Protein in the urine of a pregnant woman (proteinuria): why is it so important to control this indicator. Where does protein in urine come from during pregnancy? Protein 0.34 in the urine of a pregnant woman

Registration and further observation of the expectant mother involves a large number of various laboratory and instrumental studies. Protein in the urine during pregnancy in the first trimester is determined every month, and then every 2 weeks. This is a mandatory analysis, which is carried out for the purpose of early detection of kidney pathologies and some other diseases. It should be noted that the sensitivity of the method is not sufficient to detect the Bence-Jones protein, a marker of oncopathology.

During pregnancy, a woman's hormonal background is completely rebuilt, the load on all organs increases, especially on the kidneys. In addition, there is an activation of the immune system, which is necessary to protect the mother and child from infections. The acceleration of metabolic processes also affects the number of protein molecules. It is important to monitor the normal operation of all systems and organs in a woman in position and to identify any failures in time.

Proteins (proteins) perform a huge number of functions in a living organism:

  • structural - are part of the cells and intercellular substance;
  • enzymatic - acceleration of biochemical reactions;
  • antimicrobial (antibodies, antimicrobial peptides) - due to the suppression of the vital processes of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • regulatory - implemented by means of changing the enzymatic activity or by interacting with other molecules;
  • transport of small particles with a high degree of affinity for peptides;
  • reserve - less pronounced than in fats, but necessary for the supply of basic amino acids;
  • motor - is carried out due to fibrillar myosin, which is part of muscle tissue.

The filtration mechanism of the renal glomerulus is designed in such a way that it prevents the penetration of large high-molecular proteins (albumin) through it, while low-molecular proteins are able to overcome it. The main amount of proteins is reabsorbed in the proximal kidney, which explains the small amount of these molecules in the final urine filtrate. About 40% of the total amount of albumin is excreted from the body by the kidneys, and 20% is accounted for by low molecular weight proteins.

The rate of protein in the urine during pregnancy

It has been established that the daily loss of protein in the urine ranges from 50 to 80 mg. It should be noted that during the bearing of a child, there is an increase in diuresis - the total amount of urine excreted per day. However, the rate of protein in the urine during pregnancy does not depend on daily diuresis.

Important: only the attending physician can decrypt the received data.

Independent interpretation of the results of the analysis is not allowed, since this threatens with an incorrect interpretation and the choice of ineffective methods of treatment. This behavior is especially dangerous for pregnant patients.

It is unacceptable to isolate the use of the considered laboratory criterion during the examination. The table of parameters under consideration includes the main indicators for a general urine test.

Protein in the urine during pregnancy - causes and consequences

The condition in which there is a significant increase in the concentration of proteins in the test material is commonly called proteinuria.

According to statistics, approximately 17% of the population is diagnosed with this condition, while it is not a sign of any condition. In this case, no more than 2 g per day is excreted in a person with urine.

However, the detection of proteinuria in a pregnant patient is a signal for a comprehensive examination in order to establish the cause.

The consequences of such a condition can be preeclampsia - a violation of the normal process of bearing a child.

The danger of preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is of particular danger in view of the possible long-term asymptomatic course and is the main cause of death in women from 22 weeks of pregnancy to 1 week after childbirth. It should be noted that immediately after the birth of a child, the problem of preeclampsia is completely leveled.

Currently, the question of the etiology of the disease remains a subject of controversy for scientists. A large number of assumptions have been put forward, but none of the theories gives a complete description of the causes of the pathology, but explains only a part of the symptoms. Signs of a severe degree of gestosis:

  • the level of protein in daily urine increases to 5 g or more;
  • sharply reduced visual acuity;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • daily diuresis is reduced to 400 ml per day;
  • frequent headaches;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling;
  • a bluish tint to the skin or mucous membranes.

With the simultaneous detection of several of the listed signs, the patient is placed in a hospital under round-the-clock medical supervision. Treatment tactics are aimed at eliminating specific symptoms.

