Paraffin therapy for the face is a budget-friendly and effective way of rejuvenation. How to make a paraffin face mask How to make a paraffin face mask

The effect that a paraffin facial mask produces is incomparable. Since a slightly elevated temperature is established under the layer of this component, the skin is perfectly cleansed. The seals begin to dissolve, the pores become wider, and blackheads and sebaceous plugs come out of them. If you have wrinkles or your face always looks sluggish and tired, a paraffin face mask is ideal for you. Reviews from women who have used it claim that this beauty recipe is most effective in combating skin aging. Well, let's look at how such a mask is prepared, how it works and how to use it.

What is this procedure

It is widely known in cosmetology that paraffin face masks are proven beauty secrets that have come to us since Ancient Japan. The essence of using this component is that it simultaneously performs three actions. The first is the preservation of heat, which accelerates blood circulation and metabolism under the skin. Secondly, when the mask hardens, it slightly decreases in volume, tightening the skin. This creates a tightening effect, and the oval becomes more perfect. Well, the third thing is intensive skin hydration, since paraffin is a natural mineral fat. This beauty recipe can be used not only in salons, but also at home. Preparing a paraffin face mask at home is extremely simple - for this you only need to buy the basic material at the pharmacy. You need to purchase cosmetic paraffin; under no circumstances should you melt a candle. Difficulties here can only arise with application - this should be done by your assistant, since it will be extremely inconvenient to carry out this process on your own.

Briefly about the advantages of the procedure

A paraffin face mask has the following effects:

What you need to prepare the mask

To begin with, we purchase 50 grams of cosmetic paraffin at the pharmacy - this amount will be enough for the entire face. This component is the main one, and all the others need to be selected depending on the characteristics of your skin. A homemade paraffin face mask can contain any other natural ingredients that will cope specifically with your skin problems. For example, if the skin is too dry, then we will add oils or honey to the base material. For oily skin, lemon juice, aloe vera, fresh cucumber juice, etc. are suitable. We also prepare a water bath, a brush for application and three strips of a thick bandage or thin natural fabric.


Cosmetic paraffin must be melted in a water bath to a temperature of approximately 50 degrees. It is important that it is not too hot for you. After this, we divide it into two parts. To the first, add the component you chose: oil, honey, lemon juice or something else. We leave the second untouched. A paraffin face mask is applied to cleansed and moisturized skin. Therefore, before the procedure, you must wash your face, clean your face with a sponge and dry it with a towel. Then, if the skin is dry or normal, apply a thick layer of nourishing or moisturizing cream to it. If it’s oily, treat it with lotion or milk.


The peculiarities of using paraffin face masks lie not only in their composition, but also in the application process. Firstly, the product should not burn the skin, so test it on your hand in advance. Secondly, paraffin is applied with a brush, starting from the middle of the chin and ending with the forehead. Thirdly, such a mask always consists of two layers. The first has a thickness of 5 to 7 mm, and an auxiliary component can be added to it (see above). After applying the base layer, gauze is placed on the face, and a second layer of the substance is applied on top of it. It consolidates the previous one and creates more of a greenhouse effect for the skin. Fourthly, this procedure will have a longer effect if you place cling film on top of the last layer. This way the paraffin will harden not for 20 minutes, as it should, but a little longer, due to which its effect will be enhanced.

Seasonality and main skin problems

A paraffin mask is a first aid for your face if it has problems of various kinds. It saves from dryness, flaking, evens out wrinkles, resolves formations and ulcers, pulls out sebaceous plugs and cleanses pores. But each of these cases has its own characteristics, and therefore this beauty recipe must be applied based on them. The frequency of using the mask, frequency and the auxiliary components that you add to it also depend on this. Well, let's look at the main “emergency cases” and ways to solve them.

