What should a baby look like at 1 month? A one-month-old baby: the characteristics of the baby and the tasks of its development. Expert advice. What can the baby do?

The first month of a child’s life is the baby’s first important date. The baby is already going through the newborn period - her cheeks and body are rounded, her facial features are more clearly visible, her skin has become lighter, her maternity hospital caps and undershirts have become small. Your baby has grown significantly and gained weight. The time has come for the first official appearance - a trip to the clinic.

What can a 1 month old baby do?

The pediatrician will measure the baby’s height and weight and check whether the child’s development corresponds to his age. Checks for reflexes and skills.

From birth, the child’s brain is constantly actively developing, everything that the baby sees, hears, touches - all this develops his nervous system.

The baby cannot yet control his body - his movements are still chaotic, but already at 1 month the child can do a lot. What a 1 month old baby can do:

  • The child must be able to hold his head. When lying on his stomach, the baby can raise his head and remain in this position for some time.
  • The baby can already recognize his mother and follow her with his eyes. Distinguish her from other relatives and strangers.
  • The child must be able to fix his gaze on a stationary object and follow a vertically moving toy.
  • At 1 month, the baby begins to consciously smile in response to the mother’s smile. This is a very important indicator of the correct development of the child.
  • The baby may try to make some sounds in response to the adult’s speech. This is how the humming begins - the first rudiments of full-fledged speech.
  • At 1 month, the baby can already distinguish familiar sounds, listen to poems and songs. Recognizes parents' voices.
  • Sharp, unfamiliar sounds frighten the baby. The child shudders and throws up his hands.
  • The baby recognizes the mother’s touch, calms down in her arms and may be frightened when placed in the arms of a stranger.
  • The baby's arms and legs begin to take a more relaxed position. Bent arms and legs, clenched fists - all this is a manifestation of hypertonicity in newborns. As the baby grows up, all these signs should disappear.
  • At 1 month, the child gets used to a certain daily routine. Eating, wakefulness and sleep occur at approximately the same time.
  • Newborn reflexes are still intact. The pediatrician will definitely check them.

At 1 month, the child begins to actively move his arms and legs, and turns his head. It is necessary to allow the baby to move freely and wear loose clothing. At this time, it is no longer necessary to tightly swaddle the child while he is awake. The baby's hands should be free.

Development of a newborn: What can a baby do at 1 month? (video):

At this age, the baby watches bright rattles with interest. You can put a toy in a child’s hand and he will be able to hold it for a short time. The baby will try to grab with his hand the object that interests him, thus forming the neural connections necessary for coordinated movements of the child’s limbs.

In the first month of a child’s life, he still needs tactile contact with his mother; pick him up more often, do massage, and gymnastics. These activities strengthen the baby’s muscles, because he still has to learn how to do many different complex movements - roll over, lift himself on his hands, sit down, crawl.

What can you do with your baby at this age?

While awake, actively communicate with your baby. For the baby, this communication stimulates the active development of all senses, and for parents it is emotionally very important and joyful to receive a response from the baby - a smile, a look from the baby, animation at the sight of familiar faces.

Play classical and instrumental music for a while. You can find ready-made collections of classical music for kids. If in the first month of a child’s life you teach your baby to fall asleep to recordings of lullabies, then in the future the baby will get used to it and will fall asleep faster as soon as you turn on familiar melodies. Read folk songs, poems, and jokes to your child.

When performing any actions with your baby (washing, massage, gymnastics), pronounce all your actions. This stimulates the baby’s speech development well. It often happens that mothers silently swaddle and feed the baby, because... the baby still does not understand what is being said to him, and indeed what to talk about with the child. If you don’t know what to talk about, you can simply comment on all your actions (I went, I took, etc.), walk around the room with the baby in your arms and show various objects, name them and explain why they are needed and how to use them. use. This behavior may be unusual, but in the future it will allow the baby to speak faster. Everything you do together with your child, starting from birth, will definitely have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby at an older age.

The main toys for a baby at this age are rattles; they can come in several different shapes and colors, with different textures. Rattles play an important role in the development of a 1 month old baby. Hang mobiles and various pendants of contrasting colors on the crib - the baby will watch the moving toys with interest and follow them with his eyes.

In the first month of your baby's life, place your baby on his stomach more often. This will stimulate him to raise his head and train the muscles of his back and neck so that he can soon learn to hold his head confidently.

A mother shares her personal experience about the baby’s development in the first month (video):

If a healthy full-term baby at 1 month of life does not yet have such skills, this is not a reason to worry. Be sure to have your child’s hearing and vision checked by a doctor and take your child to a neurologist. If everything is in order, just pay more attention to the baby, work with him - a little later the child will learn all this.

  • Plantar reflex: if you run your finger along the foot, the child will withdraw the foot;
  • Sucking reflex: lightly run your finger over the baby’s lips, and he will immediately fold his lips into a tube;
  • Grasp reflex: Place the tip of your finger in your baby's hand and he will squeeze it tightly.

In addition to these, the newborn has other reflexes: the proboscis, the Bauer crawling reflex, the support and automatic walking reflex, and others.

Baby 1 month: sense organs

If you think that newborns are helpless and completely stupid, you are very mistaken, because already in the first few days of life, all their senses begin to work actively.

1. The baby holds a stationary object in his field of vision. Can focus his gaze on it. If you slowly move a bright object (for example, a rattle) in front of your baby's face, he will begin to smoothly move his gaze following the movement of your hands. The child focuses his gaze best at a distance of 25–30 cm. This is the distance at which the baby often sees his mother’s face.

2. The baby reacts to a loud sound (cotton, bell) - it shudders. When you lay your baby on his tummy, he tries to lift and hold his head.

3. The baby begins to recognize the mother's voice, and when the child is 1 month old, he perceives high-pitched voices faster. So talking to your baby at this time in a “lisping” tone is not at all stupid.

Baby 1 month: communication

The baby is 1 month old, and he is already trying to communicate with his mother, and not only by crying during hunger. The baby responds to his mother’s mood - if she tilts her frowning face towards him, he will cry, and if she smiles at him, he will smile too. And although this smile is still unconscious, many call it “angelic.” And the baby will begin to smile consciously only from the second month.

