What to do if I got pregnant at 10. Ignore worries for which there are reasons

What do we want to instill in children? Kindness, decency, courage, perseverance... Hand on heart, many of us are limited to just such, the most general concepts. But what exactly do they mean for each of us? What things are fundamentally important to me, and what are not so important?

It is very helpful to ask yourself these questions and to reflect on the "parent program". And not on the run, but in earnest, formulating and writing down their thoughts. After all, if our goals are vague, we miss out on a lot of important things that we could, but failed to give to our children. To avoid this, the writer Lindsey Mead created her "parent program".


It seemed like only recently I was thinking about what principles my daughter Grace should learn before the age of 10. But now Whit is approaching this mark. In less than 2 months, he will turn 10, and there will be no one left in our house whose age can be indicated by one number. As with Grace, I keep thinking about what values ​​and principles Whit needs to learn - and in such a way that he does not doubt them at all.

I think about this topic and even write down the options, but at the same time I understand that not everything depends only on me. I know that what I do is more important than what I say. I should have behaved in accordance with these principles all the time, because in 10 years he managed to unconsciously adopt many of my principles and values.

I hope that I did a good job of teaching my son these principles by my own example.

Here is what I would like him to learn by his 10 years:

1. Respect others. Both men and women. The headmistress of your school and the homeless man by the subway are equally deserving of respect. You already do it, instinctively. Please never change this principle.

2. Pranks and physical activity are great and fun. I know I shush you more than I should because I prefer silence myself, but I'm working on it. Physical activity and even some rampage is completely normal. But there are limits - physical abuse is NOT okay. It is extremely important to understand where the border is.

3. No means no. And point. It doesn't matter who says "no" and in what context.

4. Don't hide your sensitivity. You experience everything incredibly deeply - the passage of time, memories, love, loss. Don't shut down your feelings. You can be strong and yet sensitive. In fact, a rich palette of feelings makes you stronger. This is true for both boys and girls.

5. You can't make another person happy - not me, not dad, not sister. Nobody. And it's not your responsibility. We all know this and I hope you always remember this.

Don't let anyone make you feel responsible for his or her happiness.

You are responsible for yourself and for your attitude towards others, which, of course, can affect their mood. But don't let anyone make you feel responsible for his or her happiness. It makes me happy to know that you are succeeding, overcoming difficulties, feeling enthusiastic, enjoying life and living consciously.

This is really good. I have not yet learned to stop time, but I know that when we pay close attention to everything that happens, even everyday life, we are rewarded with rich memories and days full of life.

7. Find what you are passionate about. It doesn't matter what it is, but I don't want to hear the words "I'm bored" from you. Never. There are so many interesting things around you that you can explore, learn and experience. I will support any of your passions, whether it's hockey, or programming, or playing the violin - or even all at once! But you have to find something you want to dive into.

8. There is nothing worse than being spoiled/ungrateful. I am a strict mother, although it is hard for me to punish or scold. But if I notice the slightest sign of spoiledness or ingratitude, I will react instantly (and without any regret). You rarely have them, and it doesn't look like you were naturally like that.

Please always remember how lucky we are. To live as we live every day is a great privilege. Little Sunday surprises, volunteering, helping the homeless, thank you notes - I tried to show you how lucky it is to live like our family. This is the best vaccine against spoiledness and ingratitude.

9. Even if you don't start doing something, you can still be wrong. I always remember one quote by Martin Luther King: "The silence of our friends hurts much more than the words of our enemies." The leader of the gang or the instigator is to blame, but those who followed him are also to blame. Don't be afraid to stand up to popular kids when they do something bad. It hasn't happened yet, but I know it will happen someday.

10. I love you no matter what. Mistakes are part of life. I will love you even if you make a mistake. To learn something, you need to let go of the past and start again. I showed this with my example, maybe even too obvious: you are raised by a mother who is not afraid to show her weaknesses, not afraid to fail, apologize and start over.

