Squirrel at a lesson in the dow. Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group “Squirrel. Massage of the palms with rough bumps


Expand and clarify children's knowledge of proteins. Replenish existing knowledge of children with new information. Introduce the riddle about the squirrel and the proverbs: “If you put it further away, you will take it closer”, “A cat has a cat - also a child”. Vocabulary: nimble, cocky, businesslike, scandalous. Continue to learn to guess riddles and depict riddles. Raise interest in the nature of the native land.


Pictures and photos of squirrels, appliqué equipment.



Lesson progress:

There are many animal and bird storerooms in the forest in autumn. What birds and animals that arrange pantries for the winter do you know? (Answers of children). Today we will talk about just such an animal. Hear about him a riddle:

The squirrel riddle

From branch to branch
Fast as a ball
Jumping through the forest
Red circus.
Here he is on the fly
Tore off the bump
Jumped on the trunk
And he ran away in a hollow.

What about the riddle made you think of the protein? (Answers of children).

Squirrel makes solid stocks for the winter - in different places, different stocks, in large quantities. He is very clever at collecting nuts. Shake the branch, jump to the side and look. Which branch swings longer is heavier, which means there are more nuts on it. Here, a squirrel climbs onto this branch and bites nuts. An empty or spoiled nut is immediately recognized and will not be taken for anything. Squirrel mushrooms also store a lot for the winter. And he chooses the very best. It dries squirrels and fly agarics, presumably for medicinal purposes. Dried mushrooms are hidden in hollows or under bark that has lagged behind trees. In mushrooms, then the squirrel will only eat the hat, and throw away the leg. In addition to mushrooms and nuts, squirrels store acorns for the winter. Acorns - what tree is this from? (Answers of children). From oak.

And this is how a squirrel hides its prey: it digs a hole, carefully puts the prey into it. It will drive deeper, and from above it will rake up more earth and dry leaves, so that no one else can smell it. You never know the beggar animals wandering through the winter forest. “The farther you put it, the closer you take it.” How do you understand this proverb? (Answers of children).

It happens that strangers eat squirrel stocks. But the squirrel itself, if it stumbles upon other people's stocks in winter, will not be ashamed and will eat them. Part of the stock will remain uneaten. This will benefit the forest: after all, in the spring they will sprout roots and sprout.

Here is how M. Prishvin wrote about the protein in the story "Squirrel Memory".

“Today, looking at the tracks of animals and birds in the snow, this is what I read on these tracks: a squirrel made its way through the snow into the moss. I got two nuts hidden there since autumn, ate them right away - I found the shells. Then she ran a dozen meters, dived again, again left the shell on the snow, and after a few meters she made the third climb. What a miracle You can't think that she could smell nuts through a thick layer of snow and ice. So, since the fall, she remembered her nuts and the exact location between them. But the most amazing thing is that she could not measure, as we do, in centimeters, but right on the eye with accuracy determined, dived and pulled out. Well, how could one not envy the squirrel's memory and ingenuity!

Let's play with our fingers for a bit.

Finger gymnastics "Squirrel"

The squirrel jumped, jumped,
(Children spread their fingers)

By winter, the pantries were filled with:
(They begin to bend all fingers in turn, touching the pads of the corresponding palm).

Here - nuts, here - mushroom
For sons and daughters.

At the end of autumn, the squirrel will change its coat from red to gray. Why do you think? Who else changes their coat for winter? (Answers of children).
When severe frosts come, you will not see a squirrel. She, curled up in a ball, can sleep for several days.

In addition to protein reserves, he likes to eat pine cones in winter. Having plucked a cone, the squirrel settles somewhere in a fork among the branches. He holds the cone in his front paws, bites the scales of the cone with his teeth and takes out fatty seeds with his lips.

If the winter turned out to be harsh and long, the squirrel eats the bark, young shoots, and buds. He cuts off a twig with his teeth and, holding it in his paws, bites off the bark and buds from it. Obest, drop it down and take on a new one. But this food is not satisfying, proteins starve with such nutrition.

But in summer, the nutrition of the squirrel is diversified by the larvae of various insects, ant and bird eggs, and, on occasion, chicks, as well as berries, fruits, catkins of willows and aspens.

