Herbal teas that you can drink during pregnancy. Ant herbs in the “pot-bellied” period or the use of herbal medicine during pregnancy Herbs useful during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the expectant mother needs to observe some restrictions not only in her diet, but also in taking medications. But what to do when a woman gets sick while waiting for her baby? Folk remedies can come to the rescue. But in this case, mommy needs to know everything about contraindications to the products. There are a number of herbs that, in the form of a decoction or infusion, can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, the health of the woman herself and her baby.

Remember, some types of herbs may be more dangerous than drugs. The thing is that they do not undergo clinical trials on pregnant women or nursing mothers, so it is not known for certain how they can manifest themselves in the body. Using folk remedies without consulting a doctor is fraught with complications for the woman and her fetus.

Prohibited during pregnancy

Drugs that cause disruption of placental circulation:

1. Hyssop officinalis can not only affect the placenta, it can increase pregnancy, significantly increasing the risk of premature birth.

2. Medicinal sage is often found in diuretic preparations intended for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Drugs that cause premature labor or miscarriage:

1. Tree-like, which is used for gastrointestinal tract preparations that increase immunity and stimulate appetite.

2. Barberry. It is found in preparations intended to combat anemia and treat the liver.

3. Oregano is used in sedatives, pulmonary and gastric preparations, significantly increasing appetite.

4. Lovage is used as a seasoning and is a diuretic, analgesic and expectorant.

5. Brittle buckthorn is used as a laxative and a medicine for stomach ulcers.

6. Tansy and Ergot are poisonous and very dangerous herbs during pregnancy.

7., which is used during treatment with photographic preparations.

8. Rhubarb palmate. Used as a choleretic and laxative, it can disrupt the formation of fetal bone tissue due to the high content of oxalic acid.

9. Seeded radish is harmful for pregnant women, but beneficial for a nursing mother.

10. Curly parsley is a diuretic that improves digestion and normalizes the menstrual cycle.

Herbs that are harmful to the body of the expectant mother:

1. Licorice glabra can retain fluid in the body, which forms swelling, increases blood pressure and can cause hypertension.

2. Mordovnik vulgare increases sensitivity to pain, increasing muscle tone.

3. Chaga can cause swelling, which is very dangerous in the third cycle of pregnancy.

Herbs that cause allergies in the fetus:

1. Tripartite sequence.

2. Wild strawberries.

Sorrel and garden spinach can cause congenital heart disease in a baby.

Valerian, wild rosemary, wormwood, sweet clover, greater celandine and laxative buckthorn lead to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

St. John's wort and immortelle can significantly increase blood pressure, which is very dangerous for the expectant mother.

Self-medication can have a detrimental effect not only on the development of the fetus, but also on the health of the mother, so it is best to seek advice from a doctor.

Linden blossom, infusion of marshmallow flowers and roots, coltsfoot leaves, primrose, and urban gravilate are considered harmless for the treatment of colds and coughs during pregnancy.

Valerian root can also be used for medicinal purposes during pregnancy, but only for a short period of time and in small quantities. It is best to give up alcohol tincture and use a homemade infusion. To do this, you need to pour a teaspoon of roots with a glass of warm water and leave for 6-8 hours.

Birch leaves are good for swelling. An infusion of two teaspoons per 200 ml. Leave the boiling water for half an hour and drink it warm until the swelling disappears.

Also during pregnancy, it is allowed to use calamus, sweet grass, basilisk, goldenrod, meadowsweet, burdock, flax seeds, blueberries, agrimony, and rose hips.

The fact of using a decoction or infusion of even a harmless herb should always be agreed with the doctor supervising the pregnancy.

What herbs are prohibited during pregnancy?

What herbs are prohibited during pregnancy, and what medicinal preparations can harm health and cause miscarriage? Many expectant mothers, trying not to harm the child, deliberately choose natural medicines, which is not always true. By and large, this is true, but not all herbal remedies are useful during pregnancy - some herbs have an abortifacient effect, increasing the tone of the uterus, causing miscarriage or premature birth, and also affect the functioning of the central nervous system of the fetus and cause its pathologies in the early stages pregnancy.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is better to avoid using herbs and other medications; if there is an urgent need, then do it in small doses and at short intervals, and applying decoctions and extracts to the skin is not at all dangerous.

Plants that contain potent substances can affect both the mother’s body and the child’s body. These are: autumn crocus, barberry, Canadian wolf's foot, borage, ginseng, lobelia, mandrake, Ma Huang.

