Healer treatment with prayers and hands of anna. Miracle or deceit? The Brazilian heals any disease with the touch of his hands. hand treatment method

In the case of a serious illness, people have a desire to find a solution to the problem and alternative traditional medicine. In the hope of healing, the eyes and attention of the sick turn to healers. People have to deal with a variety of areas in healing and it is sometimes not easy to evaluate them. It is difficult for a non-specialist in this field to understand the variety of healing methods. In order not to waste valuable time for patients, you need to find the path that will lead to the right result. Most directions in healing can be immediately weeded out and left only energy impact, focus on eliminating the most root causes diseases.

Sometimes, rather than looking for the right healer for a long time, who can get rid of the disease, it is easier to master the methods of healing yourself. The first step in energy healing and hand healing is developing sensitivity to the energies. This is achieved by developing the sensitivity of the hands to energies by simple exercises, such as “ball and rubber band”. This is done in the following way: the palms of the boat are reduced to each other, listening to the sensations in the hands, you need to feel the energy and the border of the biofield. After such exercises, in a few days it will be possible to diagnose the patient energetically and find places of contamination. Diagnostics will allow to determine the centers of pollution with negative energies, which are the root cause of most diseases.

Diagnosis is not yet a cure, but is an important step towards the beginning of healing. It is the energy impact that allows you to heal from most diseases, and especially from incurable diseases.

Mastering energy cleansing will open up tremendous opportunities for self-healing of the body and gives the keys to true health. Other ways of healing will be like constantly patching up holes in health, instead of internal self-healing of the body. The principle of health is that by eliminating the root cause of the disease, and this is in most cases negative energy, the disease itself goes away forever.

Here it must be taken into account that negative energy has a negative effect on the physical body and causes disease. The connection of negative energies with diseases goes through their properties. The main properties of negative energies- cause spasms and pain, but this is only part of their negative impact.

Working with the energy of a person and doing his cleansing, the healer needs to know how the structure of the subtle body. The structure of the human subtle body is divided into two parts exactly in the middle, into the left and right parts. It may turn out that the patient will have pollution only on one half of the energy. When diagnosing a person, it is also necessary to determine the source of pollution and clogged chakras.

Illnesses do not come without a reason, and very often, our own bad thoughts are to blame. Many frivolously believe that negative thinking will not affect their health in any way. Our negative thoughts are energy which, like a boomerang, returns to us with diseases. Returning to us, this energy penetrates through the chakras into the structure of the subtle body and causes physical disorders and diseases. Every healer needs to know like the alphabet that a disease is only a consequence, while the cause of ailments is negative energies.

Energy cleansing itself conceals its complexity and subtlety, and also carries some danger for the healer. Therefore, it is necessary for the healer to know some principles and techniques of self-purification of the healer.

Features and properties of negative energies

1. Negative energy has more dense properties, due to which pollution of the structure of the subtle body and disease occur. At the same time, the negative blocks the passage of vital energy that feeds all organs and tissues.

2. Diseases arise due to the properties and characteristics of negative energies, which can cause various physical disorders in a person, such as spasms, pain, paralysis and psychological disorders.

3. Negative energy can be in the structure of the subtle body all life, or only for some time, it all depends on the strength of the charge and the person himself.

4. The negative is cleared and dissolved only when exposed to higher energies.

5. Negative energy is best cleared through exit points and chakras.

6. When treating with hands and cleansing from negative energies, the healer often draws on himself some of someone else's negativity. To prevent this from happening, you need to work carefully and be able to clean yourself. After each session, the healer should be cleansed of negative energies in the ways available to him.

7. Negativity, like any energy, does not disappear anywhere, but it can be transformed and changed by higher ones.

8. The place of pollution sometimes shows little on the external distortions of the aura, and this sometimes complicates the definition of energy blockage.

9. A special increased density of negative energy allows you to extract the entire charge when it is captured by your hands.

10. Cleansing from the negativity attracted to oneself is possible in a variety of ways, for example, prayer or fire. The best way to cleanse yourself of negative energies is to increase your spirituality.

11. Increasing spirituality allows you to transform negative energy with your power of the Spirit and does not allow energy pollution of the healer. However, such opportunities are still available to a few, and with an average level of energy and negligence, the healer can even get sick.

12. With the practice of a healer, an experience arises that allows you to distinguish a variety of negative energies and understand their various properties. So, for example, damage and the evil eye are felt by the hands as cold lumps adjacent to the body, where the difference is only in their size.

13. Negative energies are felt by the hands as coldness, tingling, numbness, and other sensations as well.

14. Pollution by negative energies can be both internal and external. To internal pollution include pollution of channels, chakras and other internal structures of the subtle body. External manifestations of pollution(in the aura) - this is most often the exit of energy from places of internal pollution in the channels and from the structure of the human subtle body.

15. Major sources of pollution serve the lower three chakras and their corresponding subtle bodies. Further, negative energy spreads through the body, creating blockages and causing various diseases.

The basic principles of energies described above already allow mastering the science of healing at the initial level. In the treatment with the hands, only the living field of the hands can capture the negative. For practice, it is also required to master the techniques of working with negative energies and security measures.

Methods and techniques for influencing negative energies

  1. Weakening and dissolution of the negative with higher energies.
    Dissolution of the negative with high energies from the healer to the patient. spiritual healing is the transfer of energy from Soul to Soul, where the entry point is the chest chakra.
    Energy transfer from the hands of the healer to the sore spot in order to dissolve and loosen the negative blockage. Increasing the spirituality of the healer is important here, otherwise, due to the coarseness of the energy, this can lead to a recharge of the patient and cause him discomfort.
  2. Capturing and pulling negative energy with hands “rotational and other hand movements”. When finding the place of pollution and contact of the palms with the center of the negative, it is removed from the body by hand movements. In each case, the time of the sessions will be different depending on the situation and the strength of the negative energy.
  3. squeezing out the negative by laying hands on the sore spot (acts on a limited penetration depth).
  4. Impact on negative energy with technical means, such as pulsed light and magnetotherapy. The most promising technical method is magnetotherapy. Strong neodymium magnets, directed towards each other with the same poles, or set at an angle of 90 degrees, show themselves quite effectively. When the poles of the same name are established, a strong magnetic disturbance comes to the place of pollution, which, penetrating through the body, sets the negative in motion and removes it.
  5. Getting rid of negative energies through prayer is the best way, since a person can be completely cleansed only from the inside. Strengthening the connection with God through prayer gives a channel and cleansing fiery energy, which clears any negativity over time. Illness is a punishment for lack of spirituality, and before that, a person himself weakens the connection with God with his negative thinking. It is important for the healer to increase his spirituality, as this will allow him to practice healing without consequences for himself. Although prayers are different, their power is often underestimated, and it gives inner purity and increases the spirituality of a person. With the growth of spirituality, both the energy and healing capabilities of a person gradually increase.

Increasing human spirituality in the end leads to the cleansing of any negativity and to healing. A healthy Spirit of a person leads to health.

With the accumulation of practice and personal experience of the healer, the great potential of healing with hands will gradually be revealed. Energy cleansing of the structure of the subtle body gives healing, but first you need to solve this sometimes difficult task. Having mastered the techniques of working with energies, one can improve health at least within the family, and this is important, given the weakness of traditional medicine. The knowledge by the healer of the structure of the subtle body and the direction of energy movement helps to understand and determine the places of pollution.

It is so important to know that the chakras connect the subtle bodies of a person and the physical body, where energy flows as in communicating vessels. Particular attention should be paid to the system of channels (meridians), taking into account the movement of energy from the Soul. energy channels of a person are like a circulatory system that feeds the whole body, but instead of blood, they carry life energy.

So, for example, the energy moves up through the channels to the head and exits through the ears and the crown chakra. Knowing this, you can work with exit points and clear them of blockages.

