What to give for Christmas? Ideas for soulful gifts. What to give for Christmas, Christmas gifts and ideas

In pre-revolutionary Russia, Christmas was the main winter holiday. After 1917, the focus shifted to the secular New Year, and accordingly, gifts are now given from December 31 to January 1. In recent years, the tradition of wishing each other a Merry Christmas has been revived. True, so far the idea of ​​​​who to give what to give for Christmas has not yet been fully formed. In many ways, it depends on whether a person is a believer or not, on family traditions, but there are also common places, so let's talk about them.

In this article:

Traditional Christmas gifts

At Christmas, the emphasis should be on symbolism, spirituality and pleasant emotions, because this holiday is bright and, above all, spiritual. In the old days, those who could afford gave expensive gifts and generous donations. But now the main material gifts remain for the New Year, and at Christmas it is worth presenting something that will keep your love and affection and remind the donee of this.

A candle is one of the most symbolic Christmas gifts, because it symbolizes light, warmth and faith. On January 7, it is customary to light candles and put them near the window, thus asking to bless your home. A candle is also comfort, peace, magic.

The choice of candles is huge. There is a theory that a candle of a certain color expresses your wishes for the holiday. So a white candle - purity of thoughts, red - recognition of courage and masculinity, yellow symbolizes femininity, and blue serenity. The best souvenir would be a simple candle, decorated with your own hands. For example, cut a picture from a napkin you like and “stick” it to a candle with a heated spoon - you get an original present.

Symbols of faith and Christmas

Figurines of angels, icons, the Bible and other spiritual books can be considered classic gifts. It is better that such souvenirs be small, try to find out in advance how those to whom you are going to give something relate to Christmas and Orthodoxy in general. And if you can choose the figure of an angel to your taste, then they will always tell you about the icon or spiritual literature in the church shop.

Christmas sweets

Since Christmas is preceded by a fairly long one, treats and sweets have always been part of the celebration. Many western traditions have come in lately, including very beautiful gingerbread men, lollipops, etc., and other sweets. Of course, if you have the opportunity and desire, it is better to bake sweets yourself. Even if you don't decorate them.

Traditional Russian sweets were gingerbread, pies, candied fruit. And on the festive table it must have been. So whether to give a real honey gingerbread or a multi-colored gingerbread man is up to you.

Christmas souvenirs

If we recall Russian literature, it turns out that the bell is another constant companion of Christmas. You can decorate a Christmas tree with bells or from fir branches and candles. This is a universal gift that will always be to your liking.

For people who are not very religious, you can choose a Christmas-themed photo frame or some other home decoration.

An excellent gift for Christmas, fully in keeping with the spirit of the holiday -. The main thing is to sign it by hand. After all, this is a holiday of kindness, mercy, help to loved ones. A card is a great way to show that you love and always remember those to whom you give it.

spruce wreath

Another newcomer from the West - - has firmly taken its place in the Christmas paraphernalia. After all, Orthodox churches have been decorated with spruce branches or compositions from them since ancient times. The wreath has a deep spiritual meaning. circle - eternal life, green - the color of life.

The wreath can be hung on the door or decorate the table with it. A wreath with 4 candles is considered traditional. But you can make it with your own hands, decorating it with what the donee will like and will be significant for him.

What to give for Christmas to a woman and a girl

An excellent present for a girl will be one of the following things:

  • jewelry decoration

If the girl is a believer, you can choose a pendant, charm or bracelet with the words of a prayer.

  • Fruit bouquet

Even though fruits are now sold all year round, such a bright and juicy gift will warm the heart of any lady on a holiday.

  • Cooking supplies

If you know for sure that a woman loves to bake, give her baking dishes in bright colors and unusual shapes. Surely she dreams of them, but it seems unreasonable for her to buy them if there are ordinary ones.

