Haircuts according to the lunar calendar for November. When to cut your hair in November: favorable dates according to the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar for hair cutting for November

Useful tips

November 2014 will start from days of the waxing moon, but at the very beginning of the month the Moon will make not the most successful aspects with the malefic planets, completing complex configurations. Therefore, if you have a desire to change your image, get a completely new hairstyle for yourself, or seek complex hair treatments, it is better to do it after November 10.

Do not forget about the rules for cutting hair on the days of the waxing and waning moon. During the waxing moon, those who want their hair to have their hair cut grew back quickly, and on a decreasing scale - whoever wishes keep longer hair shape. Also, on the days of the waning moon, you should not dye your hair. The moon is growing from November 1 to 6 and from November 23 to 31; decreases from November 7 to 22.

All new procedures to treat and improve the appearance of hair are better start with the new lunar month: after November 23.

Extremely unfavorable days for complex hair procedures and image changes: November 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29. It is better not to visit salons and hairdressers on days when the Moon is in bad aspect with Venus: 6, 14, 29 .

Better days for working with hair in November 2014: 13, 15, 16 and 23.

From November 16 Venus, the planet of beauty, moves out of an unfavorable and uncomfortable sign Scorpion into a fire sign Sagittarius, so if you do decide to undergo complex procedures, especially using various exotic cosmetics, wait until Venus is in Sagittarius. And although Sagittarius is also not the most comfortable place for her, she is still more comfortable in Sagittarius.

During this period, you may have a desire to do some perfect hairstyle, however, the pursuit of ideal, as we know, often ends in disappointment. You shouldn’t get your hopes up too much, and for a haircut and a new hairstyle, it’s better to go to a trusted hairdresser, not necessarily a famous or fashionable one. Also at this time there is a risk of spending too much money on looks.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar section for November 2014:

Favorable days for haircuts according to the lunar calendar


Moon without course from 10:22

On this day the Moon is in an unfavorable configuration with Saturn and Jupiter, so there is a risk that you will leave the hairdresser extremely dissatisfied. In addition, the Moon will be without a course for almost the entire day. Put off complex hair treatments. The sign of Pisces is also not particularly conducive to haircuts. Today it’s better not to do your hair at all and not even bother your head.

Today the Moon and Venus are in very favorable aspect, therefore, hair care should bring good results (nourishing masks, light styling), but you shouldn’t get a haircut today, since the Moon in the sign of Pisces does not promise an excellent haircut. It is also better not to dye your hair, and you should not expose your hair to any chemical exposure.

Moon without course from 13:05

Unfavorable day for various complex hair procedures, especially after noon. Only home care is allowed.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring

Today the head is vulnerable, so any complex procedures with hair are not recommended, but nourishing masks from natural products will be beneficial. In the coming days, home hair care will be very effective. You shouldn't cut your hair or dye your hair today, but especially avoid curling or straightening it.

Moon without course from 17:25

Cutting your hair is still not recommended, but especially today it is dangerous to expose your hair to high temperatures. Today you cannot use a hot hairdryer, straightener, curling iron, etc. Do without these styling tools, and if this is not possible, at least use special heat protection products for your hair.

Today also not a good day for haircuts - the Moon is in negative aspect with Venus. However, home care is not prohibited: nourishing hair masks at home will not hurt.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and coloring


Full moon at 02:24

Today it is better to postpone going to the hairdresser because Moon damage malefic Saturn. The hairstyle will be far from perfect, and you will leave the hairdresser disappointed. Today it is also prohibited to use any chemicals. It is better to delay starting hair treatment.

Today neutral day for haircuts and other procedures except coloring. However, remember that the Moon will begin to wane, so hair cut today will not grow quickly. Recommended today cut bangs. Men's haircuts will also work well.

Today you can do light and airy hairstyles and styling. Hairstyles with a corrugated iron and curlers, hairstyles in the “creative chaos” style, as well as hairstyles with disheveled braids will work well. You should not braid African braids today, as they may turn out sloppy.

