How to celebrate the year of the rooster signs. How to celebrate the new year to please the fiery rooster. Variants of festive dishes for the New Year of the Fire Rooster

8. Even if you do not like to wear jewelry, then on New Year's Eve you need to put on your most expensive and luxurious accessories.

9. Be sure to put some money in the pockets of the New Year's outfit. If you do this, then your 2017 will be marked by wealth.

10. Put on the New Year's table dishes that contain rice or wheat. In addition to being a symbol of prosperity, these products will definitely appeal to the symbol of 2017 - the Red Rooster.

Signs and customs at the meeting in 2017

Almost all people who celebrate this holiday know about the existence of many New Year's signs. But there are also beliefs that not everyone has heard of.

1. Perhaps the most famous and popular New Year's sign is that if you make a wish during the chiming clock, it will certainly come true. Everyone knows about the existence of this belief. Therefore, many people make secret wishes on New Year's Eve.

2. To attract wealth to the house, you need to shower the guests gathered in the house with grain. If you are not sure that people will correctly evaluate your idea, then instead you can simply put a bowl of porridge on the New Year's table. The Red Rooster will like this, and he will definitely thank you.

3. There is a sign that if a girl accidentally pricks or cuts her finger that night, then in 2017 she will get married.

4. The more people you manage to congratulate on New Year's Eve, the more happiness the year of the Red Rooster will bring.

5. People who will meet 2017 near the fireplace need to make sure that the fire does not go out. If this happens, then the whole next year a person will be haunted by misfortunes.

6. To a person who sneezes at the festive table, 2017 promises happiness and good luck.

7. The person who will be the first to visit your apartment in the new year should be a man. If in the coming year a woman crosses your threshold first, then misfortune will haunt you all year.

8. Meeting the year of the Fire Rooster, you can not lend items to strangers that are associated with fire (lighters, matches). The symbol of the year will not like this.

9. If on New Year's Eve you quarrel with someone, then there is a possibility that you will not communicate with this person all year. So better avoid conflicts.

10. Remember that what happened to you on New Year's Eve will accompany you throughout the year.

In addition to these popular beliefs, there are other signs that should be observed when meeting 2017. But, the main thing is to celebrate this holiday with pure and bright thoughts.

The moment is approaching, the fiery Rooster, the symbol of the New Year 2017, will replace the wooden goat. According to the eastern calendar, the Rooster will take its rightful place on the throne on January 28. Fire is the element of 2017, and the symbolic colors of the New Year are red, yellow, golden, orange and other appropriate shades.

In order to worthily spend New Year's Eve, you should carefully prepare, focusing on even the smallest things. On New Year's Eve, everything should be thought out: the festive table, the decorations, and the outfits. How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs will help make the most anticipated night of the year unforgettable!

Festive table

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 and what should be the menu is probably the most pressing issue on the eve of the long-awaited holiday. It should be remembered that on the table there should be dishes not only traditional for the winter celebration, but also those that the symbol of the year Rooster loves. After all, on New Year's Eve, everyone should remain full!

It is better that vegetarian dishes take the leading position in the menu of the New Year, since the diet of the totem of the year includes no more than 2% of meat. Of course, turning your table into a paradise for herbivores is not worth it, especially if there are lovers of meat delicacies among the guests: chicken, poultry and rabbit dishes will do.

It is also worth taking care that there is a real abundance of fruit on the table, this Rooster will surely appreciate it! Also, the symbol of the year will appreciate something exotic and creative. After all, cooking is also a space for imagination! You can make, for example, a fruit cake, and insert fireworks in the center. Or depict a rooster from some dish.

Wardrobe tips

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017: signs include the selection of a festive outfit in accordance with the symbol of the year. It should be remembered that decorating the festive table, according to the traditions and signs of how to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017, brings good luck and prosperity to the house. But by dressing yourself in a symbolic color scheme, personal luck is attracted.

Rooster loves a creative approach to business. Therefore, the more original the New Year's outfit, the more likely it is that the Rooster will pay attention. While fiery hues are typical for 2017, the Rooster welcomes both blue and green. Therefore, if bright, eccentric outfits are not exactly your style, you can pick up clothes in soothing colors, diluting it with bright elements in the form of a brooch or hairpin.

