Weaving waterfall on the map. Braid Waterfall - Cascade: The most fashionable Braid of the Season! Video and Photo. How to make a waterfall hairstyle - step-by-step braiding instructions

The hairstyle, which is a “waterfall” of hair from a braid, is very popular. It is suitable for everyday wear to work, for a walk or a special occasion. More and more brides are choosing this one+ for their wedding day. It will add romance and tenderness to any look.

The nice difference between this hairstyle and many others is that its creation does not require a huge amount of time or professional skills. A waterfall is a horizontal or diagonal braid with flowing strands that pass through the braid and create a waterfall effect.

He came to us from France. There are two versions of its origin:

  1. According to the first, the source of inspiration was the famous French waterfall, whose height exceeds 4,000 meters - Gavarnie. Indeed, long hair falling over the shoulders creates a stream of water and resembles this natural phenomenon.
  2. The second version is simpler and more pragmatic. According to her, the ancestor of the waterfall was an ordinary French braid, which hairdressers tried to diversify in various ways, eventually obtaining this elegant variation.

To successfully and quickly collect your hair, it is better to prepare in advance. You will need several tools:

  • mirror;
  • massage comb;
  • fixatives;
  • small silicone rubber bands;
  • comb with straight, fine teeth for separating strands.

It is best to position yourself close to the mirror, because when you reach the back of your head, you need to make sure that the braid goes straight and the strands are uniform.

Professional hairdressers give the following recommendations to simplify the process:

  1. For coarse, unruly hair, before braiding, be sure to wash your hair with conditioner or a moisturizing mask. As a last resort, you can use a straightening care leave-in spray.
  2. If you need to keep your hairstyle for the whole day, it is better to choose a classic braid fastening with an elastic band, catch it with bobby pins in several places and fix it with strong varnish.
  3. Wavy hair can be slightly moistened with water, this will make it easier to manage.
  4. For hair that is too frizzy in a braid, it is advisable to spray it with hairspray and smooth out any stray hairs. In this case, the varnish must be kept as far away as possible to avoid the effect of glued strands.
  5. If you have bangs, it is better to separate them immediately or secure them with a hairpin.

Standard option: even an amateur can handle it

The photo shows the usual version of the braid in the “Waterfall” style:

Step-by-step instructions for creating a classic French waterfall:

  1. Ideally, hair should be clean and well combed. This will make the work much easier for inexperienced craftsmen. For girls with curly hair, some stylists recommend using wax or other weighting agents for the hair roots, this makes it much easier to control them.
  2. Use a thin comb to separate the first strand - the one closest to the face. Its thickness depends on the natural density and desired thickness of the braid - the thicker the strand, the greater the width of the resulting line.
  3. Then we begin to braid the braid over the head, gradually leading it to the back of the head. Its peculiarity is that each upper strand that needs to be introduced further remains untouched. Instead, another strand is introduced, which is woven further into the hairstyle.
  4. In this way we weave a horizontal or diagonal braid over the entire head.
  5. Secure the end with a small transparent elastic band. Another option for finishing the hairstyle is not an elastic band, but rather braiding the braid into a spikelet and fixing it to the side.
  6. In order for the weaving to last longer, it can be fixed with varnish after creation or with foam mousse before weaving begins.

Classic weaving pattern:

The classic version, of course, looks the most luxurious. This option consists of two identical braids running from the temple to the back of the head. They are fixed in one place with an elastic band.

The video shows the braiding technique:

How to braid it yourself:

In addition, you can make one horizontal braid from one temple to the other, carefully hiding the end. If you can’t weave one braid, you can hide the ends of two, connecting at the back of the head, one under the other. This will also create the effect of one uninterrupted line.

The strands below can be left straight or curled. You can fluff up the weave a little, creating an even more romantic look.

In addition to the classic version, long hair allows its owners to conduct all sorts of experiments with braids, their direction and connection.

