DIY Mother's Day crafts for school and kindergarten, step by step photos and videos - simple and original children's crafts made from colored paper and napkins. How to make a gift for mom with your own hands. Craft ideas for Mother's Day Bottle crafts for Mother's Day

We bring you the best for Mother's Day. What gift to give for Mother's Day 2019 - these are the questions that a lot of boys and girls will be concerned about on the eve of the 2019 holiday.

Since our children do not go to work, and, more often than not, they do not have a budget for purchases, their solution is cute homemade gifts.

To make your mother's gift for Mother's Day pleasant, original and cute, we have prepared for you 10 ideas that your child can handle. Of course, the help of conscientious adults is welcome.

What to do for mom on Mother's Day: DIY gift ideas

DIY colorful hyacinths as a gift for Mother's Day

DIY soft tulips as a gift for Mother's Day

For those who know how to sew, we suggest making a bouquet of soft tulips with your own hands as a gift to your mother for Mother’s Day 2019. Even when made from fabric and padding polyester, these amazingly delicate flowers do not lose their charm!

You will need: bright fabric for buds, green fabric for legs and leaves, filler, wire for rigidity.

Sew the legs, turn them inside out, fill them with stuffing, insert the wire, sew the buds, turn them inside out, fill them with stuffing, sew them to the legs.

You will need: small ceramic flower pot, sand, flat pebbles of different shapes and sizes, corrector.

Select pebbles shaped like cacti, paint them with green paint, and make needles with white corrector.

Place the pebbles in a ceramic pot, fill it ¼ full with sand - your cacti are ready. Alternative option - .

Flower heart - beautiful

A gift for mom speaks of love, and the symbol of love, of course, is the heart. We have found a fairly simple way to make a heart bloom and present it to you.

You will need: small roses, live or made of paper, cardboard heart, stapler, string for hanging.

Draw a heart on the cardboard, cut it out, hang the cardboard blank on a string. If you choose fresh roses, cut small branches with buds from large ones and use a stapler to secure them to the heart.

If you opted for artificial ones - first Fill the entire heart with buds - your gift for Mother's Day 2019 is ready.

Rainbow beads as a gift for Mother's Day 2019

To make it, you can use cold porcelain, tree branches, lace and many, many other materials at hand.

Tapestry - an idea of ​​what to give mom for Mother's Day

To make such a tapestry for a gift for mom on Mother's Day, the child may need the help of an adult.

You will need: wooden frame, nails, hammer, thread, large needle.

First, you need to nail the nails to the wooden frame on which the base will be attached. Then wind the threads, and begin to weave the tapestry, as shown in this one.

What to give mom: paintings of leaves and flowers

Now you know 10 DIY gift ideas for mom on Mother's Day. We hope you have found the right option for what to give your mom for Mother's Day, and she will love this homemade gift.

A beautiful gift for every mother is the best sign of attention from a beloved child. And the gifts he makes with his own hands are especially valuable. Such products are able to express love and respect, and tell how much the baby is attached to his mother. You can make an original gift for Mother's Day in elementary school or kindergarten. At home, dad or grandma can help with making crafts. Regardless of the chosen product, the materials from which it will be assembled, mom will certainly appreciate the time and effort spent. The proposed master classes include craft options for children of all ages. They are made from paper, fabric or napkins. In the given lessons with step-by-step photos and video tips you can find truly original and amazing options.

What gifts can be given for Mother's Day in kindergarten or elementary school?

A bright and memorable gift for Mother's Day with your own hands at school can be made from any materials. But for it to be truly both pleasant and useful, it is important to think about what will please mom the most. For example, a beautiful box is a great gift for mom on Mother's Day if she wears a lot of jewelry. A cardboard vase is well suited for decorating a dressing table or desk. The following tip will help you find out what gifts you can give for Mother’s Day:

  • a bouquet of paper and sweets, a picture of paper;
  • brooch, beads;
  • figurine made of plasticine, polymer clay;
  • drawing or postcard;
  • bright and comfortable potholder.

