Scenario of the matinee "Osenina" (senior group). Autumn in kindergarten. Scenario. Senior group Scenario of the holiday in the old city of autumn


According to the cheerful Russian folk style, children enter the hall


The guest gifted autumn with fruit harvests,

Drizzling rains, a basket of forest mushrooms

So let's celebrate autumn with song, dance and games.

The meetings will be joyful, Autumn, this is your holiday!

Leading: Hello, dear guests!

Welcome to us!
We invite you to the distant past.
We learn a lot about the autumn holidays.
Our relatives and great-grandfathers sacredly bequeathed -
Remember their traditions in joy and in sorrow.

So that they work well and have fun freely.

May our Russia be rich and contented.

Yes, Russian people knew how to work, all work was held in high esteem. But when the holidays came, everyone, young and old, had fun widely, cheerfully, with all their hearts. That’s what people used to say: “If you know how to work, you know how to have fun!” So we're going to have some fun today. The harvest has been collected from the fields, orchards and vegetable gardens. The cellars are bursting with autumn gifts. It's not scary to go into winter. After all, as people used to say, “Autumn is stocky, winter is tidy!” Let's thank autumn today and glorify it with our songs and dances.

In the old days, people loved Autumn and celebrated it long and cheerfully. Autumn had many holidays: Autumn, Rain, Cabbage, Kuzminki, Pokrov. And each of this holiday had its own traditions. We will remember them today.

On Semyonov's day the first Autumns were celebrated. From this day Indian Summer began. Autumn- harvest festival. The whole family gathered together at the table and a feast was held. The table had to have oatmeal, eggs, cottage cheese, honey, berry jam, everything that autumn generously bestowed. Then they played games and danced, sang songs, and thanked autumn for its generosity.

Cabbage"- these are girls' get-togethers, during which they prepared cabbage for the winter. Smartly dressed peasant girls went around all the houses of their village with songs and helped the owners chop cabbage.

1.Lots of gifts for us this fall

I brought it with me in a basket,

And now, Princess Autumn,

We will honor you.

2. Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit

With abundant bread,

With high sheaves,

With falling leaves and rain,

With a migrating crane.


We'll start a round dance,

And we’ll sing about the garden.

Song "Generous autumn has come."

Look, guys,

What's growing in our garden bed?

White and crispy, they call me cabbage.

Tasty, healthy, I will drive away diseases.

I am in the soup, and in the salad, in the pies, and in the pancakes.

Try me, baby! I am everyone's favorite potato!

I am a bow, I am Cippolino, cheerful, mischievous.

Colds and sore throats can't handle me.

Very red carrot. Carrots have a lot of benefits.

Vitamins, juice and taste - eat boldly, little one!

I'm a pot-bellied zucchini

He lay down on his side under a bush.

Like a white pig

He raised his patch towards the sun.

The "VEGETABLES" children take their places in the improvised "bed".

Competition “Test a Vegetable”

Host: Now we’ll compete. Let's show our hard work and dexterity.

Autumn brought a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Guys, we’ll sort them out into baskets as soon as possible.


We have collected the harvest, now we need to transport it to storage.

Game “Transport the harvest from the field”
On one side of the hall there are 2 trucks, on the other side, models of onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets and potatoes, 2 pieces of each, are laid out on the floor. Two people play in the game. At a signal, they drive trucks to the opposite side of the hall, fill them with vegetables and return back. The one who completes the task faster wins.
A more difficult option: transport one vegetable at a time.


We visited the garden.

Now let's look into the forest.

After all, in the autumn forest too

There are many miracles.

I know riddles about mushrooms.

And now I’ll tell you about them.


This mushroom is located under a pine tree,

like the king of the forest.

Glad to find his mushroom picker,

it is white boletus

This cute little fungus

I chose a quiet corner.

You cut it off with a knife - ka,

it's edible Russula.

Brothers sitting on a stump

all covered in freckles, like boys.

These friendly guys

are called honey mushrooms

Game “Who can collect the most mushrooms in a basket”

Well, well done, you picked some good mushrooms.

“We are Antoshka’s mushrooms” (boys)

Hey girls, where have you been?

We went to the forest to pick raspberries.

Song "Let's go to the garden through the raspberries." (girls)

Host: Another wonderful autumn holiday " Cover" was considered the first winter. In Pokrov it is autumn before lunch, and winter after lunch. If you get up at dawn, the roof is in white silver.

Autumn worries are over, it's time to get down to winter things. Which means it's time to celebrate "Kuzminki" or as they call the holiday of Kozma and Demyan differently. Let the guys cut spoons, and the girls do needlework. After all, skillful hands never know boredom.

(A group of children comes out with spoons)

Our Russia is great,
And our people are talented.
About our native Rus', craftsmen,
Word spreads all over the world.

Child: We cut the spoons ourselves
Made from birch and alder.
They were painted with love,
And there are roosters on the arms.


Spoons, carved spoons,
They will ring in a moment.
Not simple, painted,
Old Russian instrument.

So that children don't get bored

From dawn to dawn.

We are ready to sing songs for you,

Our miracles are spoons.



We thank Autumn for the gifts,

But the time has come for us to part,

After all, in November the snow will fall on the ground,

The cold will come and winter will come.

“Thank you, Autumn!” - we will all say together

And we end the holiday with a good song.