Baby 1 month: sleep

When a baby is 1 month old, he often wakes up because he wants to eat every 2-4 hours. His stomach is still very small, so at first the baby eats very little and sleeps between meals. In general, a newborn spends 13 to 20 hours a day sleeping. During these periods, mom can also rest and make up a little for the lack of sleep at night. For more information on this topic, see our article “Your Baby Learns to Sleep.”

Baby 1 month: breastfeeding

Breastfeeding immediately raises many questions: How to properly put a baby to the breast and wean it from it? how long to feed a baby? You can find information about this and much more in the corresponding section of our portal, for example, how often you should feed your baby, and what positions during breastfeeding are most popular among mothers.

Baby 1 month: baby care

After birth, the child looks fragile and weak. But believe me, the baby is stronger than you think, so don’t be afraid to pick him up, change him and bathe him. You can find tips on caring for your child in the appropriate section of our portal.

  • Hang toys such as rattles or bright rotating mobiles above the crib (at the level of the child’s chest) at least 50–70 cm.
  • When the baby is awake, it is useful to briefly turn on gentle music (just not loudly, babies have very sensitive hearing).
  • Sing funny and lullaby songs to your baby more often, make funny faces (wink, stick out your tongue or make big eyes). You will be surprised - the child will try to imitate you!
  • Talk to the baby. You can comment on what is happening around you and your actions, or you can even just... lisp. Don't worry, your lisps and coos are the most important preparation for correct speech perception.

Note! The tone of your speech is very important - try, even if you are tired, sleep-deprived or irritated, not to raise your voice or yell at your child. Now the baby still won’t understand you, but he will be very scared and cry even more. Therefore, it is better to resolve intra-family conflicts in another room: the baby is very sensitive to such irritants.

Rest after childbirth

The postpartum period is divided into two stages: the so-called early and late periods. During the first 14 days (early postpartum period), a woman needs rest to recuperate, and during the late postpartum period it is already possible to begin performing the first exercises of special postpartum gymnastics.

Rehabilitation gymnastics

During childbirth, the female body experiences very strong stress. With the help of restorative gymnastics, you can not only strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, but also speed up the recovery of the uterus. In addition, many exercises will improve posture, which is impaired due to feeding and frequent holding of the child. On our website you will find a description of special exercises that you can start doing at the end of the postpartum period.

Postpartum discharge

For several weeks after giving birth, a woman will produce a small amount of so-called postpartum discharge, consisting of blood, mucus and debris from the fetal membrane. They can last up to eight weeks, stopping and then restarting. At this time, proper hygiene is especially important to avoid inflammation of the genital organs or uterus.

#A newborn baby is an amazing creature. Weak and helpless, he is able to withstand stress relatively easily that would overwhelm an adult. It’s no joke - to suddenly find yourself in a completely unfamiliar external environment, and even if necessary, instantly switch to a new way of breathing, blood circulation, and then nutrition!

A newborn is very small, but this small fragile body contains the most powerful growth potential. His digestive organs are capable of absorbing 600-700 g of mother’s milk per day, but this is a fifth of his body weight!

A newborn comes into the world with a sufficient supply of expedient reflexes. As soon as you touch his lips with your finger, he stretches them out with his proboscis, getting ready to suck. Drop some sweet solution onto your child's tongue, and he will begin to suck it in, smack his lips, and in response to something sour, salty or bitter, he will wrinkle his face, scream, and try to clear his throat. A loud sudden sound will make him wary - the child will wrinkle his forehead, as if listening, and become worried. The baby distinguishes smells and recognizes his mother by the smell of milk, which for him is associated with pleasant sensations.

But the most amazing thing is that a newborn is already an individual, already a character!

Perhaps, first, we should understand the truth that a child is not a miniature adult, but has its own very specific characteristics that must be taken into account. Each age has its own characteristics.

You can evaluate your child’s mental development yourself. For example, check for the presence of basic reflexes:

- “plantar” reflex - you run your finger along the sole, and the child withdraws the foot,

- “sucking” reflex - you run your finger over the child’s lips, and he readily folds his lips into a tube and smacks his lips, makes sucking movements,

- “grasping” reflex - you put the tip of your finger in the child’s hand, and he squeezes it tightly.

If the listed (you must admit, quite funny) reflexes are present, your child is normal.

Remember that a child’s character is formed from the first days of his life - in communication with you. Character formation begins with conditioned reflexes: positive and negative. The concern of parents is that there be more positive conditioned reflexes, and, naturally, fewer negative ones. Positive conditioned reflexes arise in response to regular nutrition, regular hygiene procedures, communication, and affection. There should be a sense of order and routine in everything that concerns the child. The child must feel cared for.

But if you are inconsistent, irritable, and sometimes even angry (after all, sometimes you don’t want to get up at night to swaddle the baby, and even if you, dad, have to go to work early in the morning), then the child will develop a nervous character - and this will interfere him (and not only him) all his life.

In the very first days after you arrive home from the maternity hospital, you and your child will definitely be visited by a nurse and a local pediatrician. Don't hesitate to ask them any questions you have about your baby and his care.

In the first year of life, it doesn’t hurt to monitor your own weight gain using a table in which the x-axis is the child’s weight in grams, and the y-axis is months or weeks of life. Normally, the curved line that you get on this table should be smooth - without sharp jumps up or down. If the line stays at the same level for several days, you should not worry. When a child is healthy and has a good appetite, he will gain the desired weight.

Pediatricians determine the individual appropriate weight of a child, resorting to all sorts of clever formulas and calculations. It is enough for parents to know that their child in the first three months of life, with normal development, should gain from 20 to 30 grams of weight daily.

Don't overfeed your children. A fat child does not mean beautiful. Increased weight is not a guarantee against diseases.

As a rule, young mothers and fathers are afraid to even hold their newborn in their arms at first. And this is no coincidence. They don’t know how to properly hold a baby. He is so fragile and tender, small.

You cannot lift a child by the arms.

You cannot hold the baby so that his head is thrown back. The child's head must be supported.

It’s not difficult to learn how to hold a baby correctly: the baby practically lies on your left hand, and the head is supported by your elbow; With your right hand you support your legs.

In other words: it is necessary that the baby’s body has three places of support - the back of the head, at the level of the shoulder blades and at the level of the pelvis.

From the very first days, there is no need to nurse a child - you should not pick him up, rock him to sleep, or lull him to sleep without special need. The child quickly gets used to such treatment and can no longer live without it, demands it, and becomes capricious. And if the mother, who is busy another time, cannot babysit him again, the child goes to great lengths - he starts screaming. Like it or not, you have to give in.