2010-11-06 23:04:27

Natalia asks:

Hello! In March, I had a frozen pregnancy, the reasons were not found. Already in April I passed tests for torches and found LGG to toxoplasma in a very high titer - 550 at a rate of up to 30. LGM is negative. Doctors immediately said - they say these are antibodies, this is not the cause and this cannot be treated. 6 months have passed and I again passed this analysis to calm down - LGG has become higher up to 650! There is no clinic. But what does positive dynamics mean? What to do? If I get pregnant with such dynamics, it will affect the fetus or, as you write, you can get infected only once and there is only danger for pregnant women. I'm very worried, please advise!


Good day, Natalia! You need to calm down once and for all. You do not have toxoplasmosis, there is only a persistent lifelong immunity to toxoplasmosis, acquired as a result of a previous illness (toxoplasmosis). If you are still worried about this situation, do not determine the level of antibodies to toxoplasma (there is no point in this), but do other tests. You need to do an ELISA blood test for IgG avidity to Toxoplasma, a PCR method for blood and urine tests for Toxoplasma DNA. Confirmation that you are immune (and have been for a long time), there is no toxoplasma in your body, there will be a negative result for toxoplasma DNA and a high level of IgG avidity to them. By the way, IgG to toxoplasma will be present in your blood all your life, protecting you yourself from the invasion of toxoplasma until the end of your days and for the entire pregnancy plus 6-12 months after the birth of all your future babies. Be healthy!

2016-06-08 13:55:33

Margaret asks:

Hello. I am 37 weeks pregnant. Gardnerella sits in each stroke. I have already treated twice, the first time they attributed hexicon, the second time terzhinan. With repeated strokes of gardnerella in place! Tests for STDs are negative. HIV, AIDS, syphilis and others were not detected. The analysis for these STDs was taken twice, at the beginning of pregnancy and at 32 weeks. Before pregnancy (desired pregnancy), there was polycystic disease of both ovaries, they were treated with duphaston and vitamin e, because I wanted to get pregnant. At that time (approx. 7-8 months before pregnancy) the smear was clean. In real strokes in all this gardnerella! Leukocytes are normal, there is no inflammation. Separations are rare. I wash myself with a special gel for intimate hygiene with lactic acid (I started recently), I used to wash myself with soap or shower gel. I don't douche. Sexual partner one, constant. Husband. Now again a smear and again gardnerella. Klindacin b prolong was prescribed for 3 days. What if it doesn't help again? I'm tired of fighting this bacterium! Very worried! Is this bacterium dangerous for my child? What should I do, what other tests should I take? By the way, I have never taken birth control pills. My husband and I used condoms only at the beginning of our relationship, we have not been using them for a long time. Sex is traditional. Sorry for the confusion, I just don't know what to do anymore! Really looking forward to the answer. Sincerely, Rita.

Responsible Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Margarita! Gardnerellosis is a commonplace bacterial vaginosis, which can worsen against the background of a physiological drop in immunity (which is normally observed during pregnancy). Go through the prescribed therapy, it is necessary before childbirth. After childbirth, observe your condition in dynamics, perhaps the problem will disappear on its own. Today I advise you to simply wash with laundry soap.

2012-02-10 12:54:49

Tatyana asks:

Hello, I am 24 years old. I don't have a regular MC. I have been living with my husband for 5 years and there is no natural pregnancy. The MC was in August 2011, then only in December 2011, my gynecologist prescribed me progesterone, three injections of 2.5% each, I did them, but nothing happens. The doctor said that when the MCs come to donate blood for 3 and 21 days, then an ultrasound scan, then an endocrinologist, then an endocrinologist-gynecologist, and I don’t need to go to her anymore. Will I be able to get pregnant at all with this MC.? she also said that a small uterus is very bad?

2012-01-05 02:29:56

Tatyana asks:

I am 20 years old. Menstruation began at 10. They did not go regularly until 6 months of delay. At 19 she was in the gynecology (the menstruation went on for 24 days), they stopped the regulon, she drank for 3 months. Then they went on normally without delay. In the summer I decided to get pregnant. Delay, did the test - neg. I was sent to an endocrinologist. A diagnosis of polycystic ovaries was made. I drink zhanin 3 months. Then they said a month to rest and at the reception. Question: Is it possible to get pregnant during a break. And what will happen if I get pregnant and polycystic is not cured. Will it affect ber and baby?