General song “AUTUMN IN Rus'”

Voloshina Evgenia Alexandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU No. 4 "Teremok"
Locality: Primorsky Krai, Pozharsky district, town. Luchegorsk
Name of material: Holiday scenario
Subject: Scenario for the Autumn holiday for the senior speech therapy group
Publication date: 06.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Scenario for the Autumn holiday for the senior speech therapy group.

Target: Create a festive mood and emotional upsurge in children.

Tasks: 1. enrich children's experiences;

2. development of emotional and aesthetic feelings, the ability to see, feel and convey beauty

nature when reading poetry, through singing and dancing;

3. strengthen theatrical skills;

4. create a festive mood among students.

The presenter and children enter the hall to the music. They stand in a semicircle.

Roma: Autumn is outside the window again,

The rain is falling like peas.

The leaves are falling rustling

How beautiful autumn is!

Lera: Leaves are embroidered with gold

The paths are washed by the rain,

Mushrooms in bright caps

You give us everything, autumn!

Vlada: Autumn is wandering everywhere,

The poplar has dropped its leaves.

Look - the rowan tree's cheeks are red.

Yellow leaves flew onto the path.

Sophia: The cold rain pours and pours,

Doesn't let us go for a walk.

The road called the birds -

Autumn has come to us!

Artyom K.: Autumn is walking, autumn is wandering,

The wind knocked the leaves off the maple tree.

There's a new rug under your feet -

Yellow-pink, maple

Amina: You are so beautiful, Autumn,

Dressed in gold!

Red, yellow leaf

Flying outside the window.

Song "Prickly Rain"

Tim: Leaves are falling, falling,

Leaf is falling in our garden!

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind!

Sasha: The cranes are flying south,

Hello, hello autumn!

All! Come to our holiday

We really, really ask.

Autumn enters the hall to the music.

Autumn: I'm always happy for a holiday

Come to your kindergarten

I love to hang out

Play with the kids

I have a basket in my hands (shows)

It contains autumn gifts.

I brought everything I was rich in for the kids.

I suggest you play.

Game "Magic Handkerchief"

(Children squat down in the center of the hall and close their eyes. Autumn circles above them and

covers one child with a scarf. Children get up and guess who Autumn hid under the scarf. In it

After a while, a little forest boy sits down on a stump behind the Christmas tree. After the game, the children sit on chairs.

Ksyusha: And obediently following the wind

The leaves are flying away

So there's no more summer

Autumn is coming!

Savely: Hello autumn, hello autumn!

Autumn, who isn’t happy to see you!

Autumn is harvest time,

Autumn - yellow leaves!

Dima: Autumn is dressed up brightly

And she came to us for the holiday,

And autumn gifts

I brought it to all the kids.

They hear loud laughter.

Lesovichok: Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Autumn: Oh, guys, look who came to visit us!

This is my old friend - the forest boy!

Oh, and he's funny,

He even has funny dreams

Hear how he laughs (imitates ha-ha-ha!)

I'll go to him and wake him up.

Autumn: Wake up, little forest boy, (wake up, don’t wake up)

Let's try to wake him up together. (wakes up with the guys)

Lesovichok (stretches): Hello trolling guys!

Oh, he made me laugh!

Autumn: Who?

Lesovichok: Yes, the old forest man!

Autumn: So it's you!?

Lesovichok: So I made myself laugh, do you want me to make you laugh too?

Children: Yes!

Autumn: Of course we want!

Lesovichok: Let's play "Edible is not edible." If it's edible, then you say

“Yum-yum-yum” if not, then “fu-fu-fu”

A game 1. The buns are crispy (yum-yum-yum)

2. Slippers - enticing (fu-fu-fu)

3. Pies - puff pastries

4. Valenki - boiled

5. balls - cheese

6. napkins - greasy

7. gingerbread - delicious

8. apples - crispy

Lesovichok: How attentive you are.

Well, I made you laugh, I made you laugh!

And now you, too, please me.

I really love it when they dance

Will you dance for me?

Autumn: Lesovichok, the boys and I also love to dance.

Now we will dance for you!

But first listen to the poem

Ignat: Scarlet and yellow

The wind tears the leaves.

Spinning, spinning in the air

Motley round dance!

Kate: Raindrops

Everything was washed clean

And now it’s beautiful all around,

Bright and radiant!

Dance "It's Raining Today"

Lesovichok: What a wonderful dance!

How much I liked him!

You guys are so great, thank you.

The music sounds and the fox enters.

Fox (Masha): Why are we having fun here?

Lesovichok: Our guests are a fox. The guys welcome autumn, dance, sing songs, play.

Masha: Clear, clear!!! And I’m not invited to the party!

Autumn: Well, you fox, we are very glad to see you! You are welcome to join us for the holiday!

Masha: And I will remain, I love to have fun and sing songs. I can also show you hocus pocus.

Do you like Hocus Pocus? Then close your eyes and quickly count to 3

(Children count together to three. At this time, the fox steals the basket with gifts and hides it.)

Autumn: How can it be like hocus-pocus! Look, children, but our basket with gifts is not there!

Lesovichek: Oh, this fox is a cheat, how many times have I told her, it’s not good to deceive! Come on, give it back

children a basket with gifts, otherwise I’ll show you such a bite!

Masha: Yeah! Well, I ran away, I’ll eat them myself!