There is no need to panic at the first cry of the child. Come and find out the reason for crying.

There are not many reasons for a newborn and child crying in the first months of life:

The child “went” into diapers,

The child feels discomfort (for example, the seams of the undershirt are pressing),

The child is hungry or thirsty.

In the first case, the child must be swaddled. In the second case, reconsider his clothes (experienced mothers know, of course, that baby undershirts are put on inside out - with the seams facing out, so that they do not rub or put pressure on the baby’s delicate skin). Well, in the third case, you just need to look at the clock to see if it’s time to feed your baby. Figure it out. Perhaps your child is just thirsty. Give him a teaspoon of boiled water or sweet tea.

Due to the fact that the baby is still too weak and his neck muscles are not developed, head movements are limited; in less ventilated places - on the back of the head, on the neck - sweat appears from time to time. If it is not removed in a timely manner, irritation may occur in the indicated areas - in the form of pinpoint red rashes. This is the so-called sweat patch.

If you continue to ignore it, irritation under the influence of new sweat may intensify. When an infection occurs, even pustules appear. And this is already a serious complication. To prevent it, remove excess sweat from time to time with a napkin.

If you monitor your child’s weight using a chart, remember that the weight curve should rise slowly and smoothly. By the end of the first month of life, the baby should weigh about four kilograms. But don't worry if he weighs three and a half kilograms. Individual characteristics must also be taken into account.

The same goes for growth. A normal full-term baby has an average length of fifty centimeters. In the first few months of life, the child grows about five centimeters. But if you find out that someone's child is bigger, don't worry.

Don't forget to pay attention to the condition of your baby's navel. In some children - especially restless ones who “love” to scream - the navel protrudes somewhat when screaming. Sometimes the navel forms a rather significant bulge when screaming or coughing, sometimes reaching the size of a walnut or more. This is an umbilical hernia, which occurs due to weakness of the abdominal wall.

If you notice such a hernia, consult your local pediatrician immediately. There are cases where it is necessary to perform an operation, but most often the hernia is eliminated on its own when the child gains weight in a few months and when adipose tissue develops more strongly.

Never forget that children's skin is very delicate, and the child himself is still weak to successfully withstand some unfavorable external factors. You cannot frivolously leave a child lying on a wet bed for a long time - in wet diapers; This can cause diaper rash to appear on the baby's body. Diaper rash appears in the form of redness of areas of the skin. The skin is inflamed, very sensitive, painful. The child is naturally restless and cries. If appropriate measures are not taken, blisters may form at the site of redness. The blisters then burst and the picture becomes unpleasant.

How to prevent diaper rash:

Strive to change the baby on time;

Pay attention to the quality of washing the diapers (the fabric may contain uric acid residues, which, even with dry diapers, can irritate delicate skin).

If your baby is prone to diaper rash, when changing it, you should wipe it with a clean damp cloth - wipe the wet areas, and treat the diaper rash areas with rich baby cream.

One of the features of the first month is scabs on the scalp. Scabs occur when there is an excess of secretions from the skin glands. The discharge dries up and can be difficult to remove later. The scabs are yellowish in color, sometimes translucent, sometimes scaly and flaky.

In no case should you be too active in cleaning your child's head of these scabs, as this can injure the skin and cause infection. Even the smallest infection is fraught with danger for the child - he is still so weak. Scabs are removed using a cotton swab with sterilized vegetable oil after bathing the child.

Do not leave your child lying in one position for a long time. He is still small and cannot turn around on his own. From lying for a long time without changing position, the child's muscles get tired, and the child begins to worry. In addition, prolonged lying in one position, especially in the first months of life, has an adverse effect on the formation of the child's head. For example, if a child constantly lies on his back, then over time his head may have a slightly sloping occiput. This is explained by the fact that the “fontanelles” - the growth zone - on the child’s head are still open, the skull is plastic.

Hearing of a newborn baby in the first month of life

Some young parents, from the first day they bring their child from the hospital, tiptoe around the apartment, afraid of disturbing the newborn. Perhaps this is unnecessary. In the first few days after birth - about a week - the baby still does not hear very well. The auditory nerve develops fully throughout the first year of life. Accordingly, the baby’s hearing develops gradually.

From the first day of life, pay attention to your baby's hearing. It has been reliably established that the child, even in the womb, hears sounds - muffled, of course - the sounds of music, voices. By the way, the child already distinguishes the mother’s voice from others: he hears this voice louder; the child perceives it not only with the organ of hearing, but also with the body - the so-called tissue conduction (do you know how Beethoven listened to music when he became completely deaf? He listened to music with his body - hugging the piano). When the baby is born and brought to you for the first time, he already recognizes your voice. This voice is his own. Talk to him often. And remember: from the first days the child already distinguishes intonations well, and can distinguish a gentle tone from a strict one.

Regarding the development of hearing (not only physiological, but also musical), try to let your child, as recommended by some authors, “bathe in sound.” Of course, these “baths” should be carried out while the child is awake. In the first month of life, your baby sleeps almost all the time, but now he has grown a little, and the time for communication comes more and more often. Talk to your baby, develop his hearing; let music sound in your house at such moments - quiet, calm music, something from the classics, with an easily guessable melodic pattern.

Vision of a newborn baby for the first time

month of life

The eyes, as a complex optical device, are also not yet fully developed in a newborn. It has been established, and you yourself will notice, that in the first days the child cannot yet fix his gaze. Soon the baby will be able to cope with this task, but for some time he will not be able to adapt to near and distant objects. He seems to see at the same distance. And this distance is 25-30 cm. Hence the recommendations...

If you want to show your baby something - a bright toy, for example - hold it in front of him at a distance of 25-30 cm. If you want the child to look at the expression on your face (and he already distinguishes an affectionate face from a calm one, and even more so from a stern one) ), approach the child at a distance of 25-30 cm.

When a child sees your face, let him see a gentle smile. In this case, he feels protected, and his mood will be better. The baby understands everything. “Understanding” is provided to him by instincts. They are like an “autopilot” for him in a sea of ​​emotions and sensations.