2011-03-06 11:11:22

Yana asks:

What to do? if the monthly delay is already 5 days and at this time there was sexual intercourse!
Is it possible to get pregnant if after the first act the member is exhausted with water?
And how can I get rid of pregnancy? Pills advise


2011-01-20 16:31:26

Lily asks:

Hello! In one of your answers, I read that it is advisable to drink birth control pills for a course of 36 months in order to restore hormonal balance, and if you stop getting pregnant .. that is, you suggest drinking contraceptives for three years? Is this not a typo? This advice suitable for very young people who have time. and tell me what to do if you want a child at 34 years old (in general, still at a young age), but after drinking contraceptives for three years, you will obviously lose a lot of time and have to get pregnant at the age of 37, give birth closer to 38?? at a dangerous age for this .. what would you advise?? how to restore hormonal balance in this case? thanks!

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Lila! First of all, why did you decide that the recommendation we gave to some other patient would be suitable for you? Any recommendations for treatment that a doctor gives are purely individual in nature and do not apply to all other patients, even if the problems are somewhat similar. Your problem is not clear to us. If at present you do not have diseases that prevent the conception, development and normal course of pregnancy - get pregnant for health, no one will even think of recommending you a long course of hormone therapy. If there is a problem with conception and pregnancy - do not try to solve it yourself or with the help of online consultants - go to a reproductive specialist, get examined and get individual recommendations that will suit your clinical case and help solve your particular health problem. Take care of your health!

2010-05-31 17:51:27

Nina asks:

Hello! I'm in despair! Less than a year ago, trichomoniasis was detected. The first course of treatment for me and my husband did not give results, the result of the second course of treatment was negative. we want a baby!) for all infections, only ganderella was detected by PCR. Immediately after that, a private gynecologist again passed a regular smear, nothing was found. I'm shocked! There is no more strength or health to be treated! Two courses of treatment undermined both the intestinal tract and immunity! What to do? If there is no result, can you drop everything and not be treated anymore? Are there examples when with such a diagnosis it was possible to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby? Thank you in advance!

Responsible Terletskaya Anna Nikolaevna:

Hello Nina!
If many times in different laboratories after the second course of treatment by various methods, Trichomonas was not detected in you, then you were successfully cured of it. Detection of Trichomonas last time in a smear performed in the ACD indicates either that this is a false positive result (smears are incorrectly performed) or a reinfection in you or a partner (a new episode of infection).
You can clarify by performing an analysis for rihomanad by PCR or bacterial culture in an independent laboratory. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is a reinfection (re-infection).
Trichomoniasis should be treated before pregnancy, because. it is an aggressive microorganism that affects the fetus, and leads to miscarriage or premature rupture of the membranes.
In addition, you need to be treated not only for the purpose of planning pregnancy, but also because chronic trichomoniasis leads to chronic salpingo-oophoritis, infertility, sensitization of the body, concomitant recurrent colpitis and bacterial vaginosis. With proper complex treatment, it is possible to preserve the normal intestinal microflora and restore the normal microflora of the vagina.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Nina! When prescribing drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis during menstruation, the doctor is guided by two considerations. First, he takes care not to carry out treatment against the background of pregnancy. The appearance of menstruation makes pregnancy unlikely and excludes the possibility of a negative effect of drugs on the fetus. Secondly, the activity of Trichomonas increases during menstruation and they become more sensitive to antitrichomonas drugs. All the drugs you listed, including vaginal suppositories, can be used during menstruation. Take care of your health!