Moon without course until 12:38

Today is not the best day to go to the hairdresser for many reasons: firstly, the sign of Cancer is not conducive to successful haircuts, and secondly, on the Moon without a course it is not recommended to undertake anything new, including do new hairstyles, and thirdly, today the Moon is in unfortunate aspects with Mars, Pluto and Uranus, which is also unfavorable for endeavors. This is a rather traumatic aspect, so it’s easy damage your hair.

Today it is better not to do anything at all and spend this day in a calm and relaxing environment.

Today you can apply for removal of unwanted hair, especially in the area underarms, bikini or face. New hair will grow slowly and will be thin and weak. If you would like to seek epilation, that is, permanent hair removal, you can schedule your first procedure today.

Moon without course from 13:17

You can still remove unwanted hair in the first half of the day. After noon it's better to refuse from any complex procedures. In general, today is an unfavorable day for hair care. It's better not to even wash your hair at all.

Moon without course until 11:08

Today is a good day for hair cutting and various procedures, especially in order to get rid of various problems with hair. Hair can be cleaned well using various products. You can use salon treatments, for example, exfoliate your scalp and then use masks to enhance hair growth. Exfoliation helps cleanse the scalp of a layer of dead cells, which will allow the mask to work better. It should be done once a month.

Not a bad day for cutting, styling, and curling your hair. Today, any procedures are allowed, except for coloring. Paint applied on the days of the waning moon will wash off quickly. Cleansing masks and scalp peeling are still very useful, as well as rinsing your hair well with infusions medicinal herbs.

Haircut days according to the lunar calendar

Moon without course from 15:12

A good time to visit in the morning trichologist for those who have problems with hair and scalp. Today the correct diagnosis will be made and the correct treatment will be prescribed. For those who have brittle and weak hair, we advise you to start comprehensive care: review your diet, learn how to get rid of stress, study ways to restore hair.

Today is an unfavorable day for complex procedures due to damage to the Moon. Allowed home daily care and homemade hair masks, especially for volume and cleansing. You can do a light massage with a brush or fingers.

In the afternoon, you can go to the hairdresser, but it is better not to seek complex salon procedures, such as lamination, curling, or hair straightening. Also Don't dye your hair: the paint will quickly change color. Today you can cut your bangs.

Moon without course until 09:31

In the last days before the new moon you can devote home hair care. Also today you can use products to get rid of dandruff, including homemade ones.

A stressful and unfavorable day is the last day before the new moon. Moreover, today is also the Moon going into conjunction with Saturn, and this is an aspect of a bad mood, so do not be surprised that from the very morning you may not be in the most favorable mood. Today, treat yourself to relaxing treatments, but you shouldn’t go to the hairdresser, as you are guaranteed to be disappointed.

Hair cutting according to the lunar calendar

New Moon at 16:33


This is one of most favorable days month to go to the hairdresser, especially for those who dream of changing their image, getting a new hairstyle or dyeing their hair a new color. Today the Moon is in conjunction with Venus, so all procedures aimed at improving appearance and self-care will be very effective. Today is a good time to get a haircut for those who are growing long hair: they will start growing quickly.

You can do lamination, shielding and other complex procedures aimed at nutrition and improvement hair appearance.

Moon without course

Today it is not recommended to seek complex hair treatments, as the Moon will be without a course all day. Allowed home care, masks for nutrition and volume based on natural ingredients. Today you can get a haircut. Especially allowed trim the ends hair if you are growing long hair.

It's time to schedule your hair cut in November.

Choosing the best day to cut your hair. When is the best time to cut your hair in November for hair growth or to maintain your hairstyle?

First, let's look at the lunar calendar.

The moon will wane in November from the 8th to the 21st.

Now we choose the most favorable and successful day for washing.