The rooster will appreciate the efforts of everyone, especially if a good mood prevails on New Year's Eve, a bright atmosphere with notes of something incredible and magical. May the New Year be filled with unforgettable moments!

Everyone loves this holiday, from young to old. They have been waiting for it for a whole year, trying to come up with interesting and practical gifts, choosing an outfit, compiling a menu, deciding where they will celebrate. If you have not yet guessed what kind of celebration we are talking about, we will tell you - this is the New Year.

Every year we have high hopes for a new period in our lives and 2017 will be no exception. Someone will expect marriage from him, someone a child, someone a new car or apartment. But we are all united by the same question - “ How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster 2017?

It is extremely important to think over the meeting of the New Year, because your future depends on how you “get acquainted” with it. Therefore, you need to think carefully about everything - from the outfit to the venue of the holiday. We hope that this article will help you make a clear plan, which will soon turn into reality.

When thinking about where you would like to spend this day, we advise you to consider several options. 2017 will be ruled by the Fire Rooster, and this bird is famous for its “home” character. However, this does not mean that you need to close yourself in an apartment, being content with little. Among the places where you can have fun to celebrate the New Year are:

  • . To date, this is the most popular form of recreation, especially during the New Year holidays. There is always snow here, unlike the bustling city, which on New Year's Eve can “lose” this snow-white cover. In other words, if you do not want to go to distant countries, you can rent a house nearby, for example, in a local forest. You will be able to enjoy the winter landscapes, inhale the fresh air and sit in the evenings near the lit fireplace. You can visit these lands both with your loved one and in the company of friends.
  • Hot resorts. Despite the fact that we are all waiting for the New Year and Christmas holidays, sometimes you want to feel the warm sunbeams and the gentle breeze of the wind. If you have the same desires, we advise you to go on a New Year's trip to the ocean. It is not necessary to choose expensive tours, you can go on vacation on a “hot ticket”, which will be somewhat cheaper than booked tours.

  • Flight in a hot air balloon. Flight through the boundless sky, champagne, warm blankets... What could be more romantic! You will remember such a meeting of the New Year for a long time, and most importantly, you will be able to say about your feelings in complete solitude.

  • New Year in transport. This is a rather extravagant idea that you can implement with your friends. Imagine the sound of wheels, a cheerful company of friends and every time a new station and new people.

In general, it doesn’t matter where you decide to celebrate the New Year 2017, because if you have a good mood and friendly friends, happiness and joy will not take long.

Choice of outfit

Everyone knows that the Rooster is a scrupulous bird that will require the same scrupulousness from you. Try to think over in advance, do not miss a single detail, including spectacular makeup.

Astrologers have compiled a list of the most relevant colors that will help create the perfect look for you and your friends. Among all the tones that exist in the world, orange, red and yellow should be highlighted.

It is not necessary to wear plain dresses or blouses. It is enough that there are several declared colors in the outfit, and they will definitely bring you good luck next year. You can also combine different shades of golden, silver, purple and burgundy colors.

How to choose an outfit for a party

First of all, you must remember that your attire should be somewhat extravagant, and at the same time sophisticated. Perfection in everything is the main “horse” of the Rooster, so he will appreciate this touch and outfit for the New Year.

Put aside classic faded suits and dresses. Women for the holiday can wear a luxurious evening dress with an open back or a spectacular miniskirt in combination with a bright blouse. Also, a cocktail dress or a dress made in a retro style with an unusual finish will be the perfect outfit.

In 2017, your choice should fall on the boho style, which combines naturalness and drama, layering, a lot of textured fabrics and intricate prints. So that the owner of the year does not get angry, try to avoid a hint of predators - put off such accessories and dresses until next year.

As additions to the outfit, you can use bright jewelry of an unusual shape. Stop your choice on jewelry (gold, silver, pearls) - such jewelry is most welcomed by the Rooster.

Hair and makeup

Naturalness should prevail in your image, so curls can be laid in small curls or even straightened hair. Actual makeup for the New Year 2017 - graphic make-up without shading and glamorous grunge (pale skin and pronounced eyes).

Shine, in the literal sense of the word, at a party you can with a metallic make-up - metallic shadows in the form of sequins or sparkles will shine attractively before your eyes, turning the eyes of all the men in the hall.

