What does a pomegranate tattoo mean. Fruit tattoo. Symbol of eternal love

Quite often, a pomegranate tattoo is made as realistic as possible: natural size, in compliance with all proportions. The interpretation is unambiguous: aggression, a potential threat. A grenade is an army tattoo, very often it is done by people who served in the army and thus preserved the memory of this period of their lives.

Also, a grenade tattoo can be done by people who like military weapons, they are interested in military topics. Due to the conciseness of its forms, the pomegranate tattoo is organically combined with other images.

The meaning of the pomegranate tattoo is very transparent: it symbolizes the explosive nature of the owner of the tattoo and the potential threat: in a matter of seconds, a devastating explosion will occur if the pin is pulled out. Therefore, very often a tattoo grenade is combined with "warning" inscriptions.

Quite often, a tattoo grenade is made as realistic as possible: natural size, in compliance with all proportions. And it reads unambiguously: aggression, a potential threat. In Western culture, a variation of this tattoo is very common: the check of a grenade is decorated with a flower (for example, chamomile) and then the tattoo is positioned something like this: ready for war, but we value peace. The grenade tattoo is predominantly a male tattoo, but there are, of course, no strict rules.

The pomegranate is a symbol of passion. The juice of this fruit is miraculous, it restores vitality and fills with energy. A tattoo in the form of a pomegranate symbolizes love of life and knowledge. It can also mean that its owner is selflessly and passionately in love with someone or passionate about what they love.

Pomegranate juice is a symbol that is associated with blood, it is able to help a person cope with ailments. So, the pomegranate tattoo symbolizes life.

The Greeks believe that the image of the pomegranate is associated with marriage. It is an image of joy and healing. The image is the personification of fertility. According to one of the Greek legends, if you touch a pomegranate tree, you can get pregnant. That is why the Greeks associate the image of a pomegranate with the image of fertility.

Interpretations of the image are varied, it is most revered among the Greeks. According to one version, a pomegranate tattoo symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Pomegranate seeds resemble precious stones and are no less valuable than they are.

Even the ancient Romans revered the image of this fruit. Tradition says that mythical maidens, the Rhoads, hide in the pomegranate trees. The goddess of marriage, Juno, was depicted with this fruit in her hands. Beautiful flowering and fiery fruit made it a symbol of sensual love between a man and a woman, a symbol of marriage, which is accompanied by the appearance of rich offspring. Young brides decorated their hair with wreaths of pomegranate branches, because they considered them a symbol of passionate and sincere feelings.

During the formation of the Christian faith, the symbolism of this fruit meant spirituality, heavenly blessing and heavenly love. Scarlet pomegranate juice symbolized the blood of Christians. Numerous grains that are hidden under a common shell symbolized those who were united by the church community. The image of a hard peel and sweet juice inside symbolized a clergyman who was strict in appearance, but kind in soul and heart.

The image of a burst pomegranate and the grains that fill it inside, as an integral part of the baroque symbolism, is associated with mercy, the generous gift of merciful love. The image of a pomegranate is often used as a component of coats of arms.

A tattoo with a pomegranate will suit an ardently loving man. The image is very bright and saturated. It draws attention to itself. And from a distance it looks like a wound. Sometimes the image is complemented by a few leaves and flowers. Achieving a natural image is not always easy, the tattoo is often done in rich red tones. It is often placed on the shoulders, arms or back. The tattoo attracts the attention of those who love unusual and bright patterns on the body.

Since the earliest times, when the art of body painting was in its infancy, the main reason why people sought to paint their bodies was to demonstrate military merit. This was the only way to distinguish a real fighter from a cowardly boy.

Today, we no longer need to intimidate our opponents with various patterns on the skin. But it is quite possible to show the traits of your character. A pomegranate tattoo serves as an excellent way to do this.

Of course, for many, this object will be associated with war and military service. But the symbol has become so popular these days that it is sometimes preferred even by minors who are not even close to the above. Consider the meaning of a pomegranate tattoo and find out for whom it is suitable.