2010-04-19 19:10:32

Alina asks:

Good afternoon!
Erosion. I passed tests for hepatitis C and B, toxoplasma, herpes, chlamydia, ureoplasma, mycoplasma, HPV (16, 18), HPV (low risk), HPV (high risk) - all negative, sowing on the microflora of secretions from U and C (so in the form the columns are titled) norm, analysis for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics - pathogenic and opportunistic microflora were not detected). As I understand it, they didn’t take me to oncocytology (I didn’t find anything in the card).
Biopsy - the result in the hospital - epithelial glandular erosion of the cervix with foci of moderate dysplasia - in glass oncology was revised - epithelial glandular erosion with dystrophic changes in the epithelium.
The doctor immediately insisted on conization, but since I really didn’t want to (I’m 28, I didn’t give birth, I have a history of 1 ST, myoma is 1 cm, I want children, but it just doesn’t work out) they did cryo. After 4 months, she said that she had decreased, but remained the same, she was sent to the city oncology.
The last colposcopy (by an oncogynecologist) - a cylindrical cervix, a slit-like pharynx, in the 1-2 zone at 9-1 and in the 1-2-3 zone for 3-8 hours, an unfinished transformation zone. In the second zone at 10 o'clock there is a retention cyst. In the second zone for 12-1 hours papillary zone of dysplasia. In other areas without pathology. Recommended - diathermoconization of CMM.
This month, they were protected only by an interrupted PA, and now my nipples have begun to hurt, I have already resigned myself to doing conization, but suddenly (even though there are few chances) am I pregnant? Is conization really necessary (the reason is not established, and if then again - what to cut each time?)? and what to do if she became pregnant with dysplasia, in order to increase the chances of a successful outcome?
Both unanimously convince me that if I get pregnant now, there is practically no chance of enduring it, but it’s easy to bring it to cancer.

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon, Alina! If you are pregnant, then wear it to your health! You have every chance to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. The pathology of the cervix (with the exception of isthmicocervical insufficiency) has nothing to do with the ability to bear a healthy baby. Going with dysplasia into pregnancy is not very good only because it is not known how exactly dysplasia will react to changes in the levels of sex hormones - it will progress or, on the contrary, reduce. You will be able to take care of your neck after childbirth, if it is still relevant. During pregnancy, it will be quite enough to dynamically monitor the condition of the cervix. The doctors are just bullying you. So, if you are pregnant, wear and give birth. If you are not currently pregnant, re-examine and treat if necessary. Be healthy!

2009-09-21 14:52:49

Anna asks:

Hello! 16 days ago I had a honeybort for a period of 6-7 weeks. I know that I did something stupid, but after 15 days had passed, there was sexual contact, as you understand, menstruation has not yet begun. Could I get pregnant if the guy didn't cum in me? If yes, tell me what to do so as not to get pregnant. Please reply as soon as possible. Thanks.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Anna, the possibility of pregnancy is always present, even if you use contraceptives. And in order not to get pregnant, you can protect yourself. You will find more detailed information in the article article. All the best!

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When the diagnosis of "infertility" sounds, your views on many things are revised. This situation leads to great confusion, sometimes difficult questions arise, for example, who is to blame and why this happened to Us.

An unplanned pregnancy can completely change your life. And abortion, in the worst case, greatly undermine health. To prevent this from happening, you should have an idea about the effectiveness of the main contraceptives and how to use them.

Conception is a delicate and complex process that depends on many factors. Therefore, do not despair if you did not get pregnant right away. It is possible to raise the issue of infertility only after a year of regular sexual activity without the use of contraceptives.

There is no justice in this world: someone dreams of children, prays, is treated, but they still do not exist. Someone does not want to have them at all, but ... over and over again goes to an abortion, or leaves an unfortunate baby in a baby's house, and it happens that he throws good people at the door, let's not talk about more terrible things. To some, my story will seem banal, while others will become interested and draw the right conclusions for themselves.

First marriage and divorce

I got married very early, at the age of 18, and immediately gave birth to a daughter. As usual, love in a young family broke into everyday life, and my husband and I soon parted ways. For many years I lived alone and, of course, did not think about children. There was only one thought: to raise and raise his only daughter. Although, of course, I wanted both family and ordinary female happiness and more children. I wanted to try what it is like when you raise a child together with your loved one, share with him common parental joys.

Second marriage and dreams of a child

And finally, happiness smiled at me: after 10 years of loneliness, I met a man who soon became my husband. Almost immediately after the wedding, there was talk of children. My husband was passionate about children. Or at least one child, preferably a girl.