Touch of a newborn in the first month of life

A child discovering the world should have all his senses involved from the first days of life. We have already talked about auditory and visual impressions. The child’s organs of smell and taste are also quite developed and “work” - this has been established experimentally. Now about the sense of touch... When a child is awake, he needs to feel his body, feel touches on the body. This is important both for the correct formation of the organs of perception and for subsequent correct orientation in space. If the child does not sleep, fuss with him more. He likes it, it's useful for him.

Swaddling a newborn

This is not the first year that pediatricians and orthopedists have been telling parents that they should not swaddle their baby tightly, with their legs stretched out, standing at attention. Recently, this call has become especially relevant, because children are more likely to experience dysplasia - underdevelopment of the hip joint. The defect itself is small and outwardly completely invisible, but if it progresses, dislocation of the hip joint may occur. And this will require long-term treatment, even surgical treatment in advanced cases.

It is very simple to create conditions to prevent dysplasia from progressing: so-called wide swaddling will help. A pose with slightly spread hips is natural and physiological for the child; it creates favorable conditions for the proper development of the hip joints.

Various panties have been invented for wide swaddling, but you can get by with an ordinary flannel diaper, folding it lengthwise several times and placing it between the baby’s legs, under the diaper. Or, even simpler: using as a diaper not a small diaper, as usual, but a large one.

Traditionally, a child in the first months was swaddled “with arms”, but it is more correct to leave the arms free by sewing up the ends of the sleeves of the vest. Put on a cap or scarf only after swimming.

Breastfeeding a newborn

Do we need to prove that breastfeeding is the best? It was beyond competition when it could only be replaced with cow’s milk, and it remains beyond competition now, when many dry milk formulas made using advanced technologies have appeared. These mixtures accurately reproduce the chemical composition of human milk and are enriched with vitamins and other beneficial additives. This is a fairly complete diet for a child. But - only food. And mother's milk is more than nutrition. It contains something that is not and cannot be in artificial mixtures: biologically active substances, hormones, antibodies that protect against diseases. Recently, studies have been conducted that have shown that antibodies against the pathogen that caused the baby’s illness appear in mother’s milk.

But, moreover, breastfeeding has enormous psychological significance for both: mother and child are united here. After cutting the umbilical cord, a living, warm stream of milk flowing from mother to child reconnects them, promoting mutual understanding.

Although the sucking reflex is dominant and is formed in utero, not all children immediately take the breast well. Difficulties may arise if the mother's nipples are flat and not convex enough. Such nipples should be prepared for feeding during pregnancy by carefully pulling them out with your fingers several times a day. The same must be done before each feeding, and when starting to feed, use your middle and index fingers to lightly squeeze the breast at the edge of the areola (nipple circle) - the nipple will move forward and it will be easier to put it into the baby’s mouth. It is necessary to invest not only the nipple, but also the areola - this way the baby will swallow less air, and this is the prevention of regurgitation. Mother's breasts may be too tight for your baby. You can help by expressing the first drops of milk. Sometimes it becomes uncomfortable for a child to suckle simply because the mother does not think to lift her breast with her hand, and she covers his nose, preventing him from breathing. It happens that the mother presses the baby too tightly to herself, and this makes him reflexively throw back his head.

Pediatricians have long noted that among infants, actively sucking and lazy ones are clearly distinguished. The active one, having made several searching movements with his head, finds the nipple himself, sucks rhythmically, without interruption, and having “obtained” what is required, he releases the nipple and falls asleep. The lazy one (this is often weakened, and not just phlegmatic), after sucking for a few minutes, begins to doze off at the chest, occasionally making sluggish and unproductive sucking movements in his sleep. This one has to be encouraged to eat, stirred up, woken up by patting the cheek, sometimes even unswaddled for a minute so that he finally wakes up and begins to eat.

A great expert on all the intricacies of feeding, Professor A.F. Tur also identified a group of children who seemed to be afraid of the breast - they would suck on it a little and lean back with a grimace, almost expressing disgust. Perhaps this is a gourmet who will not like the smell of milk that appears after mom eats onions, garlic or some kind of spicy herbs. It’s better not to eat anything “smelly” at first, but try it later, little by little, checking the child’s reaction. Avoid such obviously allergenic foods as citrus fruits, chocolate, and strawberries.

Normally, feeding lasts 15-20 minutes, but in the first days, while the details of this procedure are being worked out, it can drag on for half an hour.

The ideal feeding rhythm is six times a day, every three and a half hours, with a mandatory night break. However, it is advisable to feed a child born with low body weight (below three kilograms) seven times with three-hour breaks, and maybe more often. You can meet him halfway and feed him at night; in general, feed him not clockwise, but according to need.

A child born with a body weight of more than four kilograms is a candidate for becoming fat, do not overfeed him. As a rule, babies do not suck from the breast more than necessary, but large children sometimes initially have an increased appetite. If such an assumption arises, it is necessary to determine by control weighing before and after feeding how much he sucks. And if it turns out that it is more than 120-130 g, then additional feedings should not be allowed.

After feeding, hold the baby upright for a few minutes so that he burps the air - this will reduce the likelihood of regurgitation. And then be sure to put him on his side, because if he does burp, he may choke in the position on his back.

The first weeks of breastfeeding are a time of concessions, compromises, and mutual adaptation. Feeding may turn out to be somewhat chaotic, but by the end of the month a rhythm should still form that is close to the generally accepted one, and with corrections made by the child’s characteristics.

What is natural and what is alarming

If an abscess appears on the body, looking like a vesicle filled with a yellowish liquid with a red rim, and, moreover, if there are several such pustules, this may be the beginning of a purulent-inflammatory disease. Call a doctor, and quickly!

In medicine there is the concept of “entry gate of infection”. In a newborn, such a “gate” is often used to create an umbilical wound. If, after the crust falls off, the bottom remains wet and oozes, a doctor or nurse should take care of the navel. Before they arrive, you can only drop a little 3% hydrogen peroxide into the wound, and when it foams, dry it with a clean, sterile cotton wick.

Drastic sudden changes in a child’s behavior can be alarming if, for example, he, who has always suckled willingly, suddenly stubbornly refuses to eat. Or, previously relatively calm, he begins to cry continuously, even scream, without calming down either after he is swaddled, or from warmth, or in arms, or with a pacifier, or after eating. And if he doesn’t eat, even more so! Of course, this can happen to a healthy child, but it’s better not to take risks, not to speculate, but to consult a doctor. This is the rule forever!

What should a newborn be able to do by the end of the first month of life?

