Concert script “Pioneer, your proud name!” Congratulations on Pioneer Day Pioneer Day modern congratulations

Scenario for the ceremony

for the Day of Pioneers and Admission to Pioneers

in MBOU Secondary School No. 4 named after. Tikeeva D.S.

( Pioneer songs are played as the participants line up)

The ray touched the green valley,

I touched the poplar with my warm hand...

Good afternoon, beloved school!

Good afternoon, native land!


- Good afternoon, dear friends and distinguished guests!

We welcome everyone present at the ceremony dedicated to admission to the Union of Pioneer Children's and Youth Organizations.

The wind flew over the seas and mountains,

He swirled the song into the sky.

Our bugles sounded it

A festive signal for all squads.

Attention! Friends, be equal! Attention!

Submit a report to the squad commander!

There is a report!

Squad, stand at attention!(approaches the chairman of the board of directors)

Chairman of the Druzhina Council,The Pioneer squad named (the entire squad) of Mikhail Grigorievich Papakin was built for a ceremonial assembly dedicated to the Birthday of Pioneers. Our motto: (all) “Not a step back, not a step in place, but only forward and only all together!” The report has been submitted.

The report has been accepted! At ease!

(Turns to the squad) - Squad, at ease! (Goes to his place.)

- A ceremonial ceremony dedicated to the admission of students to the ranks of the Union of Pioneer Children and Youthstock organizations "Pioneers of Bashkortostan"» declared open.


Attention!When introducing the flag of the Russian Federation, the flag of the Republic of Bashkortostan andP

Bring in the flags!

Stand still during the performance of the anthem of the Republic of Belarus

The squad is at ease.

Listen up everyone! Today is an unusual day at school. The day when our youngest children - 4th graders - will join the ranks of the children's movement “Pioneers of Bashkortostan”. Let's welcome them. (4th graders line up to applause).

Dear guys, on May 19 we celebrate Pioneer Day. It's the birthday of our children's public bodytion "Pioneers of Bashkortostan"", the ranks of which you are joining today. Our organization has gathered under its banner the most active, most purposefulx, the most creative children of our school. And you are among them. Happy holiday to you!(applause)

Pioneer Day - you are not just a date.
You are a holiday of childhood, a holiday of kindness!
The boys will bring you a gift,
Solemn vows and flowers!

And, at the call of time today,

Experiencing a new birth,

Today the ninety-third star

The winged pioneer is rising!

We have done a lot of work over the year. We took an active part not only in the life of the school, but also became participants in regional and republican competitions and competitions.

In honor of the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Great Patriotic War, Timur pioneers took part in the “Visiting a Veteran” campaign, the transfer of the Victory capsule, and the “Immortal Regiment” honorary event.

Each class has someone and something to be proud of.

What are the 4th grade kids like? what can you tell us about yourself?

(The floor is given to 4th grade students.)

1This holiday is unusual

Wanting to surprise you,

We decided as a class

Join the pioneers.

2 We have this rule

On land and in water,

What a friend and comrade

We will not leave you in trouble.

3 And if pioneer

We give you our word,

Then you can be sure

That we won't let you down.

4 We know how to keep our word,

Treasure strong friendships,

And we are always ready

Serve our Motherland!

5 At school every day at my desk

We are all a friendly family,

According to textbooks and maps

We are exploring our native land.

6 We are fighting guys

And we are quite capable

All world records

Give to your home country.

7 We are funny guys,

We guys - no matter where we go!

For each other, brother for brother -

We always stand strong!

8 We will not fall behind in our work

People walk, we run!

If we drag out the song -

Everyone around is singing along!

Thank you guys! We think that you will take a worthy place in our ranks.

And now, the moment has come when each of you will take a solemn oath.

Attention! To the solemn oath to stand still!

Pioneer Oath.

“I, joining the ranks of the organization

"Pioneers of Bashkortostan"

I solemnly promise:

love your homeland passionately,

store carefully

traditions of good deeds,

comply with the laws of your organization,

live for the benefit and joy of people.”

Righttie ties provided to the pioneers of our school. And let these ties become the connecting thread in the relay of generations.

(Tie of ties)

The right to transfer pioneer squad flags is granted to the best pioneers of our school:

The word for congratulations is givenhonorary pioneer of the school Z.N. Shigapova

Dear pioneers. Congratulations! From today your pioneer life begins. Walk boldly and confidently through pioneer country. Remember that you have chosen a reliable path and on this path the waves of the ocean of Friendship and Goodness will splash next to you! Not in a game, but in action, conquer peak after peak. Overcome the most difficult passes. Happy pioneering journey to you!