I saw with what eyes he looks at other people's children, how easily he finds a common language with them, how he knows how to console and cheer them up, and I understood that he would certainly be a wonderful father.

But for some reason, such a desired pregnancy did not come. After two years of marriage, I went to the doctor for advice. I was diagnosed with secondary and was admitted to the hospital. There I underwent several courses of treatment for the residual effects of chronic inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, underwent a procedure for blowing out the fallopian tubes, etc.

long-term fertility treatment

Most importantly, in the hospital I met many women with the same problems as me. They all longed for a child, but the pregnancy never came.

Probably, no one except us, who are in the eternal expectation of pregnancy, knows this crazy hope and complete disappointment that you go through every month. After that, you feel so empty and useless.

Visits to the gynecologist became mandatory and routine, over the next three years I experienced all possible methods of treating infertility, but ... all to no avail. In addition, due to the course of strong hormonal drugs, my weight began to grow, and in a year I gained 18 kg. The course of treatment ended, but the weight remained and did not want to go away, although I again tried gymnastics and massage.

Non-traditional infertility treatment

Completely disappointed with official medicine, I began to visit healers and psychics. All of them unanimously told me that I would definitely give birth to a child, but the pregnancy still did not occur. The healers gave me various types of massage (including the uterus), hand passes, recited prayers, etc.

A year later, I went to my grandmother - a witch, she advised me to introduce tampons from a fresh egg mixed with ten drops of iodine. Then she gave me a herbal collection (I don’t know exactly from which herbs), advised me some slander and prayers. All this turned out to be useless.

Appeal to God

And so I went to church. I, a baptized Christian since infancy, but rarely went to church. Although in difficult moments of her life she always read the prayers “Our Father” and “Our Lady, virgin, rejoice.” Here I was in such a hopeless state, such melancholy attacked that my legs seemed to lead me to church on their own. I went up to the icon of the Mother of God (as it turned out later, Kazan) and began to pray. At that moment it seemed to me that my heart was open, and I was talking to the Mother of God as with a person close to me, as with a mother woman who could easily understand me. I looked at her face on the icon and saw eyes full of sorrow and understanding. I saw how tenderly she hugged her child to her and asked her to grant me this happiness too.

I left the church refreshed. I calmed down and no longer grumbled at God that he did not give me this desired child.

I realized that everything is rewarded to us according to deeds and we cannot understand God's will. But since then I have ceased to be tormented, I have become calmer, but not happier. I thought that I would probably never give birth.

A dream come true

A month later, my period did not come, and I bitterly decided that an early menopause was beginning. At that time I was already (or still) 37 years old. Four months later, I went to the next medical examination and there, with surprise and delight, I found out about my pregnancy. What is most interesting: I did not feel any ailments at all. The whole pregnancy proceeded easily, I never lay on conservation, and although I was already considered old-bearing, I gave birth to an easily desired and beloved girl Masha.

Now Mashenka is already a teenager, and what is most interesting is that she has been a deeply religious person since childhood.

Believing in God is as natural to her as breathing. And when she prays to the Mother of God or talks about her, tears boil in her eyes.

WHAT SHOULD I CALL WHAT HAPPENED TO ME IF NOT A MIRACLE? I advise everyone to never lose heart, to believe and fight to the end.

Which is allegedly married to a 37-year-old man, turned out to be an Internet provocation. "Wedding Blog" was created by activists of the movement against early marriages to draw attention to the non-child problem. 13-year-old Vika from the Krasnoyarsk Territory is real. And her story is even "sharper" than the fictional Thea. The schoolgirl became pregnant from her “beloved”, with whom she “lives” (sorry for the abundance of quotation marks, but the hand doesn’t rise in any other way) for two years now. And with the consent of the mother: "what, a good guy ...".

“Mom, something is moving in my stomach!”

Vika, like Thea, also has her own page on the social network. “I can’t live without you”, “I love only Sasha” - everything is covered with such statuses, and instead of cute kittens, bouquets and thin-legged Winx fairies, the page is decorated with black and white pictures with couples in love, hearts. Vika doesn’t watch cartoons and hasn’t played with dolls for a long time ...

