We make a birthday card for the teacher with our own hands or download it for free online. Best congratulations for a teacher on her birthday Happy birthday cards to her beloved teacher

A teacher is an important person in the life of every child, because for an impressive period she occupies a significant place in his life. She reverently puts knowledge into each child, worries, makes every effort to make a worthy person out of him.

Therefore, happy birthday greetings to the teacher, which were chosen with a soul, will be a wonderful gratitude for all that she has done and continues to do.

From the parent

The primary school teacher is the second mother for children who spend most of their time within the walls of the school. She not only teaches them to write, count, read, love nature, but also experiences, rejoices at every achievement. Therefore, the upcoming birthday of the first teacher is an excellent occasion for parents of primary school students to congratulate her on this holiday.

Among the many options, you can find wonderful wishes in prose that will fully convey the mood and attitude of the parents, help express their gratitude to them for the fact that this person does not get tired of teaching, caring, giving practical instructions, advice to their children from day to day. In fact, most of what a child knows is the merit of the teacher.

We congratulate you on your birthday,
And we wish you happiness at this hour!
And may joy and joy come to you,
After all, we don't have a better teacher.

Let your eyes sparkle with joy
Let the smile never leave your lips
Let it expand every year
Talented kids all around.

We wish you a little patience
To persistent, active and funny.
We appreciate you of course, without a doubt,
And we recognize your work is not easy.

May your destiny be a bright road!
After all, they say about such people - you are a teacher from God!
Never, (Name Patronymic), you do not change!
And remain such a teacher for life!

We wish you so much health enough for all students. We wish you a golden pointer that grants wishes instead of a magic wand. We wish you a fabulous globe: where you pointed your finger, you got there. We wish you a recorder journal: what you write down will come true!

Being a teacher isn't easy
Strong nerves are needed.
Understanding and patience
So important in your business.

But the severity of the teacher
Must also have
With naughty children
Well, he could handle it.

Many of the best qualities
You were able to absorb it.
To them only good health
We want to wish you!

More salary, less notebooks,
Good students, in the forehead of seven spans.
So that the lessons themselves are conducted,
And the children were brought up by themselves.
Good luck creative and inspiration
We wish you a happy birthday.

Wishes in prose from parents of primary school students can be sincere, sincere and even playful. The best wishes, words of gratitude can be selected in them. In prose, you can express the sincerity of what was said, supplement the lines you like with your own, making the congratulations the author's.

As a gift for a primary school teacher from parents, you can present beautiful poems. She will certainly share this idea, because such a congratulation written on a postcard will give pleasant memories after each reading.

You are like a sorceress, a good fairy,
There is so much patience in your character.
And children with success you teach life
And fill their every day with meaning.

Teaching kids is not an easy task.
They are playful, play and cry.
You love them, at school you are like a mother to them,
We wish you health and strength.

Be loved and be successful
Let all dreams come true in a hurry.
To bring you bouquets every day,
So that in your life you have a lot of light.

Today we congratulate the person dedicated to children entirely. A teacher who is always ready to help his students and give them advice not only in terms of lessons, but also in terms of their lives. Patience to you, happiness, health, and let love live in your heart!

Happy birthday to congratulate
We want you teacher.
For children, you are the light of goodness,
Gentle soul healer.

I wish you health
fighting excerpts,
youthful ease,
Old people's knowledge.

Only with great love
To be included in the class.
The immediacy of children
Always appreciated.

Today is your birthday -
Let everything in life add up to "five"!
Let the students always rejoice
And less to check control.

And let the Minister of Education himself
"Teacher of the Year" will award you an award!
So be young today and always
And not subject to the passage of time.

You can always captivate children -
A task, interesting stories,
Teacher, you are definitely not without reason,
After all, children love you all at once!

We wish you a birthday today -
As much joy, health,
May the children never grieve
In return, you will be given respect and knowledge.

Having got to know the teacher better, her passions and hobbies, it will be much easier to pick up a wish in prose or give poetry. It is incredibly nice to receive such gifts from the parents of your students. After all, this is the highest gratitude for warmth and love, endurance, care, which is daily work.

From students

It is no less pleasant to receive poems, congratulations in prose, not only from parents, but also from the student. In this regard, there are many wishes, beautiful lines, among which you can choose exactly those that are associated with the teacher, fully express the attitude towards her.

Congratulations in prose, poetry can be selected for both primary school children and older students. They differ in size and meaning. But in any case, both options will allow the child to congratulate his beloved teacher on her holiday in the best possible way, express her best wishes and thank her for her work.