Each idea is good in its own way, but since all mothers are different, you need to choose the best option based on her preferences and hobbies. You can ask your dad, grandma or grandpa for advice. They will be able to suggest which gift mom will like best.

A good gift for Mother's Day with your own hands in kindergarten made of paper: photo and video lessons

You can make a beautiful gift for mom with your own hands for Mother’s Day from various materials: from ordinary napkins to cotton fabric. But children in kindergarten can be offered a more interesting option - crepe paper. Every child in kindergarten can make a gift for Mother's Day from such material with their own hands.

Materials for the master class “Flowers for Mom” for kindergarten

  • crepe paper (white and pink);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instructions for the master class “Flowers for Mom” for kindergarten

  1. Cut strips of crepe paper 4-5 cm wide. Place the pink one on the bottom and the white one on top.

  2. Start twisting the resulting ribbons from one of the edges.

  3. Gradually wrapping the flower, you need to coat the lower part (bottom of the bud) with PVA glue.

  4. When the flower is ready, you need to coat the twisted bottom well with PVA glue and wait until it dries completely.

  5. Ready-made flowers can be glued to a greeting card or a mother’s portrait.

This master class shows how easy it is to prepare buds for decorating cards and crafts. But you can also make a real bouquet of flowers from paper. The following video will tell you what gift to give your mom for Mother’s Day and how to make it:

An unusual DIY gift for Mother's Day in elementary school: step-by-step photo lesson

A bright do-it-yourself Mother's Day gift for elementary school can be made from fabric. Many children already know how to sew, but even if making a brooch will be their first experience with thread and needle, it’s okay. This lesson with step-by-step photos is suitable for any first-grader.

Materials for the master class “Brooch for Mother’s Day” for elementary school:

  • satin ribbon 70 cm (width about 3-4 cm);
  • waxed cotton lace;
  • a piece of denim;
  • beads (50-70 pieces);
  • thread to match the color of the ribbon, needle, thimble;
  • medium safety pin.

Step-by-step instructions with photos for the master class “Brooch for Mother’s Day” for elementary school

  1. The ribbon is sewn along one side with small stitches and pulled together into a small flower.

  2. The finished base is additionally stitched with threads so that the tape does not move.

  3. The cord is cut into 3.5 cm pieces. Plastic beads (7-10 pieces each) are strung on it.

  4. Each piece of lace is folded in half and stitched with thread: this will fix the beads.

  5. All prepared pieces of cord are folded into a bundle and tied together.

  6. A bunch of stamens is inserted into the flower base. From the wrong side, the ends of the cord are sewn to the tape with threads. A circle of thick fabric is glued/sewn on the back side. A pin is attached to the denim.

Mommy will definitely like such a good gift for Mother's Day and will become her favorite decoration. An equally beautiful brooch can be made using the following master class:

A simple DIY gift for Mother’s Day made from napkins – photo master class

You can make amazing and simple flowers from napkins without a pattern. They are perfect for creating a unique card. Both preschoolers and elementary school students can make a gift for Mother's Day with their own hands from napkins.

Materials for the master class “Postcard for Mom” for schoolchildren and preschoolers

  • table napkins;
  • stapler;
  • plasticine;
  • PVA glue;
  • white thick paper A4.

Detailed master class on the topic “Postcard for Mom” for schoolchildren and preschoolers

  1. Small circles are cut out from napkins (pink, yellow, white).

  2. A stack of circles is punched in the middle with a stapler.

  3. The edges of the circles rise and curl up: they make lush flowers.
  4. The prepared paper is folded in half. A wish is written on the inside, plasticine is glued to the outside.

  5. Flowers are glued to plasticine, the edges of the petals are covered with PVA.
  6. Thin branches are twisted from light green napkins and leaves are cut out. The elements are glued onto the postcard. A heart cut out of a pink napkin is glued to the top.