It's time to play. Children depict animals, inhabitants of the forest.

Game "Show me the answer"

The poor man has no lair,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Get used to the poultry house -
Expect trouble.
red tail
Covers traces.
(A fox)

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Not a beast or a bird
Afraid of everything.
Catch flies -
And splash into the water.

Like a royal crown
He wears his horns.
Eats lichen, green moss,
Likes snow meadows.

rope twists,
Head at the end.
crawling, wriggling,
Throws at the enemy.

A ball is rolling in the forest,
It has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

This little gray
Glad even for a bread crumb,
Because before dark
She hides in a burrow.

Lying dirty
In a bristly shirt.
tail pretzel,
Snout snout.

For housing, the squirrel builds one main nest for the winter and 2-3 year old spare ones. These spare nests are like dachas, in which the squirrel rests, hides from predators, and waits out the summer heat. If suddenly the squirrels are in danger, then it drags them into these spare nests. Summer nests are light, wind-blown. But the winter nest is woven and built skillfully, insulated. There are, however, not very hardworking squirrels that fit magpie and crow nests under the nest, driving away the hostesses from them.

By nature, the squirrel is nimble, cocky, businesslike and scandalous. Let's take a look at the meanings of these words. What does "nimble" mean? Badass? Busy? Scandalous? (Answers of children).

Squirrels have weddings twice a year - at the end of winter and at the end of spring. Squirrels also appear twice a year. Baby squirrels are born tiny, naked, blind and ugly. But this is in our opinion. For every mother, be it a crow or a squirrel, her baby is the most beautiful of all. About that and the proverb: "A cat has a cat - also a child." A month later, the eyes of the squirrels open, the body is covered with delicate wool. And very soon they will become such pranksters and annoy their mother so much with their antics that she goes to a spare nest and there rests from her restless children. But by night, having rested, she returns to the children. After all, a squirrel is a caring mother.

In the event of an enemy attack, the squirrel tries to lead him away from the nest, running along tree trunks. Sometimes pretends to be dead, falls to the ground. It happens that, saving the kids, the squirrel dies.

As soon as the baby squirrels grow up, they leave their parents. Squirrel-daughters will go into independent life a little later. Old squirrels live in the same place, and young ones settle in a new one.

Unfortunately, the main enemy of a squirrel is a person. And it got to the point that they shot all the squirrels in the Crimea. Caught up, it's too late. I had to catch squirrels where there are a lot of them and bring them to our peninsula. Fortunately, these squirrels liked it with us, they took root well and multiplied.

But all people need to remember: we are big and strong, but we must also be kind and wise so as not to harm the small and defenseless.

Now I suggest that you do application "Squirrel".


1. How does a squirrel prepare for winter?
2. What does he store in his "pantries"?
3. What trick does he use when collecting nuts?
4. Why does a squirrel dry fly agarics?
5. What kind of tree cones does he like to eat in winter?
6. What does a squirrel eat in hungry winters?
7. What is added to the squirrel menu in summer?
8. How do squirrels make themselves at home?
9. Whose houses are occupied by some squirrels?
10. What is the nature of the squirrel?
11. How are baby squirrels born?
12. How does a squirrel take care of squirrels?

Integrated final lesson in the second junior group on the topic:

"Squirrel visiting the guys"

Target: generalize, consolidate and systematize the knowledge gained during the year.


    To consolidate the ability to distinguish geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle and make a picture of these shapes;

    To consolidate the generalizing concepts of wild and domestic animals, to clarify children's ideas about cubs of domestic animals;

    Exercise children in comparison in terms of width, length of objects and designate with the words: wide, narrow, high, low;

    Develop attention, speech, observation, memory;

    To give children joy, pleasure from joint activities;

Equipment: squirrel, illustration of a cat from geometric shapes, geometric shapes, green leaves - wide, yellow leaves - narrow, domestic and wild animals, Christmas trees, house.

Lesson progress:

Educator: Guys, today we have guests at the lesson. Let's say hello to them.

Morning circle:

Hello palms! - Stretch your arms, turn your palms up.

Clap-clap-clap! - 3 cottons.

Hello legs! - Spring.