Summer option

It would seem that in the hot season, why moisturize the skin? It already produces the maximum amount of fat and is constantly shiny. Not so. When your skin becomes oily and sweats, it means it is losing moisture. As a result, your face will look tired, exhausted, the skin will slowly begin to sag, tone will disappear and wrinkles will appear. During the hot season, a paraffin face mask is especially effective if you add freshly squeezed citrus juice, cucumbers, lemon or grapes to it. Fermented milk products and aloe juice will maintain water balance and at the same time remove increased fat content. And in order for this product to make the skin more elastic, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin E.

Winter and spring options

During this period, the skin, on the contrary, becomes very dry, flaccid, begins to peel and turn red. In order to prevent these symptoms, a paraffin face mask is prepared at home by adding oils, honey or milk to the base material. It is these components that maximally nourish the skin, saturate it with moisture, and make it more elastic and firm. As for the choice of oil, it is worth proceeding from individual problems. If your skin is always dry, and the cold makes this problem more pronounced, then almond, olive, and sunflower oils are suitable. If dryness and flaking are a recurring issue, or you have a combination skin type, then it is recommended to use flaxseed oil, wheat germ oil, and amaranth oil. Milk and honey are suitable in all cases, and they can even be mixed.

Skin aging problems

A paraffin face mask is an excellent and, most importantly, inexpensive salvation for those who are experiencing the first wrinkles. As paraffin hardens, it slightly tightens the skin, thus sharpening the contours of the face and smoothing out wrinkles. In order for its effect to be non-traumatic, you need to add a few drops of liquid vitamin A and E to the bottom layer of the mask. Glycerin and amaranth oil will also work effectively here. It is noteworthy that this recipe is relevant not only for ladies whose skin is already aging, but also for young girls who want to correct their facial features, remove a double chin, or simply tone their skin.

Frequency of use

If you require emergency assistance, the mask should be applied to the skin every 2-3 days according to one recipe. As soon as you notice a tendency to improve the condition of your face, the course is limited to application 1-2 times a month. In winter, such a mask should be applied as often as possible, since the skin not only flakes and dries out, but literally freezes. By spring, we are reducing the number of procedures. If you are trying to get rid of wrinkles using a paraffin mask, then even before using it at home, you need to consult a cosmetologist.

Paraffin face mask: user reviews

Many women who have undergone a rehabilitation course using this recipe note noticeable improvements in the condition of their skin. Of course, the mask does not work as radically as plastic surgery. However, it returns a healthy glow and purity to the face. Pores get rid of blackheads and acne, ulcers disappear, scars are smoothed out. If wrinkles begin to appear on your face, a paraffin mask can smooth them out within a month of regular use. Among the shortcomings, ladies note only the application process. For this you definitely need an assistant.

If you have a friend or close relative who is interested in performing salon treatments at home, then performing paraffin facial therapy will be a feasible task for you. The most important thing here is to choose suitable creams and emulsions for yourself, buy cosmetic paraffin and a brush for applying it. Once you get the hang of it, you can perform an effective anti-aging procedure at home and get salon-like results from it.

Why is cosmetic paraffin so good?

It has several obvious advantages that provide a pronounced effect after the first procedure.

  • Thermal impact.

Despite the fact that paraffin is heated to almost 50 o C before being applied to the skin, the risk of burns is minimal, since the drug slowly releases heat. Under a layer of paraffin, the tissue temperature increases slightly, by about one and a half to two degrees. But this is enough to speed up metabolic processes by 15%, improve blood flow, enhance lymph outflow, and accelerate the removal of excess fluid, metabolic products, and toxins.

Under the influence of soft heat, facial muscles relax, facial wrinkles and skin creases disappear.
  • Ability to shrink when cooled.

As it cools, it decreases in volume, so the paraffin mask on the face tightens and at the same time tightens the skin. This gives a pronounced lifting effect.

  • "Greenhouse effect".

The paraffin layer does not allow moisture to pass out. Under the influence of heat and high humidity, the epidermis loosens, pores open and all the beneficial components of cosmetics penetrate deep into the skin.

