Doll makeup step by step. Creepily beautiful: doll makeup for Halloween. What clothes and hairstyle to combine with

Barbie doll today- this is not just a children's toy, but a huge layer of modern pop culture. Famous fashion designers not only “dress” the doll itself, but also release entire collections of clothing and accessories inspired by her image - such as Jeremy Scott’s recent show for Moschino. Barbie's look is easily recognizable: an abundance of pink, a lot of shiny and plastic jewelry, a fitted silhouette, whipped curls with a sea of ​​hairspray and special makeup that is not so difficult to replicate if you know some of the nuances.


Barbie doll (Barbara Millicent Roberts - yes, it turns out she has a full name) was first released in the United States back in 1959. The doll industry at that time most often offered images of babies, small cute dolls who needed to be nursed while playing “mother-daughter.” Barbie was a breakthrough. The image was based on the appearance of a young (but adult) girl with a piquant figure and catchy makeup - lush eyelashes, delicate blush and shiny pink lips.

Although few people know that her forgotten predecessor was German miniature doll Lilly Build, which appeared in 1955. She was a honey blonde with scarlet lips and heavily lined eyes with cat-like wings, whose makeup was inspired by style icons - from the legendary Marilyn Monroe to Brigitte Bardot, who was just beginning her dizzying career. The doll had a funny slogan: “a product for everyone, from a child to a grandfather.” It was sold both in children's stores and in souvenir shops for adults. Now Lilly is the subject of hunting for avid collectors. Its creators were unable or unwilling to grow a strong brand out of their brainchild. This required a truly American scale, the strength of the American dream and entrepreneurship.

"Parents" of Barbie, the Handlers, created a giant empire Mattel Inc, which produces almost all of the most popular dolls today: from the “old lady” Barbie to the beautifully terrible “Monster High”. There are already a lot of “Monster School” student dolls, and this list is growing. Their makeup: predatory winged eyeliner, brightly defined lips of all colors, pronounced cheekbones, facial tattoos. Well, what can we take from them, they are monsters! Barbie's makeup, on the contrary, is such a calm, good retro - glamor sweet to the point of cloying. Around the 80s of the last century, the appearance of the doll familiar to us today took shape, and her makeup also came from those years. By the way, these years are now at the forefront of fashion, which has taken a turn and returned to previous trends.

What does it look like?

Almost every girl considers her favorite dolls to be the ideal of beauty. A beautiful doll forms in a child a model of feminine attractiveness that he wants to imitate. Most grown-up girls have long since changed their idols, but sometimes you really want to go back to childhood again. Today in the pop space there are a number of strange figures who have become obsessed with Barbie and have practically turned into living dolls. These girls undergo plastic surgery, changing the shape of their nose and cheekbones, constantly wear colored contact lenses and go on debilitating diets to achieve an unnaturally thin doll waist. Their childhood love for the toy idol reached the point of fanaticism. But there's nothing wrong with a little cosmetic play with trying on this plastic image - it's just fun! Of course, this game is suitable only for very young people, since the character himself suggests freshness and youth in his entire appearance.

Barbie Makeup- this is clean and smooth (as if filled with light) skin, perfectly shaped eyebrows and large expressive eyes with thin eyeliner, long arrows and fluffy eyelashes that attract the eye. Of course, the main thing in such makeup is pink color (from the most pastel shade to fuchsia), and there is usually a lot of it on the face. It is used in eye shadow, lipstick and blush. Barbie's lips are not only bright pink, they are also shiny.

This makeup is not for everyday life, but for a youth holiday, a theme party, a theatrical performance or a fashion photo shoot for a social network. Get it right and you'll be a star.

How to prepare your face?

The dolls are lucky, they always have perfect skin, so the first thing you need to do for Barbie makeup is prepare your face. Small blemishes, pimples and spots should definitely disappear. Wonderful leveling and toning products can help with this.

The skin is thoroughly cleansed and then moisturized with gel or light cream. Before applying cosmetics, apply a makeup base. Silicone in its formula creates an absolutely smooth texture. If the composition contains particles of mother-of-pearl, then the face will be illuminated from the inside. Skin imperfections (acne, visible blood vessels and circles under the eyes) are hidden with concealer and corrective pencil. You can use color correctors: green tint - to disguise red spots, vascular networks and pimple marks; lavender color - to cover yellowish skin under the eyes.

