Stories that bring tears to tears from the Internet about children. Very sad story to tears

I want to tell the sad story of my love. My story includes all sorts of details, so if you are too lazy to read, then it’s better not to read... I just want to speak out, not to my friend, to anyone.. but here, now.. just write about it. So...

Once upon a time, almost 4 years ago, I met a guy... We fell in love with each other very much. We just had crazy love. We couldn’t live without each other even a day, he loved me like no one else had loved. I loved him in a way that no one else loved him. We breathed this love, we lived it. We were happy.. we were very happy! There were no halves.. We were one whole! Soon we began to live together. We were always close... I liked to cook for him and even he liked to cook for me.

I never thought that it could happen like this... that it could all be so alive, so real. He was the closest, dearest, only, beloved. Eh... it would take a long time to describe everything that I felt, everything that he felt, everything that we felt together. But you know how it happens... we were together 24 hours a day, 7 days a week... every day and we missed each other, despite such closeness we constantly missed us. Over time, you begin to realize that something bright is missing in your life.

You know, when this period of euphoria passes and you are already so accustomed to a person that it seems to you that he will not go anywhere, here he is next to you... this is how it should be, but how could it be otherwise... he has been with you for almost 4 years years, you have become attached to him, very much, too much... and he simply cannot help but be there. And he... he feels the same, he thinks the same. And then you start hating him... hating him for all sorts of stupid reasons.

Because he sits at the computer, because he watches TV, because he doesn’t give you flowers, because he doesn’t want to go for a walk... and I’m generally afraid to remember money issues. And he... he hated me too. You can’t imagine the most terrible thing is this love that turned into hatred! And now, being alone in this apartment in which we lived for 4 years, only now I understand what nonsense this is, it’s just ridiculous, what have we done, what have we turned us into and where is this happiness?

We broke up a little over 2 months ago. This happened when all this had already become unbearable. When we didn’t see each other all day, we started quarreling right away. Just because of some little things that weren’t worth anything in this life. In the last month of our relationship, it was clear to both of us that this would all end soon. When we sat in the evenings in different corners, each doing his own thing, on his own wavelength, but we had the same atmosphere.

The atmosphere of negativity that filled us, that was already flowing through our veins. I then signed up for dancing in order to somehow distract myself, to diversify my life, and in general I had wanted to for a long time and thought that it was just the right time. And somehow I became very involved in them, that I no longer really cared what was happening between us, that our relationship was dying.

I had a new environment, all our mutual friends became of little interest to me. I was all about dancing. I'm just a fan. And this happens to everyone... you realize that there is no point in anyone anymore when you don’t even try to fix something, when you see that he doesn’t do anything about it either. That he doesn’t care, that he doesn’t give a damn either.

Previously, we somehow tried to fix everything. And then we were simply blown away, and probably both he and I had simply lost our strength... we no longer had the strength or desire to change anything. This moment came... the last straw, his last cry and it was as if I had been hit in the head... so sharply.

I told him we needed to talk. It was my initiative.. I said that I didn’t want anything else, that I wanted to break up... he said that he had been thinking about it for a week. A long conversation, tears, lump, sediment... and nothing more, the next day he moved out. It was hard... yes it was hard. And of course you understand. We broke up, but we still had common problems that we needed to solve. We continued to quarrel, all because of these some kind of problems that are now worth nothing.

Then we started communicating, I just don’t know how, you can’t call them friends, or acquaintances either. He just came sometimes, drank tea, talked about everything. About work, about dancing, about everything but not about us. We were just talking. I found a new job, I had new friends, dancing, I only came home to spend the night. Everything was fine with me and so was he. I no longer suffered and did not want to return to him. He also resigned himself. That's how 2 months passed.

And then a situation happens that killed me, killed me and everything that was left alive in me. His brother calls me and offers to meet and discuss something. I didn’t have any second thoughts, because I communicated normally with his brother and didn’t even notice that he had recently started writing to me on VKontakte very often.

We meet and he starts... - You see, I treat you very well, I don’t like everything that’s happening, I’m afraid that everything will go too far and that’s why I want to tell you everything.. He found someone else. He found her 10 days after you broke up.

“I know it’s unpleasant for you to hear all this now, but I decided that you should know everything.” And he likes her madly, her photo is on his desk, he takes such good care of her... they see each other all the time. And as soon as he told me the first two words—he said something else—it was as if a bomb had exploded in my chest. I cannot adequately describe how painful it was for me. This is very painful. It's cruel. And I broke... I was killed, I was destroyed. I cried in bed for two nights without getting up.

I was killed at work for two days. How bad it was. How this lump pressed me. He just destroyed it. I realized that I still love him, that I cannot live, breathe without this person, that I need him... that he is my everything. And at the same time, I hated him now because he forgot me so quickly and found a replacement. How hard it is to write about this...

And a few days later a friend calls me, she is our mutual friend... and after talking with her. It was as if I had descended to earth. A stone just lifted from my soul, although I didn’t fully believe this whole story. She told me that she had a heart-to-heart talk with him. And that this brother of his came up with everything... there is none of this. That he values ​​me and what happened between us. That he really loved me, that he was happy with me and now remembers only good things. Well.. it's always like that..

And he and his brother had a very strong quarrel and I don’t know for what purpose, maybe to annoy him, he decided to come up with such a story. I don’t know where the truth really is... but I don’t think a guy could fall in love with someone else like that in a week and forget everything that happened between us.

He loved me very much... and was ready to do anything for me. He once saved my life... but I won’t talk about that. I don’t know... really... yes, I felt better after talking with my friend, a little bit easier... but from that moment, after his brother’s call, everything in my life went downhill. It was as if he had destroyed my peace of mind, or... I don’t know what to call it... but I really felt good. I even got used to it without him... it was easy for me. And he broke everything.

And every day after that just killed me. I lost my job, I lost people who were close to me... Everyone around me was cruel to me, everyone accused me of something... every day it just finished me off. And you know... the biggest loss happened very recently, I lost him for the second time, I lost him forever! He will never come back to me...

It was raining, I was heading to the dance... broken, completely killed, destroyed, crushed... I was going to the dance. I didn’t want anything, not to dance, not to see the people I wanted to see all the time... but I knew that now I simply had to go there, through force, through myself... I simply had to go, not think about anything, about anyone , just dance.. dance and nothing more. And I was able... I suppressed everything, all the weakness, I was able... I danced, yes... but for the first time it was so disgusting to me, I wanted to kill everyone who was there, I was sick of everyone, I wanted to run away from there! How so... after all, I can’t live without this anymore... dancing is my everything, but I was disgusted by everything.

And in the locker room I simply couldn’t stand this pressure in my chest, I broke down completely.. I called him, why.. how could I.. I called him and offered to see him... I really needed to talk to him! After all, he is the person to whom I could tell everything, absolutely... I really needed to talk to him.

I wasn't going to return him... I just wanted to talk. It continued to rain... no, it was a terrible downpour... I sat at the bus stop and waited for it. I was waiting for him... and he arrived, he sat down next to me, lit a cigarette and was silent, and I didn’t say anything... and we just sat and were silent for several minutes. I tried to say something, but it was as if I had filled my mouth with water... I didn’t know where to start.

Then he said - will we remain silent? And I immediately felt cruelty... cruelty in his voice, in words, cruelty inside him... cruelty and composure. He continued to say something, and in every word there was dryness and indifference. He said that it was easier for him to live this way, that it was necessary, and that he advised me to do the same. Some kind of horror.

Then I spoke.. I talked and cried for a long time about what was happening in my life.. I could no longer hold on... I was as if defeated, I cried all the time, it was raining and it was getting dark, I didn’t take off my sunglasses... it was already dark and I didn’t take them off... there was terrible pain under them. But he remained cruel and said that there was no need for tears.

And I just started to choke, my head hurt... my whole face was swollen, I probably looked very pitiful... but I didn’t care. And at some point he could no longer hold on and hugged me. He hugged me so tightly, pressed me to himself - what are you doing... everything will be fine, stop it. He hugged me and stroked my hair, and then there was some kind of clouding of my mind. I didn’t want to say it... it wasn’t me anymore. It was simply impossible to stop me!

- “I love you, we can fix everything, we did something stupid... I need you, I need you, I know... you feel bad too, come back to me, we can fix everything, we wanted a wedding, a family, children... You told me I was there for life! Let’s just forgive each other for everything now... and start over with a new leaf, change, do everything to save us!”

When he started talking, I didn’t believe a single word of his - “I’m sorry, yes... I felt bad, I was depressed, I didn’t know how to live... but I suppressed all my feelings, I don’t love you anymore, there’s nothing to save, I do not love you!" I didn’t want to believe it.. I didn’t believe in it.. I didn’t believe that in 2 months you could forget 4 years of relationship! But he continued to say: “I treat you well, I appreciate you as a person, I loved you and was happy with you! And I am grateful to you for this time!”

I couldn’t calm down, he hugged me and said these words... words that destroyed me from the inside, that killed me inside me. Which devoured me and left nothing in me! It doesn’t happen like that... it doesn’t happen like that... he loved me, he loved me very much, he was ready to do anything for me... And now he says: “I don’t feel anything now, I don’t feel anything, I’m sorry, but I’m sincere with you.”

