Patchwork for beginners: beautiful and easy. Patchwork for beginners: beautiful and easy with video lessons Patchwork: magic triangles technique, napkins

The works of the masters, made using the popular patchwork technique, amaze and delight. Small multi-colored scraps of needlewomen turn into exquisite household items and real objects of art: potholders, pillows, handbags, blankets, sundresses and even entire paintings. However, every master was once a beginner. Where to start to master patchwork sewing?

For this:

  1. The simplest geometric shapes are drawn on cardboard: squares, triangles - it depends on what shape the blanks for patchwork will be. This will be the stitching line.
  2. An additional 5 mm (for cotton fabrics) or 10 mm (for silk and satin) is set aside around the perimeter for seam allowance.
  3. The template is cut along the allowance line, and then a hole is made in it along the stitching line.

Templates with slots are convenient not only because they allow you to mark all the pattern lines on the fabric. Thanks to the through hole, you can see which pattern will be captured by the flap, so you can combine patterns beautifully.

If you want to purchase ready-made templates, choose ones made of transparent plastic. They are also useful for tracing the edges of a design on fabric.

Patchwork: patterns for beginners

You should not immediately, without prior preparation, start chaotically stitching the edges of the patches. The works of experienced craftswomen only at first glance seem to be sewn together from parts in a random sequence. Take a closer look and you will see a clear system of placement of all elements. Therefore, a beginner in patchwork cannot do without a work diagram, which will serve as a detailed plan for future sewing. It is convenient to do it on graph paper, marking and numbering all the elements.

These instructions will be laid out step by step:

  • Sequence of connecting parts;
  • Their sizes;
  • Color combinations.

By devoting a little time to drawing up a diagram, you will save hours in the future that would have been spent on the painful selection of a scrap of the desired color, and you will also immediately calculate the amount of material needed.

Practice on simple and small patterns, for example, for potholders. Divide a 20 x 20 cm square into several simple shapes: rectangles, triangles, and practice creating color combinations.

Potholder patchwork technique: master class

A great way to get into quilting is by making potholders for the kitchen. This is a thing that is useful in every home. In addition, since the product is small in size, it can be sewn from narrow scraps, and the work is completed quite quickly.

You will learn how to make a bright bedspread using the patchwork technique in this article:

To sew using the patchwork technique, you will need:

  • Multi-colored shreds of different sizes;
  • A piece of non-woven or cotton measuring 20 x 20 cm;
  • A piece of drape measuring 20 x 20 cm;
  • Braid or ribbon 90 cm long;
  • Ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Pencil;
  • Iron;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Threads, needles, pins;
  • Paper for the diagram.

We carry out the work in the following sequence:

  1. We draw up a sewing pattern on paper. If the tack strips are narrow, it is convenient to make a pattern of rectangles of different lengths laid out in a spiral. In this case, the central element will be a small square.
  2. We transfer the developed scheme to non-woven fabric, numbering the elements on it.
  3. We start sewing from the center. We pin the first element to the non-woven fabric and sew it on with a machine.
  4. We apply the next flap to the previous one with the front side so that the stitching lines meet and stitch one.
  5. Straighten the sewn flap and smooth the seams with an iron.
  6. We continue to sheathe the parts superimposed on each other in this way.
  7. We attach the workpiece to a piece of thick drape.
  8. We make the edging from the tape, decorating the ends with a loop.

Having mastered such a potholder, it will not be difficult to make other practical and beautiful household items for the kitchen using the patchwork technique. Any housewife will need comfortable oven mitts, bright aprons and aprons.

Products made using the patchwork technique will be appropriate not only in the kitchen. Decorative pillowcases for sofa cushions made in this style look very original in the living room. More experienced needlewomen decorate bedrooms with bedspreads sewn from rags.

Beautiful patchwork for beginners (video)

If you have perseverance and artistic taste, mastering patchwork will be an easy task. As you can easily see, you can create original and beautiful elements from almost nothing, and they will delight you for many years.

Patchwork for beginners (photo)

Methods of patchwork sewing in home handicrafts.