When everything unnecessary is hidden, a transparent foundation-cream fluid is applied with a sponge. Choose the shade closest to yours (or a little lighter). Using a sculpting contouring technique, the wide wings of the nose can be narrowed to recreate the chiseled nose of a doll. To do this, apply a darker foundation to them. The preparation is completed with a thin fixing layer of loose light beige powder. All this will create the effect of smooth and radiant “porcelain” skin.

How to do it?

Having prepared your face and armed yourself with a modern cosmetic arsenal, reproducing the Barbie look will be quite simple. Stock up on the following products: shadows in delicate shades, blush, lipstick and gloss, lengthening mascara, black or colored eyeliner, brushes and eyebrow pencil. All this will absolutely help you create the desired image, which will turn out very beautiful.

Don't forget about pink when choosing products, although you can move away from the template and experiment with colors.

Watch the video to see how you can do Barbie-style makeup.

Step by step guide

The easiest way to achieve perfect doll makeup is to do it step by step and carefully, and the right cosmetics will help with this. The main thing is patience, willingness to spend enough time and self-confidence. The procedure is as follows:

  • Start with the eyebrows put them in order. Eyebrows should lie straight and be beautifully shaped, because that’s exactly what they look like on dolls. All spaces between the hairs are painted over with a special sharp pencil. Those with blond hair make their eyebrows two shades darker, those with dark hair do the opposite. An excellent result without shadows or pencil can be achieved by using a special fixing gel with a natural shade. With its brush you can easily arrange your eyebrow hairs in a given shape.
  • Now the most responsible stage - eye makeup. They are very bright on the doll. Eye shadows can be either standard pink or soft blue, mint, purple in different shades, silver and any others. The main requirement is not to use very dark, earthy and brown colors.
  • Shadows blend thoroughly with the applicator. For contrast, several shades of the same color are usually used. Near the base of the eyelashes and at the outer corner the tone should be a little darker and brighter. For example, if you use classic pink shadows, then apply a crimson shade on the outside of the eyelid and make a smooth transition. This is how the look acquires depth. Apply a little white or very light pearlescent shadow to the inner corner of the eye. Highlight the line under the eyebrow.

  • Then draw with eyeliner"cat" arrows. Usually they take black eyeliner, but those who like to experiment can take colored one. It is very convenient to use a liner with a fine tip. Draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes and end it with a clear tail. Use a white pencil to highlight the inner part of the lower eyelid. This technique enlarges (as if opens) the eye.
  • To get gorgeous eyelashes, you should lengthen and curl your hair using mascara. It is applied in several layers. A little trick: before applying mascara, you can powder your eyelashes to make them appear fuller. This is what will make your look more expressive. An even more theatrical effect can be achieved with the help of false eyelashes, but here it is also important not to overdo it, they should not be too heavy.
  • Then you should move on to blush. You can’t use brown or golden ones, because such shades do not suit this kind of makeup. It is better to apply a transparent pink or peach tone to your cheekbones, this will give your face freshness. Blush with reflective particles works well.
  • For lips You need to choose a lipstick color that matches the rest of your palette, but the best choice is hot pink. Use a pencil to draw a shape. You can go a little beyond the natural edge, and then carefully paint over your lips with a brush. Add clear gloss to make your lips appear fuller. It's better not to use red lipstick; it looks great in other looks, but not in this one.

Life is beautiful in its diversity, brightness and the possibility of transformation for suitable occasions, which is why sometimes the question of how to do doll eye makeup can become relevant for any lady. The need to create a seemingly artificial appearance arises when the opportunity arises, for example, to go to a masquerade or other entertainment or thematic event. In ordinary, everyday life, such make-up is completely inappropriate; here, everything in the image, on the contrary, should be as natural, light, modest as possible, but, at the same time, expressive and alive.

Doll eyes look huge, unnatural, as if they were actually drawn, and not just decorated with cosmetics to decorate their appearance. But how beautiful it looks in action - on the theater stage, in the rays of podium lamps, in the glare of fireworks!

The creators put maximum shine, brightness and delicate colors into the image of the dolls; the same should be followed with similar eye makeup for girls.

