Do you get your period ahead of time? Causes of premature menstruation. What to do if your period comes early

The release of an unfertilized egg from the uterus is accompanied by menstrual flow. During menstruation, the uterus is cleansed of tissue and fluids stored in case of pregnancy, as well as accumulated toxins. In a normal state of the body, menstruation should begin regularly every 28 days. The duration of the cycle depends on the age, weight, hormonal levels and other individual characteristics of the woman. Timely periods indicate women's health. Cycle disturbances often indicate health problems.

Having your period ahead of schedule should make a woman think about her health

Main reasons

There are many reasons why the menstrual cycle is disrupted. Not every one of them requires serious medical intervention. One of the common reasons that causes menstruation earlier is the inflammatory process in the woman’s genital organs. Inflammation is accompanied by a number of signs that are difficult to miss. When the cycle is disrupted, consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Natural causes

If you constantly monitor your cycle, keep a calendar or use a mobile application, you will easily notice a malfunction in your body. To determine the reasons why your period came earlier, you should definitely seek advice from a specialist. It will help determine why the cycle was disrupted. Here are some common reasons why your period might start early:

  1. Abrupt change in climate and time zone. Very often, these factors lead to a delay or to the fact that menstruation begins ahead of schedule.
  2. Emotional and psychological stress. Severe anxiety, fear or anger lead to disruption of the regulatory function of the nervous system. This can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle.
  3. Viral and bacterial infections. They lead to a strong decrease in the body's immune defense and its weakening. Sore throat and other diseases accompanied by high fever are especially dangerous due to their complications.
  4. Excessive physical activity leading to sudden weight loss.
  5. Pregnancy. The last periods before pregnancy, their character and abundance, are always unpredictable. Ten days after conception, the embryo enters the uterus, sometimes injuring it. This injury may cause minor bleeding. And you may think that your period came ahead of schedule, and not as expected. In addition to bleeding, you may feel mild malaise, dizziness and nausea.
  6. Ectopic pregnancy. This is an extremely life-threatening complication for a woman when a fertilized egg begins to develop outside the uterine cavity. This condition is accompanied by internal bleeding and requires urgent medical intervention. If you do not seek help in time, the fetus will begin to develop outside the uterus, which can be fatal.
  7. Emergency contraception often causes premature periods. These drugs cause hormonal stress. You can use this kind of contraceptives only with the permission of a gynecologist in order to avoid unnecessary consequences.
  8. Hormonal imbalance. It can be caused by ovarian dysfunction, thyroid or adrenal dysfunction.
  9. Formation of the menstrual cycle. The first year after the onset of menstruation in girls 14 years old is characterized by an irregular cycle. If your periods come with long delays or come ahead of schedule, we say that the cycle has not yet been established. This is not a cause for concern in the first year, but it is still better to consult a doctor and get tested.

10 locations of ectopic pregnancy that causes uterine bleeding

Age disorders

  1. The onset of menopause. After 45 years, reproductive activity begins to fade, and the cycle becomes irregular; menstruation may occur prematurely or with great delays.
  2. Carelessness during sex often results in injury to the vagina, cervix, or areas of the uterus. This provokes bleeding, which can be confused with premature menstruation. If you feel discomfort during sex and notice bleeding afterwards, be sure to consult a doctor.
  3. Pathologies and diseases of the pelvic organs, such a disorder can provoke bleeding.
  4. Diseases and pathologies that cause premature menstruation and cycle disorders.

Often women, when they see some problems with their cycle or unusual discharge, ignore it and do not go to the hospital. Although this may be a sign of serious health problems in the body. Monitor how you feel.

When there is cause for concern

If you have dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, in the back, severe swelling, if your periods are too thick or runny, have an unpleasant odor, whitish impurities, this is a serious reason to think about it. Here are some pathologies that can cause premature onset of menstruation:

  • hyperestrogenism is the phenomenon of excessive secretion of the sex hormone estrogen. This disease comes along with luteal insufficiency, which is why it can ultimately lead to lack of ovulation and infertility.
  • endometriosis – excessive growth of the mucous layer of the uterus;
  • Uterine fibroids are a benign formation in the form of multiple nodes in the uterus;
  • polyps in the uterus - benign growths on the walls of the uterus;
  • underdevelopment of the genital organs (hypoplasia);
  • glandular ovarian hypoplasia, leading to insufficient synthesis of sex hormones;
  • oncological diseases.

Endometriosis, fibroids and polyps can all cause intermenstrual bleeding; they should not be confused with menstruation. If you are monitoring your health and notice that between menstruation there is bleeding, which can be spotting, long-lasting or heavy and short-term, you need to consult a doctor.