Treatment with hands, for example, can quickly relieve a spasm from the heart or a headache after a traumatic brain injury. The treatment of some diseases is sometimes delayed for a long time, since it is impossible to quickly clear all the accumulated negativity. In energy healing there is a so-called cleansing crisis when the patient's illness and pain may worsen. Some patients do not understand what such a crisis means cleansing and healing sometimes stop treatment prematurely.

When treating with hands, the patient in most cases feels the energy impact and even movement inside the negative energy. It is necessary to take into account the patient's feelings, since this is valuable information that gives an understanding of the situation. Therefore, it is better if the patient constantly talks about his new sensations and in case of a bad state, you should immediately stop the session.

In healing, an important condition for the patient is a change in his negative thinking, because otherwise the result of the treatment will be only short-term. For the patient, you need to know the three pillars of health - this is prayer (strengthening the channel of communication with God), righteous deeds and pure thoughts.

Working with negative energies the healer needs to be careful not to allow his strong pollution.

Healing is a constant learning where only on personal experience there are more and more new possibilities in the treatment of diseases.

An attack can overtake even while watching TV! Also, a seizure provokes lack of sleep, stress and any deviations in the functioning of the nervous system.

For this reason, epilepsy is tried to be cured at the earliest stages. There are many ways to treat with the help of official medicine, but this disease was known long before the invention of pills and sophisticated medical equipment. In the old days, people called epilepsy "epilepsy", due to the fact that the patient fell to the ground in a fit and could not get up.

Folk methods of treatment

The feasibility of treating epilepsy with folk remedies largely depends on the mood of the patient himself and faith in success. No, we are not talking about the placebo effect, but it is reliably known that a positive attitude can speed up recovery several times over.

Infusion recipes:

  1. 1 tsp dried herbs and lavender flowers pour a glass of water, bring to a boil and then simmer for a couple of minutes, then turn off the heat, cover and leave for 30 minutes. Treatment takes 1-2 months. Take an infusion of 2 tbsp. l. after lunch and after dinner. At the end of the course, you should take a two-week break and repeat the treatment.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. crushed peony root pour 3 cups of hot water, bring to a boil, turn off the heat and leave for 30 minutes. Under cover. Take 15 min. Before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.
  3. 2 tbsp. l. crushed wormwood root pour 0.5 l of kvass, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Then strain and drink hot before going to bed until sweat comes out. Wormwood should be handled with extreme care as the plant is poisonous.
  4. Valerian is also effective in the treatment of epilepsy. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. l. crushed valerian root with a glass of warm boiled water, leave overnight, strain in the morning and drink during the day. To prepare a decoction, 1 tbsp. l. valerian root pour a glass of water, boil for 15 minutes, then strain and take a tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. After a month of treatment, take a week break and repeat the course.
  5. 10 flower baskets of tansy pour 120 ml of boiling water and leave under the lid for 20 minutes, then squeeze and take 3 times a day for 1 tbsp. l.
  6. 8 art. l. mix sage juice with apple cider vinegar, add 16 tbsp. l. sour beet kvass, 1 tsp. powdered valerian root, 1 tsp. cherry wood glue powder. Take 4 tbsp. l. every 3 hours.

Not limited to taking decoctions and infusions. Natural juices, such as cherry, spinach, beetroot, etc., also help a lot.

How were treated in the villages

In nature, there are always cures for any disease. So, being in the fresh air contributes to a speedy recovery. In the villages, epilepsy was treated with improvised means, for example, bathing in a decoction of hay collected at the edge of the forest.

Proper nutrition

The course of any disease is closely related to human nutrition. What the patient eats can either aggravate the situation or contribute to a speedy recovery.

with limited fluid intake.

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Epilepsy is a severe, often incurable disease of the central nervous system, which is characterized by the formation of foci of increased nervous activity in the brain. According to medical statistics, in about 30% of cases, the manifestation and frequency of epileptic seizures are not amenable to medical correction. However, folk methods for the treatment of epilepsy, according to numerous reviews, are quite effective for relieving the symptoms of this serious illness.

Treatment of epilepsy with folk remedies

Principles of drug therapy

Epilepsy can manifest itself at any age, but in most cases such a diagnosis is made in the first 10 years of a child's life. There are a lot of reasons for the development of the disease: from intrauterine pathologies to severe injuries and infections.

The main symptom of this pathology are epileptic seizures. Their course and clinical picture differ depending on the localization of the focus of increased nervous activity in the brain. Usually, seizures are accompanied by unconscious actions, convulsions, loss of consciousness.

To date, there is no drug that can permanently heal this disease. For the treatment of all forms of epilepsy, certain medications are used that have quite strong side effects. The dosage of the drug is selected individually for each patient, taking into account his age. The course of therapy can last for years.

It is not necessary to completely abandon drug treatments, however, it is quite possible to “help” pills with folk remedies for epilepsy. However, it is worth considering that some herbs can aggravate the side effects of drugs, so before using traditional medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Aromatherapy treatments

The smell of myrrh resin, better known as frankincense, helps to cure epilepsy very effectively. Getting it is quite simple - just go to the store at any church. For use, a regular aroma lamp is suitable. But it must be remembered that the smell should not be too intense and sharp. If the condition worsens, the appearance of a headache, it is recommended to immediately ventilate the room.

The methods of aromatherapy of epilepsy include a pillow specially prepared for the patient. It is recommended to add a mixture of plants such as:

  • Peppermint leaves.
  • Hop cones.
  • Creeping thyme herb.
  • Sweet clover grass.
  • Marigold flowers.
  • Grass lovage.
  • Rose pyrethrum flowers.

On such a pillow, a person suffering from epilepsy can sleep constantly.

Treatment of epilepsy with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs and minerals

The course of mild forms of epilepsy can be alleviated by the regular use of infusion from the root of valerian. You can buy it at a pharmacy or make it yourself. It is necessary to wash, peel and grind the root of this medicinal plant in a coffee grinder or blender. Then take 10 g of raw materials, pour 200 ml of cold water and leave overnight. The main advantage of this infusion is that it does not contain alcohol, so it can be used to treat both adults and children. You need to drink it 3 times a day, adults 1 tablespoon, children - a teaspoon.

Also, with a similar type of disease, a decoction of grass and lavender flowers is recommended. 5 g of dried crushed raw materials must be poured with a glass of water and boiled for several minutes, left for 1 - 2 hours and strained. You need to drink it 2 times in the afternoon (for example, after dinner and before bedtime), 20 ml each.

The so-called stone oil has become widely known among folk remedies for epilepsy. This mineral can be found in the highlands. It contains a complex of magnesium salts and other minerals. Stone oil has long been used to treat epilepsy (in those days the disease was called "falling") in oriental medicine. To prepare a drinking solution, you need to take 2 g of this stone and pour 2 liters of water. The drink is recommended to drink one glass on an empty stomach three times a day. The course of treatment with stone oil is a month.

Sufficiently effective for stopping and getting rid of epileptic seizures, a decoction of Siberian shiksha grass. You need to prepare it this way:

  1. 10 g of dried herb pour 200 ml of hot water and simmer in a water bath for 5 minutes. Then insist the broth for about half an hour.
  2. Strain the drink, squeeze the grass, and put it in the refrigerator. In the future, it is used to prepare an additional portion of the drink.
  3. Take a decoction of 50 ml 4-5 times a day before meals.
  4. After the drink runs out, you need to make a new one. To do this, the grass stored in the refrigerator must again be poured with the same amount of water. But it is recommended to boil it a little longer (6 - 7 minutes), the infusion time should also be increased.
  5. It is necessary to continue taking a decoction of shiksha grass in the same way. You can reuse raw materials as long as the drink remains yellow-green. But the boiling time should not exceed 10 minutes, and it is advised to insist no longer than an hour.
  6. The course of admission is 30 days

According to reviews of people who used Siberian shiksha to get rid of epilepsy, the attacks stopped shortly after the start of treatment. However, to consolidate the effect, it is required to repeat the intake of the decoction for one month 4 times a year.

