What to give a guy for his birthday. The best original birthday gifts for a guy from a girl. DIY Gift Ideas Birthday Gifts for 15 Year Old Boyfriend

“Take care of mothers of daughters - my son is growing!” 15th anniversary. What to give a boy for 15 years? A question that can lead anyone to a dead end, but not "Super Helper". Therefore, you did the right thing by turning again to select the best ideas from . The age is difficult, when all judgments are categorical, the corners are sharpened, and the truth must triumph. And at the same time, there are a lot of complexes that haunt and poison life.

Do you think 15-year-old boys are infantile? Not! Do you think that they have no other interests besides the computer? Wrong! Are you sure that today's youth is worse than previous generations? And pass again.

Yes, Kutuzov commanded a company at the age of 15, and Arkady Gaidar at this age had already distinguished himself during the Civil War. Yes, there are many examples when the sons of regiments during the Great Patriotic War, together with adults, fought at the fronts and in partisan detachments. But these facts only confirm that at the age of 15 guys are capable of much.

There are many examples. In America, a 15-year-old boy created his own business and spread it around the world. His company has 150 employees and is valued at $3.5 million. A French student from Strasbourg made the most important scientific discovery in the field of astronomy. Yes, boys at the age of 15 are far from children, although in fact there is still a lot of children in them. What to give for the 15th birthday of a boy who is potentially capable of much?

"SuperHelper" advises to look for gifts based on the interests of the young man, while not making gifts that are too childish, which may offend, and too adult, which will not arouse interest.

So, what to give a guy 15 years old:

Paintball is a great gift for a boy on his 15th birthday, but in fact there are many options for such gifts: karts, laser tag, bowling, choose, collect a birthday boy, and let him organize his friends, and go ahead ...

Kangurushka - a sweatshirt with a hood with a cool pattern or an inscription - a gift that will please a boy who is not indifferent to fashion;

A printer with advanced photo output options is a great gift for a creative person;

A good gift for a 15 year old boy who already looks down on everyone.

If the question arose of what to give a birthday present to a friend, then SuperHelper recommends looking at computer accessories, but not banal mice or rugs, but something unusual and necessary for a birthday person:

Silicone keyboard with LED backlight is an unusual gift that, along with other modern ones, will delight anyone;

A powerful video card that supports all the latest games or additional RAM is a useful gift, especially if you know what the birthday person needs.

The advice given in this article applies not only to a beloved boyfriend, but also to a brother, son, grandson, nephew or just a friend. Each of them needs to buy a gift, but I don’t want to repeat myself. After all, you need to invest your whole soul in a present, and not just hand something in order to get rid of this problem for a year.

What can I give a boy for his birthday (11-12-13-14 years old)

Teenagers value attention to themselves very much. During this period, they may even feel lonely living in a family. They often feel like their parents have stopped caring for them. That's why it's so important not to miss the date and give your boyfriend something special for his birthday. Of course, parents, grandparents are able to buy something valuable, but underage brother or sister, friends and girlfriends do not have such a financial opportunity. Therefore, they have to apply a lot of their imagination to come up with and make a gift themselves.

Cute gifts - DIY crafts

Girls can make cute gifts. These can be photographs in self-made frames. You can learn how to make them from master classes, of which there are many on the Internet. Alternatively, make the craft edible. Bake a small cake, gingerbread or pie - it's not as difficult as coming up with a plot for decoration. You can also collect a semblance of a cake from sweets and chocolates if there is no way to bake.

There are several dishes that are prepared not with the help of fire, but, on the contrary, in the refrigerator. And they make amazing cakes!

If you move away from the edible topic, then you can independently make a collage of postcards, including with a photo of the birthday man. And if the present is a collective one, then it is better to arrange it in the form of an “endless” wall newspaper on a sheet of wallpaper. For this, either the reverse side of any wallpaper, or the front side of a light-colored wallpaper without an intrusive pattern, is suitable. The main thing is that such a gift should fit at least in a corridor or a large room in the apartment of the recipient.

Video congratulations

Saying the usual congratulations on camera is the lot of boring adults. You need to act out a real scene and write it down. The finished and edited recording can be posted on YouTube, and a link can be sent to the birthday boy. You can also post the video to social networks. But whether to provide a record for general use or not, it is up to the hero of the occasion to decide.

If this is just your joint concert, where someone sang and someone read poetry, then this can become public. And if the congratulation contains too much personal, then let it remain so - for a small circle of friends.

dog for birthday

On the Internet, you can find a lot of arguments against live gifts. And this is correct to some extent. Especially if the living creatures are given to a child who himself does not yet have his own apartment and the means to maintain a pet. Even if a boy dreams of a cat or a dog, then take into account that such a gift may not suit the parents. On the other hand, if our dreamer is a parent himself, then why not take advantage of the recommendation and give his son a puppy or kitten? From relatives, such a gift is more than appropriate.

For the rest, the advice is this: if a guy has mice or other small rodents at home, then he can have one more: no one will notice this. So the jungarik can be just as wonderful a gift as a new fish for an aquarium that has already been set up at home.

Birthday gift ideas for boyfriend (15-16-17-19 years old)

At this age, both material and event gifts are equally valued - in the form of trips to some institutions, joint photo shoots, etc.

Any gadget at this age will not be superfluous. Especially if it's done well. For example, headphones in the form of halves of a banana or shoelaces are very funny. There are headphones that look like miniature corks for bottles or medical earplugs. What just does not happen today in the world of electronics! And what speakers for a mobile phone can be found today! Manufacturers of flash drives are also not far behind and make a very funny design for these storage drives. The main thing is to choose exactly what the guy will appreciate and give. And then it will be his favorite subject. By the way, parents or grandparents can give a smartphone or tablet.

