Paper bottle. How to make decoupage of bottles with toilet paper: a master class on decoration Turning a bottle into a vase for flowers: decoupage with toilet paper

Toilet paper, oddly enough, is great for decoupage. Due to its low density, the paper is well impregnated with glue and adheres well to most materials. In addition, volumetric folds, contours, and images can be easily formed from it. Paper can be painted in any color, decorated with rhinestones, beads, polymer clay, etc.: all elements will hold firmly. How to use toilet paper for decoupage - read the article.

Toilet paper is perfect for decoupage of a New Year's bottle: light paper will create interesting folds and will firmly adhere to the surface of the bottle. Such decoupage is easy to do with your own hands, it does not require serious financial and time costs. In order to decorate the bottle, we need white paint or decorative primer, silver pigment, PVA, a napkin with a New Year's pattern (for example, a winter forest, Santa Claus in a sleigh, etc.), synthetic brushes (flat and round), scissors , foam rubber sponge.

To make a New Year's bottle with toilet paper, you need:

  1. Prepare the container: remove all labels and glue, degrease the glass with a special tool, an alcohol wipe or nail polish remover.
  2. Using a brush or sponge, cover the surface tightly with primer or paint in several layers. A new layer must be applied only after the previous one is completely dry.
  3. Glue the napkin, having previously rounded its corners with scissors. You need to glue the application in a dry form, distributing glue from the center to the edges of the pattern. When fixing the napkin with glue, you need to carefully monitor that air bubbles do not accumulate under the application, and the edges of the picture do not break.
  4. Cut a strip of toilet paper half the length of the bottle.
  5. Cover the surface of the bottle free from the pattern with glue and, starting from the top of the neck, glue a strip of paper, forming folds with your fingers.
  6. After the paper has dried, cover it with paint to match the background of the napkin.
  7. On the protruding areas of the folds, with your finger, apply a silver pigment.
  8. Cover the entire surface of the finished product with a finishing varnish-fixer.

This master class is suitable for decorating a bottle in any theme: using toilet paper, you can decorate a bottle in a marine theme (folds are great for modeling waves), imitate textiles on a flask, etc. In any case, volumetric elements will look impressive and unusual.

We turn a bottle into a vase for flowers: decoupage with toilet paper

With the help of toilet paper, you can create an original, practical and functional element of decor. So, for example, an old champagne bottle can turn into an elegant vase. In order to make the transformation, we need: soft, white toilet paper, acrylic paint (color - of your choice), pearlescent pigment, white acrylic, glue, scissors and fixative varnish.

Making a bottle step by step:

  • We prepare the bottle for decor: soak the container in warm water, remove the labels and remove the remaining glue, degrease the surface with an alcohol wipe, acetone, a special tool.
  • We put the bottle on the roll and measure the paper so that its length is half the length of the bottle.
  • Cut off a few strips.
  • We put the bottle on a stand and carefully coat with glue.

Decor master class

  1. Starting from the neck, glue the paper diagonally, forming folds with your fingers. In order for the product to look neat, we put the upper part of the strip inside the neck and from there we remove the application.
  2. In this way, we decorate the entire bottle, leaving the ends of the strip on the bottom decor.
  3. After the decoupage has dried, we proceed to the design of the bottom: grease the bottom with glue and lay out each strip separately, forming folds.
  4. After the paper dries and hardens, cover the product with the selected acrylic paint.
  5. Next, using a dry brush, draw the convex parts of the folds.
  6. We pick up pearlescent pigment with a fingertip and rub it into decoupage in some places, creating the illusion of scuffs.

After drying, cover the bottle with a fixing varnish.

When choosing a varnish for fixing, you should pay attention to its characteristics: for example, yacht varnish gives a yellowish tint, and parquet is not suitable for containers that will come into contact with water.

The vase is ready! In this way, you can arrange not only tall bottles, but also round glass containers, small bottles and vessels.

How to create three-dimensional drawings on a glass bottle

Decoupage of bottles with toilet paper makes it possible to create attractive and unusual volumetric decorative elements. So, using toilet paper, you can easily create floral decorations (flowers, leaves, twigs, creepers), a convex geometric ornament and other decorative elements of simple shapes.

The basis for creating the decor are paper flagella. In order to create a three-dimensional element, it is necessary to soak your hands in PVA diluted with water (in a ratio of one to one or one to two) and, without waiting for the glue to dry, tightly twist the bundle of paper. After the tourniquet, the desired element is laid out and additionally smeared with glue. After drying, the bulge is painted in the desired color.

In this way, you can make snowdrifts, clouds, imitate masonry: the paper for these elements is simply crumpled and colored accordingly.

Decoupage of bottles with toilet paper: master class (video)

Decoupage of a bottle with toilet paper is an affordable way to decorate glass containers with your own hands, which absolutely everyone can do. This technique allows you to get interesting, original three-dimensional elements, opens up wide opportunities for decoration in various subjects. Try it and you will be convinced of the simplicity and effectiveness of such decoupage!