By the end of 1 month of life, the newborn:

Winces and blinks at a sharp sound.

For example, from 9-11 days, the child already distinguishes sounds, reacting by crying to sharp, loud ones, but does not yet listen to them. He begins to listen between 3 and 5 weeks of life. The baby calms down at a strong sound (auditory concentration reaction) for 10-15 seconds, listens to the adult’s voice, the sound of the toy.

Keeps a stationary object in the field of vision, i.e. capable of visual concentration.

By days 20-22, uncoordinated movements of the eyeballs disappear. Visual concentration occurs on days 15-30; gaze retention on something else is short-lived. The baby fixes his gaze for 5-10 seconds on a stationary object located in his field of vision at a distance of 40-50 centimeters. General movements are still slowed down. The baby is still farsighted, and you should not fix his gaze on objects located closer than half a meter, otherwise he will squint his eyes to look at the object or toy.

While lying on his stomach, he lifts and holds the head for 5-20 seconds.

For example, already at 8–10 days the child tries to raise his head if he is placed on his tummy, and at two weeks of age he turns it towards the source of the sound.

During this period, the first smile appears in response to addressed speech.

A smile is a call for mutual understanding, an invitation to communicate, an expression of positive emotions!

The baby may make individual sounds in response to conversation, sometimes the reaction is still delayed for several seconds.

For example, some babies, within a few hours of birth, can imitate if someone sticks out their tongue or opens their mouth. At the very beginning, the baby cries or screams, then begins to make throat sounds, which become less and less as the month progresses. In the second month, the baby will begin to pronounce sounds reminiscent of “a”, “kh”, “ah”, etc... When the baby is sleeping, you can often hear quiet snoring or even “snoring”.

The movements are not yet coordinated.

For example, already on the first day of life, more than 170 are recorded in a healthy newborn, and on the 10th day of life, more than 550 individual and general movements per minute! Of course, we are talking about immature, uncoordinated movements that are a consequence of the excitation of immature centers of the brain. But all these movements are very important for the development of the child!

Baby at 1 month

Height and weight of a child at 1 month

During the first month of life, the child gains on average about 600 g of weight and 3 cm of height; in the second month, you can expect a greater increase - about 800 g or more, the child will again grow by about 3 cm. The average height of a child at the age of 1 month is 54- 55 cm.

The norms of physical development are described in more detail in the centile tables: for boys, for girls.

What can a 1 month old baby do?

The first month of your baby’s life has flown by - the most painful and scary. Now the baby is already 1 month old, and he enters the second month with a smile. There was a smile before, but that smile was involuntary - the child reacted to comfortable sensations. At 4-5 weeks, the baby begins to smile “for real” - reacting to your kind words.

By this time, the baby can usually hold his head upright for a short time. It can hold your face or a bright toy in the field of vision for a long time, and turns towards the sound source. The first buzz appears, facial expressions become more expressive.

How much does a 1 month old baby eat?

The baby is now actively growing, so the body needs more and more nutrition. By the end of the month, the need for milk can be estimated at 750-800 grams per day (110-150 grams per feeding).

How much does a 1 month old baby sleep?

At the age of 1-2 months, the child sleeps 17-19 hours a day, of which night sleep is about 8 hours 30 minutes, and daytime sleep can be divided into 3-4 times

Regime, daily routine of a 1 month old baby

This is what the daily routine of a baby aged 1 to 2 months might look like:

Time Routine

6:00 1st feeding

6:00 - 7:00 Wakeful

7:00 - 9:30 Sleep

9:30 2nd feeding

9:30 - 11:00 Wakeful

11:00 - 13:00 Sleep

13:00 3rd feeding

13:00 - 14:00 Wakefulness

14:00 - 16:30 Sleep

16:30 4th feeding

16:30 - 17:30 Wakefulness

17:30 - 19:30 Sleep

19:30 - 20:30 Wakefulness

20:00 5th feeding

20:00 - 21:00 Wakefulness

21:00 - 23:30 Sleep

23:30 6th feeding

23:30 - 6:00 Sleep

This regime is far from being a guide to the life of mother and baby by the hour, but only an example by which you can imagine what the duration of the sleep and wakefulness phases and breaks between meals can be.

Baby's health at 1 month

If a child was born in autumn, winter or early spring, in the second month of life the doctor usually prescribes a drug containing vitamin D to prevent rickets. Both the drug and its dose are selected individually, taking into account the nature of the child’s feeding (since most adapted mixtures contain vitamin D). Sometimes the prevention of rickets can be started earlier or, on the contrary, postponed for certain indicators (for gastrointestinal disorders or if the doctor finds the size of the fontanel too small, the increase in head circumference insufficient).

Development of a one-month-old baby

Now the most pleasant and dear thing for the baby is the voice of the people around him, and especially his mother. After all, it was exactly what he heard in his tummy. Therefore, talk to him more often - this both calms him down and allows him to learn more about the world around him.

Call him by his name or just an affectionate nickname when you enter the room. Talk about how you feel when you change clothes. By changing the volume of your voice, you can calm him down or attract attention. It is very interesting for the baby to watch the change in timbre - from low to high and vice versa - this can attract his attention for a long time.

Another great activity is massaging your fingers and toes. Massage each finger separately, this will allow the baby to feel his body.

At 1 month of life, a child is considered a newborn. At this time, the baby is adapting to the outside world, after a wonderful 9 months spent in the greenhouse conditions of his mother’s tummy. At first glance, the baby looks like a defenseless baby, but nature gives the body enough internal strength for 100% survival.

In this article we will answer parents' questions about the reasons for a newborn's crying, proper care, care, nutrition and sleep. Why does the baby grunt, grunt, sneeze, twitch and breathe through his mouth? Why doesn’t he fart and poop once every 3 days, and if he does, it’s liquid or green.

What should you be able to do?

At the age of 1 month, a child should be able to clench his fingers and bend his legs. Mom needs to gently unclench her fingers and legs during the first weeks. Your baby's legs will naturally curl into the fetal position they were in before birth. The first few weeks will pass before the baby learns to straighten up from the fetal position. It will take even more time to pronounce peculiar sounds called “baby speech.” This will be a loud activity in the initial stages. In addition to crying in uncomfortable situations, the newborn begins to make a whole variety of sounds.

A 2 month old child can:

  • squeak,
  • squeal
  • grunt,
  • sigh,
  • groan,
  • hiccup,
  • sneeze.