The situation is especially dangerous when the discharge is very thick and has an unpleasant odor. In this case, you need to run to the doctor immediately. These signs indicate a fungal or bacterial infection of the genital organs or oncology.

Hypoplasia of the uterus provokes the early arrival of menstruation

How to behave if there is a disruption in the menstrual cycle

There are many reasons for irregularities in the menstrual cycle and why menstruation did not occur on time. There are many consequences of this violation if you do not pay attention to the problem in time and do not exclude pathology.

In order to avoid any problems with women's health, you just need to monitor your cycle. In our age of high technology, this will not be difficult. There are many mobile applications in which you can keep a menstrual calendar, mark your feelings and even get some recommendations. There you can note body temperature, regularity of sex, mood, and the like.

If you notice any irregularities in your cycle, it happens that your period started in the middle of the cycle and stopped within a day, this is a reason to go to the hospital. Describe your problem to the gynecologist, tell everything without hesitation, even if the doctor is a man.

The gynecologist must first examine you to rule out pregnancy. Then an ultrasound examination of the pelvis will be prescribed. For a more complete diagnosis, a general blood test and hormone analysis should be prescribed. Depending on the cause, treatment will be prescribed. Hormonal imbalance is treated with hormonal drugs; phytohormones have recently become popular. Fibroids and polyps are removed surgically. Endometrial hyperplasia is treated using laparoscopy.

Citrus fruits will help normalize the monthly cycle

If you are lucky and no pathology is found, you need to change your lifestyle a little. Here are some recommendations:

  • eliminate worries and stress as much as possible;
  • try to reduce physical activity, do not carry heavy bags, do not be too zealous in fitness;
  • do not take extreme contraception without first consulting a gynecologist;
  • Before taking hormonal contraceptives, carefully read the instructions to avoid side effects;
  • give up alcohol and smoking, this recommendation is universal for any deviation in health;
  • take vitamins, especially complexes with B12 and folic acid;
  • do not eat fast food, fatty, fried foods and less sweets, it is better to eat more vegetables, citrus fruits, and drink green tea.

The diet should also be discussed with your doctor; you should not use advice from the Internet. It describes only general nutritional recommendations, and does not pay special attention to the individual characteristics of a person.

A healthy lifestyle and regular examinations with a gynecologist will help you be a healthy and happy woman. That is why it is important to be attentive to your body and notice all the signals it gives us.

If the woman’s reproductive system is set up correctly, then the menstrual cycle is a certain number of days, the same every time. However, certain factors can cause cycle disruptions and cause your period to come early.

Normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a physiological process characterized by a lot of subtleties. Its normal course indicates that the egg is developing, maturing and capable of fertilization.

The menstrual cycle is individual for each woman, but there are some averages that are considered normal. A cycle is the period of time from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation. Ideally, it should be 28 days, but a limit of 21 to 35 days is considered the norm.

Menstruation normally lasts 3-7 days, and blood loss during this time is no more than 100 ml.

Possible reasons

There are many possible factors that can affect the disruption of the usual menstrual cycle:

  • nervous or emotional overload, stress;
  • acclimatization (moving to new conditions, going on vacation to an area with a different climate);
  • emergency contraception;
  • pregnancy, including ectopic;
  • lactation period;
  • miscarriage;
  • abortion;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • hereditary factor;
  • use of oral contraception;
  • injury to the vagina or cervix (internal bleeding);
  • uterine bleeding;
  • physical stress;
  • cold;
  • first sexual intercourse;
  • inflammatory or infectious disease;
  • oncology;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • overweight;
  • sexual infection;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • kidney or liver problems;
  • poisoning with harmful substances;
  • exceeding the permissible level of radiation;
  • installed intrauterine device;
  • diet;
  • irregular sex life;
  • lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients necessary for the body;
  • unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, a lot of alcohol, drugs);
  • some medications (cycle disruption is usually indicated as side effects).

Premature onset of menstruation may be normal during the period of establishing a period. This usually occurs during adolescence or after pregnancy, when the cycle is restored again. Similar failures are also typical before menopause.

Causes of early heavy periods

It is necessary to distinguish between the abundance of menstruation. When they begin ahead of schedule, and the bleeding is heavier than usual, then possible reasons for this may be:

  • internal bleeding;
  • hormonal disorder;
  • gynecological disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • great physical activity;
  • diet;
  • lack of elements necessary for the body;
  • an abortion;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • disorders in the reproductive system.

If your period begins prematurely and is quite heavy, then there are several signs that should alert you:

  • blood is bright scarlet;
  • absence of clots;
  • deterioration of general condition;
  • pain or pain (read more about why your stomach hurts during menstruation -);
  • pre-fainting state.

If such alarming factors occur, without exception, you should contact a specialist.