Pathologies of the urinary system

The most common cause of increased protein in the urine in pregnant women in the early and late stages is kidney disease:

  • Berger's disease - proliferation of mesangial cells, accompanied by the deposition of immune complexes and subendothelial structures; the most common pathology;
  • idiomatic membranous glomerulonephritis - thickening of the walls of the capillaries of the glomerular apparatus due to excessive deposition of immune complexes;
  • focal segmental glomerulosclerosis - sclerotic lesion of the glomerular apparatus; can be both an independent disease and secondary;
  • lobular glomerulonephritis - an increase in the density of the basement membrane of the glomeluric apparatus, which performs the function of controlling the blood supply to the kidneys and urine formation;
  • pyelonephritis - an infectious disease caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the urinary system;
  • primary isolated Fanconi syndrome - a congenital pathology characterized by failures in the process of reabsorption of phosphates, sugars and amino acids;
  • acute tubulointerstitial nephritis - the formation of a severe degree of renal failure of unclear etiology;
  • lipoid nephrosis - dystrophic damage to the kidneys, is extremely rare;
  • malignant lesions of the epithelial tissue of the kidneys (cancer);
  • heavy metal intoxication.

Other reasons

Protein in the urine during pregnancy can be detected in diseases that do not affect the organs of the urinary system, for example:

  • congestive heart failure, which is characterized by a violation of the process of pumping blood by the heart muscle, resulting in insufficient blood supply to all tissues and organs;
  • inflammation of the inner lining of the heart of infectious etiology;
  • excessive secretion of thyroid hormones;
  • pathology of the central nervous system;
  • oncopathology of the bladder;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria;
  • extensive trauma or burns.

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy - what does it mean?

The absence or traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy do not have diagnostic significance, since they are a variant of the norm. This means that the patient is completely healthy and does not need additional examination. However, this fact does not reduce the importance of routine tests throughout the entire period of bearing a child.

Protein in urine after childbirth

In a situation where during pregnancy the patient had a slight proteinuria, then the protein in the urine after childbirth should return to normal values. It should be noted that an increase in the indicator to 2 g is considered to be benign proteinuria. A similar situation is typical for preeclampsia, which completely disappears after the birth of a child.

The absence of positive dynamics in reducing protein in the urine to 0.15 g/l indicates the development of a serious pathology and requires additional diagnostic methods.

How to prepare for the analysis?

Unreliable results may be the result of improper preparation for the collection of biomaterial or when mistakes are made at the preanalytical stage. So, false positive data can be obtained when:

  • taking certain medications (painkillers and antibiotics);
  • contamination of the biomaterial sample under study with feces or vaginal discharge.

False-negative research data can lead to:

  • decrease in urine density to 1 or less;
  • an increase in the alkaline reaction of urine;
  • the presence of conditionally pathogenic bacteria from the genus Proteus;
  • high amount of Bence-Jones protein and myoglobin.

All of the above determines the fundamental importance of strict adherence to the rules of preparation before collecting biomaterial. So, for 1 day, the diet should be adjusted in the direction of reducing the amount of animal protein consumed, as well as fatty and fried foods.

If the patient is prescribed any medications (including diuretics), then, in agreement with the doctor, they should be excluded within 2 days. This rule does not affect vitamin complexes.

How to collect biomaterial?

Women often face situations of insufficient awareness of the rules for collecting biomaterial. In the case of a study on a sample of single urine of an average portion, the biomaterial should be collected in the morning. In this case, the preliminary toilet of the genital organs is not carried out.

If you need to collect daily urine, you must first obtain a special sterile container in the laboratory department. In it, at home, the collection of absolute all urine is carried out, including during the act of defecation. After that, the biomaterial is transported to the laboratory at the required temperature regime, about which the patient is notified in advance.

How to reduce protein in the urine during pregnancy?

Correction of the increase in protein levels is carried out according to the recommendations of the doctor. It is forbidden to independently select methods of treatment. This can lead to a complication of the general condition against the background of a delay in adequate treatment methods, which poses a real threat to the life of the mother and child.

The tactics of eliminating proteinuria is selected depending on the cause of proteinuria. It should be noted that traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy are a variant of the physiological norm.

Infectious infection requires the selection of antibacterial drugs. Greater attention and caution should be paid when choosing antibiotics, since most of them negatively affect the process of ontogenesis and can cause the formation of mutations in the fetus.

More severe kidney pathologies require an integrated approach to treatment, which is prescribed individually for each patient.

Often, doctors prescribe special diets aimed at reducing the amount of protein consumed. At the same time, coffee, tea and carbonated drinks are completely excluded. The total amount of salt consumed is reduced. Preference is given to fruit drinks and rosehip infusions, as well as steamed vegetables.