You gave us knowledge - we give you love.
You took care of us, protected us from mistakes - our respect is a gift to you.
You taught us to live without malice and envy - we bow our heads before your kindness and wisdom.
You are a wonderful mentor, our teacher. All you can wish for is to remain yourself all your life: a sensitive, sympathetic, sincere, honest and wise person.

You are children's hearts
And the keeper of knowledge.
You are wise and sensitive
You are an awesome teacher.
May your calling
Gives inspiration.
We wish you strength and joy
On this birthday.

You are our second mother,
You are a mentor for children.
You are proud of all of us
You are the sweetest in the world.

Together we congratulate you.
On this brightest day
We wish you happiness and love
Faithful, devoted friends.

Let the salary rise
And your career will go up.
Let the rent go down
And great success awaits you!

We wish you good luck
In the house of peace and good.
And endless patience
And home warmth.

It's your birthday today!
And now we hasten to wish you:
Health, strength, work - inspiration,
Patience, wisdom and not to be bored.

Thank you for what you bring
The teachings of light in minds that are not yet bright.
You always give us the best
For this we appreciate and respect you!

Dear our teacher, teacher,
Happy birthday our guide.
Congratulations to your favorite class,
You always take care of us!

We are interested in your lessons
Knowledge is stable and deep.
We wish from the bottom of our hearts now
Get everything that warms you!

You health, joy and happiness,
Live well, enjoy life.
And always let it be all right
Don't be sad and have fun!

Solemn words are especially reverent from the lips of primary school students who are just starting their life journey, in which it is the first teacher who takes an active part. She will be very pleased to hear congratulatory words from the children, even if it is only a few lines in prose or poetry, but they will be sincere, pure.

Many poets have written poems about teachers, lines from which can be used as a compilation of your own wishes in prose. Having decided to present poems, due attention should be paid to their choice, because sometimes choosing the best one can be a difficult task. In this case, parents can be involved in the choice of congratulations.

The first teacher is like a mother to us,
Happy birthday today the class congratulates you,
We wish to always be so - beautiful, young,
So that you always smile like the sun in spring!

We wish you happiness, a lot of strength and joy always,
To have enough health and warmth for years,
With great joy in your soul you came to school,
And disobedient us, any, always, always loved!

Are you used to doing good?
Helping others to learn
And today we congratulate you
Our dear teacher.

All good things come back to you
And your health will not end.
Our class sincerely promises you -
Loneliness does not threaten you in life.

Have fun on your birthday
Smile like you always do.
Thanks for your patience
We will never forget you!

We respect you very much
Let still primary class.
We wish you good health
It's your birthday.

So that all your dreams come true
We will help you.
On the five only studying
Write dictations correctly.

Thank you together let's say
After all, teaching us is not easy.
Nevertheless, let the disappointments
You will be far away.

We are in front of your work
We just bow.
And great patience
We are very surprised.

We wish you a birthday
We have strong nerves for you.
And a bit of mischief
Certainly in class.

Beautiful birthday lines for a teacher received from children or their parents are just a small part of what can be done as a token of gratitude. After all, this person deserves warm, sincere words not only on this holiday, despite the fact that sometimes he is strict, demanding, but he does it solely out of good intentions.

Therefore, on a birthday, which happens only once a year, you should not skimp on the most sincere and pure congratulations, words of gratitude towards the birthday man.

On our site you can find a wide variety of postcards, download them and congratulate your dear person. All of them are available completely free of charge and are loaded in the format of ordinary pictures. In particular, and postcards happy birthday to the teacher. By sending such a teacher to your son / daughter, you can build relationships with the teacher. The same applies to the students themselves, who are at odds with school mentors.

Choose a postcard

Happy birthday greeting cards for teacher

Birthday is the brightest holiday in the life of any person. It so happened in our country, as in the CIS countries, that we should give people gifts on their day; or at least show other signs of attention. One of these signs can be an ordinary postcard, selected on our website, taking into account all your wishes.

Here you can find high quality images that are equally suitable for round dates, anniversaries, and ordinary birthdays.

We tried our best to find the most interesting options. We are sure that you will be able to choose among them something that will really please the teacher.

Why is it equally good for both parents and students themselves? It is on such a day that you can approach even the most evil person (as we sometimes consider some teachers), find a common language with him. Both the child and the parent can congratulate their mentor - in order to check in personally (after all, it is enough to send an ordinary message in the messenger that everyone has).