If you called yourself a pioneer,

Be worthy of your title.

Life, deed, personal example

Prove that you deserve it.

Pionerskythe tie is tied

On your chest.

Pioneer! you must

Always be ahead!

Be honest and direct

If you become a pioneer

Be brave

Whatever road you go!

The response is given to young pioneers (4th grade)

1 Hello, long-awaited sunny day,

How transparent and pure you are!

How the drums beat invitingly,

How fervently the bugler plays!

2 We became winged for joy,

Try to measure our happiness,

We used to be just guys

They have now become pioneers.

3 Be proud of your pioneer tie

Everyone should from a young age.

This is a particle of the banner,

This is the lucky light of the stars.

4 This tie is respected

Anyone who loves honest work.

Like one big family

The pioneers are still growing.

5 Be bold with this tie

We'll go hiking.

It's more friendly, more fun with him

Things will get difficult.

6 I will be honest, steadfast, faithful,

I will help a friend in trouble.

A true pioneer

I will always be there, everywhere.

7 We took a solemn oath here,

That we will not let our friends down.

We say today, “Hello, tomorrow!”

We are all walking the path of goodness!

8 The paths are open for us to the heights of science,

We are taught to win always and everywhere,

All young strength, skillful hands

We are happy to give back to our native people.

9 Swearing allegiance to your country,

We swear to you, dear Motherland:

We will build houses, drive trains,

To be needed everywhere and always!

- Dear guys, to be a pioneer means to be the first, active and proactive in good deeds, trying to keep up with the times and know the history of your Motherland, remember its heroes, honor and glorify your fathers and grandfathers. The cry of the pioneers is BE PREPARED - ALWAYS READY!

Pioneer, always be brave

Don't waste words

And check the word with deeds

Be ready!

All. Always ready!

Without learning, without science

Labor will not give you fruit

Develop both mind and hands

Be ready!

All. Always ready!

Pioneers, in the fight for the Motherland, goodness and justice, be prepared!

All. Always ready!

(Military music plays)

The bells of history are ringing,

Calling upon my memory,

And they sound alarm bells.

Fierce battles and creations of the date...

SovsI eat recently the whole country celebrated7 0 year oldth anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. We have not forgotten and will never forget the heroic feat of our grandfathers.

Victory! Glorious Victory!

What happiness there was in her.

May the sky be forever clear,

And the grass will be greener.

As a sign of respect for the memory of those who died defending their homeland,young pioneers will lay flowers at the obelisk in Victory Park.

Dance number.

Friends, attention! When removing the flags of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Bashkortostan andPunder the banner of the Union of Pioneer Children's and Youth Organizations"Pioneers of Bashkort" stand still!

Take out the flags!

Stand still during the performance of the national anthem of the Republic of Belarus!

The ceremonial line dedicated to Pioneer Day is declared closed.

May 19, 2018 marks 96 years since the All-Union Pioneer Organization was created, and this date was chosen as Pioneer Day.

The Soviet pioneers were a children's organized social movement, which was directed and led by communists and Komsomol members.

Even the slogan used to call the pioneers to action was: “Pioneer, be ready to fight for the cause of the Communist Party!” To this, the inspired children answered with enthusiasm: “Always ready!”

The history of the holiday, founded in honor of the children's pioneer movement, goes back to 1922, reports Ros-Register. It was that year, on May 19, that the next congress of the Komsomol organization was held, during which it was decided to begin the formation of pioneer organizations in the very near future.

The idea of ​​creating a pioneer public organization was to educate the younger generation on the principles of friendliness, respect for elders, love for the Motherland, and the best human and personal qualities.

The nineteenth of May is a red date!
All pioneers celebrate the start!
Here are our guys today
They boldly go to the parade in ties.
Horns are heard, drums are beating,
Young guys are accepted into their ranks.
Even in our cruel times
The cry began to be heard: “Be ready!”
Let the pioneers revive traditions,
Let them help in any way they can:
To an old grandmother walking with a stick,
Or at least some kid.
Pioneer Day is a glorious date!
I congratulate you on it from the bottom of my heart.
I’ll also get my pioneer tie
And I will remember all our exploits with him.

The pioneer is a legend
The image of a young boy.
He is an avid naturalist
And reads books at night.
This is a symbol of those girls
Young, bright, beautiful,
What were you looking for in your life?
Fair paths.
Pioneers are strength
In the forest of hikes, songs of sounds,
Without tablets and smartphones,
Fashionable gadgets, laptops.