Gifts for boyfriend or man

  • A warm scarf or gloves (especially if they are sensory) will please a man and will always be useful.
  • Pullover

Indeed, one must proceed with caution. You should not choose a thing with a huge deer. It is better to give preference to quality, to find out what colors a man likes. And if you choose a sweater with Christmas symbols, then it should be almost invisible.

  • Hobby

If you are well aware of a man's addictions, please him with something that will be useful to him. An accessory for your favorite car, accessories for gadgets, a thermos or a new spinner - depending on your hobbies.

  • Thermo mug

Useful present. There are, for example, car thermo mugs with a usb connector. However, if you don't already live together, make sure that under the bed/in the closet, etc., your boyfriend does not keep a box with a dozen of these mugs.

Christmas gifts for children

If for the New Year Santa Claus has already brought new toys or gadgets to children, then Christmas gifts should be meaningful and age-appropriate.

  • Even the little ones will appreciate a beautiful edition of a book with their favorite fairy tales or a children's bible with colorful illustrations.
  • An older child will be delighted with a new board game or a set for chemical / physical, etc. experiments.
  • Sets for needlework or crafts will also be a good and pleasant present.
  • Children under one year old can be presented with some kind of educational toy - soft cubes with pictures, pyramids, music sorters (after 6 months).
  • Another universal gift will be a glass ball with an angel inside, shiny snow and music. Suitable from 0 to infinity.

Christmas gifts for friends

Friends can be pleased with Christmas symbols or a beautiful composition of pine needles and candles. You can also collect or buy a beautiful basket with sweets, fruits and drinks.

If you know that your friends dream of something useful and you can afford it, go for it. Angels and frames are good, but the place in the apartment is not rubber. And a slow cooker or a sandwich maker, for example, will bring more joy, and you will have an extra reason to come for a treat.

What to give parents (mom and dad)?

It is always difficult to choose a gift for the most important people in life. If there is no exact knowledge or all wishes were fulfilled for the new year, then the mother will surely be delighted with a jewelry box or memorabilia decorated in a Christmas theme.

You can also please your mother with a beautiful Christmas service. Or a new bag.

It is believed that sweets and chocolate are gifts exclusively for women, but dad will also be delighted with a set of good quality chocolate or a bottle of an expensive strong drink.

For both mom and dad, you can choose a gift certificate and give them an unforgettable experience. The main thing is, if the parents are not extreme, do not give skydiving or flying with a dead loop.

Gifts for a son or daughter on Christmas Eve

For parents, children at any age remain children, so even if the children are adults, you still want to congratulate them on Christmas with something special.

If the children are teenagers, then following the old Russian tradition, you can give them some money or write out home-made certificates for extra time to watch TV, play at the computer.

Adult children can simply write a congratulation and invite them to a beautifully and tasty table set.

Remember that the Bright Holiday is a family holiday and it is not so much gifts that are important as attention. May Christmas 2020 be kind and happy!

iPads, iPhones and other gadgets have been bought, stores are going to wash the results of December revenue and arrange post-New Year sales. It would seem that everything that was required has been done. But it turns out that there are many people left for whom Dolce & Gabanna with Swarovski rhinestones did not solve their problems.

At a time when the whole country is preparing to take a ten-day breath of relief, the main event of the winter is yet to come for the Orthodox. An event that requires preparation, attention, concentration and - a gift. A gift as a manifestation of care. A gift as a manifestation of attention. And a gift - as an act of faith.

Indeed, what can be opposed to Givenchy perfume? What can be added to the Galaxy Tab tablet?

It is inconvenient to get rid of Chinese souvenirs bought on a subway stall at Christmas. Giving another TV is expensive and not appropriate.

A gift for Christmas - it should be a gift for Christmas.

What to do? There are two obvious ways: it's hard to say what could be more appropriate - a book or an icon?

Thank God, Orthodox publishing houses pleased us at the end of the year with interesting literature. For example, these are two books that have already been written about a lot: “Mothers: the wives of priests about life and about themselves” by Ksenia Luchenko and “The Nun from Intelligence” by Anna Danilova.