A beneficial effect on the patient's body has an infusion of peony roots. They must be thoroughly washed, cleaned, dried and crushed. 20 g of roots should be poured with 600 ml of hot water and left for half an hour. The decoction is best prepared in a thermos. You need to drink a drink of 10 ml immediately before meals three times a day.

Also, for the treatment of epilepsy, traditional medicine advises such medicinal plants:

  • Calamus roots.
  • St. John's wort grass.
  • Water hyssop herb.
  • Melissa officinalis herb.
  • Plantain leaves.
  • Viburnum berries.
  • Linden flowers.
  • Yarrow herb.
  • Dill or fennel seeds.
  • Hawthorn flowers.
  • Birch buds.
  • Sorrel leaves.
  • Dog-rose fruit.

For the treatment of epilepsy caused by long-term use of alcohol, powdered angelica rhizome and take a small pinch three times a day. You can also make a kind of coffee drink from crushed chicory, acorns, dandelion root, barley grains and oats. You need to brew "coffee" with boiling water and drink it three times a day.

Recipes from traditional healers

You can also use folk remedies from famous doctors. So, Vanga recommended baths for epilepsy with the addition of a decoction of mowed meadow grass. She also suggested this recipe: take a piece of cloth, mix olive oil, melted wax and foundation. Soak the cloth with this mixture and apply it to the spine.

The healer Ivan Prokhorov advised using an infusion of violets or wolf's bast. A decoction of violets is prepared from a proportion of 1 tbsp. l. per glass of water and take half a glass three times a day for at least 2 years. To make an infusion of wolf's bast, you need 4 - 5 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for a few minutes. You need to drink a drink for 1 tsp. before bedtime.

What to do with frequent seizures

For the treatment of epileptic syndrome, which is accompanied by frequent seizures, you need to prepare the following mixture:

  • 80 ml of sage juice.
  • 20 ml apple cider vinegar.
  • 5 g chopped valerian root.
  • 5 g crushed cherry gum.
  • 160 ml beet kvass.

You need to drink it 40 ml every one and a half to two hours.

You can also make alcohol tinctures of mistletoe, Rhodiola rosea or Mary root. It is recommended to insist them for at least three weeks. Drinks with mistletoe or radiola should be drunk for 10 days, 4 drops daily on an empty stomach. Mary root tincture must be used according to the scheme:

  • 20 drops before breakfast.
  • 25 drops at lunch time.
  • 30 drops before dinner.

In addition, in addition to medicines and folk remedies for epilepsy, it is very important to follow a proper diet. Doctors strongly recommend eliminating alcohol, coffee and other caffeinated drinks from the diet, and quit smoking. The main part of the diet should be given to vegetables and fruits.

People diagnosed with epilepsy need constant physical activity. Since many sports can provoke an attack, it is better to give preference to swimming, yoga, and relaxing breathing exercises.

Psychology of Disease: Epilepsy

1. EPILEPSY - (Louise Hay)

Possible Healing Solution

Possible Healing Solution

Epilepsy can be cured once and for all

In ancient times, this disease was called sacred and was considered God's punishment. Nowadays, epilepsy is also perceived, if not how.

The Chairman of the Antiepileptic League of Russia, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gagik Avakyan answers exciting questions about the disease.

Will we fix everything?

I have always believed that epilepsy cannot be cured, but recently I heard that it can be cured. Is it so?

Irina Semyonovna, Korolyov

- To date, there are drugs that can achieve a cure in 65-75% of patients. Therapy is long - 3-5 years. If during this time there are no seizures, the diagnosis is removed.

Unfortunately, in many regions of our country there are not enough epileptologists, there is not always the equipment necessary for diagnosis (and therefore for the correct selection of treatment). This complicates the situation.

Will be like everyone else

My son is 22 years old, recently had an attack, suspected epilepsy. The boy just graduated from the institute, can he really not be able to work now, will he not start a family? We are just shocked!

- You need not to panic, but to accurately establish the diagnosis. According to the World Health Organization, between 20 and 40% of the young population suffers seizures of a non-epileptic nature, which can be confused with epilepsy.

To do this, you need to go through the procedure of video-EEG monitoring. For 12–24 hours, electrodes are fixed on a person’s head with a special rubber cap, which are connected to an electroencephalograph. The patient goes about his daily activities, and the device records all the excitation processes in his brain. Be sure to cover the time of sleep - epileptic changes often occur during this period. Such a study with an efficiency of 95% allows you to determine the nature of seizures, including the “type” of epilepsy, because this is not one, but 44 different conditions.

Even if the diagnosis is confirmed, do not give up. If the therapy is chosen correctly, seizures do not occur. So the chances of getting a job and starting a family for your son will be the same as for any other young man.

But he still has to give up some things. Computer games and nightclub visits are on the forbidden list due to the flickering of light inherent in such entertainment, which can provoke an attack. Under no circumstances should alcohol be taken.

It reduces the concentration of the drug in the blood, and this can lead to an exacerbation. And finally, you should strictly observe the rest regimen and avoid lack of sleep. If the patient sleeps little, the protective mechanisms that ensure the processes of inhibition in the brain are violated, and this is a direct path to seizures.

Both old and young

Is it true that the risk of getting epilepsy is highest in childhood, and then it decreases, and adults get sick much less often?

- Most often, the disease debuts in two groups: in children and adolescents under 15 years of age and in people over 65 years of age. However, seizures can occur at any age.

A variety of events can provoke the onset of the disease. These are birth injuries, infections, toxic effects on the body, vitamin deficiency, electrolyte, amino acid, fat metabolism failures, cerebrovascular accidents and other reasons. Febrile convulsions that occur in children against a background of high temperature, for example, during acute respiratory viral infections, are not classified as epilepsy, but they are the basis on which it can develop in the future. Men get sick slightly more than women because they are more likely to abuse alcohol and are at risk of injury, which are also important precipitating factors.

However, even under the most adverse circumstances and events, not everyone experiences epilepsy. For example, after a stroke, it develops not in 100%, but only in 7–8% of patients. The reason is that the disease has a hereditary predisposition. Genes, mutations in which lead to the disease, are known today. But, unfortunately, genetic tests are expensive, so it's very difficult to know for sure if you're at risk. The main thing that each of us should do for prevention is to try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

From epilepsy

Do not tell a sick person that you are going to treat him, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. Whisper 3 times before sunset and blow on the patient:

Lord, for the first time, at the Lord's hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will bow to the Most Pure Mother, to all the holy apostles. Stand, Lord, for help, Most Pure One, on the rack.

The Most Pure Mother walked across a clean field, carried Jesus Christ into the open countryside, covered her with an Annunciation silk robe. From the Annunciation silk robe, a droplet fell, from the servant of God (name) erased the black disease, washed away, and celebrated in the blue sea.

Lie down, black disease, in the sea, at the bottom, don’t be with the servant of God (name), don’t break blood, don’t break bones, get away, don’t burp as a young man, not my spirit, the Lord. Amen.

It has power on the descent of the moon (skhodik), on the young month (young) and on the full moon.

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Epilepsy conspiracy This conspiracy begins to be read as soon as a person begins to have a seizure. The words of the conspiracy are: Beats, rushes, breaks into blood, sent by Satan, to hell with joy. True Christ, help me, Help me so that Your servant (name) does not fight, do not

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 1)

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 1) For this conspiracy, you need to collect snow in a basin in the evening, and put this basin with snow in a room in which there is no mirror. When the snow melts, you will need to read the plot on the water. And in the morning you will need to tilt the patient over the melt water and read

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 2)

Epilepsy conspiracy (option 2) “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen, amen, amen. A new man was born, the life-giving Cross was hoisted up, the demon was bound, the Lord our God was glorified. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever, amen, amen, amen.