Table, gifts, Christmas tree and entertainment

If you decide to celebrate the New Year 2017 at home, then try to come up with entertainment for guests so that they do not languish at the table. In addition to the program, it is worth decorating the table, the apartment and, of course, the main attribute of the holiday - the Christmas tree.

Choose a bright tablecloth, and arrange figurines of cockerels and hens, candles, fruit baskets on the table. For a holiday, it is desirable to use exquisite dishes and glasses.

The decor of the Christmas tree will be familiar, except that the colors of tinsel and balls should be dominated by red and yellow tones. You can hang sweets in shiny wrappers, tangerines and small cockerels on sprigs. Do not forget the garlands so that your Christmas tree sparkles with bright lights at the holiday.

As for gifts, here, if desired, you can show all the imagination that you are capable of. But as practice shows, it is better to ask your friends in advance what they would like to receive as a present. You can purchase a gift certificate in a cosmetics store so that a loved one can choose the necessary thing.

When planning your New Year, listen to your desires and then you will certainly meet it in a good mood, which will be the key to success in the future.

For a person who wondered how to meet the new 2017 Year of the Rooster, signs play a very important, if not the most important role. It is they who become a guide to action - what should be done to live the coming year happily, successfully, richly? How to attract abundance into the house and money in your pocket, become Fortune's favorite, how to make wishes correctly so that they finally come true?

Attract money

According to signs, none of those who want to have money should not:

  • to borrow on the eve of the New Year holidays, since repaying a debt before the New Year is just as bad a sign as remaining a debtor;
  • celebrating the New Year wearing someone else's thing, even a small accessory, is also in debt;
  • gamble so as not to tempt fate at such a crucial time;
  • refuse uninvited guests, do not invite them into the house - they test the owners for greed, you will not envy those who have not passed this exam;
  • to celebrate in clothes with pockets in which there is absolutely no money - will not be all year round.

Knowledgeable people advise those who want abundance to set a rich New Year's table, put on expensive clothes and generously present friends and family with holiday gifts. In this case, it is recommended to pack presents in red or yellow paper.

A proven way to attract money is to hide a large bill under the plate before the New Year's feast, and the more it is worth, the better the result.

The 17th year will be abundant, and if on New Year's Eve you treat 17 unfamiliar passers-by with sweets or fruits. Whether you go out or not, don't forget to put a bowl of fruit on the festive table. One tangerine is enough. Also for money - give two tangerines to each guest.

Catch the bird Luck

In order for the inhabitants of the house to be lucky in the coming year, there must be salt and freshly baked bread on the New Year's table.

There is a sign that the most successful will be the one from the New Year's company:

  • who will drink the last champagne from the bottle;
  • who will be the first to caress a cat in the coming year.

Just before the holiday, it is necessary to exclude a large cleaning, it is absolutely impossible to sweep rubbish out of the house. Carefully clean the home should be about a week before the New Year.

According to Feng Shui, you need to not only clean the house of dirt and debris, but also completely get rid of old and unnecessary things - throw something away, distribute something to those in need. It is also recommended to delete unnecessary files from a personal computer. Exactly the same "cleaning" should be done in your own head - remove negative thoughts, drive away anxiety and sadness, tune in to goodness and love for others.

At the end of the outgoing year, forgive those who offended you, and, of course, ask for forgiveness from those whom you yourself offended. Luck accompanies only people with a pure soul.

A good way to leave all the failures and troubles in the past is to burn the calendar for the outgoing year on December 31st.

Congratulate as many close and distant relatives, friends, acquaintances and even strangers on the coming year of the Rooster, sincerely wish everyone in the New Year more goodness, good luck, happiness, prosperity - and everything transferred to others will return to you.

Appease the Rooster

Many New Year signs are associated with the symbol of the coming year according to the horoscope.

So, to appease the Fire Rooster will help:

  • red, orange or bright yellow triangular envelopes with coins that attract the energy of the elements of fire, hung on a Christmas tree or placed in the southeast corners of rooms;
  • triangular dumplings on the New Year's table, molded by the hostess with her own hands;
  • cereal dishes and desserts made from grains and/or nuts;
  • red, orange and rich yellow in festive attire, feather accessories, clothing made from natural fabrics;
  • toasts with compliments to the symbol of the year and wishes that the Rooster be favorable to those present.

In addition, the New Year's feast should be cheerful, bright and noisy in order to please the Rooster and at the same time scare away evil forces.