Increased protein in the urine during late pregnancy - as a result of gestosis, is corrected by adequate methods of treatment and stretches as much as possible until the moment of delivery. In the case of the development of this pathology at an early stage, the only method of its treatment is artificial termination of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a wonderful and, at the same time, disturbing period for every woman. All kinds of examinations must be carried out in order to identify any problems in the early stages and, if possible, try to eliminate them.

This can be done by a natural process that occurs in the body, for example, an increase in the uterus (the uterus increases in size, thereby disrupting the normal blood supply to the urinary ducts and kidneys).

Diseases that provoke an excess of protein in the urine in pregnant women (see the permissible norms in the table below):

  • urinary tract infection;
  • renal polycystic;
  • hypertension;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys (meaning: glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis);
  • high sugar due to diabetes;
  • heart failure;
  • gestosis.

The most dangerous factor in the occurrence of traces of protein in the urine of a woman who is in an “interesting” position is a disease that is referred to as gestosis.

This diagnosis may be accompanied by severe swelling of the extremities and face, which is most likely caused by increased vascular permeability and chronic hypertension, in addition, there is tinnitus, severe dizziness, weakness or fatigue.

Usually, preeclampsia manifests itself in the second trimester of pregnancy. Such a disease disrupts the normal development of the placenta Thus, the baby that has not yet been born is in danger. The fetus does not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Such phenomena usually provoke premature birth, worse than that, delayed fetal development.

If the pathology is not detected in time and no treatment steps are taken, the baby may be born dead.

Less severe causes of protein in the urine can be serious, such as pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.

The first is characterized by pain and discomfort in the lower back and bladder. An indicator of the second is the unusual color of urine - the presence of the color of fleshiness. With pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis, in addition to the presence of protein, a large presence of leukocytes and erythrocytes is manifested in the urine.

The state of a pregnant woman is in itself characterized by unpredictability. A woman in an “interesting” position may not even be aware of any disturbances in her body, because everything was normal before pregnancy. In addition, after childbirth, all the problems that were during pregnancy disappear.

The appearance of protein after childbirth and caesarean section

Analysis for the presence of protein in the urine is important not only during pregnancy, but also after it. If after childbirth an increased protein is found in the urine, then this indicates problems in the woman's body, perhaps this is - inflammation of the kidneys or inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Every woman in labor must be examined without fail, the only way to prevent all health ailments, otherwise, everything can end badly. Due to untimely examinations, the most serious pathologies associated with renal failure are observed.

There are no obvious signs of the appearance of protein. All symptoms (back pain, fatigue, fatigue, swelling) can be attributed to troubles with the baby. The reasons for the appearance of protein in the urine after childbirth are the same as during pregnancy.

To eliminate violations in the kidneys, one should not neglect the advice of a doctor and examinations.

Permissible norms

Normal indicators of protein are: total blood protein 65 - 85 g / l and blood albumin: 35 - 50 g / l.

Let's deal with the different indications of protein:

  • 0,066 - 0,099. These indications indicate a violation of the functions of the kidneys, they work in tension. This may be due to eating a large amount of protein foods or exercise. Most likely, your doctor will require you to retake the test.
  • 0,1 - 0,2. Such indications may indicate the transferred colds.
  • 0,25 - 0,3. Another similar examination is needed, it may be necessary to pass an analysis according to Nechiporenko. An obligatory ultrasound of the kidneys is performed. After all, we can already talk about the exact diagnosis.
  • 0,3 - 1,0. This level of protein is indicative of severe proteinuria. Prescriptions are written by an experienced nephrologist, as various kinds of kidney pathology may be present.

daily loss

In a normal healthy person, only proteins with a low molecular weight are filtered using the glomerular membrane. After that, some certain part of them is absorbed into the tubules of the kidneys.

Consequently, the daily loss of protein along with urine during pregnancy is so small that, in principle, protein in the urine is not visible in the results of the analysis. Development of proteinuria occurs due to damage to the glomerular membrane and tubular reabsorption.

The usual norm for the coefficient of excretion of protein in the urine in immobility is 50-100 mg/day. The presence of protein in a given dose of urine collected throughout the day can vary. For example, during the day there is a greater amount of protein than during the night.

A discrepancy with the norm involves the presence of protein in the urine, and then an analysis of daily urine is prescribed. This can help in identifying kidney pathology.

Weak proteinuria - less than 0.5 g / day.

Average proteinuria - from 0.5 to 1 g / day.

Overt proteinuria - from 1 to 3 g / day.

How to lower the protein in the urine or get rid of it for good?

