Baby 6 months head circumference. Child's head size. Deviations from the norm

The circumference of a child’s head is not only an indicator of whether the child’s development corresponds to his age. Without such an important measure for WHO, one cannot go shopping for hats.

To make your purchase successful, a hat chart will come in handy: by measuring the circumference of a child’s head, you can find out exactly what size is needed.

Correctly measuring head circumference

To take measurements you will need a measuring tape.

How to measure correctly? Attach the end of the tape to the most convex area on the back of the child’s head, wrap the tape around the head so that it passes above the eyebrow line in front. However, do not tighten the tape too much. Round the result up to a whole number.

Don't have a measuring tape handy? Use a string, which you then attach to a regular student ruler.

The table of a child's head circumference by month to one year allows you to buy children's hats without measuring head circumference, provided that the baby's physiological data are in the average range.

Average head circumference in children under 1 year of age

Age Head circumference, cm
Boys Girls
1 month 37,3 36,6
2 months 38,6 38,4
3 months
40,9 40,0
4 months
41,0 40,5
5 months
41,2 41,0
6 months
44,2 42,2
7 months
44,8 43,2
8 months
45,4 43,3
9 months
46,3 44,0
10 months
46,6 45,6
11 months
46,9 46,0
12 months
47,2 46,0

Such different sizes

Figuring out hat sizes can be difficult, as many manufacturers use their own sizing chart.

It is important to measure the head circumference of children, regardless of which company the hat is purchased from. The size of Russian-made hats coincides with the child’s head circumference in centimeters:

It is convenient to buy hats from Russia according to this size chart by year up to 14 years for children of any age. Sometimes, however, for children under one year old you can find your own size chart based on growth. This is how caps are generally labeled, especially those that come with suits: 40/62, 44/66, etc.

Sometimes you can find baby hats with a letter size designation (imported hats):

Remember that on average, in the first year of life, the size of a child's head increases by a centimeter month by month, so buy hats a little larger if you want to wear them longer.

Things from Europe and America always have different size designations than Russian ones. A comparative table of hat sizes from different supplier countries will help you navigate when choosing a headdress:

Size Age, years Head circumference, cm Head circumference, inches UK size US size Size in France
0 34 13 3/8
½ 43 17
1 47 18 ½ 5 5 7/8 0
48 18¾ 5 ¾ 6 ½
Children's S/M 2 49 19 ¼ 6 6 1/8
Children's L/XL 50 19 ¾ 6 6 ¼
1 ½
XXS 51-52 20-20 ½
6¼-6 3/8
2-2 ½
XS 53-54 20-21¼
6 ½ - 6
6 5/8 - 6¾
S 55-56 21-22 6¾- 6 7/8 6-7 4-4½
M 57-58 22 ½- 22 7/8
7-7 1/8 7- 7 ¼
5- 5 ½
L 59-60 23 ½-23 5/8
7 ¼-7 3/8
7-7 ½ 6-6 ½
XL 61-62 24-24 3/8 7-7 ½ 7-7 ¾ 7-7 ½
XXL 63-34 24 ¾-25 ¼
7¾-7 7/8 7-8 8-8 ½
XXXL 65-66 25-26 8-8 1/8 8-8 ¼
9-9 ½

If it is impossible to measure the circumference of a child’s head, and you need a hat urgently, for example, as a gift, a table of hat sizes by age can help. It shows average sizes depending on the height and number of years (months) of the child.

Child's age Height, cm Head circumference = hat size, cm
0-1 month 50-52 35
1 month
53-54 37
3 months
55-62 40
6 months
63-68 43
9 months
69-74 45
12 months 75-80 47
1.5 years 81-86 48
2 years
87-92 49
3 years
93-98 50
4 years
99-104 51
5 years
105-110 52
6 years 111-116 53
7 years
117-122 54
8 years
123-128 55
9 years
129-134 56
10 years
135-140 56
11 years
141-146 57
12 years
147-152 58

Since, even with the correct size, the hat may not fit well, it is important to take into account the height of the hat as well as the diameter of its bottom. The corresponding table is useful here:


Are you taking a summer hat? Buy exactly the right size. For winter, take a size larger. For girls who wear braids and big bows, choose a deeper hat.