Top-top-top! - They stomp their feet.

Hello, cheeks! - Stroke cheeks with palms.

Plop-plop-plop! - 3 times lightly pat on the cheeks.

Hello sponges! - Shake head left and right.

Smack-smack-smack! - 3 times smack lips.

Hello teeth! - Shake head left and right.

Click-click-click! - Click their teeth 3 times.

Hello my nose! - Stroking the nose with the palm of your hand.

Beep beep beep! - Press on the nose with the index finger.

Hello guests! - Stretch your arms forward, palms up.

Hello! - They wave their hands over their heads.

Educator: And now we nicely and quietly go to our chairs.

Psychological setting for the lesson.

Our eyes are watching.

Our ears are listening carefully.

Our feet do not interfere with us.

Our hands help us.

Educator: Guys, another guest wants to come to us, but first

guess the riddle: I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest. In a hollow on an old oak I gnaw nuts.

Educator: That's right, it's white!

Squirrel: Hello guys!

Educator: Probably, the squirrel came to us for a reason, something happened to her, I'll ask her. The squirrel says that she came from the forest. And in the forest it turns out there is a “Forest School for Animals”. But they were given difficult tasks that they could not cope with, and they sent a squirrel to us for help. And here are the same classes in the squirrel's basket. Well, guys, let's help our forest animals cope with the tasks?

And here is the first task.

There is something in the envelope. What's this? (geometric figures)

That's right guys. Let's name the squirrel what shapes are here and what color they are.

Well done, now guess the riddle:

I can wash clean

Not with water, but with my tongue

Meow! How often do I dream

Saucer with warm milk. Who is it?

That's right, look how unusual she is! What geometric figure does a cat's body consist of? Head? Ears? Tail?

Finger gymnastics "Squirrel sits on a cart"

A squirrel sits on a cart
She sells nuts.

(Children clap their hands and alternately hit fist on fist)

Sparrow, titmouse,
Bear clubfoot,
Mustachioed hare.

(Children bend their fingers).

That's right, now go to the tables and make a cat out of the same figures yourself.

Second task

Look what the squirrel has in the bag. (Animals)

The squirrel has confused all the animals, let's help her figure it out. First you need to clarify: the animals that live in the forest, what are they called? (wild)

And what are homemade? (who live with the owners)

Didactic game "Find a house"

Well done boys! Now the squirrel knows that wild animals live in the forest, and domestic animals in the barn, a man takes care of them.

Let's play a little"Say a word"

    Igo-go - the child neighed, it means ... (foal)

    Someone's little son, suddenly barked, I ... (puppy)

    Oink-oink-oink, suddenly a child grunted, so this is ... (pig)

    Meow-meow-meow meows a child - this is a small ... (kitten)

    Be-be-be suddenly a child bleated, it's a small ... (lamb)

Guys, you must be tired, let's get some rest.

Fizminutka "Funny animals"

Bunny jumps on the bushes,

Through the swamp and over the bumps.

The squirrel jumps on the branches

the mushroom carries the squirrels to the children.

The clumsy bear walks,

He has crooked paws.

No paths, no paths

A spiny hedgehog rolls.

Rest, guys. Let's continue to help our squirrel. Let's see what else the squirrel has in the basket. Look what is here. (leaves), how many are there? Guys, tell me, are they the same? What colour? Boys will collect wide leaves, and girls - narrow ones. And now the squirrel has how many leaves? Do you have Nikalina? Anya? Dimir?

Timothy, what leaf did you find? (Wide). And what color is it? (Green)

Ksyusha, what leaflet did you find? (Narrow). And what color is it? (Yellow)

Okay, well done!

And now look, we see two Christmas trees. Guys, are they the same? And what are they? (one tree is high, the other is low)

Now the boys will put their leaves under the high Christmas tree, and the girls under the low one. Well done!

Take your seats.

The squirrel is tired of sitting, she wants to play with you, she wants to jump. The squirrel will jump, and you have to guess where she jumped.

On a chair;

under the chair;

For a chair;

In front of the chair.

Squirrel, we have a gift for you. The children and I learned the poem.

"Amazing Squirrels"

Once I was walking in the forest,

And looking up,

It's like I've seen the story:

What are miracles?