Bracelets or chains

Also, young people in this age group think about their appearance. A chain or bracelet would be a good gift. The bracelet can be made of either metal or leather. The so-called wristband. Such accessories are also produced from elastic fabric, on which you can draw anything you like. You can buy non-trivial wristlets in rock shops. And if for adults a leather accessory does not seem so expensive, then friends in their finances will pick up a gift cheaper - just from an elastic fabric.

If a guy loves sports, then choosing a gift is easier in the appropriate store. It is only necessary to know exactly what kind of sport the young man is fond of. There are also shells that all athletes need - expanders and dumbbells. Pump up the muscles and give them the necessary load - it will always come in handy. And even if a guy just does exercises at home, he will be happy with some kind of home exercise equipment or equipment that can diversify exercises.

Hobbies at this age are not always related to sports or computer topics. The guy might be interested in music. Of course, giving a violin as a gift, especially if you don’t understand bowed instruments, is not the best way out. But you can go with the birthday boy to a music store and choose the scores that interest him. Also, a young man who is fond of the classics can be pleased with rare recordings of concerts. The main thing is to know what to look for.

Go bowling with friends, billiards

Moving pastime is not only skating or playing football. These are also games such as bowling or billiards. The game of skittles is easier to master because there are not a great many rules in it. A little more difficult will be the towns where there are various figures. But this activity will also seem exciting. Significant physical preparation for the towns, bowling or billiards is not required, so the whole invited company can play. Well, then - everyone goes to eat in a cafe.

If everyone knows how to roller skate, then you can celebrate your birthday at the rollerdrome. And when there are indoor artificial skating rinks in the city, then everyone can go out on the ice together.

How to choose a birthday present for a guy aged 21-23-25

This age can be called "senior student". Many in these years continue to be non-family, and those who have already had a girlfriend of life still “hang out” with her in the company. This allows you to organize a fun and interesting birthday. And it is the very organization of the holiday that will be a gift for a young man.

Emotions as a gift

An unforgettable experience is a wonderful gift for someone whose life is starting to turn into a routine. Alas, even young people today at work have to deal with monotony, the lack of a creative component, and it turns out that a person gives all the best, earning money for something. For some bright future or for life, like everyone else. But in fact, this life is turning into a “home-work-home” system. And when to live? And present this very, full of adventures, life to a person.

There are even several ways to make it fly:

  • balloon;
  • parachute;
  • aerodynamic tube;
  • paratrike.

If a young man does not want to get off the ground, then you can pick up other extreme entertainment. On the water, you can try rafting down the river on a catamaran with an instructor. If there are no fast-flowing rivers in your area, then you can simply visit the water park with dizzying slides.

Fans of "land" entertainment can be offered paintball or laser tag. The alternative is go-karting.

If the guy is a frank "nerd", then it is better not to engage him in physical activity, so as not to ruin his birthday. It is worth taking him on a quest in reality, where you have to show remarkable intelligence and analytical skills in order to get out of the room. Here the birthday boy will be on top.

Organization of an unforgettable holiday

Birthday can be turned into a show. It is especially good to do this for those who were born in a snowstorm and snowfall, and even in severe frosts. In such weather, you won’t stay outside for a long time, so it’s better for everyone to gather indoors. An apartment or a specially rented area can turn into a theatrical stage, where a whole play will be played. You can also order a real gala concert in honor of a friend. Not every guest can play instruments or sing. But it can shine with oratory or pantomime. And then he will show an acrobatic number. As the saying goes: from each according to his ability.

Gift according to his interests

But let's not forget about the abilities and passions of the birthday man himself. If he likes to play musical instruments, then why not present him with a new electric guitar or a prefix for it? If a young man is in love with sports, he will appreciate a gym membership. And if he does not like a healthy lifestyle, but he still decided to quit smoking, then an electronic hookah will be a great gift. This thing is more stylish than electronic cigarettes, and it also allows you to try different flavors. By the way, if a person already has such a hookah, then you can give assorted mixes, which contain all the flavors that hookah tobacco has.

If a guy draws well, then he can be given a set of high-quality pencils or oil paints. But before buying, take an interest in what technique this young talent works in and what consumables he uses.

The photographer will be delighted with the new filters. You can also give him software products for image processing on a computer. If you buy a licensed program, it will work better than the hacked version.

A gift to your beloved guy with your own hands from a girl

Dear and beloved, you always want to please. And even if a girl does not see her future husband in her current boyfriend, something still makes her behave as if she wants to make him the father of her children. Therefore, surprises are often the same as from his wife.

The older generation says that the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach. And it makes sense to listen to him. Even if a guy is indifferent to culinary delights and does not want to eat exotic dishes, this does not mean that he will not appreciate the roast or chicken leg cooked especially for him with french fries and salad.

Salad can be decorated in a special way with the help of special knives and raw materials in the form of vegetables or fruits. By the way, there are fruit salads, and it is very convenient to decorate them with elements cut from oranges, lemons and apples.

Even dumplings can be made special if you work on their design. For example, sculpt them in the shape of hearts.

Men's bouquet

Purchased food can be used as raw material for a purely masculine bouquet. What is a beer bouquet? It is more convenient to use cans for it, not bottles, since the latter can break. A bouquet, if it includes at least three jars, will already weigh more than one and a half kilograms. Such a gift can not be held in your hands if you do not initially imagine its weight. So if the beer beloved by the birthday boy exists only in bottles, then you can take one, but at the same time create a composition around it from vobla or other popular snacks. You can roll flowers from chopped sausage or cheese. In the middle, between the petals of these products, you can place transparent bags of pistachios or salted peanuts. It is good to use cling film for wrapping nuts: it is well fixed and does not harm the products.