Heavy bleeding, including blood clots, may indicate pseudomenstruation. This phenomenon usually occurs in certain reproductive system disorders, such as endometriosis.

Reasons for scanty discharge ahead of schedule

When menstruation begins prematurely and is quite scanty, there are several explanations for this phenomenon:

  • injury causing internal bleeding;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • consequences of the inflammatory process;
  • previous gynecological surgery (including abortion);
  • emotional or nervous overstrain, stress;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diet, unhealthy diet;
  • pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • lactation;
  • excessive physical activity.

Scanty menstruation is called hypomenorrhea, and a reduction in the number of days of menstruation is called oligomenorrhea. This phenomenon occurs normally only during puberty or before menopause. In other cases, this indicates some kind of violation.

What does it mean if your period starts 2-3 days earlier?

Menstruation that comes 2-3 days earlier than the established time may not mean anything serious. If such a phenomenon occurred once, then the reason may be simple stress or physical overexertion. Systematic disruption of the cycle indicates a problem, the cause of which must be found out and eliminated.

There can be many reasons for starting your period 2-3 days earlier:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • pregnancy;
  • stress, other emotional overload;
  • high physical activity;
  • cold;
  • acclimatization;
  • diet;
  • unidentified menstrual cycle (usually typical for teenagers);
  • lack of regular sex.

What does it mean if your period comes a week early?

If menstruation began a week earlier, then this is an alarming reason. The reasons may be:

  • physical overload;
  • nervous or emotional stress;
  • infection or inflammation;
  • pregnancy;
  • abortion;
  • miscarriage;
  • injury;
  • tumor;
  • acclimatization;
  • age factor (adolescence, menopause);
  • taking emergency contraception;
  • installation of the spiral.

What does it mean if your period starts 2 weeks earlier?

If menstruation occurs 2 weeks earlier, you should definitely visit a specialist to find out the reason.

If your period starts 2 weeks ahead of schedule, the reasons may be:

  • severe stress;
  • acute infection;
  • abuse of nicotine, alcohol or drugs;
  • taking hormonal medications (including contraception);
  • acclimatization;
  • inflammatory process;
  • strict diet or long fasting;
  • exposure to sunlight or other harmful radiation;
  • progressive disease of the endocrine system;
  • uterine tumor (internal bleeding);
  • failure of ovarian function.

What to do?

In case of premature onset of menstruation, it is in any case worth visiting a gynecologist. During the examination, the doctor will confirm or rule out any violations, if necessary, refer you to another specialist or give a referral for certain tests or examinations.

The early onset of menstruation always occurs for some reason that needs to be identified and eliminated.

If a cycle failure occurs in adolescence, then in the first five years this is considered the norm. The body undergoes quite serious changes, is completely rebuilt, and begins to function differently. During this period, disturbances not only of the menstrual cycle are possible, but also failures of other systems and organs.

If the reason for the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule is stress or emotional stress, then you should resort to a course of sedatives. These can be herbal tablets "Persen" or a natural sedative mixture. You can purchase these products at any pharmacy. If mental stress is in a critical phase, then more serious medications or specialized treatment may be required.

When the reason for the early onset of menstruation is an increase in physical activity, the body must be given time to adjust. It is important to introduce any loads gradually, to alternate different types of activities. You should play sports under the supervision of a trainer - he will select the right program and draw up an individual training program.

Diseases and infections that provoke disruptions in the menstrual cycle must be treated. The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist, based on examination, test results and additional research data. Taking these factors into account, the necessary treatment is prescribed, the course of which must be completed in full.

If your period began earlier than expected due to fasting or a strict diet, then you should think about the correctness of such methods. The body receives a certain amount of stress and lacks the usual set of nutrients and microelements. Failure of the menstrual cycle can only be the first alarm bell - due to improper nutrition, many organs and systems of the body can suffer.

If the reason for the early onset of menstruation is a hormonal disorder, then you must first determine its cause.

If you are taking hormonal contraception or medications that cause disruption in your menstrual cycle, you should consult your doctor. He will prescribe another drug or explain what to do in this case.

Often girls are frightened by a cycle failure after the first sexual intercourse, so they immediately think about the worst. In fact, such a violation is the norm, as in the first years after the appearance of the first menstruation. Such changes are stressful for the body and change its normal functioning. In this case, a failure of the menstrual cycle is an elementary response of the body.

Premature onset of menstruation sometimes occurs after an abortion or miscarriage. In this case, the cycle often returns on its own. For prevention purposes, you should consult a specialist who can prescribe medication.

If the cycle has been disrupted repeatedly, then you should think about your health and lifestyle. It is worth taking several preventive measures:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • Healthy food;
  • regularly spend time in the fresh air;
  • get enough sleep;
  • promptly, correctly and completely treat any disease, including a common cold.