Plants that have a laxative effect are contraindicated. The anthraquinone in these plants acts not only on the muscles of the large intestine, but also on the uterus. These are aloe, alder buckthorn, zhostera pursha, laxative buckthorn, cassia.

Other folk remedies, the use of which should be avoided during pregnancy, include infusions and decoctions of: basil, cloves, black crow, blessed cohosh, black cohosh, vergina vergina, hyssop, lovage, male shield, oregano, podophyllum, melia, mahonia, saturia, sumac , wild yam, turmeric, ginerium.

This is not the entire list of herbs that may be harmful to a pregnant woman or have a side effect. To avoid any problems, you should consult your doctor or homeopath before consuming any herb or herb.

Dangerous herbs during pregnancy

Dangerous herbs during pregnancy are those that can harm both the woman’s body and the fetus, and in severe cases lead to pregnancy loss. Often pregnancy is accompanied by a variety of ailments, which is associated with a decrease in the body's defenses. Pregnancy means giving up many medications, so homeopathy remains the only alternative.

  • Dangerous herbs include parsley - it contains substances that affect the muscles of the uterus, causing it to contract, and this can cause premature birth.
  • A separate sequence can cause malformations in the fetus;
  • Hyssop leads to an increase in uterine tone, which can cause abortion;
  • Rhubarb can cause defects in the formation of the skeleton in an unborn child;
  • Tansy increases blood pressure and affects the tone of the uterine muscles, which provokes miscarriage;
  • Calamus has an overly pronounced diuretic effect, which also affects the development of the fetus;
  • Cornflower is harmful during pregnancy for two reasons - it contains a cyanide complex and it has a diuretic effect.
  • Wormwood can cause seizures, hallucinations and other mental disorders, as well as bleeding.
  • Thyme and sage can also cause bleeding.
  • Elecampane can affect the tone of the uterine muscles, which can also cause abortion.

Before taking decoctions or infusions of the above herbs at your own risk, you should first consult with your doctor or doctor who is caring for your pregnancy.

Herbs useful during pregnancy

Herbs useful during pregnancy are not so numerous of their kind. As a rule, they are very relevant because they do not harm the body of the mother and child. Such herbs are indispensable as natural non-toxic remedies against inflammation, as well as sedatives, diuretics, and general cleansers.

Birch leaves and buds. They have a diuretic, antibacterial, sedative, cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, and restore water-salt imbalance. Recommended for late-stage toxicosis, edema and kidney pathology. In this case, steam from birch buds is effective - pour 1 teaspoon of buds with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Lingonberry leaves and berries. They are effective for pathologies of the urinary tract, as they have a pronounced antimicrobial and diuretic effect, and are also rich in essential vitamins.

Valerian root has a pronounced sedative effect, and can also be used as a diuretic, choleretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic, and hypotensive natural remedy.

Blueberries, rich in vitamins A and C, mineral salts, organic acids, can be used as a vitamin complex that strengthens the body of mother and child. Blueberries also lower blood sugar levels and promote bile secretion.

Blackberries and their leaves are rich in vitamins A, C, E, B, K, P, PP and other important micro and macroelements that are indispensable for a pregnant woman. In addition, blackberries have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and mild laxative effects.

Viburnum is indicated as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory natural drug with anti-allergenic and antispasmodic effects. Decoctions and infusions of viburnum can be drunk for painful contractions and muscle spasms.

Herbs useful during pregnancy and their infusions and decoctions should be taken strictly in recommended doses.

Motherwort herb during pregnancy

Motherwort herb during pregnancy is one of the non-prohibited sedatives that will not harm the unborn child. During pregnancy, due to hormonal surges, the nervous state of the pregnant woman fluctuates all the time. This is due to the fact that upon reaching the new trimester of pregnancy, the balance of hormones rapidly changes, which very noticeably affects the woman’s well-being and behavior.

The safest way to normalize the condition and calm the worries of a pregnant woman is to use small amounts of calming herbs. For example, motherwort herb relieves irritation, improves digestion, equalizes heart rate, relieves smooth muscle tone, relaxes, reduces blood pressure, and also prevents attacks of nausea and relieves flatulence.

You can brew motherwort herb yourself, but it is better to mix it with your favorite tea - then its taste will not be so strong. Half a teaspoon per cup is enough to achieve the desired effect.