Therapy and diet for lowering protein during pregnancy prescribes specialized doctor based on the outcome of the patient's analysis. First you need to identify the cause due to which the protein has increased, then, based on the results of the examination, talk about getting rid of disorders in the kidneys.

Given the fact that a woman is in an “interesting” and, at the same time, “unpredictable” position, it will not be so easy to prescribe, because not all drugs can be taken during pregnancy.

It may even require hospitalization in order for the expectant mother to be under the supervision of doctors all the time.

Mostly, specialists usually prescribe diuretics because they are excellent aids in removing protein from the urine. In case of an infectious kidney disease, it is recommended to drink herbs: chamomile, birch buds, thyme and other anti-inflammatory herbs.

If the examination showed pyelonephritis, then you will have to use antibiotics. Usually, pregnant women are afraid of the word "antibiotics" - this is in vain. There are antibiotics that do not harm the baby in any way, but effectively fight the progressing illness of the mother.

If you have nephropathy, then you should stick to a strict diet, which should be appointed only by a specialist, he may recommend to carry out the so-called fasting days.

In no case do not self-medicate, consult your doctor.

If violations are detected in time and the cause is identified in time, then this invisible, but dangerous disease can be easily overcome. Then your child will no longer be in danger. Take care of yourself and your health!

What medications can be taken during pregnancy, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the video:

During the bearing of the fetus, a colossal load is manifested on the most important internal organs and systems of a woman, in particular, the kidneys suffer. Protein in the urine can be diagnosed during pregnancy, this feature is undesirable in the later stages. There are acceptable standards, exceeding the indicators is a consequence of the fact that the urinary system can not cope with the tasks.

The norms of protein in the urine in late pregnancy

All people, in particular ladies in a “delicious position”, have a certain amount of protein in their urine, which penetrates into the urine from the kidneys. Naturally, this protein is washed out if the kidneys work smoothly and quickly.

Since the urinary system is subjected to great stress during gestation (after all, the kidneys work for two), not all decay products and toxic substances can be washed out on time.

Each time, the protein becomes more and more, so it continues until it exceeds the permissible norm. The maximum value is understood as an indicator of 0.03 g / l.

But as the fetus develops in the womb, the amount of protein increases accordingly. As for the 3rd trimester, the allowable value is 0.14 g / l. When the urinary system fails, the indicated value increases.

Each situation is considered individually by the doctor, but if the protein in the urine is detected during pregnancy, the specialist can diagnose proteinuria in the later stages.

Depending on the excess of the permissible threshold, several stages of the disease are distinguished:

  • micro-albuminuria - revealed from 30 to 300 mg. protein in the urine daily;
  • mild proteinuria - from 300 mg. up to 1 gr.;
  • average (moderate) proteinuria - from 1 to 3 gr.;
  • severe proteinuria - from 3 gr.

In order not to worry about your health and the development of the baby, we recommend that you visit a specialist and pass the necessary tests.

Causes and symptoms of protein abnormalities in urine in pregnant women

There are many factors that can negatively affect protein levels in urine. The first of them - the fetus puts pressure on the urinary system, the kidneys work "for two" and can not cope. But proteinuria can develop for other, more complex reasons.


Late toxicosis, which can be observed in some women from the 30th week. Preeclampsia is understood as a deviation from the normal bearing of the fetus. The girl suffers from high blood pressure, headaches, reduced/increased accumulation of protein in urine, swelling of the legs and face, and convulsive seizures. At advanced stages, cerebral edema begins.


Protein in the urine, or rather its normal amount, can increase during pregnancy. This phenomenon in the later stages is characterized by developing pyelonephritis affecting the kidneys. From the symptoms emit fever (the temperature sometimes reaches 40-41 degrees), the woman suffers from severe painful spasms during urination. When passing urine to detect daily protein, it will be shown that the indicator is too high, and an accumulation of leukocytes is also noticed.


Cystitis refers to the development of foci of inflammation affecting the bladder. During a visit to the restroom, the expectant mother feels a cutting pain, burning, a feeling of incompleteness when urinating. Often all this is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.


A complex pathological phenomenon that entails not only a violation of the activity of the kidneys, but also all kinds of complications. The disease is characterized by the fact that the kidneys simply cannot rid the body of toxic compounds and other decay products. All of them accumulate in the urine in a decent amount, forming intoxication. As a result, inflammation, fever, severe spasms in the kidney area develop.