Make a homemade accessory

With your own hands, you can make a case for a tablet or phone that a young man uses. If the mobile device is working, then it produces some part of the heat. You can save this heat with the help of an insulated cover, which is important in winter. Then even in the cold, the gadget will slowly lose battery power. This is especially important for a tablet, since it can hardly be put into an inside pocket of clothing. The cover can be made of fabric, laying an inner layer of insulating material. Quilted on a sewing machine and trimmed with ribbon, this accessory will look no worse than a factory one.

And if you are a real artisan, then sew a purse for a young man. By the way, also made of quilted material, only you need to find not so much warm as hard insert. Ordinary cardboard will not work, as it will deteriorate from moisture. It is better to take a plastic tab, for example, from a cap visor. You can not quilt the material, but fix it with hot-melt glue "spider line".

romantic surprise

And if your relationship has already moved into an intimate stage, then you can portray a whole erotic performance for your loved one. This theater of one actress can be combined not only with costumes and scenery, but also in a certain way to decorate the bedroom. And if before that there was no celebration in the company of friends, then it would be nice to also prepare a beautiful dinner with candles.

The entrance to the apartment can be decorated with balloons, which will already create a festive atmosphere. Balls can be hung around the apartment. But in the bedroom itself, you can do without them if you or he is afraid of harsh sounds. After all, the balls often burst at the wrong time.

What is original to give a young man for his birthday

Sometimes you can find the most ordinary things in a very original packaging. And then it will be a funny surprise.

best gift for friend

If the birthday boy is your friend who likes to wear a beard, then you can present him with a clipper along with a razor. Sometimes such kits are produced, which also have all the attachments that allow you to care for your beard and mustache. It is clear that a bearded friend is unlikely to be able to cut himself with a machine from the back of the head, so the present will be a clear hint of his beard.

But what then to give to a person who does not wear a beard? Just a razor is trivial and not interesting, although the gift itself is valuable and good. Better, just take a friend to the movies, to a match or to a concert.

One of the best will be a present associated with a friend's hobby. But what if his most serious passion is a girl he is afraid to approach? Then try to organize their "random" meeting and send them together to the cinema or theater.

Inexpensive gift for boyfriend

When a guy is just a colleague, it is rare when you have to make a gift from yourself personally. Usually the whole team "throw off" and acquire some kind of item. For example, a stylish nightlight. But if there are not so many colleagues, then you can take care of a neutral gift yourself. Tea or coffee can be presented in some original packaging. And cognac or vodka - in an unusual container.

A gift for a colleague should not be too expensive, even if it is your subordinate and your salary is much higher. You simply oblige a person to enter into embezzlement when your birthday is. Even if you are thinking of giving him a Parker pen, you can choose the most modest model.

If a brother - a brother or cousin - is still a child, then the best way would be to remember what he himself dreamed of as a child. If the brother does not have this item yet, then just right for him to buy it. If this is a cousin, then you can consult with his parents, because they themselves know what their son wants. Sometimes parents do not have enough money for some minor thing. And for a guy, she is the most paramount. For example, a skateboard or roller surf.

If the cousin's parents live in poverty, you can help them with buying winter clothes or shoes for him. Only it should not be just clothes, but a chic option, such that all peers simply fall with envy. You can even take a walk with your brother to the store so that he shows what they wear at his school and are considered especially “cool”.

If the brother is older, then you can buy him just a cool souvenir or some really useful thing. Perhaps it will not be considered a gift, so a cousin or brother does not expect to receive something similar from friends or colleagues. And you can give him as a relative even a mirror and an ottoman in the hallway or a bathroom hanger.

What to give an ex-boyfriend as a sign of friendship

Here, a lot depends on whether you want to return the young man's favor to you. If you want to make it clear that this is just a tribute to respect and nothing more, then limit yourself to the most banal things:

  • umbrella;
  • electronic alarm clock;
  • car accessory for the interior, such as an organizer.

But if you still want to remind you of how good it was for you together, then you will need to show remarkable attention to this character. If you know what this fellow's character is, then buy him a cool keyboard or mouse. And also something related to his hobby. Such gifts are more personal, and they can really touch.

What to give a stranger as a sign of respect

If you are not familiar with a man, but you need to give him something, then here, too, the choice should fall on the assortment of a store called "Gifts". It can be a cigarette case, elite alcohol, a flash drive, a box of chocolates with a "male" design, a cup, including a personalized one or with a zodiac sign.

Handmade gizmos for this situation are unlikely to fit, unless you just make them for sale. It is much more convenient to present a book or an album with photographs of sights or beautiful views of nature.

An umbrella will be a non-binding gift. You can also give a symbolic figurine if you work with a person in the same company and know what his professional activity is.