I still have my red tie,
I remember how I ironed it
I learned how to tie from a class teacher,
With difficulty, but I learned, nothing!
We sang on the nineteenth of May,
We went to the buffet to buy tarragon,
Often our lessons were cancelled,
People rushed through the school like a typhoon.
May this great day be glorious,
Let him not disappear from the calendar,
It was an eternal holiday of discovery,
And we celebrated him for good reason.
Now the word “pioneers” is leaving
Concepts are sometimes replaced,
But only our faith has not disappeared
In the phenomenon of red-tie spring!

Pioneerism and Lenin still live in our hearts.
The sounds of a bugle, a drum, children in scarlet ties.
We will never forget our childhood greetings.
Our dear pioneers opened up light in our lives.
Pioneers We are celebrating Bright Day now.
Let this holiday be an example for us.
Three times “Learning” and the answer: “Always ready!”
They awaken faith, zeal, and love in our hearts.
I wish you good luck, don’t forget all the truths.
Never be upset, sad, or discouraged.
Be true friends and good people.
So that you can boast of good deeds.

You are young and brave. With your inquisitive gaze
You contemplate the light of the future.
From the past you now have troops
They send greetings to the same pioneers.
They went heroically into battle against fascism.
That is a glorious example of patriotism
And faith in the bright happiness of the Fatherland
Keep it in your heart today, pioneer!
Let time change ideals,
But to become a builder of bridges in the future,
If you tie a scarlet tie around your neck,
With a pure heart, always be ready!
Happy Pioneer Day to you! Good luck!
Fair winds and high goals!
Let the fire burn brighter!
Walk straight! And just forward! Be brave!

Oh, pioneer! Nostalgia for childhood
Beautiful, vivid memories!
Let my peers today
They will remember these bright days,
When they marched to the music,
Scrap metal and waste paper were collected,
"Zarnitsa" - a pioneer game,
Baked potatoes for a “feast”!

You were once a pioneer
Served as an example for the boys,
You are a Pioneer hero,
So this holiday is yours!
Pioneer of yesteryear,
I send my ardent greetings,
Congratulations on Pioneer Day,
Let the era approach, as before,
The most beautiful and bright years,
And you, as before, “Always be prepared!”

Who else was a pioneer?
Admit it, don't hide it,
And today is the very first
I will congratulate you loudly.
There were some glorious years.
Agree, it was great!
The flowers became berries.
Pioneers, I am for you!

On this holiday we remember
Glorious, kind pioneers,
These brave guys
Were a pride, an example,
Pioneers were respected
Everyone - both adults and children,
They knew about this movement
People are all over the world!

What a pride it is to be a pioneer
And join the squad together!
Become a serious example for children
And work for good deeds.
Who hasn't forgotten about the scarlet tie,
About the spring march and the badge,
From my heart I wish you glory,
I send greetings and congratulations!

The pioneer organization had its own laws, its own charter, its own attributes (flag, bugle, drum). Any schoolchild over the age of 9 could join the ranks of the pioneer organization.

The right to exclude from the pioneers was vested in the Council of the Squad, which initially heard the report of the offender and only then, after heated discussions, rendered a verdict.

Everyone who has ever been a pioneer can be congratulated on social networks with poetic lines.

We are no longer pioneers
We don't play the trumpet
But our faith remains
Into something bright in yourself.

So let's celebrate the holiday
Dear Pioneers,
May you no longer be a prankster,
Let him no longer be young.

Remember: it was fun
To meet the dawns by the fire,
Time passed quickly
So let's not forget!

Who else was a pioneer?
Admit it, don't hide it,
And today is the very first
I will congratulate you loudly.

There were some glorious years.
Agree, it was great!
The flowers became berries.
Pioneers, I am for you

Who is ready always and everywhere,
Who is kind and brave without measures?
Got a ton of work done in a day
Incorruptible pioneer!

He will always help the old
He will set an example for the younger ones
He will sell half a ton of newspapers for nothing,
Incorruptible pioneer!

Happy Pioneer Day today,
I warmly congratulate everyone.
Don't forget that there were
Red ties, I wish.

May every day be happy
Always come to help.
Desperately like pioneers
You believe in fairy tales and love them!

On this holiday we remember
Glorious, kind pioneers,
These brave guys
Were a pride, an example,
Pioneers were respected
Everyone - both adults and children,
They knew about this movement
People are all over the world!

All people who remember their pioneer years will certainly be pleased to accept congratulations. After all, not everyone managed to get a red tie.

The pioneers were taught to be persistent in acquiring knowledge, work and sports.

The pioneer was a fighter for peace.

The pioneer is a friend to the children of the working class of all countries of the USSR.