However, we must not forget that before self-medicating, you need to consult with the doctor who is caring for the pregnancy. Timely consultation and diagnosis will help prevent the development of any complications.

Senna grass during pregnancy

Sena grass during pregnancy is not included in the category of approved safe herbs. During pregnancy, many physiological changes occur in a woman’s body - progogesterone, when its content is high, inhibits peristalsis, which causes a decrease in intestinal tone. At later stages, due to the pressure of the uterus on the lower parts of the intestine, it is displaced and normal functioning is disrupted. Also, reducing fluid intake can cause constipation.

Constipation during pregnancy is not uncommon, but at the first sign of a bowel movement disorder, you need to address this problem. Constipation can cause hemorrhoids, lead to disruption of microflora and the development of cystitis and colpitis. Also, due to disturbed intestinal microflora, the likelihood of developing purulent-septic complications increases.

Senna is a classic natural remedy for constipation, but is contraindicated during pregnancy. The active components in its composition act on the smooth muscles of not only the intestines, but also the uterus, which can provoke contractions and cause termination of pregnancy. Therefore, it is better to choose a safer natural laxative that will not harm the unborn child.

Maternal grass during pregnancy

Maternal herb during pregnancy or, as it is also called, “oregano”, refers to women’s herbs. It is included in herbal preparations that are usually recommended for diseases of the reproductive system - it normalizes the menstrual cycle, helps with inflammation of the appendages, and promotes pregnancy. But the herb mother has one drawback - it cannot be used internally during pregnancy, either in its pure form or as part of medicinal preparations.

However, the external use of oregano will not harm the fetus, so the herb can be safely used for some ailments. For purulent rashes and furunculosis, you can make compresses with a decoction of oregano, and to keep the skin clean and to prevent rashes, you can wash your face with a decoction of oregano in the morning and evening.

If you have a headache, you can wash your hair with a not too concentrated decoction - this will not only relieve discomfort, but also heal and strengthen your hair, which noticeably suffers during pregnancy.

For inflammatory processes in the oral cavity - gingivitis, stomatitis, you can rinse your mouth with a small amount of oregano decoction 4-5 times a day. As a natural anti-inflammatory and disinfectant, oregano will help get rid of the problem in a short time. For sore throat, rinsing with oregano gives especially pronounced positive dynamics, but do not forget that the decoction should not be taken orally.

But in order to prevent any complications, you cannot rely entirely on natural remedies; at the first signs of one or another ailment, it is better to seek help from a doctor.

Grass half the floor during pregnancy

The grass floor during pregnancy (another name is erva woolly) is used mainly for the prevention and treatment of urolithiasis, and during pregnancy the exacerbation of any chronic disease is unacceptable, since it is almost impossible to carry out effective treatment without synthetic drugs. And any antibiotics and other potent drugs have a toxic effect not only on the mother’s body, but in utero and on the child. And this is fraught with the development of severe pathologies of the nervous system, brain, cardiovascular system, and liver.

Gender is contraindicated in all forms of hypoparathyroidism, renal osteodystrophy, osteoporosis and other disorders of calcium excretion from the body. However, despite its effectiveness, the herb is not always well tolerated by pregnant women, which is manifested by intoxication of the body and metabolic disorders. Such conditions are unacceptable and can lead to problems with the fetus, so it should be used carefully, only after consulting with a gynecologist. Self-medication and blind trust in traditional methods of treatment, advice from friends and relatives can affect the health of both mother and child.

Chamomile herb during pregnancy

Chamomile herb during pregnancy is relevant in many situations, and its scope is so wide that chamomile decoctions and infusions can be used to treat both internal organs and as an external remedy. Chamomile herb is used as an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory agent, and is also effective for treating inflammatory processes in the mouth, stomach, intestines, and gynecological inflammation.

During pregnancy, you can drink chamomile tea - it soothes stomach pain, relaxes, and helps relieve nervous tension. For flatulence, a decoction of chamomile flowers is drunk as an anti-inflammatory, mild laxative, which also acts as an antifoam. During attacks of toxicosis, chamomile decoction helps to cope with nausea and nervous tension, and in case of a sore throat or inflammation of the gums, you need to rinse with this decoction several times a day. In the early stages of pregnancy, warm douching with chamomile decoction helps with inflammation of the genital organs.