Top gift ideas for a guy if there is no money at all

  • Of course, some pennies can always stay and help out in such a situation. They can buy paper and paints in order to make a collage.
  • If the house has threads and knitting needles, then you can start knitting a scarf. This is such an item, with the size of which it is difficult to make a mistake.
  • If the threads that are in the house are suitable only for sewing or embroidery, you can weave a bauble or a tie-lace from them.
  • If you have potted plants, then you need to look after the process in advance, plant it in a glass of water or immediately into a separate pot. Don't have a pot? It can be made from a mayonnaise bucket by pasting it with something interesting. For example, you can wind a coil to coil of twine or a thick thread.
  • If you are strong in versification, then compose an ode to the guy in his honor.
  • If you sing songs, then put this ode to a popular melody and sing to your loved one.
  • When you and your boyfriend live under the same roof, you can make an amazing breakfast as a gift, including coffee with a pattern.
  • And if you have the talent of an artist, then just draw a beautiful picture and dedicate this creation to your dear and beloved.
  • Did you dance? Then make a staged dance for your beloved to his favorite music.
  • If you are not afraid to play with fire, then you can learn the basics of a fire show in advance. Then you have to show the performance to the guy on the street, where it's safe to do it.

In order to understand what to give a boy for 15 years for his birthday, you need to know what he is interested in, what can please and surprise him.

As a gift, you can choose one of the following options:

  1. Case for phone. You can choose an original design, put a photo or a commemorative inscription.
  2. Wrist Watch. The design must be selected in accordance with the style of the young man. For fans of a sports lifestyle, a watch with wide functionality is suitable, for adherents of a classic style - an elegant watch on a leather strap.
  3. Bluetooth mini speaker. Suitable for any smartphone.
  4. Piggy bank - will allow the guy to start saving money for things that are important to him. The model can be selected in accordance with the taste of the gifted person: a smart piggy bank in the form of a safe, a bomb, etc.
  5. A scarf is an inexpensive gift for a boy who wants to look stylish.
  6. Runaway alarm clock- will delight every morning with a cheerful melody and make you laugh with your attempts to escape.
  7. Toy weapons: blaster that shoots snowballs, air jet, water.
  8. Notebook with leather cover and interchangeable blocks. Allow the boy to capture the necessary information.
  9. Leather Passport Cover— for a long time will keep the document intact.
  10. Winter gloves for touch screens- will save the teenager from frost and allow him to use his smartphone on the street without any problems.
  11. pocket warmer Suitable for those who spend a lot of time outdoors.
  12. Electric blanket - will warm the birthday boy after long winter walks.
  13. Robot dog Silverlit PupBo- can become a best friend, arouse interest in robotics.
  14. Perfume. It is recommended to select in accordance with the taste of the gifted.
  15. Radio-controlled helicopter. At 15, you can have fun running this toy outdoors.
  16. Backpack with built-in speakers- will make the guy the soul of the company, especially if he loves cycling.
  17. Parker fountain pen - will give solidity to the boy.
  18. Mug with heat indicator- it will protect you from burns and tell you when you need to pour a new drink.
  19. Wall Clock. You can choose an unusual and original design that matches the boy's hobbies.
  20. Slippers - will save you from hypothermia, as well as cheer you up if you choose the right design.

Impressions as a gift - ideas for emotional and extreme surprises

A memorable gift for a boy will be the emotions received when visiting various entertainment events. At the age of 15, the following entertainment will be interesting:

  1. Departure on ATVs for the city. In the company of friends, the birthday boy will happily ride off-road, feel like a professional racer.
  2. Bowling is a game in which you need to show accuracy and strength. Suitable for a group of friends of 4 or more people.
  3. Paintball is the best game for men at any age.
  4. Billiards is a game for those who are patient and know how to calculate their moves.
  5. Hiking with overnight stay in tents. It will give a lot of impressions and allow the guy to show independence in the wild.
  6. Yacht trip- a water adventure that will be remembered for a long time by a 15-year-old guy.
  7. Quest is a game that will capture the boy if you choose the plot in accordance with his interests.
  8. Horse riding- for animal lovers.
  9. Motorcycle, jetski, wakeboarding lessons, etc. The type of sport must be chosen depending on the time of year and the skills of the guy.
  10. Flying in a hot air balloon or paragliding will give thrills and be remembered for a lifetime.

Cool and original gifts - 10 cool ideas

The following ideas will tell you what to give a guy for 15 years:

  1. Dirty laundry bag in the form of a basketball hoop with a net. This gift will decorate the room and allow you to solve the issue of scattered things forever.
  2. A ball with answers - will entertain the gifted person when solving difficult questions.
  3. Clothing with an original inscription or image.
  4. Comics about your favorite superhero. A rare copy or original edition will be especially valuable.
  5. Leplant (levitating plant)- a flower pot that levitates above the platform. An unusual gift for a boy who is fascinated by technical innovations, plants or stories about wizards.
  6. Secret box. You can put anything inside: sweets, souvenirs, clothes, accessories, games. Focus on the interests of the recipient.
  7. Ant farm with gel filling. Will open the world of insects for a teenager of 15 years.
  8. Piggy bank with original design: safe, Darth Vader helmet, globe, etc.
  9. Medal holder. Suitable for boys who are professionally involved in sports.
  10. 3-D wall lamp in the form of a car, Thor's hammer, Iron Man's helmet, etc.

Top 5 Most Practical Gifts

  1. Backpack. Depending on the lifestyle of the recipient, this can be a sports, hiking or school backpack.
  2. Set of writing instruments- a practical gift for a student. If you manage to pick up an original design, the birthday boy will be happy to use the gift.
  3. Electric Toothbrush- a suitable gift for a boy who cares about his health.
  4. Stylus for touch phone. Allows you to use your smartphone in the cold without removing your mittens.
  5. Running phone case- for lovers of active walks in the fresh air.

Present ideas from friends

Friends always want to surprise and please a friend. At the same time, they are looking for inexpensive, but memorable gifts.