Now you have a really great opportunity to download any of the dozens of holiday cards presented and immediately send via:

  • Email;
  • whatsapp;
  • viber;
  • Telegram, etc.

As you can see, there is a minimum of actions - all this will not take even one minute of your time, but it will bring a lot of pleasure to another person. If you wish, you can add something from yourself using a regular image editor. Warm words coming from a person; written by him on his own - always at times more pleasant.

In general, download postcards for teachers on their birthday, give them and let a smile shine on their face!

We wish you health
And joy at work
Among colleagues to be
Always highly respected

To be seen in the kids
To the knowledge of ardor and zeal,
Always to be with you
Humor and patience.

Let there be enough time
Be loved with family.
What was impossible
Let it become achievable.

Always let it inspire
You are a wind of inspiration.
And we congratulate you
Hearty happy birthday!

You are the best teacher
May success lie ahead
happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish
Continue to be the best.

Let adversity and bad weather
You will not be met on the way,
May health and happiness always
And everyone's participation
Will lead you forward!

Dear teacher! Congratulations on your birthday! I wish you good health, many joys in life and simple human happiness. Your work is invaluable and even if sometimes it is difficult, know that we appreciate and respect you, we appreciate what you have and what you do for us. May everything in your life develop successfully and harmoniously. Let every day begin only with a joyful smile, and only pleasant and cheerful events take place in life. Happy Birthday to you!

Congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you health and wellness!
May luck not leave you
Remaining a faithful companion always.

Let everything be in order,
Let the students bring joy.
Peace to you in the family, love, prosperity.
May your cherished dreams come true!

We wish you peaceful working days!
May every student please you.
From under your hand, let your red line
Fives rush into the diary.

May there be a lot of happiness in your life,
And don't let your health fail you.
Teacher - there is no brighter, wiser road!
You create a new world in an hour.

Happy birthday with love!
You are the light in the total darkness of ignorance!
Thank you for your hard work and patience!
We wish you to always be on top!

Happy birthday to you!
You are an example for us in everything,
He loves, respects
Our friendly class appreciates you.

We wish you patience
Strength, health and love,
So that on this birthday
All dreams came true!

Happy birthday, your day,
I wish you well in everything
exemplary students
And endless joy.

Success in difficult work,
Surrounded by care
And the attention of relatives.
And more weekends!

Happy birthday teacher!
Let dreams come true
Happiness, good health,
Strength, patience and love.

Many happy moments
Bright and successful days,
The brightest achievements
new creative ideas.

Let there be time for everything
For family and school class,
Many more generations
Will remember you fondly.

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish you happiness and health for centuries!
Let all the bold ideas come true
And the house will be full of love, kindness, warmth.

We wish you to seek and not give up,
Go forward, contrary to the blizzards,
We wish you to laugh, smile
And light the fires in the hearts.

We want to say a big thank you
For your work, which is so necessary for us!
We love you! Celebrate beautifully
So that the world smiles at you again!

Sometimes we are naughty
We break the lesson and shake our nerves,
And every time as the first congratulations
Happy birthday to you.

We wish you optimism
And we also wish you inspiration
Yes, it is difficult with us, we are still capricious,
And sometimes we don't understand you.

Let worries and sorrows pass
Don't be nervous about trifles
We will try our best, we promise.
After all, you have become like family to us.

We want the notebooks to be checked
"At once", so as not to sit at night for a long time.
To rejoice, just smile
And so that from happiness I wanted to sing.

happy birthday congratulations
And I wish right in the morning
Get a piece of happiness
Every time, not sometimes.

I wish work
It was only a joy to you
To be appreciated and loved
Wards always.

Lots of good luck
To not take it all away.
So that everything you dreamed about
We were able to find in life!

Happy birthday to the teacher in prose, in verse, in your own words. Beautiful postcards, pictures, congratulations. Free download.

Choose a birthday greeting for the teacher

Happy birthday to the teacher by ordering a pleasant phone call :) And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

Click the left mouse button on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations

Happy birthday to the teacher by ordering a pleasant call:

Happy birthday to the teacher by ordering a pleasant audio greeting-call to your phone. And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

  1. Wait for the congratulations to load above this text
  2. Listen to audio greetings and wishes
  3. Choose the one you like the most
  4. Indicate which number you need to call and play the wish
  5. The recipient of the congratulations is delighted :)

A teacher is a person to whom parents entrust the most valuable and dear thing they have - their children. The mentor not only shares knowledge with students, but also teaches them responsibility, wisdom, humanity. On the birthday of their beloved teacher, children try to prepare pleasant surprises: they do it with good wishes and sincere congratulations, give flowers and gifts. In this article we will tell you how to make original postcards to please the teacher on a holiday.