And then there was nothing left in me... I got up and walked... I don’t know where, why, but he followed me and said something else. I remember that he said that he really offended me, and that I probably wouldn’t communicate with him anymore. I remember that he would like to be my friend or not communicate at all, but not be enemies...

And the rain continued to fall, and I didn’t see anything, I walked through the mud through the puddles, and he followed me... I stopped somewhere, he asked me to go home, let him take me, and I just stood there and slowly died... It was death, the real one... I was no longer there. Then I turned around and told him for the last time how much I needed him... and he said “sorry” and left.

He left... just left, leaving me alone in this state, at night, in the rain on the street... alone. How could he? Once he was afraid to let me go two meters into the store at night, he was very afraid for me... and now he left me there and left... without leaving anything behind. I don’t know how long I stood there.. what I felt was death... really... death... I was killed, I’m no longer alive.

For a week I couldn’t move away, I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, I gave up on everything... then I was fired from work... I don’t have the strength to dance... I’m not just exhausted from energy, I’m no longer alive. I have no idea how I can come to terms with this and move on. I do not want anything…

I couldn’t understand how he could leave me there alone... after he once saved my life. I couldn't believe it. And I got it into my head... that this cannot be forgiven, that I hate him for this, although in reality... everything is not like that. And yesterday I found out that he followed me all the way to the entrance until he was sure that I had gone home. A friend told me about this, he asked me not to talk about it, but you know.. this is a friend.. and I felt even worse, I was even more drawn to him.. but nothing more will happen.. I died..

fasting is death...

Death. . .

Today I saw “death”... It was real... the most cruel and cold-blooded. The death of something real, something living.. it was a murder... Someone was killed.. maybe it was me.. I don’t know... probably now I’m gone. It's probably not me now. It happens... it happens suddenly, when you don’t expect a blow at all, when you stand firmly on your feet and feel confident, confident in yourself and your abilities! And then just bang... And you no longer feel anything... only sharp pain, muffled by a state of shock and the smell of death.

And then loss of consciousness, clouding of mind... and you try to reconstruct fragments, words, faces... But there is fog in your head, you need to remember something important, but there is fog everywhere... and then it happens that all this gimmick in your head is no longer makes no sense..

Everything has already been decided for you! We decided that you need to forget everything... in that very place, at that very moment, just forget and come to terms with some truth that you don’t even remember. Remain the way you were left in that very place... at that very moment! And there.. just standing there.. you understand that everything has passed, that everything has really passed.. that now no one cares about your safety. And you continue to stand there and kill all the weakness, all the fears, all the pain and all the grievances...

You kill all the feelings in yourself, this whole fucking anomaly... You kill yourself in yourself.. This is probably how we become cruel. But what then, excuse me, is the price of these feelings, which are suppressed by the desire to be cold-blooded?

It was very difficult to tell... it was as if I was going through everything all over again...

Touching stories touch to the core, and even the most callous person can be moved by a couple. Sometimes life lacks small, kind experiences that can move you to tears. Our touching stories are chosen precisely for this purpose. Stories are taken from the Internet and only the best are published.

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“I stood in line at the store, behind a little grandmother, whose hands were shaking, a lost look, she was tightly clutching a small wallet to her chest, you’ve probably seen one like this, I’ve seen this one several times and she didn’t have enough 7 rubles to buy it, then what she took, bread, milk, cereal, a tiny piece of liverwurst. And the seller spoke to her very rudely, and she stood so lost, I felt so sorry for her, I made a remark to the seller and put 10 rubles on the cash register. But my heart is so it quickly began to beat, I took this grandmother’s hand, she looked into my eyes, it seemed like she didn’t understand why I did this, and I took it and led her to the sales floor, simultaneously collecting food for her in a basket, all only the most necessary things, meat, bones for soup, eggs, all sorts of cereals, and she followed me silently and everyone looked at us. We got to the fruit and I asked what she liked, grandma silently looked at me and batted her eyes. I took a little of everything, but I think it will last for a long time. That's enough. We went up to the checkout, people parted ways and let us skip the line, then I realized that I didn’t have much money with me and was barely enough for her basket, I left mine in the hall, paid, holding this grandmother’s hand all this time and we left outside. At that moment, I noticed that a tear was running down my grandmother’s cheek, I asked where I could take her, put her in the car, and she offered to come in for tea. We went to her house, I had never seen anything like this, everything was like a scoop, but cozy, while she warmed the tea and put onion pies on the table, I looked around and realized how our old people live. After everything, I got into the car and then it hit me. I cried for about 10 minutes..."

14.10.2016 2 3929

One day, a father scolded his four-year-old daughter for wasting, as it seemed to him, a large amount of gold wrapping paper, pasting over an empty box in order to put it under the New Year tree.
There was barely any money.
And because of this, my father was even more nervous.
The next morning the girl brought her father the box she had covered and said:
- Dad, this is for you!
The father was incredibly embarrassed and repented of his intemperance the day before.
However, remorse gave way to a new attack of irritation when, upon opening the box, he saw that it was empty.
“Don’t you know that when you give someone a gift, there must be something inside?” - he shouted to his daughter.
The little girl raised her big, teary eyes and said:
- It's not empty, daddy. I put my kisses there. They are all for you.
Because of the feelings that washed over him, his father could not speak.
He just hugged his little girl and begged her to forgive him.
My father said later that he kept this gold-lined box near his bed for many years.
When difficult moments came in his life, he simply opened it, and then all those kisses that his daughter put there flew out, touching his cheeks, forehead, eyes and hands.

23.08.2016 0 4257

I never thought that I would find myself in a situation from which I could not extricate myself. Briefly about myself: I am 28 years old, my husband is 27, we are raising a wonderful three-year-old son. I grew up in a Ukrainian village, my parents are in good standing there, although they have been going to Russia to work for five years. I’ve been married for four years now, but this is not marriage, it’s hell! When we met, everything was like in a fairy tale: flowers every day, soft toys, kisses until the morning! Then, as young people always do, they get stuck. But my darling was not afraid and said: give birth. My husband goes on voyages, he is a sailor and earns good money. And now the time has come to meet his would-be parents. They didn’t like me right away, they say I’m a provincial girl. His parents have been divorced for twenty years, but they communicate with each other. His father never loved his children and was embarrassed: they lived poorly and poorly after the divorce, but his son lived well: he got a job as a gigolo with a young rich girl. My parents paid for the wedding, they also rented the apartment for six months, and his parents just shouted throughout the town that they had given us a gorgeous wedding. My husband’s vacation was over, he had to return to sea, and he didn’t want to leave me alone for a long time in a rented apartment. I took it to my mother-in-law, and then I experienced all the torments of hell: she hid food from me, locked the washing machine in the pantry so that I could wash it by hand, turned on the music at full volume, pushed me, and so on. The time came to give birth, I went at night myself, without waking anyone, and in the morning, lying with the baby in the ward, I listened on the phone to how bad I was for not closing the vestibule (I don’t have the keys to it). I spent three days in the maternity hospital, no one came. My mother couldn’t get there because it was January and the roads were very snowy. True, my godmother came to the discharge with flowers and took me away. We returned home, and there the holiday was in full swing! Drunk people whom I don't know rushed to bathe my son. And we also experienced this. The husband returned six months later, the baby was three months old. At that time, we were living in the village with our mother: she came on vacation and took us. My husband and I returned again to that hell from which we had just escaped. Difficulties have already begun in our relationship. True, he helped a lot with the baby: he washed diapers and heated porridge; there were no problems with money, since he earned good money. And then pressure began from his mother-in-law so that he would give her $200 a month for utilities. My mother-in-law, my child and I, my husband and his older brother, who at 30 years old had not worked anywhere and sat at the computer for days, lived in a three-room apartment. My husband correctly said that we would all pay equally, so she got mad and kicked the baby and me out onto the street, and we had to rent an apartment. We didn’t communicate with her at all for two years, and then she called and said that she was in the hospital. We immediately took off and drove off. She had a breast tumor, but everything turned out okay. We paid for the operation and the postoperative period, she was discharged, and her husband began visiting his mother often. And then I noticed that as soon as he stayed with her, he arrived drunk and aggressive. He began to reproach me that it was I who brought his mother to surgery (I wonder how?). Before that, he drank very rarely - he valued his career, but now for a long time he has been turning into a drunk, an aggressive tyrant, raising his hand at me, shouting that I am a kept woman and a beggar (these are the words of his mother). Yesterday I came drunk again, now I’m sitting all in gold, like a Christmas tree, and with a black eye.