A disruption in the menstrual cycle can be a one-time occurrence, meaning elementary stress or accompanying any changes in the usual rhythm of life. Such violations may also indicate serious health problems. It is important to undergo regular preventive examinations and not be afraid to contact specialists in case of any alarming factors.

Regular menstruation indicates that all systems and organs of the female body are functioning normally. Each representative of the fair sex can independently calculate the time of the onset of the next menstruation and prepare herself and her plans for this moment in advance. Women quite often experience disruptions in the regularity of their menstrual cycle, and each time they should definitely consult with a specialist to determine exactly what triggered the early or late onset of the menstrual cycle.

In this article, we will look at the main reasons why menstruation began ahead of schedule by a week, 5 and 10 days, and also find out in which case you should immediately consult a doctor, and whether this problem can be dealt with without medical help.

Causes of premature regulation

Girls' first periods begin at the age of 12-14; at first the cycle will be irregular, and the discharge can be varied, but after a year and a half its duration should be established and average plus or minus 28 days. This period is individual for each woman and depends on many factors; on average, it ranges from three weeks to 35 days. The duration of normal critical days ranges from 3 days to a week. During this period, the uterine cavity is cleansed of exfoliated endometrium, and not only the rejected mucous membrane is released, but also a certain amount of blood.

After puberty, when critical days occur every month, a cycle disruption can normally occur after the first sexual experience, during pregnancy and in connection with the onset of menopause. If all of the above options are excluded, and menstruation began ahead of schedule, the reasons for the onset of premature regulation may lie in something else. Consider each of them in more detail.


When a woman experiences stress, her blood pressure can rise sharply, which contributes to internal spasm and dilation of blood vessels. For this reason, due to stressful conditions, periods may begin earlier than expected, usually by five to seven days.

If it is established that premature menstruation occurred due to stress, there is no need to panic, it is enough to stabilize emotions and rest a little, then there should be no violations in the next cycle.

Hormonal dysfunction

In case of hormonal imbalance, which contributes to the fact that menstrual periods begin prematurely, only a doctor can correct the situation, because hormonal surges can be caused not only by improper functioning of the reproductive, but also the endocrine systems. The cause may be prolonged exposure to progesterone in a woman’s body or excessive production of estrogen. Changes in hormone levels can be caused by cysts, tumors in the ovaries, taking hormonal medications, etc.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of hormonal imbalance based on the results of a blood test for hormones. In such a situation, initiative is unacceptable.

Normal pregnancy and lactation

If your period starts early and does not last long, and the discharge itself is scanty, this may well be a sign of pregnancy. Bloody discharge accompanies the implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, since this process damages the mucous layer. This discharge is implantation bleeding.

Since breastfeeding is also accompanied by changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body, it is quite natural that it can cause the premature arrival of menstrual periods.

Complication of pregnancy

For any woman, ectopic pregnancy is a very serious pathology, which, if not treated promptly, can lead to death. A characteristic sign of ectopic fetal development may be cycle disruptions, therefore, if the onset of regula occurs early, you should immediately consult a doctor. Surgery is used to correct the problem.


The intrauterine device can cause the regulation to begin prematurely. If this happens in the first 3 cycles, after its installation, there is no need to worry, the body is adapting. But if early periods begin in other cycles, you need to seek help from a doctor; perhaps the IUD is not installed correctly.

Also, taking hormonal contraceptives can provoke premature periods, so you should not prescribe them yourself; the selection of oral contraception should be done by a specialist.

Age-related changes

During puberty and menopause, critical days can either be delayed or come ahead of time; this is a normal phenomenon characteristic of this period of a woman’s life. In this case, the help of a doctor may only be needed to prescribe medications that alleviate the woman’s condition.

Climate change, moving

Moving, traveling to hot or, conversely, cold countries can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. If no abnormal changes are noticed in the months following the trip and adaptation, then there is no need to worry.

Injuries and illnesses

Trauma to the vagina or cervix during rough sexual intercourse or due to improperly installed contraceptives can lead to bleeding from the genital tract. In case of internal injuries, the discharge does not constitute menstruation, and any bleeding requires medical attention.

Bleeding can be caused by inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, endometriosis, fibroids, tumors and various sexually transmitted infections.


Simple life situations can cause early onset of menstruation:

  • intense training;
  • fast weight loss;
  • lifting weights;
  • poor nutrition;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • abuse of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

In this case, giving up bad habits, normalizing your daily routine, a balanced diet, walks in the fresh air and moderate physical activity will help correct the situation.

