number 1 from various family and children's pictures.

You can buy beautiful balloons here:

Since your daughter's birthday at 1 year old is your baby's holiday, do everything so that the celebration is dedicated to her. Take a lot of funny pictures, throw aside the usual for our region feasts with alcoholic drinks and fatty foods.

It’s very funny, for example, it looks special, where you can describe in detail the baby’s preferences, her height, weight and even leg size :). Such a board will delight all guests, and especially those who see the girl for the first time or rarely come to visit.

Something similar can be done in Photoshop.

Of course, the party is best held outdoors. Then both adults and children will be able to relax comfortably.

To create an additional festive atmosphere, holiday caps can be distributed to all guests.

It is best to treat your guests with light drinks and sweets. Grilled vegetables and fruit skewers are also ideal.

In fact, there is one correct answer that lies right on the surface, you know it. Celebrate your child's first birthday the way you want, the way you see fit. And believe me, it will be the best holiday ever.

The kid, although he has grown up, still cannot express his opinion. For him, the main thing is that mom and dad are nearby, who take care of him and love him with all their hearts. So don't worry. As you decide, so be it. There is no universal way to celebrate the first birthday of a child, each holiday is good in its own way.

But when organizing your child's first birthday, remember the following general guidelines.

On the first birthday of the crumbs, you do not need to invite too many people. It's not a wedding. The kid will be cozier and more comfortable among a few well-known people than in a crowd of all, all relatives, half of which he does not even know. And do not be afraid to offend anyone by not inviting a child to a birthday party. I think your relatives and friends are adults and will be sympathetic to your decision.

  • Pay special attention to the menu. Remember that this is your child's first holiday, and he will be pleased to see cheerful guests. Happy, not drunk. Therefore, do not overdo it with alcoholic beverages. This can ruin the whole holiday, or even scare the baby.

  • Most likely, at the first birthday of your child there will be other children - brothers, sisters, children of godparents. Make sure the kids don't get bored. Prepare toys in advance, inflate the balloons. In the end, the kids come to the holiday not to eat, but to play with each other. Yes, and it will be much easier for parents when the children are engaged in toys, and not running around all over the house.

Your baby is already so big, but at the same time still so small. How to let him know that this is his little holiday?

I will share my experience. And you can already decide on the basis of this how you will congratulate your baby. Since Nastaska is a sleepyhead, my husband and I decided to prepare a surprise for her when she sleeps in the morning. We inflated a lot of balloons (10-15 pieces), bought a beautiful cake, a candle in the shape of the number "1" and made a festive cap. This was more than enough. You should have seen how surprised she was when she saw so many balloons as she played with them. The cap was left out of business, because Nastya stubbornly took it off. Then we lit a candle on the cake and blew it out together. And I mentally made a wish.

In fact, this is the minimum. But now the child does not need more. He still does not understand why mom and dad suddenly brought so many balloons, bought a cake and ask to blow on a candle. The child does not care what you give him. He is happy with any gift. And even more, the baby is happy that you are around.

The first birthday of a child is a responsible day. But don't worry, everything will go as you dreamed. Remember this day. He is so important in your life. Just a year ago, you were in the maternity ward, you were afraid of childbirth, you were worried. And today your baby is already walking towards you on its own!

I sincerely wish that your holiday becomes amazing and memorable, so that even guests remember it for a long, long time. Make a wish on this day, believe me, it will come true. After all, this is your holiday too. You gave life to an adorable baby. Do everything to make him the happiest!

More recently, you and your baby came from the hospital, and his first birthday is already on his nose. Young parents are very sensitive to such a date, because this is the first big holiday in the life of their crumbs. How to celebrate a year old to a child so that the day is fun, easy and joyful, leaving vivid impressions behind? To do this, it is better to prepare in advance, having thought through all the details of the upcoming celebration.

We invite guests

First of all, decide who to call. It is better if these are close relatives and friends whom the little one knows well. You may also want to invite a few of the baby's peers with their mothers.

Please note that a large number of guests, especially of tender age, can overexcite the birthday man and lead to unnecessary whims. It will be better to choose one option: either relatives, or kids - playmates. Try not to have too many peers: 2-3 is enough. At this age, children still do not know how to play together, so a large number of small guests can ruin the holiday.

Choose a place and time

The best option would be to celebrate at home, in an atmosphere familiar to the child. This will allow you not to deviate from the usual mode. If funds allow, you can spend a birthday in a children's cafe, come up with an original script, invite a host. But most likely, the baby will quickly get tired, and he will no longer have fun.

A good option, if the weather permits, is a celebration in the fresh air. In this case, you can combine a holiday with a walk, as well as come up with a lot of fun active entertainment for children and adults.

Thinking about how to celebrate a birthday, consider the temperament, characteristics and preferences of your child. When inviting guests, be guided by the baby's daily routine. If he sleeps twice a day, choose a time from 12.00 to 16.00. If you switched to one daytime sleep, then it is also better to schedule a holiday after a quiet hour. At this time, the child will be full of strength and energy and will be able to take an active part in the fun.