02.06.2016 0 1982

When this old man died in a nursing home in a small Australian town, everyone believed that he had passed away without leaving any valuable trace. Later, when the nurses were sorting through his meager belongings, they discovered this poem. Its meaning and content impressed the employees so much that copies of the poem were quickly distributed to all hospital employees. One nurse took a copy to Melbourne... The old man's only will has since appeared in Christmas magazines across the country, as well as in psychology magazines. And this old man, who died a beggar in a godforsaken town in Australia, amazed people all over the world with the depth of his soul.
Coming in to wake me up in the morning,
Who do you see, nurse?
The old man is capricious, out of habit
Still living somehow,
Half blind, half fool
“Living” can be put in quotation marks.
If he doesn’t hear, he has to work hard,
Wastes grub.
He mumbles all the time - I can't get along with him.
Well, as long as you can, shut up!
He knocked the plate over on the floor.
Where are the shoes? Where is the second sock?
The last one is a fucking hero.
Get off the bed! May you perish...
Sister! Look into my eyes!
Be able to see what...
Behind this weakness and pain,
For a life lived, big.
Behind a moth-eaten jacket
Behind flabby skin, “behind the soul.”
Beyond today
Try to see ME...
... I'm a boy! Dear fidget,
Cheerful, slightly mischievous.
I'm scared. I'm five years old at most,
And the carousel is so high!
But here is father and mother nearby,
I glare at them.
And although my fear is ineradicable,
I know for sure that we love...
... Here I am sixteen, I'm on fire!
My soul is soaring in the clouds!
I dream, I’m happy, I’m sad,
I'm young, I'm looking for love...
... And here it is, my happy moment!
I'm twenty-eight. I'm the groom!
I go to the altar with love,
And again I burn, I burn, I burn...
... I'm thirty-five, my family is growing,
We already have sons
Your own home, farm. And wife
My daughter is about to give birth...
... And life flies, flies forward!
I'm forty-five - a whirlwind!
And the children are growing by leaps and bounds.
Toys, school, college...
All! Flew away from the nest
And they scattered in all directions!
The running of celestial bodies has slowed down,
Our cozy home is empty...
... But my beloved and I are together!
We lie down together and get up.
She doesn't let me be sad.
And life flies forward again...
... Now I'm already sixty.
The children are screaming in the house again!
Grandchildren have a cheerful round dance.
Oh, how happy we are! But here...
... Dim suddenly. Sun light.
My beloved is no more!
Happiness also has its limits...
I turned gray in a week
Haggard, soul drooping
And I felt that I was an old man...
... Now I live without any fuss,
I live for my grandchildren and children.
My world is with me, but every day
Less and less light in it...
Having shouldered the cross of old age,
I'm tired of wandering to nowhere.
The heart was covered with a crust of ice.
And time does not heal my pain.
Oh Lord, how long life is,
When she doesn't make you happy...
... But you have to come to terms with it.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
And you, bending over me,
Open your eyes, sister.
I'm not a capricious old man, no!
Beloved husband, father and grandfather...
... and the boy is small, until now
In the light of a sunny day
Flying into the distance on a carousel...
Try to see ME...
And maybe, while grieving for me, you will find YOURSELF!
Remember this poem the next time you meet an old
human! And think that sooner or later you will also be like him or her! The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be
see or touch. They should be felt by the heart!

29.05.2016 0 1799

The other day I had a successful hunt; I easily found the wolves’ den. I immediately shot the she-wolf with shot, and my dog ​​killed two of her puppies. He was already boasting to his wife about his prey, when a wolf howl was heard in the distance, but this time it was somehow unusual. He was saturated with grief and melancholy.
And in the morning of the next day, although I was sleeping quite soundly, a roar at the house woke me up, I ran out the door in what I was wearing. A wild picture appeared before my eyes: a huge wolf was standing near my house. The dog was on a chain, and the chain couldn’t reach him, and he probably couldn’t help. And next to him, my daughter stood and cheerfully played with his tail.
I couldn’t help at that moment, and she didn’t understand what was in danger. We met the wolf's eyes. “The head of that family,” I immediately understood. And he just whispered with his lips: “Don’t touch your daughter, kill me better.”
My eyes filled with tears, and my daughter asked: “Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Leaving the wolf's tail, she immediately ran up. He pulled her close with one hand. And the wolf left, leaving us alone. And he did not harm either my daughter or me, for the pain and grief I caused him, for the death of his she-wolf and children.
He took revenge. But he took revenge without bloodshed. He showed that he is stronger than people. He conveyed his feeling of pain to me. And he made it clear that I killed the children...

09.05.2016 0 1474

This letter from father to son was written by Livingston Larned almost 100 years ago, but it touches the hearts of people to this day. It became popular after Dale Carnegie published it in his book.
“Listen, son. I say these words when you sleep; your small hand is tucked under your cheek, and your curly blond hair is stuck together on your damp forehead. I sneaked into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with a consciousness of my guilt.
That's what I was thinking, son: I took my bad mood out on you. I scolded you when you were getting dressed to go to school because you just touched your face with a wet towel. I scolded you for not cleaning your shoes. I yelled at you angrily when you threw some of your clothes on the floor.
I also nagged at you at breakfast. You spilled the tea. You greedily swallowed the food. You rested your elbows on the table. You buttered the bread too thickly. And then, when you went to play, and I was hurrying to catch the train, you turned around, waved to me and shouted: “Bye, dad!” - I frowned and answered: “Straighten your shoulders!”
Then, at the end of the day, it all started again. Walking on the way home, I noticed you on your knees playing with marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you in front of your comrades by forcing you to walk home ahead of me. Stockings are expensive - and if you had to buy them with your own money, you would be more careful! Just imagine, son, what your father said!
Do you remember how you then entered the library where I was reading, timidly, with pain in your eyes? When I glanced at you over the newspaper, irritated at being interrupted, you stopped hesitantly at the door. "What do you need?" - I asked sharply.
You didn’t answer, but impulsively rushed to me, hugged me by the neck and kissed me. Your hands squeezed me with the love that God put in your heart and which even my neglect could not dry up. And then you left, stomping up the stairs.
So, son, soon after that the newspaper slipped out of my hands and a terrible, sickening fear took possession of me. What did habit do to me? The habit of nagging and scolding - this was my reward for you for being a little boy. It’s impossible to say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from my youth and measured you by the standard of my own years.
And there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere in your character. Your little heart is as big as the sunrise over the distant hills. This was manifested in your spontaneous impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Nothing else matters today, son.
I came to your crib in the dark and, ashamed, knelt before you! This is weak atonement. I know you wouldn't understand these things if I told you all this when you woke up. But tomorrow I will be a real father! I will be your friend, suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when an irritated word is about to escape. I will constantly repeat like a spell: “He’s only a boy, a little boy!”
I'm afraid that in my mind I saw you as a grown man. However, now, when I see you, son, wearily huddled in your crib, I understand that you are still a child. Just yesterday you were in your mother’s arms and your head was lying on her shoulder. I demanded too much, too much."

“28 years ago, one man saved my life by protecting me from three scoundrels who tried to rape me. As a result of that incident, he suffered a leg injury and still walks with a cane to this day. And I was very proud when he put down that cane today to walk our daughter down the aisle."

“Today, exactly ten months after his severe stroke, my dad stood up from his wheelchair for the first time without assistance to dance the father-bride dance with me.”

“A large stray dog ​​followed me from the metro almost to my house. I was already starting to get nervous. But suddenly, right in front of me, a guy appeared from somewhere with a knife in his hands and demanded my wallet. Before I could react, the dog pounced on him. He threw the knife and I ran away. Now I’m home, safe, and it’s all thanks to that dog.”

“Today my son, whom I adopted eight months ago, called me mom for the first time.”

“An elderly man with a guide dog came into the store where I work. He stopped in front of a stand with postcards and began to bring each of them close to his eyes in turn, trying to read the inscription. I was about to approach him and offer help, but a huge truck driver beat me to it. He asked the old man if he needed help, and then began to reread to him all the inscriptions on the postcards, one after another, until finally the old man said: “This is the right one. She is very cute and my wife will definitely like her."

“Today during lunch, a deaf and mute child whom I have been caring for 5 days a week for the past four years looked at me and said: “Thank you. I love you." These were his first words."

“When we left the doctor's office, where I was told that I had an incurable form of cancer, my girlfriend asked me to be her husband.”

“My dad is the best dad you could ever ask for. For my mother he is a wonderful loving husband, for me he is a caring father who has not missed a single football match of mine, plus he is an excellent master of the house. This morning I went into my dad's toolbox for some pliers and found an old note. It was a page from his diary. The post was made exactly one month before I was born, and it said, “I am an alcoholic with a criminal record who flunked out of college, but for the sake of my unborn daughter, I will change and become the best father in the world. I will become for her the dad I never had.” I don't know how he did it, but he did it."

“I have a patient who suffers from severe Alzheimer's disease. He rarely remembers his name, where he is and what he said a minute ago. But one part of his memory, by some miracle, remains untouched by the disease. He remembers his wife very well. Every morning he greets her with the words: “Hello, my beautiful Kate.” Perhaps this miracle is called "yu"

“I work as a teacher in a poor neighborhood. Many of my students come to class without lunch and without money for lunch because their parents earn too little. I periodically lend them a little money so they can have a snack and they always return it after a while, despite my refusals.”

“My wife works as an English teacher at school. About two hundred of her colleagues and former students wore T-shirts with her photo and the words “We will fight together” when they learned that she had breast cancer. I have never seen my wife so joyful."