Associated symptoms

Premature periods can be caused by various reasons, so to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor must be aware of the presence of all the accompanying symptoms. For example, if a cycle failure occurred due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, then the woman will be irritable, tearful, and nervous against the background of early menstruation.

Additionally, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • prostration;
  • depression;
  • touchiness, tearfulness;
  • sleep problems.

If your periods begin prematurely, you should definitely pay attention to their duration and intensity, as well as the presence of clots. The nature of the bleeding can tell a specialist a lot about the reasons that caused it. With heavy premature menstruation, severe pain in the lower back and lower abdomen may be observed.

How to determine pregnancy

In some cases, premature menstruation may indicate a possible pregnancy; spotting will indicate implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. It is necessary to distinguish menstrual flow from implantation bleeding; it has a number of specific signs:

  • the volume of discharge is very scanty;
  • the discharge began 2-6 days earlier than expected for critical days;
  • discharge lasts from several hours to 2 days;
  • blood has a thinner consistency and a pink tint.

To make sure that conception has occurred, a woman can take a routine pregnancy test. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

Character of menstruation

Some people mistakenly believe that only heavy periods are painful; in fact, scanty periods can cause severe pain. With scanty periods, you may additionally experience headaches, nausea, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, problems with bowel movements, and these can be expressed as constipation and diarrhea. If you have a scanty period ahead of schedule, it could be caused by the following reasons:

  • childbirth. After the birth of the baby and the completion of lochia, the expected menstruation may begin earlier, most often the discharge will have a pale brown tint;
  • curettage that accompanies abortions, removal of polyps or other diagnostic and therapeutic interventions;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • heredity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

The arrival of premature menstruation with too much discharge, especially accompanied by large bloody clots, should alert a woman even more. There may be several reasons for this violation:

  • intrauterine devices of contraception;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • abortion, childbirth;
  • menopause;
  • neoplasm in the uterus;
  • diseases of the genital area;
  • inflammation and diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • hemoglobin deficiency;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Dependence of the cause on the timing of occurrence

How many days ahead of schedule menstruation will begin largely depends on the factors that caused premature regulation. A woman’s sexual function involves many organs, so if the menstrual cycle is disrupted, the cause of dysfunction can be found not only in the uterus or its appendages, but also in the brain or endocrine system. Let's consider what pathologies and conditions can cause regulation ahead of time.

10 days faster

In the first year after menarche, problems with the regularity of the cycle are possible; periods may come 4 days earlier, a week, or even disappear for six months. This is not a sign of pathology. If menstruation came 10 days earlier in women who have long passed the age of puberty, the following reasons for such deviations from the norm should be considered:

  • heredity. It is necessary to discuss this situation with your closest relatives, both on the maternal and paternal side. If your grandmothers, aunts or mother’s periods could come earlier than expected, this means that you need to come to terms with the situation and adapt, since it is almost impossible to influence genetic predisposition;
  • an abortion or miscarriage can cause menstruation to begin 10 days earlier, because termination of pregnancy dramatically changes a woman’s hormonal levels, and the body’s reaction to such changes can be unpredictable;
  • sudden jumps in body weight cause alertness in the body, which is manifested by disruption of the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is quite natural that in such a situation, menstruation may come not only 10 days, but even two weeks earlier. A balanced diet, weight control, exercise and additional intake of vitamin complexes will help correct the situation;
  • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs are the most common cause of early menstruation. Inflammation can be caused by both benign and malignant tumors, as well as endometriosis. In order to promptly identify the disease and begin treatment, you should not hesitate to visit a gynecologist;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and other vital internal organs.

Whichever of the reasons listed above causes your period to come 10 days ahead of schedule, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

For 5 days

Since the female body is a very delicate and fragile mechanism, even a common cold can cause menstruation 5 days earlier. This often occurs due to poor circulation.

If the regulations have caught up with you just a few days ahead of schedule, there is no need to be afraid of the presence of serious pathologies; in such a situation, the provocateur is unfavorable environmental conditions: stress from moving, getting used to the body during a tourist trip, especially when changing time zones.

The reason that menstruation began 3 days earlier may be malnutrition, lack of nutrients in the diet, or a strict diet, which in itself is a test for the body. There is no need to panic if critical days come 5 days earlier, this can be caused by ordinary overwork, sometimes a woman just needs a good rest to normalize her cycle.

For a week

The reason that menstrual bleeding began a week earlier may be more serious health problems than ordinary acclimatization or emotional stress, especially in cases where a cycle failure has not been observed for the first time.