Conspiracy from epilepsy and fever (option 1)

A conspiracy for epilepsy and fever (option 1) For this conspiracy, you will need to tie an aspen with a belt from a dress or a trouser belt, after which, stand next to the tree and read the plot in a whisper. aspen tree,

Epilepsy and fever conspiracy (option 2)

A conspiracy for epilepsy and fever (option 2) This conspiracy is read three times in the evening. “You are my mother, evening star! I complain to you, my mother, about the intrigues of the twelve daughters of Herod. After that, you will need to spit over your left shoulder and say the following words: “Where am I

From epilepsy

From epilepsy To read on water, to drink and wash one's head. I beg and persuade, I pronounce and speak an epilepsy, heavy illness. With me are the apostles, and angels, and forty saints, and Christ himself.

From epilepsy

From epilepsy Find a bone in the pig's head that would look like a pig's head in appearance (it is located in the temple area on the pig's head). Speak on this bone and give it to the dog. You need to slander like this: I am speaking the servant of God (name). Archangel Michael,

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Conspiracy from epilepsy Take a piece of charred wood, which was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm, draw a cross on the front doors with this charcoal and say: Lightning did not enter these doors, so that the servant of God (name) had epilepsy. Just as lightning does not enter these doors, so does the servant of God

38. Treatment for epilepsy

38. Treatment for epilepsy Pour into a cup of water. Red-hot three small embers. Blow the ashes from them into a cup of water and immediately pour hot coals into this water. Above all this, read the prayer "Our Father", give the patient three sips from a cup. Sprinkle your face

Conspiracy from epilepsy

Conspiracy from epilepsy Conspiracy words are pronounced over water, half of which the patient must drink, and the rest to wash his hair. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: I walk along the path, On the untrodden paths, On Christ's footsteps, On Christ's tears. I beg and

From epilepsy

From epilepsy Do not tell a sick person that you are going to treat him, otherwise the conspiracy will not work. Whisper 3 times before sunset and blow on the patient: Lord, for the first time, the Lord's hour, I will pray to the Lord God, I will worship the Most Pure Mother, all the holy apostles.

With epilepsy in a child

In case of epilepsy in a child, after heating the bath, they will go into the first heat. And you need to open the doors and say: “Let me go, bathhouse, wash, take a steam bath, the servant of God (name) will get on well with health.” Then we will wash the child and put the mother between the legs, run it in and say: “I gave birth to you, child, I gave birth to you and

Causes of epilepsy

Causes of epilepsy At the reception, a mother with a nine-year-old child. The boy has epilepsy attacks every day since birth. They are being treated by the most prominent luminaries of our valiant medicine and there is no improvement, except for the planted liver and kidneys in a child from taking

People suffering from epilepsy

People suffering from epilepsy Once I asked Galina what to do for people who suffer from epilepsy? Then I told this story. When I was in school, there was a boy in our class who suffered from this disease. Once he fell during a lesson, hit his head on

Healing from epilepsy

Epilepsy Healing New healthy newborn life is pouring into my head. New healthy newborn life is pouring into my head. A healthy newborn life force is pouring into my head. A new healthy newborn life force is pouring into my head. Inside me



18 messages

The onset of the disease is facilitated by brain injuries, infections, fear, excitement, overwork, weakening of the body. Manifested by paroxysmal convulsions no more than 5 minutes, sometimes disorders of consciousness.

For successful treatment, limit salt and fluid intake. Avoid loud visual, auditory, rhythmic stimuli, incl. jazz and rock music. Start healing with prayer and fasting. Fasting cleanses the entire body, treats the gastrointestinal tract.

Epileptics are by nature extraordinarily talented. If the seizures are not severe, do not treat them. Medicines make a talented person disabled.

Medicines brought me to paralysis. Cured by urine. I cleaned the intestines with salted urine: for 1 liter of urine - 1 tbsp. salt. Do 2 enemas a day for 2 weeks. Do a full body massage with 4 times less urine, + inspiring music in the bath during the procedure. Or make compresses at night with heated, evaporated urine.

Buy herbs: herb plantain, horse sorrel, buckwheat, knotweed, flowers, leaves and fruits of blood-red hawthorn. You can use one of the herbs or a mixture of them in any proportion. Put 10 tbsp in an enamel bowl. raw materials, pour 1 liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. While boiling, place an object of red copper into the balm. Pour the hot broth along with the grass into a glass jar (carefully so as not to burst) and immediately add 1.5 cups of vodka. Seal the jar tightly, shake it up and put it in a dark place for 3 days. After 3 days, strain the balm and bottle it. Keep refrigerated.

Take 1st.l. 3 times a day with meals. Course - 5 weeks of admission, 3 months break, conduct 3 courses per year. There are no contraindications. Promotes blood clotting during bleeding.

1. 2001 No. 8, 16. Healer Zaitseva E. Epilepsy. For successful treatment, limit salt and fluid intake. Avoid loud visual, auditory, rhythmic stimuli, incl. jazz and rock music. Start healing with prayer and fasting. Fasting cleanses the entire body, treats the gastrointestinal tract.

Drink raw onion juice for 1 tbsp. before eating. Eat as many raw onions as possible.

Drink valerian tincture drop by drop, diluted with water, 3 times a day.

Take an infusion of the roots that are available: valerian, chicory, evasive peony,

cyanosis azure, Chernobyl, angelica. Pour 1 tsp. dry crushed roots with 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 1 hour in a tightly sealed container. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-5 times a day before meals. Don't overdose!!

Drink white mistletoe tincture 25 drops 3 times a day.

Drink tincture of lily of the valley 5 drops with water 2-3 times a day.

Drink as tea throughout the year dry lilac flowers. Pour 1st.l. 1 cup boiling water and leave for 30 minutes.

In the form of a decoction, use: motherwort, Chernobyl, thyme, cudweed, lemon balm, bedstraw, white lamb, fragrant woodruff, wild rosemary, oregano, 3-color violet, tansy, dill, goose cinquefoil, knotweed, linden blossom, horsetail, white mistletoe, mountain arnica, initial letter. Make a collection of 7-10 herbs, taking 30-40g each. Put in a porcelain teapot ≈2st.l. with the top of the collection and pour 2 cups boiling water. Wrap the teapot and leave for 30 minutes. Strain through a 2-layer cheesecloth. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day before meals. Brew fresh infusion daily. The course of treatment is 1-3 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Grind into gruel 3 tbsp. topped with fresh leaves and flowers of room geranium. Pour them with 1 glass of cold whey, add 1 bottle of pharmacy tincture of motherwort (or valerian) and insist from 8.00 to 22.00. Then add flour and make a cake by adding a few liters. vegetable oil. Roll out the cake well and put it on the solar plexus at night.

In parallel, drink alcohol tincture of geranium drops 3 times a day before meals (or 1 hour after meals). Pour 3 tbsp. with the top of gruel from fresh leaves and flowers of room geranium 100 g of medical alcohol. Insist in a well-closed container in a dark, warm place for 3 days. Pour in a tablespoon of drops of tincture and add water so that the tablespoon. became complete.

one). Collect and properly dry the roots of couch grass. It is convenient to dry under the bed, lowering the blanket to the floor and stirring occasionally, like hay. Put the dried raw materials in a bag as a reserve for the winter. You can also cook fresh wheatgrass roots. Wash them just before cooking. Pour 1 good full handful of roots with 10 cups of cold water. Cook in an enamel saucepan over low heat. Bring to a boil, simmer gently for 1 minute and remove from heat. Immediately wrap with newspaper (or thick paper), put on a pillow, wrap with a blanket or coat so that air does not pass. Should languish 4-5 hours. Then strain. Store in a glass container in the refrigerator. Drink 2-3 sips (no more), drinking 3 glasses during the day.

2). Burnt alum. Put alum on the tip of a knife into a glass and pour boiling water to the top. Insist. Drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The taste should be slightly astringent and slightly sour. If a little bitter - nothing. If it is bitter, add boiling water.

3). Drink baby urine 1 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals. Take urine from children: if a boy has a flight; if the girl - up to 8 years. It is better to take fresh every time. Or store in the refrigerator.