Both books are published by, perhaps, the most interesting Orthodox publishing house today, Nikea. Both books are written by well-known Orthodox journalists. Ksenia Luchenko is the former editor-in-chief of Tatyana's Day. Anna Danilova - editor-in-chief of Pravmir. Both books are written in such a way that they are interesting at the same time to a person deeply rooted in the Orthodox tradition, and to someone who is just standing on the threshold of the Church.

"Mothers" is a series of frank interviews with the wives of priests. Entire libraries have been written about priests. And about who, how and at what cost provides the rear of the priestly life - we know not very much. Ksenia Luchenko's book reveals the veil of this mystery to the reader.

“A nun from intelligence. The life story of a veteran of the Great Patriotic War nun Adriana (Malysheva) tells about the amazing fate of an amazing person. This generation of people is leaving - people who carried faith and the fire of life through times when it was not supposed not only to be a Christian, but simply was not supposed to be. "The Nun from Intelligence" was awarded the third place in the nomination "The best spiritual and patriotic" book at the VII competition "Enlightenment through the book".

In the outgoing year, Nikaia pleased us not only with these two wonderful publications. "Stars in the Sky" is a series of 35 interviews with celebrities about their relationship with the Eternal. "Not the Last Times" - the experience of life and faith of the famous journalist Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich ...

It would also be right to give a child not a book about pirates, but a special Christmas present. It can be a beautifully published prayer book - with wonderful illustrations and explanations of issues that trouble children's faith. Or just a good children's book, like the little story "Rain" by Lyudmila Dunaeva, the fairy tale "Once Senya ..." by Tatyana Shishova. For those who are older, the story "Elfrin" or "The Storyteller" by Artemy Lebedev is suitable. They are written taking into account the psychology of the child's age: not directly, indirectly, but they tell the child about the main thing, help him form a sense of the right life choice.

Toddlers can be pleased with special Christmas books: "First Christmas" - a book for the little ones, with amazing sliding pictures; "Christmas Night" on each page opens three-dimensional panoramas of Bethlehem; "The Miracle of Christmas" - a huge model of a Christmas nativity scene ...

It is appropriate to give another icon for Christmas: the Savior - after all, it was He who was born into this world, the Mother of God - after all, it was She who gave birth to the Son on this great night, the saint - because the saints lead us along the path to the Savior. Not everyone can afford an icon painted on a board by a professional icon painter - icon painting is laborious and uses expensive materials...

But there is a way out. A small workshop produces copies of ancient icons using a unique technology. The carpenter makes a real icon board, with plates (transverse wooden inserts that protect the board from deformation), with an ark (a recess in the plane in which the image is placed). A canvas is glued onto the board - a special linen fabric, which is covered with gesso - a complex composition, on which a pattern is subsequently applied. Then the gesso is ground and polished to an almost perfect state - all according to the icon-painting technology. The only difference from the painted icon here is the high-tech silk-screen printing, with which the image is applied. Then gilding is applied to the icon by hand, varnish from natural components, the effect of aging is given to the icon. Images of the best examples of Russian icons are used for printing, you can verify this by clicking on this link.

All these wonderful things - and much more - can be ordered in the BLAGOCESTiЕ.RU online store, which is ready to help in the now not difficult matter of choosing a Christmas gift and for this it works all holidays as usual. It's too early to rest, because our main holiday, Christmas, is still ahead.

Piety.ru store team

When does the Orthodox world celebrate Christmas?

Christmas is one of the main Christian holidays, which is celebrated annually by millions of people around the world.

In Russia, the holiday is traditionally celebrated on January 7 (December 25 according to the Julian calendar). Also on this date, the holiday is celebrated by the Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian, Polish Orthodox churches, the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, the Old Believers and the Old Calendar Church.