“When I arrived from Afghanistan, I found out that my wife had deceived me and ran away with all our money. I had nowhere to live, I didn’t know what to do. One of my school friends and his wife, seeing that I needed help, took me in. They helped me improve my life and supported me through difficult times. Now I have my own diner, my own house, and their children still consider me part of the family."

“My cat ran away from home. I was very worried because I thought that I would never see him again. About a day passed after I posted missing notices and a man called me and said that he had my cat. It turned out that he was a beggar who spent 50 cents to call me from a pay phone. He was very nice and even bought my cat a bag of food."

“Today, during the evacuation due to a fire at the school, I ran out into the street to find the main bully in the class and saw him holding the hand of a little tear-stained girl and calming her down.”

“On the day my grandson was graduating, we got to talking and I complained that I never got to my graduation party because no one invited me. In the evening the doorbell rang, I opened the door and saw my grandson in a tuxedo. He came to invite me to his graduation."

“Today a homeless man who lives near my pastry shop bought a huge cake from me. I gave him a 40% discount. And then, watching him through the window, I saw him go out, cross the street and hand the cake to another homeless man, and when he smiled back, they hugged."

“About a year ago, my mother wanted to homeschool my brother, who has a mild form of autism, because he was being teased by his peers at school. But one of the most popular students, the captain of the football team, learned about this, stood up for my brother and persuaded the whole team to support him. Now my brother is his boyfriend"

“Today I watched a young man help a woman with a cane cross the road. He was very careful with her, watching her every move. When they sat down next to me at the bus stop, I wanted to compliment the woman about what a wonderful grandson she had, but I heard the young man say: “My name is Chris. What’s your name, madam?

“After my daughter’s funeral, I decided to clear the messages on my phone. I deleted all the inboxes, but there was one unread one left. It turned out that this was the last message from my daughter, which was lost among the rest. It said, 'Dad, I want you to know I'm okay.'"

“Today I stopped on my way to work to help an elderly man change his flat tire. When I came closer to him, I recognized him immediately. It was the fireman who pulled me and my mother out of a burning house 30 years ago. We chatted a little, then shook hands and said at the same time: “Thank you.”

“When my wife gave birth to our first child and my family and I were waiting for her in the hospital, my father had a heart attack. He was immediately given help. The doctors said that he was very lucky, because if he had not been in the hospital during the attack, they might not have had time to help him. It turns out that my son saved my father’s life.”

“Today I saw an accident on the road. An elderly drunk man crashed into a car driven by a teenager and the cars caught fire. The young man jumped out into the street and first of all pulled out the culprit of the accident from the burning car.”

“Five years ago, I volunteered at a suicide prevention hotline. Today my former manager called me and said that they had received an anonymous donation of $25,000 and a thank you note in my name.”

“I texted my supervisor and told him that my father had a heart attack and I would not be able to attend my appointment. After some time I received a response saying that I had the wrong number. And after some time, a complete stranger called me back and said a lot of sincere, hopeful words. He promised that he would pray for me and for my father. After this conversation I felt much better."

“I'm a florist. Today a soldier came to see me. He is leaving to serve for a year, but before that he decided to make an order according to which his wife will receive a bouquet of flowers from him every Friday during this year. I gave him a 50% discount because he made my day happy.”

“Today, my school friend, whom I had not seen for a long time, showed me a photograph of us and him, which he wore in his helmet throughout his eight years of service.”

“Today, one of my 9-year-old patients with a rare form of cancer has had her fourteenth operation in the last two years. But I never saw her frown. She constantly laughs, plays with friends, and makes plans for the future. She is 100% sure that she will survive. This girl has the strength to endure a lot."

“I work as a paramedic. Today we took the body of a parachuting instructor who died because his parachute did not open. His T-shirt said: “I will die doing what I love.”

“Today I came to the hospital to visit my grandfather, who has pancreatic cancer. When I sat down next to him, he squeezed my hand tightly and said: “Every day when you wake up, thank life for having it, because every second someone somewhere is desperately fighting to keep it that way.”

“Today my grandparents, who lived together for 72 years, died within an hour of each other.”

“Today I watched in horror from the kitchen window as my two-year-old son slipped while playing next to the pool and fell into it. But before I could come to the rescue, our Labrador Rex pulled him out of the water by the collar.”

“Today I turned 10 years old. I was born on September 11, 2001. My mother worked at the World Trade Center and survived only because she gave birth to me in the maternity hospital on that terrible day.”

“A few months ago I lost my job and I had nothing to pay for a rented apartment. When I went to my landlord to tell him I was moving out, he said, “You've been a good tenant for 10 years, I know you're having a hard time, I'll wait. Take your time, find another job, and only then pay me."

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations with fever when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to be given to infants? How can you lower the temperature in older children? What medications are the safest?

The new admirer treated Lena with care and tenderness, and she already felt something more than just sympathy for him. But even six months later he made no attempts to get closer...

Lena liked that she had such a young, athletic and cheerful mother that even passers-by addressed them the same way - “girls”. They really were more like friends: they liked the same music, art films, youth fashion (Lena admitted that her mother’s bright T-shirt and short pants looked even more appropriate than on her, nineteen years old).

Lena did not feel deprived in a single-parent family. She understood that her mother did everything in her power to give her the opportunity to live in abundance, enter a good university, and got rid of her drunkard father, putting an end to her “great love.”

Their house was open to guests. The men cast admiring glances at the mother. But no one stayed overnight, which made the daughter happy: let Dina’s personal affairs be outside these walls!

Ideal son-in-law

One day, while primping herself in front of the mirror, her mother said:
- They will come to us this evening... And I would like you to take a closer look at one person.
And, noticing the confusion in her daughter’s eyes, she laughed:
- No, this is not at all what you thought! You know, this is exactly the kind of son-in-law I would like to have.
Lena snorted:
- Bride?
- What's wrong: I looked, so look at it too. It’s not for you, but we’re organizing a show for him - how can you not like him?! - And she gently pressed her daughter’s cheek.

In the evening guests arrived. Lena did not know only one of them - Boris - and realized that everything was started precisely because of him. But he’s really good: tall, charming, with a wide smile (Lena was once again convinced of how similar her tastes are with her mother).

He began to visit them almost every evening, was witty, and dined without ceremony, as if he were his own, in the kitchen. Brought tickets to concerts. Always three. But Dina felt her daughter’s dissatisfaction and, under various pretexts, tried to send them away together.

At first, Lena was impressed that Boris was so careful and gentle with her. She already felt much more than sympathy for him, and began to get nervous: almost six months passed, and the admirer did not make decisive attempts to get closer. The girl became depressed and openly shared with her mother.

Well, you have to! - Dina was sincerely upset. - Aya has already decided that everything is fine with you!

They developed an insidious plan. Young people who had been dismissed after Boris's appearance began to visit the house again. Lena left in the evenings if he did not talk about the meeting in advance. But Boris still came whenever he wanted, and in Lena’s absence he happily spent the evenings with Dina. Not even ten minutes had passed before she was laughing heartily at his jokes and compliments, but she tried with all her might to turn the conversation to her daughter: “Look, here Lenochka is three years old! Such a doll... And already in the first grade she won a reading competition!”

He didn’t understand himself: the girl was beautiful, smart, with an easy-going and easy-going character - what more could you need! But how can he forget the meeting with Dina, who sunk into his soul at first sight? He spent the entire evening looking after her. But when, having asked to be his escort, he took her home, she resolutely broke away from his embrace: “Let him go, boy,” making it clear that the age difference was an insurmountable barrier. Boris, not wanting to give up, rushed to visit. She grinned: “Well, come back sometime. I’ll introduce you to my daughter.”
Lena turned out to be so similar to her mother... And he made up his mind.

The wedding took place in a fashionable restaurant. When the orchestra started playing a song about the mother-in-law, they were pushed into a circle laughing. Boris spun Dina around with all his might and looked into her eyes so that she was scared.

Bitter epiphany

Dina tried to visit the young people only in the absence of Boris.

Lena noticed this:
- Mom, why are you angry with him?
- Yes, I’m just busy in the evenings! - Dina lied. “You know what a cool novel I have!”

Lena enjoyed the role of a wife, remodeled Boris’s bachelor apartment to her taste, stoically endured toxicosis... She was not happy that she became pregnant right away, thinking that her husband had become colder towards her because of the spots on his face and his larger figure. Now they hardly ever went anywhere together. Boris became gloomy and irritable, citing problems at work. Lena cried little by little, but her mother consoled her: everything would work out with the birth of the child.

One evening, feeling lonely and lonely, Lena decided to go to her old house. Hearing loud voices from behind the door, she opened it with her key and quietly entered. Finally, she “caught” her mother’s elusive gentleman! I imagined how they would laugh together now...

But suddenly, growing cold, she recognized Boris’s voice. Through the gap between the curtains, Lena saw him kneeling in front of Dina. Suddenly he jumped up, grabbed his mother’s hands and began kissing her. Dina twisted her head, trying to escape. Lena somehow distantly thought that her husband had never kissed her like that.