Hyperestrogenism, a condition in which excessive estrogen production occurs in the body against the background of an insufficient amount of luteic acid, can provoke the arrival of critical days a week earlier. With such a hormonal imbalance, ovulation usually does not occur, which means the woman cannot become pregnant. Hyperestrogenism can be caused by excessive body weight, tumors in the genital organs, or taking hormonal pills containing synthetic estrogen. If your period comes 7 days earlier and the doctor suspects the presence of hyperestrogenism, this disease can be detected by a routine blood test.

When your period begins a week earlier, and the discharge is bright red and has large clots, you should first suspect the presence of inflammatory processes in the ovaries, in the uterus and its appendages. If your period starts a week earlier and the discharge is very different from usual, this may be a sign of the following diseases:

  • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • benign tumor;
  • pathological growth or underdevelopment of the endometrium.

Also, one should not exclude the fact that spotting that came ahead of schedule is not menstruation at all, but uterine bleeding, which opened as a result of mechanical injury, due to inflammation or tumor in the organs of the reproductive and excretory system.

What to do

If your period starts earlier than expected, there is no need to panic. The first thing to do is assess the situation. If before the critical days there was a change in climate, excessive physical and emotional stress, or a malfunction in the diet, then most likely they caused irregularities in the menstrual cycle. In this situation, you should review your diet, exclude fatty, hot and spicy foods from it, and add more fruits and vegetables. You should also get a good rest and drink soothing herbal teas. It should not be considered a failure if your period started 1-2 days earlier, but its onset 1-2 weeks before the due date should raise concerns.

You need to schedule a visit to the gynecologist if menstruation begins early every month for several cycles in a row, and the woman also feels nauseous, has aching pain in the lower abdomen and general weakness of the body. If the discharge is normal in nature, then there is no need to call an ambulance. If the arrival of menstruation 2 weeks earlier is accompanied by copious scarlet discharge with large clots, then this may indicate uterine bleeding. What to do in such a situation? You need to call an ambulance and until it arrives, move less, do not drink any liquids, and apply an ice pack to your lower abdomen.

The following symptoms require immediate medical attention:

  • an irregular cycle is observed throughout the year;
  • if critical days begin early and last more than a week;
  • if the discharge is abundant, and the pad needs to be changed more often than once every 2-3 hours;
  • if there is intermenstrual bleeding and pathological discharge from the genital tract;
  • the temperature rises, there is general weakness and severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

To establish the reason why menstruation may begin prematurely, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations. In addition to a gynecological examination, you may need a hormone test, microflora smears, ultrasound of the reproductive and excretory system, and in special cases MRI.


Menstruation is an indicator that tells a woman about her health status. If critical days come ahead of time, and these failures are observed several cycles in a row, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Attentive attention to your health, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will help a woman prevent the development of serious diseases, and in some cases even save her life.

Menstruation starts early for various reasons. It happens that they come prematurely due to the physiological and hereditary characteristics of the body. But sometimes early periods signal the development of serious and complex diseases.

Reasons for starting your period early

In the case of frequent premature menstruation (the cycle lasts 21 days), doctors diagnose polymenorrhea. Usually, a disruption in a woman’s cycle indicates the imminent onset of menopause. Young girls rarely suffer from early critical days. In older women, the cycle gradually shortens, periods become more frequent, but soon they thin out and then disappear altogether.

In any case, when your period comes much earlier than expected, you need to be examined by your gynecologist. Let the doctor confirm or deny the diagnosis. If everything is in order and there is nothing to worry about, the woman needs to monitor the course of these days so that anemia does not occur.

To normalize the arrival of menstruation, the gynecologist may prescribe hormone-containing (progesterone, estrogen) oral contraceptives to his patient. A mandatory test when a woman’s period comes earlier is blood donation for hormones. Usually, hormonal imbalances in the body are the main reason for the onset of “red” days ahead of schedule.

  • Long-term effects of progesterone on the body m is a rare reason that may indicate why your period came earlier.

  • Hyperestrogenism– a disease during which a large amount of estrogen is released. This disease occurs in combination with luteal insufficiency, which can ultimately lead to lack of ovulation and infertility.
  • Intermenstrual bleeding many girls are confused with menstrual periods that come ahead of schedule. These bleedings are caused by inflammatory processes that can occur in the woman’s reproductive system (fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries):

- endometriosis;
- uterine fibroids;
- underdevelopment of the genital organs (hypoplasia)
- glandular hypoplasia;
- endometrium.

  • Also, menstruation may occur earlier than expected, due to pregnancy. Somewhere from 6 to 10 days after fertilization of the egg, the embryo reaches the required area of ​​the uterus, approaches, dissolving the area in which it subsequently becomes fixed. In addition, bleeding may be of an implantation nature, which can have a very bad effect on the baby (miscarriages often occur).
  • It happens that menstruation began much earlier than the due date and due to change of residence(moving, going on vacation to another country, etc.). Stressful situations also contribute to the onset of menstruation at a time when they are not expected.
  • Sometimes women after unprotected intercourse They use emergency contraceptive pills, which can also lead to early menstruation and a disruption in the cycle.