Top 10 best board games for a group of friends

A board game is a useful gift for a 15-year-old guy from friends. For games in the company, the following options are well suited:

  1. The tower is a construction of bars, which should be taken out in turn. The one who destroys the tower loses.
  2. Dixit is a game of imagination that will reveal the boy's talents and allow him to show his imagination.
  3. Svintus is a card game that teenagers at the age of fifteen enjoy playing.
  4. Differentiation - trains attentiveness, ingenuity and speed of reaction.
  5. A find for a spy is a detective game that will amuse you with original tasks.
  6. Mysterium is an adventure game where the goal is to solve the murder and free the ghost of the mansion.
  7. Taboo. During the game, some words are banned. The birthday boy, along with the boys, will have to be smart and use their entire vocabulary.
  8. Answer in 5 seconds- a series of questions that must be answered in 5 seconds.
  9. monster next door- a card game with a sharp plot. Consists of 4 rounds, during which you need to find out who the neighbor is.
  10. Wild Jungle is a gambling game in which the winner is the one who is the first to be left without cards.

Negotiate and present a dream gift to your best friend

Friends can make a birthday boy's dream come true by giving him a joint gift. The following gift ideas will help you decide what you can give a boy to make his wishes come true:

  1. Home pet. It can be any animal: cat, dog, hamster or iguana.
  2. Fan Pack - A box of items adorned with the logo of your favorite music band or sports team.
  3. A quadcopter is the dream of every man, regardless of age.
  4. Compass. Suitable as a gift for those who dream of going on a trip, as well as for those who are often late due to the wrong road.
  5. commemorative coin is a collector's dream.

Universal inexpensive gifts for a guy's birthday

It is not necessary to give an expensive gift in order to please the boy on his 15th birthday. Memorable inexpensive gifts are also suitable:

  1. Keychain in the form of a license plate.
  2. Swiss knife.
  3. Neocube
  4. Heated mug.
  5. Bracelet.
  6. Baseball cap with the logo of your favorite team.
  7. Case for glasses with an original pattern.
  8. Globe with illumination.
  9. Glow in the dark laces.
  10. Pencil case with an individually selected design.

What can you give your beloved guy with your own hands - surprise ideas from a girl

The following list will tell you what to give a guy for his birthday from a girl:

  1. Prediction box. It is necessary to make notes with predictions, put them in a beautiful box or jar.
  2. A cup on which the original inscription is made with a special marker.
  3. Postcard in quilling style.
  4. A bouquet of products: sausages, herbs, vegetables, sweets.
  5. Decorative pillow sewn and decorated according to the taste of the birthday person.
  6. Colored pot with sweets. Presenting a guy with his favorite candies in the original version is the best surprise.
  7. Envelope with commemorative photographs or drawings.
  8. Balloons with notes inside. On notes, you can write congratulations, wishes or predictions. In order to get a note, you need to burst the balloon.
  9. Portrait of a guy in anime style.
  10. Photo collage in a frame.

Ideas for the interests and hobbies of a teenager

A 15-year-old guy should give gifts that will be in his interests.

Top 10 Popular Gadgets for Boys

Boys at this age will be happy to receive a gadget as a gift:

  1. Bicycle computer - will allow the gifted to keep track of how much he has traveled.
  2. Portable speaker- for those who like to listen to music on the street in the company of friends.
  3. Flashlight with portable charger- will help at the right time to find a lost thing or light the way.
  4. A smart pen that scans text written on paper and saves it digitally.
  5. MP3 player complete with headphones. A necessary attribute of the modern teenager.
  6. A digital camera is for photography lovers.
  7. Color photo printer- allows you to print the necessary photos yourself.
  8. Color backlit silicone keyboard- an original present that will delight a teenager every evening.
  9. USB flash drive A practical gift for everyone.
  10. Portable charger- allows you to charge your smartphone at any time.

Top 5 PC games popular among guys

Most teenagers are well aware that giving a classmate a computer game for their birthday is the best idea. The following games are especially popular:

  1. Battlefield 4 is a team game where you need to conquer territory using different weapons.
  2. Arma 2: Day Z is a zombie survival game.
  3. World of Tanks - tank battles.
  4. Grant Theft Auto IV. The hero performs tasks in Liberty City, trying to get rich and take revenge on his enemies.
  5. S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a shooter where you have to fight mutants on the territory of Ukraine.

For hobbies and development of creativity

Gifts at the age of 15 should match the taste of the birthday person and meet his needs. For the creative development of a teenager, the following ideas are suitable:

  1. Sketchbook - a journal for fixing ideas, images, thoughts in the form of drawings. Suitable for those who love and know how to draw.
  2. Wood burning kit.
  3. Collector's set: tweezers, magnifier, napkins, album.
  4. sand painting light table- the best thing you can give a boy who is fascinated by modern drawing techniques.
  5. USB microscope, which will suit both coin collectors and guys who are passionate about scientific discoveries.
  6. White board with a set of markers. It will allow you to capture ideas, make sketches or mathematical calculations.
  7. An easel is a useful gift for a 15-year-old boy if he is engaged in drawing.
  8. Clay modeling kit. It will please a teenager if he is interested in pottery.
  9. Thematic wooden constructor. The model is selected in accordance with the hobbies of the gifted person (cars, dinosaurs, buildings).
  10. Jigsaw set: patterned plywood, jigsaw, hand drill.

Sports equipment - the best ideas

Modern and useful gift ideas for young athletes:

  1. Skates (ice, roller).
  2. Skateboard.
  3. Table tennis rackets.
  4. Set of personalized balls.
  5. Protection against injuries (helmet, knee pads, mouth guard, etc.)
  6. Carpal expander.
  7. Bicycle gloves.
  8. Punching bag and gloves.
  9. Pedometer.
  10. Wristband.
  11. Mask with snorkel for scuba diving.
  12. Basketball backboard for room interior.
  13. Dumbbells, weights.
  14. Ball (soccer, basketball, volleyball).
  15. Fitness bracelet.