As if her mother had read her thoughts, she suddenly rushed forward and began to slap her son-in-law on the cheeks, as if driving a desperate phrase into his head:

She loves you! Fool! She loves you!

Lena quietly, on tiptoe, slipped out of the apartment. There was a continuous ringing in her head and the same thought was spinning: she urgently had to make a decision. Herself. For the first time in her life, she has no one to consult with...

When there is no main thing
We often mistake other feelings for love: respect, gratitude, or even sympathy.

Therefore, without being sure that your partner’s feelings are serious, you should not make a hasty decision about marriage.

Psychologists say that those women who experienced their father’s love in childhood are happy in marriage. He shapes his daughter’s image of a future life partner and gives her self-confidence.

A mother's excessive love for her children does not always benefit them. Trying to protect her child from the storms of life, a woman deprives the child of independence.

Read also:

One day I was walking through the local stores, doing some shopping, and suddenly I noticed the Cashier talking to a boy no more than 5 or 6 years old.
The cashier says: I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.

Then the little boy turned to me and asked: Uncle, are you sure that I don’t have enough money?
I counted the money and answered: My dear, you don’t have enough money to buy this doll.
The little boy still held the doll in his hand.

After paying for my purchases, I approached him again and asked who he was going to give this doll to...?
My sister loved this doll very much and wanted to buy it. I would like to give it to her for her birthday! I would like to give the doll to my mom so she can pass this on to my sister when she goes to be with her!
...His eyes were sad when he told this.
My sister went to God. That's what my father told me, and said that soon my mother would also go to God, so I thought that she could take the doll with her and give it to my sister!? ….

I finished my shopping in a thoughtful and strange state. I couldn't get this boy out of my head. Then I remembered - there was an article in the local newspaper two days ago about a drunk man in a truck who hit a woman and a little girl. The little girl died instantly and the woman was in critical condition. The family must decide to turn off the machine that is keeping her alive, as the young woman is unable to recover from her coma. Is this really the family of the boy who wanted to buy a doll for his sister?

After two days, an article was published in the newspaper, which said that that young woman had died... I could not hold back my tears... I bought white roses and went to the funeral... The young girl was lying in white, in one hand there was a doll and a photo, and on one side there was a white rose.
I left in tears, and felt that my life would now change... I will never forget this boy's love for his mother and sister!!!

Please DO NOT DRIVE WHEN ALCOHOL!!! You can ruin not only your life...


It's not easy for me to publish sad, touching stories about children. Brings me to tears. 3 stories of life in which each child fights for a place in the sun.

In total, three letters arrived in my email box.

All of them are permeated with grief, which makes the soul sad.

How I want to provide a bright future for the younger generation.

Please, if you are under the age of majority; If you suffer from a nervous disorder and extreme sentimentality, leave this page.

A short story of Pavlik

My son always wanted to be like his dad.

I adopted his behavior, and sometimes I felt offended.

She loves dad more than mom.

God, how touching it is to see him in his father's tight suit.

I pulled it when I met my dad from work.

My husband worked as a doctor and saved people’s lives.

He is our surgeon, or rather an oncologist.

Operations, sentences, consolations.

And so every day.

How could he not have noticed the first symptoms of Pavlik’s serious illness?

With all our might we hoped for a miracle.

Grandmother cried on the sidelines, begging God for miracles.

But life is indeed short, and happiness is a ghostly haze.

It will break at dawn, and by sunset it will be completely dark.

Pavlik always wanted to be a doctor, like his dad.

And I only want one thing. So that God would allow me to reunite with those who left one by one.

A touching story about sad children

I worked in an orphanage.

I don’t want to talk now about how difficult it was for me.

The hardest thing is for children crying in the dark night.

They paint an image of parents they don’t know by sight.

They live and hope that they have been forgotten for a while, and search tirelessly for them.

Lord, there are so many questions that made me barely hold back tears.

When will mom arrive? Is it true that my dad is a fighter pilot?

They grow up and become educators themselves.

And until the end of their days they want to meet with their parents, so as not to judge, but to forgive, finally saying the word “mother”.

A tear-jerking story about street children

On their own, the smart guys grew up and were brought up on the streets.

We formed a company and pumped up our biceps.

No, my parents are alive and well, but they have too much to do.

Children who are sent around the world.

There were three of them in total.

Stas, Kolya and Andrey.

Brave, daring teenagers who really wanted to distinguish themselves; pay special attention to yourself.

To become famous quickly and get rich, then perhaps they will be noticed, praised, and promoted.

Bosom friendship commanded them to hold hands while crossing roads and highways.

Well, where are you running, mischievous girl, right under the wheels of a dump truck!

Unhappy love. Deep wound.

Suddenly there is a sudden jerk, and a multi-ton car flies straight towards the poor thing.

With all their strength, the children pushed away the one who did not want to live, but they themselves did not have time to retreat.

Three friends, street kids, dreaming of being paid special attention to.

But they never had time to know what real happiness is.

Tearful stories about children were edited by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

This will be useful to you in life

Author : Site administrator | Published: 02/02/2017 |

Touching stories touch to the core, and even the most callous person can be moved by a couple. Sometimes life lacks small, kind experiences that can move you to tears. Our touching stories are chosen precisely for this purpose. Stories are taken from the Internet and only the best are published.

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“I stood in line at the store, behind a little grandmother, whose hands were shaking, a lost look, she was tightly clutching a small wallet to her chest, you’ve probably seen one like this, I’ve seen this one several times and she didn’t have enough 7 rubles to buy it, then what she took, bread, milk, cereal, a tiny piece of liverwurst. And the seller spoke to her very rudely, and she stood so lost, I felt so sorry for her, I made a remark to the seller and put 10 rubles on the cash register. But my heart is so it quickly began to beat, I took this grandmother’s hand, she looked into my eyes, it seemed like she didn’t understand why I did this, and I took it and led her to the sales floor, simultaneously collecting food for her in a basket, all only the most necessary things, meat, bones for soup, eggs, all sorts of cereals, and she followed me silently and everyone looked at us. We got to the fruit and I asked what she liked, grandma silently looked at me and batted her eyes. I took a little of everything, but I think it will last for a long time. That's enough. We went up to the checkout, people parted ways and let us skip the line, then I realized that I didn’t have much money with me and was barely enough for her basket, I left mine in the hall, paid, holding this grandmother’s hand all this time and we left outside. At that moment, I noticed that a tear was running down my grandmother’s cheek, I asked where I could take her, put her in the car, and she offered to come in for tea. We went to her house, I had never seen anything like this, everything was like a scoop, but cozy, while she warmed the tea and put onion pies on the table, I looked around and realized how our old people live. After everything, I got into the car and then it hit me. I cried for about 10 minutes..."

14.10.2016 2 2069

One day, a father scolded his four-year-old daughter for wasting, as it seemed to him, a large amount of gold wrapping paper, pasting over an empty box in order to put it under the New Year tree.
There was barely any money.
And because of this, my father was even more nervous.
The next morning the girl brought her father the box she had covered and said:
- Dad, this is for you!
The father was incredibly embarrassed and repented of his intemperance the day before.
However, remorse gave way to a new attack of irritation when, upon opening the box, he saw that it was empty.
“Don’t you know that when you give someone a gift, there must be something inside?” - he shouted to his daughter.
The little girl raised her big, teary eyes and said:
- It's not empty, daddy. I put my kisses there. They are all for you.
Because of the feelings that washed over him, his father could not speak.
He just hugged his little girl and begged her to forgive him.
My father said later that he kept this gold-lined box near his bed for many years.
When difficult moments came in his life, he simply opened it, and then all those kisses that his daughter put there flew out, touching his cheeks, forehead, eyes and hands.