To be treated daily for 3 months, then take a break for 1 month and drink again until a complete cure. This medicine treats epilepsy, gastric ulcer and 12-finger

Epilepsy is a black disease. How to get rid of "falling sickness"?

Epilepsy is a disease that brings grief not only to the patient himself, his family, his relatives also feel all the sorrows that arise with the advent of this disease. Near a person with epilepsy, you should always be prepared for an unexpected attack, during which you need to be able to quickly and correctly provide all possible assistance.

Let's take a closer look at what kind of "beast" this is called epilepsy, due to what reasons this "animal" can come to you and what harm can it bring to the human body?

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disease. It can be recognized by predominantly convulsive seizures. During seizures, a person loses consciousness, he has a "viscosity" of thinking, rancor, anger.

This disease can visit you on its own or occur after inflammatory diseases, brain injuries, tumors, etc.

The people call epilepsy in different ways, some are “black sickness”, some are “falling sickness”. But no matter how they call it, the symptoms are the same, they must and can be successfully dealt with, resorting to the advice and many years of experience of traditional healers.

The very famous American doctor Walker advises in the treatment of epilepsy to “feed” the human nervous system with the help of fresh juices, since this disease occurs, as a rule, due to the “starvation” of the nervous system. It is not at all difficult to follow this advice and there will be no harm, but only benefit. So let's make sure that the nervous system does not "starve".

  1. Carrot juice - 280g, spinach juice - 170g.
  2. Spinach juice - 250g.
  3. Carrot juice - 198g, parsley juice - 57g, spinach juice - 80g, celery juice - 113g.
  4. Carrot juice - 280g, fresh cucumber juice - 80g, red beet juice - 80g.
  5. Carrot juice - 255g, parsley juice - 57g, celery juice - 140g.

Drink a mixture of juices every day in the indicated order.

Take four times a day half an hour before meals. Each day you need to use one recipe, followed by alternating recipes.

To treat epilepsy with medicinal herbs, you need to select plants that have a sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant effect.

Four effective traditional medicine recipes for treating epilepsy:

  1. Prepare the following collection of herbs: fragrant rue - 1 tbsp, mullein scepter - 2 tbsp. l., Chernobyl root - 1st. l., prickly tartar - 3st. l., chamomile pharmacy - 1st. l., common lilac buds - 2 tbsp. l., cyanosis blue - 2st. l. Take three tablespoons of cooked raw materials per liter of boiling water. It is recommended to take six times a day for 30g.
  2. Motherwort five-lobed - 2 tbsp. l., medicinal asparagus - 2 tbsp. l., white birch buds - 1st. l., tricolor violet - 4 tbsp. Take three tablespoons of raw materials and pour a liter of boiling water and insist. It is recommended to take it for epilepsy with pain in the heart, 50g each. six times a day.
  3. Lemon balm herb - 40g, sweet clover herb - 40g, woodruff herb - 40g, peppermint leaves - 40g, common hop fruit - 40g, elecampane root - 40g. In the evening, take one heaping tablespoon of cooked raw materials and pour 0.5l. boiling water. Let it infuse until the morning, about eight hours. Then strain and drink throughout the day for three times. This infusion should be taken twenty minutes before meals.
  4. Valerian root - 40g, white mistletoe branches - 40g, mother-and-stepmother leaves - 40g, Chernobyl herb - 40g, Veronica officinalis herb - 40g, lemon balm herb - 40g. Pour 0.5 l of the mixture with one heaping tablespoon. water and boil fifteen minutes. Then leave to brew for 25 minutes and strain. The infusion should be drunk three times a day. Drink half an hour before meals.

Epilepsy, of course, is a serious illness, but this “animal” is not so scary, you just don’t need to let it take over in your body. Epilepsy is successfully treated, it just needs long-term treatment. Herbal infusions should be treated for at least three years. The composition of the healing fees must be changed every month, taking a break of two weeks.

Remember the most important thing - epilepsy requires you to completely exclude alcohol from your life, even beer is strictly prohibited! Even when the attacks disappear, forget about the existence of alcoholic beverages anyway, otherwise the disease will return.

All the best! Tell me a healer who treats epilepsy. Doctors are powerless, they themselves advise looking for a healer or shaman.

In 75% of cases, adequate and timely treatment leads to the cessation of epileptic seizures.

Before prescribing antiepileptic drugs, it is necessary to conduct a detailed clinical examination, analyze the results of MRI and EEG

There are many drugs now, both traditional (carbamazepine and valproic acid) and new ones (topiramate, oxcarbazepine, levetiracetam).

selective surgery (amygdalo-hippocampectomy for temporal lobe epilepsy);

callosotomy and functional stereotaxic intervention; vagus stimulation. there are so many things now

Look for a competent neurologist-epileptologist. Only this specialist can help.

But your main doctor is an epileptologist. And regardless of the recommendation and rituals of the healer, the most important thing is to take the prescribed drugs by the epileptologist in a very disciplined manner, according to a strict regimen. (exactly by the clock, without missing a single appointment) If it doesn’t help, then go back to the epileptologist for another drug. And so it can be repeated many times. There are more than 100 drugs. Good luck in finding your drug! -

How and how to cure epilepsy forever

Many people ask how to cure epilepsy and whether it needs to be treated. For many decades, this disease has been a problem for many people. This disease is associated with sudden excessive excitations of neurons in the human cerebral cortex. However, some species of animals are also known to suffer from epilepsy.

Principles of epilepsy treatment

Many famous people suffered from epilepsy. The attacks of this disease are compared with a charge of electricity. If we talk about the principles of treatment of the disease, we can distinguish the following:

  • One preferred anticonvulsant is prescribed;
  • It is taken for about 3 years;
  • Anticonvulsant monotherapy is carried out;
  • The drug is selected individually.

Features of monotherapy and polytherapy

There has long been a "miraculous mixture", which has been used to treat this disease for a long time. In Russia, clinics offer medicinal mixtures. Popular are mixtures of Sereysky, Vorobyov. They are created on the basis of empirically combined drugs with a wide spectrum of action. Often, treatment begins with taking several anticonvulsants at once.

But it was possible to confirm that monotherapy is much better. It has many advantages over polytherapy. It also has fewer side effects.

What is the risk of someone who decides to be treated with several drugs? The toxicity of the medicinal type is increasing. The effectiveness of treatment is reduced due to the interaction of anticonvulsants.

The choice of the drug according to the form of epilepsy and the type of seizures

The course and prognosis of the disease depend on the form of epilepsy. Accordingly, the goals of treatment of various forms of epilepsy also differ.

It should be noted that there is no universal anticonvulsant drug that would give a good effect in various types of seizures and different forms of the disease. A drug that works for one patient may not work for another.

For the doctor to choose an effective drug, a correct diagnosis must be made with the definition of the form of epilepsy. Otherwise, you can harm your health, because if the drug does not match the nature of the attacks, they can become more frequent and provoke an increase in the manifestations of the disease.

In no case should you self-medicate. In case of an unexpected attack, the patient should not be left alone. All items must be removed. After an attack, the patient may fall asleep, you need to let him sleep.

Alternative therapy in the treatment of epilepsy

In resistant (anticonvulsant) forms of the disease, alternative (non-anticonvulsant) therapy may be effective, which should be prescribed by a doctor. The most effective may be hormone therapy, a ketogenic diet, immunotherapy. Alternative therapies can only be used in some cases and subject to severe restrictions.

With a ketogenic diet, you must strictly follow the diet and be observed by a doctor. As a result of following such a diet, epileptic seizures are limited or completely disappear.

  • The first 3 days it is necessary to completely refuse food, limited only to drinking ordinary boiled or purified water.
  • Motor activity should be reduced as much as possible, and in some cases bed rest is required.
  • For the next three days, food containing a large amount of fat and poor in proteins and carbohydrates should be slowly introduced. Fruits, cereals, pasta, bread should be excluded; from vegetables - carrots, potatoes, beets. Such a diet is contraindicated for people who have abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. People suffering from atherosclerosis and having problems in the work of the heart, the ketogenic diet is also not recommended.