Preeclampsia as the main reason for the detection of protein in the urine during pregnancy

1. Often, protein in the urine is detected after receiving the results of the analysis by women during pregnancy who are in the later stages. Preeclampsia develops from 34 weeks. But it can be diagnosed earlier if you often visit a specialist and do not postpone testing.

2. Otherwise, preeclampsia is understood as the colloquial name of the disease - late toxicosis. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the functioning of the urinary organs, including the kidneys in particular. There are also deviations in the activity of the vascular system.

3. From the symptoms - the pressure begins to jump and rise, then a high protein content in the urine is detected, then the legs, arms, and face swell.

4. If preeclampsia has flowed into an advanced degree, convulsions are added to the main signs, sometimes placental abruption. All this leads to possible deviations in the development of the fetus. If such pathological changes are detected, an artificial birth or a caesarean section is required.

5. Do not panic ahead of time if you do not know the diagnosis for sure. Preeclampsia affects 20% of women bearing a child. Usually, such an ailment is detected during a multi-egg or 1st pregnancy.

6. It is important to mention that not in every case the protein in the urine is characterized by overestimated values. During pregnancy, it is sometimes, on the contrary, underestimated in the later stages.

7. According to average statistics, the indicator ranges from 0.75 to 0.8 g / l., which is a consequence of the development of preeclampsia. Plus, when the pressure rises to 140 over 90, you need to see a doctor for a final diagnosis.

8. Otherwise, the combination of high blood pressure and accumulated protein can cause a deterioration in the functioning of the brain.

9. In advanced stages, problems of the central nervous system often develop. The most dangerous condition occurs when the pressure rises to 160 over 100.

Detection of protein in the urine during pregnancy

To understand if there is a problem, you need to pass a general urine test. To obtain an accurate result, you should carefully prepare before going to the clinic. Protein in the urine can be formed for various reasons. This question is especially relevant in late pregnancy.

1. Two days before the test, you should significantly reduce the intake of meat products. Eliminate sour, salty and spicy dishes for this time.

2. Collect urine only in a clean, sterile container. A special container can be bought at a pharmacy.

3. Before filling the container, take a shower and wash your vagina with intimate soap.

4. Filling the container should come from the middle portion of urine.

5. If there is extraneous discharge from the vagina, then before writing into the jar, you must insert a tampon. It will keep unwanted inclusions from entering the container.

6. Donate urine no later than 1-2 hours following its collection.

If the protein is found, the specialist will definitely refer you for another analysis. Only then will he be able to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Consequences of high concentration of protein in the urine

1. If the repeated analysis showed the presence of protein during pregnancy, then the diagnosis will be proteinuria. Thus, frequent trips to the gynecologist, nephrologist and urologist are provided. If systematically observed by specialists, you will be able to prevent complications.

2. Protein in the urine (proteinuria) during pregnancy can be both temporary and permanent. If the rates grow in the later stages, the woman will need to be hospitalized without fail. Specialists should monitor the patient in the hospital.

3. In extreme cases, when the pathology is severe, doctors are likely to provoke an artificial birth. Such a move will save lives and preserve the health of the baby and mother.

4. If the protein began to rise in late pregnancy (from about 32 weeks) and preeclampsia continues to develop, there is a risk in the form of a dangerous consequence, like nephropathy. This disease causes toxic damage to the kidneys. This is very bad for the health of the baby and mother.

5. As a result, impaired renal activity negatively affects the functioning of the placenta. She ceases to properly fulfill her role. The placenta, during normal functioning, supplies the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, protects it from harmful external influences.

6. When diagnosing nephropathy, it should be noted that the placenta is poorly enriched with blood. As a result, the embryo does not receive proper nutrition. Because of this, the risk of having a baby with signs of hypoxia or exhaustion increases significantly.

7. High protein in the urine during pregnancy in any case requires immediate treatment, especially in the later stages. If this is neglected, a woman will expect serious consequences. Premature birth, abnormal development of the child or his death are possible.

Normalization of protein levels in the urine

Proper nutrition

If you follow a special diet, soon the level of protein in the urine will return to normal. Often deviations occur due to the consumption of peppered, fried and salty foods. Give preference to fresh vegetables, fruits, milk and various cereals.

Exclusion of medications

Pregnant girls often prescribe various medications for themselves without consulting a specialist. If the drugs are taken uncontrollably, this leads to a failure of the normal functioning of the kidneys.

Gymnastic exercises

To significantly reduce the load on the urinary system, it is imperative to perform a simple exercise. Take the knee-elbow pose several times a day.