But do not forget that you can drink no more than 400 ml per day. decoction Substances contained in chamomile flowers can stimulate the production of estrogen, which can lead to termination of pregnancy. The decoction should be consumed very carefully and in a strictly prescribed dosage, having previously agreed on a treatment regimen with a gynecologist.

Grass succession during pregnancy

The herb string during pregnancy is used as a diuretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antihistamine, hemostatic and regenerating folk remedy.

The series is effectively used to treat various skin diseases - the active components in its composition act as a disinfectant and healing substance. Very often, the series is prescribed in combination with burdock, tricolor violet leaves, young branches of black currant, raspberry and other plants. Decoctions are prescribed for both external and internal use.

A decoction of the string is also used for baths, compresses, and bandages - this is the most effective treatment regimen for seborrhea and allergic rashes. For psoriasis, ointments based on a series are actively used. In small therapeutic doses, the series is used as a sedative, but it is not suitable for constant use, since accumulating in the body leads to even greater nervous excitement.

In general, the herb string during pregnancy is not contraindicated and does not lead to the development of severe pathologies, but before starting treatment it is still better to inform the gynecologist.

Lingonberry herb during pregnancy

Lingonberry herb is very popular during pregnancy. Lingonberry berries, its leaves and young shoots contain many vitamins and active substances that have an extremely beneficial effect on the mother’s body without harming the fetus. Lingonberry herb has a powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect, which significantly expands the scope of its application.

Decoctions and infusions of lingonberries, rich in vitamins and microelements, come in very handy for colds during pregnancy, and are also irreplaceable for preventing colds in the cool season. But still, the main area of ​​application for decoctions and infusions of lingonberry leaves is the treatment and prevention of diseases of the urinary tract. A decoction of lingonberries, without irritating the mucous membrane and without loading the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys, has an antimicrobial effect in nephritis and cystitis. It is undesirable to use decoctions during the acute period of the disease, and for prevention and treatment in the subacute stage there is no better folk remedy.

You should take the decoction during pregnancy with caution - when taking other herbs, the effect of lingonberry decoction may be enhanced, and this is not always desirable. Therefore, before you switch to taking lingonberry herb yourself, you need to notify your gynecologist about your choice.

Echinacea herb during pregnancy

The herb Echinacea during pregnancy, as studies by geneticists have shown, does not lead to intrauterine pathologies of the fetus, but throughout pregnancy it supports the mother’s body’s defenses. If the correct dose of the drug is observed, the risk of miscarriage is extremely low, in contrast to those cases when synthetic immunomodulators and antibiotics were prescribed to pregnant women as prescribed by doctors.

In order not to be exposed to risk once again, it is better to bring the issue of taking Echinacea to the attention of your doctor or the doctor supervising your pregnancy. Basically, Echinacea is prescribed for the treatment of purulent skin diseases, also sinusitis, cystitis, etc.

Alcohol tinctures of Echinacea are contraindicated during pregnancy, so it is best to take it as decoctions, infusions, and as an additive to tea. Echinacea extract in injections is contraindicated, as it leads to the development of immunodeficiency in the fetus. As a result, the child will be completely unable to resist the influence of the internal environment.

You need to drink Echinacea decoction strictly, in a course not exceeding 10 days. It is also better to use echinacea preparations not in the early stages of pregnancy and under the supervision of a gynecologist. A physiological increase in immunity in the early stages can lead to the fact that the fetus will be perceived as foreign and this will provoke spontaneous abortion.

Valerian herb during pregnancy

Valerian herb during pregnancy is prescribed as an effective sedative. The most convenient form of taking the drug in such a situation is valerian tablets and an infusion of its herbs. In any pharmacy you can buy valerian roots from which a healing decoction is prepared.

Valerian herb does not have a negative effect on the fetus, so you can take it without fear of harming the baby. But this should not mean that valerian can be taken in unlimited quantities - any medicine in a critical dose can become poison.

During pregnancy, the herb valerian has a calming effect on a woman and also relieves muscle spasms, which is very important. This drug is prescribed mainly in the early stages of pregnancy, when almost all synthetic drugs of various types of action are contraindicated and when there is a possibility of miscarriage. Valerian is also prescribed in the last trimester of pregnancy - when pregnant women are concerned about gestosis. Valerian infusion has a relaxing effect on the muscles of the uterus, relieving hypertension and calming the pregnant woman herself. The standard dosage of Echinacea tablets does not exceed 1-2 tablets 3 times a day, an hour after meals. In such situations, it is best to take valerian in courses - then a constant effect will be maintained, which will have a positive effect on the well-being of the mother and the condition of the fetus.