The news that 13-year-old Vika became pregnant from 20-year-old Sasha, who lives on a nearby street, spread around the village of N. in a matter of days. Although the village is not small, and the bulk of the population are young people. There is a good rural school, a House of Culture, and a state farm.

The family of 13-year-old Vika is quite ordinary by village standards: a one-story old house, a small farm. Mother and stepfather drink, not without it. But both work (mom at the local agricultural enterprise, stepfather repairs cars) children are fed, dressed, shod. There are four children in the family: Vika has a younger brother, two older sisters ...

Everyone knew that Vika had been dating her 20-year-old neighbor Sasha since the age of 11. It is difficult to understand, but the parents reacted calmly. Even ... were satisfied: "What a good guy." Is it okay that Vika is still a child? About “how” a girl meets with an adult neighbor, perhaps, they did not know. This is now under investigation.

One way or another, thunder struck after Vika's naive phrase: “Mom, something is moving in my stomach!”.

"I will give birth"

“Yes, you have a child there, you fool!”, - touching her stomach, she screamed, clutching her heart, the mother. I dragged my daughter to the local hospital. After an ultrasound, the doctors diagnosed her as pregnant, 17 weeks.

I will give birth, - the girl shocked the doctors, and then turned to her mother: - Sasha is a real man, he will not leave me.

Yes, if you were at least 14 years old, I would have attached you to work, I would have received maternity leave, ”the mother lamented on financial matters.

Not a word about the fact that the girl is just a child, that she needs to finish school, that all this is generally wrong, and at least illegal - not a word ...

Mom and Vika signed a refusal to have an abortion (a child's pregnancy up to 14 years old can be terminated at any time, but only with the consent of the parents - Ed.):

"Does the child have a father? There is. Will help? Let's educate!", - exhaled the mother.

Sasha, having learned what their "unearthly love" led to, told his parents about everything. It is difficult to call the further scenario normal - it cannot be so when it comes to a 20-year-old guy and a 13-year-old pregnant girl.

Families took it all in their own way. Sasha's parents got into an old Volga and went to meet their future relatives.

Pregnant schoolgirl skips classes

At the school where the girl studies, they are reluctant to talk about this case. Still, such a scandal! The director, a tall, thick woman with a lush haircut, cuts: "Don't involve us!" Then, softening a little, he adds: “Let the girl calmly finish her studies.” Although they say that Vika has not looked at school for a long time:

Yes, she constantly skips classes, she walks with her by the hand, - the boys discuss the schoolgirl, who jumped out to smoke around the corner during the break. - They have love, - they laugh.

Although there is actually little funny ... Sasha lives with his parents in the "quarter" of an old wooden house. Working. Window maker.

You to our "hero-lover"? So there is none, - the hard workers in overalls laugh.

In the smoky workshop, smoke stands like a yoke, stings the eyes out of habit. - He came today, and after dinner he ran to her again. Vaughn, already a small "friend".

Yes, who is there to give birth! Still a child herself! - only the village administration seems to be indignant. “Mother would have looked after her better, it wouldn’t have happened. I was not involved in raising a child, and this is the result.

On the one hand, I feel sorry for the girl, and the family that missed the moment was not seen, - says Nadezhda V. from a neighboring street. - But where is the guarantee that in a year one will not give birth to a second, and then a third?! There is nowhere for young people to live, and there is not much to pay for. A girl, why deprive a girl of her childhood: her little brother is already on her, but she will soon give birth herself! Oh, and she will cry ...

Expectant mother... with a cigarette

Uninvited guests, that is, journalists, were not allowed into the house where Vika lives on the threshold: “Do not interfere in our family, do not interfere with our normal life!” Seems like everyone has a different idea of ​​what's normal...

And after a while, Vika herself ran out of the gate - she looked about 16 years old, no less. Round face, snub nose, full lips. She was dressed simply - a knitted hat, a thin jacket, battered pink pants. With one hand, the girl holds the jacket in the abdomen, and with the other ... she holds a cigarette. The girl did not realize that she would soon become a mother?