On December 25, but already according to the New Julian calendar, Constantinople, Hellas and some other churches celebrate Christmas.

nativity scene

The traditions of this holiday go far into the past. One of them is the creation of nativity scenes, of which there are more and more in Russia every year. The nativity scene is a recreation of the scene of the birth of Christ. This is done with the help of various types of art, whether it be theater, sculpture, and so on.

The most widely used nativity scene, made in the form of a composition. That is, the scene of the birth of Christ is performed with the help of three-dimensional figures and decoration elements. It is worth noting that this tradition is most popular in the countries of Catholicism. However, as already noted, in recent years its popularity has increased among Orthodox believers, including in Russia.

In addition, the crib theater became widespread. In Russia, as well as in Poland, Ukraine and Belarus, this is usually a small box, inside which a puppet show is played.

Christmas and carols

For many, Christmas is also associated with festive mass festivities, amusements and fun (we can recall Gogol's famous "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka").

One of the main traditions of Christmas is Christmas time. They are also often called winter carols.

They are celebrated from the Nativity of Christ to the Baptism of the Lord. It is worth noting that before the baptism of Russia, such holidays were also celebrated, but it was the spread of Christianity that had a great influence on pagan beliefs, as a result of which they were transformed into Christmas time.

Christmas time began with caroling. As a rule, young girls and boys dressed up, and then went around the houses in the village with traditional Christmas songs. In addition, mass games, slides, fun around fires, dressing up as monsters (since it was believed that 8 days after the birth of Christ, evil spirits walked the earth) and, of course, fortune-telling were obligatory. The latter was given quite a lot of attention by the girls, since it was during this period that they often “guessed” their future husband. The divinations were very different. Most often, the girls gathered in a dark room, lit candles and tried to summon spirits. In addition, divination by coffee or tea thick was popular.

Also one tradition that directly relates to Christmas is Christmas Eve. It is celebrated, however, before the arrival of the main holiday, January 6th. This is the day when everyone intensively prepares for Christmas, attends church services, and fasts. Traditionally, among the Slavs, it is on this day that the already mentioned Christmas time begins.

Symbols of Christmas

Like any holiday, Christmas has its own symbols, without which it is simply impossible to imagine it.

Christmas, as a rule, could not do without meat dishes. It could be ham, ham, sausage, pig heads or stomachs. It all depended on what the family could afford.

Shchi, which also tried to diversify with meat, is also considered traditional. Most often, boiled beef or lamb was added.

Sochi is considered one of the most popular and traditional dishes, from which Christmas Eve went. It was a fasting dish and was prepared from wheat (sometimes rice or lentils were used), poppy juice and honey.

Separate provinces also differed in their traditions. In some, it was considered traditional to bake unusual pancakes made from oatmeal.

Among the pastries, the so-called roes, that is, pastries in the form of horned animals, prevailed.

Among drinks, sbiten, an old East Slavic drink made from water, honey and spices, has become a symbol of Christmas for many. It was made both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

For all Christians, of course, the symbol is the traditional Christmas fast, which begins on November 28 and ends on the eve of the holiday itself. Initially, the fast lasted 7 days, later one of the patriarchs increased it to 40 days. Fasting is quite strict: meat, dairy products, and eggs are excluded from the diet. In addition, for each of the days there is a special prescription.

The symbolic decoration of the holiday has always been red, which is still associated by many with Christmas. Candles have become no less symbolic. They decorate not only the room, but also the festive table.

However, the most popular and most recognizable symbol was and remains the Christmas tree. For the first time, the tradition of decorating rooms and churches with spruce branches for Christmas was introduced by Peter I in 1700. It is worth mentioning that initially the premises were decorated exclusively from the outside, since people associated spruce with death. The tradition of putting a Christmas tree indoors and then decorating it with garlands was taken over, for the most part, from the Germans. An important role in this was played by the work of the great German storyteller Theodor Hoffmann "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King", where the festive beauty was described in all colors. After some time, the Christmas tree from the symbol of death becomes a symbol of prestige, an opportunity for many wealthy landowners and nobles to show their sophistication.