Hanging on a rope

dried mushrooms,

Squirrels sit nearby:

Mom and two daughters!

I put nuts

In the grass, under the pine

Once! Oreshkov trace caught a cold -

They took it with them.

Oh yes, squirrels, well done!

Pulled away quickly!

Only red tails

Flickered in the leaves.

Well done guys, she thanks you, you helped her a lot, she learned a lot, but it's time for her to return to the forest. She has prepared gifts for you - these are delicious forest nuts. The squirrel ran to rescue her friends. Goodbye! Sau bolynizdar!

Guys, this is the end of our lesson. Say goodbye to our guests!

Tatiana Krivonogova

Program content:

1. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about protein (appearance, nutrition, behavioral patterns to environmental changes).

2. Develop the ability to draw a squirrel. Learn to convey in the drawing the distinctive features of the appearance of the squirrel.

3. Improve visual skills and abilities, form artistic and creative abilities;

4. Learn to correctly position the image on a sheet of paper;

5. Develop accuracy, neatness at work. The ability to bring the work started to the end. To cultivate love for nature and respect for animals.

Materials: Sheets of paper 1/2 A 4, pencils, erasers, wax crayons, photo illustrations or pictures of squirrels, poster "Wild Animals of the Forest", presentation "Squirrel".

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment. Conversation with children.

The teacher puts up a poster "Wild animals of the forest."

A conversation about wild animals with children (children call forest animals, look at illustrations).

The teacher makes a riddle:

I wear a fluffy coat

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak

I chew nuts.

Children: Squirrel

Educator: Today we will learn how to draw a squirrel. But first, I suggest you see how the squirrel lives in the forest (view presentation).

The presentation is accompanied by a teacher's story with questions to the children. (What kind of squirrel is by nature? (fast, nimble, agile, nimble, agile, etc.) How does the squirrel move through the forest? Why does its hind legs longer than its front legs? Why does the squirrel have such a big tail? How does it help it in flight? What does the squirrel eat (in summer, in winter? What is the squirrel's body covered with? Is the squirrel's coat always the same color? Why does its color change)

2. Drawing squirrels with simple pencils. Showing the educator the squirrel drawing sequence.

Educator: Where do we start work? Where is the squirrel located on a sheet of paper? What shape is the body, ears?

Children start working on a sketch with simple pencils. The teacher supervises the work of children.

After sketching the drawing with a pencil, a physical education session is held:

The squirrel jumped and jumped. (Jumping in place)

By winter, pantries filled: (slopes)

Here - nuts (turn)

Here is a mushroom, (turn)

For sons and daughters. (Steps in place)

Independent activity of children - decorating squirrels with wax crayons. Drawing a spruce branch, walnut, snow at the request of children.

3. Bottom line. Drawing up a story from drawings, analysis of the work of comrades.

Children examine the drawings, tell what they liked, note the appearance and what kind of character the squirrel turned out to be.


Who did we draw today? (Squirrel).

What is the squirrel doing in the picture? (Squirrel sits on a spruce branch)

Well done boys!

Exhibition of works.

Related publications:

Summary of joint educational activities in drawing with children in the senior group "Octopus" Synopsis of joint educational activities in the educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development". drawing "Octopus"

Synopsis of directly educational activities in drawing in the senior group "Spring has come" Synopsis of directly educational activities in drawing in the senior group. Educator: Matveeva Nadezhda Nikolaevna Place of work:.

Summary of educational activities on decorative drawing with Gzhel painting of the senior group "Fairytale meadow" Synopsis of educational activities on decorative drawing with Gzhel painting of the senior group "Fairy meadow" Tasks. - Continue.

Summary of educational activities in drawing in the younger group "It's raining" Synopsis of educational activities in drawing in the younger group "It's raining" Program content: Tasks: Educational: learn rhythmically,.

Synopsis of the educational situation "Squirrel" in the middle group Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of combined type No. 48" Zhuravlik "of the city of Novocheboksarsk.

Synopsis of organized educational activities in drawing for children of the senior group "Mustache - Striped" Continuously organized educational activities with children of the older group. Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development."


surprise moment

Guess who will come to visit today. Then a squirrel appears, accompanied by a verse.