Hairstyles for different lengths: attractive and modest

For medium hair

A waterfall is also perfect for medium-length hair. The ideal hairstyle for this hairstyle would be a haircut with an even length without any ladders.

On a medium length, a waterfall with a low braid will look especially good. To create volume, you can backcomb your hair or pre-curl your hair with curlers.

A waterfall on medium hair will look especially impressive with a low braiding arrangement.

For short

Most fashionistas think that a waterfall is not suitable for short haircuts and can only be styled on medium or long hair. However, it is not. this hairstyle will work too. Moreover, the collection technique remains the same, only stronger fixation is needed, since short strands tend to jump out of the braid.

To create a neat look in this case, it is better to apply fixing mousse in advance, carefully braid the braid, simultaneously securing it with bobby pins. After finally securing the braid into an elastic band, it is better to sprinkle it with hairspray on top, especially if the hairstyle is needed for a long time.

Waterfall beyond the classics

Today, this hairstyle is done not only in the classic version, but also double, asymmetrical, with the addition of various decorations. The braid can end with a spikelet braided to the end of its length, a disheveled bun or an elegant openwork flower:

From curls

The most beloved and popular option by girls, especially for going out, is a waterfall with curls or. In this case, the strands under the braid are twisted. For an everyday option, large, messy curls are suitable. For a special occasion, it is better to choose more neat, dense curls with good fixation with cosmetics and hairpins. Small curls also have their place; they will add some naivety and playfulness to the image.


This option looks very interesting and involves weaving two parallel braids - one above the other. Many people think that it is almost impossible to braid a double waterfall on your own. However, after several trainings in front of the mirror, any girl will be able to do this task.

How to braid: you need to start from the top braid. After fixing it, you can move on to another. For this you need to use strands from the first braid.

It is important to maintain symmetry and the same size of both weaves.

At the end, the braids need to be connected.

Scheme for weaving a double waterfall from hair:

The distance between the two braids depends on the length of the hair. The lower it is, the more you can indent from top to bottom.


One-sided or asymmetrical option is weaving one braid on its side. It can go all over the head or be just above the ears. The free end can be simply secured with an elastic band, decorated with a ribbon, or a more complex hairstyle can be created. For example, loose strands can be pulled into a ponytail.


To create any of the options, you can make not a simple braid, but a reverse, voluminous or openwork one.

A voluminous braid will immediately give your hair a more unusual and evening look. When going to a party, most girls prefer this option. The main thing in this case is to remember about additional fixation of the braid.


The headband braid looks very interesting and is also suitable for any hair length.

How to braid:

  • make a horizontal parting on the head;
  • start braiding from the separated upper part of the hair;
  • from the first part, grabbed closer to the forehead, pull the strand back;
  • weave further, gradually pulling strands from each weaving element from the back of the head;
  • when the braid reaches the second temple, it needs to be fixed and hidden under the rest of the hair.

If desired, you can fluff up the braid.

Such a headband can stand alone and be used with loose or slightly curled hair, or it can be part of a more complex hairstyle. The headband can be complemented with a ponytail, bun or another braid.

This look will be the ideal solution for those who want to hide overgrown hair, free up their forehead or remove hair from their face.

With ribbon

If you add a ribbon to the braid, the hairstyle will look completely different. Usually the color of the ribbon matches the outfit, but you can play with contrast. It all depends on the desired effect.

To add a ribbon, you need to weave it in at the very beginning or tie it at the base of the middle strand. Then it is better to hide the short end of the ribbon immediately under this strand.

When braiding, the strand with the ribbon should be left at the top as much as possible.

At the end, the braid can be tied with the same material or secured with an elastic band or a hairpin, while hiding the end of the ribbon under the braid.

With a bun

This option starts with creating a classic or one-sided option. After weaving the braid, it must be fixed with a transparent elastic band, and then the bun is assembled (from the back or from the side - it all depends on your imagination).