Critical days a week earlier

If your period starts a week earlier, you should monitor your well-being. Do you have dizziness, pain in the head and chest, or pain in the lower abdomen? If these symptoms are absent, you can calm down. Most likely, this is a glitch in the cycle associated with some stressful situation. But to dispel all suspicions, you can go to the gynecologist and get tested.

Ten days until my period, but it's here now

Sometimes some women complain that their periods started early. It would be nice if they started a couple of days faster, but, alas, they rushed by 10 days. Some are not very worried about this issue: “The main thing is that there is no delay,” while others begin to panic. They call the clinic and make an appointment with a doctor.

A period that starts 10 days early can be triggered by anything. Intrauterine bleeding is especially scary. Implantation bleeding is no less dangerous.

Signs of implantation bleeding:

  • Basal temperature. During bleeding that occurs 10 days earlier, you should measure your basal temperature. If it is reduced, then this indicates implantation of the egg into the uterine cavity, i.e. pregnancy has begun.
  • Uncomfortable state. When menstruation comes a certain number of days earlier (maybe 10), not very pleasant sensations in the lower abdomen (heaviness, nagging pain, nausea) are possible, which may be the first signs of the onset of a miscarriage. If a woman suspects that she is pregnant and at the same time experiences such symptoms, she needs to go to the doctor.
  • Bleeding that started 10 days prematurely. Rather, it is not bleeding, but spotting, brown, brown or pinkish in color. They last for about several hours, but can last for a day.
  • Weakness, malaise. After implantation bleeding, which came 10 days earlier than the required period, the woman feels tired and constantly wants to sleep. But this condition soon passes.

Is it possible to confuse menstruation and implantation bleeding?

It is possible that some girls, when menstruation comes 10 days faster and ends in a day, will worry a little, think about why this happened, but decide that it was a glitch in the cycle.

women who know the nature of menstruation will understand that something is wrong, that it is not menstruation that came ahead of schedule. Indeed, implantation bleeding and menstruation have distinctive features.

Menstruation begins with small discharge, then intensifies, its duration ranges from 3 days or more. At most, critical days last a week. Implantation discharge is initially scanty and ends quickly.

If critical days arrive ahead of schedule, you don’t need to rely on Russian at random. Go to the doctor and get checked.

Regular menstruation is a natural process in the body of a healthy woman, which serves to cleanse the uterine lining of an unfertilized egg. A healthy woman menstruates every 21-33 days. The intervals between menstruation depend on the physiological and individual characteristics of the body.

It happens that menstruation comes ahead of schedule. The reasons can be of a very diverse nature. This applies to women whose cycle is complete and disruptions cause anxiety.

Stressful emotional state

Many women have faced a similar problem. Constant stress, nervous tension, and overwork affect the cycle. Nervous tension affects the central nervous system, causing spasms and dilation of blood vessels.

The motor activity of the uterus increases and premature rejection of the uterine mucosa occurs. Subsequently, menstruation may begin several days earlier. Even a little stress can cause such a situation.

Hormonal imbalance

Cycle failure occurs due to taking hormonal drugs. The pills disrupt the production of female hormones. A similar problem can arise after an abortion or miscarriage, which also affects the hormonal background of the female body.

Onset of pregnancy

6-10 weeks after fertilization, the embryo enters the uterus. During the process of entry, the mucous membrane is damaged and bleeding occurs, which a woman may confuse with the onset of menstruation. Bloody discharge may indicate pregnancy if it is quite scanty and lasts 1-2 days.

Ectopic pregnancy

It is important to know! An ectopic pregnancy is very dangerous and requires urgent medical intervention. The embryo begins to develop not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube, which subsequently leads to rupture.

Bleeding occurs due to fetal pressure on the blood vessels and can be similar to menstruation. As the embryo grows, bleeding intensifies and is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, urgent surgery is required.

Effect of contraception

If a woman starts taking birth control pills, then premature onset of menstruation is normal. The body will gradually get used to the new hormonal levels and the cycle will be restored next month. Also, when using emergency contraceptive pills, the menstrual cycle always gets disrupted.

With hormonal imbalance, the discharge is accompanied by clots and can be abundant. This is one of the reasons why my period came a week earlier.

The body receives a shock dose of hormones, which causes the early onset of menstruation.

Age-related changes

Cycle instability is quite normal in adolescence. Menstruation is established during the first 1-2 years and should not cause concern. The young body is preparing for future reproductive activity.

Usually, by the age of 50, a woman also experiences disruptions in her cycle, which means the approach of menopause and is also the norm.