    • Aggression. This is obvious enough. Any weapon is unlikely to be to the face of people who are calm by nature. Such illustrations are chosen by individuals capable of tearing apart anyone who gets in the way.
  • Patience. It would seem that a pomegranate tattoo means only a potential threat to its wearer, but this is not always the case. Remember the mechanism of action of this projectile. It does not explode immediately, but after a while. The behavior of its owner may be similar: he will endure to the last, but you need to remember that there is a limit to everything.
  • Strength. Lemonka is a great choice for letting others know about your qualities. Looking at it, they will understand that they can face a force equal to the action of this ammunition.
  • military personnel. Of course, this tattoo can be interpreted as the belonging of its owner to military affairs. In this way, you can fix your stay in the ranks of the army. And perhaps someone with the help of this projectile even managed to save his life.

In fact, it is problematic to explain what the drawing of a pomegranate means, because sometimes it aims to convey various kinds of philosophical ideas. Take, for example, the image of a pomegranate in . Its interpretation is rather difficult to explain, because the composition of flowers and weapons is not often seen. But the meaning of a pomegranate and rose tattoo can accommodate absolutely any ideas and moods of the wearer that he wants to convey to society. For example, a warning that even the beautiful can be fraught with danger.

Recreating the image of this ammunition on the skin is a bold act, so such paintings are not in great demand among the weaker sex. But there are no restrictions as such, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bflowers would be a good fit for any girl who wants to demonstrate that she is able to defend her interests.

When rendering this object, it is important to maintain the true size and proportions, so sketches are often developed in medium sizes. Most often you can find realistic, close to reality work, with a clear drawing of small details. The most common colors used are reds, greens and blacks. Monochrome also looks quite impressive. Main directions: realism, old school, graphics. Thrash polka is somewhat less common. Often the main plot is supplemented with various inscriptions.

In any war, in the army of any country, grenades are used to deliver a targeted blow to the enemy, to defeat both equipment and manpower. This world-famous ammunition entered military use relatively recently, but has a long history and is closely connected with the history of European weapons. The first grenades were used already in the 15th century.

Interesting. The name of the ammunition is based on a metaphor and comes from the name of the pomegranate fruit. The similarity is based on the fact that the fruit contains small grains inside, and a military grenade is similarly stuffed with explosives.

The meaning of the pomegranate tattoo

The pomegranate tattoo (see photo below) entered the tattoo world only in recent decades, but has already taken pride of place in the arsenal of any major tattoo parlor. A tattoo with dangerous ammunition can be perceived both as a sign that its wearer is related to military operations, and as a symbol of certain character traits not related to the type of human activity. The following meanings of a pomegranate tattoo can be distinguished:

  • a symbol of aggressiveness and irascibility;
  • willingness to stand up for themselves, the desire to defend their own interests;
  • demonstration of masculinity and physical strength;
  • warning others that the owner of such a tattoo is ready, in case of danger, to fight, to use force;
  • an indication of a passion for military history, a love of weapons;
  • an indication of military service or work in special forces;
  • sign of participation in military conflicts.

Who suits the pomegranate tattoo

It is logical to assume that tattoos depicting ammunition are distributed mainly among the male population. Although there are exceptions. For example, a girl who served in a foreign army or works in the police can decorate her body with such a tattoo.

In general, the pomegranate tattoo (see above for the meaning) is popular with those who:

  • served in the army and wants to remember this period of life as very important;
  • works in the police, special forces;
  • collects weapons, studies history;
  • believes that the modern world is on the verge of a new war;
  • wishes to express his firm civic position, to show his readiness to defend the Motherland at any moment;
  • I am sure that in life, as in war, the strongest wins;
  • has a quick temper, but tries not to succumb to aggression, to control himself;
  • recognizes the authority of force;
  • appreciates in people determination and strong-willed qualities;
  • well understands the meaning of the saying If you want peace, prepare for war!.

Thus, the pomegranate tattoo is also popular among those who have never served in the army. Often a similar image is applied by young people who have not yet reached military age. For them, such a tattoo symbolizes maturity and readiness to turn from a young man into a real man.

Pomegranate tattoo sketches

Grenade tattoos are most often performed in full size. This is due to the fact that the reduced image may, firstly, lose its original combat value, and secondly, it may be misinterpreted. Indeed, how can a drawing of a grenade, having a size of 3-4 cm, make a serious impression?