The simple handicraft of our grandmothers from the remaining scraps of fabric has now turned into a whole section of folk arts and crafts called patchwork. Various techniques for combining multi-colored, varied or regular-shaped pieces allow you to create extraordinarily beautiful and extraordinary products. Very often, patchwork is used for interior decoration.

Patchwork for beginners: different techniques

The first steps in mastering patchwork should begin with the simplest techniques:

  • Traditional. The basis is a fabric cloth, onto which sewn patches are applied on the reverse side. The pattern, made up of pieces, is the front side of the product. Most often, potholders and thin blankets are decorated using this method.
DIY kitchen utensils

Bedspread decorated with shreds
  • Quick squares. The easiest way. Prepared multi-colored square patches are folded into a specific pattern. It all depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

A very simple way of patchwork for students
  • Stripe to stripe. Variegated strip cuts are connected in different ways: in spiral or zigzag shapes, in horizontal or vertical directions

Soft pillow made by yourself
  • Magic triangles. When taking your first steps in work, it is better to use isosceles triangles. It is very easy to build any pattern from them.

Triangle Quilt

Bargello technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

Schematic drawing

We prepare 6 pieces of different colors, selected length and width (depending on the desired size of the finished canvas)

We distribute the cuts according to tones

We sew the strips first in pairs from the wrong side, then into one whole fabric

Cut off uneven edges

Sew together: the first and last strip

Cutting straight bargello strips

We fold the strips according to the pattern, then sew them together. We rip out the excess seams on the cast-on strips. Edging the finished product with tape

If everything is done correctly, we get a beautiful blanket or cape

Patchwork technique in patchwork sewing: patterns for beginners

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Example 5

Example 6

Pizza patchwork technique: patterns for beginners

  • A very convenient option, as it does not require any specific scheme
  • Made from pieces of fabric of any size
  • We place scraps on a piece of fabric of the selected size of the finished product. The drawing is completely arbitrary
  • Apply a layer of organza on top
  • Let's iron
  • We put another drawing from scraps
  • Cover again with organza
  • Quilting the entire template on a machine

Quilted patchwork option

Crazy technique for patchwork jeans: patterns for beginners

  • An ideal opportunity to create original products from old jeans that have fallen into disrepair.
  • Since this technique involves the use of various shapes of figures, decoration with buttons, beads, rhinestones, ribbons, lace and other unpredictable elements, labels, pockets, ready-made stitched seams present on old jeans will be used.
  • The absence of requirements for any plan or plot allows you to create very unpredictable and useful products.

Decorating the interior using patchwork craftsmanship

We make handbags from frayed canvas pants

Used: frayed edges, pockets, stitched zippers and other decorative elements of old jeans

Boro technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

  • Ethnic fashion in the Boro style is a prominent representative of Japanese applied art
  • This technique involves imitating darning with scraps of rags and scraps
  • The work is very labor intensive as each patch is sewn on by hand
  • Any product made using this technique turns out to be very unique and decorative.
  • Even a novice needlewoman can turn an ordinary, boring bag into an exclusive wardrobe item.

We place rectangles cut into different shapes on the front side of the bag.

We sew each figure by hand

An impressive product is ready

Lyapochika technique in patchwork: patterns for beginners

The most common type of technology. Our ancestors also made carpets using this technology. Thin knitted strips are sewn onto the base. The more varied the color scheme, the more interesting the product.

Decorative pillow in the style of the frog

Traditional patchwork rug

Beautiful patchwork sewing of clothes: diagrams, photos

  • Creating clothes in the patchwork style requires a lot of time and patience.
  • You can make from pieces: outerwear, a dress, a blouse, and even boots and slippers
  • Choose pieces that are approximately the same size
  • With as many colors as possible, there should always be one dominant color.
  • You can use scraps from old clothes, leftovers from new fabric

Warm patchwork jacket

Product formation diagram

Fantasies from jeans

Harmonious patchwork outfit

Another type of outfit using patchwork technique

Boyarka from pieces of fabric

Cozy home slippers, decorated with patches

Beautiful patchwork for children: diagrams, photos

Template: chicken for a walk

Ready-made bedspread made from a template

Schematic image: creative chicken under an umbrella

Children's blanket according to the proposed scheme

Girl's handbag made of scraps

Children's bib decorated with appliqué made from pieces of fabric

Beautiful panel using patchwork technique

Pillows for a children's room using patchwork techniques

Beautiful patchwork sewing potholders

  • A practical item that does not require large expenses when done in patchwork style can serve as a wonderful gift for a close friend and relatives.
  • Potholders can be made in different shapes and sizes, this makes the work very easy for those who are taking up patchwork needlework for the first time.