It’s quite easy to make an original Mother’s Day gift from a photo. But you can make more complex crafts from napkins. The attached video describes the process of creating a whole bouquet:

You can make a wonderful gift for Mother's Day from simple napkins, paper or fabric. Each product will have its own flavor, because it will be created for mom with sincere love. These video and photo master classes are optimally suited for elementary school and kindergarten. Every child can make simple crafts with their own hands. Mom will definitely love the bouquet, brooch, and card, since her beloved child will make such beauty for her.

On November 24, 2019, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia. It’s great that they came up with a holiday for our mothers. We so rarely tell them about our feelings that even if this holiday did not exist, it would be worth inventing it. How can you express your love to your mother if not with a handmade gift? These gifts are made with soul, imbued with warmth and gratitude. On the eve of the holiday, the portal has prepared for you a selection of interesting DIY gifts for Mother’s Day.

DIY Mother's Day gifts

Card with balloons

You will need:

  • photo of the child (from whom the gift);
  • scissors;
  • air balloons;
  • multi-colored threads;
  • a white sheet of cardboard or colored paper;
  • a sheet of colored paper;
  • PVA glue.
1. Select a photo and cut out your image on it.

2. Inflate small balloons.

3. Tie with multi-colored woolen threads. It is better if the ends are long, so the card will look more impressive.

4. Glue colored paper, slightly smaller than white, onto a white sheet of paper.

Your gift is ready!

Flower vase

You will need:

  • green paper;
  • napkins or corrugated paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
1. Take a sheet of green paper and fold it in half. Step back about 3 cm from the bottom and draw a horizontal line with a pencil. At the top, draw parallel lines at intervals of 1-1.5 cm.

2. The resulting parallel lines must be cut to a horizontal line not reaching 3 cm from the edge.

3. Unfold the sheet with the cuts.

4. Turn the sheet out the other way and fold it, retreating 1 cm.

5. After this, coat with glue and glue.

6. When the paper sticks well, roll the workpiece into a tube.

7. The result is a stable vase with petals.

8. Make flowers from a napkin or corrugated paper.

9. Glue the finished flowers to the stems.

10. You can decorate the resulting bouquet to your liking, for example by gluing sequins or tying it with a satin ribbon.

Idea: The flowers can be made multi-colored and then decorated with beads. If the option with glue and paper does not suit you, then take a regular jar, paints and a glass of water. Draw flowers on the jar and you will be happy.

Gift decorative candle

You will need:

  • candle;
  • baking paper;
  • paints.
1. Take baking paper and apply a design on it. Please note that it will be transferred to the candle in a mirror image.

2. Then attach the drawing to a thick candle and fix it. Next, treat the candle with hot air, such as a hairdryer. Beautiful candles are ready.

Idea: you can write an original congratulation or message in verse.

Application "Sun for Mom"

You will need:

  • ribbons;
  • pasta;
  • glue;
  • colored paper;
  • paints.
1. Pasta can be any shape. It is better to paint (prepare) pasta in advance.

2. A sun is formed from round pasta. All elements are glued with glue.

3. Then the eyes are glued to the main circle.

4. Then we glue multi-colored strips to the circle, which will symbolize the rays.

5. Pasta-bow is glued to the end of these rays.

6. And in order to decorate the craft and make it even more interesting, use flowers that are glued to the top of the sun.

Wish flower

You will need:

  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • glue.
1. You need to take the templates and print them on colored paper.

2. Then cut out the flowers with scissors.

3. Collect a flower.

4. Glue all the petals together with a ribbon, and make the middle from squares. The size of the squares should be 3.5 cm by 3.5 cm. Fold them in the shape of a frog. Glue all the resulting blanks together, and then glue them to the middle of the flower.

Idea: If you don’t have a printer, you can draw a flower and write wishes or compliments by hand.

flower bed

You will need:

  • glue;
  • double-sided colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • pen or black felt-tip pen.
1. Take a sheet of green paper and make an accordion out of it.