What postcard should a primary school teacher choose?

Primary school students can make a simple gift for their first teacher that will touch the birthday girl and will be remembered for a long time.

We offer to make a surprise from designer cardboard. What materials will be needed:

  • colored paper;
  • beautiful congratulatory inscription.

The postcard is made as follows:

  1. Prepare a designer cardboard with thematic drawings: balloons, crackers, cake, candles, flowers, etc.
  2. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half - this will be the basis for a future gift.
  3. Cut out a rectangle from colored paper.
  4. Draw or print a congratulatory inscription, stick it on a colored rectangle.
  5. It remains to stick colored paper with an inscription on cardboard.

The surprise is very simple, so even first-graders can do the job. A primary school teacher will be pleased to receive such a touching birthday present from young students.

Another suitable version of a happy birthday card for a woman is the image of butterflies:

  1. Fold a sheet of thick light cardboard in half.
  2. You can draw blanks in the form of butterflies yourself or print pictures from the Internet. It is better to use special paper for origami, but ordinary colored sheets will also work.
  3. Cut out the butterflies, slightly spread their wings to make them voluminous. Glue the resulting decorative elements to the cardboard blank.
  4. You can decorate butterflies with beads or rhinestones, which are attached with glue.
  5. Write a congratulatory inscription or stick a sign: "Happy Birthday!".

To cheer up your favorite teacher, prepare a bright, colorful surprise for her. It is prepared simply:

  1. A multi-colored confetti is made with a figured or ordinary hole punch.
  2. Circles are glued to a white cardboard blank. In the center you need to leave a place for a congratulatory inscription.
  3. A sign with congratulations is glued to the free area.

Children in elementary grades are happy to make applications from cardboard and paper. This is the most accessible material in order to show creativity and create a beautiful gift for your favorite teacher.

What you need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Master class on how to make a card with daisies:

  1. For petals, cut strips of white paper (width - 1 cm).
  2. Glue the two edges of each strip to form a drop shape.
  3. Cut out a circle from yellow paper (diameter 3 cm). Glue the petals to it - you should get a flower head.
  4. From green paper, make stems and leaves. Glue them to the cardboard blank.
  5. Attach flower heads to each stem with glue.
  6. The junction of the stems can be decorated with a bow.

Multi-colored buttons are often used to make various crafts. Primary school students can make a simple postcard to their favorite teacher:

  1. Fold a sheet of scrap paper in half (you can use regular cardboard).
  2. Glue a pink ribbon horizontally on top, decorate it in the center with a small button of the same shade.
  3. Glue green threads from below, which will be the stems for the flowers.
  4. Attach a button to the top of each stem.
  5. It remains to stick a congratulatory inscription or make it by hand in beautiful handwriting.

The best options for a class teacher

This is a senior mentor, a second mother who will always listen, support, give advice or sympathize. Usually, the class prepares special surprises for the birthday of the class teacher: they come up with a script, a congratulatory speech, get flowers and gifts. The teacher will be happy to receive birthday cards from her beloved students, which they made with their own hands with the most sincere wishes.

A truly festive gift with the image of balloons will turn out.

Necessary materials:

  • thick gray cardboard;
  • colored double-sided paper;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • double sided tape;
  • glue stick;
  • adhesive thermal gun;
  • markers;
  • thick colored threads;
  • ribbon.

Let's get to work:

  1. Fold a sheet of gray cardboard in half.
  2. Glue a sheet of pink paper so that a centimeter of gray cardboard remains around the edges.
  3. Cut a small rectangle out of gray paper, glue it onto a pink base. You will get the front part with a pink frame.
  4. Cut out circles from colored paper - these will be blanks of balloons.
  5. From the rest of the paper, cut small triangles and glue them to each ball from the bottom in accordance with the color.
  6. Glue the thread on the left side of the thread blank with a glue gun.
  7. A balloon is attached to each thread on top of the glue.
  8. At the bottom, decorate the resulting bouquet of balloons with a ribbon.
  9. Write a congratulatory inscription in beautiful handwriting.

On the spread, you can put a touching poem or signatures of all the students in the class.