The baby mainly produces sound in response to external and internal stimuli.

Newborn girl weight

weight chart for girls from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

According to WHO standards, from birth to 1 month, a girl should gain from 800 grams to 1.2 kg.

Boys' weight at 1 month

According to WHO standards, from birth to 1 month, a boy should gain from 800 grams to 1.3 kilograms.

weight chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

Boy's height at 1 month of age

According to WHO standards, a newborn boy, like a girl, will gain 4 cm in height in 1 month.

growth chart of newborn boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

Girl's height at 1 month

According to WHO standards, a newborn girl will gain approximately 4 cm before one month.

growth chart of a newborn girl from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards

Caring for a newborn baby in the maternity hospital

The main actions of doctors to ensure proper care immediately after the birth of a child:

  • immediate wiping;
  • ensuring skin-to-skin contact between the newborn and the mother;
  • clamping and cutting the umbilical cord (after a few minutes);
  • beginning of early breastfeeding.

After the first hour of life, the newborn baby's eyes will be treated. Five criteria (skin color, heart rate and breathing rate, reflexes, muscle tone) will be assessed for health status using the Apgar scale. They will give a mandatory injection of vitamin K (prevention of hemorrhagic disease) and after 12 hours a vaccination against. Weight, height and gestational age (from the first day of the last until delivery) will be measured.

Daily care for newborn babies at home

A newborn's morning routine includes air baths and skin care. Thoroughly wipe the entire body, especially the folds, with a cotton swab dipped in warm water from head to toe. Wipe each child's eye with a separate swab from the outer corner to the inner one. If necessary, clean the nose from crusts using cotton wool.

We will describe the basic rules for caring for the intimate parts of newborn boys and girls below, but both need to be washed after each diaper change (2-3 hours). During all procedures, we carefully look at the folds of the baby’s skin, butt and genitals. A baby's skin is a reflection of his health. Treat irritations with baby creams (Bepanten, Sanosan, Sudocrem, etc.).

Features of caring for a boy

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky believes that no additional hygiene procedures (pulling, steaming, lubricating) over the genitals of a newborn boy are needed. World pediatrics claims that other than washing the child’s penis with warm water, no action is required from parents.

Below are examples of how a one-month-old baby indicates that he is tired and needs to go to bed:

  • avoids eye contact;
  • begins to get nervous, cry and become sleepy;
  • coughs and spits;
  • drools;
  • rubs his eyes.

How to properly bathe a newborn baby

Water procedures are the basis for proper care of a newborn. During the first month, if the child is healthy and has not been vaccinated, it is recommended by pediatricians to bathe him every day before bed until the last feeding. You can begin to introduce your baby’s body to water immediately after leaving the hospital.

Where to bathe a newborn

Until the umbilical wound heals (2-3 weeks), the baby should be bathed in a baby bath, then you can move to a larger one, and at 2-3 months to a swimming pool. Before each bath, the bath should be washed with hot water and soap.

What kind of water should you have for swimming?

Bath the newborn in boiled water until the umbilical wound is completely healed. The water temperature should be 37 degrees, and in the room not lower than 25. If desired, bathe with potassium permanganate (weak solution) 1-2 times a week. Be sure to use soap 1-2 times, but not more often, it dries the skin.

What herbal infusions can be added to water?

  • sequence;
  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • calendula.

Bathing process

Place the child with his back down in the water, supporting his head with one hand. With your other hand, pour water on the baby while talking and smiling gently.

After swimming

Gently place the newborn on a soft towel and wrap him up. Use gentle movements to blot wet skin without rubbing. There should not be a huge temperature difference in the rooms.

Baby development at 1 month

In the first month of life, a child primarily needs maternal care and love, which has a great influence on the development of the newborn’s brain. Warmth and a sense of security help the baby create new brain cells and establish connections with each other.

This contributes to:

  • perception of new ideas and information;
  • feeling of safety and confidence;
  • growth of a healthy body.

Why does he cry a lot?

  • hunger;
  • pain;
  • fear;
  • fatigue;
  • reaction to smell;
  • loneliness;
  • no mood.
  • and many more etc.

Using the developed senses of taste and smell, the newborn distinguishes breast milk from other liquids. The baby has a sweet tooth and writhes his nose every time he smells a sour or bitter taste.

When do newborns begin to see and hear?

A newborn baby can see faces and objects of different colors, sizes and shapes. By the end of the first month, the baby should calmly be able to distinguish the voices of his parents from those of other people. Adults are surprised by the baby’s ability to adapt his body to their arms and shoulders.

After many months spent in the womb, the child recognizes the mother's voice. When you turn on calm music, the baby will calm down and listen.

How and what babies see after birth

The best distance for a baby’s visual perception in the first month will be from 20.3 to 30.5 cm. While feeding a newborn or holding it in your arms, the baby can clearly see the mother’s face. But if the mother is a little further away, the baby’s eyes will begin to squint and wander. Don't worry, your look will normalize within the first few months.

With age, a child's vision improves. It will become easier for kids to maintain focus on one subject for the required amount of time. She will begin to see normally between the second and third month. If this does not happen, take you to the hospital for examination (medical examination). Infants distinguish light from darkness, but cannot yet recognize the entire spectrum of shades. Parents should show examples of black, white and other contrasting colors. Babies will study them with interest. But it will not respond to pictures with drawings.

How much should a baby sleep in the first month?

The child sleeps on average from 16 to 20 hours a day for up to one month. Newborns wake up at regular intervals, both at night and during the day. Mostly 1 month old babies sleep poorly due to:

  • hunger;
  • wet diapers;
  • heat;
  • cold;
  • loud sounds;
  • bright light;
  • colic and gas;
  • emotional anxiety.

Causes for concern are:

  • sleeps for 4 hours without waking up to eat;
  • does not sleep for 4-5 hours;
  • often wakes up (5-7 minutes).

Let your 1 month old baby decide for himself how much rest he needs. At the same time, mothers should remember that there is no clear and precise data on the normal sleep patterns of a newborn baby. Each baby has its own individual daily routine.

New parents will have to wake up several times a night - this is an integral part of the initial stage of caring for newborn children. The best option is to simply go with the flow. Allow your baby to sleep whenever he wants during the first month. Use slings, portable cribs or basket cribs. Mom or dad can calmly walk while the baby is shrouded in light sleep.