2. Then find the middle and glue the two parts of the workpiece together to make a lush fan.

3. Now the most creative process, draw any flowers, lilies of the valley or tulips. Cut them out.

4. You can give the children ready-made templates, or you can have them draw and cut them out themselves.

5. Then spread the finished pieces on the fan using glue. A good mood for children and mothers is guaranteed!

Application "Calla lilies" made from cotton pads

You will need:

  • glue;
  • paints or markers;
  • cocktail straws;
  • cotton buds.
1. Prepare the starting materials (discs, cotton swabs, yellow felt-tip pen).

2. Use a felt-tip pen to color the cotton tip.

3. Insert a cotton swab into the cocktail straw.

4. Place a cotton pad under the finished structure.

5. Apply a little glue to the bottom edges of the disk and press the edges together. A couple of minutes and the flower is ready.

The entire bouquet is made in this manner.

3D 3D postcard

You will need:

  • double-sided colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • markers.
1. Cut out 7 squares from yellow paper. Their size is 9 by 9 cm. Take one square and start making a flower out of it. First, let's bend it diagonally. It turns out to be a triangle.

2. Fold it in half and get a smaller right triangle. Bend it in the middle again. We press the smaller side to the larger side. On it we draw the rounded edge of the petal.

3. All that remains is to cut the flower along the marked line and straighten it.

4. Now let’s cut off one of the flower’s petals. This is necessary so that it turns out voluminous.

5. Let's outline the edges, then the flower will become more realistic. We do not touch one of the petals near the cutout, since we will glue another one onto it.

6. Now we put the painted petal on the one that we did not touch and glue them together.

7. Color the core and continue making 6 more of the same colors.

8. Bend the resulting flowers in half. We collect it in a bouquet. We glue two side petals to one flower, on both sides.

9. Glue another one to the top flower, but already with three petals.

10. Glue two more flowers on the sides.

11. And we place the last flower up.

12. Cut out two hearts from cardboard, matching the size of the bouquet. The red should be larger than the white. Place the white heart on the red one and glue it on.

13. On the other side, glue a white, slightly smaller one to the red heart, and another smaller red one on top of it. Bend it in the middle. As a result, we got a card of four hearts. It is white on the inside and red on the outside.

14. Now glue the bouquet using the top petal to one side of the heart. In the same way, glue the bouquet to the second side of the card. Ready!

Bouquet of spirals

You will need:

  • colored paper - double-sided in different shades;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil.
1. Cut out the stem and leaves from green paper.

2. Choose your favorite shade of colored paper, then draw a circle with uneven (wavy) edges.

In this article we will tell you about crafts for Mother's Day that children can make with their own hands as a gift to their mothers. All Mother's Day crafts discussed in this article are original and practical.

For example, on our website you will find several simple master classes on making boxes with your own hands. We will also tell you how you can make a cute napkin holder from wooden clothespins or a flower pot from a plastic container and colored yarn. And this is not a complete list of crafts for mothers on Mother’s Day, which you will find on our website.

1. Crafts for Mother's Day. Mother's Day in the Garden Crafts

We suggest you make a napkin holder made of wooden clothespins as a gift for your beloved mothers for Mother's Day. It’s very easy to make such a craft for Mother’s Day, and the finished work looks no worse than a purchased item.

So, to make this children's craft for Mother's Day you will need:
Wooden clothespins (29 pcs.)
- acrylic paints
- colored lace
- beads

Separate the clothespins into separate halves.

Glue the two halves together, with the reverse side only.

The photo below shows one side of the napkin holder. The parts are assembled together, but not yet glued together. It takes 12 clothespins per side. Before gluing, we will have to paint them.

Paint the parts with waterproof acrylic paint. Half of the details are in one color (for example, red). The second half is in a different color (for example, yellow).

Glue the parts of the Mother's Day craft together using a glue gun or Moment glue. Make the other half of the napkin holder in a similar way.

Now we will make the bottom of the napkin stand. The photo below shows how to do it.

All that remains is to glue the sides and decorate the finished children's craft for Mother's Day with decorative cord and beads.

2. DIY Mother's Day crafts. Mother's Day Crafts for Children

Any child can make an original and practical craft for Mother’s Day with their own hands. This is a box for all sorts of small things, made of wooden ice cream sticks or medical spatulas.