Lesovichok: Eat it yourself, you say, well, I’ll show you, help guys (they throw pine cones at the fox)

The fox puts a homemade cone on his forehead.

Autumn: Fox, Lesovichek, guys, calm down now, let's resolve the issue peacefully! (addresses

Masha: Yeah, first they hit a bump, and then solve it peacefully! Now I definitely won’t give it away. I am hungry.

Autumn: Fox, well, why didn’t you say anything right away, sit down on the stump quickly, now with the guys we’ll help you

Let's feed. Let's cook you some hearty borscht.

Rhythmodicle. “Cooking borscht”

Fox: Yes, thank you guys, very tasty thank you! And I will return the basket to you! Forgive me kids

I won't cheat anymore.

Autumn: And you fox forgive us! And listen to what poems the children know about autumn.

Nikita: The green garden has turned yellow,

The leaves are spinning and flying.

The autumn rain pours and pours,

He doesn't let us go out!

Artyom E. Rain, rain all day

Drumming on the windows.

All the earth, all the earth

Got wet from the rain!

Presenter: Let's all sing a good song for our guests.

Song "Golden Autumn"

Autumn: it's fun to play with you,

Songs to sing and dance!

I thank you for everything

And I give apples to everyone.

Help yourself kids!

(everyone hands out treats to the children)

Autumn: Well it's time to say goodbye

I have a lot to do

I wish you all good health,


Scenario of the autumn holiday "Oseniny" in kindergarten in the senior group

Children with leaves in their hands stand up in the form of the sun.
1st child: The leaves are flying now to the right, now to the left.
Our autumn garden says goodbye to them.
The swaying leaves lead a round dance,
And the autumn wind sings a song to them.

Song "Leaves are falling, falling"
2nd child: Following the flight, autumn comes,
The wind sings yellow songs to them.
He lays red foliage under his feet,
A white snowflake flies into the blue.

3rd child: Only the wind will touch the branch,
She will drop the yellow leaf.
From a branch, like a parachutist,
The leaf will fly to the ground.
If he falls into a puddle,
How the boat floats.

4th child: Autumn looked into the garden,
The birds have flown away.
There is noise in the garden all day long
Yellow snowstorms...
The first ice is underfoot
It crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh,
But he’s embarrassed to sing.

5th child: Cranes are flying south.
Hello, hello, autumn!
Come to our holiday,
We really, really ask!
6th child: Here we are a joyful holiday
Have fun.
Come, we are waiting for you
Autumn is golden!

A little exercise with leaves.
Children throw leaves.

Presenter: Guys, today we will go
on an extraordinary journey. IN
a beautiful country - a fairy tale, for a holiday
Queen of Autumn.

And here is the order from Autumn.
Attention! Attention!
To all the Vanyushkas and Katyushkas,
To all the Andryushkas and Tanyushkas,
To all Denis and other children -
Strict order: have fun, sing and dance
At the holiday - until I drop.
Attention! Attention!
She will come to the merry holiday herself
Our Empress Autumn!
Yes, here she is! Meet!

Autumn enters

Presenter: In a colorful gold dress
Autumn has come to our house,
Like a beautiful queen
opening ball!

Autumn: Hello, guys and dear guests!

Noise is heard, shouts are heard: “You can’t come here!”
“Let me through!”

Autumn: What's the matter? Who dares to disrupt the fun?

The presenter goes to the door, and then the Scarecrow runs in.

Scarecrow: Mother dear! Our queen, golden
Autumn, they didn’t order execution, they ordered him to say the word.
Autumn: Who are you and where are you from? Why in this form at the holiday?
Scarecrow: I don't dress according to fashion
All my life I stand as if on watch.
Whether in the garden, in the field or vegetable garden,
I instill fear in the flocks.
And more than fire, a whip or a stick
Rooks, sparrows and jackdaws fear me.
Presenter: Stop talking in riddles here,
Answer the queen's questions properly.
Scarecrow: Mother - dear Autumn!
What is this being done? Intercede!
Autumn: Well, here's more! Cry at the holiday
Say what you need.
Scarecrow: Empress! I'm not some sort of slacker or lazy person. I am a laboring garden scarecrow. All summer I stand in the garden, guarding the master’s harvest. I don’t sleep, I don’t eat, in any weather: both in the sun and in the rain. I work without giving up. But they don’t let me go to the holiday. They say the outfit is not fashionable! Which one was given out?
But if I stand in the garden in a fashionable suit, who will be afraid of me?
Autumn: Don't be offended, Scarecrow! Now we're in everything
figured it out. Come in, sit down, be
Let me start the celebration!
Let's have a lot of fun today!
Someone came up with the idea that autumn is a sad time!

The scarecrow takes a broom and sings loudly while dancing.

Scarecrow: In the garden, in the vegetable garden, the Scarecrow stood.
It scattered the birds with an old broom.
Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden, fruits were poured,
But the birds didn’t peck at them - they were afraid of the Scarecrows.

Cherry: Cherry dressed up, went out for a walk,
Dress with red beads - you can't count them
I started doing a round dance with the kids,
Give each person a bead from their dress.
The children’s cheeks became brighter than cherries.
The cherry tree has generous gifts for children.

Song "Cherry - earrings"
Scarecrow: Oh! But what about the animals?
And bunnies and hedgehogs?
There's already frost on the nose,
It's very cold in the forest!