Excuse me, - we turn to the neighbors opposite. What, does she smoke?

Yes, almost everyone in their family smokes, which is not surprising. And the girl herself is not a gift. Arrogant. Arrogant. It can get rough. His nose will turn up and he won't even say hello. And now he walks with such pride, as if it were in the order of things!

Future dad still on the loose

While the investigation is ongoing, the future dad is at large. However, for seducing a minor, he faces up to 4 years in prison.

In the hospital, as soon as they learned about the pregnancy of the schoolgirl, they immediately reported to law enforcement agencies. That is the order. A criminal case was opened there: according to the law, it is believed that the child is not able to be responsible for his actions, so cases are opened even with the mutual consent of both parties.

The prosecutor's office regularly conducts checks aimed at observing the rights of minors, says Elena Pimonenko, Senior Assistant Prosecutor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. - Based on the materials of one of these checks, a criminal case was initiated “sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 16…”. The girl, the expectant mother, is only 13 years old, although in essence she is still a child herself and needs the attention of adults. And to use the social and physical immaturity of the child is criminal. The investigation will establish the reasons and conditions why the child became a victim of a crime, under what circumstances, in order to subsequently take preventive measures that prevent crimes against the sexual integrity of minors.

In the spring, Vika will turn 14. By that time, she will already become a mother. If the father of the child is still imprisoned, he says that he will be waiting for him ...

In the modern world, children grow up much earlier. This is facilitated by television, the Internet and so on. Girls already in adolescence begin to meet with boys, and as a rule, such relationships end in an intimate relationship.

And the age of the first sexual intercourse has now shifted so much that from a small, at first glance, girl, one can quite hear the question: “What should I do if I became pregnant at 10?”. Yes, this can happen to anyone, because at this age you do not have enough knowledge and experience, and such a difficult situation is confusing.

What should a pregnant girl do?

Most often, girls are looking for information on what to do if at the age of 10 on the Internet. Be that as it may, the worldwide network will not be able to help you in this matter. The only right decision in this situation will be to gather courage and tell everything to the parents. Only they can adequately assess the situation and make the right decision. In addition, without their consent, you will not be able to go to the clinic.

But be sure to remember that your opinion should also be taken into account, so you will have to make the most difficult decision in your life: are you ready for this child or not.

The pros and cons of motherhood at such an early age

Of course, your baby will be wonderful, and you will love him anyway, even if you don’t feel these feelings right now. But besides the wonderful maternal instinct, there are some difficulties in pregnancy at an early age.

When making a decision, remember that pregnancy at such a young age is very dangerous. An unformed organism may not cope at any time, which threatens with a miscarriage or premature. The statistics of early pregnancies is quite deplorable: there are a lot of such cases, but there are only a few births of a healthy baby.

Abortion by itself will not add to your health either, but the procedure done in time will reduce the likelihood of complications to a minimum. Abortion is more or less safe only up to the 12th week of pregnancy, later the result can be deplorable for the girl's body. But even if you carry out the abortion procedure before the critical period, there will always be a minimum percentage of the fact that after an abortion at that age you will never be able to have children again.

Action plan

So, if you become pregnant, you should first determine a plan of action for yourself.

Make a decision about what to do if I got pregnant at 10 as early as possible and discuss it with your parents. If you considered yourself an adult, having a sexual life, then now you will have to act like an adult.

When you come to your parents with a question about what to do if I became pregnant at 10, ask them to treat the situation as less emotionally as possible, because only in this way will they be able to make the right decision. Try to calmly and balancedly explain to them your position, and how this could have happened at all. Understand how hard it will be for them to realize that their daughter has matured so early. Ask them to consult with an experienced gynecologist and psychologist, so that it would be easier for you and them to survive the difficult moments of life.

In a situation where you are so worried about what to do if I got pregnant at 10, in no case should you do anything yourself. Remember that this is directly related to your health and future. And so that such situations do not occur in life, do not rush to enter into an intimate relationship with a young man, no matter what quivering feelings bind you. And if you still decide on it, do not be lazy and read about the methods of protection and never forget about them!