Video: Paraffin mask for wrinkles

Necessary things for the procedure

The list of necessary things is small. This:

  • alcohol-free face lotion;
  • a choice of moisturizing cream, special emulsions or serums for the face, ampoule concentrates to solve specific skin problems;
  • a gauze mask with slits for the eyes and nose or fabric bases of Korean face masks (by the way, a very convenient thing);
  • cover cream (aka protective cream) in order to prolong the effect of the procedure;
  • cosmetic paraffin;
  • brush for applying paraffin;
  • a container for heating paraffin in a water bath or a paraffin bath.

An optional component can be a light facial scrub or peeling roll based on fruit acids. Gentle exfoliation will make the procedure even more effective.


  • dry, dehydrated, chapped skin;
  • increased sensitivity of facial skin to frosty air, dry indoor air, wind;
  • the need to “get your face in order” for the event as soon as possible;
  • intense peeling of the skin in winter;
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles and folds of the skin against the background of dehydration;
  • the presence of a double chin, a “floating” oval of the face;
  • loss of skin tone;
  • swelling of the face, its puffiness;
  • the presence of red and hyperpigmented spots in place of healed acne.


  • rosacea of ​​any stage, otherwise there is a risk of rapid appearance of vascular networks or asterisks on the face;
  • the presence of a pustular rash on the face;
  • presence of wounds and scratches on the face;
  • arterial hypertension with high blood pressure numbers and frequent crises;
  • decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Video: Facial paraffin therapy at home

How to do it at home

We offer you a universal technology for performing facial paraffin therapy at home, described step by step.

  • We are preparing the workplace.

We will need a comfortable chair, table or coffee table to place all the necessary cosmetics and accessories, a water bath or a bath for melting paraffin. It is better to cover the table with a towel or sheet, which you won’t mind throwing away over time, since washing off paraffin from surfaces is not such an easy task.

  • Warm up the paraffin.

If you have a paraffin bath, then simply turn it on and wait for the paraffin to heat up to the set temperature. At this time, you can prepare your workplace or prepare your facial skin for the application of paraffin.

If there is no heating bath, then you will have to heat the paraffin in a water bath. To do this you will need two pans of different diameters. Water is poured into the larger one, paraffin is placed into the smaller one. It is necessary to ensure that no water gets into the paraffin.

The paraffin should be stirred periodically with a wooden stick. It is important not to overheat the paraffin and not let it thicken too quickly.

  • Preparing your facial skin for paraffin application.

We wash and apply a gentle scrub or peeling sheet to the face. In principle, the exfoliation stage is not necessary, but preliminary removal of the layer of dead cells allows you to get a more pronounced effect from the serums or ampoule concentrates used. Wash off the remaining exfoliant with water. Wipe your face dry and wipe with lotion or tonic.

To avoid drying out your skin, do not use alcohol-containing products. Apply cream, ampoule concentrate or serum, distribute the product with soft massage movements and allow to be completely absorbed.

  • We apply paraffin.

To apply paraffin we use a cosmetic brush. If the paraffin was heated in a water bath, then first we do a temperature test on the hand. If the paraffin does not burn, apply a thin layer of it to the face. It’s good to hold your neck as low as possible. The area around the eyes can be protected with cotton pads.

Place a layer of gauze or a fabric mask on top of the first layer of paraffin. We apply several more layers of paraffin on top of the fabric until the thickness of the mask is about 1 cm. Cover the paraffin with a layer of film with cutouts for the nose and eyes. You can put a towel on top of the film. After all the steps are completed, you can move to a chair with a headrest or lie down for 20-30 minutes and relax.

  • Completion of the procedure.

When the paraffin has cooled, it is removed by lifting the edges of the gauze in the direction from the neck to the forehead. The skin is covered with cover cream before it loses moisture.

Any thick cream or protective face cream will be suitable as a cover cream.