23.08.2016 0 2498

I never thought that I would find myself in a situation from which I could not extricate myself. Briefly about myself: I am 28 years old, my husband is 27, we are raising a wonderful three-year-old son. I grew up in a Ukrainian village, my parents are in good standing there, although they have been going to Russia to work for five years. I’ve been married for four years now, but this is not marriage, it’s hell! When we met, everything was like in a fairy tale: flowers every day, soft toys, kisses until the morning! Then, as young people always do, they get stuck. But my darling was not afraid and said: give birth. My husband goes on voyages, he is a sailor and earns good money. And now the time has come to meet his would-be parents. They didn’t like me right away, they say I’m a provincial girl. His parents have been divorced for twenty years, but they communicate with each other. His father never loved his children and was embarrassed: they lived poorly and poorly after the divorce, but his son lived well: he got a job as a gigolo with a young rich girl. My parents paid for the wedding, they also rented the apartment for six months, and his parents just shouted throughout the town that they had given us a gorgeous wedding. My husband’s vacation was over, he had to return to sea, and he didn’t want to leave me alone for a long time in a rented apartment. I took it to my mother-in-law, and then I experienced all the torments of hell: she hid food from me, locked the washing machine in the pantry so that I could wash it by hand, turned on the music at full volume, pushed me, and so on. The time came to give birth, I went at night myself, without waking anyone, and in the morning, lying with the baby in the ward, I listened on the phone to how bad I was for not closing the vestibule (I don’t have the keys to it). I spent three days in the maternity hospital, no one came. My mother couldn’t get there because it was January and the roads were very snowy. True, my godmother came to the discharge with flowers and took me away. We returned home, and there the holiday was in full swing! Drunk people whom I don't know rushed to bathe my son. And we also experienced this. The husband returned six months later, the baby was three months old. At that time, we were living in the village with our mother: she came on vacation and took us. My husband and I returned again to that hell from which we had just escaped. Difficulties have already begun in our relationship. True, he helped a lot with the baby: he washed diapers and heated porridge; there were no problems with money, since he earned good money. And then pressure began from his mother-in-law so that he would give her $200 a month for utilities. My mother-in-law, my child and I, my husband and his older brother, who at 30 years old had not worked anywhere and sat at the computer for days, lived in a three-room apartment. My husband correctly said that we would all pay equally, so she got mad and kicked the baby and me out onto the street, and we had to rent an apartment. We didn’t communicate with her at all for two years, and then she called and said that she was in the hospital. We immediately took off and drove off. She had a breast tumor, but everything turned out okay. We paid for the operation and the postoperative period, she was discharged, and her husband began visiting his mother often. And then I noticed that as soon as he stayed with her, he arrived drunk and aggressive. He began to reproach me that it was I who brought his mother to surgery (I wonder how?). Before that, he drank very rarely - he valued his career, but now for a long time he has been turning into a drunk, an aggressive tyrant, raising his hand at me, shouting that I am a kept woman and a beggar (these are the words of his mother). Yesterday I came drunk again, now I’m sitting all in gold, like a Christmas tree, and with a black eye.

02.06.2016 0 1080

When this old man died in a nursing home in a small Australian town, everyone believed that he had passed away without leaving any valuable trace. Later, when the nurses were sorting through his meager belongings, they discovered this poem. Its meaning and content impressed the employees so much that copies of the poem were quickly distributed to all hospital employees. One nurse took a copy to Melbourne... The old man's only will has since appeared in Christmas magazines across the country, as well as in psychology magazines. And this old man, who died a beggar in a godforsaken town in Australia, amazed people all over the world with the depth of his soul.
Coming in to wake me up in the morning,
Who do you see, nurse?
The old man is capricious, out of habit
Still living somehow,
Half blind, half fool
“Living” can be put in quotation marks.
If he doesn’t hear, he has to work hard,
Wastes grub.
He mumbles all the time - I can't get along with him.
Well, as long as you can, shut up!
He knocked the plate over on the floor.
Where are the shoes? Where is the second sock?
The last one is a fucking hero.
Get off the bed! May you perish...
Sister! Look into my eyes!
Be able to see what...
Behind this weakness and pain,
For a life lived, big.
Behind a moth-eaten jacket
Behind flabby skin, “behind the soul.”
Beyond today
Try to see ME...
... I'm a boy! Dear fidget,
Cheerful, slightly mischievous.
I'm scared. I'm five years old at most,
And the carousel is so high!
But here is father and mother nearby,
I glare at them.
And although my fear is ineradicable,
I know for sure that we love...
... Here I am sixteen, I'm on fire!
My soul is soaring in the clouds!
I dream, I’m happy, I’m sad,
I'm young, I'm looking for love...
... And here it is, my happy moment!
I'm twenty-eight. I'm the groom!
I go to the altar with love,
And again I burn, I burn, I burn...
... I'm thirty-five, my family is growing,
We already have sons
Your own home, farm. And wife
My daughter is about to give birth...
... And life flies, flies forward!
I'm forty-five - a whirlwind!
And the children are growing by leaps and bounds.
Toys, school, college...
All! Flew away from the nest
And they scattered in all directions!
The running of celestial bodies has slowed down,
Our cozy home is empty...
... But my beloved and I are together!
We lie down together and get up.
She doesn't let me be sad.
And life flies forward again...
... Now I'm already sixty.
The children are screaming in the house again!
Grandchildren have a cheerful round dance.
Oh, how happy we are! But here...
... Dim suddenly. Sun light.
My beloved is no more!
Happiness also has its limits...
I turned gray in a week
Haggard, soul drooping
And I felt that I was an old man...
... Now I live without any fuss,
I live for my grandchildren and children.
My world is with me, but every day
Less and less light in it...
Having shouldered the cross of old age,
I'm tired of wandering to nowhere.
The heart was covered with a crust of ice.
And time does not heal my pain.
Oh Lord, how long life is,
When she doesn't make you happy...
... But you have to come to terms with it.
Nothing is eternal under the Moon.
And you, bending over me,
Open your eyes, sister.
I'm not a capricious old man, no!
Beloved husband, father and grandfather...
... and the boy is small, until now
In the light of a sunny day
Flying into the distance on a carousel...
Try to see ME...
And maybe, while grieving for me, you will find YOURSELF!
Remember this poem the next time you meet an old
human! And think that sooner or later you will also be like him or her! The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be
see or touch. They should be felt by the heart!

29.05.2016 0 907

The other day I had a successful hunt; I easily found the wolves’ den. I immediately shot the she-wolf with shot, and my dog ​​killed two of her puppies. He was already boasting to his wife about his prey, when a wolf howl was heard in the distance, but this time it was somehow unusual. He was saturated with grief and melancholy.
And in the morning of the next day, although I was sleeping quite soundly, a roar at the house woke me up, I ran out the door in what I was wearing. A wild picture appeared before my eyes: a huge wolf was standing near my house. The dog was on a chain, and the chain couldn’t reach him, and he probably couldn’t help. And next to him, my daughter stood and cheerfully played with his tail.
I couldn’t help at that moment, and she didn’t understand what was in danger. We met the wolf's eyes. “The head of that family,” I immediately understood. And he just whispered with his lips: “Don’t touch your daughter, kill me better.”
My eyes filled with tears, and my daughter asked: “Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Leaving the wolf's tail, she immediately ran up. He pulled her close with one hand. And the wolf left, leaving us alone. And he did not harm either my daughter or me, for the pain and grief I caused him, for the death of his she-wolf and children.
He took revenge. But he took revenge without bloodshed. He showed that he is stronger than people. He conveyed his feeling of pain to me. And he made it clear that I killed the children...

09.05.2016 0 831

This letter from father to son was written by Livingston Larned almost 100 years ago, but it touches the hearts of people to this day. It became popular after Dale Carnegie published it in his book.
“Listen, son. I say these words when you sleep; your small hand is tucked under your cheek, and your curly blond hair is stuck together on your damp forehead. I sneaked into your room alone. A few minutes ago, as I was sitting in the library reading the newspaper, a heavy wave of remorse washed over me. I came to your bed with a consciousness of my guilt.
That's what I was thinking, son: I took my bad mood out on you. I scolded you when you were getting dressed to go to school because you just touched your face with a wet towel. I scolded you for not cleaning your shoes. I yelled at you angrily when you threw some of your clothes on the floor.
I also nagged at you at breakfast. You spilled the tea. You greedily swallowed the food. You rested your elbows on the table. You buttered the bread too thickly. And then, when you went to play, and I was hurrying to catch the train, you turned around, waved to me and shouted: “Bye, dad!” - I frowned and answered: “Straighten your shoulders!”
Then, at the end of the day, it all started again. Walking on the way home, I noticed you on your knees playing with marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you in front of your comrades by forcing you to walk home ahead of me. Stockings are expensive - and if you had to buy them with your own money, you would be more careful! Just imagine, son, what your father said!
Do you remember how you then entered the library where I was reading, timidly, with pain in your eyes? When I glanced at you over the newspaper, irritated at being interrupted, you stopped hesitantly at the door. "What do you need?" - I asked sharply.
You didn’t answer, but impulsively rushed to me, hugged me by the neck and kissed me. Your hands squeezed me with the love that God put in your heart and which even my neglect could not dry up. And then you left, stomping up the stairs.
So, son, soon after that the newspaper slipped out of my hands and a terrible, sickening fear took possession of me. What did habit do to me? The habit of nagging and scolding - this was my reward for you for being a little boy. It’s impossible to say that I didn’t love you, the whole point is that I expected too much from my youth and measured you by the standard of my own years.
And there is so much healthy, beautiful and sincere in your character. Your little heart is as big as the sunrise over the distant hills. This was manifested in your spontaneous impulse when you rushed to me to kiss me before going to bed. Nothing else matters today, son.
I came to your crib in the dark and, ashamed, knelt before you! This is weak atonement. I know you wouldn't understand these things if I told you all this when you woke up. But tomorrow I will be a real father! I will be your friend, suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when an irritated word is about to escape. I will constantly repeat like a spell: “He’s only a boy, a little boy!”
I'm afraid that in my mind I saw you as a grown man. However, now, when I see you, son, wearily huddled in your crib, I understand that you are still a child. Just yesterday you were in your mother’s arms and your head was lying on her shoulder. I demanded too much, too much."