I am a little squirrel

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

I jump on branches

Jump-jump, jump-jump

I won't freeze in winter

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

I collect nuts

Jump jump, jump jump.


Didactic literature

  1. HSG 2-3 years. "In the forest clearing."


See Attachment.



  1. http ://www .youtube .com /watch ?v =ODBmuBlgreI - forest travelers



audio fairy tales

http://sovmult.ru/index/0-3877 - forest tales

http://sovmult.ru/index/0-3150 - handy squirrel

Demo Material

Cards and photos with the image of a squirrel.



  1. Collect puzzles
  2. The game "Guess by the shadow" what the squirrel eats
  3. Arrange in ascending order (nuts, mushrooms)
  4. Assemble according to the pattern with the help of Gyenysh blocks or figures cut out of cardboard / tile squirrel.


Squirrel treats friends. Distribute according to the task to friends animals (fox, bear, hedgehog). Count up to 3.


  1. Sort nuts by size
  2. I show a bunny and a squirrel, I say that they live in the forest and love to play together: hide and seek, catch up, hide and seek, etc. Once they decided to jump on the stumps. In a forest clearing, friends arranged stumps, and agreed that the bunny would have blue stumps, and the squirrel would have red ones.

1 option:

Everyone can jump on the stumps of their color.

Option 2:

10 cubes and arrange in a circle, alternating in color: red - blue - red - blue. Objects are located at the same distance from each other. I put the bunny on the blue cube, and the squirrel next to it on the red one and agree: “You will be the bunny, and I will be the squirrel.” The figures turn their backs to each other and begin to “jump” over the stumps, falling only on their own color, and finally they meet on the opposite side of the circle, their faces facing each other. I play this moment emotionally: the little animals greet each other, talk and scatter in the opposite direction, meeting again on the same side of the circle. The scene of the meeting is repeated. When repeating the game, I ask you to independently arrange the cubes - “stumps”, alternating them in color, shape or size.


  1. Hide the hedgehog figure and squirrels under the cups and guess.
  2. Compare two pictures and find differences.


  1. Consider carefully one picture, then remove and show two pictures that are different from each other and ask which one you saw.
  2. Show two animal figurines, then hide one and ask who ran into the forest.



1. Squirrel coloring

2. Coloring with pencils

3. Rogue Kitten coloring page


  1. Make squirrel nuts, mushrooms (roll balls)


  1. Torn paper squirrel tail
  2. Application of a squirrel on a branch
  3. Belkin's reserves
  4. EMVM 1-3 years Geometric application
  5. Onion skin squirrel
  6. Squirrel from colored semolina
  7. Make a tail out of dyed cotton
  8. red lion cub
  9. geometric applique
  10. Little dreamers. Application "Squirrel"

Speech development

Look at the picture of the squirrel and answer the questions.


1. Learning to do the exercise "Nutlet".

Squirrel clicks nuts Thoroughly,

without haste. We rest the tongue

Left, right, sideways.

With the mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue, then on the left, then on the right cheek. We perform 6-8 times. Then we givechild time to rest and relax, offer to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The squirrel is lost ”(Mom-squirrel calls the squirrel: “Ay!” The squirrel does not hear. Let's call the squirrel: “Ah-oh!” And here is Mishka stomping. He offers his help. Vowel sounds are pronounced in different variations with change in strength and pitch of voice).

Motor skills

  1. Help the squirrel to dry the mushrooms by threading the rope
  2. Help the squirrel dry the mushrooms by hanging them with clothespins
  3. Feed the squirrel (beans)
  4. Collect mushrooms in a basket. And sort out edible and inedible
  5. Tracks: help find food, get to the cones.

Finger gymnastics

A squirrel sits on a cart

Clap palms and gifts with fists against each other alternately.

She sells nuts.


Bend your fingers, starting with the big one.

Sparrow, titmouse,

Bear fat-fifth,

Mustachioed hare.

To whom in a scarf

Rhythmic hand clapping and fist bumps

Who cares

Who cares.

Physical education minute

The bear has a big house (Hands up, rise on toes.)

And the squirrel is small. (Squat down, arms outstretched in front of you.)