When the paraffin therapy procedure is completed, you need to stay warm for at least half an hour and drink hot tea.

Don't miss out on the benefits of relaxation and a sense of peace that comes from any spa treatment, even if done at home.

How often can you do it

Typically, paraffin therapy for the face is prescribed in a course of 10-15 procedures. But at home it can be done as needed, as soon as the skin of the face loses its velvety and smoothness and becomes dry after being in the cold. Usually 1-2 procedures per week are sufficient.

Until what age will it be effective?

Each age has its own tasks, so facial paraffin therapy will be effective at any age and will provide a significant improvement in skin condition and overall well-being.

Price of paraffin therapy for the face in salons

The cost of home paraffin therapy will be several times less. At first you will have to spend money on cosmetics and paraffin, but then for a long time you will not be required to make any further investments.

Facial paraffin therapy is a rejuvenating SPA procedure, which is based on the ability of cosmetic paraffin to moisturize the skin, restore water balance and increase turgor and smooth out wrinkles. The use of paraffin in body care was first proposed in 1902 by the French physician Bart de Sandorff, who found that it accelerates the healing process of wounds. Its use became widespread during the First World War, and in modern times the paraffin therapy procedure is widely popular among clients of cosmetology clinics and beauty salons.

Mechanism of action and indications for the procedure

The mechanism of action of paraffin therapy is due to the use of cosmetic paraffin, which has a high heat capacity and low thermal conductivity (it gives off heat very slowly). When paraffin heated to a liquid state is applied to the skin, it has two types of effects:

  • thermal - promotes heating of the epidermis and dermis by 1-3 degrees (increasing the temperature of the skin promotes the expansion of capillaries and increases blood flow, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism in cells, and steams the skin, as a result of which its pores open, cleansed of impurities and sebaceous secretions glands);
  • compression - when cooling, paraffin decreases in volume by 10-12%, forms a hard film on the surface of the skin, which puts pressure on the underlying tissue, which helps to increase the turgor and elasticity of the skin fibers (provides a lifting effect).


  • intense peeling of the epidermis (the problem is especially relevant in the winter season);
  • decreased skin tone and elasticity, changes in facial contours;
  • swelling of the face;

Video: "What is paraffin therapy for the face?"

“Paraffin therapy is an incredibly pleasant and useful procedure. After treatment, the skin becomes soft, turgor increases noticeably (but the effect becomes noticeable only after 3-4 sessions), and wrinkles are smoothed out. There are no unpleasant sensations at the time of the procedure, only warmth is felt, so during the procedure I rest.”

How is the procedure done?

In order to achieve the most pronounced and stable effect, the paraffin therapy procedure is recommended to be carried out daily or every other day, the course consists of 12-20 sessions. The result becomes noticeable immediately, but increases over time. Maintenance therapy, aimed at preventing skin aging and preventing dehydration, consists of 1-2 sessions per month.

Stages of the procedure:

  • applying nourishing creams or serums to the facial skin, which, under the influence of paraffin, penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin;
  • formation of a paraffin mask - using a brush, 2-3 layers of heated paraffin are applied to the skin (the heating temperature is determined by the master on the inside of his own wrist, which minimizes the risk of burns on the client’s face; the eye area must be protected with cotton pads), after which it is applied on top a special gauze mask for paraffin therapy, and a few more words of paraffin are applied to it (until the thickness of the mask is approximately 1 cm);
  • removing the paraffin mask (the paraffin mask can be removed only after it has completely cooled, after 20-30 minutes);
  • applying moisturizer according to skin type.

Paraffin therapy for the hands is carried out in almost the same way as for the face, only in beauty salons the paraffin is usually heated in special baths in which its optimal temperature is maintained. The patient dips his hands into the bath several times, after which cellophane gloves are put on his hands and covered with a terry towel. The duration of exposure is 20-30 minutes. Reviews say that the mechanism of action and effects of paraffin therapy for the face and hands are the same, the difference is only in the method of carrying out the procedures.