You can use your newborn's sleep throughout the day to your advantage. Parents, especially mothers, should definitely get some sleep. In order for the baby to sleep more soundly, you need to warm his feet with his mother’s hands or breathe on them. Often in their sleep, babies grunt and spin - this is normal, because the child adapts to our world.

What position should a month old baby sleep in?

Sleeping takes up most of the baby's time after birth. The baby does not know how to choose the position of his body, and it is important for parents to learn how to properly settle the baby into the crib.

Pediatricians identify several safe sleeping positions for newborns. Experts recommend taking into account some physiological characteristics of a one-month-old baby in each case:

  1. On the side. The position is considered the safest for the baby. The baby will not choke if there is excessive regurgitation.
  2. Half sideways. The desired position for the baby is created with a pad made from a diaper or blanket. It is so useful for babies suffering from colic to sleep for better release of gas.
  3. On the back. Allowed if the baby's head is turned to one side. The position is fixed with a soft diaper. Next time the child is placed with a rotation on the opposite side to prevent torticollis.
  4. On the stomach. The pose prevents colic, is safe for regurgitation, and helps strengthen muscles. It is recommended to place it on the tummy during the daytime under adult supervision. A sleeping baby should not bury his nose in a soft surface. There is a risk of infant mortality from suffocation.

The correct positions for a newborn in the crib during sleep are horizontal positions with the body and head at the same level. It is better to put your baby to sleep without a pillow. At 1 month, it is important for the child to alternate turns of the body every day for the healthy development of the spine and muscular system. Gradually, the baby’s behavioral characteristics will tell you in what positions he sleeps comfortably and safely.

White noise for newborns

White noise is a constant sound that pediatricians recommend giving newborn babies listen to for restful sleep. The baby had been hearing sounds in his mother's womb since the third trimester of pregnancy. Therefore, a familiar noise quickly calms the baby.

Examples of white noise:

  • vacuum cleaner;
  • the beat of mother's heart;
  • daddy's voice;
  • fan;
  • water;
  • birds singing, etc.

Baby nutrition

Newborn babies are born with a developed reflex to suckle at the breast. At 1 month, the child is well able to express his needs by crying or screaming, and if nothing is needed, then he calms down without anyone’s help.

Life together between a mother and her child in the first month is exhausting. After all, newborns do not have a clear schedule: they may ask to eat every 2-3 hours, or even every 1.5.

It is almost impossible for a mother to rest normally in the first months after the birth of a child. Night feedings should be done two to three times, or even more often. No matter how exciting caring for your baby is, you shouldn’t forget about yourself, because the nutritional value of breast milk depends on the mother. By choosing healthy foods and following a few simple nutritional rules, mom provides herself with energy for all the crazy days and nights.

How much should you eat

Your newborn will eat little breast milk in the first few days. The baby will be completely satisfied with nutritious and fatty mother’s colostrum. The size of the baby's ventricle immediately after birth is only 10 ml. But the baby will often eat 10-12 times a day. Night feedings are especially important for increasing lactation during breastfeeding. If a breastfeeding mother does not have enough milk, then she should put her baby to her breast more often at night. Pediatricians recommend that mothers feed their babies on demand.

How much does a newborn eat in one feeding of breast milk?

A child should eat at least 6-7 times a day. The daily intake of formula for a newborn should not exceed a fifth of their body weight. Do not force your baby to finish his one portion; at the next meal he will finish what he missed. So, just as each organism is individual, the amount of the mixture cannot be determined to be the same for everyone. Consult a good pediatrician, monitor the baby’s weight at 1 month and, of course, the baby’s behavior.

Feeding norm for a bottle-fed newborn

Mom's nutrition

During breastfeeding, a nursing mother should drink 2 to 3 liters of liquid. Adequate nutrition is the key to good health not only for the nurse, but also for her child. Don't be afraid to ask your friends, neighbors, and family for help. They may even be happy to help you with shopping, cooking and cleaning. Below are some useful tips:

  • A bottle of water should be on hand in the house. If a mother feeds her baby with breast milk at 1 month, then she needs to drink about four liters of water.
  • Eliminate caffeine and sugar from the menu.

A nursing mother of a one-month-old baby needs to eat foods rich in carbohydrates:

  1. wheat bread made from whole grain flour,
  2. legumes, for example, lentils and beans,
  3. vegetables such as corn or potatoes,

and also proteins:

  • lean meat,
  • cottage cheese,
  • eggs (read the article about),
  • nuts,
  • low-fat yogurt without additives.

Daily routine of a one-month-old baby

In the first month for a newborn baby, we suggest a three-hour daily routine. A little later you can switch to four hours. The baby will get used to the new regime in just the first few days and will wake up when it is convenient for mom. This mode promotes sound infant sleep at night.

Newborns in the first days of life are accustomed to the regime already at six weeks of age, sleep well at night, or those who managed to gain 5-6 kg in weight before this age. My sons have been sleeping soundly through the night since they were eight weeks old. With the second child, everything was not so smooth, but the established regime really helped to cope with the difficulties.

At night we feed our one month old baby only when necessary. If you stick to the same schedule, the baby will quickly get used to this regime. Well, all that remains is to wish you success!

Massage for newborns

Massaging a newborn baby from the first days of life is necessary for normal development. Our ancestors also understood the importance of regularly massaging the baby’s body. They believed that bones became stronger and healthier.

Baby massage establishes a strong bond between newborn and parents. The process not only gives a feeling of security and love, but also relaxes, calms, and gives the 1-month-old baby a good, sound sleep. Improves the digestive system in babies. And this really helps the baby cope with gas and colic. Massage develops flexibility in the baby and improves blood circulation.

Video: how to massage a newborn at home

Social development

Create warm relationships between parents and other family members. This will help develop the social factors of a one month old baby. By allowing other people to take care of the baby and talk to him, parents provide the opportunity to establish contact between others and the babies.

The baby is little by little learning how to relate to people. If for some reason you cannot be with the baby, it would be best to leave him with trusted people.

A 1 month old baby will eventually begin to enjoy their care. If you decide to leave your baby with relatives, friends or a qualified caregiver, make sure that he is in a comfortable environment.

Gymnastic exercises

In the first month of life, children spend time learning to feel loved and protected. Love will give you psychological and emotional strength to fight illness and the ability to explore new possibilities.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of dynamic gymnastics for infants. Listed are 7 specific adapted exercises for practicing with a baby up to 6 weeks. We recommend watching the video: what and how a mother can do on her own. Go to.