Presenter: Now we'll see
Now we'll check
How to prepare for winter
All forest animals.

(the bear comes out)

Presenter: Over rubble, through ravines
The bear walked with a master's step:
Bear: Answer me, animals,

Are you ready for winter?

(fox exit)
- Yes (while he runs from the chair to the bear)
Presenter: The fox answered.
Fox: I knitted my mittens
New mittens,
Soft down ones!
(hare exit)
Hare: I have felt boots.
Presenter: The bunny answers.
Hare: What do cold and snowstorms mean to me?
If you want, Mishenka, try it on!

(exit of the mole with his wife)

Mole: Well, me.
Presenter: The mole answered.
Mole: There was a move underground.
There with my beautiful wife,
We will drink tea in winter.

(squirrel yield)

Presenter: A squirrel is looking from a hollow.
Squirrel: I saved some nuts.
My hollow is high,
It is both dry and warm.

(the hedgehog lies in the leaves, under the apple tree)

Presenter: A hedgehog crawled out of the leaves.
Hedgehog: You forgot about me.
Here in the bushes is my hut,
And in the mushroom hut there is a tub.
Presenter: The bear walked around the entire forest,
And he climbed into the den to sleep.
He put his paw in his mouth
And I saw a sweet dream. Shhhhh!
Scarecrow: Well, the little animals have it all figured out.
All animals: We are all ready for cold days!

Polka of animals.

Scarecrow: Golden leaves strewn the entire hall.
A beautiful fairy carpet.
Come play with me guys!
Collect leaves quickly!

Game "Collect leaves"

Scarecrow: Autumn is a wonderful time!
Well, boys,
Well, girls,
Sing us ditties then!

"Autumn ditties"

All: We are autumn ditties
Let's sing it for you now.
Clap your hands louder
Have fun!

1. The rain pours without getting tired,
There is no end to the clouds.
People are worried:
The flood would not have happened.

2. People are in a hurry in autumn
Hurry to the garden.
There's no time to waste
The harvest needs to be harvested.

3. If you weren’t lazy in the summer,
I was surprised by the harvest:
Look how many vegetables there are
For salads and cabbage soup.
4. Mushroom pickers take baskets
And they walk along the path.
Here are the waves, here are the mushrooms,
Russula and boletus.

5. Brought home by Irinka
A basket full of mushrooms.
And in Yegor's basket
Fly agarics in red hats.

6. Autumn is a golden time
There is no peace for us in autumn.
Pears, apples, compotes -
Hunt to try everything!

7. What is it? Here and there?
There was a knock on the glass.
It's raining on us again
Doesn't let me go for a walk.

8. How beautiful everything is around
Golden autumn day.
The leaves are falling and spinning
And they fall under our feet!

All: We sang ditties for you
Is it good or bad?
And now we ask you -
Let us clap!
Presenter: And now, dear Autumn, we will read poetry to you.

Children read poetry.

Presenter: If autumn is at the gates -
Everyone is full of worries.
There's no time to waste -
We need to harvest the crops.
Scarecrow: A grandfather lived in one village,
Together with my grandmother for many years.
(grandfather and grandmother come out)
Grandfather: Prepare, grandma, grandpa
Steamed turnips for dinner.
Woman: If you want a turnip, then go
Plant it in the garden.
Grandfather: Well, I guess I'll go,
Yes, and I’ll plant a turnip.
The turnip has grown wonderfully!
I haven’t seen one like this, really.
Give it a go. Not so,
One is not strong enough.
What should I do? How can we be here?
I’ll call grandma for help.
Come on, grandma, come over,
Look at the miracle turnip.
Grandma: Leave me alone, grandfather, I have things to do.
You better come here.
Today I tell you guys
Brought riddles from the garden.
I have a lot of mysteries -
Guess them, friends!
Grandfather: Listen carefully.

1. Aunt Thekla sat in the garden bed
Sweet, strong, red...(beets)

2. For the tops, like for a rope
You can pull out...(carrot)

3. Don’t be alarmed if suddenly
Will make tears flow...(bow)

4. Dig a little under the bush,
Looks out into the light...(potato)
Together: This is the harvest we have reaped!
Grandfather: They made riddles. Let's go, grandma,
drag a turnip.
Grandfather: One - like that!
Two - that's it!
Oh, there’s no way to pull it out!
Grandma, call your granddaughter Mashenka.
Grandma: Mashenka! Granddaughter!
Grandfather: Where are you! Come on, granddaughter, help your grandfather.
Grab the woman's jacket. Together in harmony
let's pull the turnip.
grandfather for the turnip.
Grandfather: Once - that's it!
Two - that's it!
No, there’s no way to pull it out!
Granddaughter: Zhuchka, Zhuchka, help!
Bug: I bark loudly, loudly
I don't offend you in vain.
Presenter: Bug for granddaughter, granddaughter for grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip.
Grandfather: One - like that!
Two - that's it!
No, there’s no way to pull it out!
Bug: Murka, little kitty, run,
Help me pull the turnip!
Murka: Meow, meow, I’ll help!
Presenter: Murka for Zhuchka, Zhuchka for her granddaughter,
Granddaughter for grandmother, grandmother for grandfather,
Grandfather for the turnip. We took it together,
And the turnip is still there.
We can't see without a mouse
You can't handle a turnip.
Murka: Meow, purrr! Run after me
Help me pull the turnip.
Mouse: I’m not afraid of cats,
I'll grab her by the ponytail.
Presenter: Mouse for Murka, Murka for Zhuchka,
A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother,
Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip.
Grandfather: One - like that!
Two - that's it!
They pulled out the turnip!
Presenter: How strong is a mouse?
Well, friendship won.
Together we pulled out a turnip,
That she sat firmly in the ground.
All: She's a beauty!
Scarecrow: It's a racket, it's a racket, it's a racket,
What a happy day!
Who doesn't dance, doesn't sing
He won’t even understand joy.
Everyone gathered together
How to stand still?!