To make this DIY Mother's Day craft, you will need a lot of wooden sticks and a glue gun. The sticks will need to be pre-painted with acrylic paints or gouache in different colors. You will need to wait for the paint to dry before you begin making this kids' Mother's Day craft. For a detailed master class, see the photo below.

3. Crafts for moms for Mother's Day. Children's crafts for mother's day

Any mother will be pleased to receive such a beautiful children's craft from her child for Mother's Day. These bright, elegant beads are made from butterfly-shaped pasta and thermomosaic. Also, to make this craft for moms for Mother's Day, you will need waterproof acrylic paints and strong threads.

4. Crafts for Mother's Day. Mother's Day in the Garden Crafts

Thermomosaic is a mosaic, the pieces of which are tightly connected to each other after heat treatment (ironing with an iron through tracing paper). You can play with ready-made crafts, give them as gifts, hang them on walls, and the like.

From this material for children's creativity you can make an original heart-shaped box as a gift to your mother on Mother's Day. The individual parts of the product are glued together using a glue gun.

In a similar way, you can make a beautiful multi-colored dish from thermomosaic. Rest assured, any woman will love this Mother’s Day craft. After all, it is not just beautiful, but also practical.

The photo below shows in detail the entire process of making this children's craft for Mother's Day.

5. DIY Mother's Day crafts. Mother's Day Crafts for Children

We suggest you give your mother such a beautiful box (casket) using the decoupage technique as a gift for Mother’s Day. To make this craft you will need: a small flat cardboard box, for example, a cheese box; napkins; PVA glue.

First paint the box with white acrylic paint. Wait for the paint to dry. After this, mix PVA glue with water in a 1:1 ratio. From the napkin, separate only the top layer with the pattern; you will not need the remaining layers. Lubricate the box with glue diluted with water.

Carefully smoothing out the folds, glue the napkin on top.

6. Crafts for moms for Mother's Day. Children's crafts for mother's day

A pincushion jar is a convenient and practical gift that a child can make with his own hands as a gift to his mother for Mother’s Day. You can store all kinds of sewing small things inside, and needles on top.

How to make a pincushion jar with your own hands:
1. A suitable jar is selected. A cardboard circle (from very thick cardboard) is cut out along the diameter of the jar lid and a fabric circle with a diameter twice the size of the lid.
2. The fabric circle is gathered along the edge.
3. Stuffed with padding polyester (or any other fillers). A cardboard circle is placed on top and the fabric is pulled over it.
4. The pincushion itself is ready, all that remains is to attach it to the jar.
5. To do this, sand the lid. Just not too much - so that the surface becomes scratched and not polished.
6. Using “Moment” glue, glue the pincushion onto the lid.

7. Decorate the edges of the lid with braid using the same “Moment” glue.

Fast, simple, accessible to everyone!

See how beautifully you can decorate an ordinary ceramic pot using the mosaic technique. For this Mother's Day craft you will need: store-bought modeling clay and acrylic paints. Roll out the clay using a rolling pin. Use a knife and ruler to cut the resulting layer into small squares. This craft for mom for Mother's Day will be more interesting if the squares are of different sizes: some are larger, others are smaller. When the clay is completely dry, paint the mosaic details with acrylic paints of different colors, but in the same color scheme. For example, in blue as in the photo.

8. DIY Mother's Day crafts.

Mother's Day Crafts for Children

You can make a bright and original pot for indoor plants from colored yarn and a plastic glass. This craft made from waste material is an excellent gift for mom on Mother’s Day, which a child can make with his own hands.

You've probably already noticed that we have a lot of crafts for Mother's Day on our website. And they are all unusual, bright and colorful.

This decorative flower pot is no exception. When you make this gift for mom on Mother's Day, try to use yarn in contrasting colors, like in the photo.

9. Crafts for moms for Mother's Day. Children's crafts for mother's day

You can give your beloved mother beautiful lids for jars as a gift on Mother's Day. For this Mother's Day craft for kids you will need polymer clay. Polymer clay is an elastic, easy-to-work material. It is produced with different properties: one should be dried in the oven, the other is self-hardening. There are a lot of polymer clay manufacturers today, including FIMO, Decoclay, Cernit, Kato and other companies.