Pattern of a cat for kitchen utensils made from fabric scraps

Ready-made potholders with a cat

Pot mitten option

Funny owls in the kitchen interior

Leaves from shreds on oven mitts

Bright Christmas trees for the housewife in patchwork style

Another option for potholders made from pieces of fabric in the shape of leaves

Video: Potholder made from scraps of fabric

Beautiful patchwork bags

One of the options for patchwork handicrafts is discussed above.

This type of folk art can be used for any type of bags.

Exclusive version of the bag with your own hands

Beautiful decoration with shreds

Delicate creative model using patchwork technique

Stages of making an unusual wardrobe detail

Beautiful patchwork sewing from socks

Patchwork techniques are often used to patch holes in socks. But sometimes socks are used for unique homemade products.

A bird made from old socks

Fancy sock dragons

Funny owls made from leaky socks

Patchwork from fabric strips

Let's look at this technique using the following example.

  • From a piece of fabric 1.5 m long, cut out two yellow stripes and the same number of stripes with blue flowers

Preparatory stage 1
  • We cut using a ruler with an angle of 60 degrees or an ordinary one with a marking of an angle of 30 degrees.
  • Place a blank sheet of Whatman paper on the cut sections
  • Matching the bottom ends

Preparatory stage step 2
  • Cut the top of the sheet to fit the width of the strip
  • To the point 30 of the degree marking on the ruler, we apply the side of the edge of the paper
  • Bevel the top of the triangle a little, leaving seam allowances

Preparatory stage 3
  • Draw a line along the intended line, cut off the resulting triangle
  • We attach the ruler using tape, as shown in the figure.

Preparatory stage 4

Let's get down to the main work

  • We fold strips of the same color with the wrong side inward
  • Cut off the first triangular piece
  • We got two identical triangular shapes, from which we will later create a beautiful napkin
  • We cut triangles for the rug in a similar way.

Stage 1
  • Next, with the inverted side of the ruler, measure the corner from the opposite part of the border
  • Cut along the measured line - two more parts for the napkin
  • Change the position of the ruler again, cut off the triangles for the track
  • As a result, it is necessary to prepare two corners on one side of the strip for the rug and two on the other for the napkin.
  • We do all the manipulations in a similar way from the other edge of the strip, but in mirror image
  • We receive finished products
  • Next, you can make a padding lining and ribbon edging

The final stage

Patchwork sewing of a knitted rug

  • The best option for making knitted rugs from scraps is using the lyapochika technique discussed above
  • You can complicate the pattern by sewing pieces of knitwear in the shape of beaks.
Original patchwork rugs

Patchwork: magic triangles technique, napkins

Decorate napkins with magic triangles
  • One of the most popular techniques in patchwork sewing
  • The use of triangles is very convenient for creating various patterns and ornaments
  • Very easy to work with isosceles triangles
  • The creative process is simple: triangles are sewn together with the short side - a pattern of long multi-colored stripes is formed, with the long side - square patterns are obtained

Patchwork from squares

Cozy pillow made of square pieces

The affordable technique of patchwork made from squares is the optimal solution for beginners, as it is simple and easy. To create such a pattern, you can use the bargelo technique given above.

Patchwork products: photos

  • Not always a simple, but very interesting subject of folk art; as you gain skills, it will inspire new ideas.
  • Each needlewoman has an individual approach to any of the available technologies.
  • It is in this handicraft that it is almost impossible to repeat any, even the simplest idea, since it is very difficult to select scraps identical to the original.
  • This is why patchwork mosaics have special significance - this is uniqueness.
  • Video: Patchwork for beginners. “Well” technique

    Patchwork is craftsmanship, or as it is also called patchwork. The skill arose several thousand years ago, but today it has only gained popularity. The name patchwork literally translates as work and patch. That is, in essence, this is working with scraps of fabric. Masters in this field can create either a simple set of fabric scraps or sew a complex mosaic pattern. Using the technique of patchwork, you can create oven mitts, crafts, blankets and much more.