These ideas will help you decide what to give a friend for 15 years. It is enough to ask what kind of sport he is fond of or would like to do.

Branded clothing and stylish accessories

Grandparents sometimes find it difficult to find a gift for a teenager. Due to the age difference, they do not always know what modern youth are interested in. The following gift ideas for grandchildren can help:

  1. Box with branded items: socks, T-shirt, underwear.
  2. Belt with original buckle (Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss).
  3. Wristwatch of a popular brand (Casio, Tik Tok, Xiaomi).
  4. A shirt that will give a young man solidity and self-confidence.
  5. Leather briefcase (Louis Vuitton, Calvin Klein, Gucci).

What to give a teenager from parents - 10 good ideas

Parents sometimes have no idea what to give a boy who has everything. A number of ideas will help solve this issue:

  1. Desktop organizer. Color, design, equipment are selected in accordance with the taste of the young man.
  2. Wall map for the traveler. The top layer is easy to wash off. In this way, you can mark the places on the map that the teenager has visited.
  3. A sleeping bag is a necessary attribute for a traveler.
  4. Folding laptop table. Allows you to comfortably work on your laptop even while lying on the couch.
  5. Wireless headphones- a convenient accessory that will appeal to the boy.
  6. electric scooter- a practical form of transport for a city dweller.
  7. Chess with original design.
  8. Mini keyboard vacuum cleaner. Allows you to keep the child's workplace clean.
  9. Telescope. The gift will be useful to an adult son if he is interested in astronomy.
  10. Spinner latest model.

What book to choose for a 15 year old boy

The book is considered the best gift, but only if it is of interest to the birthday person. The following books are especially popular among teenagers:

  1. Simple questions (V. Antonets). Contains detailed answers to a variety of questions.
  2. Hirameki. Draw what you see (Peng and Hu). Contains modern and useful ideas for developing creativity in teenagers.
  3. Where is Warhol? (K. Ingram). Introduces the history of art, as well as develop observation.
  4. From here to there (S. Jackson). Contains colorful puzzles, solving which the child will get acquainted with the architectural buildings of different times.
  5. Thinking Traps (Chip Heath, Dan Heath). Learn to make the right decisions in ambiguous situations.

Money - how much can you give a teenager?

On the 15th anniversary, you can give money. At the same time, you should ask the birthday man about whether he has plans to purchase something expensive. This will allow you to understand how much it is preferable to donate so as not to disappoint the teenager. It is recommended to donate at least 1000 rubles.

List of bad presentation ideas

Sometimes guests are unable to choose a gift and as a result they buy an item that is not suitable for a teenager. It is not recommended to give the following gifts for the 15th anniversary:

  1. Soft toys that will gather dust in the corner and will not cause positive emotions in a teenager.
  2. Cheap gadgets that do not meet the requirements of active use.
  3. Souvenirs that were brought from other countries. Such gifts should be given immediately after returning from a tourist trip, but not on a birthday.
  4. Ready-made bath sets (gels, shampoos).
  5. Cake delivered by courier. Such a gift presented with your own hands will cause great joy to the birthday man.
  6. Larger clothing. Especially if the recipient is a nephew. Such a gift can worsen family relations.
  7. Lighter. Even if a teenager smokes occasionally, do not encourage bad habits.
  8. Candles. This gift will be interesting for girls, but not for boys.
  9. Plants that require care.
  10. Things with New Year's symbols.

After reviewing useful gift ideas, you can easily buy an original gift for a boy.

2018-10-31 pvipadmin

For any child, the age of 14-15 years is a turning point. He no longer feels like a baby, but rather, on the contrary, an adult and independent person. Accordingly, the needs of a teenager are completely unchildish. However, who does not love a boy for 15 years to please him?

A little about teenagers

Time flies unnoticed, it would seem that yesterday we closed the corners of the table so that he would not hit his head, and today there is already an adult guy standing next to him, who is about to turn 15 years old. My head is spinning, there is practically no time to choose a gift, and parents begin to panic: what to give for 15 years to a boy who has practically become a man? In order to choose a good gift, you need to think a little about who is standing in front of you. At the age of 15, teenagers feel quite mature and independent, any lisping leads to resentment, and lectures - to anger. This does not mean at all that the child is bad or naughty. It’s just that at this time, the hormonal background is “raging”, the world around us opens up in a new light, so many interesting and unusual things appear that, speaking in the language of a teenager, it “blows the roof off”. In no case should a gift offend a child or force something, otherwise a teenager will completely close from you. The educational moment must be postponed for later, and for starters, choose a gift that will turn the head of the “little rebel”.

Circle of interests

In order to easily choose a gift for a birthday man, you need to be a little tracker. Of course, you won’t have to spy on anyone, but observation is very useful. It is very important to know what the child is interested in and enjoys. For example, if he goes to any sport, a great gift can be: clothes for training, sports equipment, for things, etc. Moreover, it is important to note that the child should really like the sport, because some children go there only because that's what the parents decided.

If, however, almost all the time a teenager spends at home reading books, he may really like a new e-book or a tablet. Sometimes it happens that the child is practically not interested in anything, then it may be necessary to interest him? You can, for example, give beautiful wooden chess, suddenly he becomes interested, and he enrolls in a chess club, or a guitar - perhaps this will be the impetus for a new hobby.

