Incense sticks: truth and fiction. Incense sticks Sandal (Sandal) How to extinguish incense

Aromatherapy helps lift your mood, get out of depression, relax or cheer up, create a romantic mood or focus on work. Different odors have different effects on a person. Incense exists in the form of aroma sticks, candles, oils, cones and other similar products. Choose what you like and enjoy natural flavors.

Incense has many advantages: they do not give a side effect, they look neat and are easy to use. Incense sticks come in several varieties. Burmese, Indian, Malay, Thai and Ceylon incense belong to the same group.

This category includes sticks with a core of bamboo, the basis may be charcoal or "massala". Filler oil is mixed into a mixture of charcoal dust, which is odorless, and when the stick is smoldering, you feel only aroma oil. In the second version, the product is based on aromatic plants ground into dust. The first group also includes "plasticine" incense. They contain honey and ghee. A distinctive feature of these incense is the ability to sculpt various shapes from them. They give a strong and bright aroma, so use "plasticine" should be in a large room or on the street.

Energetically the strongest are Tibetan incense sticks. All the necessary plants for them are collected in a certain way in specific places, and then they undergo an environmental assessment. The composition of one stick includes about 40 components, and during burning, the aroma can change several times. There is no bamboo base, so the products are less dense, burn out faster and may crumble.

Some loose incense is also Tibetan. They are a powder of finely ground grass. Such a mixture is poured into the aroma burner in a slide, burning coal is placed on top. You can also sprinkle these incense on an incense stick to add new smells and effects. Chinese incense sticks have an unusual shape - a spiral. Most often, these are floral or sandalwood scents, there is no basis. Unlike Tibetan, these sticks are thinner and denser. Most often they have bright colors. Chinese incense sticks promote concentration and mental clarity.

Japanese incense - with a subtle exquisite aroma that soothes a person, helps him relax. Such incense sticks have a very beautiful wooden package, which is decorated with Japanese painting.

Incense sticks of all countries are used in the same way. You should buy a special stand into which the ashes will fall. The sticks are set on fire until smoke appears. It is advisable to use no more than one incense per day so that the sense of smell is not dulled, and the pleasure of aromatherapy does not disappear.

Certain smells can help with some problems. With mental fatigue, gardenia, cedar, queen of the night, lavender, myrrh, neroli, orchid are used. Aromas of cinnamon, myrrh, lavender, sandalwood and tulasi will help to cope with depression. For a quick recovery, use incense, lemon, myrrh, sandalwood, rose.

During meditation: myrrh, sandalwood and rose. Aromas of cloves, geranium, lavender, lemon, mint and eucalyptus will help against parasites. Cedar, lavender, frankincense, lemongrass, lotus, juniper, rose, pine, and eucalyptus are used to cleanse and sanitize your home. To protect against the evil eye and unwanted guests, the smells of lemon balm, nutmeg, lavender, rosemary and thuja are used.

By choosing the right incense sticks, you can attract love and wealth to your home. The Eastern Feng Shui teaching knows a lot about this, because almost no advice on improving energy can do without incense.

Incense is a permanent attribute of any oriental home. Eastern culture uses them to scare away evil spirits, as well as to positively influence various zones and Qi energy.

Incense Sticks for the Wealth Zone

The wealth zone in any house is by default located in the southeast direction. To attract wealth by activating Qi energy, it is better to use scented incense sticks. sage, cinnamon, basil, cedar, pine or orange. These scents will help attract money and good luck into your life. As already mentioned, it is better to light them on the southeast side of the apartment.

All broken items or debris must be removed from the southeast area. Nothing superfluous should be there so as not to scare off positive energy, otherwise the ignition of the sticks simply will not work.

You can even use a combination of flavors, without giving preference to just one. Everyone will be able to find sticks to their taste, because the range of smells to attract money is very extensive.

Incense sticks that attract love

The best fragrance of love and erotica is rose petals. Incense sticks based on roses can transform your mood. They relax, tone up, awaken the senses and normalize the aura. Roses will help relieve stress, improve mood and tune in to a love mood.

Rose is the queen of all flowers - she is respected in almost all cultures, revered as the patroness of love and feelings. In feng shui, the southwest side of the house is considered the love zone. By burning incense in this zone, you will activate love energy, which will help you find your soul mate or achieve harmony in existing relationships. The love zone loves red, which can be used to enhance it. It is best to place joint photos in it, paired figurines in the form of butterflies or sweets donated by the second half.