Bogorodskaya grass during pregnancy

Bogorodskaya herb during pregnancy, or thyme, as it is also called, is prescribed during pregnancy only after examination by a doctor and a detailed diagnosis of the condition of the mother and fetus. During pregnancy, thyme is prescribed in rare cases, mainly as a diuretic and diaphoretic. Bogorodskaya herb is effective in the prevention and treatment of cystitis, bronchitis, colds, tracheitis, indigestion; externally, a decoction of thyme is used as a bactericidal agent for rashes and wounds.

Thyme should not be consumed by pregnant women who suffer from arrhythmia, cardiovascular failure, cardiosclerosis, or hypothyroidism. If you have high blood pressure, it is also better to avoid using a decoction of Bogorodskaya herb - the active substances in its composition lead to a stable increase in pressure for a certain time, a rush of blood to the pelvic organs. Thyme also provokes contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and activates contractions, which is very undesirable during pregnancy and can lead to premature birth at any stage.

It is best to drink a decoction of thyme in late pregnancy - this is an excellent way to keep the uterus in good shape and prepare for labor. But you cannot solve such issues on your own; the course must be carried out under the strict supervision of a gynecologist, who decides whether the woman’s body is ready for childbirth and whether this will harm the fetus.

Herbal tea during pregnancy

Tea with herbs during pregnancy is very useful and is a worthy safe alternative to synthetic drugs and antibacterial agents. Every mother wants her baby to be completely safe from the harmful effects of drugs and to receive the necessary supply of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.

An excellent alternative in such a situation is herbal medicine, or rather treatment with herbal teas. Herbs contain several times more useful components than fruits and vegetables, and their main advantage is that most herbs do not cause allergies. But when taking herbs, you need to be careful with dosage, and it is also important to know and understand which herbs are harmless and which can lead to fetal pathologies and miscarriage. In small quantities, white tea, linden tea, tea with chamomile, and lemon are useful for pregnant women.

It is important to know that not all herbal tea is beneficial during pregnancy. There are a number of medicinal plants that, despite their irrefutable benefits, are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy. These include teas with the addition of fennel, ginseng, pennyroyal, black crow, slippery elm, licorice, fenugreek, sage, hops, and wormwood. The influence of many herbal preparations has not been fully studied and it is impossible to fully judge how the main components of herbs will affect the entire body.

Herbal treatment is one of the most ancient methods of healing, which remains popular to this day. During pregnancy, mothers are very limited in the choice of medications, so they often resort to folk remedies, including herbal medicine. But are herbs really that harmless during pregnancy? Despite its apparent simplicity, any “herb” is a medicine, so its use must be thoughtful and balanced.

The complexity of herbal medicine is confirmed by the fact that there is a separate medical specialty - herbal medicine, this doctor deals with herbal treatment. If possible, then before treatment, a pregnant woman should definitely consult with him, or at least consult with her obstetrician-gynecologist.

Herbal medicine during pregnancy: pros and cons

In obstetrics, herbal medicine is of great importance, since many medications have a negative effect on the fetus. Because of this, conventional treatment is either completely contraindicated, or its timing is greatly reduced. Herbs can be taken in long courses, which is important for many chronic pathologies aggravated during pregnancy.

Another advantage of herbal medicine is the possibility of using herbs for prevention. If a woman knows that she is predisposed, for example, to edema, then to prevent it she can take small doses of medicinal plants. This will not work with tablets - they are prescribed strictly according to indications, when the pathology has already developed. You can also take restorative decoctions and mixtures during epidemics, which will reduce the risk of contracting the flu or ARVI.

Another area where herbs help, but tablets (except for tablets with extracts of the same herbs) do not, is the emotional sphere of a pregnant woman. Pregnancy itself is a powerful stress factor, and if unfavorable circumstances are superimposed on this, then it can be difficult for the expectant mother to cope with negative emotions on her own. Herbal teas can cope with this task, and most importantly, they can be taken in any trimester of pregnancy in long courses.

However, herbal medicine has its disadvantages. The main danger is taking a medicinal plant that is harmful to pregnancy.