The curls that were passed through the braiding are collected above the tail. The tail itself can be combed to create volume or a slight sloppiness effect. Then the tail and strands are collected and secured with hairpins.

In the form of a flower

A classic French waterfall looks very unusual if it is complemented with an openwork flower collected from hair.

How to do this hairstyle: after braiding a braid (or two), it is secured with an elastic band. The remaining length is braided into a regular braid, and then slightly fluffed up and wrapped in a circle, creating a beautiful flower.

You can secure the final figure with hairpins and bobby pins.

How to decorate a girl's head

Any hairstyle looks more elegant if it is additionally decorated with a variety of decor.

In the case of a waterfall spikelet, ribbons, all kinds of hairpins and fresh flowers are appropriate.

The waterfall on multi-colored strands looks very interesting. To do this, you can buy bright tresses and weave them into a braid, or take crayons of different colors, dye your hair, and then braid it.

The waterfall hairstyle is a universal option for a daytime walk or an evening event. There are quite a few options for creating, you can choose the one you like best and that is suitable for the occasion.

Recently, the most interesting hairstyles are various braids, and the trend of this season is the French waterfall. If you have a question about how to weave, step-by-step instructions will be the best solution. This type of weaving is called a waterfall for a reason, because the hair in the hairstyle is laid in cascading rows, and the strands fall in beautiful waves.

Some features of weaving

Hair for a woman is a calling card. Therefore, they should always be well-groomed and have a wonderful hairstyle. And what girl doesn't want her hair styled in a fancy way without much effort? which is also called a spikelet, is a favorite weave among women. It can be placed in a circle around the head, turned out the other way around, or several straight braids can be made, which are tied in a bun at the back of the head.

Waterfall is the same French braid, but with a bit of creativity. Besides the fact that this hairstyle looks very beautiful and original, it has many advantages:

  • you can weave a waterfall from your hair yourself and without outside help;
  • for weaving it is not necessary to use varnishes and mousses, it is enough to have an elastic band and a comb with you;
  • looks interesting on highlighted hair or when dyeing ombre;
  • The hairstyle will add femininity and sophistication to the image.

How to weave a waterfall from hair: step-by-step instructions for the classic version

You need to get a little used to doing this, and then all the girlfriends with a length of curls that allows braiding will wear a French waterfall:

  1. First you need to comb your hair thoroughly and make a side parting that starts from the temple on either side.
  2. We select a strand and divide it into three parts, as if you were making a regular braid.
  3. To weave a regular braid, you need to take the left strand and place it between the central and right, but in our case it must not only be placed, but also released, creating a stream.
  4. Instead of the released strand of hair, it is necessary to select a new one from the head.

It is worth remembering that the braid looks beautiful when it is large, so it is better to choose large individual strands. Also, before weaving a waterfall from your hair (step-by-step instructions for the process will help you), you need to decide on the direction of the braid. The direction can be straight or oblique; they also make double and even triple rows, which looks quite unusual.

Second execution technique

There is another way to weave a waterfall from hair, in the process of which you will get a freely descending braid:

  • it is necessary to comb your hair and separate its upper part;
  • divide the separated strands into three parts and start weaving a regular braid;
  • release the upper part and pick up the lower part.

Using this method, you can make heads and tie them at the back of your head.

A touch of romance

For those girls who have bangs, weaving a waterfall from their hair, a photo of which will tell you what to do, is necessary to create a romantic image. In this case, the bangs are not woven into the braid, and the strands that hang in waves can be gracefully curled with curling irons. It looks especially beautiful if the weaving starts from the temple and frames the entire head like a crown.

In addition, instead of securing the end with a regular elastic band, you can place a beautiful hair clip behind your ear, for example in the shape of a flower. In this case, the braid does not need to be brought to the edge of the hair; braiding to the ear is enough.

Waterfall for short hair

Those with short hair no longer need to rack their brains over how to weave a waterfall from their hair; step-by-step instructions (you can do your own hair too) will tell you about little tricks. Naturally, it is better to try it on another person for the first time in order to see and feel what needs to be done, and only after that try to implement the hairstyle on yourself.

