How to knit flat washcloths. Washcloth crocheted with elongated loops. Description, video tutorials. DIY birch bark washcloth

A washcloth is an excellent body care assistant. A cosmetic store or pharmacy has a wide selection of this accessory in different variations. But what could be better than something created with your own hands? Crochet washcloths are an excellent option for creating any type of washcloths. Next, you will get acquainted with their types, learn how to crochet a washcloth, become familiar with elongated loops and see unique master classes.

In contact with

Types of washcloths

  • Station wagon;
  • mitten;
  • round;
  • flat;
  • washcloth toy.

A selection of basic materials for knitting washcloths

In order to crochet a standard washcloth, you will need 300 grams of synthetic thread and hook No. 4 or No. 5. You should choose threads according to your taste, namely, you should pay attention to the appropriate color and material. The material should be pleasant to the body so that scratches, wounds and redness do not appear in the future. When crocheting washcloths, it is better to start with synthetic threads and move on to softer and less obedient ones.

Note! The thread must not be twisted.

Knit according to patterns. Step by step instructions

After choosing the material you need to familiarize yourself with the diagrams and variations of body care accessories. How to knit a washcloth for a beginner to your taste will be shown below, as well as step-by-step instructions.

Extended loop. Ways. Loop diagrams

First you need to cast on a chain of chain stitches, then knit 3 rows with single crochets. After the procedure is completed, it is necessary create an air loop: raise the hook with the thread and knit a single crochet. Then we insert the hook into the previous row, after which we make a loop. By picking up the working twine with your thumb, we create a large ring. Insert the hook into the same loop at the base. Next, grab the twine and pull it through, after which we do the same, but pull it through 3 loops. We carry out the procedure for a certain length. The result should be like in the photo.

Beginners will only need desire to learn how to knit washcloths. Recommended start with the simplest method and type and further complicate it. Soon you will even be able to come up with variations of the subject yourself.

Knitting develops motor skills at any age, and also calms and concentrates attention. Knitting washcloth toys Can please a child and be a good gift. The materials can be different; you can also sew a massager and a pebble into a washcloth to remove rough skin, and even make an accessory for the face (for example, to remove blackheads).

A hand-knitted accessory will lift your spirits every day. Also, do not forget that it is better to learn from more manageable material, and then move on to improved, but at the same time more complex. When crocheting washcloths, the main thing for a beginner is to understand the principle of creating an accessory. Familiarization with patterns, master classes and the method of knitting air loops makes it possible to crochet accessories of any kind. Knitting washcloths is interesting and practical.

A crocheted washcloth can be an excellent gift for family and friends. Step-by-step instructions for beginners say that making it is not so difficult. It is enough to have the necessary materials on hand. Threads, hook and decor. And also know the principles of knitting elongated loops. Even a beginner can really handle creating the product.

What threads can I use?

It’s not for nothing that step-by-step instructions for beginners have been invented and compiled for those who want to crochet washcloths. You can read in them that polypropylene thread is required to create products. You can buy it at any store that sells creative supplies. Particular attention should be paid to the following brands of yarn:

  1. “Housewife-handicraft” - it has special strength and elasticity, is resistant to fading, can withstand moisture and high temperature, and does not fade.
  2. "Needlewoman" - has all the same properties plus a very rich color palette (from pure white to emerald, there are even shades of ash rose and sea wave).
  3. "Text 250" - allows you to knit two threads from one spool, which is very convenient for the needlewoman. In addition, this yarn is consumed noticeably less.

Since the thread is made specifically for creating crocheted washcloths for beginners and experienced needlewomen, it can be knitted in one fold. But if you want to get a more magnificent and strong product, it’s better to use two. Three is not worth it, as it will be very inconvenient for you to hold the yarn in your hands and create loops.

It is worth noting that instead of polypropylene thread, you can take twine, cotton, sisal or linen. Products made from them will be softer, more delicate, and more pleasant to the body. But you won’t be able to use them for several months at once - they tear very quickly. In addition, a polypropylene washcloth can also be made soft. To do this, it is enough to create longer loops.

Which hook should I use?