Now, however, most Russians associate the Christmas tree with the New Year. This is due to the fact that during the period of Soviet power, the Christmas tree was, in fact, banned as a manifestation of the bourgeoisie. Only after some time the Christmas tree was returned, but this time it became a symbol of the New Year, since Christmas at that time lost its former meaning.

Christmas is a spiritual and family holiday, therefore it is customary to give appropriate gifts.

It should be noted in advance that there are no specific traditions of what and to whom to give. Generally accepted are gifts with Christmas symbols, gifts that create comfort, bring a festive atmosphere to the house, and, most importantly, bought or made with soul.

For a long time, a holiday card has been considered a good gift for a woman or child. As a rule, such postcards are beautifully decorated, congratulatory words are written on them. Today you can buy postcards, which are almost small works of art, everything is so beautiful, bright, and most importantly, aesthetically pleasing.

For women, candles are a good gift - a symbol of Christmas. They can be completely different: large and small, aromatic and ordinary, colored and white, you can buy handmade candles.

It is worth noting that at Christmas they always tried to give not only something sincere, but also various symbols of the holiday. For example, for parents, many bake cookies in the shape of stars or angels. A man or woman is often given gold jewelry, chains, pendants.

For women or mothers, you can give figurines in the form of angels or elegant trinkets for the home. The gift doesn't have to be expensive. You can bake cookies and present them in a package, also made by yourself.

For men, choosing gifts is a little more difficult, since there are not enough Christmas paraphernalia for them. A good option would be, for example, a warm sweater or hat. You can also give a man a book or a purse. In a word, when choosing a gift for men, it is necessary to focus on the hobbies and interests of the man himself.

Summing up, we can say that Christmas is the most sincere holiday of the year. This is the day when the whole family gathers at the table, when everyone forgives each other's offenses. That is why it is important not only to pick up good gifts, but also to create a festive atmosphere by decorating the room with Christmas symbols and preparing traditional Slavic goodies.

It is better to think about gifts for Christmas even before the New Year's fuss, otherwise the festive carousel will spin in such a way that there will be no time or energy left for shopping trips. When going to visit friends, you can simplify the task and buy one useful gift for everyone and a sweet gift for a child. At Christmas, it is not necessary to buy expensive gifts, it is quite enough to get by with a cake and a bottle of wine or bring a set of tea, a gift jar of good coffee or a box of chocolates as a congratulation. The most Christmas present is curly gingerbread, you can buy them in advance or bake them yourself. On the eve of the holiday, various goods with a Christmas theme appear in stores: watches, calendars, mugs, candles, key rings, bookmarks, magnets, pens and notepads. To create a festive atmosphere and color your wishes and congratulations, friends, colleagues and relatives should definitely buy small surprises.

What to give a child for Christmas

Gifts such as rattles, cubes, bathing toys, pyramids, tumblers are suitable for babies up to three years old. Jumpers, rocking chairs or walkers will be a good gift for a grandson. You can give a little boy an inexpensive but pleasant toy for him: a typewriter, an automatic machine, a set of tools for a home craftsman, a designer or a drawing board. A godchild for Christmas should buy a radio-controlled helicopter, car or plane. A great gift for a son would be a railway or multi-level parking. If you want to buy an educational gift, then you should choose a set for chasing or burning, an aircraft model for self-assembly, a kit for chemical experiments or a kit for creating plaster bas-reliefs. A schoolchild can be presented with a board game or a game for the street, for example, children's badminton or a soccer ball.