In addition to roses, you can use scented incense sticks. geranium, bergamot, jasmine, lavender or chamomile. It will not be superfluous sometimes to use a combination of smells, and not any specific smell. Beware of placing unused items and antiques in the feng shui love zone. Get out there more often - dirt and dust attract negative energy, which destroys the aura of love.

The best quality are Indian and Thai incense sticks, which can be bought online. An excellent choice would be Chinese incense, which is made specifically for Feng Shui fans. The most expensive and exotic are Japanese incense - they will also be very effective in attracting love and money. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Sandalwood - a fragrance of spirituality, depth and sensuality

sacred aroma of meditation, brings you closer to the divine, reveals from the inside, restores the aura, relieves stress and depression, gives a feeling of well-being, aphrodisiac, increases sensuality, excites passion, cools after meditation, cleanses the room

Sandalwood famous for its woody, resinous, rich aroma, with a misty musky undertone. The fragrance of sandalwood is not strong, not flashy, without harsh notes, but very persistent. It has practically no analogue in nature. This is a classic, erotic, expensive fragrance. In India, everything that is most beautiful, expensive, the best is called a word. "chanda", those. "sandal".

In Hinduism, sandalwood is an integral part of religious services and rituals, is used in meditation, “transfers” the believer from the material world to the subtle world, brings him closer to the divine, clears the mind, helps to overcome obstacles on the path to enlightenment, helps to open the “third eye” , directs consciousness inward.

The smell of sandalwood is considered sacred, in Indian culture there has always been a clear connection between sandalwood fragrance and religious life.

According to Indian mythology, Paradise is filled with the aroma of sandalwood, the gods love it, so it was “offered” to the gods during pooja (worship) - they used incense sticks with the smell of sandalwood, added sandalwood oil to smoking lamps. Holy places were cleansed with it, they smoked it in houses to drive away evil spirits. Interestingly, the smell of sandal attracts snakes. In Indian illustrations, one can find the image of sandalwood entwined with snakes.

It is believed that the smell of sandalwood allows the soul of the deceased to reach God, as well as calm the mourners and humble them with the inevitable.

In addition, sandalwood fragrance has excellent antiseptic properties, cleansing the room and killing bacteria and germs.

The scent of sandalwood one of the classic aromatherapy fragrances. This is a complex philosophical smell. It has the following effect:

- on a psycho-emotional level- relieves anxiety, stress, depression, a state of fear, relaxes and warms, makes it possible to open up from the inside, removes barriers, releases the imagination, opens the springs of creativity, helps to adapt to changes, protects against impulsive actions that are not related to the nature of Good and Light, removes obsessive thoughts, gives a sense of well-being, eliminates tearfulness, helps to adequately meet unpleasant life surprises, in stressful situations and conflicts

- at the medical level- normalizes heart rate, nervous system, relieves irritability, gives sound sleep, treats sexual disorders caused by psychological problems, relieves sexual tension, helps to realize any love desires and fantasies, makes sexual intercourse exquisite, increases sensuality, helps with neurotic loss voice, difficulty swallowing, menopausal problems, nervous hiccups, skin inflammation, irritation of the throat and nasopharynx, relieves tension after intense mental activity

- on a magical level- excites passion, "spiritual smell" used for meditation and harmony, personifying the balance of day and night, cold and heat, male and female, spiritual depth, develops intuition, restores the aura, gives clear dreams, helps to concentrate during meditation and "cools » after meditation

Everyone knows about aroma sticks (incense sticks), some actively use them at home. And some run away from them like “hell from incense” (you can read about incense and what it is). And after all, indeed, serious passions unfolded on the Web around this oriental product:

    some claim that such incense heals;

    others - that aroma sticks are dangerous and cause cancer;

    still others complain of addiction and subsequent withdrawal upon refusal.

We decided to look into this issue, and find out where the line is between human paranoia and truth. Are incense sticks so harmful to a person, or can they still be used when fumigating a room?

What are aroma sticks?

First, let's figure out what apromapals are and why we need them or not. As we said above, these are such “dry” incense, for greater efficiency they are set on fire to create a pleasant atmosphere in the house (and not only).

Very often, such sticks are used in various rituals and ceremonies, mainly oriental ones. Since this product came to Europe and Russia from there.

Aroma sticks are usually a sliver of bamboo, with a flavored base of charcoal or masala applied to it (this is such a mix of crushed herbs and dust).

  1. If the aroma stick is black, then coal was used in its production, in the process of burning such a stick, only the smell of the aroma filler is felt.
  2. If the color of the stick is beige or brown, then it is based on masala, and its smell can be mixed with the fragrance of the main flavor.

