How to treat the skin after a burn. Restoration of the skin after burns: creams, ointments, folk remedies. local curative measures

At home, you can treat burns that meet the following conditions:

  1. Burns I-II degree. These are superficial lesions, accompanied by swelling and redness of the skin. Perhaps the formation of bubbles with transparent contents, covered with a thin film. For deeper burns, you should consult a traumatologist.
  2. The burn area is no more than 1% (palm area). With a more extensive lesion, there is a high probability of developing a burn disease, which should be treated by a specialist.
  3. Normal general condition - the absence of fever, impaired consciousness and other disorders of important body functions.
  4. Absence of purulent complications at the burn site.
  5. The ability to timely care for a burn wound, the availability of medicines, normal sanitary conditions, as well as the desire of the victim to treat the burn at home.

    To treat burns at home, follow these steps:

    1. Termination of the effect of the damaging factor.
    2. General effect on the body.
    3. Local action on the burn wound.

    Termination of the damaging factor

    First of all, it is necessary to stop the effect of the damaging factor on the skin as soon as possible.

    In case of a burn with a flame, it is necessary to extinguish burning clothes, carry the victim further from the source of fire. If a burn occurs with boiling water or, for example, molten metal or other liquid, you need to quickly remove clothing from the surface of the body, carefully removing it or cutting it. In this case, it is desirable to injure the burnt surface as little as possible.

    The affected part of the body must be quickly lowered into cold water or placed under a stream of cold water for several minutes. Make sure that the jet of water does not hit directly on the wound, but simply flows down the burnt surface. After cooling for a thermal burn, a little baking soda can be applied to the affected skin under a bandage.

    In case of a chemical burn, the affected area should be quickly rinsed under running water (except burns with quicklime). Then, with an acid burn, the skin is washed with a solution of baking soda, and with an alkali burn, with a weak solution of citric acid.

    General effect on the body

    Give the victim plenty to drink. You can drink hot tea, coffee, alkaline mineral water in sufficient volume (up to 2 liters). The following solution will help to avoid dehydration: for 1 liter of water or tea, half a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of table salt.

    For pain relief, you can take analgin, acetylsalicylic acid, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as complex preparations containing diphenhydramine.

    When treating at home, the victim should receive easily digestible high-calorie food rich in proteins and fat-soluble vitamins (A, E). An additional intake of these vitamins is justified (the simplest solution is Aevit).

    Local treatment of burns

    It is recommended to treat the burnt surface with 70% ethyl alcohol or ordinary vodka and cover with a napkin from a sterile bandage. With a thermal burn, a little baking soda can be applied under such a bandage. A bandage bandage is applied on top. It is better not to use cotton wool for the treatment of burn wounds, because it dries to the edges of the wound and causes additional trauma and pain.

    It is not recommended to open the resulting bubble on your own. Of course, most likely the big bubble will soon burst itself. However, the longer the protective coating remains over the burn surface, the better the skin under it will recover. Therefore, it is better to leave the bladder alone, and after its spontaneous opening, carefully press the bladder cover to the wound with a sterile napkin.

    Intact skin around the burn can be treated with an antiseptic, such as brilliant green. This will help reduce the risk of wound infection.

    The napkin that covers the burn can be moistened in solutions with an antiseptic effect, for example, Chlorhexidine, Furacilin. It also helps to use a decoction or infusion of St. John's wort. However, you should not moisten the burn surface too much, as this slows down healing.

    It is recommended to apply ointments or aerosols based on panthenol on the surface of the first degree burn (redness), as well as on the skin around the bladder (II degree). They contribute to the healing of a burn wound and the restoration of the skin. It is good to have such a tool in a home medicine cabinet, especially if there is a child in the family. It is permissible to use Vishnevsky's ointment, Levomekol and other similar agents with an antimicrobial and wound healing effect. Such funds do not need to be applied to the skin immediately after the burn, you need to wait for the first, most acute manifestations of the injury to subside.

    It is not necessary to lubricate burns with oil without the advice of a doctor. Of course, in some cases, such tools help well. Nevertheless, oil compresses can cause pathogenic microorganisms to multiply on the surface of the burn, and also inhibit skin repair processes. After consulting a doctor, the use of sea buckthorn oil or an oil solution of vitamin E is allowed.

    It is necessary to monitor the condition of the burn wound daily, change dressings in a timely manner, and monitor the general well-being of the victim. In case of any deterioration in the general or local condition, it is necessary to seek medical help. Sometimes delay is dangerous by the development of severe complications, up to severe burn disease, infection of the burn, purulent foci in various organs. Burn exhaustion can even lead to the death of the patient. Any burn is a serious injury. With uncertainty in its course, it is better not to take risks and not be treated without the supervision of a specialist.