Cooking a treat

On the first birthday, you can set a buffet table with light snacks. In this case, it will not be necessary to run after the children, each time leaving the table. Even if you set a regular table, prepare light salads, cheese, tartlets, meat rolls, cut fruit. Sandwiches can be designed in the form of animal figures. Better not abundance, but variety of dishes.

Set a separate table for children. You can put chopped fruits, curds, cookies, cakes, juices with straws. In order not to worry about broken dishes, buy disposable tableware with a holiday theme.

If the baby is alone, you can prepare a mini-cake for him. Take baby cookies, lay them in several layers, lubricating each with the same curd. Insert a beautiful candle into the cake.

Let the little one, with the help of his mother, blow out his first birthday candle, and after it, you can invite other little guests to do the same. For adults, you can order a beautiful birthday cake, decorated in a children's style. And mom can cook a cake for the kids. To do this, you need to take a simple recipe for biscuit dough, bake a couple of cakes, grease them with baby curd cream, and decorate with berries or fruits on top.

We decorate the room

To create a festive mood, decorate the apartment with balloons, multi-colored garlands, flags, streamers. You can arrange a surprise for the baby and do it when he falls asleep, or, conversely, involve him in the design.

  1. Dedicate one wall to the birthday boy. Design a train with wagons, in each of which place a photo of a baby with signatures: 1 month, 2, 3, 4, 5 ... and, finally, 1 year. For each month, add the baby's achievements.
  2. Another option is to issue a wall newspaper with photographs on a piece of drawing paper, accompanied by funny comments. Place the most successful and latest photo in the center, accompanying, for example, with the inscription “Here I am (what)!”.
  3. I don’t want to mess with whatman paper - make a collage of photos on a computer, print it in a photo studio in a large format. Such an image will remain for a long time and will delight you years later. Or you can just print the most successful photos of the little one and attach them to the walls throughout the apartment.
  4. A good idea is to hang in a conspicuous place the results of the joint work of the mother and the baby: the first drawings with watercolors and finger paints, handprints or footprints.

What to give for 1 year

Often, invitees ask what to give the crumbs for their first birthday. Do not be modest, but rather tell right away what the birthday man needs. This will save relatives from painful thoughts, and you from a bunch of unnecessary things.

Good 1 year birthday gift options:

  • rocking horse
  • educational books
  • musical and interactive toys
  • sorters, liners
  • cars
  • dolls
  • ball (large inflatable or small rubber)
  • pyramid
  • tumbler
  • play house-tent
  • home puppet theater
  • large children's photo album
  • set of utensils for feeding.

How to spend a birthday

The apartment is decorated, the gift is prepared and, finally, the long-awaited day has come. This is also your parental holiday, so the mood should be birthday. Hug, kiss the child, tell us what is the event in your family today.

After breakfast, you can give the baby a gift from mom and dad, with whom he will enthusiastically play. For a walk, choose an interesting place, for example, a zoo, an amusement park. The main thing is not to overwork the child and put him to bed on time so that he gains strength before the guests arrive.

Entertaining guests

You can start the holiday with funny poems about the first year of life on behalf of the baby. Tell how great it is for him to live in your wonderful family, with such caring and loving parents. Dedicate touching and funny lines to mom and dad, remember the moment of birth. Let dad talk about mom, and mom talk about dad. Prepare in advance and show guests a video or slideshow dedicated to the birthday. Photo and video frames from birth to 12 months, superimposed on suitable music, will arouse interest and remain in memory for a long time.

For 1 year it is customary to conduct a fortune-telling game "Choice of fate". In front of the child, at some distance from each other, objects are laid out, each of which symbolizes something (the first thing the child chooses awaits him in the future):

  • ball of wool (long life)
  • garlic (health)
  • coin (wealth)
  • book (knowledge and intelligence)
  • brush (creative tendencies)
  • ring (successful marriage)
  • keys (welfare)
  • chocolate bar (sweet life).

Be sure to say kind words, thank you for your help in raising grandparents, godparents, aunts and uncles, if they are invited. It’s good to make all this also funny verses. You can prepare medals, for example, "Mustachioed nannies", "For flooding the grandson with toys", "Beloved aunt", "Caring godfather" and the list goes on.

Contest "Chamomile": who knows the birthday man best of all? Prepare a flower, on the petals of which there are questions about the hero of the occasion:

  • What weight was born? What height?
  • In what maternity home?
  • When did the first tooth come out?
  • When did you sit down? gone?
  • What color is the winter hat?
  • What time was born?

And so on, what is enough for your imagination. Prizes for correct answers. If there are other kids, consider entertainment for them too. Take a place in the room under the play area, cover it with a soft rug, lay out bright interesting toys. At the end of the holiday, sing "Loaf". Give gifts to everyone: children can be given balloons, and adults can receive magnets or calendar cards with the image of a birthday person.

How to celebrate the first year of the crumbs, it's up to you. The main thing is that this day passes easily and joyfully, gives your family pleasant impressions. Even if the baby does not remember this date, he will definitely have a feeling of a miracle with which he will celebrate his next birthdays.