In general, all of them can be divided into several types:

    ordinary, with chips inside,

    barrels and cones,

    baseless incense sticks,


It is not enough to use incense sticks correctly, it is very important to know the composition, because the more carcinogens in such incense, the more negatively they affect human health.

Aroma sticks for home

Since ancient times, people have fumigated their premises with a mixture of herbs. Remember at least the rituals on Lita (the ancient Celtic festival of the solstice). This was done for ritual purposes: to protect themselves from evil and attract prosperity to the house. Nowadays, incense sticks are used in completely different cases:

    for ritual purposes, yes, there is still a similar practice, only earlier the premises were fumigated with smoke from a mixture of certain herbs;

    for health, a moot point, we'll talk about it below;

    to create a certain atmosphere in the house;

    for aromatization of rooms.

Types of various aroma sticks

Such incense, in addition to their different types, have different countries of origin, different production technology, different manufacturers, different compositions, and, in the end, different properties. We will consider the most popular of them.

Incense sticks for home from India

India, according to one version, is the birthplace of incense in the form of sticks. And they are very widespread there, they are lit (more correctly, burnt) during many festivities directly in temples, other sacred places and sometimes in houses. In Russia, such incense is the most popular and widespread.

Such incense is made in a simple way: a certain composition is applied to the basis of bamboo chips, which is impregnated with essential oils for several days for aromatization. Indian aroma sticks have a very rich smell and quickly fill the room with it.

Popular flavors:

    eucalyptus, it is believed that it perfectly relieves the symptoms of a cold;

  • patchouli is often used to excite passion.


Chinese incense is usually released in the form of thin spirals. They do not always have any base, so they are most often sold in the form of barrels, boats and baskets.

Popular flavors:




Aroma sticks from Thailand, almost the same as from India, but packaged brighter. And, what is most interesting, they are inferior in quality, but they are more expensive.

Tibetan incense sticks

They are considered the most environmentally friendly, because the plants for their manufacture are harvested in the Himalayan mountains by hand, within a certain time frame. The composition of such sticks includes about forty various elements.

Tibetan flavored incense is created from herbs and minerals by pressing. Therefore, they have no basis inside. In the process of burning, they can change their aroma.

Nepalese incense

Flavored sticks from Nepal, in their composition, are the same as the Tibetan ones: pressed baseless. A distinctive feature of Nepalese incense is that they have a very strong long-lasting aroma. They can be lit for a couple of minutes, and then put out and enjoy the fragrance:

  • cedar and others.

Aromasticks from Japan

They are considered one of the highest quality products on this market: the Japanese honor high quality and naturalness. In addition, the manufacture of aroma sticks in this country is a family business. From which it follows that:

    most of them are made by hand;

    their recipes are unique, kept as a family treasure and passed down from generation to generation;

    raw materials are collected in certain places at certain times.

Japanese flavored sticks, as well as Nepalese - baseless, do not have perfume additives, their aroma is not distorted by foreign impurities.

The benefits and harms of aroma sticks

Incense sticks are the most popular type of incense used for fumigating rooms. They deserve such fame and love because of their ease of use and low price (you can buy incense sticks for the home for 300 rubles). And no one doubts the power of aromas for a long time. Remember the wonders of aromatherapy.

Therefore, it is very important to know how to “manage” them correctly in order to bring maximum benefit and minimum harm.

First, you need to deal with the harmful and dangerous aspects of burning these incense:

The systematic use of aroma sticks can cause cancer of the upper respiratory tract. This was proved by Danish scientists, in particular the work of Jeppe Friborg and his colleagues.

From 1993 to 1998, scientists observed 60,000 lovers of burning aroma sticks in the premises, and found out:

The more the patient used incense sticks in his life, the greater was the risk of developing cancer of the upper respiratory tract. The statistical significance of the result is 99.6%. For example, the incidence of squamous carcinomas in those who like to burn incense is almost twice as high.

In all other cases, for example, the occurrence of cancer of the throat, lungs and oral cavity, the difference is not very large. But in general, it is not in favor of those who like to burn incense.

Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from the negative effects of aroma sticks:

  1. do not burn them too often and a lot, especially in small rooms with poor ventilation;
  2. you should buy only a natural product, if when burning a stick, you smell synthetics, then this is a bad sign.

The benefits of smoking aroma sticks

To begin with, we note that they don't cure any diseases.. Heals only modern medicine and some folk methods, but in conjunction with the advice of doctors. So if you want to buy aroma sticks just for this - in vain.