If you look at the forums of needlewomen, you can note: many of them use hook No. 4 for knitting washcloths. However, this is not the only correct solution. The device can be taken in any size. The main thing is that it is not too thin and does not have a pointed tip. Well, and besides, it should be comfortable for you to hold it in your hands. The same applies to the material from which the hook is made.

How to create elongated loops?

Next point. The most difficult thing that needlewomen may encounter is crocheting elongated loops for a washcloth for beginners. But the procedure only seems difficult. In fact, it is very simple. When knitting, you need to wrap the yarn around the tip of your thumb, make a single crochet in the loop of the previous row and remove the remaining thread. That's it, the loop is ready.

How to knit a one-sided washcloth?

This product is perhaps the easiest to knit. It can be created in literally a couple of hours with good perseverance from the needlewoman. And it can be used for a very long time. At least for a month. Step-by-step instructions for crocheting a washcloth for beginners are as follows:

  1. Cast on a chain of 21-32 chain stitches. The quantity can be increased if you ultimately want to get a wider canvas.
  2. Knit 2-3 rows st. b/n. Here you can go two ways: either tie a chain around it, or simply reach the end air loop and turn the fabric over.
  3. Knit a series of elongated loops. How to make them is written above.
  4. Knit a row with single crochets.
  5. Repeat steps 1-3 until the desired width and length of the washcloth is achieved.

Note. If you choose to knit the garment in the round, you must ensure that it does not pinch. To do this, you should knit 2 times more loops in each row (2 stitches in 1 stitch of the previous row).

How to knit a washcloth in the form of a glove?

And these products are perhaps the most popular, since they can most often be seen on the market. They are created exclusively in the round; they can either have a section for the thumb or be without it. In the latter case, crocheting a washcloth for beginners is done as follows:

  1. Cast on a chain of 50-60 chain stitches and close it in a circle.
  2. Knit 5-6 rows (or even more) with single crochets.
  3. Work a row with elongated loops.
  4. Knit 1 round with single crochets.
  5. Repeat steps No. 3-4 until the desired height of the product is achieved.
  6. Knit the same number of rows as at the very beginning, using single crochets.
  7. Finish the work, cut the thread and hide its tip.

This washcloth requires the creation of handles for it. They are easy to make; just knit a chain of air loops and connect them to different edges. There is no need to be afraid that if it is single, it will easily tear. Polypropylene yarn is very durable. You can’t just tear it apart with your hands, you can only cut yourself.

If you want to knit a finger from a glove, just cast on more stitches. Knit the glove to the desired length and leave a little space for knitting the section. When you've finished the entire gauntlet, return to him. Knit 10-15 rows with single crochets and start rounding by decreasing stitches. Then pull the thread and break it. Hide the scrap in the fabric of the mitten. In this case, there is no need to attach handles.

How to crochet a washcloth in the shape of a hedgehog?

If your child does not like to bathe, try creating a product for him in the form of a favorite toy that he can rub with soap himself. In this case, it will be very difficult to get him out of the bath, and tears and crying will be replaced by smiling and laughter. How to crochet a washcloth? Step-by-step instructions for beginners are presented below:

  1. Cast on 32 chain stitches and close them in a circle.
  2. Knit 2-3-4 rows with regular stitches. b/n.
  3. Knit the circle with elongated loops.
  4. Repeat steps No. 2-3 15 more times.
  5. Change one color of polypropylene thread to another.
  6. Knit another 2-3-4 rows st. b/n.
  7. Decrease 3-4 stitches in each row until a muzzle is formed.
  8. Tear off the thread, attach eyes and a nose from threads or other safe materials.

In order for a child to really want to swim, the “hedgehog” should be placed on a shelf in the bathroom, and not among children’s toys. Then any water treatment will turn into an exciting activity.

How to make a SpongeBob-shaped washcloth?

SpongeBob is one of children's favorite cartoon characters. Therefore, if you create a product in the form of it and give it to your son/nephew/boy friend, he will be very pleased. Now a little about how to crochet a washcloth for beginners. Step-by-step instructions for creating a Sponge look like this:

  1. Cast on 40-45 air loops with brown thread in 2 threads, close in a circle.
  2. Knit 8-10 rows with single crochets.
  3. Change the yarn color to white. Knit another 3-4 rows.
  4. Take the yellow thread. Use it until the desired length of the web is reached.
  5. Attach eyes, tongue, lips and teeth.