Make a wish correctly

There is an opinion that wishes made for the New Year come true for those who make them correctly.

  1. think carefully in advance for half an hour or an hour what exactly to think of under the chiming clock;
  2. mentally remember the events of the outgoing year and sum it up - this will help you understand what you really really want in the next year;
  3. state all your desires
    • in present time;
    • avoiding template expressions and phrases;
    • without negation, changing verbs with the particle "not" to positive expressions.
  4. write down the wishes on a small piece of paper and keep the note until the next New Year, hiding it so that no one sees.
  5. believe that thoughts are material, and therefore, all the wishes will come true for sure.

Goodness, abundance, good health, good luck to you in 2017, and may our advice certainly help you live it richly and happily!

Chinese omen: how to properly install and decorate a Feng Shui Christmas tree

Side of the world Christmas tree placed in this part of the room Decorations for this side of the tree
South Promises attention to the owner of the house from the authorities, friends, acquaintances Red and gold ribbons and balloons
Southwest Create an atmosphere of love, lack of disagreement in marriage Paired figurines (Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, etc.)
Southeast Financial well-being throughout the coming year Coins, banknotes, goldfish
West Addition to the family (birth of a child) bells
East It will help get rid of loneliness, meet your soulmate Paired toys (doves, cherries, etc.)
North Career success White and blue balls, snowflakes

According to a well-known sign, New Year's Eve determines the entire subsequent year. We all want the most long-awaited night of the year to be bright and unforgettable, and the holiday to last as long as possible. New Year's signs will help to meet the Year of the Fire Rooster correctly.

The main New Year's sign is relevant for every festive night and sounds like this: "How you celebrate the New Year - so you will spend it." Everyone remembers these words when planning a holiday, choosing gifts for their loved ones and friends, or trying on a festive outfit.

To understand what to celebrate the Year of the Rooster, the current advice of a feng shui specialist Natalya Pravdina will help.

Notes on New Year's Eve

Successfully meet the Year of the Fire Rooster will help folk signs about the festive night, gifts and guests.

Accidentally pouring champagne on the festive table- bring wealth and abundance into the house in the new year. But a cork that has not “shot” out of a bottle is considered a bad sign that incurs monetary losses.

You can't celebrate the New Year before midnight. If you start the holiday before the clock strikes midnight, then the whole year will be full of troubles, delays and frustrated plans. It is necessary to wait for the New Year, and only then start the holiday.

The guest who comes first will play an important role in your life all year long. Keep a close eye on those who come to visit you and remember the first person who came. It will be possible to rely on his opinion and judgments in controversial issues throughout the next year of the Rooster.

Before the New Year, you need to get rid of old things and chipped dishes. Together with old things, negative energy will leave your life. This will update your money channel and attract financial well-being.

The New Year of the Fire Rooster should be celebrated in everything new. A new outfit on a festive night will bring you good luck and joy for the whole year. If you put on something old, then you will pull old problems with you.

The more dishes and drinks will be on the festive table, the richer the owners of the house will be in the New Year. The energy of wealth and abundance is attracted to the like, so plentiful food and beautiful surroundings will contribute to the further development of the financial channel. In addition, all dishes from the table must be eaten, and drinks must be drunk during New Year's Eve and two days after, otherwise the energy of abundance will dry up.

Before the New Year of the Rooster, you need to say goodbye to all debts. If this is not done, then financial problems will not only quite predictably pass into the next year, but will also multiply. There are several effective ways to get rid of debts before the New Year: use one of them, and the energy of the financial channel will begin to renew itself.

You can not lend money, items or products before New Year's Eve. This sign does not bode well: by lending one of the above, you can incur poverty and disease.

Feed and warm a stray cat or dog on New Year's Eve - to wealth and good health. Selflessly giving away part of the supplies, and letting our smaller brothers into our house, we attract the favor of Fate in the New Year.

You can not argue and get excited at the festive table. Quarrels and disagreements during the celebration will bring misfortune and squabbles to your home. If problems arise, it is better to solve them peacefully and in no case get involved in the conflict.

Knowing the perfect New Year's Eve according to the Zodiac Sign will be a good help in planning a holiday. We wish you a Happy New Year and only pleasant experiences. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.11.2016 04:04

New Year is a magical holiday. It is at this time that incredible things happen that make us ...