The birthday of the class teacher is an occasion to congratulate him wholeheartedly not only with pleasant words, but also with surprises that the students made with their own hands. Making postcards using the scrapbooking technique is a whole art that even a schoolboy can master. At first glance, it may seem that this is very difficult. In fact, the work will not take much time, and the process itself will captivate little artists. The main thing is that the craft is bright, original and gives the teacher positive emotions.

We offer a simple, but very stylish version of a postcard using the scrapbooking technique. What you need to make a gift:

  • multi-colored paper;
  • thick white paper;
  • ribbon;
  • beads;
  • piece of lace;
  • congratulatory inscription;
  • glue;
  • artificial flowers.

The craft is made as follows:

  1. Fold a sheet of thick paper in half.
  2. Glue a rectangle of colored paper so that there are margins around the edges.
  3. Cut a rectangle out of colored paper, glue it in the center.
  4. Attach a piece of lace to the side, and a congratulatory sign on it.
  5. Add artificial flowers to the arrangement.
  6. Decorate the central rectangle with beads, buttons, a satin ribbon bow.

If the teacher is a man?

Giving a birthday card to a male teacher is an occasion to show your respect and gratitude for everything that the teacher does for his students. You can make a classic craft with the image of school supplies and a congratulatory inscription. If you want to surprise your mentor with an original surprise, give him an unusual postcard with ties.

It is done very simply:

  1. Cut out four pieces of tie from scrap paper.
  2. Make a small hanger out of the wire.
  3. Glue the ties to the hanger so that they stay on it.
  4. Attach the hanger with ties to the cardboard blank.
  5. Write a congratulation by hand or stick a sign with warm words.

A postcard to the teacher may look like a tuxedo element. To make it you will need the following:

  • thick dark gray paper;
  • orange cardboard;
  • small buttons;
  • black tape;
  • congratulatory sign.

The craft is made like this:

  1. Fold the orange cardstock in half.
  2. From gray paper, cut out a rectangle of such a size that there are margins around the edges (a little more below). Stick on the orange blank.
  3. Cut a triangle out of orange cardboard, glue it with an acute angle downwards onto a gray rectangle. The base of the orange blank should be on top.
  4. Glue a black ribbon and button bow tie onto the triangle.
  5. Place a congratulatory sign below.

Crafts for a male teacher do not have to be strict and concise. The birthday boy will surely be delighted with the cheerful, festive image of balloons, because they are associated with childhood, positive emotions and good memories. You can also make a postcard with colorful flags.

How it's done:

  1. Cut out small flags from colored paper.
  2. Glue them in a row to the cardboard blank.
  3. Attach a rope or thin twine to the glue on top. It will give the impression that the flags are hanging on a string.
  4. Glue a circle with letters to each of them to make the inscription: “Congratulations!”.

What postcards will appeal to profile teachers?

Students can make a pleasant birthday surprise not only for the class teacher or primary school teacher. Teachers leading specialized subjects will be happy to receive handmade postcards from their students.

Gift for a math teacher

A math teacher can be given an original craft with a pocket.

What materials will be needed:

  • leaf in a cage;
  • thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • a piece of denim;
  • small ruler;
  • simple pencil;
  • artificial flowers;
  • glue.

Let's start making a gift for a math teacher:

  1. Glue a rectangle of colored or decorative paper onto a cardboard blank so that a small frame remains around the edges.
  2. Glue a sheet in a cage on top (it should be several centimeters smaller than the colored rectangle on all sides).

    To create a special charm, you can sew three paper rectangles with a decorative seam.

  3. Glue a denim pocket in the center of the card. You can sew it yourself or rip it off from old trousers.
  4. Glue a pencil, a ruler, decorative flowers on top of the pocket.
  5. You can decorate the craft with paper clips, autumn leaves, a bunch of mountain ash, a bow, lace. It is better to sew the decor to a cardboard blank so that it holds better.
  6. In a jeans pocket, put a cardboard plate with mathematical formulas and congratulations.

Postcard to a dance and music teacher

To make an amazing surprise for a dance teacher, the following will come in handy:

  • thick shiny cardboard;
  • iridescent paper (you can use foil);
  • ballerina pattern;
  • glue;
  • decor.

Fold the cardboard blank in half. Cut out a ballerina from iridescent paper, glue it to the base. Make a skirt out of lace, attach a ribbon or bow to your hair. It remains to sign a beautiful gift and give it to the teacher on his birthday.