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    Patchwork is beautiful and easy for beginners: patterns and templates

    Looking for the first time at paintings created using the patchwork technique, you may get the impression that there is nothing complicated about it. It’s enough to take a few scraps and sew them in any order.. But in fact, even patchwork and crafts have their own rules of work. If you do not follow them, then the work will not work.

    Patchwork is not difficult, but before you start the craft, you need to familiarize yourself with the stages of future work.

    Do-it-yourself patchwork patterns and patterns: what is needed?

    Besides the fact that you will definitely need the material. And also, you need to prepare the tools. This must be done in advance. You will need the following patchwork materials.

    In addition, you need a needle and thread for stitching, as well as a sewing machine to speed up the process. You will need cardboard as a pattern template. Pins are required for marking. To measure the canvas you will need a centimeter or ruler. In a number of individual cases, a crochet hook may be useful.

    Patchwork schemes for beginners step by step: types of patchwork mosaics

    Looking at the patchwork photo, you can see that each product differs in manufacturing methods. This is due to the fact that there are different types of patchwork. For each product it is worth using a different type of patchwork.

    Patchwork quilt master class for beginners: DIY blanket

    In order to perform heavy creation, many resources offer step-by-step master classes that make it easier for beginners. The first job is always a pleasure. And if you have the opportunity to devote some time to work and a step-by-step description of all the processes for creating an interesting product, then you will be able to create a thing quickly and efficiently.

    Any type of handicraft will help decorate the room and add atmosphere, comfort and warmth to your home. But where to start? A detailed master class is attached. Take it step by step and you will succeed!

    1. It is necessary to determine the size of the future product - the bedspread.
    2. Choose colors of the product that will harmoniously fit into the interior of your room and, of course, furniture.
    3. Prepare strips, segments, shreds and squares to create your future bedspread.
    4. Choose a good option for the wrong side of the future bedspread.
    5. Prepare all the necessary tools. You will need a template - a square, a sewing machine, scissors, thread with a needle and pins. To draw, take a simple pencil.

    The bedspread can be made based on any geometric shapes-patterns. But For beginners, the ideal option may be a square. You can choose any pattern for the future product. But if you have the opportunity to peek, then for the first work choose the simplest version of the pattern.

    Advice: Before you start sewing using the patchwork technique, prepare the fabric. To do this, soak it first in hot water. Rinse it in clean warm water and dry it. Ideally, the fabric should be starched. This method will allow you to work with the material more easily. After that, iron it thoroughly.

    Master class: DIY patchwork quilt

    For beginners, we offer a step-by-step blanket master class, consisting of only four stages.

    1. From two different pieces of fabric you need to cut two identical strips.
    2. Fold them on the wrong side and, securing them with pins, carefully sew them together.
    3. Take the resulting workpiece as a basis. Measure its length and make the same strip from the next piece of fabric.
    4. Fold it and sew seams on the right side.

    You should succeed double sided sleeve. Place this canvas on the table and cut squares from it according to the template that you prepared in advance. Using a simple pattern for stitching squares, you can quickly create any pattern. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to sew the parts evenly and neatly. Many craftswomen deliberately create asymmetry in order to obtain a unique product.

    Once the design is ready, you need to sew each square. To do this, sew longitudinal strips and iron each seam. Thus, from the strips you will get a single canvas.

    But that's not all that patchwork requires of you. To complete the final part, you need to sew the front part to the back part with your own hands. For the reverse side, we recommend choosing chintz. But any other fabric that you have will be suitable for the first job. After that, adhere to the following step-by-step work scheme.