Despite the fact that grenade tattoos have appeared relatively recently, tattoo artists have already developed dozens of sketches, oriented to any wishes and tastes. You can find both purely realistic and philosophical images of this ammunition. The most popular pomegranate tattoo designs include:

  1. Realistic grenade with pin turned sideways. Such a tattoo, as it were, signals that it is better not to piss off its owner, because he knows how to give an instant rebuff to any insult and humiliation. The sketch on which the grenade is held by someone's hand has a similar meaning.
  2. Grenade in the shape of a heart. An interesting option that allows for many interpretations: as the heart is the focus of life, so the grenade is fraught with death; just as the heart is capable of experiencing violent emotions, strong feelings and passions, so a grenade is capable of causing an explosion if necessary;
  3. Grenade with a check in the form of a Pacific sign. Such a tattoo may indicate that its wearer values ​​peace, opposes wars and violence (recall John Lennon's famous admonition that one should make love, not war). Sometimes such symbols are supplemented with the inscriptions “Peace is fragile” (The world is fragile), “Love and peace” (Love and peace).
  4. Pomegranate with drawings of daisies or roses. Flowers in these cases denote all living things, the world and life. Roses also symbolize love. The meaning of such a sketch can be interpreted as follows: a person, in principle, is not against war, because it is part of the history of mankind, but still he values ​​peace much more;
  5. Grenade with wings or eye. Such tattoos can indicate the inevitability of fate (what will be - that cannot be avoided), hint that death always walks nearby and sooner or later will knock on the door to everyone. Somewhat depressing symbolism, but nevertheless quite popular.

Advice. A pomegranate tattoo, a sketch of which is being developed to indicate service in the army or participation in the war, can be supplemented with service dates, a pattern of the coat of arms, made as a tattoo background, as well as inscriptions with the name of the unit, company, etc. Such marked signs will emphasize that a tattoo is not just an abstract symbol, but has a real basis, is associated with events that really happened in a person’s life.

Called the king of fruits, pomegranate has amazed people with its beneficial properties since ancient times. As befits a king, the amazing fruit is shrouded in numerous myths and legends. Its name comes from the Latin granatus, which translates as "grainy". True, in botany, the fruits of this plant are called pomegranate.

From this article you will learn what the pomegranate symbolizes among different peoples and in different religions, what useful properties it is endowed with, and in the treatment of what diseases it is used.

Pomegranate as a symbol: meaning

The pomegranate, or the fruit of the pomegranate tree, is endowed with a very rich and positive symbolism, which is due to its shape, color, and internal structure. The latter is the embodiment of the unity of the manifold and the multiple: a large number of grains that are hidden under a common shell evoked associations with the inseparable Universe for philosophers. For a long time, researchers argued, figuring out whose symbol is the pomegranate fruit. As a result, they came to the conclusion that for different peoples and religions it has its own symbolic meaning:

  • fertility;
  • immortality;
  • land renewal;
  • the return of spring;
  • hope for resurrection, rebirth;
  • is an attribute of the goddesses of motherhood, love and agriculture;
  • love, large families;
  • happy future;
  • spiritual fertility of the church.

Symbol of health and longevity

Nature generously endowed pomegranate with healing properties. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Byzantines worshiped a miraculous fruit: its images were found in the Egyptian pyramids, embroidery of magnificent Byzantine fabrics, on Greek ornaments.

Every day the pharaohs drank firmly believing in its healing properties. The Prophet Muhammad recognized the pomegranate as an amazing gift of nature and called for eating it, believing that pomegranate juice can cleanse a person from hatred and envy.

What is the symbol of the pomegranate in the myths of Ancient Greece? From them it follows that this fruit is able to give a person immortality. For this reason, it was the favorite food of the gods of Olympus. According to one of the myths, the god Hades once visited the human world and met the beautiful girl Persephone, who was the daughter of the fertility goddess Demeter.

Hades fell in love with her, barely looking at the beauty. He kidnapped the girl, taking her to his underworld. The mother missed her daughter very much: the land became infertile, the trees died in the gardens, the fields were empty. And then Zeus intervened in this situation, demanding that Hades return Persephone. Hades was forced to obey, but before returning the girl, he gave her a taste of pomegranate seeds. Because of their extraordinary taste, Persephone began to return to the kingdom of Hades every winter.

Modern doctors confirm that the pomegranate, as a symbol, fully justifies its meaning. Its use is fully justified in complex therapy for:

  • low vision;
  • hypertension;
  • weakened immunity;
  • angina;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • anemia.

Many countries of the world each year supply the markets not only with the fruits themselves, but also with their products, for example, pomegranate juice. The popularity of wonderful fruits is undoubtedly due to their many beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the body. So, pomegranate contains:

  • Sahara;
  • tannins;
  • a large amount of vitamin C;
  • fiber;
  • trace elements and minerals.