Round dance “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

Presenter: A dreary time - late autumn.
Child: The earth has cooled, the birds have flown away,
Leaf fall in nature has ended.
The biting cold and the first snow
November covers the bare garden
The ponds are frozen and slightly
The river turned to ice.
Scarecrow: Brrrr! What are you doing (child's name)
You're making us sad.
Now I will help you
I’ll make the autumn fun and please the guests.
Presenter: Look! What a smart guy he turned out to be.
How do you know how
Amuse Queen Autumn?
Scarecrow: I know! Here I have (knocks on the head)
There is something.
The owner had a transistor hanging on the apple tree in the garden, where my workplace was in the summer - without stopping. So I gained some sense: now I know everything. I can also give a lecture on how to be polite and not be rude to guests.
Autumn: Don't be offended, Scarecrow. Indeed, help us. What did you come up with there?
Scarecrow: Are you willing to help me? (addresses children first and then parents)
Fine! Then the children will pretend to rain. Have you forgotten how the rain hits the roofs? Come on!
Children: Drip-drip-drip.
The scarecrow addresses the parents: Do you remember how the wind howls outside the window in November?
Parents: Oooh!
Scarecrow: Well, now everyone is together!
(then change) 2 times
Scarecrow: (addresses Autumn) Well, what does it look like?
Autumn: It looks like it looks so similar! Thank you!
Scarecrow: I'll tell you a riddle.
A blot appeared in the sky.
If the blot roars -
All the people will run away (cloud)
Child: Cloud, cloud, why aren’t you pouring?
Give us rain, cloud!
We'll hang out with you
Don't spare some water for us.

Dance of Rain and Clouds

Presenter: Today is such a good day,
All the leaves are golden.
Along the empty alleys of the park
We'll walk through without rushing.
Let him dance in a bright dress
Autumn is your farewell waltz.
Song "Autumn"

Autumn: We celebrated nicely today!
Yes, I can be different - cheerful and sad, sunny and cloudy, with rain and sleet, with cold winds and frosts. But I am very glad that you love me for my generosity and beauty, for the rare, warm days. Thank you for coming today to our wonderful holiday in the fabulous autumn kingdom of fruits. Taste delicious peaches.

Scenario for an autumn holiday for preschoolers 5-7 years old “Visiting Masha and Dunyasha”

The roles of Masha and Dunyasha are played by adults. Masha is a cheerful, hardworking sister, Dunyasha is lazy and grumpy.

To the music, children enter the music room in pairs and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.

Presenter. Dear children, dear guests! Allow us to begin our autumn ball. Today we say goodbye to the golden beauty of autumn.

1st child.

Summer flew away quickly

A migratory bird into the distance,

Autumn has spread wonderfully

A fading shawl.

2nd child.

Instantly captivated the eyes

Fire with its foliage,

A spikelet ripened in the field,

Yellowed grass.

3rd child.

Gifted by the guest - autumn

Fruit harvests,

drizzling rains,

A body of forest mushrooms.

4th child.

So let's praise autumn

Songs, dances and games.

The meetings will be joyful,

Autumn, this is your holiday!

M. Dorofeeva

Children perform a song to the tune of “It’s cool you got on TV.”

1. We have gathered in this hall,

To sing and dance

We invited our friends

So that we don't get bored.

We open with this song

Our autumn, bright ball.

Let's start by saying everything:

“Very cool you got it!”


It's great that you came to our ball!

And bring your friends!

It's cool that you came to our ball,

This is great!

Let's start the holiday now!

2. Autumn wanders along the paths

And he comes to the children in the garden,

Immediately the leaves turned yellow

And they fly, fly, fly...

Starts, starts

Autumn is your farewell ball.

We just found ourselves in a fairy tale -

You got it, and I got it!


5th child.

The ball is in full swing! Songs, laughter!

Music calls us all

Have fun, dance!

Everyone is forbidden to be bored!

6th child.

They boldly gave their hand to a friend,

They stood in pairs in a circle.

We dance very cleverly

Our favorite dance is the Polka!

Children perform the “Merry Polka” dance, music and movements chosen by the music director. After the dance, the children sit down.


We were invited to visit

Friendly sisters.

They have fun dancing

And the songs of the craftswoman.

We'll sit quietly

We'll see what happens.

To the Russian folk melody “I went up the hill,” Masha enters the music room, dancing. Sleepy Dunyasha slowly wanders behind her. She carries a large colorful pillow and settles down on a bench to sleep.


I walked up the hill, carried it heavily,

Dunyasha(lying on a bench).

You know, I'm tired, I'm tired!


She baked pies and chalked the hut.

I'm tired, I'm tired, I'm tired!

Dunyasha (sits on a bench).

Well, of course, I was exhausted, exhausted!