Making a French waterfall on short hair is even easier than on long hair, because the technique is completely repeated, but holding strands of hair in your hands and selecting them will be much easier. Of course, with such a short haircut as a pixie, you don’t have to think about any hairstyles. Bob and bob are suitable for weaving. It is better that the hair is also the same length. Of course, a braid can be braided into a cascade, but it will not look so impressive.

The only peculiarity of short hair: in order for the hairstyle to last for a long time, you need to use mousse or foam, and at the end fix everything with hairspray.

Double braid

After the girls learned how to weave a waterfall from their hair, other more interesting options for creating hairstyles appeared. For example, there is a double waterfall, which is quite simple to do. To create it, you first need to make one braid, and then braid a second one under it, while the top strand, which remains loose, should be the same as that of the first braid.

On the other side of the head, where the first weave ends, it is worth finishing the second one and connecting them with one elastic band. To prevent the connection from being visible, you can also use a beautiful bow or hairpin.

Using Accessories

A ribbon woven into a braid will be an excellent change. The ribbon can be chosen so that it creates a contrast with the hair color and at the same time matches your clothes, handbag or shoes.

The ribbon must be attached to the middle strand, which remains central throughout the entire weaving process.

Also, some fashionistas do not leave their strands hanging freely, they collect them in a fancy bun on the side. The braid is braided as usual, and the gathered hair is thrown over one shoulder and gathered into a knot with a slight carelessness, which is now in fashion. To make the bun appear more voluminous, before weaving a waterfall from your hair (step-by-step instructions, photos are presented above), you need to comb your hair thoroughly. Don’t worry about the fact that your hairstyle will look a little careless and sloppy, because many girls spend several hours in front of the mirror, creating exactly this careless effect.

Many girls ask the question: “How to weave a waterfall from hair?” Step-by-step instructions are not always effective, and even if they follow them exactly step by step, they get a completely different result than expected.

It's all about technique, because this hairstyle is not as simple as it might seem at first, and a good result can only be achieved with practice. To begin with, you should understand simpler braiding methods, try yourself in French and Danish braids, and only then move on to the waterfall.

Also remember that freshly washed hair will fall apart more and is not so convenient to weave with, so you should apply a little foam or mousse, and after the procedure, spray the resulting hairspray.

The French Falls is a new hit, which is not yet so often found on the city streets. The hairstyle is suitable for creating a stylish everyday look, as well as for evening and festive occasions. The hair can be curled with curling irons or, conversely, straightened with an iron; the ends are twisted into a bun or gathered into ponytails. A simple addition of a flower accessory will make the look feminine and harmonious.

Braids have been trending for years now. Of the rich variety of weavings, the waterfall braid is considered one of the most charming.

Having mastered the technique of weaving it, you can look unique both in the office and at a fun party.

All this is thanks to the huge variety of options that you can afford when experimenting with this hairstyle.

There are many ways to weave a “waterfall”; let’s look at the most popular ones.

What is a spit-waterfall

This is a variation of the well-known French braid, differing from it in the unwoven, flowing strands that create the effect of flowing water, hence the name “waterfall”.


  • This version of the braid can be considered universal, since it is also good at a short length (bob level);
  • looks great with straight and wavy strands;
  • does not require special weaving skills;
  • Suitable for owners of both thin and thick hair;
  • Streaked and colored strands look especially good in this hairstyle - different tones stand out beautifully, and the hairstyle gains volume;
  • The “waterfall” has a lot of modifications, which will allow you to always look new once you master one technique.

Tools needed for weaving

1. Two combs: massage and flat with a thin tip (for separating strands).
2. An elastic band to match the hair color that will be used to secure the braid.
3. Hairpin or clip (possibly decorative).
4. Hairspray (for long-lasting hairstyle effect).