Doll eye makeup is not difficult to do; all you need to do is follow certain rules and expert advice. In particular, if you look at the girls’ favorite Cindy or Barbie, what catches your eye is, first of all, the pink and beige colors on the face, as well as. The creators put maximum shine, brightness and delicate colors into the image of these dolls; the same should be followed with similar eye makeup for girls. Another significant nuance - perfect skin, both in the eye area and on the entire face. To achieve the latter, you should use special corrective, mattifying, and tinting cosmetics, since today there are a great many of them on the decorative cosmetics market.

Technique for decorating doll eyes

There is only one thing in common between a living woman and a plastic doll - they are called upon to be standards of beauty. Of course, attention is attracted by the overall picture - figure, face, hairstyle, and even voice, behavior, habits. But the biggest role in a woman’s appearance is played by her eyes - whether they sparkle with health, happiness and beauty, or look exhausted and unkempt - all this will completely depend on the skill and experience of their owner in creating eye makeup. After all, with the help of cosmetics you can easily disguise defects, emphasize the zest, and an inept or incorrect action can easily ruin everything with just one stroke of a brush or pencil. Therefore, along with a sense of tact and a desire for beauty, it is necessary to stock up on patience, some knowledge and a desire to experiment.

In such a make-up, you can safely use a large number of different cosmetics, including the darkest or brightest shadows.

So how can you create doll eyes in any girl’s makeup? In order for this part to occupy almost half of the face, the eyes must be lined along the lower and upper eyelids. If you extend the arrow further than your own contour, beyond the outer corner of the eye, this will give a visual increase. In such a make-up, you can safely use a large number of different cosmetics, including the darkest or brightest shadows.

When it comes to eyelashes, you need to put in a lot of effort to make them as lush, long and beautifully curled as possible. Mascara alone, most often, is not able to provide the desired result, especially if the girl’s eyelashes are thin, thin or short, or too light. In this case, you can safely use special false tufts or full eyelashes. This step can sometimes lead to an overly artificial-looking eye, which can easily be corrected by applying and blending brown eyeshadow along the eyelid and lash line. You can noticeably round your eyes and give your look naivety and purity by applying a light shade of eyeshadow to the inner sides of your eyelids.

Many girls in childhood really wanted to be like their favorite doll. And for some, such desires persist with age. Make-up “Doll eyes” will make any girl an almost exact copy of a Barbie doll.

Modern girls now dream not only about dolls, but also about anime cartoon heroines. The “anime” style seems too bright and unnatural, but you can’t argue with tastes. In addition, this image is suitable only for young girls and, preferably, those who have clear, porcelain-like skin on their face (without freckles or spots) and large eyes.

How to do “doll makeup”

Let us consider in detail the general rules for creating a doll image:

  • The colors are various shades of blue and pink, the lips are painted with these colors, and the eyes stand out depending on the girl’s appearance;
  • To make the eyes more round, special cosmetic techniques are used;
  • One of the required details is false eyelashes - this helps to complete the doll's image;
  • Colored lenses are often used to enlarge the eyes. With their help, you can choose the desired eye color and, by enlarging the pupil, acquire a “bottomless look.”

Video: designing doll eyes

Let's tell you step by step about creating doll makeup:

1. Even before starting makeup, you need to thoroughly cleanse your facial skin and dry it. After this, minor problems on the skin (capillaries, pimples) are removed, everything is masked with concealer. Apply foundation, which should be 1-2 shades lighter than the skin. You need this to make your skin porcelain. The ideal option would be stage makeup.

2. Eyebrows need to be neat; light eyebrows should be tinted using a pencil or eye shadow.

3.The next stage is the design of the eyes. The eyes should look like the wide-open eyes of anime characters. Colored lenses are now popular because they visually increase the size of the eyes. It is necessary to put on lenses before starting the makeup process.

4. There is one trick when creating doll eyes - first you need to go along the inner edge of the lower eyelid with a white pencil. This will make the eyes visually enlarge and become more “glassy”.

5.Then shadows close to the natural color are placed on the upper eyelids, and shadows a tone brighter are placed near the outer corner. Everything needs to be carefully shaded. Most often, pale pink shadows are applied, but it would be optimal to choose shadows that match your eye color and clothing. Purple or blue shadows will look very stylish. When choosing an evening look, you can choose rich tones.

Video about makeup “Doll eyes”:

6.Drawing arrows is done with a gray or black pencil along the upper contour. We also shade the eyeliner. Next, we additionally draw arrows again using eyeliner. The corners of the eyes must look up. On the lower eyelid, eyeliner is drawn under the eyelashes.