How to prevent deviations of the protein in the urine from the norm

In order not to encounter similar diseases and treatments, they are the easiest to prevent. Protein in the urine during pregnancy is considered a fairly serious problem in the later stages. To avoid the development of deviations when carrying a baby, follow these simple tips:

  • follow your daily diet;
  • systematically visit a female doctor;
  • do urine tests on time;
  • exclude harmful foods from the diet;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • monitor blood sugar levels and blood pressure;
  • exclude unprescribed drugs;
  • Watch your body weight if you suddenly started gaining it.

Compliance with simple rules will help to avoid the development of serious consequences. As a result, you will not needlessly worry about the course of pregnancy.

Protein in the urine is a rather serious pathology in pregnant women. If you do not take action in a timely manner, you may run into problems. Follow the practical recommendations and maintain your health at the proper level.

Protein in the urine is one of the most common symptoms detected in late pregnancy. In the medical community, this phenomenon is called proteinuria. The appearance of protein in the urine may indicate the development of gestosis, a serious complication of pregnancy. Proteinuria in expectant mothers can also be associated with diseases of the kidneys, bladder and urethra.

Norm and pathology

All pregnant women are required to take a general urinalysis (OAM). This routine procedure allows you to detect protein in the urine in time, as well as track other changes in the kidneys and the whole body. OAM is taken before each visit to the doctor: every two weeks until the period of 30 weeks and weekly from 30 weeks until delivery. A control examination is necessarily carried out on the first day after the birth of the child.

Only the first morning portion of urine, collected in a sterile container, is suitable for OAM. The material must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 2 hours later. Expectant mothers need to ensure that vaginal discharge does not get into the container. Failure to follow the rules for collecting analysis can lead to an incorrect interpretation of the result and an incorrect diagnosis.

Normally, there should be no protein in the urine.. A single detection of protein in an amount of up to 0.3 g per day is allowed. In this situation, you should retake the analysis. If the protein concentration does not increase and the woman is not bothered by anything, treatment is not carried out. The expectant mother needs to carefully monitor her condition and report the slightest deviation to the doctor.

Physiological proteinuria is noted in such situations:

  • stress;
  • overeating (including eating a large amount of meat food).
  • Physiological proteinuria persists for a short time, after which the protein disappears from the urine. The protein concentration does not exceed 1 g per day. The general condition of the woman is not disturbed. With the growth of protein in the urine, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist.

    Pathological proteinuria

    Warning symptoms to look out for:

    • the appearance of protein in the urine in early pregnancy;
    • repeated detection of protein in the urine;
    • protein levels above 0.3 g per day.

    Laboratory signs are combined with a deterioration in the general condition of the woman. The development of pathology is indicated by:

    • severe weakness;
    • headaches;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • tachycardia;
    • visual disturbances (clouding, flashing flies before the eyes);
    • swelling of the face in the morning;
    • swelling of the hands and feet, legs;
    • involuntary muscle twitches;
    • pain in the lumbar region;
    • dysuric phenomena: pain, itching, burning during urination, increased urination, urinary incontinence or urinary retention.

    The combination of these symptoms with proteinuria is an unfavorable sign and requires mandatory medical supervision.

    Among the causes of pathological proteinuria in late pregnancy, the following deserve special attention:


    The appearance of protein in the urine after 20 weeks is highly likely to indicate the development of preeclampsia. This specific condition occurs only during pregnancy, childbirth or the early postpartum period. The development of preeclampsia is accompanied by a triad of symptoms:

    • arterial hypertension (increase in systolic blood pressure above 15 mm Hg and diastolic above 10 mm Hg from the original);
    • swelling;
    • proteinuria.

    The appearance of protein in the urine is a late symptom of preeclampsia and indicates a violation of the kidneys. In this situation, the expectant mother is monitored with constant monitoring of blood pressure and the condition of the fetus. If the indicators worsen, hospitalization is necessary. The shorter the gestation period against the background of preeclampsia, the worse the prognosis and the higher the likelihood of complications.

    In the absence of adequate therapy, severe preeclampsia turns into preeclampsia. In this state, diuresis decreases, blood pressure rises significantly, and protein in the urine increases. Without treatment, preeclampsia progresses to eclampsia, the most dangerous complication of pregnancy. Convulsions develop, there is a real threat to the life of the woman and the fetus. It is possible to save the expectant mother and her baby only if emergency medical care is provided. In this situation, a cesarean section is performed regardless of the gestational age, infusion therapy and other measures are prescribed to save the woman's life. Neonatologists provide care to the newborn.