Sensitive perception

An important sense for a one-month-old baby is touch. After many months spent in the warm uterine fluid, the baby will open to many types of sensory perception. While he will involuntarily shrink from the sudden flow of cold air, a soft towel and the warmth of his hands will be to his taste. Holding him in your arms will bring him as much joy as it does you. This hug will give you a feeling of comfort, love and security. The results of scientific research have shown that close emotional connections provoke growth in development.

Runny nose

Parents will be repeatedly faced with colds and... A month-old baby's snot and nasal congestion complicates an already hectic life for parents!

Often accompanied by a cough, body temperature up to 37-38 degrees, and sneezing. Although parents should not use antipyretics on their newborn unless prescribed by a doctor. There are other natural solutions that can help during difficult times.

Newborn's first fever

A mother's heart simply breaks when her one-month-old baby gets sick. High temperatures have always caused a certain fear among parents. This phenomenon has even spread among specialists under the name fever phobia. Dear parents, when you personally have a fever, does your phobia also wake up? Support your guesses with facts and you will definitely feel calmer.

  • The fever begins at a temperature of 38 °C.
  • A one-month-old baby wakes up with flushed cheeks and a bright glow from her skin. Use a thermometer, all doubts will be dispelled as soon as you see 37.7 ̊C. What's better, rush to the first aid kit or to the phone? Neither one nor the other. The baby doesn't even feel the heat at this temperature. Even for the smallest children, the central body temperature is about 37 °C.
  • In a one-month-old child, just like in adults, the temperature rises for various reasons, ranging from physical exertion, too warm a bath and ending with warm clothes. Even the time of day can affect the temperature. For example, the temperature rises in the evening and drops early in the morning. So, if the thermometer shows that the baby’s temperature is up to 38 °C, you can calm down, he does not have a fever.
  • The symptoms are more important, not the number.
  • Many parents are convinced that the higher the temperature, the sicker the month-old baby is, but this is not always the case. With a temperature of 39.4 ̊C, he can feel quite fine and play with his toys as if nothing had happened. At the same time, I would like to note that a baby with a temperature of 38.3 °C may be restless, tired, and need a hug from his parents.
  • Does this mean that if an unhealthy baby feels well, he does not need medical help? This is true.

“Fight the discomfort, not the fever,” says pediatrician and Academy of Pediatrics spokeswoman Janice Sullivan. And remember, a fever in a newborn helps the body resist illness. Instead of paying attention to the number on the thermometer, pay better attention to other signs that will show how sick the baby is. “It’s much more important to pay attention to symptoms,” says the doctor. “Lethargy and fatigue, for example, are much better indicators of illness than temperature.”

What medications can be given to a 1 month old baby with fever?

Before you grab the medicine, try to reduce the fever by wiping your child with a wet sponge. This long-known method can be surprisingly effective.

Use moderately warm water (29-32 °C) to wipe the skin of a month-old baby, paying special attention to the forehead and armpit area.

If it seems that the child is not feeling well at all and wiping does not help, antipyretic medications will come to the rescue. But you need to remember some important nuances. Never wake up a sweetly sleeping baby to feed him medications! If he is sleeping, do not disturb his sleep and allow yourself to rest.

How much should a newborn poop in the first days?

On average, a newborn poops 6 times a day. Each child will have an individual chair in terms of quantity and quality. Mom should know that if a baby is fed breast milk, most likely, he will defecate more often than children on formula nutrition. If there is a problem, the baby’s behavior will definitely change and you should consult a doctor.

The frequency of your baby's bowel movements should change at the end of the first month. As children age, they defecate less frequently; sometimes only once is enough in eight hours. But you should still remember that breast milk is digested faster than formula.


    Some reflexes remain with the child throughout his life: blinking, sneezing, yawning, flinching, etc.

    It is by reflexes that neonatologists determine the level of development of the newborn’s nervous system.

    Baby development at 1 month

    It seems that now the child can only sleep, eat and cry. But that's not true! It is developing at amazing speed. For now he lies with his legs and arms bent, but within the first month they will straighten.

    Advice! Place your baby on his tummy more often. In this position, he will try to hold the head and simultaneously train the muscles of the chest and back.

    The child's movements become more coordinated, and his vision becomes sharper. Immediately after birth, he sees everything as if through a fog. Gradually learns to focus his gaze. He studies his mother’s face with interest when she bends down or takes him in her arms, and follows with her eyes objects that are no further than 20-35 cm.
    A newborn sleeps almost around the clock. His rare waking hours are the most valuable. Use them to communicate with your child. He is an interesting conversationalist. He has a wonderful quality - the ability to listen. The child feels your mood, catches the emotional coloring of your voice, studies the movements of your mother’s lips, looks into your eyes and one day will respond to your kind words with a charming smile!

    What a 1 month old baby can do:

    Associate your mother’s familiar smell with her voice;

    Listen to the intonations of people around you;

    Hold the head vertically for a few seconds;

    While feeding, gaze at the mother's face;

    Distinguish between sweet, bitter and sour tastes;

    Grab your mother’s finger and hold it in your fist for quite a long time;

    By the end of the first month, he is able to focus his gaze on the face of an adult;


    Massage for children 1 month old

    The mental development of newborn children is closely related to the physical. Even if the child just lies and actively moves his arms, this stimulates his nervous system. In the morning and before bathing, be sure to give your child a light massage. Just stroke the arms, legs, back and tummy. Draw a figure eight on the child’s feet: from the toes to the heel. This simple exercise for newborns has a positive effect on all body systems, because all the functional points are located on the foot.

    Exercises for 1 month old babies

    1. Fetal position

    Pull the child's bent legs towards the stomach, fold the arms over the chest. With your right hand, tilt the little one's head slightly forward. In this position, rock the baby in different directions. This exercise is great for calming and relaxing.

    2. Handles to the sides

    Place your baby on his back. Place your thumbs in his fists. He will hold on to them. Spread your baby's arms slightly to the sides and shake them gently. This exercise will help strengthen your arm muscles.

    3. We sit cross-legged

    Take the baby in your arms and press his back to your chest. Bend his legs so that he sits cross-legged. Support his feet with one hand and grab his armpits with the other. Exercise will help cope with colic.