7.If your eyelashes are thick, then you just need to tint them several times with mascara that gives good volume. If they are thin, then it is better to use extensions or get extensions done in a salon. Long and thick eyelashes give a cartoonish look to the eyes.

8.Now it’s the turn for the cheekbones. Apply blush to the middle of the cheeks using tapping movements. The colors are most often pink or peach.

9. Lips are made either bright pink or neutral in a variety of shapes. Gloss is also applied over the lipstick.

Photo of gradual application of makeup

The purpose of such doll makeup- make your eyes more expressive, bright, shiny and slightly surprised. Therefore, when choosing a color for makeup, “doll eyes” are guided by the rule: the closer to the night the festive event is, the richer and more vibrant the colors of eye shadow and lipstick will be.

Video: how to become a doll

Make-up for brown eyes

Doll makeup can be done not only for blue, but also for brown eyes. In this case, stylists advise choosing blue and lilac shades of eyeshadow, which makes the girl more attractive.

  • When applying foundation or powder to the face, the eye area must be lightened to obtain a contrast effect when applying shadows;
  • Then very light shadows (pastel, beige, pink colors) are applied to the eyelids, shaded to the upper corner of the eye and to the bridge of the nose;
  • Eyelashes along the line are emphasized with a black pencil or eyeliner;
  • The application of shadows depends on the distance between the eyes. With wide-set eyes, the shadows are made in a semicircle (see photo). If the eyes are too close, then the corner of the eyelid closer to the bridge of the nose is painted;
  • Shadows are applied blue or purple along the line of the arrows, shaded for a better effect;
  • The final touch is applying mascara to the eyelashes.

How to become a doll

The doll-like features of a girl are given not only by her eyes and skillfully applied makeup, but also by the ability to wear appropriate clothes and accessories. Behavior also matters, that is, the girl becomes, as it were, a doll in her soul. The main features here are defenselessness and gullibility. Although dolls are different in character: not only Barbie, but also a tomboy doll.

It is also necessary to take into account that a doll outfit is suitable only for a young girl, but an older woman will look strange in such a role.

Barbie doll is the embodiment of the ideal: in makeup, hair styling, figure and wardrobe. Who doesn't want to be a superwoman who succeeds in everything? We are convinced that beauty begins with the details, so in this article we will reveal the important secrets of how to make a doll’s makeup flawlessly.

Shine, surprise, inspire: three rules of makeup

As children, we enjoyed experimenting and knew how to make it even better by adding oriental arrows or breathtakingly long eyelashes. Now we decorate ourselves and don’t go out without preparing. Who else but a true lady knows that makeup creates the mood for the whole day. If you want to be a light and playful coquette, ask Barbie for advice. A girl in this style is distinguished by:

  • refined taste;
  • good manners;
  • and most importantly - a sense of proportion.

The last rule is especially important to ensure that the doll’s makeup looks harmonious and not defiantly unnatural. In order for your skin to shine as if made of porcelain and have a velvety matte finish, special attention should be paid to the textures you use.

To prevent makeup from running away (this is true for all skin types in the summer), use mineral powder that matches the tone of your face and neck. It will provide gentle skin care, eliminating oily shine and allowing it to breathe.

Fans of the American diva are willing to arm themselves with the following life hack: dense, opaque textures of blush, foundation, powder and other cosmetics can be excellent helpers in masking imperfections, but the joy from this will last literally one evening. The use of such beauty tools sometimes leads to unpleasant consequences: pore contamination and redness. It can also cause your skin to look unhealthy overall.

Real Barbiegirls are careful about their appearance, so they carefully read the ingredients on the back of their miracle jars and palettes. They know that cosmetics that combine decorative and care properties are an excellent option for creating a unique image and improving facial health. That is why you should give preference to mineral products, because they will not only help you transform, but will also provide the necessary level of protection from environmental influences.

Childhood friend: main accents in make-up

You don’t have to become little again to remember the pretty face of your favorite doll, because now even Hollywood stars are trying to imitate doll eye makeup. A whole group of makeup artists work on the perfect shading and glossy black wings to create the same open, clear look as a miniature style icon.