Be sure to follow the instructions on the labels when washing the hats, otherwise the size will not be guaranteed: knitwear and wool tend to either shrink or stretch.

Every organ in our body is very important. Without arms, without legs it is very difficult to live, without a heart it is generally impossible. Who is in charge of our entire body? Of course, the head. Do you know the saying: “Bread is the head of everything”? From this saying it is clear that the head is most important.

The brain is located in the head, which is responsible for the functioning of our entire body. If any changes appear in the brain, this immediately affects the activity of the whole organism. Regulation of the body occurs with the help of nerve impulses (nerve endings of the brain) and with the help of special chemicals (pituitary gland) - humoral regulation.

Many animals are able to move independently and even look for food within a few hours after birth. Our children remain completely helpless for many months. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple: man is a highly organized, social animal. This means that in the course of life the human body learns to perform a large volume of different types of activities: talking, getting food, walking and much more. It is impossible to obtain all this knowledge at once, so a person learns from the example of other people how to survive in this world (social factor). In addition to the social skills that a child acquires during life, there is also innate memory, the experience of previous generations. Such memory protects us from death (instinct of self-preservation). We are instinctively afraid of fire, snakes and bright red insects, although no one has ever bitten us before. In addition to the instinct of self-preservation, the child inherits other reflexes and instincts from his ancestors. Thus, newborn children have a search reflex; they instinctively look for food. If a newborn baby is placed on his mother's stomach, he will crawl to the breast on his own and begin to suck milk.

Why aren't we born already able to walk and talk? It's simple: for this, the child must be in the womb for too long. If a baby develops too long in its mother's womb, its bones will harden and the skull bones will lose their mobility. In this case, the child’s skull loses the ability to change volume, which makes it difficult for the head to pass through the woman’s pelvis, the bones of which are tightly fused and do not move.

After birth, the child begins to develop rapidly. At the same time, doctors distinguish physical and mental development.

Baby's head size and circumference


Physical development is understood as the intensity of increase in the child’s height, weight, head and chest circumference. These indicators are assessed in combination. The head circumference at birth of a child ranges from 29 to 34 cm. The size of the head with various congenital pathologies can change both smaller and larger. In conditions such as microcephaly (small head), chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia (reduced oxygen supply through the placenta during pregnancy), chronic nicotine intoxication (conditions when the mother smoked too much during pregnancy), a decrease in head size is observed.

The extreme degree of such conditions is anencefolia (absence of the head). It can be observed in the fetus with hereditary pathologies, viral infections (rubella, chicken pox) during pregnancy. To identify such conditions, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the fetus in the early stages of its development.

With endocrine disorders on the part of the mother (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism), changes in head size are observed towards increase. An increase in head size makes vaginal delivery difficult because the baby's head cannot pass through the woman's pelvis. In such cases, a caesarean section is performed.

In the first year of life, the size of the head increases quite rapidly. In no other period of a child’s life is such a rapid change in height, weight, head and chest volume observed. In the first six months, the size of the head increases by an average of 1.5 cm, after six months - by 0.5 cm every month. The intensity of changes in head size can vary from month to month in different children. These can be both physiological changes and pathological ones.

With physiological changes in the intensity of head growth, head volume remains within centile values. Centile tables are the average values ​​of indicators of physical development of children at different periods of life. These tables reflect the correspondence of the child’s head volumes to age standards: centile tables for boys, centile tables for girls.

When examining a child in a clinic, the pediatrician evaluates not only how much the child’s head size has increased, but also whether these sizes correspond to the age norm. If a child is born with a large head volume, then during development he may experience a less intense increase in head size. If the child has a small head size, then the increase in head volume in such children will be more intense. Normally, by the age of one year, all children level out, and the size of the head is about 44 cm.