Unusual gifts

Many think about 15 years, when he already has everything. It seems that all the things that come to mind have really already been donated, and there is practically no choice. From the point of view of an adult, this may be so, but the opinion of adolescents in this matter is completely different. For example, such a gift as a smart watch may seem like an absolutely unnecessary thing to an adult, but any guy will simply be delighted with them. Just magic - a real mobile phone instead of a watch on your hand, a teenager will think. In addition to smart watches, a child of 14-15 years old will definitely like: wireless headphones, a game console, a 3-D pen. Many cool and funny things will also be a great gift, because teenagers love to joke so much.

For trendy teenagers

Some children do not go to any sections at all, but they do not sit at home either. They like to chat with friends, show off new things and flirt with girls. What to give a boy for 15 years if his circle of interests is limited to cheerful companies? Everything is very simple! It is necessary to present a thing from which not only the birthday man, but also his friends will be delighted. For such a case, the most funny inscriptions, jewelry (seals, rings, chains), stylish watches are perfect. Also, every guy who loves communication will love a good perfume.

computer geniuses

Parents often have a question: what to give a boy for 15 years, if all his interest is concentrated in the computer? It would seem that what else is needed: there is a PC, a mouse and a keyboard, too, there is nothing more and is not required. This is where a lot of people make a mistake. In the modern world, there are a huge number of additional devices for a computer on store shelves. If a teenager plays games, then, for example, you can give him a cool joystick, steering wheel, stereo gaming headphones, a 3-D image helmet, a gaming keyboard and much more. In addition, a guy can certainly be pleased with a new improved video card or a terabyte hard drive. Since at the age of 15 many guys begin to feel like a man, they are very fond of a wide variety of equipment: mp3 players, digital cameras, printers, scanners, stereo systems.

old dream

Do you remember if your child had a dream? If it doesn’t come to mind at all what you can give a boy for 15 years, you need to think about what he wanted before? Almost every kid has always dreamed of a radio-controlled car, a children's railway with a train that rides and buzzes along it, a cute puppy or a fluffy cat. Of course, the child is no longer 10 years old, but some dreams remain for life, and perhaps it's time to fulfill them? Perhaps a teenager has a new dream, and you can help make it come true, you need to talk about this topic and find out what priorities he has at this stage of life.

Friends and acquaintances

Sometimes you have to go to a birthday party for the children of friends or relatives, and there are certain problems with choosing a gift. Of course, we always know much more about our child: what he is interested in, what he likes. With other children, the situation is quite different. What to give a teenager for 15 years, a boy with whom you do not keep in touch? First of all, you need to ask the parents of the child what he really needs. If they do not give a specific answer, then you will have to think for yourself.

And you need to build on what any guy loves? At the age of 15, as a rule, children are still studying, which means that you can give something related to your studies. An excellent gift can be a “flying” or “running” alarm clock (how difficult it is sometimes to wake up teenagers in the morning, and this little thing will add a little humor to the morning preparations). Also, an electronic notebook or a book, a tablet, an interactive globe kit, a desktop diary calendar will suit each student.

Gift certificates

Sometimes the choice of a gift just leads to a blind corner. for 15 years - a boy who does not talk about his interests and hobbies. There are very secretive teenagers from whom it is difficult to extract any information. In this case, you can try a gift certificate or subscription. Let the child buy himself what he needs, because each of us has the right to small secrets. Of course, you can also donate money. Every teenager is probably thinking about how to celebrate his birthday with friends and comrades.

Original gift

At the age of 15, boys are in constant search for: interests, friends, priorities. Even today he can be friends with some, and tomorrow - already with others. The same goes for interests. In order to decide what to give the boy an original gift for 15 years, you need to know what preferences at that age remain unchanged. First of all, teenagers are always partial to music. Of course, the style can change: today is rock, and tomorrow is chanson, but listening to the tracks you like is still a favorite pastime. That is why for 15 years a guy can be presented with wireless headphones, an MP3 player, a music center.

What not to give

In order to narrow down the range of things in the question “What to give a boy of 14-15 years old?”, It is necessary to select those items that definitely should not be given. A teenager will not like things from everyday clothes that his parents would have bought him anyway (jeans, T-shirts, towels). An exception may be a mega cool tracksuit that a child has long dreamed of. Also, do not give those things that you would like yourself at his age. The idea, of course, seems practical: if I dreamed about this at his age, then so did he. This is an erroneous opinion, because over the years they change, and in principle, what one likes will not necessarily suit another. If, despite the above tips, it is difficult to decide on a gift, you need to personally talk with the child and ask what he would really like to receive as a present. Many teenagers believe that even if a gift is not necessarily a surprise, it will be a really useful and necessary thing for him.

Children love their birthday. And even if this is already the fifteenth holiday in a row, and the birthday boy himself has surpassed his mother in height, he will still look forward to the onset of the holiday date and, of course, gifts.

Finding a good gift for a 15 year old boy is not easy. Age is complex, full of contradictions and throwing. And the point is not only in physical maturation, but also in the fact that psychologically the child is gradually turning into an adult man. But this “cycle of transformation” is not over yet, so relatives have to experience all the “charms” of adolescence: maximalism, intolerance, denial of authority, etc.

Often a teenager himself cannot say what exactly he wants, since his desires can change literally every day. Therefore, it can be difficult for guests invited to a birthday to decide what to give a boy for 15 years so that he is satisfied.

Typical mistakes when choosing a gift

Fifteen-year-olds are quite demanding. They want to appear self-reliant and independent, but at the same time they want adults to pay attention to them, especially on such a big day. Therefore, poorly chosen gifts can offend them.