Barbie-style makeup involves several accents. The face of this hand-made fashionista is very well contoured: a neat nose, clear prominent cheekbones, juicy, barely shiny lips and, of course, eyelids shimmering in various shades. Many people are interested in how to do doll eye makeup, but we will answer that you need to highlight not only them, you also need to try to do the main makeup in the same style.

So, let's tell you in order:

  • Nose. A boldly upturned, small nose is the calling card of a girl living in the “pink world.” If you need to make minor adjustments to achieve the desired effect, use a natural shimmer primer or highlighter (light accent) and bronzer or dark powder in a contour palette. Remember: we cover the area that we want to reduce with dark. So, bronzer should be applied in two parallel lines to the left and right of the bridge of the nose. We highlight the very contour of the bridge of the nose with a silver highlighter.
  • Cheekbones. If you're wondering how to do Barbie makeup quickly, our advice is simple: focus on the cheeks. Raspberry or pink blush will give your face a youthful, rested look. The best application will be provided by a product with a creamy and gel texture; it allows for natural shading and creates the impression of a natural blush. You will get the same soft cheeks if you apply silk crumbly blush. The effect will be so organic, as if you were embarrassed by a sudden kiss. A highlighter that has a light tint in the color of blush will help make your cheekbones more prominent. Using a wide soft brush, apply some light particles to the bone under the eye, creating a kind of light highlight. For these purposes, it is best to use mineral products, because they are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the skin and do not create a mask effect, which does not allow you to turn your doll look into a carnival one.
  • Lips. There is no need for careful contour drawing or dense matte shades. Once you look at the doll makeup in the photo, you will immediately understand that it is about romance, tenderness and lightness. You can even use clear glitter to create a natural dewy look or highlight that reflects the sun.
  • Eyes. To draw doll eyes, you should set aside plenty of time for it. Since this option for drawing eyelids is quite exotic, many beauty bloggers cannot ignore it and film how to do doll makeup on video. The emphasis here is not only on the eyelid, but also on the length of the eyelashes. Undoubtedly, Barbie's innocent look gained its popularity due to its wide, expressive eyes. You can find out how to achieve this effect.

Compliment from Ken: step-by-step instructions for makeup like a Barbie doll

Almost every cosmetic procedure begins with facial cleansing. This make-up does not exclude this stage; on the contrary, it becomes almost of paramount importance, since the skin should simply radiate purity and freshness. This is an important tip on how to make your Barbie doll's makeup look more realistic and festive.

So that not a single subtlety escapes you, we will tell you how to make a doll’s face and eyes with makeup, and also show many photo examples.


Of course, in the image of a successful diva, the main emphasis is on big eyes like a doll. But this is practically the final stage.

  • We'll start by thoroughly cleansing the skin. If you have a lot of time, for example, you have a whole day to prepare for a holiday, then treat yourself to a spa hour. We will talk about getting rid of blackheads.
  • Take a hot steam bath and breathe over it. You need to prepare a hot fruit and herbal decoction. For oily skin, place lime slices and mint leaves in boiling water; for dry skin, add rosemary sprigs and orange slices along with zest, let simmer for a while.
  • Then take a thick blanket, throw it over your head and sit in such a house over the bath for about 15 minutes. Don’t get burned!

This life hack will get rid of spots and calm your skin. Like a doll, he does not tolerate annoying flaws, such as pimples or inflammation, either in the photo or in real life. Of course, they can be corrected with cosmetics, but in combination with such a simple procedure the effect will be simply amazing.

Tone on tone

Oddly enough, to make it look like in the photo, you should choose a foundation that is not tone on tone, but slightly lighter than your skin, this will enhance the effect of your fragility and unreality. Before applying the product, thoroughly moisturize your skin and give yourself a facial massage, it will improve blood circulation and relieve puffiness under the eyes. Let the nourishing milk absorb. Then apply a mineral primer and correct minor imperfections with a corrector. Products based on natural ingredients, such as minerals, will make your face even, smooth, matte, give your skin a natural tone, and are also very easy to apply and shade.


The face needs to be given some relief. Fashionistas are familiar with the fascinating game of light and dark - where we want to create a hollow effect or emphasize the contour, that is, to make it more voluminous, we apply bronzer, where we want to highlight an area, we use highlighter. Step-by-step photo lessons will help you master the art of doll makeup.