A happy birthday card for a music teacher can be made using the scrapbooking technique. All the necessary materials are sold in a special art store. Glue a piece of lace and a fragment of a music sheet onto decorative paper. Attach a congratulatory sign to the ribbon. Decorate the craft with decorative flowers and butterflies.

Gift for an English teacher

If you want to wish an English teacher a happy birthday, pay attention to a beautiful card with flowers. Glue a scrap paper rectangle onto a piece of thick cardboard (it should be 1.5-2 cm smaller on all sides). Use a helium pen to draw a whimsical stem with curls and patterned leaves. From textured paper, cut out two circles (one larger, the second smaller) - this will be the head of the flower. Make petals in each circle, moving them slightly away to make the flower voluminous. Glue a large circle to the drawn stem first, then a smaller circle on it. Glue a button in the center with the inscription: "Happy birthday!". Attach two more small flowers. Decorate the craft with ribbon and beads.

What to give a teacher of Russian language and literature

It is not necessary to use the classic decor associated with the work of the teacher. After all, a birthday is a personal holiday that a mentor will be happy to share with students, friends and colleagues. We offer to surprise the teacher of the Russian language and literature with an elegant craft made using the quilling technique. This option is for diligent students, but there is nothing complicated in making a postcard.

What you need for work:

  • colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • glue;
  • decor;
  • quilling tool.

First, strips are cut out of colored paper, which are rolled into small modules using a special quilling needle. Then the parts are placed on a cardboard blank in a certain sequence, after which they are glued one by one. A pattern in the form of bright flowers will suit the holiday.

Templates of ready-made pictures and patterns can be found on the Internet or come up with your own original drawing.

What card to give a physical education teacher?

You can wish a physical education teacher a happy birthday with a postcard with the image of a soccer ball and sneakers. Glue a smaller rectangle of scrap paper onto the cardboard base. Sew a piece of green felt in the center. Stick pieces of white rope on it to create an imitation of a real football field. Attach the image of a soccer ball in the center, glue small buttons on both sides - these will be the players. Glue a piece of satin ribbon and a congratulatory sign on the side.

Postcard from parents

If the class decides to give the teacher a postcard from the parents, you need to come up with an unusual option so that the birthday boy likes the surprise and remains in his memory for a long time. Look through several options to choose the best one. Here are some tips on how to make an original postcard:

  1. You can make crafts in the form of a globe, a school board, a class magazine.
  2. Use in the decor of the gift not only pastel, calm, but also bright colors: green, red, orange, yellow, blue.
  3. It is better not to indicate the age of the birthday person, so as not to offend him inadvertently.
  4. Place sincere congratulations and best wishes on the spread.

To make a simple craft that will look very unusual, stick a smaller rectangle of colored paper on thick cardboard. Cut out gift boxes from colored decorative paper. Glue the largest box on the bottom of the cardboard base, the smaller one on top, and then the smallest gift. Glue a piece of tape so that all the elements are tied. Tie a bow at the top, stick a congratulatory sign or make a handwritten inscription.

How to sign a postcard?

Birthday is an occasion to please a respected person, dear mentor with warm congratulations. They can be said in person or written on a postcard so that the sincere words are remembered by the teacher.

Happy birthday in prose:

Dear Ivan Vasilyevich! We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday and wish you only bright prospects in work and personal life. May love and mutual respect reign in your home, and at school, students will delight with brilliant knowledge and good grades!

Happy Birthday! We wish you every day to please you with new discoveries, happy events and pleasant words. Always remain the same young, cheerful, kind person, and we will try not to upset you, but only to please.

What verses can be written on a postcard for a teacher:

Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
So that all our grades
They were super good.
You are our beloved teacher
Kind, sensitive and native.
Catch congratulations,
Take them with you.
Let happiness shine in your eyes
There is great success in life.
Accept congratulations
Sincerely from all of us.

Happy Birthday
And we want to wish you
In the life of joy, luck,
Never lose heart.
All students love you
There is something to respect you.
We promise more
We will only get five.

Postcards for download

If you want to virtually congratulate a dear teacher on the holiday, send him a brilliant, iridescent picture, which can be downloaded for free below. To do this, you need to stop on it, right-click on the computer mouse, click on the "Save As" function in the menu that appears. Next, choose the most suitable location for the image on your computer and save. Print the image with congratulatory words on thick paper, fold it in half, write your own sincere wishes inside.

The teacher will be happy to receive a postcard on his birthday, for the creation of which the students spent not only their free time, but also applied their creativity. Any congratulation touches the teacher, because he puts a piece of his soul into each student.