    Prevention of eclampsia includes:

    1. Regular monitoring by a gynecologist throughout pregnancy.
    2. Timely delivery of OAM and other tests.
    3. Control of blood pressure, weight and diuresis.
    4. Timely treatment of gestosis.

    At risk for the development of preeclampsia are overweight women and previous arterial hypertension. This category of expectant mothers should especially carefully monitor their health and, if in doubt, consult a doctor.

    Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract

    In the second half of pregnancy, the load on the kidneys increases significantly and the likelihood of exacerbation of certain diseases increases:

    • glomerulonephritis;
    • pyelonephritis;
    • interstitial nephritis;
    • cystitis;
    • urethritis, etc.

    Proteinuria in renal pathology is accompanied by other changes in the OAM. With inflammation, the level of leukocytes rises, bacteria are detected in the urine. Some diseases are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of red blood cells, the appearance of cylinders, glucose, and salt precipitation. The final diagnosis is made after ultrasound and other examination methods available during pregnancy.

    The kidneys are organs that filter substances from the blood plasma and are part of the urinary system. This is the initial level of urine formation. Pregnant women develop an increased load on this organ due to increased metabolic processes. With the growth of the fetus, the compression of the urinary structures increases, the penetration of proteins into the urine increases. The reason is in the appeared or aggravated disease. To find out what protein in the urine means during pregnancy, they come for a consultation with a therapist.

    What does protein in urine mean during pregnancy

    Proteinuria is the excretion of proteins in the urine, normally the indicator is not detected.

    Normally, there should be no protein in the urine of a pregnant woman.

    The state of gestation is characterized by fluctuations in the amount of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman. The kidneys filter out all proteins from the blood, returning them back. With proteinuria during gestation, the doctor prescribes additional studies that will help make a diagnosis.

    The reasons are physiological processes (squeezing of surrounding organs by the uterus) and pathologies (diseases of various origins).

    If an increase in the indicator is detected after the first test, a second study is carried out, which will reveal the true data.

    Protein traces during pregnancy - what does it mean

    Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy, found during testing of the biological fluid, may appear when the rules for collecting urine for analysis are violated. If a woman has poorly washed her genitals or uses a non-sterile container, traces of protein and bacteria are always found.

    A small amount of protein in the urine of a pregnant woman indicates the initial degree of glomerular filtration disorder. Since the more proteins found, the more damaged or inflamed the organ.

    Important! If traces of protein are found after 2-3 tests, the doctor will suspect the onset of gestosis (a violation of the course of pregnancy, accompanied by increased pressure, proteinuria, and the development of edema).

    How to collect urine for protein during pregnancy

    There are rules for collecting urine for analysis that people follow when taking the test to collect daily urine during pregnancy, and the test result was accurate. This will help the doctor track the condition of the pregnant woman's body, avoid complications that will affect both the woman and the fetus.

    1. For 4-5 days, a woman cancels medicines. Exceptions are drugs that cannot be excluded as prescribed by a gynecologist together with a therapist.
    2. The pregnant diet begins 2 days before testing. Fatty, fried, overly salty foods are excluded. The amount of meat and dairy products is decreasing.
    3. The patient must comply with the drinking regimen (1.5-2 liters of fluid per day), provided there is no swelling.
    4. Pre-buy a sterile container in a pharmacy. The use of other containers is unacceptable, they contain microbes, foreign substances that will distort the result.
    5. A pregnant woman before urination washes the genitals, blocks the opening of the vagina. This prevents the entry of foreign microorganisms into the biomaterial. The urine of a healthy woman does not contain bacteria, it is initially sterile.
    6. Protein is determined using a general clinical analysis of urine (OAM), therefore, the entire portion of the biological fluid is collected.
    7. Sample delivery is as soon as possible. If there is a reason why this cannot be done, the container is placed in the refrigerator. Freezing is prohibited. The storage time of the cooled material is no more than 2 hours.
    8. A piece of paper is attached to the container, on which the patient's name is written.

    Table of norms of protein in urine in pregnant women by trimesters

    With the growth of the fetus, the vital processes of the body, the space of the abdominal cavity change. The blood flow is slowed down after clamping of the vessels by the uterus. Therefore, there are norms of protein in the urine during pregnancy, depending on the trimester.