The pioneer always treated elders and juniors with respect, and also followed his conscience and honor.

Pioneer Day congratulations - USSR holiday

Pioneerism is such a country
Where the game rules and the children live.
You won't find a place for boredom here.
Here everyone will be able to find friends.
There is no place for laziness in that country,
It's never sad there.
Our motto, badge and tie
They help us with this.
In our organization
There is an excellent motto.
We will tell you now:
For Cause, Friendship, Honor!
Pioneer means first!
This means being honest and faithful!
Believe in friendship always and everywhere!
Be the first in creativity and in work!
* * *
I was once a pioneer
And that there will be communism
As a child, I sincerely believed
Because he was pure in soul.
I wear my scarlet tie in the morning
I ironed it hot,
In the movies I was worried about the Reds
And collected scrap metal,
Marched to the drums
Loved it when the bugle played
I gave flowers to veterans
And he adored the night fire.
I remember how before the "blue night"
We sang songs around the fire
About the fact that “we are the children of workers”
What a bright time awaits us.
And we were “always ready”
Whether into space, or to virgin lands,
To the slaughter to “make a fairy tale come true”
And if necessary - to war...
Long forgotten and the scarlet tie
And that pioneer fireworks,
Now other ideals
And they sing new songs.
The old forge has been in disrepair for a long time,
And the former goal was communism,
For many today they have replaced
Profit, greed and cynicism.
I remember with cheerful sadness
Rubbish from distant times,
And the nineteenth of May
Now it's a simple spring day!
* * *
Pioneer means being together
With all the pioneers in ranks.
And with deeds and with a sonorous song
proudly glorify your Fatherland!
We are under the sun of great brotherhood
Born in our wondrous land.
Friendship is our main wealth!
We are all children of a great country!

Pioneer Day - what a wonderful day!
Bonfires, chants, bugles, drums...
Life taught us to be ready to fight,
And we learned to enjoy life constantly.
And let time not turn back,
And let the dilapidated pages wear out.
Don't forget, pioneers.
Bonfires, chants, and our counselors’ faces.

I cordially congratulate you on Pioneer Day,
Let the warm spring warm our hearts.
May happiness be eternal and love tender,
Always be able to resist all difficulties.

Being a pioneer is fashionable, it was and is so,
It’s impossible to count how many years that fashion has been.
Love to you, understanding and light to every home,
Let the sprig of lilac bring joy to him.

To everyone who warms their hearts from the phrase “Be prepared!”
Who spent his youth with friends around the fires,
Happy Pioneer Day!
We wish you not to grow old with your soul!

Let a perky smile appear on your face,
Let your school mistakes be remembered.
To everyone who remains a pioneer at heart,
We ask you to become an example for the children!

Red ties are a thing of the past
Well, your soul is just as young.
Happy Pioneer Day! Remember the bows
Bugles, fireworks - this is how the country lived.
Let everything be in the past, I sincerely wish
To be a pioneer until your gray hairs.
All that is dear to us, the memory of youth
You and I will never betray!

Our childhood was the best -
We were pioneers...
Always ready! Through the forest and steep slopes
We went on hikes together.
Do you remember songs around the fire?
Parades, badges and oaths?
After all, every pioneer gave it,
And he still doesn’t break his oath.
Happy Pioneer Day, my friend, to you!
Both you and I remained pioneers for life!

There are many things connected with Pioneer Day,
So many events and colorful days!
Well, let's celebrate it joyfully,
Youth is a celebration of yours and mine.
I wish you good mood
Zeal, fervor and self-belief!
Live for your dreams, not go with the flow,
Loving every moment of your life!

Happy Pioneer Day! The spring march sounds.
Happy Pioneer Day! A young heart beats...
Everyone remembers their youth,
Pioneer oath, my oath.
Let the years pass, but not forget,
How we were pioneers in our youth.
Perky and proud, cheerful and brave,
They remained honest and skillful for the rest of their lives!

Old school pioneer
No years can erase them!
You will remember your daring plans,
Evenings with a guitar by the fire!

On this wonderful pioneer day
Wear your scarlet tie with pride!
Build entire empires out of happiness,
Open the desired paths!

Let the music of that time flow
Once again instilling warmth in the heart,
And let it be with spring fun
You will light a star within your youth!

Pioneering always
She led the boys behind her,
She sang loudly on a mountain in the morning,
Waking up in a minute!

Gave me a chance to be brave
A true pioneer -
Physical, punchy,
Good-natured, lively!

I wish on this holiday
Raise your hand to say hello
Remember the years ago -
Kind and nice!

They sit idle, hanging their heads...
I don’t understand today’s teenagers:
We lived very happily in their years,
And most importantly, according to the heart and mind!
And in memory of the red tie extravaganza,
Unable to give in to nostalgia,
I hasten to congratulate you on Pioneer Day
And wish you to always be ready!

To be a Leninist pioneer means to always be ahead in everything, to cultivate in oneself the wonderful traits of a Soviet man: love for one’s Motherland and devotion to the cause of the great Communist Party, hard work and the desire for knowledge, honesty and nobility, modesty and discipline, collectivism and camaraderie.

Symbols of the pioneer organization A tie is a sign of membership in the organization, a triangular scarf, most often red (scarlet) in color. The three ends of the tie and the knot that holds them together today symbolize the unity of all generations of members of the pioneer organization: younger, middle-aged children and their older comrades.

The pioneer banner of the squad is a red cloth, which depicts the emblem of the Oryol Pioneer Organization and the motto: “For the Motherland, goodness and justice!” A red ribbon with fringe is attached to the flagpole of the pioneer squad. The banner is a symbol of unity, honor and glory of each pioneer squad. That is why pioneers are obliged to respect and protect the pioneer banner.

Pioneer salute: this is a greeting and a sign of the pioneers’ loyalty to the laws and traditions of their organization; when saluting, the pioneer raises his right hand above his head with his fingers tightly clenched, which symbolizes the unity, friendship and camaraderie of children in the organization. A pioneer gives a salute while in and out of formation: - during the performance of the Anthem of Russia and other states; - when responding to the pioneer motto; - with the command “Align with the banner!”; - at monuments and obelisks to fallen heroes; - when submitting a report, etc.

A solemn promise is an oath taken by a teenager joining a pioneer organization. “I ... (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the pioneer organization “Eaglets”, solemnly promise: - to passionately love my Motherland; - be faithful to the cause of truth, goodness, justice; - always follow the Laws of Pioneers; - value the honor of your organization.

The Legend of the Tie Once upon a time, very kind people lived in one country. They brought joy to all people, gave goodness, and were always the first to arrive where misfortune happened. And when they realized that everyone around them had become happy, they boarded the ship and decided to sail to other countries, to help other people. And so that they would be recognized everywhere, they chose scarlet sails as a symbol of goodness and happiness. And since then people began to wait for scarlet sails. Every morning at dawn a sail of hope appeared on the horizon. But one day a big storm broke out at sea. The elements raged all night. The ship was carried along the waves like a piece of wood. And in the morning, when the storm subsided and the sun appeared, the residents, as usual, went ashore to greet the scarlet sails. But the horizon was clear. And only the waves carried the kerchiefs torn from the match ashore. People began to wear them around their necks as a symbol of hope, happiness, faith and goodness. And people in red ties became, as it were, part of this ship, and wherever they appeared, they helped others, brought goodness and justice. Once upon a time, very kind people lived in one country. They brought joy to all people, gave goodness, and were always the first to arrive where misfortune happened. And when they realized that everyone around them had become happy, they boarded the ship and decided to sail to other countries, to help other people. And so that they would be recognized everywhere, they chose scarlet sails as a symbol of goodness and happiness. And since then people began to wait for scarlet sails. Every morning at dawn a sail of hope appeared on the horizon. But one day a big storm broke out at sea. The elements raged all night. The ship was carried along the waves like a piece of wood. And in the morning, when the storm subsided and the sun appeared, the residents, as usual, went ashore to greet the scarlet sails. But the horizon was clear. And only the waves carried the kerchiefs torn from the match ashore. People began to wear them around their necks as a symbol of hope, happiness, faith and goodness. And people in red ties became, as it were, part of this ship, and wherever they appeared, they helped others, brought goodness and justice.

Scarlet tie In one very ordinary country there lived a very good boy. He did not tolerate injustice and lies. The people around him were surprised how he had the strength to help adults and children and at the same time monitor the frequency of the surrounding nature. The boy did not feel tired, striving to make the world around him better. Lazy people did not want to join his good deeds and therefore limited the boy’s freedom. One day a boy stood on the seashore and looked at the free seagulls, who were not disturbed by anyone or anything. His noble heart felt the power of the Great Sun - the Earthly Luminary. It could not help but help the boy in his will to be stronger and freer, and most importantly, not alone to continue to sow the eternal, good. And then, at the behest of the Sun, a seagull, illuminated by the scarlet rays of the rising Sun, landed on the boy’s shoulders and endowed him with wonderful magical powers. Thanks to the scarlet symbol - a tie on the boy's shoulders, like-minded people noticed him, and many more good people joined him. Since then, this boy and those who joined him began to be called pioneers - people with big hearts and good deeds.

Once upon a time, in distant, distant times, strange, fearful people lived in deep forests. They lived alone, and each got food, clothing, and built housing for himself. But then one day a terrible roar swept over the forest - it was the bloodthirsty Boar who had settled in the forest. Sweeping away everything in his path, he terrified people with his huge fangs. They hid in their holes and caves and trembled in insane fear all night. And there was no daredevil who would go out to duel with the terrible, terrible beast. But the Lone Hunter appeared in those forests. And as always, at night the Boar came to the people. And again a menacing roar rang out over the forest. And again people hid in their shelters. And only the Lone Hunter proudly stood in the way of the monster. But the Hunter’s spear could not stand it and broke. And the people, timidly looking out of the caves, cried out in horror. And hundreds of voices merged into one long, wild cry. And - lo and behold! The beast stopped. And people screamed again. But now this cry has strengthened and grown. And the beast fled! And people continued to scream. But it was no longer a cry of despair, but a cry of joy and victory! And the more people shouted, the more they listened to each other. Their faces shone with surprise and joy. How great it is to understand and hear those who are nearby! And the scream became more and more melodic. That's how the song came about! And people fell in love with it so much that they began to gather more often for a common song of watching the sunrise, a song of a successful hunt, good weather, a rich harvest. Since then, the song has remained alive among people. Legend of the song

The Legend of the Right Raised Hand The well-known law of the right raised hand used to be a common rule for collecting. Later, the need arose to use it much more often in the daily life of the detachment, when those who were noisy and arguing could be stopped by the raised hand of a person ready to say something important, necessary for everyone. This law has an interesting legend that explains the significance of this simple gesture. In ancient times, neighboring tribes were at enmity with each other. There was no end to the hostility, and the strength had already dried up. Then an old, wise man of one of the tribe, gray-haired, taught by a harsh life, decided to put his horses to the civil strife. He went to the enemy’s camp with his gray head raised proudly and his hand raised up, putting his palm out for the enemy to see. It should be noted that the biggest shame of the warriors of that time was a wound in the palm. It meant that the warrior defended himself, defended himself, covered himself with his hands from the attacker, instead of boldly and assertively rushing into the thick of the battle. The old warrior deliberately doomed himself to shame by extending his palm to strike. But not a single arrow flew out of the enemy’s camp. There they realized: the old man’s raised hand means something extremely important, with which he is going to the enemy. The old man managed to conclude a truce, achieve peace and quiet. And the gesture of a raised hand / or open palm / began to mean: “I ask you to listen to me.”

The Legend of the Guitar Once upon a time there lived homeless, but very talented people. They had neither money nor a roof over their heads. One gloomy autumn evening they got tired of wandering the land and decided to travel by sea. They built a ship and set off. They caught fish at sea and sold it in ports. Now they could live comfortably and not have to worry about anything. But one day they did not notice how they fell into a wonderful, deep sleep. The captain also fell asleep, his hands unclenched and released the helm. Suddenly a storm came and a huge wave captured the boat. It was carried to the reefs and smashed into pieces. The travelers woke up in the water and began to flee in panic. One of the victims was on land earlier than the others and lit a fire to dry his clothes. And suddenly I saw how an azure wave brought an incomprehensible wooden contraption with metal threads to the shore. The man was about to throw it into the fire, but accidentally touched the threads and... was amazed at the amazing purity of the sound. This strange and unusual object seemed to reflect all the elements: the body - the earth, the strings - the water, the sound - the air, and the hands playing on it - the fire itself. The man tried to play this instrument, and he succeeded. The rest of the travelers heard his playing, and the quiet music helped them find their way to the fire. On this happiest evening, they decided to call the instrument the affectionate word “guitar”. And then, after many years, the guitar helped travelers discover new lands, countries, cities. Lovers should meet, enemies should make peace, and pioneers should become even stronger friends. They composed various legends and songs about it, and the guitar became a part of their life, their symbol.

One man loved children very much. But the children quarreled and fought among themselves. And then the man decided to gather all the guys together so that they could become friends and get to know each other better. And then one evening he lit a fire, and the guys began to converge on the fire. Then the children realized that they are people, they have common thoughts, desires, troubles and joys. Since then, the fire has been considered a symbol of communication and friendship. It was dark on the ground. And people wanted light and warmth. And then one day a terrible disaster befell them: the volcanoes of the earth came to life. Many people died in the fight against the elements. Only the youngest and hardiest remained on earth. But every cloud has a silver lining. These people managed to tame fire. Now they gathered around the fire every evening and remembered their fallen brothers. And yet, these people were the first to tame fire. And that's why they called each other pioneers. And the bonfire is a pioneer symbol of good luck for people united by one concern. The Legend of the Bonfire

In the spring there is an interesting holiday that remains as a legacy of Soviet times - Pioneer Day. Its celebration today does not have the same scope and is symbolic in nature. Once upon a time, pioneers played a big role in the life of the country and were builders of the future. It is very interesting to know the origin story.

In the Union, this was the name given to the guys who joined the ranks of the pioneer organization. It was an all-Union entity created by the decision of the Komsomol. The forerunners of the pioneers were the scouts. The idea of ​​​​forming an organization for raising children belonged to the wife of V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya.

I. Zhukov, the former leader of the scouting movement, helped bring the idea to life (it was banned in 1919). The pioneers borrowed some symbols from the scouts: a call and response, a tie, a blouse. The method of education, which was based on play, was also similar.

The pioneers were supposed to become a worthy replacement for the communists, as V.I. Lenin believed. Soon the first pioneer newspapers, magazines, and palaces of creativity appeared.

At the end of the 20s there was the time of the first five-year plans. The pioneers took an active part in the life of the country. They worked on clean-up days, Sundays, and helped on construction sites. The pioneers were friends with the village children and worked with them in the fields. And in the evenings they talked and sang songs around the fire. The guys worked together, held pioneer training camps, games and competitions.

The pioneers helped teach writing and arithmetic to illiterate people. Thanks to them, illiterate peasants who had never attended school learned to read. The pioneers participated in the creation of the first collective farms. In 22 there were 3 thousand first pioneers, 10 years later in 32 there were six million. The world's first pioneer republic is the Artek camp on the Black Sea coast. Children came here from all over the world.

When World War II began, the pioneers helped the country defeat the enemy, working in the rear and on the front line. Studies continued in schools in enemy-occupied settlements, and the ranks of pioneers were replenished. Children performed heroic deeds and received awards from the government for this. Four became heroes of the Soviet Union posthumously.

What date is Pioneer Day celebrated?

The idea of ​​creating an organized children's movement capable of ideological education arose back in 1921. In 1924, the organization was named after the leader of the revolution, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, which it bears to this day.

The official decision to create pioneer detachments was made on May 19, 1922 at the 2nd All-Russian Komsomol Conference. This number is considered to be the pioneer’s birthday.

During the Soviet Union, this holiday was the most important for all Soviet schoolchildren. Contests, competitions, and awards for the best pioneers were held. In the evenings, “pioneer bonfires” were lit. For modern pioneers, entertainment clubs host discos dedicated to the holiday.

history of the holiday

Once upon a time, the words of the solemn pioneer oath were heard in all languages ​​of the Soviet Union. In 1922, the first pioneers lit the pioneer fire. Vladimir Lenin urged the children to study communism.

The Communist Party instructed the Komsomol to create a children's organization that would train patriots of the homeland.

Pioneer detachments and camps appeared. Komsomol leaders were involved in patronage of young pioneers. The children were taught to love work and study. Observing the life of the pioneer detachments, one could notice their cohesion; the children were united by common aspirations and goals, they valued friendship and mutual assistance.

After the activities of the Communist Party were banned in September 1991, the pioneer organization was dissolved. A few months later, the huge multinational country of the USSR also ceased to exist, breaking up into independent republics.

Mandatory admission to pioneers is a thing of the past. Now the Pioneer's Birthday is not as big as before, but the tradition of celebrating it remains. Every year in May, voluntary admission to pioneers takes place. The celebration on Red Square is organized for the children of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

In Soviet times, Pioneer Day was celebrated in all schools. The All-Union Pioneer Organization was one of the links in an unbroken chain - October, pioneer, Komsomol member, communist.

The pioneers were supposed to become loyal followers of the ruling party.

Such a grandiose scale in the education of growing youth has not been carried out before in any country in the world.

The Party and Komsomol carefully raised a generation of young Leninist pioneers. Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya has always been a friend of the pioneers. S. M. Kirov, M. I. Kalinin, A. M. Gorky took an active part in the life of the organization.

In addition to the pioneer's birthday, all-Union pioneer rallies were held. The first rally took place in the summer of 1929 at a huge stadium in Moscow. There were 7 thousand participants from all the republics of the USSR and distant foreign countries. The children who arrived were placed with workers' families. The next gathering took place only after the Great Patriotic War in the 60s of the last century.

Congratulations on the holiday

In honor of the holiday for young pioneers, congratulations are offered by those who were once themselves pioneers, Komsomol members, and communists. Many fondly remember their pioneer youth, filled with creative movement towards a common goal and hope for a bright future.

Congratulations sound in verse:

“We congratulate you on Pioneer Day. Be an example for the guys. Let everyone see how your young pioneer squad marches together. Wear red ties with honor, Be faithful to your oath.”

At the first congress of pioneers in Moscow, Maxim Gorky congratulated the children, it was 1929. He wished the boys to be an example for others, to remain faithful to Lenin’s precepts, and spoke a lot of kind words.

On the Pioneer's Birthday in 2018, during a celebration on Red Square in honor of the holiday, Vladimir Kashin congratulated the young pioneers and wished them peaceful skies and good studies. He instructed young people to be faithful to the pioneer oath. Nikolai Vasiliev made a solemn speech on behalf of the Moscow regional party organization. There were also congratulations from other members of the Russian Communist Party.

Pioneer Day today

On May 20, 2018, a line dedicated to Pioneer Day took place near the Kremlin on Red Square. It was a rainy day, but it didn't spoil the holiday.

This was the 21st event in the history of modern Russia.

Detachments from three dozen Russian cities and guests from Lugansk and Donetsk arrived.

The pioneer banner was solemnly carried, and poems dedicated to the holiday were read:

“The land of Russia rejoices, Above us are banners and flags, And the scarlet stars of the Kremlin. Let the bugles sound tirelessly, That we are full of our happiness, That we will become pioneers of a great, beloved country. A pioneer means you are the first, this means you are a leader on the road, you are ready to bring the truth of the feat of faith to the Fatherland.”

The pioneer movement accepted new guys into its ranks. They repeated in the general presence the words of a solemn promise to carry out the laws of the young pioneers, and they were all tied with red ties.

The children danced, sang, showed themed scenes, they did not notice the rain pouring from the sky, as if nature itself had decided to test their resilience.

Pioneer Day has been officially celebrated since 1922, but after the collapse of the USSR, this holiday lost its former meaning. However, for many years, on May 19, it was customary to hold amazing parades, gatherings and pioneer bonfires.

Pioneer Day falls almost at the end of the school year, so on this day, in each class, the results of educational life were summed up, in addition, the best pioneer units were rewarded. In the evening, as always, a celebration was planned around a huge fire, while pioneer, military and patriotic songs were sung.

A pioneer tie indicated that a person was a member of a pioneer organization. The three ends on the tie were a symbol of the unchanging connection between three generations: communists, Komsomol members and pioneers. To do this, the tie had to be tied with a special knot. The head of the detachment had a tie, which differed from the others with a yellow border.

The Pioneer badge was changed several times, and in 1962 they finally settled on the final design. It was a five-pointed star, in the center of which Lenin was depicted and the motto “Always ready!”, and above it there were three tongues of flame.

The pioneer had to always give a salute, even if he was not in formation. The salute meant a greeting to the pioneers, while they raised their hand just above their heads. Also, this indicated that the pioneer puts public interests above his own.

The squad flag symbolized the honor and unity of the pioneers, and also signified their belonging to a certain pioneer composition. With this flag, the pioneers went to parades, parades, hikes, holidays and excursions. At all these events, the formation was accompanied by a drummer, who had to be able to perform the commands “March” and “Rot”.

Pioneer Day congratulations, cards: you can congratulate on the holiday with the help of poems

On Pioneer Day, beautiful greeting cards and poems that everyone will definitely like will help you congratulate on the holiday. Especially to those people who directly took part in the pioneer movement or still continue to do so.

Who doesn't remember? There was a thing -
We gave off fireworks
And they walked (right-left!)
Along the line here and there.

Eh, pioneer guys,
Shouldn't we shake off the old days?
Take out the forge and - right or left!
March along the street in spring.

Tie a tie as before
And, forgetting about the severity of years,
Do not hesitate to shout out loudly:
“Pioneers - hello!”

You were once a pioneer
Served as an example for the boys,
You are a Pioneer hero,
So this holiday is yours!
Pioneer of yesteryear,
I send my ardent greetings,
Congratulations on Pioneer Day,
Let the era approach, as before,
The most beautiful and bright years,
And you, as before, “Always be prepared!”

The pioneers have not disappeared
And they are gone into history.
How much conscience and faith!
We grew up patriots!

Red tie and cap
And the badge shines on her,
And in the ranks of worthy guys
Everyone learned their lesson.

Golden generation
The name was carried with honor
Through the years, means to drink
We are worthy from the bottom of our hearts!