10. Crafts for Mother's Day. Mother's Day in the Garden Crafts

For each of us, mother is the closest, dearest, dearest person, ready to tirelessly help, love and care. Of course, the best gift for every mother during the holidays will be the one that the child was able to make himself, since these DIY crafts for mom convey all the child’s love and gratitude. Let's look at how you can make beautiful compositions yourself. Perhaps these will be original gifts made from natural raw materials or do-it-yourself crafts from scrap materials. We tried to collect different methods designed for both the youngest craftsmen and older adults.

DIY crafts for Mother's Day made from fabric

Wonderful bouquets and compositions can be made from fabric flowers. Moreover, you will need a little material, so there is no need to buy cuts - you will probably find small scraps at home. With their help, for example, you can sew voluminous craft bouquets for Mother’s Day with your own hands. For such work, you will additionally need padding polyester filler (cotton wool), a bendable strong wire that will hold the stem.

There are simpler options that are suitable for children of primary school age - do-it-yourself applique crafts made from material using pieces of felt. Thick dishwasher napkins will replace this fabric. Flowers are cut out of them and then glued onto cardboard. The middle is decorated with a button.

DIY craft for mom for Mother's Day using napkins

Try making a wide variety of crafts for your mother with your own hands using simple multi-colored napkins. This malleable material makes it possible to make beautiful carnations, roses and other flowers.

Mom will certainly be pleased with an elegant heart card with her child’s hand. To decorate it, you need to cut out a heart blank from cardboard and glue a loop to it. Then, from white and red napkins we roll small balls (they should be fluffy). The child’s palm needs to be traced on cardboard, greased with glue, white lumps tightly (without gaps) glued to it, and the rest of the postcard area should be covered with red ones. On the reverse side you can leave congratulations and wishes.

This DIY craft for mom for Mother’s Day will always remind her of what kind of baby her grown-up child once was.

Children's crafts for Mother's Day using pompoms and cotton pads

Having learned how to make pom-poms, according to the step-by-step instructions in the article, form them into a variety of lush and soft bouquets. At the same time, it is better to choose wool threads for making pom-poms so that they create more voluminous balls. DIY artificial flower crafts are often formed using wire in the form of stems, which are well “disguised” by wrapping with green thread.

Cotton pads are a simple, convenient, affordable material from which you can also make flowers, as shown in the photographs of our catalog. If necessary, they are painted in different colors.

Mother's Day: DIY crafts for kindergarten

Children's institutions often host various exhibitions and, sometimes, matinees for Mother's Day. Children make various crafts for Mother's Day with their own hands under the guidance of teachers or independently. For example, a bouquet of children’s hands or falling raindrops, each with a photograph of a child, looks very touching.

When decorating a group or hall for a Mother's Day matinee, DIY crafts for kindergarten can be quite large, such as garlands made of multi-colored paper maple leaves. All the kindergarten children made individual elements, and the teachers assembled very beautiful “curtains” from them.

Mother's Day: DIY paper crafts

Colored paper and cardboard are very often used in children's creativity, as working with them is quite simple. By following the instructions in the photographs of our article, you can learn yourself, and you can also show your child how beautiful paper flowers are made using the origami method. On Mother's Day, do-it-yourself paper crafts are designed in the form of original greeting cards, and a cute composition of birds will undoubtedly touch any mother.

DIY crafts and gifts made from natural materials

Using natural resources, it is not difficult to create a wide variety of crafts from autumn materials with your own hands. While walking outside with your child, pick up twigs, acorns, pine cones, and fallen bright colorful leaves for creativity. In addition, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and other natural raw materials are often used.

We tried to present wonderful DIY crafts and gifts in the article. For example, a basket of pine cones. It’s quite easy to make: you’ll also need a plastic bucket and hot glue to attach the pine cones. It is also easy to form a basket using wire connecting the cones into one ensemble.