I slept all night and slept half the day.

I was also very tired, very tired.

Oh, how tired I was, how tired I was!

He straightens the pillow and lies down again.


Dunya, Dunyasha, get up quickly!

Look how many guests came to us!


Don't disturb, don't wake up,

Better go home...

I don't want to get up at all

Don't disturb Duna's sleep!

Masha. Dunya, the sun has been shining for a long time.

Dunyasha. Just think, it's shining. I don't care.


Listen, Dunya, stop sleeping!

It's time for us to receive guests!

Dunyasha (slowly gets up, reads the poem in a chant, with her eyes closed).

I am reluctant and lazy to get up in the morning.

I wish I could sleep all morning, I could sleep all day.

I could sleep all evening, I could sleep all night,

And if I get up, I won’t mind falling down again.

It fits again.


This, Dunya, is just laziness!

You really need to sleep all day!

Stop sleeping, let's get up

And get to work quickly!

Dunyasha. Didn't you hear? I’m exhausted, I have no strength, and you’re calling me to work!

Masha. What should we do with you, Dunyasha? The guys came to visit, and you are either sleeping or grumbling! But I think I've figured out how to wake you up! Now the guys and I will sing a funny song. Dunyasha also loves to sing. I know for sure that all sleep will take her away!

Children perform a fun song chosen by the music director.

Dunyasha(tosses and turns, stretches, yawns). Eh! Nice song! I wish I could dance, but it hurts to eat! Masha, Masha, you thought you were going to bake pies? Let's get your pies! Now the boys and I will treat ourselves properly!

Masha. Work first, and then ask for pies! Grab a broom, let's go to the revenge yard. Look how many autumn leaves have fallen! (Gives Dunyasha a broom.)


Leaves are falling, falling,

It's leaf fall in our garden.

Red, yellow leaves

They spin and fly smoothly.

Dunyasha. The leaves are so beautiful, you don’t even want to remove them, just let them fly! (He waves it off and continues to sit in place.)

Girls perform the “Dance of Autumn Leaves.”

Music and movements at the choice of the music director.

Dunyasha. Na-do-e-lo! These nasty leaves fly and fly, there’s no end in sight! Wow, what a nasty autumn this is! There is no joy from it, and no benefit except harm!

Masha. What are you saying, Dunyasha! How is it that there is no joy, no benefit?! Just look at the beauty around! What about fruits, vegetables, mushrooms? Winter supplies?

Dunyasha. Inventories, supplies. What are these reserves? Modern children do not even know why these fruits and vegetables are needed.

Masha. They all know perfectly well. They also know that vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.

Dunyasha. And we will check this now! I'll tell you riddles now. I'm sure no one will guess!

Dunyasha asks the children riddles.

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random. Well, of course... (grapes).

Who is this green one?

Delicious, fresh and salty?

Very strong fellow

Who is this? (Cucumber)

The fiery one itself,

And the heart is stone. (Cherry)

Red, juicy,

Delicious, durable.

He grows, does not grieve,

He is friends with cucumbers. (Tomato)

Lived in our garden

And he was friends with everyone,

The tail is a green hook.

We know, this is... (zucchini).

It's big, like a soccer ball.

If it’s ripe, everyone is happy.

It tastes so good!

What's his name? (Watermelon)

N. Maidanik

It hung in the spring,

It's been sour all summer.

And it became sweet

It fell to the ground. (Apple)

Curious red nose

Rooted into the ground up to the top of his head.

They just hang out in the garden

Green heels. (Carrot)

Sweet, fragrant,

I grew up in a shady garden.

Consists of small lobes,

Very tasty, juicy, scarlet. (Raspberries)

White-sided, round-faced,

Loves to drink plenty of water.

She has leaves with a crunch,

And her name is... (cabbage).

Dunyasha. Well, that’s what I knew - everything is mixed up. But does anyone know where the vegetable is, where the fruit is?

Masha. Of course, all the kids know! Now we will prove it to you.

The game "Vegetables - Fruits" is played.

From the general pile, you need to select dummies of vegetables and fruits into different baskets, naming them.

Masha. You see, Dunyasha, how well the kids understand vegetables!

Dunyasha. Me too! Is it difficult? They looked at the vegetables and said what they were called. Any fool can do it. But try it without looking! To the touch, you might say. We bet no one can?

Masha. But they can! Really, guys?

Dunyasha. I'll check it out in person now! So! Deadly number! We ask parents who are faint of heart to leave the hall! Extreme show "Pig in a Poke"!

The game “Identify vegetables and fruits by touch” is played.

A small bag contains dummies of vegetables and fruits. Children who want to go out one by one, put their hand into the bag and, without looking inside, try to determine what exactly is in their hands. To confirm the correctness of the answer, the object is taken out and shown to everyone. Masha praises the children for the correct answers.

Masha. Do you know, Dunyasha, what beautiful poems the guys know about autumn?! Dunyasha. I don't know, and I don't want to know.

Masha. No, you still sit down and listen.

Children read poetry.

I sat until dark today

Near an open window.

Suddenly he lay down on the windowsill

Golden little leaf.

It's damp and dark outside the window,

So he flew into my window.

He's shaking. And it’s obvious that’s why

His tail is moving.

V. Orlov

Outside the window the autumn leaf turned yellow,

He broke away, spun, and flew.