It has long been no secret to anyone that a wide variety of objects can be folded from an ordinary sheet of paper. Which of us did not make a paper airplane or a simple flower in childhood. Remember how diligently we folded the sheet, and then enchantingly rejoiced at our creation. And even if the corners were not quite even, and the lines were slightly not parallel.
We offer to return to the world of childhood and again plunge into the magical world of origami. This time we will do something unusual: the choice fell on a bottle. Yes, yes, a sheet will make a paper bottle, which, according to most, can only be made from glass or ceramics. Surprise the world!
Like many other crafts, the bottle will be born from a square-shaped leaf. Let's prepare a sheet for further work, for which we will make several auxiliary folds. Attention - not all folds must be made to the full length or width of the sheet. Otherwise, the craft will turn out to be angular with distorted shapes. Horizontally, fold the sheet in half and only outline the inflection line on the right. Let's return the sheet to its original position. In a similar way, folding the lower part up, we divide the lower right half of the edge of the sheet in half. Let's repeat the addition procedure so that the edge of the sheet is divided into eight equal segments.

Fold a strip of one-eighth of the sheet up and carefully iron it along the fold line. Fold the top of the sheet down so that the edges of the sheet meet. Let's straighten the workpiece. Let's fold the upper half of the sheet horizontally in half, the very first mark on the right edge, made when bending the whole sheet, will help us with this.

Let's straighten the workpiece. By alternately folding the sheet in half vertically, divide the bottom strip into eight equal parts. And then we will also divide each of them in half, marking the cents of each of the eight parts with risks. Focusing on the risks made and the inflection line of the lower strip, we will bend the lower right corner back.

All adjacent elements of the lower strip are folded in pairs so that a convex diagonal fold is formed, and the middle risks coincide when added.

Starting from the tucked corner of the sheet, we sequentially fold the entire lower part along the resulting inflection lines. We'll get the bottom. The paper bottle is already beginning to take on a familiar shape.

Straighten the paper blank to its original shape. Position the sheet so that the fold line dividing it in half is vertical. We will work with the left half of the sheet. Consistently folding the sheet in half horizontally, and then, dividing the resulting parts into halves, we arrive at the desired result - we divide the left half of the workpiece into thirty-two equal horizontal parts. Let's pay attention to the fact that we iron the folds only to the central vertical line.

Next, let's move on to the most crucial stage - the addition of the neck of the bottle. In this part of the work you need to be extremely careful. Applying a concave fold, we will impose the fourth strip from the top on the third. Fold the right side of the sheet back. Based on the drawing, we will make a zigzag fold, while part of the third strip will open slightly, and the sheet will fold vertically twice in different directions. We continue to fold the strips in pairs, gradually forming the neck.

If everything is done correctly, then the bottle has acquired an elegant neck. It remains only to fix the additions made. To do this, bend a narrow strip outward in the upper part of the neck.

In the previously indicated way, we will form the bottom of our vessel.

The wonderful art of origami miraculously transformed an ordinary leaf into a voluminous paper bottle.
Watch the video how to make a paper bottle

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It has long been no secret to anyone that a wide variety of objects can be folded from an ordinary sheet of paper. Which of us did not make a paper airplane or a simple flower in childhood. Remember how diligently we folded the sheet, and then enchantingly rejoiced at our creation. And even if the corners were not quite even, and the lines were slightly not parallel.
We offer to return to the world of childhood and again plunge into the magical world. This time we will do something unusual: the choice fell on a bottle. Yes, yes, a sheet will make a paper bottle, which, according to most, can only be made from glass or ceramics. Surprise the world!
Like many others, the bottle will be born from a square-shaped leaf. Let's prepare a sheet for further work, for which we will make several auxiliary folds. Attention - not all folds must be made to the full length or width of the sheet. Otherwise, the craft will turn out to be angular with distorted shapes. Fold the sheet in half horizontally and only outline the fold line on the right. Let's return the sheet to its original position. In a similar way, folding the lower part up, we divide the lower right half of the edge of the sheet in half. Let's repeat the addition procedure so that the edge of the sheet is divided into eight equal segments.

Fold a strip of one-eighth of the sheet up and carefully iron it along the fold line. Fold the top of the sheet down so that the edges of the sheet meet. Let's straighten the workpiece. Let's fold the upper half of the sheet horizontally in half, the very first mark on the right edge, made when bending the whole sheet, will help us with this.

Let's straighten the workpiece. By alternately folding the sheet in half vertically, divide the bottom strip into eight equal parts. And then we will also divide each of them in half, marking the cents of each of the eight parts with risks. Focusing on the risks made and the inflection line of the lower strip, we will bend the lower right corner back.

All adjacent elements of the lower strip are folded in pairs so that a convex diagonal fold is formed, and the middle risks coincide when added.

Starting from the tucked corner of the sheet, we sequentially fold the entire lower part along the resulting inflection lines. We'll get the bottom. The paper bottle is already beginning to take on a familiar shape.

Straighten the paper blank to its original shape. Position the sheet so that the fold line dividing it in half is vertical. We will work with the left half of the sheet. Consistently folding the sheet in half horizontally, and then, dividing the resulting parts into halves, we arrive at the desired result - we divide the left half of the workpiece into thirty-two equal horizontal parts. Let's pay attention to the fact that we iron the folds only to the central vertical line.

Next, let's move on to the most crucial stage - the addition of the neck of the bottle. In this part of the work you need to be extremely careful. Applying a concave fold, we will impose the fourth strip from the top on the third. Fold the right side of the sheet back. Based on the drawing, we will make a zigzag fold, while part of the third strip will open slightly, and the sheet will fold vertically twice in different directions. We continue to fold the strips in pairs, gradually forming the neck.

If everything is done correctly, then the bottle has acquired an elegant neck. It remains only to fix the additions made. To do this, bend a narrow strip outward in the upper part of the neck.

In the previously indicated way, we will form the bottom of our vessel.

The wonderful art of origami miraculously transformed an ordinary leaf into a voluminous paper bottle.