Parents should not give birthday things that they would have bought their son anyway. We are talking about everyday clothes, shoes, goods for school. A holiday should be a holiday, on this day you should try to give things that correspond to the significance of the date.

Of course, you need to take into account the financial situation of the family. The guy is already old enough to understand that his parents do not have the opportunity to give him a thing that does not fit into the family budget. But even if finances are sparse, you can give something original, albeit inexpensive.

Adult guests, when choosing a gift, should not forget about the age of the birthday person. There is nothing more offensive for a teenager than to receive as a gift a thing that he has clearly outgrown. For example, a designer designed for 10-year-old children.

You should not follow the advice to try to remember what the donor himself dreamed of receiving at the age of 15. If the age difference with the birthday person is more than ten years, then this technique will not work. Life around us is changing rapidly, and today's teenagers are not eager to get things that their peers dreamed about in the recent past.

Let's go without surprises

Many modern teenagers are very practical and prefer to order gifts for themselves on their birthday. Therefore, if there are no ideas about what to buy as a gift, you should directly ask the birthday man about it. Moreover, it may be better if the culprit chooses a gift for himself. To do this, it is not even necessary to go to the store together, if we are not talking about things that need to be measured. It is enough to look at the sites that almost every major store has.

Is it possible to give a monetary gift to a teenager? It is definitely difficult to answer. Some fifteen-year-old guys will be quite happy if they are presented with a certain amount. Especially if they are saving up for some major acquisition. In this case, a cash gift will be another step closer to the dream.

But in some families it is not customary to give money, so such a gift can be met without enthusiasm. The birthday person may think that the giver simply did not want to spend their time choosing a gift and thinking about the wishes of the birthday person.

Electronic gadgets

It is unlikely that there will be a fifteen-year-old teenager in the world who will not be delighted with the new “cool” gadget received as a gift. Even if the guy already has a tablet or laptop, a more modern and functional model will most likely be to his liking.

The only drawback of this group of gifts is their significant cost. It is clear that not every guest has the opportunity to lay out a tidy sum for a gift.

If the budget allocated for the purchase does not allow you to purchase a new gadget, you can purchase something that will improve the existing equipment. For example, a powerful video card that will allow you to play modern games, or additional RAM. Such gifts will be especially useful if the giver knows exactly what the birthday person needs.

In the absence of such information, you can buy speakers or a mouse of an unusual design, a backlit silicone keyboard. These things, though not urgently needed, but they are funny and original. And these qualities are usually appreciated by teenagers.

Gifts related to hobbies

As a gift for a boy on his 15th birthday, you can buy an item related to his hobbies. For example, many guys love music. In this case, you can give an MP3 player with headphones and portable speakers.

And if a guy not only makes music, but also tries to play music himself, then you can give him an instrument, for example, a synthesizer or a guitar. By the way, you can buy not a real guitar, but a virtual one, which is much cheaper.

This thing is the upper fragment of the neck of the instrument, which has an imitation of strings and buttons. Playing such a virtual guitar is easy, you just need to press the buttons. The sound comes from the speaker that comes with the kit. The virtual guitar has a recording of ten songs, but creative people will want to try the free play mode as well.

A lot of kids are into photography. If the birthday boy takes pictures on a smartphone, then you can give him a digital camera. If photographic equipment is already available, then a printer that allows you to print photos can be a great gift.

A guy who is fond of sports can buy something from ammunition or a sports bag of an original design. If the birthday boy loves to make something with his own hands, he will like a set of tools. And the young collector will be delighted with a new rare specimen to replenish the collection.

Gifts from friends

Friends of the fifteen-year-old birthday boy, of course, will also prepare gifts for him. They may be inexpensive, but should be fun and original.

As a gift to a friend, you can bring a cool T-shirt or baseball cap. You can find a thing with a funny inscription, or buy a white T-shirt and order a print of the image, picking up a picture to your liking. For example, you can use a photo of a birthday person.

A practical gift is a flash card. Today you can choose a storage medium of the most unusual design. Therefore, a gift can be both functional and funny at the same time.

If you want to surprise a friend, you can buy him a basketball hoop for a wastebasket. The product is stylized as a regular basketball backboard with a hoop, but things thrown into it will go straight to the wastebasket. Having such a cool thing at home, the guy will be able to train accuracy and dexterity, and there will be more order in the room, because everything unnecessary will immediately fly into the basket, and not accumulate on the table and under the bed.

As a gift from a girl, a birthday boy will be pleased to receive a disc with a new game or recordings of his favorite music. A girl can buy a cool alarm clock for her boyfriend or just a friend so that he will never be late for school or dates again. Today there are various models of alarm clocks. Some, when the signal is turned on, start to run away, and in order for the signal to stop, you have to run after the alarm clock. Others can be thrown against the floor or wall, and they will not get anything from such indelicate treatment.

We give impressions

Recently, gift-impressions are gaining popularity. Indeed, modern teenagers are rarely surprised by material things. And many will prefer the adventure to receiving the usual gift.

Which gift-impression option to choose? The answer depends on the interests of the teenager. For example, you can invite the birthday boy to gather friends and go to a paintball club. Instead of paintball, you can offer other options: kart racing, bowling, laser tag, etc.

An interesting quest can be a good gift for a birthday boy. In many cities today there are companies offering such entertainment. But you can organize a quest on your own. You just need to come up with a plot: for example, a treasure hunt.

Thus, a gift for a guy on his fifteenth birthday can be anything. The choice depends only on the interests and preferences of the teenager himself and the traditions of his family. The value of gifts is not always determined by their value, because attention and love are still the most important.