The red leaf made friends with the breeze,

Everything is spinning and playing under the window.

And when the cheerful wind flew away,

The yellow leaf on the asphalt is bored.

I went into the yard and picked up a leaf,

I brought it home and gave it to my mother,

You can't leave him on the street,

Let him live with me all winter!

O. Chusovitina

Masha. And now, Dunyasha, listen to how tenderly the children sing songs about autumn!

Children perform the song “Autumn has come,” words and music by S. Yudina.

Dunyasha. Well, that's it! Enough! We listened to poems and sang songs. Now let's dance!

Masha. Wait a minute, I haven’t finished my business yet. Now I’ll run to the kitchen and check how the dough is doing. While you're at it, entertain the guys with something. But when I return, then we will dance!

Dunyasha. OK. I will now give them a lecture on the benefits of vegetables and fruits in baby food. I'm very good at this stuff! So, listen carefully! Let's start with table beets. What are beets? Beets are the most irreplaceable thing in baby food, and most importantly - in cosmetics! Once! And you are guaranteed a long-lasting, healthy glow on your cheeks! (Rubs his cheeks with pieces of beetroot.)

Or, for example, carrots. This is a storehouse of vitamin alpha-beta-gamma-carotene! Do you know what strong teeth hares have? And why? And all because hares regularly eat carrots. Unless, of course, the watchman catches them.

Here's a green cucumber! It makes a very beneficial face mask. Look, learn while I’m alive how to make a cucumber face mask. Helps a lot against wrinkles. Especially those who don't have them!

But about potatoes there is a separate conversation. Potato... Where are the potatoes? Masha! Where are the potatoes? Run quickly to the cellar for potatoes, otherwise my lecture will be disrupted!

Masha(looks into the music room, hands covered in flour). Go, Dunyasha, yourself. My dough was ready and I started making pies.

Dunyasha. It’s always like this: I have to do everything myself! Where are these potatoes? And here she is! (He takes a bag of potatoes; the potatoes fall out through a hole in the bag.) Masha! Masha! Where does the hole in the bag come from?

Masha(looks into the hall). I don’t know, Dunyasha, maybe the mice gnawed it... Ask the guys, they will help you collect the potatoes.

The game “Collect potatoes with a spoon” is played.

Dunyasha. Oh, I want to dance! Masha is still stuck in the kitchen with her pies. Fuck her! Let him poke around!

Come out, honest people,

Now Dunya will start dancing!

We will celebrate the holiday

Let's dance merrily

So that the guys want

Come visit us again.

Children perform a general dance at the choice of the music director.

Dunyasha. Oh, I'm tired, I can't! Masha, oh Masha! Well, will you be there soon with your pies? Get them here quickly! We've been ready to eat for a long time!

Masha. Wait a little longer, Dunyasha. Let them brown properly.

Presenter. Sit down, Dunyasha, relax and listen to our song. And you will find out the name of the song by guessing our riddle.

People are waiting for him, waiting for him,

And when he comes, they take cover.

Dunyasha. Did your neighbor come by for matches? No, they would hardly wait for the neighbor. Maybe the postman brought a pension? Why then hide from him? A! Understood! It's about the rain!

Children perform a song

“The Rain Got Offended”, words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by D. Lvov-Kompaneets. Then the children take turns reading the poems.


The rain has passed, there are puddles everywhere,

Some are wider, some are narrower.

Jumped over a puddle - once!

In a puddle - splash! And the whole story!

The sun washed itself in a puddle,

Immediately everything changed.

I swam in a puddle -

The whole family was scared!

Rain, rain, drip-drip-drip,

Ding-ding-dong, through the puddles.

We go without raincoats and hats:

You and I are friends.

Drip-drip-drip, ding-ding-dong,

Everybody's dancing in the rain

Ding-ding-dong, drip-drip-drip,

No raincoats, umbrellas or hats.

A. Bogdarin

Girls perform the Rain Dance with blue ribbons.

Dunyasha. Thank you guys! Autumn seemed boring and inhospitable to me. And now I understand how much beauty and joy there is in it for those who love to work!

Masha enters with pies.

Masha. Thank you, guys, for the sonorous songs and funny dances, for the beautiful poems and wonderful costumes.

Dunyasha. Oh, Masha, here you are with your pies! Burnt, perhaps?

Masha. Nothing was burned. Here they are - ruddy, fragrant, rich!

They have a wheat crust,

And the filling in them is egg.

And here they are delicious

Cabbage pies.

Who loves jam pie?

With marmalade? Dried apricots?

Come and help yourself!

Pies for every taste!

Dunyasha and Masha leave.

We'll treat all the kids and guests now! Help yourself to your health and praise the autumn nurse. And for us, Dunyasha, it’s time. There is still a lot of work to do in the garden. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Autumn is a supply, winter is a pick.” Goodbye!


Everything in nature has its turn,

Winter will come after autumn.

Although it’s a pity to part,

But it's time to say goodbye to autumn.

We invite everyone to tea! Let's drink tea and pies and praise Autumn the nurse!

Anastasia Eremina


To form a holistic perception of folk culture in preschoolers


Expand preschoolers’ ideas about folk holidays, customs and traditions of the Russian people, expand the range of the child’s voice, improve vocal-auditory coordination, and purity of intonation using folklore.

To promote the further development of dance movement skills and playing children's musical instruments.