Cold paraffin therapy

Facial paraffin therapy in the salon is most often performed using the “hot” method, which involves preheating the paraffin, but for some clients it is contraindicated, so experts have found an alternative solution in the form of using cold paraffin cream. The cream, prepared on the basis of cosmetic paraffin, has a soft texture, so it is usually applied to the skin using a wooden spatula or brush.

After applying paraffin cream to the skin, the specialist covers the client’s face with a film and a terry towel (for 20-25 minutes), as a result of which the cream heats up to body temperature and the nutrients from its composition quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis. A special feature of cold facial paraffin therapy is that, in the form of a creamy substance, paraffin does not have a compressive effect on the skin, so the lifting effect does not appear after the procedure using the “cold” method.

Features of the procedure and contraindications

When carrying out paraffin therapy, it is necessary to take into account that paraffin cannot be applied to wet skin and the container in which it is located must be protected from moisture (otherwise the patient may get burned). After the procedure, it is not recommended to go outside for 30 minutes (especially in the winter).

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • hypertrichosis;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​influence;
  • herpes;
  • diabetes;
  • claustrophobia.

Estimated cost of the procedure

The price of one session of paraffin therapy for the face depends on the cost of cosmetic paraffin, which varies depending on the presence of additives in its composition and the manufacturer. The approximate price of one procedure is 8 USD.

In our modern cosmetology, in many beauty salons, paraffin therapy is thriving and gaining momentum. Using molten paraffin, they make baths for arms and legs, for the whole body, and even masks for.

Paraffin for the face: benefits and harms

There are two types of paraffin - yellow and white. White is practically non-allergenic and is more often used in household items, but it can only be used once, unlike yellow. Paraffin therapy is used to restore, rejuvenate and cleanse the skin. Paraffin has a wonderful effect on the skin, nourishes it, relieving dryness and... Removes deep wrinkles, eliminates fine wrinkles, makes the skin elastic and facial features toned.

In addition, it copes well with acne and enlarged pores. When paraffin hardens on the skin, it begins to cool and decrease in volume, thereby tightening the skin. You can feel this effect approximately 20 minutes after application. This is why swelling disappears and skin elasticity increases. By making a paraffin mask, blood circulation increases, liquid and harmful toxins come out of the skin, but due to the fact that the paraffin hardens, the liquid is absorbed back into the skin, thereby saturating and nourishing, and the toxins released through the steamed pores remain on the paraffin mask. Treatments with paraffin are best done when the skin is especially susceptible to dryness and chapping.
There are also contraindications, which, if not observed, can cause irreparable harm to yourself. For enlarged pores and blood vessels close to the skin, it is not recommended to use paraffin treatments due to the thermal effect. Also, if you have a lot of warts, moles or increased hair growth on your body or face. The presence of allergic reactions, skin diseases, hypertension and poor blood clotting is also a reason to refuse to use paraffin therapy.

How to apply paraffin

Before you begin the procedure using paraffin, you must thoroughly clean your face. Wash with a soft scrub to avoid any contamination. After cleansing, you should wipe your face with either some oil or your favorite nourishing or moisturizing cream (a paraffin mask will help absorb the cream or oil as much as possible).

Next we proceed to melting the paraffin. For one mask, approximately 60 grams of solid paraffin is enough. It can be melted in a water bath (stirring, since the substance flammable) or in a special one for melting paraffins. When performing the procedure, it will be better if you ask someone to help you, because it is quite difficult to apply it alone.
To apply you will need a brush or spatula; the first stroke should be made somewhere on the forehead, checking the temperature so as not to burn yourself. After making sure that the paraffin does not burn, you can safely begin applying it to the entire face, starting with the chin, following the massage lines. After you apply the first layer, you need to cover your face with a gauze bandage (prepare in advance, cutting out holes for the lips, nose, eyes). And immediately spread another 5-6 layers of paraffin.