    But they relax, cheer up, create comfort.

    Some fragrances are aphrodisiacs.

    And if you are interested in esotericism, then certain smells will help mobilize your inner strength and protect you from evil.

In general, the theme of the power of aromas is very, very great. There will be a separate article for her.

How to use aroma sticks at home?

  1. The scented stick must be placed on a special stand for incense.
  2. Then light the wand, it is necessary that it catches fire (a small light should light up).
  3. Then just blow out the flame and leave the wand to smolder.
  4. In order for the stick to be completely extinguished, it must be thrust with its smoldering end into the sand.
Important! Smoldering aroma sticks should be supervised, and put them away from other objects. To keep nothing on fire.

Buy aroma sticks

A very difficult question is which aroma sticks to choose. After all, it is important that they are both natural, and inexpensive, and not harmful. It seems that all this is impossible to combine, but we will try to figure it out. So.

    The most common are HEM Indian charcoal sticks. They have a huge selection of all kinds of flavors. But, as we found out, they are carbon-based, and although they have a bright saturated smell, they are not safe. No, you can buy them (they have a natural Florence series), and there are products not on coal, but on bamboo chips (they have a dark brown color).

    Satya (Satya) - premium aroma sticks. They are not considered the best, HEM is more famous in this regard. However, if the package is marked "Masala incense", then this means that the class of the product is quite high.

    Sital - has light aromas.

    Tibetan incense Om.

    Sorig is a Tibetan manufacturer.

    YAK is a very famous manufacturer of Tibetan incense.

    Shambhala (Tibet)

    Shoyeido is one of the best manufacturers of Japanese incense sticks.

And many others. There are many manufacturers, and it is best to look at countries: Tibet, Nepal, Japan, well, or India, if you want classics.

We will offer you several options where you can buy aroma sticks for your home. Verified store (AliExpress), the author of this article made purchases in it.

By the way, you can also buy a cool stand for flavored sticks there. Fortunately, the choice is wide (just go to the main category).

P.S. Pay attention to fragrances and their choice. What suits one person doesn't always suit another.

To use incense sticks in our country at the beginning at the end of the 20th century, just with the advent of new trends in oriental culture (feng shui, yoga, etc.). The product is used for various rituals, relaxation, treatment, rituals of magic and simply as a means for flavoring the air.

What are incense sticks?

The incense stick is a base made of natural wood in the form of a stick of small diameter, which is impregnated with an odorous mixture, namely, essential oils. To feel the incense, the aroma stick must be set on fire. Outgoing aromas are designed to create a unique mood, sharpen feelings and change the state of a person at the physical level.

There are many legends that such incense was used only by sorcerers, so in many eastern countries they were banned in the Middle Ages. In fact, modern scientific research has disproved the supernatural or magical powers of aromatics. The impact on the body is carried out through the influence of essential oil, which exudes a smell when burned.

Why are incense sticks so popular among other aromatherapy products? The secret is simple - ease and ease of use, low cost, the ability to combine with any style of interior. Plus, they are easy to make at home.

Types and purpose

Sticks from India

Made from bamboo. This is the most popular type, as it has the most pronounced aroma.

The fact is that during the production process, the Indians initially apply an odorous mixture to the base and only then soak the sticks in essential oils for several days. This makes it possible to obtain a double flavor.

At home, sticks are used for meditation, temple rites. The most popular oils are: eucalyptus, patchouli, sandalwood.

Aroma sticks from Nepal

The production technology is different: herbs and minerals are used. The collected raw materials are subjected to long-term pressing, resulting in the shape of a stick.

A feature of these sticks is that they need to be set on fire for a maximum of 3 minutes. This time is enough to fully fill the room with aromas. The scent is strong and lasts quite a long time.

Nepalese use red or white sandalwood, jasmine, lotus, pine, geranium, cedar as the main material. At home, products are used for relaxation, treatment.

Aroma sticks from Tibet

They are made according to the type of Nepalese products, but one stick can contain up to 4 dozen herbs that are harvested by hand, and in the Himalayas. Tibetans adhere to special rules: herbs are harvested at a certain time, not only manual collection, but all subsequent work, up to packaging. For this reason, such aroma sticks have a high cost.

The remains after burning the stick can also be used, for example, for massages or acupuncture treatments. Another plus is that in the process of smoldering the sticks change their smell. Such sticks can be ground to a powder and then added to your favorite cream or ointment.