A girl can buy a set of dishes or a set of toy products, a stroller or a crib for a doll, a home cleaning kit or a kit for playing in the store. The goddaughter will definitely like a microwave, refrigerator or coffee maker. For Christmas, it is best to give your beloved daughter or granddaughter an interactive soft toy that can walk, make sounds and respond to touch. A children's umbrella, a handbag or a set of accessories for creating hairstyles is suitable for a gift to the daughters of acquaintances. Daughter's girlfriends will be delighted with children's cosmetics, key chains in the form of small toys and small dolls. If you want to make educational gifts, you should pay attention to kits for embroidery, soap making, jewelry making or modeling.

What can you give a woman for Christmas

A familiar woman can buy a Christmas chocolate figure or a caramel bouquet as a gift. An excellent gift for mom would be a canvas painting drawn from her photo, or a family tree photo frame. The most appropriate Christmas gift for a girlfriend or wife is a small piece of jewelry. If your girlfriend combines intelligence and beauty, then the best gift for her is a USB flash drive in a jewelry case in the form of a pendant with rhinestones or a keychain with pebbles. Women - work colleagues on Christmas can be congratulated with inexpensive figurines in the form of cute angels, and if you want to make useful gifts, you can buy some little things for the kitchen: silicone cupcake molds, pepper mills, spice containers, a set of hot coasters or kitchen towels with a matching pattern. Young girls will be pleased to receive something for beauty as a gift: a pocket mirror, nail polish, bath foam or hand cream. It is better for unfamiliar girls to buy a box of chocolates or a jar of good coffee.

What to buy as a Christmas present for a man

For Christmas, you can give your beloved man or brother a beautiful tie clip, cufflinks, a business card holder or a genuine leather document cover, a universal car holder, a mug with his photo, a key chain, a car charm toy, a steering wheel braid or a lighter. On this family holiday, it is appropriate to give warm gifts: scarves, sweaters, dressing gowns. A man you know can be bought as a gift an original flask for strong drinks, a stand for pens or CDs, an interesting book, gift-wrapped spirits, an ashtray or a table clock. For a young guy, the easiest way is to choose some gadget for a computer: a USB hub, headphones, miniature speakers, a USB flash drive, a wireless mouse, or a funny rug. If a man often attends sports events, then he will like a comfortable seat for a fan, and a guy who sits at home all day will definitely need a home horizontal bar for a doorway.

DIY Christmas gifts

The most expensive Christmas gifts keep the warmth of the hands of the one who not only gave them, but also made them himself. The easiest way is to make beautiful candles in the shape of Christmas stars for friends and relatives. Christmas angels will look very symbolic, which can be made from paper or sewn from patches of white fabric and lace. A woman can be given a gift box from a round box in which portioned cheese is sold. The lid of the box should be decorated with a postcard corresponding to the holiday theme. On the eve of the holiday, beautiful Christmas napkins are sold, they can be used to decorate various items using decoupage technique. With a little effort, a bread cutting board, an empty bottle, a paper box or an old vase will turn into a wonderful Christmas surprise.

If there is no money for gifts, then you can limit yourself to beautiful postcards in which pleasant and good wishes will be written.

The tradition of giving presents for Christmas to relatives and friends, and in rich houses and servants, appeared thanks to biblical tales of the Magi and little Jesus. After all, the wise men did not come to the baby empty-handed. No matter how many centuries have passed, Christmas remains one of the brightest and most anticipated holidays, promising big and small presents. What to give for Christmas? Surely you have thought about it.

Orthodox and Catholic Christmas diverge in time, but some traditions of the celebration have something in common. The similarity is especially noticeable in the example of gifts: both in Russia and in Europe, candles, figurines of angels and various dishes remain the main presents. But, if in European countries the emphasis is on sweets and alcoholic beverages, then a meat product (smoked meats, sausage), and the traditional Russian pie "Kurnik", and a fruit basket (exotic in winter), and a basket cranberries.

Such an abundance of food gifts is associated with the end of the Christmas Lent in Russia and the beginning of carols and carols, when it is customary to guess, and when, for a wish for good and prosperity, the owners presented caroling gifts from the grocery set, which was in greatest demand in their house: who had it rolls, and who has a piece of homemade sausage.