To prevent the paraffin from hardening, it is better to keep it in a water bath during the entire procedure. Without moving or talking, you need to lie down for about half an hour. Over time, the paraffin will harden. After this time, carefully remove the gauze from your face, and the frozen paraffin should come off along with it. And rinse off what’s left with warm water. After the mask, you need to lubricate your face with cream.

Paraffin masks

It would seem, what kind of masks are made from paraffin, does it already have the necessary properties? But there are several types, with the addition of various components to enhance the effect.

Rejuvenating facial procedures and stopping the aging process of the skin are among the most popular in professional cosmetology. But besides the salon procedure, there is also a homemade paraffin face mask that has a lifting effect, cleanses the skin and regulates the aging process of cells.


Paraffin is a chemical substance similar in structure to wax., which consists of hydrocarbons. A thick layer of paraffin applied to the skin hardens and creates a “sauna effect”, exposing the skin to heat. Due to this, the pores open, deep impurities and toxins that interfere with skin breathing are removed.

It is imperative to carry out the procedure using cosmetic paraffin– it is sold in pharmacies and cosmetic stores and differs in composition from that used in the manufacture of candles. The difference is in the degree of purification - cosmetic paraffin undergoes a thorough and deep cleansing of impurities, which makes it safe for use in cosmetology.

Also, under the influence of heat and vacuum, various skin seals and rashes dissolve, facial muscles become toned, skin tone is restored and the contour is noticeably tightened. In combination with various oils and creams at home, you can carry out a complete procedure for restoring and nourishing facial skin.


Solving problems using this procedure has its own contraindications, which make it impossible to use if:

  • inflammation of the skin and extensive redness;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • pregnancy;
  • wounds and cracks on the face;
  • hypertrichosis.

In other cases, the procedure can be done safely if certain safety rules are followed.

Stages of paraffin therapy

Carrying out paraffin therapy at home differs from taking it in a salon in that you need to independently prepare the product and skin for the main procedure, which consists of several stages.


First you need to thoroughly cleanse your face, washing with warm water using a cleanser. Then a regular cream is applied to the skin, the purpose of which depends on what the intended result is - the cream can be moisturizing, rejuvenating, having a nutritional complex, etc.

The paraffin is melted in a suitable container in a water bath. The degree of readiness must be determined by dipping your finger into the container - if the mass burns, then it needs to be cooled a little. The temperature should be comfortable for application to avoid burns.


The melted product is applied to cleansed facial skin with a wide brush or cosmetic spatula.. First, a light swab is applied to the forehead to further check the temperature. If the paraffin does not burn or cause discomfort, application continues.

Paraffin is applied to the entire face, with the exception of sensitive areas around the eyes.

The first layer is covered with a gauze bandage with slits around the mouth, nose and eyes. Apply 2-3 layers of paraffin over the dressing. The maximum number of layers is four. While application is taking place, it is necessary to ensure that the edges of the gauze bandage remain outside the paraffin mask - this will make it easier to remove.

After application, you need to relax in a comfortable position for 20 minutes.


After 20 minutes you need to grab the edges of the gauze bandage under paraffin and with light movements begin to pull them upward - from the chin towards the cheeks and nose, then towards the eyes and forehead.

Residues of the product are removed with water that is not too hot or with herbal lotion.

Finally, apply a non-greasy face cream.

Safety regulations

It is almost impossible to get burned when applying paraffin - the temperature is checked before the procedure. But a number of rules that will provide protection from harmful influences must be followed.

  • Temperature control– if the product overheats, you need to let it cool.
  • The skin should be slightly moisturized with cream.
  • The substance cannot be reused for multiple procedures.
  • Do not wipe your face with alcohol-based solutions– this increases the risk of getting burned.
  • It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime, since it is necessary to limit external exposure for approximately 1-2 hours after removing the mask.
  • The mask can be applied to specific problem areas– dip pieces of gauze into paraffin and apply pointwise to a specific area of ​​the face.