You should get something similar to the picture. Only without finger section:

The child will love to play in the bathroom with such a toy, so he will begin to bathe with great pleasure. But you can always diversify this procedure by creating a real tandem of fairy-tale characters and telling their life stories.

How to knit a washcloth in the shape of a frog?

This is another product that you can create for your child. "Little Frog" is very cute, kind and interesting. If desired, he can create a completely different expression on his face - cheerful, sad, and so on. Step-by-step instructions for crocheting a washcloth for beginners with photos are as follows:

  1. Cast on 50-52 chain stitches, turn the knitting over.
  2. Create 2-3 rows with regular single crochets.
  3. Knit 1 row with extended loops.
  4. Knit 1 more row of st. b/n.
  5. Repeat steps No. 3-4 until the desired length is achieved.
  6. Finish knitting with a thread break.
  7. Attach a loop so that the product can be hung.
  8. Create eyes, mouth and tongue, sew on with a needle.

Note! To make a polyester washcloth softer and not scratch, before use it should be thoroughly washed with soap, doused with boiling water and allowed to sit for 5-9 minutes.

Another way to knit a washcloth in the shape of a frog is given in a master class from Marina Godunova. It was published in one of the issues of the Parents' Guide magazine.

Note to needlewomen!

Crocheting a washcloth for beginners should always start with preparing the materials for it. The article told you what yarn you could use and what hook you should choose, as well as instructions. The only thing left to add is that when creating products from polypropylene yarn, try not to pull the thread too much, you can hurt your hands. Now you know how to knit a washcloth (several options were discussed step by step for beginners) quickly and easily. Success in creative work!

Crocheting is a fun and rewarding activity. Modern needlewomen can make everything: from clothes to toys. All that remains is to learn how to crochet a washcloth to add to the list of exclusive knitted items and original gifts. As always, the best person to help you figure this out is step-by-step instructions with detailed photos and comments from professionals. Also, needlewomen will need a diagram for their work that will make it easy to knit and calculate the loops. We won’t hesitate any longer and will quickly tell you how to crochet a washcloth with your own hands.

For a washcloth, the most suitable option is to knit elongated loops, thanks to which it comes out shaggy and fluffy. Suitable material for a washcloth polypropylene thread: It is soft, strong and durable. Polypropylene washcloths look bright, dry quickly and whip up soap suds well.

To knit a washcloth, you need to take a hook of medium thickness (3-4) mm and approximately 300 m of thread. You can make a washcloth in different ways, but the best option is to use elongated loops.

If you are knitting this way for the first time, use one of the provided patterns. For beginners, it may seem difficult to use polypropylene threads, so for training it is better to take cotton or wool blend yarn.

Air loops should be knitted according to the pattern

  • Cast on air loops in the form of a chain.
  • Knit 3 rows with a single crochet stitch.
  • Make an air loop with a lifting hook, and then knit with a single crochet.
  • Insert the hook into the previous row and make a loop.
  • Grasp the thread with your finger and make a big ring.
  • Insert the hook into the same base loop.
  • Grab the thread, pull it lightly, then grab it and pull it through 3 loops.
  • Repeat the knitting algorithm.

When you learn how to knit with elongated loops, you can switch from regular yarn to polypropylene or twine.

Instructions for crocheting a washcloth

Working with elongated loops is not that difficult, and once you have learned a little, we are ready to tell you how to crochet a washcloth with elongated loops for beginners.

  1. To start we knit air loops in the amount of about 40 and close it in a ring.
  2. We knit 7 rows with single crochets.
  3. From the eighth row we begin to knit the elongated loops. The working thread is thrown onto the finger, and the elongated loops remain behind the working fabric.
  4. You can independently control the height of the knitted loops, so also monitor the volume of the future washcloth yourself.
  5. To complete the job, you need to make 2 chains of chain stitches and close them into a ring. These will be the handles of the washcloth. You can also control their size.
  6. The finished washcloth must be turned out with the elongated loops outward.
  7. The product should be washed with soap; for softness, you can pour boiling water over it.

With the help of elongated loops, only rectangular bath sponges are made, but also creative washcloths-mittens. To make this accessory, sisal or flax yarn is suitable.

  1. We will also begin work from a set of air loops. This time there will be 30 of them, for a small size washcloth, 25 is enough.
  2. We continue knitting the fabric with single crochets, in circular rows, with the transition to the next row through an air loop.
  3. Once the mitten has acquired the required length, knit the top and bottom stitches together and secure.
  4. Knit the fabric for the thumb in a circle.
  5. Sew your finger to the mitten.

Video: how to tie a washcloth with elongated loops

Knitting a washcloth is a fun and exciting process. It does not require a lot of time and strict calculations, however, you should also get used to knitting elongated loops. Of course, the best source of detailed instructions is a video master class. Professional craftswomen have prepared a lot of tips and valuable comments for those who want to crochet an exclusive washcloth - for themselves or as a gift.

It's no secret that maintaining good hygiene is vital for every person. No one wants to get sick, be a source of infection, or smell bad. Personal hygiene items must be clean and safe, as this affects health and appearance.

A sponge is usually a bunch of sponge that is used for bathing. They have recently come into human use. Our ancestors simply soaped their hands or wiped themselves with a cloth. A little later they thought of covering themselves with clay and peeling it off along with the dirt. In the absence of clay, even sand was used. The first hemp washcloths began to be used only at the end of the 19th century.

as a hygiene item

The right washcloth plays an important role in proper body care. It should be thick, soft and absorbent at the same time. A properly selected sponge, while exfoliating the skin, will not scratch the body. Often, in addition to the main function of washing, washcloths help improve a person’s general condition and help overcome illness. It can be a gift for owners, newlyweds and even a baby. This care item can be bought in a store, but you can also tie a washcloth.

Advantages of a knitted washcloth:

  • The hostess herself selects the desired pattern and color combination, size and shape.
  • The sponge is small, so there will be little time for knitting.
  • Yarn consumption is minimal; leftover threads can be used.
  • Knitting patterns are simple and do not require much time.
  • You can usefully spend your personal time and make the necessary thing.

Washcloths (photo)

Today, any consumer can find a washcloth of the required shape and color. In everyday life they usually use:

  • flat or tubular model with handles at the edges;
  • spherical (round);
  • mitten;
  • heart, rectangle, voluminous sponge;
  • fine mesh;

Here is a photo of several types of washcloths.

Threads for washcloths

Threads for washcloths are usually used natural or synthetic, it all depends on the preferences of the housewife. Although natural materials have a positive effect on the skin, they have a number of disadvantages. They are short-lived, susceptible to rotting and mold, and therefore require additional disinfection and drying. Synthetics do not rot at all, are easy to clean and dry well. These fibers have varying degrees of stiffness.

The quality of a knitted washcloth depends on the correct selection of threads and hook size. You can waste time and material, but knit an item that is unsuitable for washing. In many cases, you can use the hook size that is listed on the yarn label or pattern. In work, they usually use model No. 4 or No. 5. Knitting with a thinner tool looks neater, but the product itself comes out tough.

How to choose threads?

Let's take a closer look at each type of thread. Among the natural fibers suitable for knitting washcloths are:

  • Hemp, made from hemp fibers.
  • Jute is made from textile fiber. It makes hard products.
  • Bast is rich in phytoncides, but is short-lived.
  • Cotton is not very practical for washcloths.
  • Wool is often used for washcloths.
  • Sisal is obtained from the fibers of agave leaves and is used mainly for washcloths. It has good foaming properties and effectively cleanses the skin, providing a scrub effect.
  • Flax fibers are soft, durable and dry quickly, and their qualities only increase over time. Such washcloths have numerous therapeutic and health effects on the body.

Knowing the disadvantages of natural materials, housewives still prefer synthetic fibers:

  • Nylon and nylon threads, which are often used to strengthen wool. Often unwearable tights and stockings are turned into original peeling items.
  • Polyethylene, ribbons of plastic bags make high-quality bath accessories.
  • Viscose.
  • Acrylic fibers.
  • Polypropylene, the most practical and popular material for needlework.
  • Rubber (rubber), today chemists have learned to produce rubber yarn, although it is rare on sale.
  • Polypropylene yarn, which has increased strength. It is convenient to work with, and knitted products take good care of the body. Today, housewives have begun to combine polypropylene thread with other types of yarn, so the products come out soft and durable. Often in master classes, when knitting, pieces of foam rubber are inserted inside to give the washcloth softness.

How to knit a washcloth with elongated loops for beginners

When creating such a model, it is enough to know the basic basics of creating “shaggy” loops. Let's look at the process step by step:

  1. First you need to create a chain using air loops (VP).
  2. After going through 3 rows with a single crochet (SC), we make a VP, then repeat the SC.
  3. By inserting the hook into the previous row, we create a loop.
  4. Picking up the thread from below with your finger, we make a large ring.
  5. Then, after threading the hook through the loop of the fabric, we grab the thread and pull it through. Grab the working thread again and pass it through three loops.
  6. We knit until we get the fabric of the desired size.

Knowing the stages of knitting elongated loops, you can start creating a bath accessory:

  1. We will connect a row of VPs into a circle. Its size will determine the width of the washcloth. Usually 40 loops are made.
  2. Having knitted 7 rows of STBN, we make elongated loops in the 8th row. They should remain on the wrong side.
  3. The length of the washcloth is determined by the craftswoman herself.
  4. We complete the work by knitting several rows of STBN, then collecting them in a circle.
  5. We make handles from a chain of loops. Their length is determined independently.
  6. The product is turned inside out and must be washed. To make the accessory soft, be sure to pour boiling water over it.

Round washcloth with elongated loops

The question often comes up on the Internet: “Is it possible to learn how to knit a washcloth just from a video?” Of course, even beginners can do such a task. All steps of creating an accessory are reproduced step by step on the screen. For convenience, we additionally place a pattern for knitting a washcloth.

Each craftswoman determines the required number of rows individually. The edges of the product can be sealed by knitting 2-3 rows of STBN and 2 loops together (alternating).

Crochet washcloth mitten

The bath mitten is knitted similarly to a regular mitten. The only difficulty arises when creating the thumb, but it can be omitted. For work, take threads of sisal or flax, but nylon will cause excessive rigidity. To make the product attractive, use bright yarn.

  1. For a large palm we create a chain of 30 VPs or 20-25 for a small one.
  2. We continue to work with single crochets in a circle.
  3. Moving to a new row, knit 1 VP.
  4. Having reached the desired size, connect the top of the mitten with STBN.
  5. Fasten the thread.

For babies, washcloths are made from flax threads by analogy. Knitting patterns greatly simplify the work.

Multi-colored propylene washcloths

It is no secret that knitting, in addition to perseverance and desire, requires certain skills from the craftswoman. We look for them in books or find them on the pages of magazines. Today, it is enough to open the Internet, ask a question in a search engine, and the required answer will appear on the monitor screen. Even if a crochet hook has just appeared in your life, with the help of the “DIY” resource you will quickly master the technique of knitting a multi-colored washcloth.

Crochet dishwasher

Every housewife knows how often she has to change her kitchen sponge. Why not knit it yourself? Only 20 g of synthetic yarn will be needed to create such an item. When knitting, you can combine the colors of the threads.

Option 1:

  • Using hook number 5 we create 50 VP.
  • We knit 4 rows (knit and purl) STBN. The tape comes out wide.
  • Then we fold the canvas so that the smaller edge overlaps the larger one.
  • Place the long end under the ring and weave the entire ribbon in a circle.
  • We sew the edges.

2nd option:

  • Having collected 20 VPs from a synthetic thread, we connect them into a circle.
  • Let's make 10 rows of STBN. We will hide a piece of foam rubber inside.
  • Let's add 10 more rows and finish the job.

How to crochet a hedgehog?

Agree, every child will enjoy washing in the bathroom using a funny toy washcloth in the shape of a hedgehog. The presented master class is designed for beginner needlewomen. The entire process of creating a toy is shown step by step, and the master clearly explains each movement.

How to crochet a chicken?

To make a chicken washcloth, you need to use 2 skeins of yellow yarn, since the product is knitted with a double thread. For decoration you will need some red and black material.

  1. We connect a chain of 35 VPs into a circle.
  2. We create two rows with a double crochet (C 1/n).
  3. Then we knit the elongated loops on the wrong side. We wind the loose thread around the finger, insert the hook into the bottom row C 1/n, while picking up the thread from the finger, we pass the hook through the column. Throwing a thread over it, we thread the yarn through 2 loops on the hook. A fluffy loop should come out.
  4. Then we make a row C 1/n and alternate it with elongated rows.
  5. Having reached the thumb (9 rows), we begin decreasing: alternating 4 C1/n with 1 unknitted stitch.
  6. The row with elongated loops is left unchanged.
  7. Next is a row of alternating 4 C1/n with 1 unknitted stitch.
  8. 3 rows before the end, the elongated loops are not knitted, but the decreases do not stop. The posts close and turn the product inside out.
  9. The comb is formed with a red thread from the middle of the top (8-9 sc.b/n and 1 row of sc.b/n).
  10. The outline of the eyes is embroidered from black thread.
  11. For the beak, take 4 VPs and attach them to the base. The surprise for the children is ready.

How to crochet a strawberry?

If you want to add a bright strawberry note to your bathroom, then start knitting a “delicious” strawberry washcloth. Red and green polypropylene thread is suitable for it. If the item is intended for children's skin, take a softer yarn. For a strawberry (12 x 18 cm), a tiny piece of foam rubber is needed for filling.

  1. Having dialed 3 VPs, we close them in a ring, and from the center we take 6 STBN.
  2. Gradually add 6 loops per row.
  3. Let's create elongated loops in a circle. Having collected 10 rows, put the foam rubber and begin cutting the loops (two together) until the ring closes.
  4. Using the diagram, we will make 6 green leaves and a red flower. Carefully sew the parts to the top of the product.
  5. From 20 VP we will make a loop.

How to crochet fringed fur?

The fringe pattern will add quality and durability to a knitted washcloth. The texture of the knitted fabric resembles fur. Frequently elongated loops fit tightly to each other, creating “increased shaggyness.” For those who are starting this type of knitting for the first time, it is better to master the technique on a sample.


Quite often, craftswomen share their experience of creating washcloths on their YouTube channels. These neat bears can be knitted using the master class below.

Video of a two-color washcloth for a beginning craftswoman.

Some craftsmen practice knitting a washcloth across the product.

A washcloth is an inexpensive accessory, so it is mostly bought in stores. However, handmade products carry a special energy. Among the many shapes and sizes of models, you are sure to find the item that you like. And how happy your children will be when a bright little animal with ears or a tail appears in the bathroom with them.

Not all hand-knitted items are clothing items. You can also tie a washcloth for bathing. After all, yarn can be made not only from wool or cotton, but also from polypropylene, products from which are easy to lather and scrub off the dead skin layers well, and then wash and dry quickly. It is pleasant to wash with such a washcloth.

We will tell you how to crochet a washcloth in a variety of shapes - classic rectangular, mitten-shaped or in the form of various toys filled with foam rubber. Children will find such bathing especially enjoyable, and adults will enjoy using handmade products that are much better than store-bought washcloths.

No holes are formed in the proposed washcloth; its loops hold firmly without moving apart. The washcloth is crocheted from special threads for washcloths using crochet number 2 into one thread. The washcloth is knitted on both sides, in the round, for which 30-40 air loops are cast. The width of the washcloth depends on their number. The synthetic thread resembles polypropylene tape, but this does not interfere with crocheting at all.

Having typed the specified number of loops, we connect them into a ring with a connecting post. The next 4-5 rows are knitted with single crochet or single crochet; no pulled loops are formed on these rows. Then comes the turn of the rows with these loops, knitted in such a way that they cannot stretch and disrupt the configuration of the product.

Video lesson:

The thread that is used to create the washcloth is specifically designed for creating washcloths and rugs; it is made of polypropylene. You can choose a thread of different colors - the color range is quite wide. A carefully knitted washcloth is much more durable than a store-bought one. First of all, a chain of air loops is assembled, twice as long as the width of the future washcloth. You need to knit carefully, not allowing the thread to delaminate.

The edges of the chain are connected to each other, and a handle is immediately knitted for holding a washcloth, made of 3-4 stitches. Everything is told step by step for beginners, all actions are described in detail. After several regular rows, rows with elongated loops are knitted, which are tied around the thumb.

Video lesson:

When knitting this washcloth, elongated loops are knitted on both sides. To obtain a more fluffy washcloth, knitting was carried out in two threads. That is, two skeins are used or one, then the second end is additionally pulled from the inside. After casting on an air row of loops, a row of stitches with one crochet is knitted.

The next row is knitted without double crochet. After the third row, we begin knitting with elongated loops, forming them with the thumb. In the last stitch of the row, a single crochet stitch is knitted. After turning the work over, the next row is knitted with similar elongated loops, and they end up on the opposite side of the product.

Video lesson:

The product is knitted in the round and has two layers. Using double crochets allows you to knit a washcloth twice as quickly and at the same time reduce thread consumption. The washcloth turns out to be soft, gentle, and quite comfortable to wash with. Threads to create the product were used in two colors, since the product is made with a gradient.

We knit with two threads using crochet number 5. 35 air loops are cast on and closed with a ring. The next row is knitted with single crochets. Then the elongated loops are knitted with a double crochet. To make the loops elongated, they are formed using the thumb. The stitches knit together very quickly. Subsequent rows are knitted similarly.

Video lesson:

The washcloth-mitten, made of threads of various colors, resembles a fancy flower. To make it neat and fluffy, we work with one thread. We start with five air loops, which are looped and after one lifting loop are knitted in a circle using single crochets. In the next row, already elongated loops are knitted between the columns of the previous row, securing them with single crochets.

After the air lifting loop, a row is formed with single crochets, increasing their number: one and two stitches are knitted into cells in turn. Then a whole row of elongated loops is knitted again. Gradually other colors are included, and in the photo the washcloth resembles a flower.

Video lesson:

To make the washcloth look fluffy, you need to use a polypropylene thread folded in half. We begin the work with a set of thirty air loops and connect them with a ring. We knit a single crochet into each of the air loops. In the next row, single crochets alternate with single crochets. Then the same pattern is repeated.

In the next row, we knit elongated loops into each of the columns of the previous row. These loops are secured in a row consisting of single crochet stitches. The front side with elongated loops remains on the inside. The alternation of loops is repeated until the required length. Next, the washcloth is turned inside out.

Video lesson:

This master class is designed for those who do not know how to knit at all. The training begins with a story about how to properly hold the hook, ensuring its movement. The initial loops are also described in detail. The result is a chain of air loops, connected by a ring that serves as a cuff for the product. A row of single crochets is formed; five rows is enough.

In the next rows, elongated loops begin to form, which are draped over the thumb. The technique for creating these loops is discussed in detail on the screen. Further rows are knitted exactly the same until the washcloth reaches the specified length. You can change the color of the thread.

Video lesson:

The yarn used is double, hook number 5. First of all, 36 chain stitches are cast on, they are connected with a ring, and a row is knitted in single crochets. In the next row, only single crochet stitches are used, then two more similar rows are knitted. Let's start creating the main pattern.

A cone is formed from three yarn overs knitted together. Two stitches are skipped, and another cone of four yarn overs is knitted. The entire row is formed from such cones. This pattern with cones is repeated from row to row. A washcloth made of cones arranged in a checkerboard pattern ends with a cuff made of rows of single crochets.

Video lesson:

The washcloth, painted in the colors of the Russian flag, is knitted from special yarn for washcloths. We cast on 35 loops, this number will determine the width of the washcloth. The chain of loops is closed, and you can start knitting in the round. The first rows are simple, they form the cuff of the washcloth.

Next, elongated loops of the same size begin to form in the rows, which is ensured by throwing each loop over the thumb. After knitting a third of the length of the washcloth, the color changes; another replacement of yarn is made at 2/3 of the full length of the washcloth. Before completing the knitting, two circles of simple loops are knitted to form the cuffs. Next the handle is knitted.

Video lesson:

Work begins with a set of 30 air loops. The resulting chain is looped, and two rows are knitted with single crochets. The next row is knitted with single crochets. Next, the main pattern is knitted, consisting of three double crochets, with a gap of two double crochets between them.

The result is a beautiful pattern that also closes into a ring. This three-stitch pattern is repeated on all subsequent rows until the remaining length of the washcloth is knitted. The washcloth ends, as it began, with two single crochets. The washcloth is almost complete, all that remains is to tie the handles.

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