Treatment of epilepsy with surgery

The surgical treatment of the disease includes an operation during which the part of the brain that causes epileptic seizures is removed. In this case, the chance of a complete recovery from seizures is high. The operation is performed for partial seizures that cannot be treated with medications. Currently, not only adults, but also children undergo such surgical treatment. The child's brain has great compensatory capabilities, so even if a significant part of the brain hemisphere is removed, children develop normally. Surgical treatment of epilepsy gives encouraging results, but it is too early to give long-term prognosis.

Thus, the chances of a complete cure for epilepsy increase with the selection of optimal therapy and early relief from seizures. More likely to be completely cured in childhood rolandic epilepsy and epilepsy with generalized seizures. Deciding how to cure epilepsy is only under the supervision of a doctor.

Approximately half of the patients who receive treatment do not recur in the future, 30% have a decrease in the frequency and intensity of attacks, the remaining patients have a chance to be cured by surgery or vagus nerve stimulation.

Positive Thought Form - Epilepsy

An overview of negative and positive thought forms for healing.

1. EPILEPSY - (Louise Hay)

Persecution mania. Rejection of life. Feeling of intense struggle. Self abuse.

From now on, I consider life eternal and joyful.

2. EPILEPSY - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Feeling of persecution. Denial of life. The feeling of a huge struggle. Violence against oneself.

Possible positive thought form

I choose to view life as eternal and joyful. I am eternal (eternal), I am filled with joy and peace.

3. EPILEPSY - (Valery Sinelnikov)

This is a consequence of strong mental stress. Such tension can be generated by panic subconscious fear, persecution mania, a feeling of strong internal struggle, a desire to commit violence. A person inflates himself so much with his thoughts that the body at times refuses to listen to him and makes erratic movements. During a seizure, consciousness is completely or partially switched off. This once again emphasizes that the causes of the disease are hidden in the subconscious.

I have found that those people who are prone to seizures have a high level of subconscious aggression towards the world around them and towards people. This aggression can be expressed in hatred, contempt, jealousy.

I had a 17-year-old girl treated for epilepsy. Her seizures started some time after her period. Doctors, of course, did not try to find out the reasons and attributed everything to adolescence. The girl’s consciousness was turned off for a short time, the convulsive syndrome was not very pronounced, but this scared her and her parents very much. She tried to take the pills that the neurologist prescribed, but after a while she refused them. As she said: “After taking them, some strange, obviously abnormal changes with the psyche began to occur to me.”

We began to find out the subconscious causes of the disease, and it turned out that this is a very strong aggression towards parents and men. These programs were "silent" while she was a child, and actively earned during her puberty. I spent two sessions with her, and the attacks stopped.

A year and a half later, she came to me again.

Doctor, you know, there were no seizures for a year and a half and I felt great, I graduated from school with excellent marks. But recently, I felt that my consciousness seemed to turn off. It was only once. There are no seizures. But I was wary and decided to come to you right away.

Maybe you can tell me the reasons yourself,” I suggested to her. - After all, during our joint work you have learned a lot.

Yes, I can guess what the reason is, - the girl said slowly. - This year I decided to go to college in another city, and my parents insist that I study next to them. And on this basis, we had a conflict with them. Yes, now I understand, I have the old thoughts again.

Once, when I was just starting my medical career, I witnessed how a traditional healer treated epilepsy in a young guy. He put him in a circle and began to read certain prayers. The guy began to twist, turn inside out. The male healer walked in a circle and said prayers, and the guy sat in a circle and writhed. The spectacle was truly dramatic. Finally, the healer stopped, raised his hands up and shouted: “Get out, Satan!” The guy, twisting his lips and obviously obeying not his will, groaned: “I won’t go out.” The man again began to read prayers and walk in a circle with a candle. At the end of the ritual, he shouted the same words again. The guy groaned again, but quieter. Everything happened again. And after the third time, the guy sank to the floor exhausted and fell asleep. He slept for a very long time, and then went home. The episodes didn't recur. I was amazed. A strong healer, I thought. - I want to learn that too. Just like in the New Testament when Jesus cast out demons!”

I decided to watch this guy. For six months he was feeling well, there were no seizures. But then one day he came again. The attacks began and became even stronger than before the treatment. The healer performed the same healing ritual. Improvement came again, but not for a long time, but only for one day, after which the attacks recurred. In the future, the same prayers no longer helped, and the young man's parents were forced to seek help from official medicine, although they already knew from experience that it was impossible to cure this disease with pills.

After this incident, I realized that it is impossible to cast out a demon or Satan, that is, a disease, from the soul. It is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease. Jesus Christ warned about this. He spoke of the fact that the demon that was cast out would return again and bring with him seven more, more terrible than the first. A few years later, I came to the conclusion that there are no dark or light forces at all. Any power can be turned to the benefit of oneself and others.

What about this guy? I have had several sessions with him. With the help of homeopathic medicines and hypnosis, I managed to significantly alleviate his condition. Then I lost sight of him. Later, I investigated his subconscious programs and found out that the cause of his convulsions is the strongest subconscious aggression towards the outside world.

Often, epilepsy is detected during adolescence, just at the time when puberty begins. This activates certain negative subconscious programs. The inner tension grows.

Recently, a mother with a 15-year-old daughter came to the reception from the district. Three years ago, the girl had an attack at night, which was accompanied by loss of consciousness and convulsions. Subsequently, these attacks were repeated. The doctors diagnosed him with epilepsy and prescribed chemicals.

Tell me, - I turned to her mother, - did the girl have her period?

She still doesn't have them, she replied. - In addition, the ultrasound showed that she has a very small, underdeveloped uterus.

I will now give you special homeopathic remedies, - I said, - which you will take strictly according to the scheme. Initially, there will be a deterioration in the condition, attacks may intensify and be more frequent. But then her period will begin and the disease will disappear. Irina, - I turned to the girl, - did your mother tell you anything about menstruation, about sexual development?

No, she replied sheepishly.

Then I will tell you, and at the same time my mother will listen.

After that, I gave the girl a whole lecture about sexual development, about the function of a woman in this world, about the joy of motherhood and marriage.

A month later, they came to the reception again.

How are you? I asked.

Doctor, - the girl's mother began her story, - everything was as you said. First there was an exacerbation. It lasted three days, or rather, three nights, and then everything stopped and a week later menstruation began. Now she feels great. There were no attacks during this time. Urination returned to normal, and swelling subsided. And we would like to build on this success.

This is not the first case in my practice when, after properly selected treatment, this terrible disease disappears. But in official medicine, it is considered incurable. Why? Because the approach to the disease is wrong.

Let's look at the concept of epilepsy. If we take the electrical component as a basis, it turns out that with this disease there is a pathological focus in the cerebral cortex. Electrochemical pulses cannot freely pass through it. The charge gradually accumulates, and at some point there is a "breakdown" of the entire system. A powerful impulse goes to the membranes of the brain and to the whole body. This is manifested by convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Chemical drugs suppress not only the painful focus, but the entire cerebral cortex with all the ensuing consequences.

I have developed a fundamentally new approach to the treatment of this disease. Why suppress the pathological focus? It is necessary to create new direct and feedback connections in the cerebral cortex, and electrical impulses will bypass this focus. And gradually this part of the brain will fully recover and will be able to take over its functions again. I have tried this model on several patients with excellent results.

4. Epilepsy - (Baginski Bodo J, Sharamon Shalila)

An epileptic seizure is an experience and release from previously suppressed forces and aggression. A seizure forces you to stop holding yourself in control, and thus free yourself from memories and your consciousness.

Possible positive thought form

Respect the energies within you, don't judge them, and don't try to force them into your subconscious. Look at yourself consciously. Try to be conscious in your sleep too. Experience and accept whatever comes into your mind during the process of falling asleep, and let it happen. In this way you will learn to give and leave behind, and you will not need to be forced to do so by seizures.