Waxing Crescent

November 2— Today you can cut your hair if you want to make your life brighter and more interesting. You can also dye your hair. Dyeing your hair in copper and gold shades will allow you to make a profit in the near future. On this day, you need to style your hair carefully and thoughtfully.

November 4- This is a favorable day for cutting hair. It will not only bring health to your hair, but will also enhance your attractiveness. It is not recommended to dye your hair today, even with tonic. Today you can create a wonderful hairstyle yourself at home.

November 5— According to the lunar calendar, cutting your hair on this day should bring good luck to you. Today it is recommended to dye hair only with gentle dyes. If you change your style today, part it in the middle or on the side, it will have a positive effect on your health.

Waning moon

11th of November— If you want to increase your life expectancy, then be sure to cut your hair on this day. Dyeing your hair a natural color will allow you to attract the right people to you. Comb your hair more often to receive positive energy.

the 13th of November- Today, cutting your hair can bring prosperity and good luck to you. Dye your hair blonde and red to attract positive and fair people. Today you can add some toughness to your character with the help of metal hair clips and pins.

15th of November - A haircut at this time will help you not only change your image, but also make your complexion more even. Today you can dye your hair absolutely any color. To maintain positive energy now, curl your hair in large curls.

November 16- This is a very bad day to cut your hair. You can dye your hair only with natural dyes. Today it is recommended to do your hair in waves.

November 18th— The most favorable day for cutting hair is in November. A haircut today will bring you only joy. By coloring your hair in a natural shade, you will find a common language with people. It is recommended to comb your hair on this day.

November 19— Today is the ideal day to change your image, so any hair cut is possible. On this day you can change the color of your hair to any one. Today, hair styling must be feminine.

20 November— If you cut your hair today, you will attract increased attention from people of the opposite sex. However, you shouldn't dye your hair today. No need to do a fancy hairstyle today. Quite simple, but tasteful.

Waxing Crescent

November 26— Today is a favorable time for cutting hair. You may even become significantly richer after cutting your hair. If you want to sign a lucrative contract, dye your hair light. This will make you look much more attractive. Today you need to do voluminous hairstyles - they will have a great effect on your health.

November 30th— Favorable time for cutting hair. Your health will improve, good luck will come and life will become much brighter. If you dye your hair a light shade today, you can avoid most mishaps. Today, when styling your hair, you should pin your hair up as high as possible.

I wish you excellent haircuts and a “light” hand from the master.))))

All women attach special importance to their hair. Well-groomed and timely trimmed hair is the calling card of a true lady. That is why you need to very carefully select the days on which you should plan a visit to the hair salon. The lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for November 2014 will help you with this.

Growth phase. Moon until 21:13 in Aquarius, then in Pisces.

Taking care of your hair today will give excellent results, but you should not cut it. In terms of hair coloring, the day is neutral. To strengthen your immune system, you should paint yourself with natural dyes. Today, comb your hair with wooden combs as often as possible.

Growth phase. Moon in Pisces.

It's a treacherous time for a haircut; a visit to the hairdresser will not lead to anything good. Dyeing your hair is fashionable. Giving your hair a golden or copper tone will bring you profit.

Growth phase. Moon in Pisces until 23:40.

The moon today carries negative energy. After a haircut, you will feel a loss of strength and a streak of failure will befall you. If you dye your hair with natural substances, you can attract success.

Growth phase. Moon in Aries.

The adverse effects are still ongoing, so it is better to plan a haircut for another period. You should also not dye your hair, even with tonic.

Moon in Aries. Growth phase.

Favorable time for haircuts and hair coloring. The chosen color will bring you good luck.

Growth phase. Moon from 02:26 in Taurus.

Today you can shape your hair or simply trim your hair. You shouldn't have short haircuts. You can dye your hair any color you like.

The Moon is in Taurus. At 02:21 the Full Moon will occur.

An unfavorable day for haircuts, as they will not keep their shape. You can dye your hair dark colors and only with natural coloring pigments.

Waning phase. Moon from 06:53 in Gemini.