Unfortunately, there is very little information on packs of herbal medicines. Many of them do not contain any instructions on the safety of taking the herb during or when planning pregnancy, so you have to look for information on the World Wide Web. Here you may encounter another problem – inconsistency of information.

This article was written using several sources of literature (textbooks for medical schools, recommendations of the Ministry of Health, medicinal reference books and scientific articles), but even in these sources there are indications of controversial data or insufficient knowledge. We tried to collect the most complete information in one article in order to protect pregnant women when treated with pharmaceutical plants.

Disadvantages also include the long development of the desired effect. Therefore, most often, in case of severe problems, herbal medicine is prescribed as an adjuvant. The following scheme is often used: simultaneous initiation of treatment with herbs and other medications, discontinuation of medications and maintenance of the therapeutic effect with the help of herbs alone.

What herbs should not be taken during pregnancy?

So, the main question that interests us is which herbs should not be used during pregnancy. There are two groups of contraindications – absolute and relative. Not many herbs have absolute contraindications for pregnancy, but in the relative period of gestation it is very common.

Prohibited herbs during pregnancy:

  • all types of wormwood herbs and some types of ginseng, unofficial in Russia, are absolutely contraindicated because they have a teratogenic effect;
  • comfrey, sassafras leaves are also absolutely contraindicated, because they can have teratogenic and carcinogenic effects;
  • juniper fruits - increase;
  • plants containing alkaloids, for example, ergot, periwinkle, godson, sanguinaria - have a toxic effect;
  • many laxative herbs - buckthorn bark, senna leaves, aloe leaves, echinacea flowers and pepper fruits - affect not only the smooth muscles of the intestines, but also the muscles of the uterus, causing its contraction;
  • nettle and mistletoe (dead nettle) can increase blood clotting and improve smooth muscle tone;
  • herbs that have an estrogen-like effect - licorice root, anise, hop cones, sage.

Herbs that are not recommended for pregnant women if there are episodes of increased uterine tone or there are problems with pregnancy due to shortening and softening of the cervix:

  • herbs of oregano, thyme (thyme), yarrow;
  • pennyroyal, or flea mint;
  • sea ​​kelp;
  • fumitory;
  • raspberry leaves and fruits;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • motherwort;
  • aloe leaves.

Herbs that are dangerous during pregnancy if the expectant mother has kidney disease (except with a direct prescription from the attending physician!):

  • herbs that irritate the kidney parenchyma - madder, juniper, pine and birch buds, horsetail grass;
  • herbs that cause increased excretion of oxalates - all parts of lingonberries and cranberries, bearberry leaves, rhubarb root.

For the prevention of ARVI

During the epidemic season, you can take the following herbs that are useful during pregnancy: calendula flowers, small quantities of chamomile flowers and calamus rhizomes, rose hips, rowan, strawberry leaves, coltsfoot.

The safest method of prevention is rinsing the throat and mouth with infusions of chamomile or calendula - they have virtually no overall effect, but prevent the contamination of the oropharynx with viruses.

Correction of iron deficiency anemia

The best effect was found when using a collection of medicinal herbs allowed during pregnancy. It includes St. John's wort herb - 20 g, black currant fruits - 20 g, sea buckthorn fruits - 20 g, dandelion root - 20 g. Mix the herbs. Two tbsp. l. pour 400 ml of boiling water over the mixture of herbs, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink hot, 0.5 cups 2-3 times a day before meals for 1-2 months.

Cough herbs

What herbs for cough can be used during pregnancy is a very important question, because many traditional expectorants are contraindicated.

Inhalations with chamomile and linden blossom, sage are effective. It is possible to ingest linden blossom decoctions, small amounts of chamomile and coltsfoot herbs, and thermopsis-based preparations. Gargling with chamomile, eucalyptus, sage or calendula is safe.

Help in the treatment of hypertension and edema

For late toxicosis, gestosis in pregnant women, severe edema and development, the following collection is recommended as an auxiliary treatment: rose hips 20 g, chokeberry fruits 10 g, cudweed herb 25 g, mint herb 10 g, bearberry leaf 15 g, birch leaf 10 g, strawberry 10 g.

A tablespoon of a mixture of herbs during pregnancy for edema is poured with a glass of boiling water, allowed to brew for 30 minutes, and filtered. Take 50 ml three times a day after meals. Course of treatment: 2–4 weeks.