But you can’t say anything just by the size of the head; the ratio of the size of the head and chest is important. With pathological changes in the intensity of head circumference growth, both a pathological acceleration of the increase in head volume compared to chest volume and a pathological slowdown can be observed.

Baby's big head

An increase in the intensity of growth of head circumference is very often observed in conditions such as hydrocephalus. This condition can develop in premature babies, children born with asphyxia, and children with intrauterine hypoxia. In this case, damage to the brain occurs, and fluid begins to accumulate in the skull. The accumulation of fluid leads to an increase in the volume of the intracranial cavity and, as a result, an increase in the size of the child’s head. The child's fontanelles do not heal well, they may bulge and pulsate, especially when the child cries. Since the edema is localized in the brain, in the child the cerebral part of the skull predominates over the facial part. Another sign of a child’s hydrocephalus is an increase in the volume of the head in relation to the volume of the chest. Normally, the intensity of the increase in chest volume exceeds the intensity of the increase in head volume. With hydrocephalus, the volume of the head may be equal to or greater than the volume of the chest. To clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the brain, which reveals the accumulation of fluid in the brain and enlargement of the brain chambers. Children with this condition should be seen by a neurologist. They are prescribed diuretics (furasemide) and drugs to improve brain nutrition (piracetam, nootropil). A general massage is recommended for children. After treatment, children develop in the same way as their peers; no long-term consequences are observed. Without treatment, children lag behind their peers in mental development and begin to speak, sit, and walk late.

Baby's small head

A decrease in the intensity of head growth is most often observed with genetic diseases. In addition to retarded head growth, such children may also experience other congenital malformations: cleft upper lip, hard palate, soft palate, fused fingers or toes, six-fingered hands or feet, and others. In such conditions, genetic consultation is required. Treatment is carried out in accordance with the identified congenital anomalies. The prognosis is not always favorable and depends on the degree of brain damage.

Assessment of brain maturity

In addition to physical development, at the appointment the doctor also evaluates the child’s mental development. The mental development of a child characterizes the maturity of the child’s brain and the child’s adaptability to life in the environment. Certain signs should appear or disappear in the child by specific dates. If the sign does not appear or disappear, then this indicates immaturity of the brain.

So, by one month the child should be smiling, by two months he should be able to hold his head well in a position on his stomach, and by six months the child should completely disappear innate reflexes (automatic walking, oral automatism, and others).

If a child is lagging behind in mental development, it is necessary to exclude brain diseases. This requires consultation with a neurologist and ultrasound examination of the brain. To treat children with mental retardation, it is necessary to treat the condition that caused the brain damage. It is very important to use drugs that improve brain nutrition (piracetam, nootropil). In severe cases, when it is difficult to make a diagnosis, consultation with a geneticist is also necessary, since this condition very often accompanies hereditary diseases.

Head shape in children

In addition to changes in the size of the head, changes in its shape may be observed. Very often, with rickets, flattening of the head or one-sided deformation of the head occurs (on the side where the child lies most). In this condition, calcium is washed out of the bones, they soften and are more easily deformed. In this case, it is necessary to use vitamin D3 in a therapeutic dose (1500-3000 IU). To prevent rickets, a child must be given vitamin D3 daily in a prophylactic dose (500 IU) for up to two years, excluding the summer months (June, July and August).

The child's head is sweating

Very often, with endocrine diseases, especially with damage to the thyroid gland, children may experience increased sweating of the head. In this case, you need to consult an endocrinologist and take a blood test for thyroid hormones. Sweating can also occur with the vitamin D deficiency described above.