The positive effect of paraffin masks on the skin will be enhanced if you add natural beneficial ingredients to the main component, such as oils, honey, beeswax, aloe juice and others.

For acne

To 15 g of paraffin add a pinch of ginger, 15 g of unrefined sunflower oil. Warm up the mixture and apply to the prepared face along massage lines. Leave for 30 minutes, carefully remove any residue.

The mask helps fight expression lines and fine folds, prevents the appearance of a “double chin” and sagging cheeks, and in combination with an anti-aging cream promotes deep penetration of nutrients.


Mix 5 g of zinc ointment with tea tree essential oil and treat problem areas with the mixture. Apply melted paraffin on top and spread the mixture into several layers with a spatula. Remove after 25 minutes, wipe face with soothing lotion.

Paraffin enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory ingredients, restores tissue structure, a positive result is noticeable after the first use.

For dry skin

Add 10 ml of aloe juice and 5 g of coconut oil to 15 g of melted paraffin. Apply the mixture onto a prepared, clean face from bottom to top using smooth movements. Place a paper towel on top of the mixture. Leave for 40 minutes, remove with a napkin.

Nourishing oil will moisturize the skin, useful microelements under the paraffin mass will penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

For fatty

Add 15 drops of propolis tincture to white paraffin and spread over cleansed skin. Leave for 20 minutes.

The mask helps normalize sebum production, even out facial tone, and deeply cleanse clogged pores.


1 tbsp. combine a spoonful of paraffin with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of babassu oil and 1 teaspoon of avocado oil.

Wipe a clean face with lotion, spread the melted mass over the skin, place a paper napkin with slits on top, and a warm towel on it. After half an hour, remove the composition.

Nourishing oils penetrate deep into cells, activate metabolic processes and improve lymphatic drainage. Babassu oil also kills harmful microorganisms, prevents rashes and even the herpes virus.


You need to cut 2 branches of a living aloe tree, wrap them in parchment paper and leave them in the refrigerator for several days. After this, melt the paraffin and add infused aloe juice to it. Gently spread the mixture on your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Freshly squeezed aloe juice in combination with a vacuum has a strengthening effect, restores oxygen respiration, and normalizes energy exchange.


Add 1 teaspoon of rice oil and 1 teaspoon of liquid honey to 1 tbsp. spoon of paraffin, heat in a water bath.

Distribute the mixture evenly using a soft sponge, secure on top with cling film to enhance the thermal effect. After half an hour, remove the film and the hardened product.

Paraffin in combination with active natural ingredients accelerates tissue renewal processes, honey removes dead cells and tones the epidermis.


A strong wax mask to prevent signs of aging, fight wrinkles and age spots, giving elasticity to the epidermis.

In combination with cosmetic paraffin, beeswax enhances its healing properties and, if used correctly, helps restore radiance and tone to aging skin. You can buy wax at a pharmacy or from beekeepers; it is better to choose yellow wax for cosmetic procedures.

Also, for a strong anti-aging mask you will need tocopherol– an active vitamin that fights the thinness of blood vessels and strengthens the deep layers of the epidermis.

Mix 1 teaspoon of melted paraffin with 1 teaspoon of melted wax. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vitamin. Apply to face with broad brush strokes, lightly massaging the skin at the same time. Leave for 20 minutes, remove with a soft sponge.


Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of melted paraffin, 2 teaspoons of olive oil, an ampoule of vitamin B. Apply a thick layer to the face, avoiding the eyes and lips. Leave for 30 minutes, remove with a napkin.

This is a complete anti-aging program that should be carried out in a weekly course. Nutrients with an active vitamin complex eliminate the first signs of aging and have a preventive effect. The oval of the face is also tightened, elasticity and firmness are increased, and the deep layers of the epidermis are moisturized.