To instill in children the best qualities inherent in the Russian people: kindness, hard work, love for the Motherland, native land, attitude towards adults.

Ensure the interaction of all subjects of the educational process (children - educators - parents - institutions of additional education) for the successful social and personal development of preschool children.

Preliminary work:

A conversation about folk holidays, a story about the traditions of the Russian people, looking at illustrations depicting folk festivals, reading fiction, listening to musical works “Kamarinskaya”, “In the Forge”.

Attribute database (Russian hut decoration, models, dummies);

Russian folk costumes;

Folk musical instruments;

Card index of folk proverbs, sayings, games and songs;

Vocabulary work: hut, samovar, loaf, tent.

Technical training aids:

– slide projector

- music Center

- plasma panel

- laptop

– music library of folk songs

– video library

Progress of the lesson:

The Mistress and the Master of the room come out into the middle of the hall.

The Master and the Hostess (shout): “The maidens are beautiful, and the fellows are good!” We invite you to have fun and have fun, joke, laugh. You and I will sing, play, and dance in circles, like our grandparents did when they were young.”

A guest in the yard is a joy for the owner.

Whoever is revered is the one who is magnified.

A red guest gets a red seat.

Make yourself at home, have a seat.

(Teachers and children pass and sit on benches to the tune of a folk melody)

Bow to you, dear guests!

We are glad to see you in good health!

So autumn has passed. All vegetables have been collected and stored in the cellars. You can have some fun too!

On the heap in the light

Or on some logs

Gathered gatherings

Old and young.

Did you sit by the torch?

or under the bright sky -

they talked and sang songs

Yes, they did a round dance.

We treated ourselves to good tea,

With honey, obviously without sweets.

Just like we talked today

There is no life without communication.

And how they played! On the burners!

Oh, the burners are good,

In a word, these gatherings

They were a celebration of the soul.

Rest is not trifles -

Time for games and news.

Let's start the gatherings!

We are opening gatherings!

For friends and guests!

Hostess: We have guests from all the volosts. Well, well, a good start, as they say, is half the battle. I have prepared some fun things for you to suit every taste. To whom - a fairy tale, to whom - the truth, to whom - a song.

They perform the song “In the Forge.” Arr. A. Sveshnikova

Hostess: The men here are masters,

Hammers have been knocking in the morning.

There's a lot of worries here for the whole day -

They are repairing an old fence.

Yes, and the girls match

They will not give in!

Who is more agile, who is faster?

Show us quickly.

Game "Weave".

Number of players: any

Children join hands and stand in four lines (one opposite the other). To the music of a Russian folk melody, each of the ranks in turn walks towards the opposite rank and bows.

After bowing, the children return to their original place. As the merry dance begins, the children leave their ranks, disperse throughout the room, and dance using well-known dance movements.

As soon as the music ends, each line must take its original place, and the children quickly and correctly “braid the fence” (hold hands crosswise).

It’s not for nothing that they say: if you don’t learn from childhood, you’ll suffer all your life. And you are good at your work, you all tried your best.

The Russian people have long been famous for their hard work. It’s not for nothing that they say: in autumn the day feeds the year. And once you’ve finished the job, go for a walk safely.

During the conversation we remembered

How they worked as hard as they could.

Collected in the garden

Something that everyone grew for themselves.

And potatoes and peas.

The harvest is not bad at all!

Round dance: “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden.” Russian folk song

Eh! I have Khokhloma, Khokhloma and painted spoons. And sip the stew, and play a song! Come on, spoon spoons, come out and amuse the guests!

Dance with spoons “Oh you, birch” Russian folk song

Hostess: Let's sit on the benches and take a look at the girls. All the girls are fair, all are rosy. One kukomoya (slob). Masha is stupid! I got excited and squealed. Mashenka, wash, wash, dry yourself. Do we have any water? We need to walk on the water!

Song “The Young One Went for Water.” Russian folk song

And here comes the water!

Wash Masha's face,

To make your eyes sparkle,

To make your cheeks glow.

Ah, blush, ah, white.

I wish I could start dancing!

I won't dance alone.

We will dance a miracle dance.

From time immemorial he has come

He is far away.

"Slavic dance"

A. P. Borodin - “Prince Igor”, II d. Choir of slave girls “Fly away on the wings of the wind”

How Marfusha cooked for Peter, baked ninety-two pancakes, two troughs of jelly, fifty pies, and found eaters.

Good fellows and beautiful girls, and all our dear guests! We invite you to dine, taste my pies, drink sweet tea and praise the owners!

Musical director Eremina Anastasia Aleksandrovna.

Publications on the topic:

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “Mushroom Stories” The hall is decorated as a spring forest - trees, stumps, cardboard images of mushrooms are placed: boletus, chanterelle, honey mushroom, honey mushroom, milk mushroom, toadstool. Near.

Scenario of the holiday "Autumn" Junior group Children enter the hall in pairs, girl and boy, to the song “The Leaves Have Turned Yellow.” They sit on the chairs. Leading. -Good afternoon, dears.

Goals and objectives: To promote the development of children's musical and aesthetic taste and feelings. Enrich artistic ideas about.

Scenario for autumn fun in a senior speech therapy group Scenario for an AUTUMN holiday in a senior speech therapy group. Children run into the hall to the music “Leaf, leaf”. Host: What a beautiful Autumn.