Our bear went home, (Stepping from foot to foot.)

And behind him is a squirrel. (Jumping.)

We see off the animals (Farewell hand movements.) And we continue the lesson.

Charging the squirrel is not lazy
Engage all day long.
From one branch, jumping to the left,
On the bitch she sat down (jump left and squat).
Then jumped to the right
Circled over the hollow (jump right and circle).
Left and right all day long
The squirrel is not too lazy to jump (jump sideways).

Game techniques aimed at developing the communicative qualities of a personality in children

COGNITIVELY - SPEECH LESSON IN 1 JUNIOR GROUP "Squirrel visiting children"

Myasnikova O.D.

Create a condition for the cognitive and speech development of children

  • enrich children's ideas about forest dwellers (squirrel), its appearance, nutrition, habitat, behavior;
  • develop interest in fiction: nursery rhymes;
  • develop fine motor skills of hands through finger play, elements of experimental activity (with crumpled paper “Paper Lumps”, “Pour Nuts”);
  • educate understanding and love for all living things.

Preliminary work:

Learning the nursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”, games with natural material “Pour nuts”, “Pour peas”.

Preparation for the lesson:

Toy "Squirrel"; paper balls with a surprise; for pouring: baskets, spoons according to the number of children, fabric bags; nuts or cones for the game "Help the squirrel", hats for the game

Lesson progress:

Knock on the door. A squirrel (toy) appears.


Here comes the squirrel

Tied a bow on her ponytail

Ding-ding, donna-donna,

Is (child's name) at home today?

/ The teacher runs his fingers up the child’s hand up to the earlobe, slightly pulls the earlobe “Ringing”. Repeat 2-3 times, with several children /

Hello guys! You recognized me?

I am a fluffy little animal

Jump on the trees, yes lope!

I came to visit you

I want to see how you've grown?

What have you learned?

Maybe I can learn something from you.


Kids, come closer to the squirrel. Look how small she is. Squirrels have fluffy, soft fur. There are ears on the head, tassels on the ears, eyes, a nose, and the squirrel also has a fluffy tail. The squirrel lives in the forest, knows how to jump on trees. The squirrel's house is a hollow. Stroke the squirrel carefully.


In the squirrel's basket for children there are gifts (paper lumps that children unfold and see a nut). Look what is it? (Invite the children to roll the nut between their palms in a circular motion and put it in the basket).

Thank you, squirrel, our kids really liked paper balls, rolling nuts.

Squirrel, listen, we will tell you and show you the nursery rhyme “A squirrel is sitting on a cart ...”

A squirrel sits on a trolley (children bang their fists)

She sells nuts

Chanterelle-sister (thumb)

Sparrow (index finger)

Titmouse (middle finger)

Mishka Tolstopyaty (ring finger)

Mustachioed hare (little finger)

To whom in a handkerchief (stroking the palms)

To whom in the mouth (stroking the palms)

Who cares (palm in fist)


The squirrel must have been hungry. Children, tell me, what does a squirrel like to eat? (cones, nuts, mushrooms). The teeth of the squirrel are strong, therefore, most of all, the squirrel likes to gnaw nuts. Let's fill the squirrels with pine nuts that grow in our forest.

/ Children work at tables, I suggest pouring nuts from the basket into bags, with spoons, all according to the number of children /


Guys, let's play the game "Little squirrels"

/ To offer children caps of squirrels at will /

Little squirrels jump on the branches (jump, hands to chest)

Fluffy ponytails flicker here and there (wag the torso from side to side)

Little squirrels froze in the wind (squat down)

How to warm their paws in autumn?

The paw strikes the paw (clap in the palm of your hand)

Warms up quickly

Jump and jump, jump and jump

And they all curled up into a ball (circular movements of the hands, come close to each other).


Guys, our squirrel is sad, she is crying. The basket fell and all the nuts fell apart. The squirrel saved the nuts for the winter. Let's help our squirrel collect nuts in a basket.

The squirrel thanks the children and leaves.

Educator: Guys, did you like to play with the squirrel? It's time for our squirrel to return home. Let's say goodbye! Where does the squirrel live? What does a squirrel store for the winter? I liked the way you played. Helped collect nuts.