We separated. That's how it happened.
What can we say when it can be equated to death.
The person has left your life - your life. And he won’t be anymore, he doesn’t want to anymore... imagine, he finds new love,
and you sit and understand that you made plans, that you loved to the ends of your hair. And he was like, don’t cry, what happened and passed, that’s how it turned out. That’s how it happened.
And the moment comes when you understand - this is the last time. Inside, hope lies at the point of death, it drinks, cries, and screams.
then you get up and go... you don’t want to eat, you can’t sleep... you just drink. And you can’t drink anymore. But there are people around. It’s good to have friends, it’s good to have relatives. I was so far away from them. and came back...she would have gone crazy alone.
This year is 2016. It will take away a lot of things and will not return...
Your loved one died. The day before the wedding he passed away. You got screwed in the war and the whole world is not enough for you. Why did you stay...
And an insidious case - he took a man... a family that everyone envied, true, sincere, real love... a couple married in heaven... they gave birth to a son, were preparing for a daughter, but did not have time, he is no more.
Friends, let's have a drink, tell us. You see, I have a serious problem. But I’m holding on. we are alive. But what about those who... well, others. Ex, acquaintances? Alive, but there’s a jamb. There’s only one left. There is a child in a stroller and he is disabled. And his mother abandoned him... you can’t bring him back. health and mother, and you won’t find words.
And where are you, my childhood friend, you have both a son and a daughter growing up, I thought at least you had a boundless life, but no, and then a year found you. Do you remember how you and your brother locked me in, together you loved, played, competed with scribbles, although it was impossible. How does he live alone? Here she is! I arrived... but I was late. closed, stolen and the trial is underway.
And the one who lived together for 8 years, I don’t love him, doesn’t bother me... it’s impossible.
And how much of friend had a breakup too. We have to hold on, people, never give up.

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Vegans can do anything

A vegan Australian climbed Everest to prove that "vegans can do anything" and died.
Vegans, don't climb the mountains!

Two climbers from the Netherlands and Australia conquered the world's highest Mount Everest and died during the descent due to altitude sickness, reports the Associated Press.

Both climbers were in the same group. 35-year-old Eric Arnold began to complain of weakness. He died on the evening of Friday, May 20, near the South Col Pass. A few hours after Arnold's death, Australian Maria Strydom died with similar signs of altitude sickness.

Eric Arnold reportedly summited Everest on his fifth attempt and has repeatedly claimed it to be his childhood spot. Maria Strydom and her husband planned to climb the seven highest peaks.

These climbers were the first to die on Everest since the beginning of the year.

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He hated his wife

A powerful love story that will not leave you indifferent...

He hated his wife. Hated it! They lived together for 20 years. For 20 years of his life, he saw her every day in the morning, but only in the last year did her habits begin to irritate him wildly. Especially one of them: stretching out your arms and, while still in bed, saying: “Hello, sunshine! Today will be a wonderful day." It seemed like an ordinary phrase, but her thin arms, her sleepy face aroused hostility in him.

She got up, walked along the window and looked into the distance for a few seconds. Then she took off her nightie and went naked into the bath. Previously, at the beginning of the marriage, he admired her body, her freedom, bordering on debauchery. And although her body was still in great shape, her naked appearance made him angry. Once he even wanted to push her in order to speed up the “awakening” process, but he gathered all his strength into a fist and only rudely said: “Hurry up, I’m already tired!”

She was in no hurry to live, she knew about his affair on the side, she even knew the girl with whom her husband had been dating for about three years. But time healed the wounds of pride and left only a sad trail of uselessness. She forgave her husband’s aggression, inattention, and desire to relive his youth. But she didn’t let it stop her from living a sedate life, understanding every minute. This is how she decided to live from the moment she found out that she was sick. The disease eats her up month after month and will soon defeat her.

The first desire of urgent need is to talk about the disease. Everyone! To reduce the mercilessness of the truth by dividing it into pieces and distributing it to relatives. But she endured the most difficult days alone with the awareness of imminent death, and on the second day she made a firm decision to remain silent about everything. Her life was flowing away, and every day the wisdom of a person who knew how to contemplate was born in her. She found solitude in a small rural library, the journey to which took an hour and a half. And every day she climbed into the narrow corridor between the shelves signed by the old librarian “The Secrets of Life and Death” and found a book in which, it seemed, all the answers would be found.

He came to his mistress's house. Everything here was bright, warm, familiar. They had been dating for three years, and all this time he had loved her with an abnormal love. He was jealous, humiliated, humiliated and seemed unable to breathe away from her young body. Today he came here, and a firm decision was born in him: to get a divorce. Why torture all three, he doesn’t love his wife, moreover, he hates her. And here he will live in a new way, happily. He tried to remember the feelings he once felt for his wife, but could not. It suddenly seemed to him that she had annoyed him so much from the very first day they met. He pulled out a photo of his wife from his wallet and, as a sign of his determination to get a divorce, tore it into small pieces.

They agreed to meet at a restaurant. Where six months ago they celebrated their fifteenth anniversary of marriage. She arrived first. Before the meeting, he stopped at home, where he spent a long time searching in the closet for the papers needed to file for divorce. In a somewhat nervous mood, he turned out the insides of the boxes and scattered them on the floor. In one of them lay a dark blue sealed folder. He hadn't seen her before. He squatted on the floor and in one motion tore off the duct tape. He expected to see anything there, even incriminating photographs. But instead I found numerous tests and stamps from medical institutions, extracts, and certificates. All the sheets contained the wife's surname and initials. The guess struck him like an electric shock, and a cold trickle ran down his back. Sick!

He went online, entered the name of the diagnosis into a search engine, and a terrible phrase appeared on the screen: “From 6 to 18 months.” He looked at the dates: six months had passed since the examination. What happened next, he remembered poorly. The only phrase spinning in my head: “6-18 months.”

She waited for him for forty minutes. The phone did not answer, she paid the bill and went outside. It was beautiful autumn weather, the sun was not hot, but warmed the soul. “How wonderful life is, how good it is on earth, next to the sun, the forest.” For the first time in all the time she has known about the disease, she was filled with a feeling of self-pity. She had the strength to keep a secret, a terrible secret about her illness from her husband, parents, and friends. She tried to make their existence easier, even at the cost of her own ruined life. Moreover, from this life soon only a memory will remain. She walked down the street and saw how people’s eyes rejoiced because everything was ahead, there would be winter, and spring would certainly follow! She won't be able to experience that feeling again. The resentment grew in her and burst out in a stream of endless tears...

He was rushing around the room. For the first time in his life, he acutely, almost physically, felt the transience of life. He remembered his young wife, at a time when they had just met and were full of hope. But he loved her then. It suddenly seemed to him that these twenty years had never happened. And everything is ahead: happiness, youth, life... In these last days, he surrounded her with care, was with her 24 hours a day and experienced unprecedented happiness. He was afraid that she would leave, he was ready to give his life just to save her. And if someone had reminded him that a month ago he hated his wife and dreamed of getting a divorce, he would have said: “It wasn’t me.” He saw how hard it was for her to say goodbye to life, how she cried at night, thinking that he was sleeping. He understood that there was no worse punishment than knowing the date of his death. He saw how she fought for life, clinging to the most delusional hope.

She died two months later. He littered the road from the house to the cemetery with flowers. He cried like a child when they lowered the coffin, he became a thousand years older... At home, under her pillow, he found a note, a wish that she wrote on New Year’s Eve: “To be happy with Him until the end of my days.”

They say that all wishes made on New Year's Eve come true. Apparently this is true, because in the same year he wrote: “Become free.” Everyone got what they seemed to dream of. He laughed loudly, hysterically, and tore the piece of paper with the wish into small pieces...

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Very sad story

A girl (15 years old) was bought a horse. She loved her, looked after her, fed her. The horse was trained to jump up to 150 cm. He jumped without a hold and with a reserve, which gave him great prospects for the sport!
One day he and his horse went to training. The girl set up an obstacle and walked into it...
The horse jumped perfectly with a huge margin..... On the fourth attempt to jump, the girl fell, breaking her cervical and lumbar vertebrae. After several operations and years spent in the hospital, she returned to her horse in a wheelchair....
Entering the stable, the horse neighed and began to try to knock down the door! The girl's parents were frightened and quickly hurried to take their child as far away from the stable as possible.... While they were leaving the stable, the horse neighed, and the girl cried, because she understood that the horse was trying to come out to her. She tried to get up, but she couldn’t... more and more, knocking harder on the door, the horse tried to escape... Alas, the parents thought that he had gone crazy or had rabies...

While they were driving the car towards the house, the horse galloped after the car... he ran after her until he lost strength.... At breakneck speed, out of breath, he continued the chase, the girl was sobbing, hitting the window with her palms, asking to stop, the parents did not react ...

Before her eyes, out of exhaustion, the horse fell, gasping for breath, on the asphalt... he fell, breathing deeply, still trying to get up and give chase...
Seeing this, the parents stopped, the girl opened the door and RUN towards him.... she didn’t notice that she was running and not riding in a stroller, it didn’t matter to her just to save him...
Running up to the horse, she fell next to him, choking on tears, and the horse, putting his head on her lap, closed his eyes and died....