    Which doctor to contact

    Lubrication of the burn site with aloe juice is unsafe, as it can cause an allergic reaction and aggravate the patient's condition.

    If you get a burn, you should consult a traumatologist. Only a specialist can assess the severity of the lesion and prescribe the necessary treatment. In severe cases, you have to contact the surgeon. The surgical specialty that doctors who treat burns have is called combustiology. When healing burns, you can contact a dermatologist for the selection of therapy that restores the skin. Cosmetic defects, scars after such an injury will be eliminated by a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist.

After receiving a thermal injury, many are wondering how quickly and how the burn heals. The time it takes to fully restore the skin is individual. It depends on factors such as age, degree and area of ​​damage, the nature of the traumatic agent, the state of health of the victim. Thermal injuries are the most difficult to treat and lead to irreversible complications in children, elderly and debilitated patients. A child can die even with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage.

The burn heals in several stages. Their sequence is determined by the degree of thermal injury, the presence of purulent complications in the wound, the nature of the traumatic agent.

Burn degrees

In total, 4 degrees of burns are distinguished, which differ in the depth of the lesion:

Types of burns

The speed and sequence of stages of recovery depends on the type of traumatic impact.

Depending on this, burns are divided into the following types:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • radiation;
  • electrical.

Solar and thermal burns from exposure to boiling water are usually superficial; heal pretty quickly. Chemical injuries often occur as a result of contact with animal poisons (jellyfish), plants (hogweed, nettle), household products. With short-term exposure, they are superficial, recovery is fast.

The healing of thermal burns from hot objects (heated iron, battery, heater) will depend on the duration of contact and the area of ​​damage. Short-term exposure does not cause serious consequences, and the burn passes quite quickly. Prolonged contact may result in fourth-degree thermal injury.

The most dangerous injuries are from exposure to open flames. Most often, these are burns of 3B and 4 degrees.

Without the help of qualified specialists, recovery will not come on its own. Healing occurs after surgical treatment.

Influence of burn area

The affected area plays a significant role in wound healing. The larger the wound surface, the higher the risk of developing a burn disease.. With it, in addition to local manifestations on the skin, there is a lack of organ functions, a violation of the heart. Recovery is longer, more difficult, and in some cases, the injury is fatal.

The affected area is measured in several ways. One method is to use the victim's own palm. In adults, one palm corresponds to 1% of the body area. In children, special tables are used, which are also suitable for adults, depending on age.

How healing happens

First-degree burns heal fairly quickly. It may take 1 to 3 days. Redness, swelling subside. Peeling, pigmentation appears at the site of the burn wound, which after a while disappears on its own without a trace.

Burns of the 2nd degree can heal from 2 to 3 weeks, with small areas and without complications - up to 1 week. Under the bubble, if an autopsy has not occurred, young pink skin can form on its own. If the blister bursts, an infection is possible, then it will take more time.

With 3A degree burns, at the initial stage, a dark-colored scab or blister with hemorrhagic contents often forms on the skin. After some time (2-4 weeks), the scab exfoliates, and the bubble bursts, exposing the underlying layers of the epidermis. Islands of young skin appear in these areas, which gradually close the entire wound. Full recovery may take three weeks to two months.

3B and 4th degree burns do not heal on their own. In the initial stages, a dense black scab appears in the wound area. After its rejection on the underlying tissues, if suppuration has not occurred, pink granulations begin to appear. This stage of healing will require a very long period, which can be up to several months..

After the appearance of juicy granulations, a person's own skin can be transplanted. At the next stage, either its engraftment or rejection is possible. In the latter case, a second operation will be required. After restoration, rough scars form on the skin, disfiguring scars.

Severe thermal lesions in the area of ​​the joints are very difficult and take a long time to heal. After all stages of recovery, they develop contractures that limit the mobility of the limbs.

When an infection is attached, the healing of any stage slows down. Therefore, treatment is carried out in the conditions of specialized medical institutions with the use of antibacterial drugs.

Burns are tissue damage resulting from thermal exposure. They can develop due to exposure to boiling water, steam, hot or molten metal, chemicals (acids, alkalis and salts of heavy metals), as well as electric current. A burnt person should immediately receive first aid. Treatment of burns directly depends on the degree of damage and can be carried out using traditional medicine methods.

There are a huge number of recipes, which will help relieve pain and accelerate the healing of affected surfaces. We will look at a few of them.

Take fresh burdock leaves and grind them into a pulp. It must be placed at the site of the burn. You can also use the grass of the bird mountaineer.