Getting a haircut will bring you fear and despondency, so put off going to the hairdresser. There is also no need to dye your hair.

Waning phase. Moon in Gemini.

On this day, haircuts and hair coloring are allowed. A haircut will bring something new and positive into your life. Dyeing your hair light will improve your financial situation.

Waning phase. Moon from 13:18 in Cancer.

Today, haircuts are unfavorable for hair growth. In addition, after the hairdresser you may lose something important. That's why you can reschedule your visit to the salon. You can only wear colors that have a positive impact on your life.

Waning phase. Moon in Cancer.

Refrain from changing your image, this day is not suitable for this. Cutting hair and nails is strictly prohibited, as this can lead to breakage. You can tint your hair a little.

November 12, 2014 (Wednesday) – from 22:33 the 21st lunar day begins, and until this time the 20th day lasts.

Waning phase. Moon until 21:36 in Cancer.

A haircut will not bring anything positive, only worries and frustrations. It is advisable to dye your hair only with natural dyes.

November 13, 2014 (Thursday) – from 23:37 the 22nd lunar day begins, and until 23:37 the 21st lunar day lasts.

Waning phase. Moon in Leo.

Good time for haircuts. Together with old hair, you can get rid of bad thoughts. Who hasn't had time to get a haircut yet - do it today. Dye your hair red and blonde to attract good people.

Waning phase. Moon in Leo. At 19:16 the Last Quarter will begin.

Today it is not recommended to get a haircut, as the time for this is quite unfavorable. You can dye your curls only in natural shades. In order to fully maintain your energy balance at the proper level during this period, it is recommended to comb your hair as often as possible.

November 15, 2014 (Saturday) – from 00:42 the 23rd lunar day begins, and until 00:42 the 22nd lunar day lasts.

Waning phase. Moon from 11:25 in Virgo.

It's another great day on the calendar for coloring and cutting. Feel free to go to the hairdresser.

November 16, 2014 (Sunday) – from 01:48 the 24th lunar day begins, and until this moment the 23rd lunar day lasts.

Waning phase. Moon in Virgo.

The lunar calendar for hair cutting and coloring for November 2014 suggests that this is a neutral day. You can only dye your hair with natural dyes.

Waning phase. Moon until 22:40 in Virgo.

All clients of the hairdressing salon will feel an incredible surge of energy and strength today. It is better to dye your hair only with natural pigments, so as not to spoil your hair.

Waning phase. Moon in Libra.

Favorable period. You can safely go to your chosen hairdresser. Make up in a natural shade, because this way you can find a common language with the right people. It is recommended to comb your hair thoroughly on this day.

Waning phase. Moon in Libra.

Today is simply the perfect day to change your usual image, and therefore any haircut is possible. On this day you can also change the color of the strands and all your hair.

Moon from 08:17 in Scorpio. Waning phase.

Neutral period. You can get a haircut, but it’s better to put off coloring. On such days, it is best to go for simple and affordable hairstyles.

Waning phase. Moon in Scorpio.

Today, after getting a haircut, you can get seriously ill and even shorten your life. Postpone it to another day.

November 22, 2014 (Saturday) – from 08:43 the 30th lunar day begins, and from 16:32 – the 1st lunar day.

The New Moon will begin at 16:31. The Moon will be in Sagittarius from 16:44.

Do not cut your hair under any pretext, as grief may befall you. Hair coloring is allowed only with natural pigments and light colors.

Growing phase. Moon in Sagittarius.

All haircuts today will give your hair strength and energy. If you dye your hair in red and gold shades, it will bring you profit.

Waxing phase. Moon in Sagittarius until 21:28.

A good day for coloring and haircuts.

Moon in Capricorn. Waxing phase.

A good time to visit the hairdresser. Styling works very well on days like this.

Waxing phase. Moon in Capricorn.

The moon is still accumulating energy, so it has a neutral influence. You can cut your hair and dye your hair.

Waxing phase. Moon in Aquarius from 00:30.