How to braid a waterfall braid

1. The hair is prepared for braiding by combing it properly and freeing it from possible knots.
2. Three identical small strands are grabbed from the side.
3. The beginning is as in weaving a traditional braid: the top strand is placed in the center through the top, then the bottom strand is placed in the center. 2 manipulations are needed.
4. Again, the top strand is placed in the center, the bottom strand in the center, the third is left to fall freely. The first trickle of the waterfall turned out.
5. The remaining strand is replaced with a new one, separated from the rest of the lower part of the hair.
6. A curl separated from the top of the hair is added to the strand on top.
7. The progress of the weaving can follow a straight path or decrease.
8. The braid is completed on the opposite side and secured with an elastic band, bobby pins or hairpin.

The waterfall braid can be woven in different variations. It is enough to know a few nuances to look unique with such a hairstyle.

Important! The falling strands are brought forward and secured with a hairdresser's clip or given to the person being woven into the waterfall braid to hold.

Weaving towards

1. An asymmetrical parting is made.
2. On one side of the parting there is a waterfall braid.
3. On the other side of the parting, the manipulation is repeated.
4. The braids that meet are connected into one, secured with an elastic band.
5. Separating a small strand and wrapping an elastic band around it, it is secured with a bobby pin.

Fixed braids can be decorated with a decorative hairpin or hairpin.


1. Weaving begins with two separated strands that are twisted together.
2. The strand on top is placed between the twisted ones.
3. Horizontally located strands are twisted again.
4. The strands separated from above are placed between the twisted ones.
5. The end of the braid is secured with an elastic band or a bobby pin.

To add volume, the upper part of the hairstyle can be slightly pulled out with your fingers.

Waterfall in two spits

1. A waterfall braid weaves from one side to the other.
2. The ends of the braid are woven smoothly into the next one, braided in the opposite direction.
3. Finally, the end of the braid is secured with an elastic band or bobby pins.

There can be several rows of weaving created. This gives the hairstyle an openwork look and the image femininity and originality.
An option with parallel weaving would look ideal.

Reversed waterfall braid

The algorithm is normal, except that weaving is done not along the top, but underneath. The braid looks more voluminous than in the classic version.

Waterfall with ribbons

An woven ribbon creates an excellent contrast in the hairstyle.

Ribbon weaving technique

1. The ribbon is tied to the central strand.
2. The tip of the ribbon is hidden in weaving.
3. The ribbon and strand on the right are brought in from above, the strand and ribbon on the left are wound in from below.

Waterfall under the spit

1. A small strand divided into 2 parts is tied into a knot.
2. The top strand is fixed with a clamp.
3. A new strand is separated next to the braided one and manipulations continue in a circle.
4. From the strands fixed at the top, a regular braid is woven into which indirect strands are woven.
5. The end of the braid is secured.
6. The hairstyle is fixed with hairspray.

Openwork flower in a braid

1. The braid-waterfall is woven upside down.
2. The remaining flowing hair is braided into a braid.
3. The braid is twisted into a spiral and secured with hairpins.
4. For a more long-lasting effect, it is recommended to spray with styling spray.

Waterfall with a beam

1. Weave a waterfall braid according to the pattern.

2. The end of the braid is secured above the ear.
3. The falling strands are secured on one side with bobby pins.
4. The resulting tail is collected into a bun.
5. The hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

Learning how to weave a waterfall braid and its variants for someone or yourself is quite easy.
This hairstyle is an excellent solution for those who do not have the time and money to visit salons frequently. Having remembered the important points of weaving and variations, you can create masterpieces right at home, look well-groomed and not rack your brains over how to comb your hair in order to look decent both on weekdays and on holidays.

The hairstyle with the beautiful name waterfall really looks like a stream of water - in it the hair is braided into a braid, in which part of the curls freely flows down like streams of water. This hairstyle looks very beautiful, is suitable for any occasion, and at the same time, this hairstyle is easy to braid yourself. In this article you will learn about the features of the waterfall hairstyle, its types, weaving methods and see step-by-step instructions for creating a beautiful weave.