Prepare a compress from freshly squeezed pumpkin juice or the pulp of this vegetable, mashed.

Take one or more leaves of a large plantain, crush with your hands so that they let the juice go, and put it on a sore spot.

Aloe vera is an excellent remedy for treating burns. The juice from this plant should be irrigated with a wound or soaked in a gauze bandage.

A gruel made from grated seed carrots can be applied to the burn.

Take a raw potato, peel and grate on a fine grater. Place the resulting slurry on a piece of fabric and tie it around the affected area. Such a compress should be changed immediately after heating.

Cabbage is a very effective remedy for burns. Grind a few inner leaves of this vegetable in a meat grinder and mix with egg white, observing a 1: 1 ratio. Use as a compress. You can also boil a couple of cabbage leaves in milk, mix them with rye bran to a state of gruel and apply on a sore spot.

A compress can be prepared from nettle flowers by pouring 30 g of raw materials with a liter of boiling water. After three hours, strain and squeeze.

Apply fresh rose petals to the burn and secure with a loose bandage. Change several times a day.

Take a couple of tablespoons of dried red clover flowers and boil them in boiling water. Wrap the raw material in gauze and place it on the burnt place.

For washing wounds and applying lotions, you can use a decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, take forty grams of raw materials and grind to a powder state. Pour it with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for six minutes. Cool and strain the decoction. You can also use infusions of wild rose and coltsfoot. They have an analgesic effect, accelerate the healing of burns, preventing scarring. Infusions also help to stop the bleeding.

Brew strong black or green tea and cool it to a temperature of 13-15C. Strain the tea leaves and pour it over the burnt place, then bandage it. Such a bandage should not dry out completely, so it must be constantly watered with tea. The duration of such treatment is one and a half weeks. The lotion helps relieve redness and reduce the pain of sunburn.

Mix lime water with linseed oil and apply to the affected area.

Can be used to treat burns several options for ointments:

Take a tablespoon of St. John's wort and pour vegetable oil in the amount of one glass. Insist for two weeks, stirring from time to time;
- mix one part of alcohol tincture of calendula with two parts of petroleum jelly;
- mix one hundred grams of spruce resin, interior lard and beeswax.

Put the container on the fire and bring to a boil. Before applying such an ointment, you need to wash the affected area with lime water (dilute a tablespoon of slaked lime in a liter of clean water). Then a bandage soaked in this ointment must be applied to the burn. Three or four of these dressings will help cure even a severe burn.

Sea buckthorn oil has an effective healing effect. It must be applied to the wound surface with a pipette, before that, the burn site must be cleaned of dead tissue. After the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the sore spot with a sterile bandage.

For lotions, you can use an infusion of ivy leaves with a small amount of natural liquid honey.

Take twenty grams of dry crushed medicinal veronica and pour one glass of boiling water. Insist until completely cool and use for washing, as well as for local baths.

Be careful, fresh burns should not be lubricated with any fat or oil, since such substances form a special thin film on the surface of the lesion, which prevents the tissue temperature from dropping and can lead to heat stroke. Therefore, the damaged area should be cooled with ice or running cold water.

All of the above folk remedies are safe and can not cause any side effects. The only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance. If the burn site occupies a sufficiently large area, festering or inflamed, it is necessary to seek medical help, a specialist will help you choose the right treatment.

In the event that a burn occurs in a child (regardless of the area and location of the lesion), it should be shown to a doctor.

Treatment with folk remedies can be carried out with small burns without complications, as well as in parallel with drug treatment.

Cream for skin repair after burns - a remedy for the treatment of superficial damage to the skin, subcutaneous fat layer or deeper tissues as a result of radiation, thermal, electrical or chemical exposure. Burns are diseases and have important medical and social significance for the victims.

For effective treatment of burn injuries, it is necessary to clearly define their danger. The classification is based on the nature of the resulting damage to the integumentary tissues.

Degree Characteristic Recovery
First In the first minutes there is a strong burning sensation, swelling, redness. The wound heals in a few days. Rarely do traces remain.
Second Within a few hours, a bubble forms with liquid inside. The injury heals without a trace.
Third Tissue necrosis and scab formation. Grade A healing does not leave scars. Grade B leaves behind a visible scar.
Fourth Carbonization of tissues, necrosis of the deep layer. The treatment is long and requires surgical intervention.

Affecting factors are:

  • chemical - acid, alkali (at home and causes vinegar, iodine);
  • thermal - high temperature (hot metal surface, boiling water, glue, steam, ultraviolet rays);
  • radiation - emission of radiation;
  • - electric shock from faulty household appliances, lightning strike.

Superficial burns of a small area are not dangerous and must be restored with pharmacy products.