    If protein is found in the urine during late pregnancy, the doctor will suspect the development of preeclampsia.

    Causes of high protein in the urine

    Physiological causes of elevated levels of protein in the urine include:

    • displacement of the level of curvature of the spine, which changes the position of the kidney;
    • change in the position of the kidney due to fetal pressure on it;
    • release of traces of protein after a change in the position of the patient's body;
    • intensive sports;
    • excretion of albumins in the urine due to loss of fluid by the body (dehydration, insufficient water intake, increased sweating);
    • stressful situations;
    • a diet containing a large amount of meat and dairy products;
    • violation of the outflow of blood due to compression of the vessels by the fetus, causing a change in filtration by the glomeruli;
    • compression of the glomeruli, causing leakage of blood elements.

    There are pathological causes of increased protein in the urine during pregnancy, which cause diseases:

    • gestational pyelonephritis - renal inflammation of bacterial origin, which occurs in pregnant women due to a violation of the movement of urine along the urinary tract (urine does not move, microbes accumulate and multiply);
    • glomerulonephritis - an inflammatory disease of the glomeruli, causing a violation of the filtration of elements;
    • nephritis - inflammation of any area of ​​​​the kidneys, occurring for various reasons;
    • the formation of renal cysts (the formation of a cavity on the organ, inside which there is a liquid);
    • benign and malignant neoplasms;
    • the formation of stones - a disease caused by the accumulation of salt crystals;
    • gestosis.

    Signs of protein in the urine during pregnancy

    Symptoms of increased protein in the urine depend on the condition of the patient, the work of his internal organs, the presence of the disease. If the condition causes compression of the kidneys, there are pains in the lumbar region, fever. Pain extends to the entire back area.

    After the development of a preeclampsia, the main symptoms are lower back pain, severe swelling, high blood pressure, and proteinuria.

    The passage of stones through the urinary tract causes unbearable pain in the abdomen, the release of blood into the urinary tract.

    Urine after proteinuria becomes cloudy. If inflammation develops, mucus appears. Stones form a precipitate when the sample is standing.

    What is the danger of protein in urine in pregnant women

    The appearance of proteinuria is dangerous for the body, it leads to disorders that are dangerous for the mother and fetus. Urgent medical advice is required. There are the following consequences of increasing urine protein during pregnancy:

    • failure of the functioning of internal organs (heart, lungs, kidneys);
    • the appearance of edema of the lungs, limbs (arms, legs);
    • increased intravascular pressure;
    • danger for carrying a pregnancy;
    • the appearance of a child with mental retardation;
    • the development of an infection of the genitourinary system, which can cause sepsis (infection of the woman's blood) or the entry of bacteria into the intrauterine fluid, which causes the infection of the infant even before birth (protein and bacteria appear in the urine during pregnancy).

    Diet for high protein in urine

    It is allowed to use dietary meat, honey, berries.

    With the penetration of proteins into the excretory fluid of the patient, the doctor will tell you which foods should be excluded, which should be consumed in order to remove the indicator, how to reduce protein in the urine during pregnancy. Legumes, cereals, mushrooms, onions, garlic, rich broths are excluded from the patient's diet. Reduced consumption of fruits and vegetables. Meat is consumed only dietary varieties (turkey). The amount of dairy products, bread is reduced.

    When a protein appears in the urine test, it is allowed to consume dietary meat, honey, berries, a small amount of dairy products that do not contain phosphorus before lunch (sour cream, cream). Fish is allowed in small portions. Salt is removed completely (pickles and table salt are excluded). Do not eat smoked meats, pickled foods. Pumpkin, raisins, beets, dried apricots, melon, watermelon are allowed.

    Meals are divided into 6 times a day, this contributes to better absorption, eliminates an excess of elements and minerals.

    Drinking water and other liquids during the day should be moderate, this will eliminate swelling and help the excretory system filter out protein.


    There is no protein in the urine during pregnancy in healthy women. It appears only after a violation of the internal state of the body. If proteinuria is detected after several laboratory tests, immediately consult a doctor. This is especially true for pregnant women, since the condition is dangerous not only for the woman herself, but also for the fetus. Self-medication is not permissible, it will lead to a deterioration in the patient's condition and the death of a pregnant woman during childbirth. The doctor will tell you more precisely and more effectively how to get rid of edema and proteinuria. If the patient has painful symptoms in which he does not go to the doctor, this is fraught with the development of renal failure.