    1. Lay out a piece of fabric for the backing and place it face down on the table.
    2. Line the top of the inside with padding polyester. But if you do not need it as a warming element, then this stage of work can be skipped.
    3. The next step is stitching the front side of the squares.
    4. Baste the fabric with pins and use a sewing machine to make quilted seams. In order to make quilted seams correctly, mark the boundaries of the squares or some kind of pattern. Using a sewing machine, make seams using the basting.
    5. The last, final stage is edging. Take a separate strip of fabric, it should be longer than one side of the bedspread. Fold this fabric in half and sew it to the front of your workpiece. Fold the excess edges to the wrong side and stitch on the other side. Thus, the entire product is edged on both sides.

    Thus, in a matter of hours you will have the perfect, original blanket for your home. Using the same technique you can make bedspreads, hot pads, potholders and much more. The resulting blanket can be thrown over a bed or sofa. And also decorate it as home decor.

    DIY baby blanket using patchwork technique

    In order to decorate your baby's crib, you can make an original bedspread with your own hands. The patchwork technique and our master class will help you do it quickly and efficiently.

    For work you will need the following materials:

    It is worth noting that, unlike an adult bedspread, a children's bedspread can be sewn from only forty-eight squares. In the children's version, the side of one square does not exceed eight centimeters. Not only will you like this colorful decorative element, but it will also be pleasant for your baby.

    1. Prepare all the squares. As a base, you can use old bodysuits, pajamas, or any unnecessary clothing. It is important that it is made of natural fabric, since in the future this bedspread will be used by the child.
    2. The resulting squares need to be sewn together and pressed well at the seams.
    3. On the resulting canvas of forty-eight squares you need to lay out a piece of fleece. It should be two centimeters less in width and length of the main product. It will serve as the wrong side of the product.
    4. Excess parts need to be trimmed and corners rounded.
    5. Both fabrics must be stitched along the edges. In this case, the indentation should be equal to one centimeter.

    The main thing in creating a baby blanket is to take your time. Remember that you are making a product for a child, so Each seam must be done neatly and evenly. We also advise you to think carefully about the drawing. We do not recommend using too complex ornaments for the first work.

    A cute and beautiful DIY bedspread using the patchwork technique is ready. Such a rainbow and beautiful bedspread will decorate any children's room. It will also look good as a cover on a stroller while walking outside. For older children, you can make a cover for a swing, as well as a bedding for walks in the fresh air!

    - a handicraft that is gaining amazing popularity, based on creating a holistic composition from multi-colored scraps of fabric. They are connected to each other by hand sewing or by machine, forming designs, patterns or colorful designs that decorate various household items. This is a difficult process that requires diligence and taste. But the result is worth it!

    Where can patchwork design and hand sewing be used in the manufacture of home textiles?

    Needlewomen, craftsmen from the hand-made category and simply zealous housewives who are not used to throwing away trimmings, scraps and other “waste” after sewing will find somewhere to use them.

    Reasonable thrift and the ability to use patchwork and other techniques for hand-decorating home textiles will help you build your own business.

    Some people make bedspreads from colored and variegated scraps, sew children's blankets, while others are closer to creating original textile bags and creative panels.

    Handicrafts and a creative approach to stylizing home textiles will help you create original items for a comfortable home.

    Pattern bed headboard

    It is practical, profitable, and will allow you to make original gifts for your friends, relatives and friends.

    Children's soft toy made from scraps

    Patchwork is very beneficial for developing your own business.

    In this direction:

    • master all the subtleties and techniques of manual decoration, while simultaneously doing your main job;
    • set up a workshop by selecting a corner in your apartment or private house;
    • start searching for potential clients via the Internet.
    Cozy textiles using patchwork technique
    Extravagant accessories for girls using patchwork technique

    Patchwork pillows

    By combining a creative approach, creativity and business to organize their own business, any woman or girl will be able to become financially independent. Here it is important to competently prepare a business plan for patchwork needlework, calculate how profitable it is, and also consider your activities for the future. Start a business without starting capital and create your brand.

    Patchwork is an ideal way of self-realization

    Patchwork decor in the interior looks very organic not only in an ethno style, but also in a romantic one, where the owners of the home want to create a special atmosphere of comfort and a friendly atmosphere.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with original ideas for practicing patchwork, which you can involve your children and relatives in.