Burn shock is a great danger. If shock has not developed, but the affected area is large, then there is a high probability that infection and sepsis will develop.

Skin Restoration Products

Restoration of the skin after burns is best done with pharmaceutical products. There are several main types of drugs:

  • Ointment. They have wound healing, antibacterial, analgesic effect. Under their influence, the regeneration of the epithelium is accelerated.
  • . Used in the treatment of deep lesions of the skin. When applied, there is no need to contact the wound.
  • Cream. To prevent the growth of keloid scars.
  • Bandage. The fabric base is impregnated with painkillers. First aid to relieve severe pain at home.
  • Gel. Promotes rapid cleansing of the surface of the injury from necrotic dead masses, serves as a prevention of suppuration and scar tissue.
  • . Means for quick recovery of the skin after a burn. It is applied at the initial stage of recovery.
  • Patch. It has a quick cooling effect, relieves pain, accelerates the regeneration process.
  • Solution. It is used as a last resort when there are no other drugs.
  • medical glue. Forms a film on the surface with a strong antimicrobial effect.

A burnt person rarely thinks about the aesthetic consequences of the injury. In the first hours, an ambulance is required to relieve pain and eliminate severe consequences. If the regeneration of damaged skin after a burn has led to scarring, relief-leveling agents come to the rescue. Cosmetics with medicinal properties or cosmetic procedures will help to remove the scar.

Review of effective creams

Medicines in the form of creams will help to quickly restore the skin after a 1-2 degree burn.

The main drugs of local action:

  • Povidoy-Iodine. Thanks to active iodine, it kills bacteria and has a softening effect. It is not recommended in the treatment of burns in a child and with high sensitivity to the active ingredient.
  • Levomekol. The composition includes chloramphenicol and methyluracil, which prevent the development of infection. Helps the skin to recover quickly, heal, prevents scarring.
  • Panthenol. Effective against all types of burns. Helps soften the injured area, restore elasticity, activate regenerative processes.
  • Rescuer. The cream composition eliminates redness, swelling, inflammation. It is used to treat when the skin peels off.
  • Bepanten. The drug is prescribed for first aid and for the subsequent recovery period.

The indicated means intended for skin regeneration after burns are only a small part of the total number of all methods that help restore damaged tissue.

What can soften the skin

The method of treatment largely depends on the type of burn injury. For effective first aid, it is necessary to clarify how the damage was received.

Oil painting

Boiling oil can cause varying degrees of damage.

In the second and third degrees, treatment is indicated exclusively in a medical institution, where the doctor will develop an optimal recovery scheme.

The home therapy option is only suitable for the first degree. Olazol or Panthenol are used to relieve pain. Healing can take several weeks, thin skin needs to be softened with Bepanthen, Panthenol, Vitaon, La Cree, etc. Good results were shown by a folk recipe: a compress with juice from aloe leaves.

In the sun

And the sun is dangerous to the skin and can cause serious damage. Sunburn is subject to treatment with the help of special preparations that are distributed by any pharmacy.

Panthenol will help to effectively relieve pain, prevent inflammation and soften. When exposed to it, cells begin to regenerate faster. After application, a protective healing film is formed, which helps to restore health. The skin after it does not peel off, does not crack, pigmentation does not appear

Do not use lotions containing alcohol, oily or greasy substances!

To relieve fever and pain, a tablet of Aspirin, Ibuprofen and other NVS is suitable.

electrical appliances

In case of electric shock, a set of measures is necessary. An important condition is to get the patient out of a serious condition.

If an arm, leg or other part is damaged, then the patient is given dressings with antiseptics and, if necessary, decompression necrotomy. Patients are treated as with thermal burns - Panthenol, Bepanten and other ointments that help restore lost functions to the dermis. With severe burns, Fusiderm and Fusimet ointments help speed up the recovery process.

How to quickly restore the skin with creams

Burning is dangerous and harmful, if this happens, try to take all necessary measures to speed up regeneration.

Action scheme:

  1. Removal of inflammation and swelling. Washing the wound with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. Application of the anti-inflammatory agent Panthenol, Rescuer or Pavignon-Iodine and dressings.
  2. Removal of dead masses. After drying, peeling is done at home or in the salon.
  3. Hydration and nutrition. Special means for post-burn therapy are used.
  4. Protection from sunlight, low and high temperatures, otherwise you can get burned again and get a scar.

A burn can make a big difference in your life. It is important to provide first aid in time and take a responsible attitude to the rehabilitation period. Among the remedies, there must be drugs that help soften the skin after a burn and prevent its scarring. The right approach will help preserve beauty, and not remember it from old photos.