What kind of hair is the waterfall hairstyle suitable for?

To create beautifully flowing curls, you will need hair length from the chin - in this case, the strands can already be braided and there will be free ends. This means that the waterfall is suitable for owners of a long bob or bob, long cascade haircuts and, of course, for owners of curls of the same length. This hairstyle looks especially beautiful on long hair, allowing you to demonstrate all the beauty of luxurious hair.

An important point - the waterfall hairstyle is perfect for those who grow bangs and want to move their hair away from their forehead. Weaving in the form of a headband at the forehead will hide the overgrown strands of bangs, and the hair will not get into the eyes.

As for whether to weave a waterfall on straight or curled hair is a matter of taste. The hairstyle looks good on any hair, but in combination with straight strands it will be a more casual option, but braided curls are suitable for creating festive styles. The waterfall hairstyle is great as a wedding or prom hairstyle.

Also, this hairstyle option looks great on highlighted hair and curls with complex coloring. Alternating the color of the strands adds additional volume and expressiveness to the hairstyle.

Hairstyle options

There are several options for creating this beautiful weave. A variety of braiding methods allow you to make the hairstyle symmetrical or one-sided, to capture part of the hair or all the curls. There are also many options for waterfall hairstyles with buns, braids and ponytails.

Classic waterfall

This variation involves symmetrically weaving two braids from the temples back, which are connected with a hairpin or elastic band. You can also hide the ends of the braids under the strands of hair, creating the effect of one uniform braid.

Double waterfall

Since waterfall-style braiding involves loose strands on one side, many use this feature to create a double braid: you just need to braid the remaining loose strands into a braid again. Moreover, it can be any weaving: “spikelet”, “fishtail”, etc.

One-sided option

An asymmetrical variation of the classic “waterfall”, when the braid is woven only halfway up the head or just above the ears. The free end of the braid can be secured with a beautiful hairpin or woven into a more complex hairstyle.


This is a great option for those who want to remove hair from their forehead. In this case, the braiding starts from the temples and does not go back, but is braided near the hairline, picking up strands from the side of the face and leaving free strands at the back.

The waterfall hairstyle, combined with a voluminous braid, looks beautiful. Moreover, it can be left free or put in a lush bun. You can make two symmetrical braids.

Waterfall on straight hair

This hairstyle on straight hair will highlight its structure and silkiness. In this case, it is important to comb your hair well and add smoothness to it using moisturizing sprays or styling products. When braiding, you can use a wide-toothed comb to better separate the hair strands.

Waterfall on curls

Most often, a waterfall is done on curled hair. This hairstyle looks very beautiful and elegant. If your hair is long, then you can curl it after creating your hairstyle, and short hair can be curled into curls even before styling. It is imperative to use fixing agents to extend the curl, so the hairstyle will last longer in its original form.

Step-by-step instructions for making waterfall braids

And for clarity, we will give several examples of step-by-step instructions for creating this spectacular hairstyle.

1st option:

  1. Divide the strand chosen for weaving the “waterfall” at the temple into three parts.
  2. Start braiding a regular braid.
  3. Leave the strand that turns out to be the free end downwards free, do not braid it into a braid, but take a strand of the same thickness from the free mass of hair and weave it into the hairstyle.

4-6. Repeat the steps for subsequent strands, each time leaving the end of the bottom strand free and instead selecting a strand of the same thickness from the rest of the hair mass.

2nd option:

  1. At the temple, separate 3 identical strands. For convenience, in the photo they are numbered 1,2,3.
  2. Move strand 1 to the middle of the braid.
  3. Move the tip of strand 1 down, and move strand 3 to the middle.
  4. Lift the tip of strand 3 to the top, and move strand 2 to the middle.
  5. Lower the tip of strand 2 down and release it.
  6. Separate strand 4 from the top of the hair and move it to the middle.
  7. Lower the tip of strand 4 down
  8. Weave strand 4 into the braid.
  9. Repeat the previous steps, each time leaving the tip of the bottom strand free, and instead grabbing a new strand from the mass of hair on top.