Correction of emotional state

For a favorable pregnancy, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is of great importance. Unstable mood, tearfulness, irritability - these are indications for the use of sedative herbal medicines. The safest use of soothing teas is that the dosage of herbs is minimal, so they will not harm the fetus, but will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Preparations of valerian and motherwort are also used (with caution).

Herbal medicine is a complex science, and medications are not always harmless. But if you approach treatment thoroughly, they will become indispensable assistants during pregnancy.

Today we will talk about herbs as a healing, restorative and preventive remedy. And about such an important question: which herbs or herbs can and should be taken during pregnancy, and which are contraindicated.

The first thing you need to understand is: herbs are medicines. A large number of medicines are made by analogy with the active ingredients of herbs.

This is important to know, especially during pregnancy. Herbs can have hormone-like, abortive, and toxic effects.

During pregnancy, you should try to avoid taking any medications as much as possible. synthetic including vitamins.

Drug treatment should only be used in emergency situations. When there is no longer time to restore health (balance in the body) using gentle methods.

The same rule applies to herbs with a pronounced active effect on the body.

What herbs do we take during pregnancy?

Let's divide herbs into two categories: nutritional and medicinal.

We will talk more about taking "nutritive" herbs because treatment, even with herbs, must be carried out under the supervision of a competent person. The prescription of herbs for treatment should take into account the individual, situation and stage of pregnancy.

Nutrient herbs for prevention, strengthening and harmonization of the body

Ivan-tea (angustifolia fireweed)

This illegally forgotten herb used to be very common in Rus' and was exported as tea. Fireweed tea is tasty and aromatic. If desired, it can be fermented and prepared like black or green tea.

To briefly list useful, important for pregnant women properties of Ivan tea, that is:

  • valuable vitamin remedy (the amount of vitamin C, as in black currant berries);
  • contains many minerals (iron, manganese and other mineral salts);
  • calming effect;
  • painkiller;
  • enveloping and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antitumor;
  • perfectly normalizes sleep, has a calming effect, relieves anxiety. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they called him a doozy.

If a person is sleepy or lethargic, this tea invigorates and tones. If a person is tired and anxious, then the effect is calming.

It feels like this herb itself finds the right point of application in the body. By the way, she is still improves blood counts(this is very important during pregnancy as blood volume increases).

One drawback, or vice versa, advantage - you need to prepare Ivan tea yourself or buy it from friends. Pharmacy fireweed tea is not tasty (does not reflect the full range of its beneficial properties).

We prepare as follows: in summer we collect 1/3 of the flowers and 2/3 of the leaves at the time of flowering. Next, you need to mash it to release juice. You can do this with your hands - take two or three leaves and twist them in your palms, or you can pass them through a meat grinder, or crush them with a wooden masher.

The second stage is fermentation. Place the leaves that have given juice in dense piles in a dark place (attic, room). Twisted leaves can be pressed on top with a cup, as they will be more “lush” than those passed through a meat grinder.

Fermentation takes place from several hours to a day. This depends on the ambient temperature and the volume of the pile. If you like green tea, ferment it for several hours; if you like black tea, you can ferment it for a day.

When the fermentation process is in full swing, your pile will have a pleasant fruity aroma (at first it smelled like freshly mown hay). And if you put your finger in the middle of the pile, it will be warm there. The temperature rises due to fermentation processes.

The next stage is drying. Dry in the sun, on a warm stove or in the oven. I draw your attention to the fact that we dry it not in the shade, but in the heat. Otherwise your tea will become moldy.

You can drink Ivan-tea every day, like regular tea. Only it is more aromatic and much healthier than black tea.

currant leaf

In medicine, currant leaves are used as a multivitamin in the treatment of vitamin deficiency, anemia (low hemoglobin), cough, to increase appetite, as a diaphoretic for colds.

Currant leaves have a diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect, stimulate the functions of the adrenal cortex, promote the excretion of purine substances and uric acid.

In Tibetan medicine, currant leaves are used instead of tea in the treatment of neurodermatitis, eczema, diathesis and enlarged lymph nodes.

In Poland, black currant preparations are used to treat kidney stones (infusions, teas), rheumatism, kidney and liver diseases.

It is impossible to list all the beneficial properties, since they have not been studied. It surprises me that there is more vitamin C in the leaves than in the berries. And currant berries, as you know, have always been considered the richest vitamin product. It contains a complex of vitamins (C, P, B, etc.), carotene, organic acids, tannins, microelements (aluminum, iron, copper, manganese).

For pregnant We are interested in the following properties of currant leaf:

  • Helps the kidneys (and the load on the kidneys increases greatly during pregnancy).
  • Increases immunity (good prevention of colds in the autumn-spring period).
  • Increases hemoglobin levels.
  • Vitamins.

Raspberry leaf

Raspberry leaf is a very good herb during pregnancy. It contains phytoestrogens and thereby regulates the muscle activity of the uterus, helps prepare for an easy birth and prevent complications.

You can drink raspberry leaf tea throughout your pregnancy, starting from 8 weeks. And very important drink it during the last 2-3 months of pregnancy. It is believed that it prevents weakness of labor, prepares the uterus for childbirth (strengthens it), “softens” the tissues of the birth canal, and helps the cervix to open well during childbirth.

Dosage: 2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water - drink like tea throughout the day.

Can be brewed simultaneously raspberry leaf, currant leaf and fireweed.

You can, if desired, add strawberry leaves, mint in small quantities, hibiscus, lemongrass, rosehip, red clover, alfalfa, and nettle.

In folk medicine, raspberry leaves are used:

  • when coughing,
  • sore throat in the form of rinses,
  • for women's diseases,
  • for menstrual disorders,
  • with influenza with intestinal manifestations,
  • to strengthen gums,
  • for blood purification,
  • for gastrointestinal diseases,
  • for hemorrhoids.

Since raspberry leaves have astringent properties, it is better abstain from their use for chronic constipation.


The leaves contain beta-carotene, vitamins C, D, E, K, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folic acid, and various minerals including calcium, iron and phosphorus.

Vitamin K is a blood clotting factor that helps prevent bleeding in mother and baby. In the maternity hospital, after birth, children are immediately given an injection with vitamin K, or given drops. This is why drinking alfalfa tea during pregnancy is so beneficial.

Alfalfa increases lactation in nursing mothers.

Alfalfa has a very wide spectrum of action:

  • healing of erosions, ulcers, open wounds;
  • helps fight infection;
  • reduces cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood;
  • relaxes smooth muscles;
  • helps reduce blood sugar levels;
  • maintains the balance of intestinal flora;
  • increases the elasticity of arteries, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

Alfalfa has anti-inflammatory properties, which determines its use for cystitis, prostatitis, septic ulcers, arthritis, rheumatism. It promotes the healing of erosions, wounds, ulcers and helps fight infection.

Collection and preparation of herbs

Of course, it is better if you collected the grass yourself, during the most active period for grass. But, unfortunately, this does not always work out. So do it the way it works.

If you don’t have time to stock up yourself, buy from your grandmothers; if you don’t have time to stock up from your grandmothers, buy from the pharmacy.

Raspberry and currant leaf- collect in the spring before flowering and dry in the shade. If you don’t have time to collect before flowering, collect at any time - it will be better than nothing. There is no need to ferment them.

Fresh alfalfa can be collected from the end of April until the fall (add to salads, soup, brew into tea). For the winter, we prepare it during the flowering period. Only leaves and flowers should be harvested; the stems contain almost no active substances. When dried, it acquires a pleasant smell, reminiscent of fresh hay. Add it to the soup and it starts to smell almost like chicken broth.

What herbs are contraindicated during pregnancy?

Teratogenic effect: some types of ginseng, all types of wormwood.

Abortive effect: tansy, rue, oregano, parsley, juniper, lovage, aloe, kirkazon, St. John's wort, high lumbago .

Be careful in the second half of pregnancy ( may cause miscarriage): knotweed, viburnum, shepherd's purse, burnet, barberry, field clove, periwinkle, knotweed, yarrow.

Affect hormonal levels: sage, hops, corn silk, licorice, mint, St. John's wort.

May have a toxic effect on the fetus: mordovnik, larkspur, celandine, sophora, periwinkle, passionflower, wild rosemary, dubrovnik, cocklebur, sweet clover, mistletoe.

Some sources indicate that contraindicated for pregnant women calendula, thyme, centaury, peony root. We will treat them with caution.

Parsley stimulates contraction of the uterine muscles. Women prone to miscarriages should exclude parsley from their food. May cause premature birth.

Many herbs from the "Contraindicated" section can be used during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor. It is better not to use them yourself.

Materials from the book by O.A. were used for the article. Danilyuk "Herbs for children and mothers. Herbal medicine in obstetrics and pediatrics."