Crusts on a child's head

At birth, various substances remain on the baby’s skin that helped the baby develop inside the uterus. This can cause a crust to form on the scalp. This crust can be either in the form of separate small formations or completely cover the entire head. This condition is not a pathology and does not require special treatment. The only thing a child needs is hygienic scalp care. All crusts must be lubricated with Vaseline oil, which softens them, and then carefully removed with a cotton swab. This operation must be carried out daily for 5-7 days.

Pediatrician Litashov M.V.

The numbers that determine the height, weight, chest girth and head circumference of a newborn are basic indicators of the child’s development. It is through them that in the first year of a baby’s life you can monitor his condition and, if necessary, make adjustments to his care. During the first year of children's lives, visits to the pediatrician should occur every month. Basically, this is done specifically to take the listed anthropometric data.

If desired, parents can themselves learn to measure the baby’s height, chest volume and head size. And to obtain weight data, you only need to purchase suitable scales. This does not mean that you can refuse to visit the pediatrician. You will simply have the opportunity to independently observe whether the norm is being maintained.

Features of the structure of the head of a newborn baby

The body of an infant is disproportionate in size. In a newborn, the head is a third or a quarter of the length of the body, in an adult it is only 1/8-1/9 part. At the same time, the size of the child’s head constantly increases until the age of 17. Normally, the shape of a baby’s skull should be round, but minor deformations are allowed on its surface in the first days after birth. They arise due to the inconvenient position of the fetus during intrauterine development or passage through too narrow a birth canal.

Advice: The only sure way to prevent deformation of the baby's head is a caesarean section. In some countries, this option of relief from the burden has become increasingly used precisely for this reason. In our country, caesarean sections are performed only for medical reasons, but options are also possible.

All kinds of curvatures should normally be eliminated during the first two weeks of the baby’s life. Mom should provide him with all possible help in this. To do this, while the baby is sleeping, it must be regularly turned from one side to the other. In this case, the plastic bones, as they become denser, will align and take the required position, and the size of the newborn’s head will begin to increase proportionally.

Normal head circumference in children under one year of age

At birth, the head circumference of children is 29-34 cm and does not exceed the same parameters for the chest. If the norm is not maintained, this may indicate the presence of a congenital pathology in the baby. In the first year of life, head circumference changes according to the following schedule:

  • The first three months of growth are most intensive and amount to 1.5-2 cm for each month.
  • From the fourth month the increase is about 1 cm and so on until the baby is one year old.
  • By this time, the head circumference of children is already about 44 cm, after which the speed of the process slows down noticeably.

Doctors have a special table in their everyday life that helps them navigate by month:

Age, monthsBoys, cmGirls, cm
1 36,2-38,3 35,3-37,6
2 38,1-40,2 36,9-39,4
3 39,2-41,6 38,2-40,7
4 40,3-42,6 39,2-41,7
5 41,3-43,7 40,1-42,6
6 42,0-44,5 40,8-43,4
7 42,5-45,1 41,4-44,0
8 43,2-45,7 41,9-44,6
9 43,6-46,2 42,4-45,1
10 44,0-46,6 42,8-45,5
11 44,4-46,9 43,1-45,8
12 44,7-46,0 43,4-46,2

In the future, the table is not required; the dynamics can be monitored based on the available readings. In the second year of life, growth is not so impressive, the figure increases by 1.5-2 cm, in the third - by 1-1.5 cm. Now there is no need to take measurements month by month.

How to measure a child's head circumference correctly

Considering the fact that the norm for head circumference by age in very young children involves measuring up to millimeters, measurements must be taken carefully, carefully and strictly in accordance with technical recommendations.

  • The manipulation is best carried out while the baby is sleeping. At the very least, he should be absolutely calm.
  • We take a measuring tape and wrap it around the head in a circle, making sure that it does not twist anywhere and does not cut into the skin.
  • The main landmarks should be the eyebrows and the bump on the back of the head. Some children have two of these bumps (most often boys), in which case it is better to consult a specialist.

It is worth considering that the size of this parameter is significantly influenced by genetic predisposition. The norm may be within completely different limits if one of the parents has a disproportionately large head. The uneven growth of this part of the body, a strong deviation between months, should cause more concern.