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Doctors don't always help...

Mom, without stopping, wrapped him in bandages while the baby screamed in agony. Seeing the boy a year later, the world refused to believe it.

A year ago, thirty-five-year-old Stephanie Smith gave birth to a son, Isaiah. When the baby was born, her whole life was filled with love. Mother and son spent days and days together, enjoying each other. However, all this did not last long. Three months later, a spot appeared on the boy's skin, which turned their happy fairy tale into a complete nightmare.

The rash got bigger and bigger every day. Isaiah had to smell new smells, reacting to which his skin would tear and bleed.

Doctors decided that the boy had a severe form of eczema. They prescribed the baby topical steroid ointments, which initially made Isaiah feel better. Some time passed, and the skin rash appeared even worse than before. Mom resorted to stronger drugs, but the story repeated itself again and again: her son only got worse from the drugs.

A terrible rash covered the baby's entire body. His hair was falling out and his sensitivity was disappearing. The doctors shrugged.

“The doctors thought it was just eczema,” Stefania said, “they all said the same thing. One of the doctors even said that I was poisoning my son with my milk, so I should stop feeding him immediately.”

Five months passed, and Isaiah had an attack: the skin began to tear deep from the inside. An ambulance took the boy to the hospital, where he was treated with strong steroids. The ointments gave results, but two days later the attack returned with renewed vigor.

In order to avoid infection, Stefania regularly wrapped her baby in medical bandages. Even his fingers, with which he could scratch himself while sleeping, had to be completely covered.

Isaiah felt better only in the water. The mother spent days on end with the baby in the bathroom while he lay in the sink. Only there her son did not cry.

“Every time we touched each other, his skin began to open from the inside. I couldn't put his cheek against mine. “I couldn’t even hug him without all these bandages,” Stefania said, “he was in pain all the time, he screamed. I cried all the time." “He looked like he had no skin. The pain was unbearable all the time. One day, completely desperate, I prayed to the Lord to give my son another life.”

The doctors directly said that there was nothing more they could do. The pain resulted in despair, tears did not leave my eyes. Stefania did not know whether there was any possibility of saving her son.

A little later, she goes to an Internet forum, where she accidentally stumbles upon photographs of children with skin problems. “They were discussing steroids. Their side effects may make the rash worse if you stop taking them."

Stefania refuses steroid treatment for her son and decides to make her own lotions and ointments. The combination of lemongrass and zinc worked best. Soon spots began to appear on Isaiah's body, free from any inflammation.

Ten months after stopping steroid ointments, the baby's skin returned to normal. “Thirty-five doctors examined us. They all thought it was eczema. Now I really want to show them photos of Isaiah in full health.”

The most important thing is that the boy who once could not be touched by anyone can now play happily with other children. “We lost a whole year. For a whole year I couldn’t kiss him or touch him. Now we hug him all the time as a family! He likes it so much!“

Stefania shared her experience to help others. She, like no one else, understands the pain of a woman whose child is forced to suffer continuously. Share this story and maybe you will save another desperate mother and her sick baby.

I decided to write about this after stumbling upon this story online. Even before leaving for Vietnam, I came across a very similar case. The girl is 2 years old. The eczema has not gone away for several months now. During periods of exacerbations, prednisolone ointments were used. The latest exacerbation was so severe that the girl was given quite serious hormonal therapy at the regional hospital. Immediately after discharge, the girl felt much worse than before the hospital. Hands, face, vagina are swollen. The girl screamed almost continuously in pain.

And I did something for which every pediatrician, allergist and dermatologist will condemn me, as they say, “decisively and irrevocably.” I called the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Vietnam to ask for advice. They advised me to a Vietnamese doctor in Moscow, Doctor Tao. In a situation where official medicine had already done serious harm, this was the “straw for salvation.” The girl and mother were already in Moscow in the morning. The clinic was located, no less, in a large government institution. It takes up an entire floor! And gratitude from the main patient - German Gref - is in a prominent place, in a frame. Some Vietnamese, curtains, massage, needles. We are waiting for the doctor. A middle-aged Vietnamese man arrives and speaks Russian no better than the Vietnamese at the market, “a little bit.” He takes the girl by the hand, feels her pulse, takes a piece of paper and begins to schematically draw the internal organs. He says that the metabolism is disturbed, the pancreas and liver need to be treated, and there are problems with the nervous system. He gives you jars with yellow capsules, tablets with hieroglyphs and a bottle with some kind of reddish oil. No annotations in either Russian or English. Explains: “This is drinking so much, this is so much, this is smearing.” All. A full course of treatment for six months will cost about 3 thousand dollars. We only take it for a month - there was no more money. Then we decided to buy more.
We anointed our hands with this “red oil” right away, and by the evening the itching was gone! The next day they left for their place. The redness and itching went away very quickly. Describing the horrors of transporting Vietnamese medicines from Moscow to Novgorod is a different story. None of the post offices took on such responsibility, nor did sending by train. Afraid. Medicines not certified by our Ministry of Health cannot be sent. No way. We found a Kamaz driver from Novgorod, and then through friends, we were just lucky. And as for the purchase itself... I had to go to the clinic at one of the factories to get the medicine, where the doctor also has an office. Just like in the movies. The doctor presses the remote control - the wall opens, and there are shelves with capsules. Well, just like in films about the Chinese mafia, only they hide weapons like that.

Two years have already passed. There were no exacerbations, the parents “relaxed.” The girl happily ate chips with Coca-Cola, candy and lollipops from the supermarket checkout. And the eczema returned. What does mom do? First of all, he again goes to hospitals, dermatologists, allergists, hormonal ointments. It's getting worse again. Mom sends me photos. I grab my head and explain that now she will have to go to the doctor without me; I have a ten-hour plane ride to Moscow. Then mom remembers that “we didn’t drink all the peas, we still had some left.” I outline the diet (remove chips, chups, fried foods and other rubbish). There is an improvement... Everything is fine now.

What surprised me most about this story is this:
- Parents of a girl who treat the child only when the “roasted rooster” pecks. Food is already medicine. First we eat whatever we can get our hands on, then we don’t know which doctors to run to...
- Doctors of official medicine with standard regimens “Hello, prednisolone!” Well, it doesn’t cure at all, it just relieves the symptoms, and for a while. Alas, 90% of medications, I am convinced, are needed only to relieve symptoms.
- The prudence of some of our officials when it comes to their own health. They settled a good Vietnamese doctor right in the Presidential Administration, they found a floor! And for the rest - clinics, which are sad to even write about... And the duplicity once again is not surprising, however, already. Everywhere they write about how terrible it is to be treated with uncertified medicines, but for yourself, your loved ones... it’s not at all what is certified for the “population”, but pea-shaped bottles with and without hieroglyphs.
- The price tag for medicines for a certain “caste” in Moscow is thirty times higher than in Vietnam. And this doesn’t bother anyone there, apparently. Here such a course of treatment can cost 100 dollars... well... 200 maximum!

And now, here in Vietnam, I constantly see frightened tourists who, out of habit, sweep everything that is on display in those pharmacies where the words magical for the average person are written in Russian: “State Pharmacy” :-))) Despite the fact that in tourist places they are advised by people who have nothing to do with medicine at all! And even only a few people come for a free consultation with a Vietnamese doctor. 99% of tourists look with disgust at the wooden benches instead of the white chairs of the tourist medical center, look with undisguised horror at the jars of herbs... And many then honestly admit: “I’m afraid! What if he harms me...” Apparently, to the traditional Chinese and People come to Vietnamese medicine only after, as they say, “having drank in full.”


One day I was walking through the local stores, doing some shopping, and suddenly I noticed the Cashier talking to a boy no more than 5 or 6 years old.
The cashier says: I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll.

Then the little boy turned to me and asked: Uncle, are you sure that I don’t have enough money?
I counted the money and answered: My dear, you don’t have enough money to buy this doll.
The little boy still held the doll in his hand.

After paying for my purchases, I approached him again and asked who he was going to give this doll to...?
My sister loved this doll very much and wanted to buy it. I would like to give it to her for her birthday! I would like to give the doll to my mom so she can pass this on to my sister when she goes to be with her!
...His eyes were sad when he told this.
My sister went to God. That's what my father told me, and said that soon my mother would also go to God, so I thought that she could take the doll with her and give it to my sister!? ….

I finished my shopping in a thoughtful and strange state. I couldn't get this boy out of my head. Then I remembered - there was an article in the local newspaper two days ago about a drunk man in a truck who hit a woman and a little girl. The little girl died instantly and the woman was in critical condition. The family must decide to turn off the machine that is keeping her alive, as the young woman is unable to recover from her coma. Is this really the family of the boy who wanted to buy a doll for his sister?

After two days, an article was published in the newspaper, which said that that young woman had died... I could not hold back my tears... I bought white roses and went to the funeral... The young girl was lying in white, in one hand there was a doll and a photo, and on one side there was a white rose.
I left in tears, and felt that my life would now change... I will never forget this boy's love for his mother and sister!!!

Please DO NOT DRIVE WHEN ALCOHOL!!! You can ruin not only your life...