Delicious gifts for Christmas

Chocolate, chocolates and figurines. Such gifts are popular not only among children, they are very popular with adults (especially women). When presenting a person of a certain gender and age, it is necessary to select the appropriate gift. Girls like chocolate figurines of animals, snow maidens and angels. For boys - cars and cartoon superheroes made of chocolate (for children, choose milk chocolate). For young ladies and ladies, offer dark chocolate sweets with a variety of fillings as a gift. Beautiful packaging is a must.

The drinks. In addition to high-quality alcohol (brandy, cognac, strong liqueurs for men, and wines and mulled wine sets for women), you can please an honest company with elite varieties of tea or coffee.

Grocery baskets for the whole family. Going on a visit, grab a universal grocery set in which there is a gift for everyone: put a jar of caviar, hard cheese (several varieties are possible), a bottle of wine and cognac, sausages, several types of fruit, sweets and homemade cookies, a jar of jam own cooking. Decorate the basket with tinsel and spruce branches.

Cooking sets. Do-it-yourself gifts are becoming increasingly popular. Culinary hand-made is welcomed by both experienced housewives and beginners. The gift looks like a set for making something (baking, original drink, jam) and consists of ingredients and recipes. Everything, of course, is beautifully packaged, in some sets there are even molds for cooking or a container for storing the finished product.

Spices. Gift of all times and peoples. Spices have always been considered an expensive exquisite gift. And if they are also festively packed and unusual, then such a present will be appreciated by the mother of the family, who is used to cooking a lot and tasty, and an inveterate bachelor who is trying to somehow diversify his menu.

What can you give for Christmas: souvenirs

Candles. On a bright holiday, it is customary to present light sources as a gift, of which candles are the most traditional. Twisted, decorated with sequins and patterns, large and small, scented - they all remain in the top of the most desired Christmas gifts. After all, the belief says: if candles are lit in the house, then the owners are ready to let in the unique spirit of Christmas.

Candlesticks, aroma lamps, lamps. An excellent addition to candles will be candlesticks of a classic or original form, aroma lamps (they are given complete with various oils) and electric lamps - Christmas (in the form of Christmas trees, bells, fair carousel) and universal (in the form of a plant, sphere, or standard with a lampshade).

figurines. The most popular figurines that everyone wants to give (get) for Christmas are angels, the Baby in the manger, the Virgin and Joseph, the Magi. Figurines can be of any size and made of any material, with or without illumination.

crystal bells. An invariable attribute of Christmas. You can decorate the Christmas tree with bells, use them as a decorative element in the interior or as an element for the original serving of the festive table.

Entertaining and educational gifts

Christmas tours abroad or to popular domestic resorts (mainly ski resorts).

Tickets for a concert, performance, film premiere.

A disc with a recording of your favorite artist or with musical works dedicated to Christmas.

Practical Christmas Gifts

Of the clothes for Christmas, it is customary to give mittens, hats and scarves. Knitted products made of natural wool with traditional patterns will delight both adults and children.

Beautiful tableware- a gift from the category not only for housewives. Each of the family members will be happy to receive their personalized set of a cup and two plates.

Textiles (napkins, tablecloths, bed linen), original sofa cushions - such gifts will add mood and emphasize the festive atmosphere in the house.

Toys. In this case, they are also included in the list of practical gifts. If the child is busy learning new fun, parents have more time for themselves.

Expensive gifts

Icons. During the period of religious holidays, it remains a good tradition to bring an icon to the house you are visiting. And even if it is not old and not trimmed with silver, the icon still remains among the most expensive gifts, since it is a gift, rather spiritual than material.

Decorations. For women - necklaces and beads with precious and semi-precious stones, for men - bracelets, rings, cufflinks. Gold is an attribute of Christmas, because according to legend, the Magi presented gold bars as a gift to the baby Christ. Jewelry for children - a gold cross and a chain, for girls - also earrings.