    Patchwork is a chance for business development

    Having learned to build harmonious relationships with your potential and actual clients, it will not be difficult to promote your business, over time, from a corner for handicrafts, to create a workshop and even an atelier.

    Patchwork as a business has a number of advantages

    To do this, you will not have to allocate amounts that will be spent monthly on:

    1. Direct costs (with purchase cost).
    2. Taxes and wages.
    3. Fixed costs per month (room rental).
    4. Unjustified payments and expenses.
    5. Investment costs (to purchase the necessary funds).

    Patchwork Starter Kit

    Having scraps, threads and needles available, you can build the basis for a profitable business with your own hands. Thoughtful strategies and the proposed action plan in the table will help with this.

    Features of textile crafts: it is proposed to make everything with your own hands to stylize the interior

    It is necessary to choose the simplest technique, then patchwork for beginners will not seem as complicated as it is used in the manufacture of quilted products - potholders, blankets and bedspreads.

    Products made from patches most often feature repeating prints. These can be shaped blocks or individual simple elements (stripes, squares, triangles, polygonal shapes from the mosaic category). Repeating prints are made up of specific parts that are pre-cut.

    Particular precision of dimensions is observed so as not to disturb the harmony of the created motif. When cutting out the components (flaps), this procedure will take more time compared to the subsequent operations - assembly and sewing.

    Therefore, before you begin assembling the ornament: it is necessary to accurately cut; For each block, strictly adhere to the parameters; Carefully and manually control the dimensional accuracy (up to 1 mm) in order to avoid distortion in the assembled fabric.


    Quick work in cutting “by eye” is not appropriate!

    Thoughtlessness and haste will only lead to the fact that individual fragments and blocks cannot be combined, and the fabric will only be cut in vain.

    Why do you need patterns in patchwork?

    If you start using the patchwork technique and need to create colored or textured blocks, then for this you will need to prepare a special template that will help you cut out small details faster. It is from small elements with certain sizes and configurations that blocks are formed.

    Patchwork template - an indispensable assistant

    The template is prepared for the part taking into account seam allowances. If you have not purchased a special ruler for patchwork, then you will have to use a template, and the seam allowance is usually set to one size from 5 to 7 mm. The template for working with patterns is conveniently made of cardboard or plastic.

    In the West, specially made templates are sold to professional quilters, whose craft includes not only simple patchwork and patchwork, but also quilting. To develop your own business or hobby, use quilting.

    Incredibly beautiful quilting

    This technique combines patchwork with appliqué and embroidery. It is recommended to use it when styling decorative interior elements - panels, appliqués, ribbon embroidery.

    Quilting or patchwork - for making home textiles and styling interior items

    Representing a patchwork mosaic of textiles, quilling and patchwork techniques differ significantly from each other. By stitching through two pieces of textile to create a quilted base, the quilting technique has wadding or batting in the middle of the sewing. To do this, you will need a sewing machine and, unlike patchwork, quilting allows you to form original quilted and three-dimensional patterns on textiles.

    You can't do quilting without a sewing machine

    It looks very impressive, and based on this technique, it is proposed to make: blankets, pillows, holiday lunch mats, textile bags, blocks for storing things or children's toys, household containers for storing items from the wardrobe or accessories.

    Upgrading old and worn denim items is ideal for these two techniques. In the house there are a dozen out-of-fashion models of jeans, jackets, skirts, and sundresses. Sometimes it’s a pity to throw it away and you don’t know where to use your old jeans? But this is ideal for sewing fashionable things in the boho style.

    Exquisite bohemian style combined with free hippie will help:

    • cut out beautifully decorated vests and skirts;
    • create, using quilting and crazy techniques, spectacular textile handbags with patterned stitching;
    • as an additional decor, in combination with a denim base, use fur, lace, embroidery, which are appropriate in ethnic and country style.

    If this is in an interior characterized by geometric prints, ethnic patterns, a variety of colors, spectacular ornaments, modern materials, then use patchwork upholstery for soft armchairs, styling ottomans and couches. Patchwork for home

    Patchwork pillow