What can deviations from the parameters indicate?

While the chest girth of a child in the first year of life indicates the volume of the lungs and the quality of absorption of microelements by the intestines (bones grow more intensively due to this), the diameter of the head is an important neurological indicator. If it does not correspond to age, deviating in one direction or the other, this may indicate a number of serious problems.

Head too small:

  • At best, this is the result of prematurity, heredity or minor intrauterine growth retardation.
  • Microcephaly. The small size of the brain and skull can be a consequence of birth injuries, intrauterine pathologies or infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy. To confirm the diagnosis, an ultrasound is performed and an ophthalmologist is visited.
  • Craniostenosis. Develops as a result of premature fusion of cranial sutures due to a malformation of the skeletal system. The help of a neurosurgeon is needed.

Head too big.

  • Increased intracranial pressure. The indicator goes off scale due to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the groove between the hemispheres and the cerebral ventricles.
  • Rickets. The diameter of the head changes significantly due to changes in its shape; the frontal and parietal parts usually protrude greatly. Treatment consists of taking vitamin D.

Do not panic if self-measurements reveal obvious deviations from the norm. Perhaps the manipulation was simply carried out incorrectly. It is better to consult a doctor and clarify all the data before taking any action.

Head circumference is measured immediately after the baby is born. The result is important in the overall assessment of physical development. The peculiarities of the physique are such that the size of the head somewhat prevails over the volume of the child’s chest. However, the size of a child’s head by age strictly correlates with the size of the chest, and this is one of the indicators that the body is forming correctly.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can see not only the position of the fetus, detect gross pathologies, but also find out the height, weight, size of the head and chest of the baby.

These studies are compared with standard indicators, which are determined by week of pregnancy. Thus, the size of the fetal head at the 14th week is 103 mm, at the 20th week - 170 mm, and at the eighth month of pregnancy - 326 mm. The volume of a child’s head increases especially rapidly in the second trimester of pregnancy. Before birth, the intensity slows down.

Norm and pathology

Age Boy's head size Girl's head size
1 month 37,3 36,6
2 months 38,6 38,4
3 months 40,9 40
4 months 42 40,5
5 months 43,2 41
6 months 44,2 42,2
7 months 44,8 43
8 months 45,4 43,3
9 months 46,3 44
10 months 46,6 45,6
11 months 46,9 46
12 months 47,2 46,2
18 months 47,8 46,8
24 months 48,3 47,4

The head of a newly born baby is shaped like a melon or turnip. This asymmetrical and slightly flattened head shape in children occurs as a result of displacement of the skull bones as they pass through the birth canal. This form lasts for about two months.

  • The head circumference of newborns is approximately the same for all and is equal to 34-35 cm. At the same time, the dimensions of the chest vary within 33-34 cm. Discrepancies of 1-1.5 cm in one direction serve as a criterion for the norm, and are most likely associated with hereditary characteristics.
  • Before the baby reaches one year, it is especially important to monitor all changes in his anthropometric data. Deviations from normative figures beyond those acceptable in the first year of life can be a cause for serious concern.
  • Premature birth, hydrocephalus (water on the brain), microcephaly (reduction in brain size), and skeletal malformations lead to disturbances in the body proportions characteristic of a healthy newborn. Subsequently, the size of the child’s head by month will also differ from the norm.
  • Only a doctor can determine whether there are any violations and make a final diagnosis after conducting appropriate examinations. However, gross pathology can be noticeable to a non-specialist.
  • The head circumference of a premature infant may be slightly less than the age indicator. However, if the baby does not have serious health problems, he will soon catch up with his full-term peers in his development.
  • Hydrocephalus in newborns is characterized by a rapid increase in head circumference or an initially unusually large volume. The fontanelles are swollen, a venous network appears.
  • A distinctive sign of microcephaly is that the baby's head is too small. At the time of birth, the fontanels may already be closed, or their closure occurs in the first months of life. Microcephaly threatens mental retardation.