Change of time zones and climatic conditions

Changes in climate or time zone have an adverse effect on a woman’s menstrual cycle and can lead to a delay in menstruation or to its premature onset. Travel and flights should be made no more than once a month, since climate change affects the health of the whole organism.

Presence of diseases of the female reproductive system

Diseases of the reproductive system in many cases cause the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule. The reasons lie in the inflammatory process in the body of a different nature.

Diseases in which menstruation occurs prematurely:

Disease Symptoms Causes
MycoplasmosisItching of the genitals, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, cycle failureUnprotected sexual intercourse
CystCycle disturbances, lower abdominal pain, urinary problemsGenital infections, obesity, abortion, stress
MyomaIrregular or early periods, rounding of the abdomen, frequent urinationHeredity, hormonal disorders, obesity, abortion

The listed diseases show symptoms in late stages. Therefore, earlier onset of menstruation may not be the only sign.

The presence of a benign tumor in the uterus

A benign tumor disrupts the process of hormone production, and under their influence the cycle fails.

In this case, the woman experiences:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • clots appear;
  • dark discharge;
  • the onset of menstruation ahead of schedule.

Intermenstrual bleeding does not cause a woman much concern and does not require treatment.

If the tumor is not detected in time, it will continue to grow and become malignant.

Trauma to the vagina or cervix

Slight bleeding is possible due to mechanical damage to the cervix or vagina. They appear after rough sexual intercourse or an incorrectly placed contraceptive.

If the bleeding disappears quickly, there is no need to worry. But if repeated, along with blood, an infection can enter the uterus and ovaries, which will negatively affect the woman’s health.

Inflammatory processes and colds

Inflammatory processes in a woman’s body can cause premature onset of menstruation. Viral infections such as acute respiratory viral infections and influenza also lead to disruption of the reproductive and hormonal systems in the body.

This happens due to the general weakening of the body due to colds. Menstruation during this period will be painful and heavy, there may be clots.

Excessive exercise

Extensive physical activity affects the body in the same way as stress. Under the influence of physical overexertion, pressure rises, blood vessels narrow and the uterus becomes toned, which causes premature onset of menstruation.

If a woman decides to play sports, then she should increase the load gradually to avoid such consequences.

Unbalanced nutrition (diet, fasting)

Girls' excessive desire for ideal parameters pushes them to go on strict diets, and sometimes even starve. Such methods lead to quick results, but at the cost of health. Blood clotting is impaired due to lack of nutrients.

If the body does not receive the required amount of fats and carbohydrates, sex hormones stop being produced. In the future, menstruation may stop altogether.

How does menstruation work if your period comes early?

The course of menstruation depends on the reasons why it happened. If the cause is stress, then the woman experiences additional symptoms such as headache, weakness, and insomnia. With hormonal imbalance, the discharge is accompanied by clots and can be abundant.

Infectious diseases appear nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Implantation bleeding is characterized by short duration and scarcity of discharge.

Short cycle or intermenstrual bleeding

It is important to know! Extra bleeding may occur between periods. They arise due to a sharp increase or decrease in the hormone estrogen during ovulation.

You should not delay going to the doctor, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by general malaise.

This phenomenon is not pathological and occurs in 30% of women. Intermenstrual discharge appears 10-14 days after the end of menstruation and lasts up to 3 days.

Note! Such secretions are very scanty and hardly noticeable.

This phenomenon indicates the onset of ovulation. They can also appear against the background of a short cycle. Bleeding does not cause a woman much concern and does not require treatment.

Is it possible to confuse menstruation and implantation bleeding?

It is important to know! Implantation bleeding is different from regular periods. If a woman has an unstable cycle and menstrual flow is scanty, then it can easily be confused with menstruation.

As a rule, implantation bleeding occurs several days earlier and has the following characteristics:

  1. Scanty discharge.
  2. Duration ranges from several hours to 2 days.
  3. The blood is liquid and has a pinkish tint.

A woman should take a pregnancy test if there is reason to do so.

When to see a doctor

You should immediately consult a doctor if a woman has gynecological health problems. In this case, menstruation may be associated with a previous illness or improper treatment.

You should pay attention to the number of discharges over the total duration of menstruation. Fever and pain in the pelvic area may be symptoms of a serious illness. You should not delay going to the doctor, especially if the bleeding is accompanied by general malaise.

Every woman has encountered a situation where her period comes early. The reasons can be either the most harmless or requiring urgent treatment. To figure out whether it’s worth sounding the alarm, you need to pay attention to the general state of their occurrence and the characteristics of the discharge.

For what reasons can your period come a week earlier:

What does it mean if your period comes 10 days ahead of schedule: