Wishing you a nice sunny day. Wishing you a good day. Wishes for good morning and good day in pictures

The day is seething with the usual bustle,
Nonsense luring you into worries.
But please don't forget about the one
Who is madly raving about you

Without interruption... My passionate hero,
My wild lion, my faithful gentle knight,
Let the mood be fighting all day,
The soul sparkles with enthusiasm and joy,

Your affairs are resolved at once!
I hasten to wish you great victories,
After all, I thirst for a reward to whisper an order
Under the rustle of a falling dress.

Sunshine yellowthroat chicken
Pecked the shell of the sky,
And a new day with different worries
It pours out like millet cereal...

My baby, velvet cheeks!
Things will take us to the corners,
But let him follow you on a leash
Happiness is right on your heels,

And a scarlet bow flutters a smile
On your face all day long,
Every minute is like a bounty
Brings heavenly pleasure!

And when, steaming from the stars
The edge of the moon melting sealing wax,
The night will read the decree: “It’s time to go in pairs!”
I'll show you how much I missed you...

A lot depends on how your day goes, dear - how tasty and nutritious the dinner will be, how meaningful the conversation will be, how ardent and passionate the night will be. Therefore, I wish you a good and enjoyable day, so that in the evening we can fully enjoy each other’s company.

Have a nice day, dear little man,
May good luck be with you today,
May all your plans, hopes, dreams,
Will be fulfilled today. Be happy!

May my greetings fly to you with love,
And a ray of sunshine will give its light,
Warmth and inspiration will fill your day,
Will drive away fatigue, problems and laziness.

I wish you to flutter like a bird,
Hope, believe, love and dream,
With a beautiful smile, strive forward,
May great happiness await you.

I want a new day to bring
You, dear, enjoyment,
More happiness, bright dreams,
In matters of enthusiasm and luck,

Success, tenderness, warmth,
A string of bright moments,
So that you, my love, can
Towards the joy of opening!

Have a blooming, beautiful, good day to you, my dear, beloved person! Let the energy of dawn pour into you like a cheerful ray of sunshine, warm you with warmth, fill you with vigor, health and hope. May the day please you with successful deeds, wise decisions, sincere smiles and fulfilled desires. Let the evening promise to be sweet and magical.

Let this greeting fly from me,
I wish you a good day
Cheerful smiles and true friends,
Only bright and wise, brilliant ideas.

May your day be filled with joy,
Let sadness fly away and laziness dissipate,
Let there be fewer problems and worries,
May great success await you today.

Let my care warm you,
I love you, sun, - I’ll say it without melting,
Let life smile, beckoning with happiness,
I kiss you and have a nice day!

I send you my warmest kiss
Let him touch your cheek tenderly and tenderly,
And in return, give me all your love,
Let it flow serenely in my heart,

I could tell you a lot
About the fact that you became my best part,
Well, for now, my dear, let me wish,
May this day blossom with success and happiness!

, 2016

Positivity of the coming day
Take it for yourself from me!
I want good luck to come
To you right today, in the morning!
So that you don’t have any problems
And have time to do everything by the evening!

An amazing day has come
And he brought a lot of different ideas!
I'm contacting you in the morning
With instructions from myself:

May things be easy today
And study, and rest, and work...
All worries will go far away
And they will take the problems with them!

It's a good day in the morning
And I want to shout “Hurray!!!”
Greetings my friend
Look how good the world is around!

Start living easily and simply,
Learn to love, learn to appreciate.
Let it be from today
Your life will change!

I'm rushing to greet you in the morning
And I’m preparing wishes...
To make it warm like summer,
The soul was filled with love.

May it be a good day
Luck will not keep you waiting...
And somewhere there, around the bend
He will be able to find you!!!

I welcome you to a new day
With these wishes!
Let the wind be fair
And the problems are invisible.

To make sadness like sugar in tea
Dissolved without a trace...
Let nothing upset you
And today, and always!!!

I wish you a nice day!
Good luck and clear skies.
Let it work out, let everything be solved
And your heart beats more evenly!

Catch dear words from me,
Let your head be light and clear.
Make all your plans and succeed in business
And get the most out of your ideas!

Have a good day! Let your smile shine
And she illuminates the world with her light!
May everything you planned yesterday
And joy will instantly smooth out your features.

I wish not to know failures on this day,
Find answers for tough problems.
Always one step ahead
And find happiness along the way!

I wish you good luck all day
And the best in your destiny!
Let life seem wonderful
And it will have a purpose and a confident meaning.

Dating brings only prospects
And in any case, only joy is expected!
Put on your best outfit
And only forward, and not a step back!

Early morning wishes for you
I will convey with a golden ray,
May fate be tested today
We floated along a calm stream.

And the desired dreams came true
To the precious life quickly,
And pleasant meetings, spontaneous,
Gave us reliable friends.

The sun is shining brighter today,
And outside the window it’s like heaven,
Let your voice sound louder
And joy overflows.

Have a good day with positivity
Filled your happy path,
With confidence, patiently
Open your heart to your dreams.

May this sunny day
Things will move forward,
Family life corner
It will be calm, without an affair.

So that happiness sparkles rainbowly,
Filling my heart with optimism,
Fortune drove away the bad weather,
To the tops she opened the door.

Have a great start to the day! Let the day go well, and the evening be bright and exotic!

Good morning, my precious! I wish you to get out of bed quickly and not step on anyone! So that everything goes like clockwork, starting in the morning, your salary was increased, everything worked out like two or two!

Good morning, super hero! Stay cheerful and cheerful all day, accomplish new feats!

The sun is knocking on the window, and you are pulling the blanket over yourself! A new day has come, and I instruct you to implement all your plans and not to give in to today’s difficulties.

Enjoy the new day! I wish that all problems are nipped in the bud from the very morning!

Good morning and have a nice day! And even though our city is not Paris, I am sure that you will conquer everyone today! 62

Today I wish you a smile and beauty to shine! May fate help you realize all your plans! 82

May the day be great, may it bring a lot of success and new ideas, may everything succeed and a wonderful life will definitely begin today! 55

May this day be good! Let it bring happiness, I wish you not to be bored, but to be cheerful, live and dance! 36

Smile! Happiness is near! It's just a stone's throw away! You just have to smile, and everything will come by itself! 71

Let there be only wonderful moments today, let compliments ring out non-stop, and let every new turn in life lead you to success! 29

May this day bring good luck, because you, my love, mean a lot to me! 46

May today bring good luck and fill your life with happiness! 37

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Dear, let today be joyful and cool, wonderful and in this life not at all in vain, but good, kind, bright, very cool and noticeable! 48

Let the sun smile on you! I wish that everything you want and can do today! If only everything worked out that day, and of course it came true right away! 24

May your work be a joy, may your day be a sweet one. Let them let you go home early, because this is how your hero is waiting for you! 42

Have a nice day, may everything go well! Let the impossible become possible! I’m putting a talisman in these lines for your luck! 44

Hello! Have a good day! I wish you a mood with honey, or maybe jam, in a word, I wish you this day with a wonderful mood! 31

May you be lucky in everything! You will meet good luck today, I say, without a doubt!) 8

I wish you the most wonderful and wonderful day, and of course, greetings from me! 76

Have a good day! Have a great time! Great achievements, and my compliments! 30

May the day undoubtedly bring you good luck, and let everyone around you bring a smile and happiness to boot! 24

Let the weather be clear, the mood be wonderful, the sun share its warmth, the world responds with kindness, all problems disappear,
pleasure increases, and slowly, without worries, a new day leads to happiness! 42

So that you don’t get bored all day without me, let me at least kiss you in a letter! 51

Let's have a fantastic day! And simple, and harmonious, laconic and uncomplicated! 7

Smile at the sun, my love, and let this be a good day! Let it please you with its unique warmth and give you many bright, bright feelings! 22

May this day be the kindest, most cheerful and successful in the series of your happy days! 9

May this day be wonderful and all your dreams come true. May the sun shine everywhere and flowers smile on you! 23

I love you, I saw you in a dream!
I really didn’t want to wake up!
The morning has come, it’s time, dear one, to get up,
I hasten to wish you a good day soon!

Let the day go well in the morning,
Victory will be yours alone!
In love, business and entertainment,
Live your day with pleasure!

Have a nice day!
Let the relatives not be a burden,
Colleagues look with respect
Let the boss give you a promotion,
He will increase your salary, lovingly,
And he will send you on vacation!

Let the morning, after kissing you, become good,
And people greet you with friendly smiles
And your day will be the most wonderful!

A new day will come quickly at dawn,
He brings good mood to you.
I want to say that you are magical
That you are very dear to me.
Have a great day!

There is a day for everyone:
For larks and owls,
For those who don't sleep at all
Ile sleeps without dreaming.
The day has come for you.
Hello I send you.
Good luck today
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

May you have a successful day!
Put on your best dress
With him - fishnet stockings
And higher heels.
Even though our city is not Paris,
You will conquer everyone today!

Let the day start with kindness!
Not from the bustle, not from the toil,
Let there be more warmth!
Let the day start with beauty!
May your day be filled with things to do!
Will arrive with new friends!
And it is important to be yourself!
After all, tomorrow will be another day!!!

The sun is shining in the blue sky,
Well, my friend, are you sleeping in a sweet dream?
Look out the window - that's where the beauty is!
Have a good, good day!

Let the day begin with smiles,
You can avoid any mistakes!
Let everything you dream about
Today it will become reality!

I wish you positivity
Meetings, communication, creativity,
In general, you understand me -
Have a wonderful day!

A man without a smile -
This is a kitchen without tiles,
This is a sea without a seagull,
This is a house without a mistress,
This is a cat without a tail
It's a tail without a cat!
Always smile
And a good day!!!

I wish you a wonderful day,
May luck come to you,
Don't let your boss nag you,
And you would lose count of the money!

Mix a barrel of health with love!
And add some fun to the same potion!
Season with success! Good pepper!
Good luck, add more! Cook...
Boil a handful of humor a little!
And pour a huge spoonful of happiness!
Mix an armful of smiles into the solution!
And treat your loved ones from the heart!

May this day be successful
Important things get done
Complex problems will be solved -
Victory, recognition and warmth!

When you wake up, smile!
And then the day will succeed!
And then in your heart
Suddenly the shadow of sadness will disappear!
The birds will sing songs to you,
And flowers will bloom for you,
On the way they will meet
People of wondrous beauty.
Smile! Happiness is near!
It's just a stone's throw away!
You just have to smile
Everything will come by itself!

In the morning the sun woke up,
It stretched sweetly,
Smiled again
It came out to walk across the sky!
Have a good day! Good smiles! Kiss you!

Let everything be great at work,
Let your boss not forget to praise you!
Roads without traffic jams, excellent news,
And as always, victories on the personal front!
Have a good day!

May the day bring good luck
And more miracles to boot,
New meetings without fuss,
A dream come true!

I wish you a lot of luck today,
And let the day go as you dream!
I wish you luck in everything,
And let any trouble be nothing!

Your day consists of work fragments,
Emails, faxes and calls,
Statements, acts, other documents
And all sorts of different labor moments.
Either a coffee break or a business lunch -
May luck accompany you

Office noise, bustle of the road,
Nervous tension...
I wish you a good day,
My friend is faithful!
May all your movements today be yours
Will contribute to career growth
Let them start again today
And loyal gentlemen!

and other labor issues.
And everyone needs contracts, agreements...
And the conversations will not be in vain!

Your day is a complete mess of work meetings,
answered and unanswered calls,
applications, statements, documents
and other labor issues.
This one invited me for coffee, this one invited me for lunch.
And everyone needs contracts, agreements...
Let luck not accompany them, but you!
And the conversations will not be in vain!

May your day go well in the morning
And let all things go well!
Let the sun smile
To you, my beauty!

Let it be a successful day
It will awaken bright thoughts!
Let luck smile
The golden fish will fill itself with goldfish
And he will do what is needed.
Let boredom and sadness go away together,
Without spoiling the mood
Not for a moment on this day!
Have a good day and sunshine -
In the heart, in the sky and in the window!

Have a most wonderful and beautiful day
And of course, hello from me!

Office noise, the bustle of the road, nervous tension...
I wish you a good day, my faithful friend!
May all your movements today serve the growth of your career,
Let there also be devoted gentlemen today!

Funny message -
From me to you,
And there is a wish in it
Have a good day.
Have a good trip,
Good ideas
May many meet
Good people!

Friend, I wish you a good day!
So that your alarm clock doesn't ring in the morning,
My husband would feed me breakfast in bed,
So that the boss is not strict and sweet,
And the day was clear, without rain and with sun!

Let every good day
another one is coming, even better -
full of joy and pleasant events!!

Let the wondrous nature listen
Your desires and dreams,
Let the sunshine please the weather,
Luck is on your heels!
Let the day be remembered for a long time,
Becoming your favorite on the calendar.
Let there be a lot of sense in business,
I wish you a holiday!
Let your soul sparkle with joy,
Laughs, ringing with music!
And everything that you dream about on a wondrous night,
Let it be in your life!

I wish you that your every day begins
with a smile and ended with a sweet dream.
Have a nice day, darling!

May this day bring good luck,
And also happiness and warmth,
I love you, and that means
You are magically lucky!

May this day be clear
Kind, sunny, beautiful,
And a million smiles
Let him give it to you!

May this day be wonderful
And everyone's dreams come true.
May the sun shine everywhere for you
And the flowers smile.

Have a nice day, greetings from me!!!
Look how beautiful everything is,
The sun does not shine for us in vain,
The branches wave themselves playfully.
Yes, and you are so beautiful.

Time slowly ticks away the steps,
Putting everything in its place.
May your day be successful -
That's what I wish for you!
Whatever you think, let it come true,
And what you dream about - let it come true!
Rise high - let them see him flying!
I wish you real happiness!

Big hello from me,
Have a nice day!

The pot-bellied teapot is famous
In any season,
Especially when it's worth
Bad weather.
Puff-puff, hot delicious tea
Dispels boredom and sadness.
He - with honey, he - with jam,
In a wonderful mood!
Have a good day!

It's like we've met before.
I hope you remember me?..
Darling, good morning!
Have a nice day!

It's never a good day
If there is no coffee in the cup,
Pouring a cup of coffee
And let's go online!

With the first rays I wish you
Have a great day!
And I can’t imagine without a smile
Your day, and indeed you and me!
Let things go well, let there be success,
Let your soul strive upward for success!
I should be rich all day long for your laughter,
And it shouldn’t be any different!

I send it to you from my heart, lovingly
My wishes for a nice day!
Let the sun smile at you from the sky,
Warming the window with rays of goodness.

May good luck and luck be with you,
May your mood be wonderful.
Receive this verse from me with a smile.
Everything gonna be alright! Have a good day!

Good morning. Have a good day.
Catch a charge of positivity from me.
Let everything work out, let everything work out,
Let luck be given to you easily.

Don't you dare be sad, smile wider,
After all, so many beautiful things have been created in the world.
I love you very much, dear sun,
And I look forward to meeting you.

My beloved little man, my joy, I wish you good morning, a wonderful mood and bright inspiration. May your day be successful and easy, happy and joyful. I kiss you and hug you tightly.

May the sun shine clearly on you
I wish you joy, warmth,
Let everything be just fine,
Let all things work out!

Let your smile bloom
On your clear face!
And everything the soul desires,
It will be fulfilled today!

May it be a good day
May luck find you!
May all people be kind
With whom this day will bring you together!

Let your smile radiantly
Shines brighter than the sun today!
You accept the world gratefully,
And all good things will return to you!

I wish you a bright mood
Just charge everyone in the area!
Let both goals and aspirations
There will be no interference!

Have a nice day
Light and warm,
Clear, fine...
Well, just good luck.

So that there is no sadness,
Gloomy mood
I send tender hugs,
Affectionately amorous.

And good luck
Let him accompany you in everything,
Bad luck is harmful
Let it be absent altogether.

Let this day go smoothly,
Let every hour be easy
May it be filled with happiness
And a bunch of pleasant phrases.

May all plans come true,
Unnecessary running will slow down...
I wish you a good day
To you, beloved person.

I wish you only a good day,
And if suddenly something happens, remember me,
As I smile, I tell you
That I love you very much!

Then the mood will immediately skyrocket,
And great success will await you,
Let your eyes shine with happiness today,
After all, our love will create miracles!

Have a nice day,
Smiles, kindness and luck.
May this day give you
Good luck, love and inspiration.

Have a nice day and bright moments,
Today I wish you
Just don't get angry, just believe
There are no people like you.

Believe in my sincerity and kindness,
And in the most tender feelings,
Have a nice day, good luck in your business,
And never be sad!

Let the sun shine today
It's warm and clear for you,
Everything in the world works out,
The mood will be great.

You'll see, it's a good day
It will be, I know that for sure
After all, love is in your palms
I'm sending it for luck.

May it bring you good luck
This most beautiful day
Let all questions and tasks
They will decide quickly, in an hour!

I wish you a lot of positive things,
More vigor and strength!
Spend this day happily
May every moment give you joy!