If a person was given by God to meet a healer, then this is not an accident, this is a sign of fate! The very acquaintance with a healer imposes much more responsibility on people than if they did not know anything and did not turn to a healer. When communicating with healers, people must strive for harmony, must keep purity within themselves, because with their field they either help the healer with whom they communicate, or destroy him. With their attitude to life, people should take care of healers, be their support, protection, they should correspond, radiate, multiply the Divine spark received from the healer and thereby contribute to the clarification of the world. Just such a support for healers is the creation of families, the birth of children in love. In this case, there is an energy exchange and strengthening of the healer's field. If people destroy the healer, then they become a vulnerable link in his field.

Given the above, not every person a healer can contact. There is an expression "not in the horse feed." On the one hand, healers want to help all people, but it is necessary to understand who has spiritual potential, and who should not be wasted energy or time. In addition, there are people in whom the dark forces have laid such powerful programs, working with which, healers can destroy themselves, so healers need to filter out people who may be nearby.

Filtering can be of a different nature, from refusing to receive or communicate to a change in the pay of the healer. Something else is noteworthy, namely, the adoption of this or that decision in relation to a particular person is regulated by the forces of light. They determine what to do, and the healer, as a guide, carries out their will.

Usually people are brought to the healer by light forces, angels. But in the fight against healers, the dark forces actively use the patients who come to them with a plea for help. Through such people, a program of confrontation is being implemented, the main goals of which are to shake people's faith in healers, and, if given the opportunity, to destroy them. As part of this goal, there are a lot of subtleties and tricks, here are some of them.

A person with a strong “essence” inside comes to the healer. It does not come so easily, it is driven by this "essence". During the session, the "essence" scans the healer's abilities, tries to take a sample of the energies that the healer works with and direct them into his own space for study. The man leaves. If this visit is not enough for the "essence", the person comes again or another patient comes, with a similar "essence" or even more sophisticated from the same space, and the healer's capabilities are scanned again. If this is enough, then the dark forces analyze the information received and, on its basis, develop a plan to neutralize the healer. Then inevitably comes the stage of confrontation between light and dark forces. This kind of fight happens regularly.

It often happens that "entities" at a distance read information from the healer and then send the patient to him, but having previously put into his consciousness the thought that he will not be helped. A person already comes with a great deal of skepticism and, as a rule, does not go through the necessary course to the end. Claims and dissatisfaction are growing, but what is even worse, disbelief is born at once to all healers.

Or, while at the reception, a person experiences severe irritation and begins to behave not only dismissively, but sometimes even aggressively. So the "entities" try to unbalance the healers. The person himself cannot explain his behavior. Sometimes, already from impotence to fight energetically, "essences" through a person try to influence physically. There is also a backlash when, through patients, "essences" tempt the healer, flattering him, praising and, as it were, bowing before his strength. A very dangerous moment. If the healer relaxes and at least for a moment believes in his unusualness, he will receive a devastating energy blow, the consequences of which can be extremely deplorable. At such moments, those patients who know about the existence of "essences" perfectly understand the origin of the suddenly manifested inappropriate behavior and try to fight, helping the healer. For those who do not have the slightest idea about the inhabitants of the invisible worlds, the healer will first have to clear their consciousness and only then talk about "essences".

Difficult situations arise where a person, understanding and, in general, believing in healers, is going to ask for help. Not infrequently, some kind of inner voice or just a persistent thought, generated by "essences", is manifested, causing doubt whether it is necessary to turn to a healer. If doubt intensifies, then quite quickly a person's consciousness is blocked. The person himself gives in, taking inner doubts for his own. Naturally, problems do not decrease, but accumulate. In such situations, a lot will depend on whether the time has come to turn to a healer, whether the person himself is ready, even despite his faith in healers. It is important to understand something else - a lot also depends on the patients themselves. If the patient himself continues to destroy himself, his energy field, then programs are triggered in which the divine world can no longer protect, the person himself blocks such help.

Another aspect. Formally, dark healers can heal people, but there are a number of differences, the hidden meaning of which may not be revealed to people. A negative program is laid in the people who come to the dark healers by the forces of evil, which at the first stages will make it possible to achieve a temporary improvement or even a significant shift in the state of health. But no more. Further, a person may not go to a dark healer, the programmed program will still work. And as soon as the deadline for the implementation of the pledged program comes in full, there are catastrophic consequences for the mental and physical health of a person, up to death. To recognize what kind of healer is in front of them, people will be able only through a developed worldview, as well as striving for light, then they will be attracted to bright healers. The principle that like attracts like is always relevant.

As you can imagine, there are many nuances. One thing is absolutely certain - it is extremely necessary for healers to listen to their worldview and feel people. If there is a feeling that at a given moment in time it is better not to accept a person (usually it manifests itself as some kind of stopper or heaviness), then you do not need to step over it. This means that you do not yet have all the necessary range of energies to work with this person, or maybe the space is not yet ready for the acceptance of the “essence”. In this case, it is better to delay the reception, otherwise it can be dangerous.

And the person who was not accepted can only wait for his turn to come. The choice is his, whether to wait for him or not. But as practice shows, the forces of light help in waiting and bring people to the healer again, but at a favorable time.

However, if a healer is chosen by a person, then God forbid you allow condemnation, claims and discontent! Otherwise, a mechanism is triggered when an energy boomerang is directed towards the negative source of thoughts, words, deeds. Dissatisfied will be punished in full! No one forced you to go to this or that healer, you chose yourself, therefore, the right of choice was yours. By the way, this is the essence of human freedom, when here, on Earth, God grants the right to choose literally in everything. What way, what line of behavior a person chooses, it does not matter, the responsibility for the result, whatever it may be, lies with the person himself. Therefore, there will be no one to blame. But there, in another life, no one represents any freedoms anymore, there you will have to strictly and impartially answer for all the baggage you have acquired.

Returning to the boomerang mechanism, I would like to note that it is absolutely universal, both in relation to light healers and dark ones. The difference is only in the speed of return of this boomerang to the unhappy one.

Control yourself, evolve, work on your extremely limited consciousness, grow spiritually, take care of your soul and body, climb the steps of knowing and understanding the invisible worlds.

based on materials from the book: Aleksanova I.N. - "Entities Among Us". Secrets of the invisible world.

December 6, 2007, 07:06

The first buses arrive in the city at five in the morning. Since that time, the pilgrims have been waiting for the beginning of the reception in a small hospital called the "House of Inacio de Layola". As told by Pravda. Ru Doctor of the Oriental Medicine Center "Tree of Life" Igor Orlov, the place for the hospital was not chosen by chance - there is a layer under Abadania, which is known for its energy properties. There is also a waterfall in the city where John's patients go to meditate.

The hospital premises comprise one large hall, garden, cafeteria, library, kitchen, where a free portion of soup is provided at the end of the working day. In the "house of Inacio" only volunteers work, who have already been cured according to the method of the healer. Those who come to the reception are first explained the method of work of the medium, and then the healing process itself begins, which takes place in several stages.

First, the medium's assistants receive people in four large rooms. They carry out preliminary "treatment" of patients. Bring them into contact with God. Then a medium appears and talks to people to see if he can help them. Those chosen by the healer stay in the city for about two weeks. During treatment, people live in a local hotel. John assigns them meditation on the already mentioned waterfall, prayers, as well as herbal medicines that he collects himself. The final stage of treatment is surgery. In some cases, the operation is performed with an ordinary kitchen knife, but more often the healer simply passes his hands over the patient's body to rid him of the disease. Thus, for 40 years, "John from God" operated on about 15 thousand people., according to the website of the newspaper Epoco. John does not take money for his services, people only pay a nominal fee for herbal infusions. According to the healer, he receives his gift from the spirits that inhabit his body. The list of diseases that the healer undertakes to cure is very extensive: blindness, multiple sclerosis, all types of cancer, asthma, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, AIDS, various mental illnesses, blindness. In addition, people who have problems in their personal lives and business turn to John.