Chondrodystrophy (a malformation of the cartilage-forming system) is a disorder associated with damage to the bones of the extremities and the base of the skull. The straight size of the head with this pathology is much higher than normal. Unfortunately, some babies die before birth. The remaining children have a favorable prognosis for life.

Measurement results - normal or not

To measure the volume of a child's head, you need a soft centimeter. It is better to take measurements on a smooth surface when the baby is calm. Head circumference is measured along the line of the eyebrows, the protruding part of the back of the head and points above the ears.

You need to carefully apply the tape along the indicated line, then write down the result.
It is possible to determine whether development occurs in accordance with age norms, and whether the volume of the head corresponds to standard indicators, using simple calculations.

For caring parents, there is a size chart, but it is not always informative. After all, the development of each little person is individual and does not always strictly fit into the norm.

Selecting a hat without measurements

Table of approximate correspondence between the child’s age and head volume

It is not always possible to measure head circumference. In this case, you can choose hats based on the height of the baby.

It must be remembered that the period up to one year, and then the age of 1-5 years are the most responsible in the formation of the child’s body. And careful attention to physical parameters is not a whim of doctors. Boring numbers convey information about how a child grows and develops. A healthy baby is a future full-fledged member of society.

To evaluate your baby’s development, it is not necessary to constantly show him to the doctor. You can also do your part in monitoring your baby's development and tracking his physical growth.

For example, many parents are concerned about the head circumference of a baby in the first year of his life. Indeed, the head is actually the main part of our body. After all, it contains the brain, which controls every process in the body. And perhaps the most important aspect at the beginning of a child’s life is the formation of his head.

Why do this?

It is especially important to monitor the process of head growth for those whose children were injured during childbirth. Every woman knows that during childbirth, which takes place naturally, it is incredibly important to listen to the obstetrician and nurses, to be in some kind of contact with them.

Since it is from incorrect attempts that injuries to the child’s skull most often occur. And since his bones are still too fragile and vulnerable, this can leave an indelible mark on his future health and life.

In today's article we will talk about how to measure the head circumference of your child, and how to determine whether there are any pathologies or disorders in the process of its development.

So, what should you know about baby's head size by month?

Baby's head volume: everything you need to know about normal parameters

A normal head volume indicates that the baby is developing well and systematically. Deviations from the norm in this case may indicate serious pathologies - microcephaly and hydrocephalus. However, most often such fluctuations are caused rather genetically and physiologically, that is, they are an individual characteristic of the baby. Therefore, doctors have created a special table that indicates head growth on a monthly basis. But if previously there was only one value, now the norm column contains impressive ranges.

  • You need to measure your baby's head every month. This is usually done by your doctor at your traditional monthly checkup. Along with this parameter, the pediatrician checks both the height and body weight of the newborn. But if you do not have the opportunity to regularly show your child to a pediatrician, you should do all the manipulations listed above, and be sure to record the results in order to monitor the dynamics.
  • The first measurement of the baby's head occurs immediately after birth. At this time, the circumference should be approximately 32-35 centimeters. Over the course of a year, a child on average gains up to 12-15 centimeters in head volume, and here everything depends on the genetic characteristics of the structure of the skull, the sex of the baby and other features of its development.
  • Despite the fact that the volume of the head grows by 12 centimeters per year on average, he doesn't gain an inch every month. Its growth peaks at three or four months of age. During this period, the head grows most actively. Until this moment, the volume will increase by about 1.5-2 centimeters, and by this age it will be about 40 centimeters.
  • During the same period, the chest circumference will become equal to the chest circumference. Further, the growth of the first will decline and gradually slow down, while the growth of the second, on the contrary, will continue in an intensive mode. Later, the child's chest will become much wider than his head - the way it should look in adulthood.