Getting a haircut today can lead to dandruff and other hair problems. Postpone going to the specialist.

November is the last month of autumn, people called it “the gates of winter”, “pre-winter”, and Pushkin described it in his poem as: A sad time! The charm of the eyes!” It is from this time that we begin to warm ourselves, take out hats, jackets, scarves, boots. Let's not forget about hair. As winter approaches, they need increased attention. Elite hair cosmetics TM “Placent Formula” will ensure health and beauty, and the lunar haircut calendar for November will tell you about favorable days for various manipulations with hair.

Those who dream of growing their hair quickly, pay attention to the time of the Waxing Moon. These days, you can safely go to the hairdresser to cut off your split ends. If you rub a preparation based on aloe vera juice and placenta extract into your scalp, you will grow thick and stunningly beautiful curls in a short time. The product enhances metabolism, normalizes blood circulation, stimulates hair growth, strengthens roots, and stops hair loss.

Nov. 1, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waxing (10th lunar day) - haircut is undesirable, so as not to cut off your luck. A favorable day for coloring. It will be especially useful to massage the scalp.

November 2, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waxing (11th lunar day) - dyeing your hair in copper or light shades will attract good events and the right people into your life, and a haircut will make it more interesting.

the 3rd of November, Moon in the sign of Aries, Waxing (12th lunar day) - haircut is taboo. To experience an energy boost on this day, do an unusual hair styling.

November 4, Moon in the sign of Aries, Waxing (13th lunar day) - a very favorable time for manipulating hair, including cutting: it will have a positive effect on the hair, it will grow healthy and strong. Postpone coloring for another day.

November 5, Moon in the sign of Aries, Waxing (14th lunar day) - good luck will always be with you if you get a haircut on this day. It is recommended to do your hair with a side or even parting.

November 6, Moon in the sign of Taurus, Waxing (15th lunar day) - postpone the visit to the hairdresser for a more favorable time. A haircut will cause headaches.

November 7, Moon in the sign of Taurus, Full Moon occurs at 01:21 (16th lunar day) - dark colors are allowed. A good hairstyle for this day is hair tied up in a bun. Do not get a haircut, so as not to provoke health problems.

November 8-10, Moon in the sign Gemini, Waning (17,18,19th lunar day) - time is unfavorable for haircuts, can attract minor injuries and illness of pets

11th of November, Moon in the sign of Cancer, Waning (19th lunar day) - a haircut on this day prolongs life. Add frequent brushing and get a positive boost of energy.

November 12, Moon in the sign of Cancer, Waning (20th lunar day) - postpone your visit to the hairdresser. Today your hair should not be touched by strangers.

the 13th of November, Moon in the sign of Leo, Waning (21st lunar day) - a good time for cutting and dyeing in red and light colors. They will bring prosperity and good luck.

November 14, Moon in the sign Leo, Last Quarter (22nd lunar day) - in order not to gain weight, postpone the haircut for a more favorable day.

15th of November, Moon in the sign of Virgo, Waning (23rd lunar day) - do whatever you want with your hair: curl it, dye it, cut it. The condition of the skin will improve, the complexion will become more even, and the image will be updated in a positive direction.

November 17, Moon in the sign of Virgo, Waning (24-25th lunar day) - a haircut will provoke conflicts, health problems and various troubles.

November 18-19, Moon in the sign of Libra, Waning (26-27th lunar day) - a favorable time for a visit to a beauty salon. You will become even more charming and charismatic, and your relationships with others will improve.

20 November, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Waning (28th lunar day) - a haircut will make you the most attractive and irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. There will be no end to the fans.

One way or another, the cycles of the moon influence human life. We have already talked more than once about when you should cut your hair, taking into account the cycles of the Moon. Astrologers also warn that the position of the moon is directly related to a person’s life. Lunar cycles can have a beneficial effect on a person's health or cause a disorder.