3rd option

And this is how a double waterfall hairstyle is woven:

This styling will look even more beautiful with additional decor. These can be ribbons and bows, colored elastic bands and hairpins, fresh flowers and twigs. When braiding a braid with a ribbon, it is advisable to take a bright fabric of a contrasting color to the hair. The ribbon must be attached at the very beginning and woven so that the left strand with the ribbon is wound towards the bottom, while the right strand is on top.

  • If your hair is coarse, unruly or dry, then you should definitely use a hair conditioner or hair balm. Moisturizing leave-in sprays are also suitable.
  • If you are planning your hairstyle for the whole day, then you should choose a classic version and secure the braid at the back with an elastic band - this way it will last longer.
  • Before braiding, hair should be thoroughly combed with a brush with natural bristles.
  • It is better to straighten wavy and coarse hair at the roots using wax and a small amount of water.
  • If the hair in your hairstyle is frizzy, you can spray the braid with hairspray and lightly smooth it. The bottle of hairspray should be kept at a distance of at least 15 cm from the head to avoid the effect of gluing the hair.

Video instructions for weaving hairstyles waterfall

Despite the apparent complexity, the waterfall hairstyle is simple to perform and does not require special skills. Try braiding this braid for a friend, and then move on to experiments on your own hair.

A beautiful headband of braided hair and the bottom, curls descending like streams, this is that same waterfall braid. This hairstyle is available to both owners of luxurious hair and girls with modest bobs. This hairstyle can be done on both straight strands and curly locks. The trickles of a waterfall can be both small and large. And the braid itself can be made regular, reverse, tight, fluffy, or you can even braid several of them. In general, the hairstyle is completely uneven, suitable for both an everyday look and a formal weekend occasion. The main essence of weaving a waterfall is absolutely not complicated, the main thing is dexterity of hands and eye, so that everything turns out evenly and neatly.

Weave a waterfall step by step

You may not get everything right the first time, and this is normal, because in order to achieve results you cannot do without effort and training.

What will you need?

  1. Comb
  2. Thin silicone rubber bands
  3. Desire and patience

What to do?

    • First of all, comb your hair thoroughly.
    • We separate part of the hair from the forehead and divide it into three equal strands.

    • We make the first binding: We intertwine the strand furthest from the back of the head along the top with the middle one, and it becomes middle, then we intertwine the strand furthest from the forehead with the one in the middle. Let go of the strand that is furthest from the forehead, and hold the other two.

    • Next to the released strand, take a new strand of hair and repeat the same movements as in the previous step, always starting from the top.

    • We weave this way until the end, fixing the tip with an elastic band.

You can braid the waterfall braid to the end, that is, let it go completely solid over the head, or you can initially make the task easier for yourself and braid the braid on both sides, and fasten it beautifully at the back of the head. Either way, the hairstyle will be great, it’s just that the second option is easier, especially when you braid it on yourself.

How to diversify your waterfall braid?

If you braid as in the instructions, you will get a headband from a regular braid, and if you move the strands, on the contrary, not on top, but under the bottom of the middle one, you will get a voluminous French braid.

You can design a waterfall like a malvinka, and decorate the fastening point with a bright accessory.

If you carefully straighten the braid, you get such openwork splendor.

Take a ribbon or chain and weave it into a braid. Result: completely different look. This move is guaranteed to add a touch of mystery and romanticism to your hairstyle.

Pay attention to the shapes. You can weave either a semicircle or a triangle, or you can weave it all the way diagonally. You can make small locks, striving for perfection, or you can make large, careless curls. In any case, the species will not be harmed.

Don’t be afraid to try new things, because your hairstyle, like you yourself, should not be a carbon copy, but on the contrary, it should be full of individuality and uniqueness.