In Russia, "John from God" is not known to the general public, only a few high-level psychics know him. Nevertheless, the Russians still visited the Brazilian medium. Dr. Orlov's clients went to John, although the miracle did not happen, but the healer managed to relieve the pain of patients from Russia. Most patients come to Brazil from the USA, where the medium is extremely popular. He is the only psychic in the country who has been tested at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychiatry by the University of Sao Paulo for compliance with the profession. Studies conducted on 30 patients showed that surgery is indeed carried out, the removal of surgical material is recorded, and, despite the absence of antiseptics and anesthesia, no infectious complications were recorded.

However, not all operations are successful. So in 2005, a French woman filed a complaint against John that after undergoing treatment for AIDS in the “house”, tests showed that the disease remained. The healer remains calm in this case. "Do not stop taking, my treatment does not replace medication, because I do not treat, but God," he says.

Most who wish to have healing powers do not, but no one will doubt that there are others with whom it is just the opposite. Due to what a healer can really help people, you can answer in a variety of ways. Many things, at first glance fantastic, may be accompanied by quite understandable elements that act on us. Moreover, this action may not necessarily be expressed directly. they can affect our mind, which programs itself for treatment. Most importantly, healing abilities, no matter what anyone says, exist and they can be safely classified based on the most pragmatic views on life. I can vouch for this myself.

Suggestion in healing plays a key role, which allows even a charlatan not only to influence your wallet, but also your disease. When you create all the necessary conditions that meet your ideas about folk or mystical healing, then you automatically fall under the influence of suggestion. In fact, everything else can only be the final and not the main touches. For this reason, people with a well-trained and deep voice, which works well on our inner urges, have the greatest success. Most clients can be programmed with this voice. You come with the problem of obesity, and ritual actions are so actively shown to you, they are so insistently told that the problem is solved, that there is nothing left for you but to come home and feel great relief and lack of desire to eat. At least for a while. All these hand passes, herbs, spells in this case are just elements of a theatrical performance. The most interesting thing, but many who are confident in their abilities, are successful in their affairs only due to the effect of suggestion, without suspecting it.

Suggestion has a purely psychological effect, when a person can easily just stop paying attention to their own problems, as if they were gone, and can have a completely physical effect, as already noted. As the state of the body affects well-being, so well-being affects the state of the body. In almost all studies of medicines, a control group is always used, using pacifiers, that is, only external analogues of the drug, but essentially a neutral substance. They always have their effect on most diseases, albeit lagging behind the real drug. It is the task of the healer to create such a dummy, although in part this is already our own confidence in the result.

Expectation and faith in success determines an even greater role in the effectiveness of the healer. In fact, the actions of any good healer should be aimed at creating the client's confidence in success, which is the same suggestion. However, in this case, we are talking about your initial expectations. If they are strong and strong, then even elementary and even strange procedures without observing rituals will have a positive effect on you. In fact, the healer in this case acts as the detonator of your own beliefs. And so, you yourself were able to get rid of the problem.

Less common are real healers who heal precisely at the expense of their knowledge, and not anything else. Their knowledge may be passed down from someone else or developed or found on their own. This knowledge does not necessarily lie within the framework of the unknown, but often quite the opposite. Basically, they are based on the power of nature, and not folk remedies. If with a headache a person will be helped by the help of "bioenergetics" and a portion of spells, then in case of serious illnesses and especially injuries, it is healers who treat. No one doubts that they often do it no worse than official medicine. A big role in their correct actions is played by an intuitive sense of the laws of nature and man separately. They seem to see the basic principles and are based in action solely on them, even if they never knew the solution to a particular problem. If we evaluate the success of healers in comparison with the varieties of types of their approaches, then it is the “forest healers”, as they are also called, that have the greatest result.

Logical thinking plays an important role in the success of the reality of the healer. Even if he has real healing abilities or knowledge, the skill of the mind will always help to achieve the best result. After all, you need to understand that often a problem has not only an outlined form, but also a specific source of origin. In most cases, this source can be found out. Often only logic and careful questioning. It is not necessary to have some outstanding analytical knowledge. In most cases, it is enough just to look at things as an outsider and everything will become clear. For this reason, the client should always listen to what the healer says, especially if he gives the impression of a competent person.

Communication often comes to the fore. Many people can be hindered simply by the presence of an unspoken problem, the inability to receive sympathy and courtship in other places. Therefore, the very fact of good communication will act as an excellent psychological aid for believers in such non-traditional healing institutions. In this case, a person may intentionally not notice the absence of a real effect from the procedures. In his head, biased, biased moments of attitude to the healer may arise not only as the owner of special abilities or knowledge, but also as a person.

If the above reasons for the efficiency of healers have a rather mundane basis, mainly taking place in the head of the client himself or the mind of the healer and his knowledge, then there are more inexplicable, but quite effective reasons for their successful impact on a person and his health. It is already much more difficult to approach them with an unbiased point of view, and even more pragmatic. Problems are added by a huge number of charlatans, who literally absorb something real from the visible horizons with their number.

Most healers believe that they have the ability to influence certain energy structures, which, however, cannot be detected and verified by science, which, in fact, is the problem. That is why any self-respecting healer without fail uses the term "energy-information" exchange.

Not obscure Chumak shares this opinion.

Alan Chumak - President of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Research on Social and Abnormal Phenomena; academician; one of the most famous psychics in Russia.

- Why medicine today does not treat a huge number of diseases? Is diabetes curable? No. Is asthma curable? No. I don't have enough fingers to count it all. And all because medicine does not know the cause. And the reason is always in violation of information. And information is the whole world. A person is an energy-information structure.

Academician Vlakhov gives the following approximate scheme of influence:

Alexander Vlakhov - Academician of the Bulgarian Academy of Natural Sciences.

- Here's the simplest example: you got angry at someone on the bus. You will not swear out loud, but mentally you must have cursed. And so it flew out of your field and began to fly in free space. And all these field structures are looking for a person who is in the same state in order to stick to his energy shell and feed.

He believes that we all feel, notice, write down, but in the subcortex and therefore we cannot express ourselves what we ourselves know and can do in this life.

But no one can give a clear definition of this information field. On the one hand, its nature is obvious to many, and even ways are given to contact and interact with it. On the other hand, no one can show its reality otherwise than by their own, often subjective experience, perhaps not related to the real surrounding reality. Unless the problem lies in the special nature of man, which still puts him above science due to the possible presence by nature of more senses and tools for interacting with the world than is believed.

It is possible that our knowledge is far from complete and people can really have something that can heal people in a completely unknown way. Healers very often use their hands in practice, explaining their performance in a variety of ways. But do you know that anyone can at home see on their hands something that no one has yet explained exactly?

Stretch your arms out in front of you against a flat, light background. Turn your palms so that they are facing you and the fingers are facing each other. First, move your index fingers closer to a distance of 1-2 cm and carefully peer into the gap between them. Do not keep your fingers in a static position, but rather move a little from side to side, sometimes even slightly changing the distance between them to a smaller and much larger one. If you are lucky, then from the first time, after a couple of minutes or more, you will see one oddity that haunts many. Between the fingers, with the right focus, you can see a certain distortion of space or even a small light glow, like a thick thread connecting the fingertips. Not only that, you will soon even be able to feel how this thread connects your fingers. There will be more further, again and again returning to this action, gradually you will begin to notice this unknown connection between all the fingers and, in general, between any parts of the hands that are close to each other. Personally, I was able to notice an unknown distortion at a distance of up to 10 cm.

Almost every person can see the distortion between the fingers. Usually, up to three five-minute attempts on different days are enough for this. Many see almost immediately.

Maybe it is this ray that is a small manifestation of the very one that controls its laws of the universe on a completely different level? Or maybe it's just an optical effect?