Pomegranate juice contains:

  • anthocyanins;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • malic, oxalic and citric acids;
  • chloride salt;
  • tannin.

It is thanks to this rich composition that doctors strongly recommend drinking it for anemia, and using a decoction of the peel for burns and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pomegranate in world religions

The fruit of the pomegranate tree left a bright mark in the culture of different peoples and in the main world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. It is mentioned in the Koran, the Babylonian Talmud, the Old Testament.

What is the symbol of the pomegranate in religion? In Buddhism, the pomegranate is one of the three blessed fruits, along with the peach and citrus. In China, it symbolizes fertility, abundance, a happy future.

pomegranate symbol in christianity

In Christian culture, pomegranate is a symbol of eternal life, Easter joy. He is among the first. According to Christian interpretations, the fruit generously filled with seeds means the suffering of Christ. Pomegranate is quite often used in religious jewelry. Often, his images are woven into the fabric of vestments, liturgical veils, and forged metal structures.

Pomegranates are used in many religious subjects, for example in the works of Leonardo da Vinci and Sandro Botticelli: the pomegranate can be seen in the hands of the baby Jesus and the Virgin Mary. Moreover, in Christianity, pomegranate is a symbol of resurrection. A similar meaning applies to the pomegranate crowned with a cross in the hand of St. John.


In Judaism, it is believed that this wonderful fruit contains 613 seeds. This is how many commandments are contained in the Old Testament. In Jewish culture, pomegranate symbolizes rebirth and fertility. Pomegranates with bells on the clothes of the clergy symbolize thunder and lightning, bringing fertility.

Wealth symbol

Most peoples consider fruits to be a symbol of wealth. The Quran, the holy book of Muslims, mentions pomegranate trees growing in the Garden of Eden. In addition, there is a version that in the biblical traditions associated with the forbidden fruit with which Eve was seduced, there was not an apple at all, but a pomegranate.

A wonderful fruit has long been a symbol of wealth and financial well-being. His image was often applied to talismans, which rewarded their owners with prosperity and success in life.

Symbol of fertility

The pomegranate is mentioned among the seven plant species that are symbols of Israel's fertility. The pomegranate was presented to Moses by spies who had returned from Canaan. With such an offering, they wanted to confirm the fertility of these places.

It should be emphasized that pomegranate is considered a symbol of fertility for a reason. Only from one tree, reaching 6 meters in height, you can collect up to 60 kg of fruits, and the fruits themselves reach quite impressive sizes: there are specimens up to 18 centimeters in diameter.

Symbol of eternal love

We will tell you another legend, from which it will become clear to you what the pomegranate has been a symbol of since ancient times. Once on earth there lived a young man and a girl who loved each other very much. The young people decided to get married, but on the wedding day an evil spirit appeared, causing a hurricane that caught the lovers and carried them away from their native land.

Finding themselves in a deserted place from which it was impossible to get out, the young people wandered for a long time in search of a way. Exhausted, they collapsed to the ground and were not forgotten in a restless sleep. In it, the young man heard a voice that said: “You cannot be saved together. Kill your loved one and I'll take you out." But the young man decided in his own way: if one of them is destined to die, then it will be him, and he will save his beloved. The young man pierced his chest with a dagger, saying before his death: "Be happy, get married and have children."

The young man died, and his lifeless body immediately became a pomegranate tree. As soon as the girl, weeping, plucked the fruit from the tree, the evil spell dissipated, and she found her way to the house. After some time, she got married and, as her lover bequeathed, gave birth to many children. Her life was long and happy, and when the time came to leave this land, she bequeathed to her grandchildren to grow pomegranate trees. Her descendants scattered around the world, and many pomegranate trees appeared on the earth. Have you guessed what the pomegranate has become a symbol of since ancient times? A symbol of timeless, endless love.

Probably, it's time to tell what the pomegranate is a symbol of in Feng Shui. Pomegranate seeds symbolize the successful course of pregnancy and the birth of a strong and healthy baby. In addition, according to Feng Shui, pomegranate is a symbol of a strong family.

If you are expecting a replenishment in the family and want the baby to be born without problems, place a juicy fruit, cut into two parts, in the northern part of the apartment. Hang a ceramic plate or a picture of a pomegranate opposite the window in the children's room.