Products from China

Always have the shape of a spiral, boat, barrel or basket. Such funds act identically to sticks. The shape is thought out on the basis of Chinese philosophy - incandescent spirals resemble vital coils, thanks to which any problem and question can be resolved. Burning occurs exclusively in a clockwise direction.

Today you can find a lot of fake aroma sticks that are produced far from the indicated countries. Their danger lies in the fact that they do not contain natural raw materials, but synthetic ones, which harm the body. It is easy to distinguish them: for example, straight sticks are never made in China, and many unfortunate manufacturers produce just such, indicating that these products are from China.

See in our video how incense sticks are made:

What smells of aroma sticks are there?

The smell of an incense stick directly depends on the raw materials used. For example, almond sticks smell like almonds, mint sticks smell like mint, sandalwood sticks smell like sandalwood, and so on. It can be sweet, tart, bitter, sour and other flavors.

Each fragrance has its own properties:

  • Herb mint, savory, oregano, lavender, myrrh, jasmine and almond. These products have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, act as adaptogens.
  • Tea tree, marjoram, chamomile, sandalwood, lemon balm, geranium and frankincense have sedative properties. Smells neutralize depression, soothe, restore sleep, eliminate fatigue.
  • But with the help of cinnamon, orange, lemon, rosemary, cedar, fennel, magnolia and camphor, on the contrary, you can find vigor and recharge your batteries. These smells have a positive effect on brain function.

How to use?

To light an incense stick, it is enough to use matches. But there are also special rules:
  • Take care of fire safety. Do not place aroma sticks near flammable objects.
  • The tip of the stick should be set on fire. Immediately after it ignites, blow it out a little, as it should smolder, not burn.
  • Remember that ash will fall off the product, which can burn through the tablecloth, paper and other surfaces. Therefore, it is advisable to substitute a fireproof object under the stick.
  • Do not light several aroma sticks at the same time, especially different ones. Remember that even one stick can fill the room with the smell as much as possible.
  • If there is no window in the room or you do not have the opportunity to ventilate the room, then it is better not to use aroma products.
  • Do not buy too cheap analogues, they will bring harm instead of good.
  • It is undesirable to use such products daily.

Useful properties of aroma sticks

Undoubtedly, there are benefits from the use of aromatic devices. They have antifungal and antimicrobial properties, which will disinfect the home.

When the plague "walked" around the world, the inhabitants of cities and villages kindled coniferous fires. Their acrid smoke acted as a bactericidal agent. Incense sticks work in a similar way. Therefore, their use in colds is fully justified.

Incense is also useful for human health, especially for the nervous system. Some herbs can kill insects, such as eucalyptus, mint and lemon. If you are afraid of the evil eye and damage, then it is recommended to use juniper, tangerine, incense and lotus.

Is there any harm?

If used incorrectly, aroma products can harm the body, especially if used more than 2 times a week.

Scientists conducted studies, as a result of which it turned out that smoldering smoke leads to lung cancer, because it is this organ that filters harmful substances coming from the air.

Many people have an allergic reaction to certain herbs, which is manifested by severe headaches, watery eyes, sneezing, and itchy skin. Therefore, at the slightest discomfort, refuse to fumigate the room.

Pay special attention to the quality indicators of sticks - purchase them in specialized stores. Remember: a quality product in a dry state should not have sharp aromas, and low-quality fakes contain synthetic harmful impurities with a pronounced odor.

How to make incense sticks with your own hands?

If you want to save on the purchase of a product or want to be sure of its quality, then make them yourself. For this you will need:
  • buy a natural bamboo base or ordinary barbecue skewers (maximum length - 30 cm, minimum - 15);
  • choose the right essential oil;
  • pick up a beautiful vase or bottle (to match the interior);
  • prepare refined oil and alcohol.
Combine vegetable oil with essential oil. You need enough liquid to cover one third of the stick. On average, 50 mg of essential oil can be taken for 200 ml of ordinary oil. If you want a more intense flavor, add a little more. Alcohol is enough 2 teaspoons (it will make the smell more stable).

Pour the resulting mixture into a beautiful container and insert the bamboo base. As the stick is soaked with an odorous mixture, the room will be filled with a pleasant aroma. The advantage of such a wand is that you do not need to set fire to it. Consequently, the aroma will be gentle and your lungs will not suffer.

Another option for making incense sticks without the need to set them on fire is presented in this video:

Now you know everything about aroma sticks, it remains only to choose the necessary aroma. Employees of specialized stores will help you to do this. On your own, you can also determine the smell, but on an intuitive level: if the aroma gives pleasure, there is no discomfort, then this smell is yours.