The normal size of a child's head at 6 months is approximately 43 centimeters.

To determine normal growth rates, it is enough to subtract one and a half centimeters per month from this value. For example, a baby's head size at five months will be 41.5 centimeters.

For example:

The head size parameter for a three-month-old baby will be 38.5 centimeters (that is, 43 - 1.5 - 1.5 - 1.5). The same applies to the size of the head of a two-month-old baby, if you subtract another centimeter and a half.

And if we talk about the size of the head of a seven-month-old child, here we should add 50 millimeters to the six-month average. For example, if at the age of six months the circumference was “ideal” 43 centimeters, then in the next month this value will not fluctuate much and will be only 43.5 centimeters.

Average parameters

If we talk about averaged indicators by month, we get something like this:

  • Newborn children – 34-35 cm;
  • Menstruation – 36-37 cm;
  • Two months - 38-39 cm;
  • Three months - 40-41 cm;
  • Four months - 42-43 cm;
  • Half-year-olds – 43-44 cm;
  • One-year-olds – 46-47 cm.

The lower threshold is more typical for girls, and the upper threshold for boys. You can’t rely solely on these indicators, because you shouldn’t write off individuality. Each person is unique in nature from birth, which means that minor fluctuations from the norm are still possible.

If the volumes of your baby’s skull do not coincide with generally accepted ones, there is no need to sound the alarm and engage in self-diagnosis using search engines on the Internet. If you are really concerned about the development of such severe pathologies as hydrocephalus and microcephaly, show your baby to the doctor.

It is advisable to do this in cases where the volume grows too slowly, or, conversely, too quickly. Here it is important to focus not even on the size itself, but on how correctly or incorrectly the growth factor is progressing.

You should not forget how your baby was born. For example, if you did not carry him to term, it is quite obvious that his head will be smaller than that of a full-term baby. In addition, a premature baby will also gain volume more slowly than a healthy and strong “hero.” In post-term babies, the head may be wider immediately after birth (that is, reach a volume of more than 35 centimeters), but they gain weight in the same way as ordinary children.

If there were head injuries to the newborn during delivery, this point also cannot be written off. And this applies not only to serious injuries, but also to seemingly “harmless” hematomas and swelling.

How to determine deviations from the norm?

It happens that the current volumes of the head do not correspond at all to those accepted as average and “ideal”. In this case, the first thing you should find out is how things went with this for you and the baby’s father. If one of the parents has a head in "tender age" was less or more than is generally accepted, it is likely that such a physiological feature is inherited by the child. Overall, there is no cause for concern here, although you should still be wary.

If nothing like this was noted in the family history (or your parents did not particularly monitor such parameters and did not save any information about them), you should still show the child to the doctor and diagnose the cause of this deviation. It is possible that there are some problems that are important to differentiate in a timely manner in order to begin adequate treatment.

It is also important to ensure that the volume of the head does not exceed the volume of the chest, except when they are compared in these indicators.

There is cause for real concern if the parameters of your baby’s head differ greatly from the generally accepted ones, and he also has any neurological disorders that an attentive mother simply cannot fail to notice.

Keep an eye on your child's appearance. If, in addition to the large volume of the head, he has a divergence of the seams on it, enlargement of the fontanelles, protrusion of a pronounced venous network, a massive forehead - it is likely that hydrocephalus really exists. With this severe pathology, fluid accumulates in the baby’s brain. It is important to urgently show him to a pediatrician and neurologist in order to prescribe suitable therapy as early as possible.

Microcephaly manifests itself in the opposite way, although the same neurological disorders occur. But at the same time, the fontanelles, on the contrary, seem to be “closed”, too small, and the forehead is sloping and low. Both diagnoses are confirmed or refuted after ultrasound diagnostics. Your baby may also have to undergo a magnetic resonance imaging scan.

How to measure the head correctly?

If the volume of your baby's head does not coincide with the generally accepted volume, you should think about whether you are measuring it correctly?