In any case, we have selected the most positive days on which you can cut and dye your hair. Let's discuss the cycles of the moon in more detail and when astrologers recommend cutting and coloring your hair! The beginning of the month will be an excellent period for cutting and coloring your hair, but at the end of November it is better to postpone going to the hairdresser.

*The days on which hair cutting is recommended are marked in red.
November 1—Waxing Moon in Pisces. On this day, astrologers do not recommend cutting your hair, but you can dye it, but only with natural dyes. All hair health treatments are welcome.
November 2—Waxing Moon in Pisces. You should not cut your hair on this day; cutting your hair will have a bad effect on your energy.
November 3—Waxing Moon in Aries. A haircut on this day will have a bad effect on your health. It's best to put off going to the hairdresser.
November 4—Waxing Moon in Aries. On this day, astrologers recommend dyeing your hair, but radical options are best left for later. It is better not to cut your hair.
November 5— Growing Moon in Aries. A great day to color and cut your hair. Energy and money hair cutting.
November 6— Growing Moon in Taurus. If you want to get your hair cut, be sure to have it on this day. By the way, it is not recommended to radically dye your hair on this day.
November 7 – Full Moon, Moon in Taurus. Hair should not be cut or dyed.
November 8—Waxing Moon in Gemini. 16th lunar day, an unfavorable day for cutting hair. This is a negative day for cutting hair from a health perspective.
November 9— Waning Moon in Gemini. This is a money haircut that can be done on this day.
November 10 - Waning Moon in Cancer. Cutting hair and dyeing it is not recommended. It's better to postpone going to the hairdresser until later.
November 11 - Waning Moon in Cancer. You should not cut your hair on this day; it is better to dye your hair with natural dyes to protect your hair from damage as much as possible.
November 12 - Waning Moon in Leo. This is an unfavorable day for cutting hair, which will negatively affect hair health. You should not cut your hair on this day.
November 13 - Waning Moon in Leo. Today's haircut may bring failure in business or you simply won't like it.
November 14— Waning Moon in Leo. The 22nd lunar day is a great day for coloring and cutting hair.
November 15 - Waning Moon in Virgo. This is a negative day for cutting hair.
November 16— Waning Moon in Virgo. An energetically positive day for cutting hair, but coloring should be postponed until later.
November 17— Waning Moon in Libra. Today's haircut will be monetary. Be sure to cut the ends of your hair; coloring is also allowed.
November 18th— Waning Moon in Libra. A positive day for cutting hair, coloring is also encouraged.
November 19 - Waning Moon in Libra. On this day, it is better not to visit the salon, but to postpone hair coloring to another time.
November 20 - Waning Moon in Scorpio. A haircut on this day can affect the health of your hair, and there is a high chance that you will not like it.
November 21— Waning Moon in Scorpio. The last positive day for cutting hair before the New Moon.
November 22 New Moon in Sagittarius. During the new moon, it is not recommended to take any steps to shape your haircut and hairstyle. You should also not dye your hair or perform hair health treatments.
November 23— Growing Moon in Sagittarius. 1 lunar day, an excellent period for cutting hair. A haircut on this day will speed up hair growth and have a positive impact on your financial condition.
November 24— Growing Moon in Capricorn. Another positive day for cutting hair.
November 25— Growing Moon in Capricorn. On this day you can carry out all hair manipulations, especially health-improving ones.
November 26— Growing Moon in Aquarius. Good day for a haircut.
November 27— Growing Moon in Aquarius. A great day for coloring your hair, but for a haircut it is completely neutral.
November 28— Growing Moon in Aquarius. If you decide to dye your hair, do it today. Astrologers warn that on this day it is better not to radically cut your hair; you can trim the ends or cut off your bangs.
November 29—Waxing Moon in Pisces. A negative day for cutting hair from an energy point of view.
November 30—Waxing Moon in Pisces. 8th lunar day, the last day of the month and one of the most unfavorable periods for cutting and coloring hair. If you have planned a haircut on this day, it is better to reschedule it for another time.