How to make a cat out of paper. Craft cat - step-by-step description of how to make a beautiful craft with your own hands (80 photos) How to make a box with cats out of paper

Cat crafts are not inferior in popularity to their living counterparts. You can find almost anything in the shape of a kitten or with its image: pillows, clothes, cups, toys and so on. We bring to your attention several master classes on the topic “How to make a (paper origami) cat.” Using them you can make your own paper kitten.

Required tools and materials

To make an origami cat, you will need:

  1. paper that can be folded (regular landscape sheet, colored paper, corrugated carbon paper, special paper for origami, and so on);
  2. scissors (needed to give the sheet a square shape);
  3. markers, paints, pencils or pens (needed to draw a face);
  4. any decor: beads, beads, ribbons and bows, sparkles and so on.

How to make cats out of paper?

The instructions are quite simple, and the order of work depends on how you make the cat. This can be done in two ways:

  1. The craft is made from two sheets of paper: one makes up the muzzle, the other makes up the body.
  2. The craft is made from one sheet of paper.

Making a cat's face (first option)

Master class “How to make a cat out of paper”: making a face using the first method:

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you (Illustration 1).
  2. Fold the top right and bottom left corners together. The result will be a triangle (Figure 2).
  3. Fold the left corner of the triangle down so that its tip is flush with the bottom, but not touching it (as in Illustration 3).
  4. Fold the right corner in the same way as the left (Illustration 4).
  5. Fold the middle corner up slightly, as in illustration 5.
  6. Turn the figure over.
  7. Draw the eyes, nose, mouth and antennae (Illustration 6). You can also add eyebrows.

The cat's face is ready!

The second way to make a muzzle

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (photo instructions for making a face):

  1. Place a square sheet of paper in front of you.
  2. Fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  3. We unfold the sheet. The fold line should be horizontal in front of you.
  4. We bend the upper corner towards the middle of the sheet (Illustration 2).
  5. Fold the sheet in half again, as in illustration 3.
  6. We conditionally divide the resulting figure, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the left and right corners to the center along the lines from the sixth point (Illustration 5).
  8. Fold the left and right sides up, as in illustration 6. That is, the fold line should not be straight, but at an angle and located in the center of the length.
  9. You've got ears.
  10. Fold the top corner of the figure down, as in illustration 7.
  11. Turn the figure over.
  12. Bend the bottom corner slightly upward (Illustration 8).
  13. Fold down the tip of the folded corner from the previous point, as in Illustration 9.
  14. Draw eyes, antennae, nose and mouth. Or glue them from paper.

The muzzle is ready!

Cat's body

Master class on how to make a cat out of paper (instructions for creating the body):

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle (Illustration 1).
  2. Unfold the piece of paper.
  3. Fold the right and left sides to the fold line, as in illustration 2.
  4. Fold the resulting figure in half vertically (Illustration 3).
  5. Place the resulting figure horizontally in front of you.
  6. Bend the sharp corner down, as in illustration 4.
  7. Fold the corner again (Illustration 5).
  8. Open the corner (Illustration 6).
  9. Hold the main part of the figure with your left hand, and straighten the corner with your right.
  10. Fold the straightened corner along the extreme fold line, as in illustration 7.
  11. Fold the corner up in the same way as in illustration 8. You have a cat's tail.
  12. Fold the ponytail in half vertically (Illustration 9). To do this, turn the left side over to the right.

The body for the cat is ready!

Now connect the body and muzzle together. If you use the muzzle from the first option, then you need to glue it, and if from the second, then simply stick it on the body.

A whole cat from one sheet of paper

Master class on how to make an origami cat out of paper:

  1. Take a rectangular piece of paper with an aspect ratio of 1 to 3 and lay it horizontally.
  2. Fold the paper in half (Illustration 1).
  3. Make each side smaller by folding them in half, as in illustration 2.
  4. Unfold the last folds and turn the sheet upside down.
  5. Fold the lower left corner up (Illustration 3). You've got something like a pointer.
  6. Fold back the corner of the pointer (Illustration 3).
  7. Go over all the folds.
  8. Open the sheet of paper completely.
  9. Fold the sheet of paper as shown in illustration 4.
  10. The left and right vertices are the ears of the future cat (illustration 5).
  11. Now do everything as in illustration 6. In it, a green triangle is used to indicate the lines along which you want to make the chin.
  12. Squeeze the bottom of your chin. Fold the top of the head as shown in illustration 7. If you do everything correctly, then at this stage your muzzle will already be formed and the ears will be slightly bent.
  13. Fold the remaining part of the sheet in half (Illustration 8). As a result, you will get a ponytail.
  14. On both sides of the previous fold, make two more diagonal ones. Fold the paper as shown in illustration 9 . You will get paws.
  15. Raise your body perpendicular to the tail.
  16. Fold the sides of the tail in the same way as in illustration 10.
  17. Curl the ponytail using a pencil or scissors (just carefully).

A child’s creativity begins with cute and kind crafts, which often feature various animals. The cat family has always occupied first place in needlework, since the cat itself carries the meaning of comfort in the home and family peace. There is nothing complicated in the question of how to make a cat out of paper; you just need to collect suitable materials near you and start creating a figurine.

Origami "Cat"

In the technique of creating compositions from paper, the art of origami always comes up; for beginners, the figure of a cat will not be difficult.

First you need to take a regular sheet of paper and make it square. To do this, pull one corner towards the other edge of the sheet to form an isosceles triangle, and cut off the excess part of the sheet.

The first part of origami: a square folded in half, but we already have it in stock since we did the previous step. We fold this triangle in half again to make an even smaller triangle. This is necessary to outline the middle line on the large triangle. From this center line we need to wrap two side corners into small triangles. If you put the piece on the table, it will look like a tulip with three petals. The last step in creating the cat's face is to bend the upper corner of the part to the two previous triangles. On the other side of the part you can draw eyes, mustache, mouth. When folding origami, you can use the following scheme:

For the body, you need to again make a square sheet, which is also bent in half. Holding the piece with the two free vertices of the triangles towards the left hand, bend the corner on the right slightly upward to form a cat's tail. After this, we attach the head to the body; you can also make a collar for the cat from a cord. You will get a product like this:

Volume craft

Without resorting to the origami technique, you can also make a cute craft in the shape of a cat. For this you will need:

  • colored paper, cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • markers, pencils or pens.

The following templates can be used to make parts:

In this craft, the templates can be printed on a printer or redrawn by attaching a sheet of paper to the screen. Each template is transferred to paper or cardboard of the selected color. If paper is used, then the “paws” and “tail” parts are glued to the cardboard. The body is made from a sheet of cardboard, folded in half and secured with glue at the junction. The following cat is assembled from parts:

Another type of paper cat can be made from a thick cardboard roll, the top of which is crumpled into a crescent on one side and the other. These details should be decorated with paints, outlining future cat faces in front of this pencil.

On the side opposite the muzzle, at the bottom, you need to use an awl to make a hole for the tail-wire, which can also be painted and needs to be smoothly bent before attaching. The cat family is ready:

You can also make the cat in a natural pose on all fours. For the body, cardboard is used, which is folded in half along its greatest length, after which a cutout is made in the middle, forming the paws. The head and tail are also made from cardboard, and for the muzzle elements, parts can be cut out of paper. Everything is held together with glue. Below are templates of simple and elegant versions of such cats.

To make a cat with your own hands, you can choose a completely different needlework technique. For example, for a cat made by quilling, you will need:

  • strips of paper 5 mm wide;
  • tweezers;
  • tool for twisting strips;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper.

For the head you will need a piece of five turns of paper, for the body - six, slightly elongated. The parts are glued and glued onto canvas paper. The ears are curled in the form of droplets, the legs are in the form of semicircles, and are also seated on glue. The whiskers are cut out in thin straight strips and attached to the muzzle, the tail is made from a strip curled at the end. You will get a cat like this:

In addition to this type of cat-themed paper art, you can use this material to make bookmarks, packages in the shape of cats, even a hat, the printable details of which are given below.

To make a bookmark from colored paper, you need to cut a strip measuring 10x5 cm. We design one of the edges of the strip in the form of a cat’s head, cutting out pointed ears and drawing the cat’s face. Just below the head, on the body, you need to draw two identical U-shaped paws directed along the length of the strip. These paws should be outlined with a blade or a stationery knife, but do not cut through the area of ​​the paws at the top. After this, the cat bookmark is ready:

To make a paper cat package, you need to print the following template for the body:

Then you need to make the parts “tail”, “eyes”, “ears”, “nose”, “paws” and glue them to the body. You will get a package like this:

Video on the topic of the article

A selection of videos on making paper cats:

A ginger cat made of colored paper that walks on its own and does not need an owner. The shape of her body has a static position. Therefore, you can turn the craft into a convenient and practical stand for small items.

Necessary materials:

  • colored semi-cardboard;
  • White paper;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • office glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • ruler.

Stages of making a cat:

1. The cat's torso will consist of a cubic shape. Therefore, to create it you will need to cut out a 17 x 5 cm rectangle from orange double-sided thick paper.

2. Mark along the top and bottom edges 4 cm four times. Connecting the markings. On the far left side we draw a semicircle to create the cat’s paws.

3. We bend the blank of the cat's body along vertical lines and cut it out along the intended contour to create paws. Let's reveal.

4. Apply glue to the side of the workpiece 1 cm thick. Glue the figure and get a cubic shape of the cat’s body.

5. From the same shade of paper, cut out a tail along the contour. Glue it to one of the sides of the body. You should also take white paper and cut out a semi-oval. Glue it on the opposite side of the body and get the front part where the head will be attached.

6. Draw the outline of the head and a long strip on an orange sheet of paper. Cut out the details. We bend the strip several times and glue it together to obtain a three-dimensional rectangle.

7. Let's embellish the cat's face with details. Cut out a couple of drops and circles from white paper. Glue it. We also cut out the middle of the ears, nose and mouth from pink paper. We attach it to the right places.

Let's add small details to the cat's face using a black felt-tip pen or marker. We draw pupils in the middle of each circle, a long mustache, eyebrows, and the outline of the ears and mouth.

8. Glue a volumetric rectangle to the back of the head.

9. Next, apply glue to the side of the rectangle and glue the part to the wall of the body, where there is a white section of the chest.

10. With this, our cute paper cat is ready in the form of a voluminous craft with a cubic body and a voluminous head. You can complement the craft with lines and small decorative elements that will create the desired effect.

Making origami is a very good activity for children of different ages. It allows you to develop hand motor skills, teaches you to be diligent, patient and careful. Your child can create origami with you or work on the work independently. In any case, the time spent will bring a lot of pleasure and positivity.

In our master class we will show you how to create a cute cat face out of paper. The scheme is very simple, the level of complexity is suitable for preschool children.

Materials and tools

  • colored paper, square - 2 pcs.
  • felt-tip pen.

Detailed diagram of origami assembly

  1. Carefully fold a sheet of paper in half diagonally.

    Fold the sheet in half

  2. Fold the paper again, doing it lightly, to mark a line to form the cat's face.

    Drawing lines for the muzzle

  3. To create the ears, bend the bottom edges of the triangle up. The center line will become the fold.

    Forming the cat's ears

  4. We bend and point down the upper corner of the paper, which will allow us to finally form the animal’s face.

    The last stage of creating the muzzle

  5. Turn the workpiece over. Then we finish drawing the cat’s eyes, nose and mustache.

    We draw the face of our little animal

  6. Let's start creating the cat's body. To do this, take a second sheet of paper and fold it in half.
  7. We bend the extreme right corner of the triangle upward, imitating a cat's tail in this way.

    Cat's tail - assembly diagram

  8. We put the cat's head on the body. We straighten the animal's tail and slightly open the base of the body so that the cat can stand well on the surface.
  9. If you wish, you can add a thin ribbon to the animal’s neck, which will serve as a bow, or draw it in with a felt-tip pen.

The paper cat is ready. It can be made in a more natural color scheme, for example, black, white, gray, or bright and extraordinary, which will delight the child’s eye and amuse him.

Video: DIY origami cat face

Happy folding!

It’s not difficult to make such cute kittens. Look at the photo, repeat each action and within 20 minutes you will have a paper kitten on your shelf. Or even two. The hardest part of the craft is figuring out how to make the ears. And even a preschooler can handle the rest of the work.
So let's get started. Fold a square sheet of paper diagonally. Expand. Starting from the corner where the fold passes, fold the two sides of the sheet towards the middle.

Fold the craft in half, connecting opposite corners.

Bend the sides inward so that the bottom has right angles.

Unfold the craft from top to bottom.
Bend the bottom corner up strictly in the center to the edge of the folded sheet.

Bend the lower left part of the craft so that the fold runs along the edge of the triangle - the pointer points to that place.
You should end up with a figure like this.

Bend the folded part back and do the same with the right side of the craft.

Expand. You have two lines - markings.

Turn the folded sheet over to the other side.

Fold the bottom of the craft up so that the fold passes through the intersection of the lines.

Unfold the folded sheet as shown in the photo.

Bend the upper sides of the craft along the folds towards the middle (look at the pointer).
Like this.

Now we need to make the cat's head and ears. Bend the two side corners of the upper triangle so that you get vertical side lines, and the inside of the sheet (it is white in the photo) is closed.

There is a “pocket” at the top. Open it and bend the sides as shown in the photo.

Lower it down. You've got an "envelope".

Turn the right side of the craft over to the left so that the resulting “envelope” is inside.

Fold the upper right part of the workpiece in half.

Flip the moving part of the workpiece to the right and fold the left part of the part in half.

Bend it back again.

Open the craft in the center.

Bend the two movable parts of the workpiece upward along the lines you just made. Now the kitten’s ears are visible (look at the pointer).

Now, with one hand, hold the kitten’s right ear so that it does not open, and with the other hand, pull the piece of paper and open it on the same side.

Fold the sheet along the fold where it lies.
Do the same on the left.

Fold both bottom sides towards the middle.

Fold the craft in half lengthwise so that the kitten's head is on top.

Give the cat a tail. To do this, bend the right side of the craft down, as shown in the photo.