Eyelids, eyelashes and eyebrows

By meeting a person's gaze, you can understand a lot about him and even fall in love with him. The latter will inevitably happen to beauties who know how to make doll eyes with makeup. If you remember the face of our irreplaceable childhood friend, you can immediately note that she had perfect eyebrows. It's not difficult to figure out how to do it. But we will still share with you several irreplaceable life hacks:

  • To create the perfect contour, eyebrows need to be thinned. Not everyone will accept this procedure with enthusiasm; to reduce pain, carefully massage the brow ridges until slightly red. This means that blood has rushed to the eyelid area, and it will be easier to pluck out hairs.
  • Choose a brow pencil that's a little darker and a brow shadow that's a little lighter. Blend the light components along the length of the eyebrow and with a dark pencil try to carefully depict individual hairs.
  • Another bright accent is the eyelashes. Black, long, curled up - they fascinate like the flight of a butterfly, you want to look at them without stopping. Choose a mascara that adds volume and length.

Then let's move on directly to drawing the eyelids. We do Barbie doll makeup step by step to look perfect both in the photo and in reality.

  • Apply light shimmering base shadows to the entire moving eyelid.
  • To make the eyes larger, you need to highlight the orbital fold. Feel the bone under the eyebrow and apply a lilac or pink shade using arching movements.
  • Draw the eyelash contour with a white pencil, this will open up your eyes even more. Draw the line as close to the mucous membrane as possible, this is important, since the main outline will be made in a different color.
  • Let's move on to the arrow. It should be glossy and juicy, carefully draw the space between the eyelashes, and then combine it all into a voluminous arrow.
  • Apply white or pearlescent shadows just under the eyebrow.

Doll-like eyes with makeup look especially attractive on girls with dark curls, but this does not mean that golden-haired beauties should not experiment with style.


The desire to be a doll is not subject to age. You can experiment endlessly with this kind of makeup. Add your signature accents and make your makeup your personal calling card.

In addition to special dolls - mannequins for practicing with makeup and hairstyles, some dolls themselves need makeup. This happens if the doll's makeup has worn off or the doll was originally purchased without makeup.

Sometimes this happens when you buy a doll online. Cameras and monitor screens do not always convey all shades with high accuracy. Therefore, you can be disappointed with the real appearance of the doll, and in order to fix everything you have to do new makeup.

Makeup for dolls and body blushing

To create doll makeup, ordinary cosmetics are not suitable; dolls need paints and special fixing varnishes. You can use Mr. Super Clear UV cut - transparent matte spray varnish with UV protection, a set of watercolor or acrylic paints, glitter pigments, sponges and brushes with various bristles.

Wet wipes will also come in handy for wiping away makeup that has gone wrong, a colorless glossy varnish for finishing makeup, and all sorts of other little things. When everything is ready, you can start.

If the doll was purchased without makeup, we immediately begin painting. If you have old makeup, you need to wipe everything off with nail polish remover. You need to erase not only the makeup itself, but also the colorless varnish to the very base.

After this, the doll is covered with a layer of varnish, which serves as a base coat so that the paint does not eat into the polyurethane. At the same time, it is important to apply the varnish evenly without bubbles or drips onto a perfectly clean surface, so that not a single speck of dust gets caught! Keep the can at a distance of 25-35 cm from the doll.

Before using the varnish, it is best to hold the can for 1-2 minutes under warm water. But be careful not to overheat, otherwise deformation and even rupture of the cylinder may occur! Warming up the bottle helps to apply the varnish more evenly.

Next, wait for the varnish to dry completely and begin applying makeup. We paint the doll and varnish it, then we refine it to perfection, drawing all the smallest details under a magnifying glass, and finish it with another layer of varnish.

An experienced makeup artist can get by with two layers of varnish, but beginners apply a layer of varnish, refine the makeup, then another layer of varnish, and so on until they are satisfied with the work. Therefore, sometimes you end up with many, many layers of varnish, which is not very good.

In addition to facial coloring, dolls are given body-blushing - body makeup. During the blushing process, the relief of the body is highlighted in color, making the doll even more beautiful. Someone even draws, painting the entire doll.

All of this requires drawing skills or the ability to confidently apply makeup. In addition, special tools are required and, most importantly, makeup for dolls is a very harmful task, because while you learn, you have to inhale vapors of varnish and nail polish remover many times. But then your dolls will always be beautiful!